3M Traffic Safety Systems IDMAX012 RFID Reader User Manual Part C
3M Traffic Safety Systems RFID Reader Part C
Part C
7 Omfith‘flmng QM woven immmwnmanmw 5,13 Wiegand Port Configuration The Wiegand port is a simplex type communication compliant to the SlA 26-bit standard as well as extended formats. l'i i llm-m " Transmission on the Wiegand interface can only occur when a corresponding Host Upload Event has been configured and satisfied, As Version 12 Page 29 6.0 before, the pulse width Is the time that a data pulse is active for valid data and the pulse interval is the time between those pulses. Index is the offset (in bits) within the translated tag data where the serialization information will begin. Length specifies the length of the data packet, not including any protocol overhead. Both Parity and Checksum protocols are supported in addition to raw data format. Endian type denotes whether most significant (Big) or least significant (Little) will be transmitted first. 5.14 Host Serial The serial port supports a variety of protocols and signaling. igg-nmmmummuw , ”roam grilLifi—v-wfl‘h“ era-sides , . . ., / l W)/r.w.5|r|t.éom l i‘r'r‘rmm To enable the host port, check the enable box. This serial port supports WPS and ACOM protocols, as well as RS—232, RS-422, and RS—485 signaling. To change any of the parameters, simply choose the value from the pull down menus. Hold off time refers to the time that is inserted between output data. XML Command Set XML Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) are used to remotely manipulate parameters on the IDentity Max reader. These calls may be executed using the HTTP POST command issued to the reader device web-server. The XML command set is detailed in this section. Version 1.2 Page 30 6.1 Get Parameter When executed, this command will return the requested parameter value. One or more parameter names may be requested. The number of parameters is limited by overall document size limitations Command:GetParam Systemfnmei 20050717T14:08:55 i <1params> Response: System.Time <> ReadTrlggen Enable <5tmc1> Index 0 <1param> 62 Set Parameter When executed, this command will set the requested parameter. Command. Ss|Param System.Time 20050717T14:08:55 dpamms> l Response: l i System.Time20050717T14:08:55 Version 1.2 Page 31 r l dmethodResponse> 6.3 Parameter Summary Each of the following parameters may be configured using the Get and/or Set Parameter commands. , Field Name Attrib. Txpe Description Notes l Firmwareitarne R string Name of firmware, Ex) "integrated Zip Reader‘ 1 FirmwareMaioerr R i4 Major release version. ‘i FltmwareMinorVer R I4 Minor release verslon. |.e. updates FirmwareauildVer R iA Internal development version. SystemTime Rw isoaeoi Current reader date/lime. ReadTriggerEnahle RW boolean 1 = Read trigger is enabled, a = Disabled 2,3 ReadTriggeranul Rw string <3le = A General Purpose input is selected. 2 spot: = The General Purpose Output to be used; Blank = no ReadTriggerOutput Rw string discrete output. 2 Minimum amount of time the transceiver will attempt to Inteimgate Readiriggerburatien Rw M the RF field. 2 ReadTriggerJnten/al Rw I4 Amount of time between internal timer input assertions. , 1 = Read Duration restarts each time an active input is detected, a = l Read'rriggerRetrigger RW boolean Duration doesn't re-start. 2.3 “EPC Class 0", "EPC Class 1", “EP0 Class 1 Gen 2", “Identity Flex“. TransceiverIeegpe Rw errayistring] “Identit Zip', "Title 21" andler fisoiBflUo-S". Number oftlmes a Tag ID must be received before being processed. ReadFilter,VaIidatlonCcunt RW l4 1 = First Id processed. Number of times a Tag ID verification may be attempted in attaining ReadFilter.ValidationAtlempts Rw iii the required Validationcount. 1 = Duplicate Tag IDs are discarded. a = Duplicate ID's are not ReadFllter.DuplicateFllterEnabie RW booiean discarded. 3 Minimum amount at time, in seconds. belore allowing a duplicate Tag ReadFiiterbuplicaterimeoul Rw i4 ID to be processed. 1 = Tag ID timeout is re-started it a duplicate Tag ID is found within ReadFilterPassbackEnable Rw oodleert the original timeout period: 0 = Timeout is not changed/updated. 3 1 = reg 1D is used to referenee table entries to determine action; 0 = AooessContralEnabla RW boolean All tag lD's are discarded. 3 AccessContml.TransIatlonDetault RW string The translation ID to be used when a table leokup tails. , The Handler [D to be used when a table lockup fails, A value of '-1' r AvoessContruLHandleilDDstault Rw id disables inis feature Indicates the handler to be used when access is granted based upon Dealer Code. A value of ‘—1’ AccessContrulDealerHandlerlD RW I4 disables this feature. If set, this code must match the tags dealer code value. AccessConirolDealerCode RW M A value of ‘—1' disables this feature. If set, this code must match the tags facility code value. A Dealer Code must also be present for this value to be AocessControl.FaclIlt Code Rw I4 used. A value of ‘-1' disables this feature. Version 1.2 Page 32 User—configured string describing the action, Ex) "Grant Access - ReadHandler.Descriptlon RW string Green nght" or ”Deny Access - Red Light" 2 Array of up to 5 items referenclng the desired output module; GPO#, ReadiiandierOugbut RW arrayistring] WIEGAND, etc... 2 GaleCuntrciGateTi/pe RW stiirm “Normal" or “Feedback" GeteControllnput RW string GPitl = The General Purpose lnguttb monitor for gate feedback, GateControi.0utput RW strlnn GPoti = The General Purpose Output to signal for gate control, HostSerieiEnabie RW booiean 1 = Serial module is enabled, 0 = Serial module is disabled. 3 HostSeriaiProtocolType RW string WPS. ASCOM HostSeriel.SignalType RW string res-232 RS—422. RS-4BS HostSeriaiDataRete RW I4 Numeric data rate, Ex) 115200, 57600 Partly bit type proceeding each byte transmitted/received; 50 None, HcetSerial,Parity RW string Odd, Even i-lostSeriai.StartBits RW iA Number of data '1' start bits to preceed each data byte transmitted. HostSeriai.Siopeits RW I4 Number of data '0' stop bits to (allow each data byte transmitted. i-lostSeriaiDetaiaits RW i4 Number of data bits per byte transmitted. HostSeriaii-toldott RW i4 Amount oi time between any two packets. in milliseconds. Reader number used for calculating lane number in some host HostSerialReaderNum RW it protocols. Valid values are 1—64. WiegandDrlveType RW string "none”, “quenDra'in‘ or “PushPulI‘ V‘fiegandPulselnten/al RW i4 Amount of time, in milllseconds. between output pulses, wiegandPuiseWidth RW i4 Amountoitime, in milliseconds berpuise. Wlegand.Hoid0ft RW i4 Amount ettime between an two packets, in milliseconds. Indicates the number otleast significant translated data bits to WiegandJndex RW i4 disregard. Wiegandtengtn RW i4 Indicates the number otdara bits to transmit regardless oflndex. WiegandPromooiT pe RW I4 'none" “paritw or "checksum" Wiegand.Endian RW booiean - LSB iirst, 0 = MSB first. 3 GPi.AbttveState RW slritlg “ActlvEchii'. "ActiveHigh". ~RisingEdge". “Fall'ingEdge” 2 ePlPulseWidtn RW I4 Input rte-glitch timeout in milliseconds. Maximum value of 1 second. GPI.VaIue R booiean 1 = input high, 0 = input Low GPODriveT pe RW string “none". "OpenDrain" or "PushPuII" 2 GPOActiveState RW booieen 1 = Active rim 0 = Active Low 2.3 GPOFuiser‘dlh RW M Active state pulse width. in milliseconds, 2 GPOPuIsePer‘iud RW I4 Minimum inactive state period between pulses, in milliseconds. 2 GPOPuIseRgJeat RW I4 Number of pulse iterations per outputs. z EthernetEnabie RW booiean 1 = Ethernet IIO is enabled, 1 = Ethernet is disabled 3 EthemetDetauith RW string Default IP address In ocletiormat Ex)192.1sa.o.4 EmemleefauilMask RW string Delauit subnet mask in octet format. 502552552550 Emernetnefauiteateway RW string Deiauit subnet mask in octetformat. Ex) EthernetiP RW string Deiauit [P address in ootettormat, 50192100,“ 5 EthernetMask RW string Deteuit subnet mask in octet format. Ex) 5 Etherneteatewey RW string Default subnet mask in ootettorrnat, 5019215801 5 EthernetuHCPEnabie RW boolean 1 = DHCP is enabled. 0 = DHCP is disabled, 3 EtherrieLPOSTEnable RW boeiean 1 = HTTP POST command is enabled. 0 = POST is disabled. 3 Version 1.2 Page 33 True = Index backup is up-tundale, False = Index has nol been Trensiaiidnindexstored R boolean stored, 3 Esn.NomenoIature RW string Menuieciunng Nomenclalure, ex)"integraledZIp" 4 Esn.BuardVer RW Slring Menufedunm Board Version. exiiiz.z.a~ 4 Esneenei RW Siring Manufacturing Serial Number, ey'oizmem" 4 Esn.Teleale RW Slring Manureeinnng Test Dale Formal: MM/DD/VYVY 4 Esn.ManulaclureCode RW String Manuiacluring Code, Ex)"0123" 4 Menuieeiunng assigned unique Ethernet HW address. EsniMacAddress RW String Ex)"001122334455” 4 Note Description 1 Field Instance must be specified wllh Ted ID islring_type) as an index, Field Instance must be specified with e numeric index value appended ie the field name, Ex) 2 "GPI.AcllveSlateO". The dereuii index assumed is zero if none is specified, Ex) "GPI.ActiveSlsie" 3 For ’boolean' nerds ‘o' = False and ‘1’ = True Fields are reed-write in RAM address space, smrege afvaiues lo non-veieiile memory require 4 usage oi the ‘SmreEsn' command, 5 Run-lime parameter onluariable Is not slored in ROM at aanolnt 6.4 Save Configuration This method will commit configuration parameters to non-volatile memory. Com ma nd: SaveConfigumlionParams Response: SlatusCode 1 dmeihodResponse> 6.5 Load Configuration This method will restore configuration parameters from non—volatile memory. Com ma nd: (methodName> LoadConfigurafionPflmms Version 1.2 Page 34 Response: slatuande 1 dmeihddResponsr» 6.6 Read Translation Table Entries This method will read one or more records from the translation table. The specified Tag ID parameter will indicate the first record to be read. The Count parameter indicates the requested number of Tag ID records to read in ascending order. The actual number of records returned is limited by the number of ascending entries available and maximum file length. If the specified Tag ID is “00“, the lowest numeric value ID will be the first record returned, If the specified Tag ID cannot be found in the translation table, the next available Tag ID will be returned first based on ascending numeric Tag ID value. A method response without any ‘struct’ entries indicates no records were available to be read. Each entry within the translation table is unique based upon Tag ID, Therefore, to sequentially read a table that exceeds the maximum individual file length, this command should be executed multiple times with the specified Tag lD equal to the last ID read plus 1. Command: ReadTranslationRecords Tag i D 1 Count 1 Response: TagID01234567890ABCDEF Version 1.2 Page 35 Translatlonl D 001 1002200330044 HandlerlD 2 Teg|D 1100220033004400 TranslatlonlD 001 1002200330044 HandlerlD 2 6.7 Write Translation Table Entries This method will write translation table entries to the internal reader translation table. For optimum indexing speed, entries should be pre- sorted in ascending order according to Tag ID, If a large number of existing Tag l Ds are to be uploaded, the existing table should be deleted and new sorted table uploaded for optimal upload performance. Once translation tables and/or entries are written, the Store Index command should be executed to store the indexing updates and facilitate quicker system reboot time. Command: WrileTransIafionRewrds TaglD 01234567890AECDEF TranslationID 0011002200330044 HandIerlD 2 TagID Version 1.2 Page 36 1100220033004400 Trsnslatlon l D 001 1002200330044 HandlerlD 2 Response: Count 0<fi4> 6.8 Delete Translation Table Entries This method will delete one or more translation table entries starting with the specified Tag ID and continuing in ascending Tag lD order until the Count value is reached or the translation table is empty. The number of entries deleted is returned. If the ExactMatch parameter is set to ‘1’, the specified Tagld must exist within the Translation Table. Otherwise, Tagld’s greater than the specified ld will be deleted. To delete all records within the Translation Table regardless of id, specify a Tagld of “", Count of of ‘-1’ and ExactMatch of ‘0’. Command: DelsleTranslationReoords Tag |D 1 Count 1 <1value> ExactMalch1 Version 1.2 Page 37 Response: dmethudRssponst» 6.9 Store Translation Table Index This method will commit the RAM based translation table indexes to FLASH memory. If an up-to-date index table has already been transferred to FLASH memory, It will not be re-written. Command: Caunt 1 <1param> StoreTranslation Index Response: StatusCode D qmethodRespnnse> 6.10 Read Transaction Log This method will read one or more records from the transaction log, The first execution of this command should specify the ‘ResetStart' as ‘1’ (True) to mark the extraction start point. Subsequent execution(s) of this command will sequentially return older remaining entries provided the ‘ResetStart’ parameter is specified as ‘0’. This results in the most recent transaction log entries being extracted first, Command: ReadTransaulionRecords Version 1.2 Page 38 ResetStan <1param> 1 MaxCount 2<1l4> Response: rag l D 0011(102200330044 Time 20050717T14108:55 HandlerRec 2 «membep Tagl D 0011002200330044 Time 20050717T14:05:56 Hand|erRec 2 6.11 Upload Firmware This method is used to buffer firmware on the device for upgrade. Multiple methods may be executed to load an entire firmware image, A status code response is generated indicating whether or not parameters are formatted correctly and expected values were found. Command: UpioadFlrmware Formai ex|ended InleIHex Version 1.2 Page 39 Rscon1lndex 0 TctalRewrds 3 TargetCode 1234 DalaRecords $020000040002FB z1000000000000FE11F0000E3120080E300F021E1D7 100000001FF Response: SlalusCade 0<fi4> dmelhodResponse) 6.12 Execute Firmware This method initiates Internal transfer/upgrade of firmware from after buffers have been successfully loaded using the Upload Firmware command, Following execution of this command, two seconds will be given before the device goes off-line & begins the firmware transfer. Command: ExeculeFirmwareLflad Response: StatusCodeo<fi4> Version 12 Page 40 6,14 Example XML-RFC transaction POST mpcz HTTP/1.0 User—Agent ZipReader Host: ZipReadersi mm Content—Type: iexilxml Content—length: 1&1 <7me varslon='1‘0“?> GelParam FlrmWare.Name Firmware,MaJorVer Firmware.MinorVerAn examme xmuzpc response Is as follows: HTTP/141 200 OK Connection: close Content-Length: 158 Content-Type: texmeI Dale: ri, 17 Ju|200519:55:08 GMT Serve . ZipRsader Firmware,Name 1 Firmware,MaJoNer <14>1 qtring>F1rmware.Minor\/er <|4>2<fi4> Version 12 Page 41 Appendix A Default Values for Configuration Parameters Parameter Default Value Range Date and Time US Central (GMT—6) GPI Active state Low Pulse width 100 ms GPO Active state Low Drive type Push pull Pulse width 25 ms 1 — 999 ms Pulse period 50 ms 1 — 999 ms Pulse repeat 0 Serial Port Port enable Enabled Protocol None Signal type RS-232 Baud rate 115200 9600 - 115200 Parity None Start bit 1 Stop bit 1 1 - 2 Data bits 8 5 — 8 Hold off 20 ms 0 — 9999 ms Wiegand Port Hold off 10 ms 0.1 - 1000 ms Drive type Push pull Pulse width 25 us 20 2 100 us Pulse Interval 100 us 100 — 20000 us Index 24 Length 32 24 — 128 Prutoool Parity Endian type Little Access Control Version 1.2 Page 42 Control enable Disabled Default Translation ID FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Handler ID 0 0 — 8 Dealer handler ID 0 O - 8 Dealer code Not used Facility code Not used Gate Control Gate type Normal Input None GPIO—GPI3 Output None GPOO — GPOS Trigger Settings Trigger enable Enabled Trigger input T0 GPlO — GPI3 Trigger output None GPOO - GP03 Trigger duration 100 ms Retrigger Enabled Filter Duplicate Filter Enable Enabled Filter timeout 2 sec 1 — 255 sec Validation count 1 1 - 255 Validation attempts 5 1 — 255 Passback Disabled Ethernet Enabled Enabled DHCP Enabled Enabled POST Enabled Enabled Current ip 1721827231 Currnet subnet mask 255.255.2550 Current gateway 1721827254 Default ip 172.1827231 Default subnet mask 255.255.2550 Default gateway 172.1827254 Version 12 Page 43 Appendix B Interface Cable Pinout Amphenol connector pinout (rear face of socket insert shown) Amphenol Connector A "(1 [It 1 . cm." n- 2 5 mm luv 3 ,, mm m 6 Ethernet , mum um A Categ°w5 (c an” vr.-- 7 Connector (1 runw 5 .. suck a "M“ Generai Purpose Outputs General Purpose Inputs res-232 WlEQand U me in Serial DB-Q m m \ Circles indicate Ne w Power 2 Connector twisted pairs Interface cable and connector pin assignments Version 12 Page 44
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.5 Linearized : No Page Count : 16 XMP Toolkit : XMP toolkit 2.9.1-13, framework 1.6 About : uuid:af1f8a9b-18a8-40a5-8b1a-285056c27bf7 Modify Date : 2006:06:30 10:36:37-04:00 Create Date : 2006:06:30 10:36:26-04:00 Metadata Date : 2006:06:30 10:36:37-04:00 Document ID : uuid:5289a8bf-7e3d-42ad-b6c1-bf4f62b48702 Format : application/pdfEXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools