3e Technologies 250-01 Bluetooth to RS-232 Cordless Adaptor User Manual

3e Technologies International, Inc. Bluetooth to RS-232 Cordless Adaptor

User Manual

3e-250Bluetooth to RS-232Cordless AdaptorUser’s Guide3e Technologies International700 King Farm Blvd.Rockville, MD 20850(301) 670-6779 www.3eti.com29000107.001                       013003
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3e-250Bluetooth to RS-232Cordless AdaptorUser’s Guide3e Technologies International700 King Farm Blvd.Rockville, MD 20850(301) 670-6779 www.3eti.com
iiiCopyright © 2003 3e Technologies International, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this documentation may be reproduced in any form or by any means or to make any derivative work (such as translation, transformation, or adaptation) without written permission from 3e Technologies International.3e Technologies International reserves the right to revise this documentation and to make changes in content from time to time without obligation on the part of 3e Technologies International to provide notication of such revision or change.3e Technologies International provides this documentation without warranty, term or condition of any kind, either implied or expressed, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties, terms, or conditions of merchantability, satisfactory quality, and tness for a particular purpose. 3e Technologies International may make improvements or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this documentation at any time.If there is any software or removable media described in this documentation, it is furnished under a license agreement included with the product as a separate document, in the printed documentation, or on the removable media in a readable le such as license.txt or the like. If you are unable to locate a copy of the license, contact 3e Technologies International and a copy will be provided to you.UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT LEGENDIf you are a United States Government agency, then this documentation and the product described herein are provided to you subject to the following:All technical data and computer software are commercial in nature and developed solely at private expense. Software is delivered as “Commercial Computer Software” as dened in DFARS 252.227-7014 (June 1995) or as a “commercial item” as dened in FAR 2.101(a) and as such is provided with only such rights as are provided in 3e Technologies International’s standard commercial license for the software. Technical data is provided with limited rights only as provided in DFAR 252.227-7015 (Nov 1995) or FAR 52.227-14 (June 1987), whichever is applicable. You agree not to remove or deface any portion of any legend provided on any licensed program or documentation contained in, or delivered to you in conjunction with, this User Guide.________________________________________________3e Technologies International and the 3e Technologies International logo are registered trademarks.Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Macintosh and Mac OS are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.Any other company and product name mentioned herein are trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.EXPORT RESTRICTIONSThis 3e Technologies International product contains encryption and may require U.S. and/or local government authorization prior to export to another country.
iiiTable of ContentsIntroduction ......................................................................................................................1Installation ........................................................................................................................1Initial Setup.......................................................................................................................2Operation and Maintenance ..........................................................................................6Transferring data from PC to PC .............................................................................6Connecting to a Test Instrument..............................................................................7Using the LEDs...........................................................................................................7Maintaining Battery Life...........................................................................................8Conguration Commands for the 3e-250 Adapter ...............................................8Troubleshooting .............................................................................................................10Manufacturer’s Statement ......................................................................................10Advices and Warnings ............................................................................................10REGULATORY COMPLIANCE..................................................................................11FCC Part 15 Declaration of Conformity (DoC)....................................................11FCC Radiation Exposure Statement......................................................................11
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1IntroductionThe 3e-250 Bluetooth to RS-232 Cordless Adapter is a Plug and Play adapter that allows you to use your RS-232 (serial) port to communicate wirelessly between multiple pieces of equipment. In itself, the 3e-250 requires no installation of software or drivers on the host machine. It doesn't initiate communications, but simply acts as a substitute for a wired serial connection. As such, it allows direct commu-nication between equipment such as data recorders, computers, handheld devices, test electronics equipment, measurement devices and the like.It enables users to connect measurement devices wirelessly to a cen-tral analysis and recording area, eliminating the need to download infor-mation from an unconnected measurement device.The adapter incorporates a Bluetooth solution containing a BT 1.1 compliant transceiver operating in the 2.4 GHz range using frequency-hopping at 1600 times/sec among the available frequency ranges.The operating range of the 3e-250 is up to 30m or 100 feet. It provides link control functionality and supports operation within a Bluetooth piconet in a slave mode. It supports all Bluetooth data rates of up to 723 Kbits/sec.InstallationThe 3e-250 Cordless Adapter comes precongured with certain basic parameters. No setup is required unless you wish to change these presets.The pre-congured parameters are:•  Device Name  The default name is 3ETI Serial Device. This name will be pre-sented to other devices which are trying to connect to it. (You might want to change this name if you are going to use a number of these Adapters.)•  RS-232 baud rate The default baud rate is 9600, 8-N-1. (You might need to change this default setup depending on the device that you will be attach-ing it to.)If any change to the conguration is required, or you plan to imple-
23e-250 Bluetooth to RS-232 Cordless Adapter3User's Guidement more than a direct RS-232 cable replacement function,  you will need to install at least one remote Bluetooth master device on a PC. The Bluetooth master, such as the 3e-240 Bluetooth USB Dongle, in-stalls on a USB port on your laptop and comes with software that allows you to manage up to 7 slaves. Some examples of possible congurations are shown below.Initial SetupIf some setup is required or you want to ensure the Adapter is work-ing, move the power switch to the "on" position and attach the DB9 serial  port to a serial port on your computer.To verify that the device is working, open a "Hyper Terminal" applica-tion on your computer. You will usually nd this application by following the path, Start àPrograms à Accessories à Communications.With your 3e-250 Adapter on and attached to your COM port, the Hyper Terminal window should prompt you to connect to, for instance, Com 2 (if that is where your device is plugged in) as shown in the follow-ing picture.DB9 connectorOff On
23e-250 Bluetooth to RS-232 Cordless Adapter3User's GuideThe New Connection wizard will ask you to name your session and give you a choice of icons to associate with it. You can call it anything that will readily identify it for you. We chose "port1."Click OK to begin the Hyper Terminal session.You will next see a "connect to" screen. Select the COM port to which the 3e-250 is connected and click OK.Set the "connect using" dropdown menu to the COM port you are us-ing on your computer. This is usually COM1 or COM2.Click OK to go to the COM2 Properties screen.
43e-250 Bluetooth to RS-232 Cordless Adapter5User's GuideInitially, set the properties to 9600 8-N-1 with ow control at Hard-ware. If you will be using the 3e-250 Adapter with test equipment and you know that it requires a different baud rate than 9600, you can change that later, using the Hyper Terminal session. Normally, the only things that you will need to change are the baud rate and the device name.Click OK to save your settings and select Properties from the File dropdown  menu.In the Properties window, select the Settings tab. In the Backspace Key Sends section, select the "Ctrl+H, Space, Ctrl+H" radio button. And click on the ASCII Setup button.In the ASCII Setup window, make sure you check the selection for "Send line end with line feeds" and "Echo typed characters locally." Checking these options will provide feedback when you issue commands in hyperterminal.  (This is very useful as a means of checking that your command has been accepted.Important Note: If you are working in Windows XP, and your hyper-terminal software will not access the Bluetooth device, you may have to set the MODE switches to the ON position for both DSR and CTS.
43e-250 Bluetooth to RS-232 Cordless Adapter5User's GuideThen click OK and OK to close the Properties menu and return to the main Hyper Terminal screen. In the Hyper Terminal window, you can now type the command        help          and when you press the Enter key on your computer, you will get a list of the commands available to the 3e-250 device in the Hyperterminal session.You may want to save the Hyperterminal setup on your desktop so that you can use it to set up a number of the Adapters.
63e-250 Bluetooth to RS-232 Cordless Adapter7User's GuideTo save it, go to FileàSave and save to the Desktop. You will see an icon similar to the following on your desktop.After a Hyper Terminal session, you may also see two other icons on your Desktop. These two les, which should look similar to the two shown to the right, can be dropped in the Recycle Bin.Operation and MaintenanceTransferring data from PC to PCThe 3e-250 Bluetooth to RS-232 Cordless Adapter can be used, with another Bluetooth device, installed on another computer, to transfer data between the two machines. The other Bluetooth adapter can be the 3e-240 Bluetooth Dongle or any Bluetooth-certied RS-232, USB, or PCMCIA product. Refer to the manual that came with the other Bluetooth device for instructions on its installation and operation.Once the other device is installed, let it discover all available devices.(NOTE: If there is more than one Bluetooth device for it to discover, you may want to use your Hyper Terminal session to rename your 3e-250 Adapter, using the devicename command. See the table of commands on page 9 for more information.)Select the 3e-250 Adapter from the list of discovered devices by its name and double-click it to initiate the process of connecting to the Adapter. The Adapter provides the service "serial port."Double-click on the "serial port" service icon and the local device will connect to the Adapter and set up the serial port service, using a lo-cal COM port for the connection. Make a note of the COM port number selected and open a Hyper Terminal session. Connect to the virtual COM port you have just set up, using the procedure detailed in the section Initial Setup. You can set the baud rate for this COM port to any value up to 115200.
63e-250 Bluetooth to RS-232 Cordless Adapter7User's GuideAt this point, you have completed the communication setup between the 3e-250 Adapter and the other Bluetooth device.To verify the connection, type some characters in the Hyper Terminal window on one of the computers. The same characters should be visible in the Hyper Terminal window on the other computer. Whole les can be transferred using the Transfer à Send File option in the Hyper Terminal window.Connecting to a Test InstrumentConnecting to a test instrument can be a bit more complex than con-necting from PC to PC, because you will need to know the RS-232 signals supported by the particular instrument. Each test instrument has its own mechanism which that instrument uses for hardware ow control (RTS/CTS and DTR/DSR). Before installing the 3e-250 Adapter on a test device, research the required settings for that test device in its documentation. The 3e-250 Adapter has two dipswitch settings accessible on the back (bottom) of the device.The dipswitches allow you to congure for the particular device. The DTR/DSR switch is set to the ON position by default. The RTS/CTS switch is set OFF by default.Once you have congured the dipswitches, connect the 3e-250 to the DB9 connector on the test instrument. If there is not enough space to directly connect to the DB9 connector, use a 9-pin straight cable with a male connector at one end and a female connector at the other. (This is not included in the install kit.)You can now communicate to the 3e-250 from the Bluetooth device on the host PC.Using the LEDsThere are three LEDs on the 3e-250. •  Bluetooth Link Activity Indicator•  Battery Status Indicator•  Battery Charging Indicator
83e-250 Bluetooth to RS-232 Cordless Adapter9User's Guide3e-250 LED Description TableLED Activity DescriptionBluetooth Link Activity IndicatorFlashing GreenNo lightIndicates link activityIndicates OFFBattery Status Indicator GreenOrangeRedBattery is 75-100% chargedBattery is 25-75% chargedBattery charge less than 25%Battery Charging Indicator RedNo lightCharging from external power sourceNo external hookup or fully chargedBluetooth Link ActrivityBattery Status IndicatorBattery Charging Indicator External Power ConnectorThe following chart gives the variables for the indicator lights.Maintaining Battery LifeYou can recharge the internal rechargeable batteries at any point. If the Battery Status Indicator turns red, you should recharge at your earli-est convenience. Plug in the 120V AC / 9V DC power adapter shipped with the 3e-250 and charge fully (may require up to 3 hours). Recharging should be done in conditions of less than 113 ° F (45 ° C) to ensure proper charge.There is an RS-232 Trickle-Charge on-off switch on the back of the 3e-250 which is provided as a discretionary battery power conserva-tion device. The default position is OFF. And this switch should be left in the off position if you are running the device connected to any piece of test equipment that runs on battery power, as it will "steal" the power from the parent device in order to "trickle-charge" the 3e-250 battery. However, if you are running the 3e-250 on a host device that can spare power, you can conserve battery power extensively by setting the RS-232 Trickle-power switch to on. When the 3e-250 is charging from an AC power outlet, the switch can be either on or off. It does not matter.  See the picture of the back of the device on the preceding page for the location of the Trickle-Charge switch. Move the switch with a small point object like a paper clip or pen point.
83e-250 Bluetooth to RS-232 Cordless Adapter9User's GuideConguration Commands for the 3e-250 Bluetooth RS-232 AdapterCommand Description  help •  lists all the supported commands  version •  displays the version of the software running on the device  cong •  places the device in conguration mode. In this mode the Bluetooth     Radio function is inactive; no remote device can connect to it.•  the device will not be able to go into deep sleep in this mode•  syntax for this mode is "cong <start|end>". The "start" argument     places the device in conguration mode and the "end" command     exits the conguration mode.•  arguments for this command are not optional. An error message is     echoed to the host when no arguments are supplied with the command.  devicename •  allows user to change default name (up to 50 characters).•  default device name is "3ETI Serial Device."•  command syntax is "devicename [new name for device]".•  arguments are optional. Using devicename without argument simply     displays current name.•  if new devicename is set, it will be echoed back to the host.  changebaud •  allows change to baud rate. (Default baud rate is 9600; maximum     baud rate is 115200).•  command syntax is "changebaud <baud rate>".•  arguments are not optional. Failure to supply argument causes an     error message to echo back to the host. An example of correct use     would be: "changebaud 115200". Baud rate will change to 115200        bits/sec.•  once baud rate is changed, the host application will have to change     its baud rate and reset the device to effect the baud rate change.  deviceaddress •  displays the 48bit Bluetooth device address for the device.•  no arguments are used with the command.  changepin •  allows user to change the default PIN "3eti" to set authentication and     encryption between two Bluetooth devices. Usage of this PIN is     optional and will be executed only if the remote device requests     authentication and encryption of all communications on the link.•  command syntax is "changepin <user pin>". The use of the argument is     not optional. PIN name can be from 4 to 16 alphanumeric characters.
103e-250 Bluetooth to RS-232 Cordless Adapter11User's GuideConguration Commands for the 3e-250 AdapterThere are some conguration commands that can be useful in chang-ing or adapting conguration settings on the 3e-250 Adapter. You can access these commands by plugging the 3e-250 into a laptop and opening a Hyper Terminal window (as described in the Setup section). NOTE: The Adapter will only interpret these commands when there is no Bluetooth connection between it and a remote Bluetooth device. The chart on the following page contains a description of the currently available commands. You can also access these commands by typing help in the Hyper Terminal window.TroubleshootingManufacturer’s StatementThe 3e-250 Bluetooth to RS-232 Cordless Adapter is provided with warranty. It is not desired or expected that the user open the device. If malfunction is experienced and all external causes are eliminated, the user should return the unit to the manufacturer for service and replace it with a functioning unit. If you are experiencing trouble with this unit, the point of contact is:support@3eti.comor visit our website atwww.3eti.comAdvices and WarningsOpening the case of the 3e-250 Adapter voids the warranty.The internal batteries must be in place for the Adapter to work, even in AC Power mode.Return the device to the manufacturer for service.
103e-250 Bluetooth to RS-232 Cordless Adapter11User's GuideREGULATORY COMPLIANCEFCC Part 15 Declaration of Conformity (DoC)This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is sub-ject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harm-ful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Warning: This device has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device pursuant to Part 15 of the Federal Communications Commissions Rules and Regulations. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or televi-sion reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try and correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:•  Relocate this device•  Increase the separation between the device and the receiver•  Connect the device into an outlet on a circuit different from that of other electronics•  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio technician for help.FCC Radiation Exposure StatementImportant Note: To comply with FCC RF exposure compliance re-quirement, the antenna used for this transmitter must be installed to pro-vide a separation distance of at least 20cm from all persons and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other transmitter.This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.Caution: Changes or modications not expressly approved by 3e Technologies International could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
123e-250 Bluetooth to RS-232 Cordless Adapter

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