ACCO 64328 Turbo Mouse Wireless User Manual
ACCO Brands, Inc. Turbo Mouse Wireless Users Manual
Users Manual
Kensington' READ FIRST! Turbo Mouse' Wireless User Manual Congratulations! Vuur new Kensinglon Turbo Mouse Wireless nflers you me ulnmale in trackball perfunmince and cumfurt. Please read (his shurl manual lo learn valuable information nbuunhe proper use and installan‘nn 01 your new Turbo Mouse Wireless. , ll! a su rs to register your new m3 ckba ll at wwwlrouimrjrenslnnlouom. fifi nag-unman- mm a’mn my Win-Ion hm up n 9 mt nv-v / 1mm noun-r Aumu Winning Sclnlling imam! comm m-nmnu Ey- enunu hchnum (, llllpullunl: wmpulet use! Neill“ tnrormation In recent years, medical attention on occupational injuries has identified normal, seemingly hennlest activities as a potential sense of awide range of problums colleoovely known as Repetitive Stress injuries (RSI) or Cumulative Trauma D‘oorders (CT Di. It is nowreooonized that any repetitive motion may contribute to these health problems. As A computer user, you might she be at risk. By paying attention to the way you perform your work use your computer and phone, play sports, and work around the house, you can identify the behaviors that may be putting you at risk. I! you experience pain, swellinp, numb nose, orweeknees in yourwrista or handslespeciallv during sleep), see your physician immediately these symptoms could mean thetyou are developing e repetitive stress iniurylhat requires prompt metieal attention. For more detailed intonuatt'on, consult your doctor or a reputable book Using a hackball Most users find the best wayto handle a trackball is by using the fingertips to control the bell while using the thumb and pinky, or ring finger to click the buttons. Try the following steps to find your most comfortable hand position. 1. Place your hand overthetop olthe Turbo Mouse Wireless, with the heel olvour hand atits base or on the wrist rest 1 Relax your wr'stand lingers. Note where yourl‘inoers tell on the trackball and which buttons are eesiestto reach. 3. Iiyou would like, repmgrem the mouse buttons to best suityour hand position. Many laotors go into creating it comfortable work space, including proper placement and adiustruont oiiurniture and equrpment. good Iiolronq and other environmental considerations. Inthis section, we moire some suggestions about now you can work 7 more comfortably. Keep in mind, however, thatthese are onlysuggesttons. Comlort is very personal. and only you can judge whatworka best for you. Position of Keyboard and Input device k board and in ut device so that your arms and hands Ir]: $3223, semionable andp neutral position. When the inputdevioe and keyboard ere correctty positioned: wonderful-ms should be parallel or almost parallel to the lloor end your wrists and trends should be in line with youriorearrnsflourwrist should not be extremely llexed or extended Keep wrist and hand in line with forearm wnan your arms are moiety nanqlnu at your sides Yourwrist should not he barman much to one side or the other. l Fumiture and Posture Arranging your office furniture is one of the mostlrnpomntthinus you can i “ darn make your work space comfortable. Adjumtha height at your chair and desk so your body is corrrfonzhly aligned r ' Stay relaxed and sit relatively upright, hut don'tlurca yourself imu an DON’T DO oorrr l unnatural position. Letyuur chair suppun you. Have your knees slightly Vourhonds- and wrists should be in a neutral position. ‘ loweran your hips so the angle ofyourtorso and origin is more than SD? Your wnsr should nor bond too much to one side only; when . Supponvour lower back with your chuir’s backrest. -Vuu should not have to reach or stretch to use ulthorthe keyboard or the input device. arts waym orrango your work Spica ° Place the items you use mgulartywithin reanh.Avoid ranching and snatching, i a Ifyou use a keyboard drawer, try to plans the input device inths same 0 When you remm from a break, slightly reposition the keyboard and input may as the keyboard. I! you can't arrange this, try to place the inputduvice devicn to reading] them no comfortable Fagin“ nearby, Tryoo ovoid reaching up, away uric Ihe side forthe input dzvico. 0 Don't sit in one position (or too long, DON‘T Correct amino-0mm? way: m arrange input devics, keyboard and display - Take breaks. Th|s doesn't mean thatyeu have to stop working. Ifyou have been typing, take a tiling break or make some phone calle Frequent short breaks are probably betterman e lewlenu ones. ' Stand up and streteh during yourworkdev. Try to do this frequently. - Keep e light touch on your input device and keyboard. - Look |nto stress-reducing techniques that might work for Vol]. For more information on good computing hehits, please visit Healthy Computing" onilne at wwwhultltyeompltinu.cotn. Installlngyeur Turbo Mouse WIreIess Mousellvorlts‘ Software NOTE: Operating meme hlve Increased their native swpentor multiple button devices. Under windows“ XP, an four mouse buttons and the scroll ring will hm bls'k fillctionalily without installing Remington Mwuworls. Users who wot“ lie eddiliornl functionality, such as the ability tn fine tune (titer move-rm or to reprogram the muse bums hr addlttoml Mm, will need no instil MouseWurks software. It Download the latest version olttte MouseWorks software at trrtnrwjtenzitulnnttun. E. lfveu do nethave an Internet cenneco'on, you can usetho MouseWerks CD that is enclosed in the box. Please save your MoueeWnrks CI] in use you ever need to reinstall the sottwa re. To Install MouseWorks from the CD on a PC I. Turn on your computer (if it’s not already mnninq) and insert the MouseWarks CD irmyour (ED-ROM drive. 2. MouseWorks Setup should start automatically. if it doesn't, you can run itrmm the Start menu: a) Click the Start button end cheese ltul. h) Click Browse and choose the CD-ROM drive. c) Select Mworkslsetupmxe end ciick 0K 3, Read the license agreement in the installer and click Vet to accept lite agreement. 4. when the MouseWerts installation is complete, MouseWorke Setup teemrtsveur computer. NOTE: Once the soflw'e Is Installed always use MeISeWBrlts ta curt-oi the input device. (See transmit with Mantel/Verb.) Do not use flte Mouse maul panel supplled with window. To Install MouseWorlts from the CD on a Modutosh‘ ]. Turn on computer and insortthe MouseWorks CD into the ClJ-HOM drive. 2. MouseWorks setup should start automatically, if it doesn‘t, open the contents eitne CD and double click on the MnueeWorks installer 3. Read the license agreement in the installer and cliek Vesto accept the agreement. 4. When MouseWorks installation IS complete, MouseWerlts setup restarts your computer. Con nectlngyour Kenslngbon Turbo Mouse wlreless Once you cennectthe receiver to your computer’s USB port, it can be placed anywhere on your desktop The trackball will work anywhere within set feet of the recelver. Similerto a cordlesstelephnne,the Turbo Mouse Vlfireless operates on a radio frequency, so it does not need a clear line of sight between the receiver and the trackball. To concern I Do til: use pan on a Plum tn- enrd am your computer’s use sport Von may also use in: MecerPl: spare use pertonyour keypad mus porlnnehuhcurlnectedto _. your comp-rm You on not need in turn elfyeur computer before _ connectirn or disconnecting a use devlce. To eonneette a turn «a rm-r mjiln my the cable into the computer’s round, epin mouse port. tr the P812 can-tam n on an tamer, um M the cable mm the adapter, then glue it.- mam into the computer‘s rsa part CAUTION: Neva tame a table Into a port. It you are having trotutle, verify that lite mnemr is aligned with the port. Ifyour Cursor Isn’t Working Properly... Your new Turbo Mouse Wireless comes wilhthe receiver and the transmitter (in the Trackball) settnttto same channel. and should work right otrtofthe box with no problems. However, ilveur Turbo Mouse VWreleas receiver is not recognizing your trackball. you may need to either adjust the Channel settings or refresh the ID.This mightheppen ilyeu have morethen one wireless device, for instance, or ifyeu have received a replacement device. If these procedures do not solve the problem, refefto the electronic Help file for additional infonnafion. Changing Channels The Turbo Mouse Wireless uses a Radio Frequency (RF) cennecliento your computer. enabling it tn work without a clear late of sight between the receiver and the trackball. In the presence of multiple wireless devices, it may be necessary lor you to modify the Channel setting on your Turbo Mouse Wireless ln ordertn eliminate lnterlerence. To adinstthe Channel setting: 1. Identity Channel switch on the receiver and on the bottom of the tra ckball. 2. Ensurethet both are setto the same Hernen numeral—either I or II. 3. ll interference occurs, switch trackball and receiverto altemetive Channel—keep the Trackball end recelver identicelte eech other. a“. m...- we a ante- .me am.- Wireless Connecting and Positinnlng The maximum Range is Git hvtvvssn the receiver and the mouse. In addition, itis bastta plaza rhawireless receiver atlsast it inches awaytmm uttmr ulectmnic devices IMPORTANT: This wireless device is Sinili to an FM radii] by adjusting the antenna you an get better reception. Ar rude you may also warn to experiment with different Iorations amt pm‘tinm d the receiver, inrJuring moving the receiver to a different elevation (above or below the desk) or reared in a different angle RF Receiver Indicator Light The wireless receiver has an indicmr light This light has three modes: 1. Green when the receiver is [1me on. 2. Hashing green when the receiver is correctiy receiving data from the mouse. 3 Flashing red when the batteries needtn he changed. Because of its advanced pmrvar saving tachnnlagy and its targs batteries, thetrackhali shuuld run an average uf nine months with a set at leading 12“ batteries, This is based on average usage Aiterthe secondarvlightturna on (red) indicating law batteries, you may nntica erratic cursor tracking. Replacing the batteries should salve this issue. chhnical support is available to all registered users of Kenslnmon products. There is no charge lor technical support except long distance Setting Product |D chargcs where applicable. Technical Support Conlocr lnfonncn'on can be Tthurbo Mouse Wireless connection uses a unique ID so mar a sinplo found on the Iastpagc oflhls manual. genie swtlglorrlly work With lcs corresponding rocerven Technical Support Tips n a ru c : . . » dI - You may find the answer to your problem rn ills monemly Asked 1' 35:53:32: affcrxfigefifizfigfi meenes rnncllcd “d the cra a Questions (FAQ) notion of the Support area on the Kcnsinmon Web slim mnnahmlmm. 2 Bring your Turbo Mouse Wireless as close tome raceivor as you can. _ Call from a phone where you have "as“ In your computer. 1 Frsss any hun'rm on the Trackball, crmwe inn initiate the resynchronize- . as praparedm provide the following inlormafion lion process. A very brief pause is mulrsd m complem the process . Name. gum“, and telephone number l. Your Trackball and receiver should be synchronized. Verify by moving the - The name More Konsinqrnn product cursor on we screen with the input device. - Make and model of your computer — Vour system software and version - Symptoms who problem and whaflod in them mom" mmmosv annurmusmmm mumm- manual mam Mods n mann- fiammm “hum-mum minimum! yumm- m. momma mum Ixmswn- mn am am», murm- In my.“ m “min uni muted hvmhmmnu m,- mam m- find ms rmim as mum- am- an dpmhll. VuuwN mam.“ “yuan-mm.“ Inmdzrw mu m- wimllv in mm. m. wnduumm Imn bun mm ma ma a: mm mm mm." “mm-mm. mmmmu warmly ms nu cquw «ma an. m mum mi .. mu, n nagmnchvau-vrlmy u urn m m).- mm : um m m. mm- m yum yum m m. mum m. Flu-u cnwkprnnm mm an. s or sauna-m mum rum m mlmm-v. as unwind "ml-mi! mm... .. nu! mun; mm KENSINETDN mum m1 m mm- m my mum: av mum-mu filmy-s. mm wmnfiu Mmgmmnm-y ma rim-s r . pmlauln purpuu m “mam m hn’w! m dumim w m mam" dmummmp. 5mm mmmfin an m numnm mluslnn mum-nun mmmnqfl mnwtnia] lam-s. w m |h|m smug- ur mum mnvnotlpmm yum Euu impala-Ame: in mm film! Immun- an m m . mun-a mm», um mflmmm lm‘mfinn mm Wm m - wmulvamt ynu mum: bud um mi yw ray-h: mm mm ummmmlmm mu m mm mm mum. Fedaral Communications Commission and!» Frequency Interference Statemem Nam Tn. Kama-vim mm mm Win-In; I" inn and and mm m 01!"wa we winmm - cm a nlwmldevlu, pammm Fat 15 um- Pct: Ruin. Thu- imi: n amen-an nmde mama pin-mm nwnnh-mw imam-nu m . m'ydlvllll inmlh' mi nun-m 5mm, um and cm mm. min mummy gnaw mm, n m maul-d nu ma: Damian" Mm me hmmainm. my mm "mm! hummus 0: win wmmwimivns Haw-m, M n ma nut-mu (hit IMnnm ml m mm i- | p-niuhr immafiun I min wulmfll doc mu hum“ mun-um m ruin nmlmxim mien cm a. “wind by mm m- mlmm ufi and an 91- mar is gunmen nu ma :wv-mhl mun-mm Wane at unr- a 11!) MM!!! Inn-nix A human mum-m- umnu am" - hum-e in “man human i: am - nonmem- Minn-mum m all-m . mm nilmm'm mm- mm m m:- - Duncan mu duh-v nr magnum man/w nut-min now run mmflcmnws: Mndicnium m Immulyawmvlfl by Ken lull mwvmd nu u-u’x amt-mm an own |hn an] unmwxmuhfinn minimum to mm; . mtmzn cutes- In mm: new: mqnmmms, Ill nor-mums mluliuum mu; - Karu’n'nn inpmdnin- din-M be mm; why an, m- nHEId'd enr- puma-a. Declaration of Conformity CampLImce Statement I‘m-(he Kensinglnn Turhu Manse Wirulus m Kaninmu mm mm Wirelm cmfiuvd'lh Pm ls M It- Fm: mm. (In-um l- uhleam lwu nunfinm |II TM! devil: myml nun h-miM mini-m“. Ind (Zlflil dude! mun lulu! any imlviunc- mama, ilflullln iMM-nnc- Ifinuiy nui- mdu’nd auction. As mm m Sun-“m 2509 um: FCC magm- mpllllfll play to. uni: man- i. Ktminnmn Yam-alum Group, mold-mun a. us Full“, Snmd nun, Sun Mum, DA, IISA mm, at!» 512mm s nun-ant Camacting Kensington Trnuhlashnotinu information and answers to fraquanlly asked quasliuna are available 24 hours a day on the Konaingmn Web site at wwwnppmkmsinumuun. 5uppo|t by Telephone Technical Support is available bytalaphona. Please visit wwwhnainglmcmn'cr lmurs. US 84112156708 or lam—57272700 Fax SEWER-$75 Canada ”6315-4242 Mexico 52l55l§38t0510 mum Yum-1h" Gnu» mm mums Pu: wan emu- m. momma-Mumm- NwinermhnunM spmuomn Scam! Fur Mm mam. smmu ammo. um-a use am San mm. um um nus we. mama uaA mam KlNElmM "mu-m“- 0 mm Kuwlqlmfnllmhgy cm; a may. am am; um mm Al ”gm: Yam mu manna Mann us mama man-u wucowaa (apt-fun Iqlmflal an! «mm mum 1; wingln mm mum-nu mm.“ mm a. rzgukmdwuk-mi «mm-k mpnmlan mum "mm imlq'mdmfunl‘wh Cumplllxtlll’." alarmmmm Wan-me amwmurvwmm 901046140
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