3Plus 3PL-HYBRID-BK Hybrid Watch User Manual

3Plus International Inc. Hybrid Watch

User Manual

1Overview1) What’s in the box2) Device Info3) Operating Conditions4) Charging5) App setup6) Wearing the device7) Cleaning the device8) Screen operation9) Device operationa) Time/date interfaceb) Activityc) Heart rated) Record workoute) Sleep trackerf) Notificationsg) APPS10) Customer support11) Troubleshooting12) Supported devices13) Product specifications14) Remarks
21. Articles in the boxA BD EA:HYBRID SmartwatchB:Quick Start GuideC:Charging DockD:Micro-USB cable
32. Device Info
43. Operating ConditionsOperating temperature-13°F to 131°F (-25°C to 55°C)Water resistanceThe Hybrid watch is water resistant up to 3 ATM. Thismeans that the watch is suitable for everyday use. It isprotected against splashes, rain and water exposure duringhand washing and so on. We do not recommend wearingthe watch in the shower or swimming with it.Battery LifeThe Hybrid watch uses a single battery that powers thetouch screen and the analogue movement.On a full charge, the Hybrid watch can be used up to 3days with all functions and features. This means trackingyour daily activity, alerting you of incoming calls ornotifications and etc.As soon as a minimum battery level is reached, the Hybridwatch will automatically turn off the smartwatch features toensure the watch tells time for an additional 30 days.
5*Note* The 3 days of smartwatch function is an estimate based onthe average use of the watch. Many features and functions consumemore battery life, so your actual battery life results may vary.
64. Charging1. Connect the USB cable to a USB power adaptor.Connect the other end of the USB cable to the chargingdock. Plug the USB power adaptor into an electric socket.Place the Hybrid Watch into the charging dock.2. Place the Hybrid watch into the charging dock. You willsee the charging screen on the watch when it is placedcorrectly.
73. When you connect the Hybrid watch to the chargingdock, the charging dock’s LED indicator will change tocertain color to indicate its function.The Blue LED display lets you know that the charging dockis securely connected to a USB power source and the dockis ready to be used. When the watch is not on the charger,the LED display will be blue all the time.When the watch is on the charging dock, the Red LEDdisplay lets you know that the watch is securely in the dockand the watch is currently charging.The Green LED display will appear when the watch is onthe charging dock and is completely charged.Tips:- Completely charge the watch before first use. A fullcharge takes about two hours. (depending on thepower source)- Using a power source such as a computer, mayresult in slower charging speeds due to the electricalcurrent.- If there are any obstructions between the watch andthe charging doc, the watch may not charge properly.Make sure the watch is charging properly after placingthe watch on the charging dock.
85. App SetupTo set up your watch with a mobile device,you must first download and install the3PLUS HYBRID APP from the Apple Appstore or Google Play store.Pairing to the App1. Turn on the Bluetooth on your mobile device (ifnot already on).2. Open the 3PLUS HYBRID APP on your mobile device.a. If you are a new member, you will need to create anew account. Create a new account by signing up or bysinging up via your existing Facebook, Twitter or Gmailaccount.b. If you are an existing member, you can enter yourlogin email address and password.3. After logging in, follow the instructions to start thepairing process.4. Select the detected HYBRID # code. This should be thesame code that shows up on your HYBRID watch's screen.Note: The watch must be near your mobile phone duringthe pairing process.
95. A pairing request will appear on the watch. Tap on thegreen check mark or press the top button to confirm theBluetooth pairing.6. When the tracker is connected successfully, thewatch and your mobile device will alert you when thepairing is complete.If the pairing failed, the watch and your mobile device willalert you. Please repeat the same steps to pair the watchagain.*Note* The Bluetooth pairing is a one-time process. If youwant to connect the watch with a different account, youmust un-pair the existing connection first through theApp’s settings.
10Setting the TimeAfter the pairing process is complete, follow the instructionsto calibrate the watch hands on the Hybrid watch to makesure the watch is showing the correct time. A brief video willappear on the app to show you how this works.1) Tap on the “Start” bar to begin2) Turn the scale or tap on the + / - to align the hourshand to the 12 o’clock position. Tap on “Next” whenthe hours hand is aligned.3) Turn the scale or tap on the + / - to align the minuteshand to the 12 o’clock position. Tap on “Next whenthe minutes hand is aligned.4) Make sure both hands are aligned and tap the “Done”button when the hands are set correctly.5) The watch hands should automatically move to thecorrect time. Tap on the Home button to go to yourdashboard.*Note* If the time is not right, you can calibrate thewatch hands again by going into the settings andselecting “Time Calibration”.
116. Wearing the Device1. Wrap the watch around your wrist and pull the bandthrough the hole in the buckle.2. Pull the band until the device feels slightly tight onyour wrist but it should be able to slide slightly backand forth on your wrist.3. Insert the buckle pin through one of the band's holesto secure the band in place.4. You may use the clamp to further secure the bandstogether.
127. Cleaning the DeviceMake sure to clean regularlyIt is strongly recommended to regularly clean yourwatch’s band after workouts or prolonged use. Moisturefrom sweat and dirt from other means can build upunderneath the band and can cause skin irritation.Use water or rubbing alcoholDO NOT use soaps, sanitizers, or household cleaners toclean the band.Dry the band before useMake sure to clean and dry the band well before putting itback on.
138. Screen OperationYou can use several basic gestures and the two buttons tointeract with the Hybrid watch.Swipe Left or Right Swipe Up or DownPress Button TapTurn on the watch by pressing the top button once. Thescreen will turn off, by default, after 10 seconds of inactivity.Hold down the top button for 3 seconds to turn on/off thewatch.
149. Device OperationOverviewLong press to changeyour watch face.Swipe left to access theactivity menuSwipe right to access theAPPs menu
15Button NavigationPress the top button to turn on the screen, return to themain page from any screen or put the watch in standbymode. Press and hold the top button to power ON/OFF.Swipe up to access thequick settings menuSwipe down to accessthe notification center
16Press the bottom button to light up the screen, go one stepback in the watch and exit a menu.Quick SettingsThis is the quick settings menu. There are 4 icons, aday/date display and a battery icon meter. The icons arebrightness, airplane mode, do not disturb mode andsettings.
17BrightnessAdjust the brightness of the watch by tapping the icon andselecting the desired level of screen brightness.Airplane ModeAirplane mode turns off the all Bluetooth connectivity toyour mobile device. When the icon is grey, this feature isOFF. When the icon is white, this feature is ON.Do not Disturb Mode (DND)DND mode mutes all notifications and vibrations on yourwatch. When the icon is grey, this feature is OFF. Whenthe icon is white, this feature is ON.SettingsTap on the gear icon to access the watch’s settings. Youcan adjust settings like quick view, vibration and backlighttime on the watch. You can also reset or restart the watchfrom this menu.
18ActivityYou can check your daily steps, distance travelled,calories burned, and active minutes from the watch.Swipe to the activity center and select the icon of theactivity you want to see. You can also sync the data to the3Plus HYBRID App and check your daily activity data andhistorical data from your phone.*Note* The watch’s activity tracking will reset to 0 onthe watch every night at midnight.
19Homepage Weekly Timeline Monthly TimelineYou can check your daily goal completion through the3Plus HYBRID App's activity dashboard to see a detailedoverview of your daily, weekly, and monthly performanceby tapping on each activity row.The watch will store your activity data for up to 7 days, soremember to synchronize the watch to the App regularly torecord your daily activity. We recommend syncing thewatch’s data to the APP daily.
20Heart rateHeart rate (OFF) Heart rate (ON)To turn on the heart rate monitor, swipe to the heart rateinterface and tap the heart on the screen. It will activateautomatically and will begin to continuously record yourheart rate.To turn off the heart rate monitor, simply tap the hearticon on the heart rate screen.*Note* The continuous heart rate monitor uses a significantamount of battery. Leaving the heart rate monitor on all day isnot advised and recommended only during workout periods.
21For all day heart rate monitoring, use the Heart Rate“Auto Track” setting in the 3Plus HYBRID App. Setthe frequency of when you want your heart rate to bechecked. You can also set High/Low HR limit alertsto let you know if your working too hard or notenough during workouts.
22Heart rate alert:You can select your heart-rate alert zone in the “Settings”section of the HYBRID App.This is typically helpful during exercises and workouts tomake sure you stay within your target zone.Heart rate too highHeart rate low
23Record WorkoutThe Hybrid Watch can record your workout data so you canmonitor your hard work and progress.When you’re ready to record your workout, select the“Record Workouts” icon (the sprinting man icon) from theApps interface. Then press the “Play” button beginrecording.You can pause or end your current workout at any time. Tofinish recording, tap the Flag icon to end the workout.
24Workout results will be displayed once the recording iscompleted: Time of workout, steps, distance, caloriesburned and average heart rate.You can view your entireworkout history from the3Plus HYBRID App. Trackyour progress to see howmuch you improve from everyworkout!Check the Calendar to get adifferent perspective of yourworkout progress.
25Sleep trackerThe Hybrid watch can monitor yoursleep quality and record your sleeppatterns.Press the icon on the left to turn thesleep tracking mode on. Press thechart icon on the right to view yourprevious sleep history.
26Preset Sleep:You can also set a preset sleep schedule to program thewatch to automatically track your sleep during a specifictime frame.Go to the 3Plus HYBRID App’s menu, select settings,then select “Preset Sleep”.In this setting screen, turn the “Auto Sleep” switch on andadjust your “Bed time” and “Awake time” accordingly.
27NotificationsRead and receive your smartphonenotifications directly on your HYBRIDwatch.To turn on notifications, open the3Plus HYBRID App, selectsettings, and then selectnotifications.Once you’re on this screen youcan select specific notificationsyou want to receive on yourHybrid watch or you can select“All Notifications” to receive all thealerts that are listed.Note: Notifications will only work if the Hybrid watch is paired to yoursmartphone device via Bluetooth.
28Incoming / Missed CallsCheck who’s calling directly fromyour wrist. You can also viewpreviously missed calls in yournotification history.Text Messages (SMS)Get alerts when you receive a newincoming text message. You mayread the text message(s) directlyfrom the Hybrid’s screen by tappingon the text notification.CalendarStay on top of your busy scheduleand check your calendar eventsdirectly from your watch.(Only compatible with your smartphone’sdefault calendar app.)
29Social MediaStay connected with your favoritesocial media and view thenotification details directly from thescreen.(Not compatible with all apps. Facebook,Twitter, WeChat, Snapchat, Instagram,Line, WhatsApp, QQ apps arecompatible. Others may also apply.)EmailCheck and read your new incomingemail messages right from yourwatch.(Only compatible with the smartphone’sdefault email app.)
30Goals:With the 3Plus HYBRID App, youcan set up custom activity goalsfor each daily activity. Select the“Set Goal” option on thedashboard and set up your dailygoals for steps, distance,calories burned, and hours slept.Tap the save button each time tosave your changes.When your goal is reached,your band will vibrate anddisplay the “Goal achieved”icon.Medals:Prestigious medals can be earned once a day you’vereached certain step count in one day.DiamondReach 20,000StepsGoldReach 15,000StepsSilverReach 10,000StepsBronzeReach 7,000Steps
31You can also view the total amount of medal’s you’veearned on the 3Plus HYBRID App. Go to the Activitydashboard and select “Medals” to see a breakdown ofyour latest achievements! Compare your success withyour friends by viewing their medal count in theirleaderboard profile.
32APPSThe APPS section in the Hybridwatch packs a variety of usefulfeatures to help make your busyschedule easier.MusicControl your music directly fromyour screen. With easy to usecontrols, you’re able to skip, replay,play, pause, and control the volumeof your music app.(Only compatible with your smartphone’sdefault music app (Google Play Music /Apple Music.)TimerThe timer can help you keep trackof the time. Set timers up to 24hours.
33StopwatchTime yourself to record the amountof time it takes to complete anactivity or exercise.Find My PhoneIf you misplace your phone, theHybrid watch can help you find it.Tap on the icon and the watch willsend a signal to your smartphone tovibrate and play the default alarmtone. (Must be in Bluetooth range toactivate this feature.)RemindersStay on top of your day by settingreminders from the 3Plus HYBRIDApp. To remind yourself of yourupcoming reminders, view your listof reminders on the Hybrid watch.
34WeatherYou can check the weather forecastof your specified location on theHybrid watch. You can pickbetween a daily view or a 5 dayforecast to help you plan yourschedule.Follow the steps below to set your desired location1. Open the Hybrid App and go the Settings2. Tap on Weather and Add a new location3. Search by typing in the name of a city andselect your desired location.4. You can adjust the temperature measurement,daily or 5 day forecast and the icon size.
35Quick Setting MenuThe Quick setting menu section ofthe Hybrid watch allows you toeasily access certain shortcuts.Swipe up on the main screen toaccess this menu.SettingsAccess the Hybrid watch settings bytapping on the gear icon in the quicksettings menu. You can check yourbattery’s percentage, adjust thescreen timeout time and more in thesettings section.Airplane ModeTurning on Airplane Mode turns offBluetooth on the Watch. Tap on theplane icon to turn this mode on.When the icon is white the airplanemode is ON. When the icon is greyairplane mode is OFF.
36BrightnessSet the Hybrid watch’s screenbrightness by tapping on thedifferent sections to increase ordecrease the brightness.Do not Disturb ModeSilence all your notifications andfeatures that use vibrations. Whenthe icon is white, this mode is ON.When the icon is grey, this mode isOFF.
3710. Customer support3Plus customer support is ready to help. You can findhelpful FAQs, how-to videos, and troubleshoots on oursupport site.Web support: http://support.3plususa.comEmail support: service@3plususa.com
3811. TroubleshootingWhat do I do if the app fails to pair with the watch?1. Check if your phone network and Bluetooth settings areturned on.2. Check if the watch is near your phone. The connectiondistance must be within 5 meters.3. Make sure that the watch is not connected to anotheraccount or smartphone.4. Make sure your smartphone’s OS is using eitherAndroid 5.0 or higher or iOS 8.0 or higher.What do I do if the app fails to sync my data?1. Check if your phone network and Bluetooth settings areturned on. Both the phone network and Bluetooth must beturned on at the same time for data to sync to from thewatch the app.2. Check if your watch is near your phone. The connectiondistance is within 5 meters.3. Make sure the watch is paired with your phone and tothe 3PLUS HYBRID App.
39Why am I not receiving notifications?1. Make sure the notifications settings are turned on.2. Your smartphone must be within Bluetooth range ofyour 3Plus Hybrid watch.How do I Reset or restart my watch?1. To reset your watch, swipe up to access the quicksettings menu and tap on the settings icon. Swipe downuntil you find the reset option. Tap the icon and tap on thegreen checkmark to confirm. *Note*if you reset theHybrid watch, it will revert the watch back to its factorysettings.2. To restart your device, swipe up to access the quicksettings menu and tap on the settings icon. Swipe downuntil you find the restart option. Tap on the icon and tapon the green checkmark to confirm. *Note*if you restartthe watch, the activity data will not be deleted.
40Why is my watch not charging?1. Make sure the connected power source is working.2. Make sure the Micro-USB is firmly connected to thecharging dock.3. Make sure the watch is correctly placed onto thecharging dock. The watch face will change to show thewatch is charging. You can also tell the watch is chargingby looking at the LED display on the charging dock.Please visit our website and read our FAQs or contactcustomer support if you're still having issues.12. Supported devices
41iOSiPhones using iOS 8.0 and aboveAndroidAndroid phones using Android 5.0 and above
4213. Product specificationsDisplay:1.22” TFT 240*240Processor:Apollo 2Optical heart rate monitor: SiliconBattery Capacity: 200mAh Lithium-polymerBluetooth: BLE 4.2Waterproof classification:3 ATM.Weight:Approximately 0.18lbs (79g)
4314. RemarksPlease charge the watch when it has low power.Please use our standard charging dock to charge thewatch.Do not leave the watch in a damp environment or exposeit to liquid when charging.Please do not expose the watch to extremetemperatures.Please do not place the device near a fire and avoidcontact between the watch and any sharp objects.Please do not misuse the watch, including but not limitedto, dropping, dismantling, dissembling, puncturing, baking,burning, etc.Please do not clean the watch with an abrasive cleaner.Please keep it out of reach of infants as small parts maycause choking.For the latest up-to-date manual version, please visit ourwebsite at http://support.3plususa.com.
4415. FCC STATEMENTThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and(2) This device must accept any interference received,including interference that may cause undesired operation.Warning: Changes or modifications not expresslyapproved by the party responsible for compliance couldvoid the user's authority to operate the equipment.NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found tocomply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuantto Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed toprovide reasonable protection against harmful interferencein a residential installation.This equipment generates uses and can radiate radiofrequency energy and, if not installed and used inaccordance with the instructions, may cause harmfulinterference to radio communications. However, there is noguarantee that interference will not occur in a particularinstallation. If this equipment does cause harmfulinterference to radio or television reception, which can bedetermined by turning the equipment off and on, the
45user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by oneor more of the following measures:Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.Increase the separation between the equipment andreceiver.Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit differentfrom that to which the receiver is connected.Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technicianfor help.RF warning statement:The device has been evaluated to meet general RFexposure requirement. The device can be used in portableexposure condition without restriction.

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