ACCO 72256 Si650m Wireless Notebook Optical Mouse User Manual Manual
ACCO Brands, Inc. Si650m Wireless Notebook Optical Mouse Manual
5 Kensington' Si650m Wireless Notebook Optical Mouse Instruction Guide Guide d’instructions Bedienungsanleitung Instructleboekje Istruz oni Manual de instructiones ® 6) ® 1 (9 Q) 2.1“er Contents SIESOm wireless Notebook Optical Mouse USB Wireless Recelver ZAA Batteries CD Instruction Guide munw> Components left Click Button Right click Button 4-WayTilt Scroll Wheel/Center click Button Battery/Receiver Door Battery Door Release Areas Battery Slot Battery Indicator rah—xn-rr Contacting Kensington Troubleshooting information and answers to frequently asked questionsare available 24 hoirrsa day ontheKensington Web siteat wwwbensingtoncom. Contenu SIGSOm wireless Notebook Optlcal Mouse Récepteur use sans rll Deux pilesAA CD Guide d’instrudions mflnwb Caractéristiq ues Bouton de clic gaucire Bouton de clic droit Molette mu irectionneIIe/bouton do clic centml Valet du oompartlment plle/récepteur Taquet de vermulllage du volet du compartiment a pile iogement de la pile Voyant de la pile rah—xn-rr Pour contacter Kensington Des iniormations de depannage et les réponses aux questions les plus frequentes sent a votre disposition z4 heura sur 24 sur le siteWeb de Kensington a I'adresse www.irensington.corn. Inhalt 5I650m Wireless Notebook Optical Mouse Kabelloser USB-Emptf'anger ZweiAA-Batt CD eedienungsanleitung maria) Kom ponenten linke Taste Redile Taste 4—Wege»ScroIIrad/Mlttlere Taste eatterie-/Empfengeirachiclappe Verriegelung der eatterieraclrlclappe Batterlefacll Batterieanzeige r-gr._:n-n Kensington Kontaktdaten lnformationen zur rehlerbehebung und Antworten aufdie am hautigsten gesteliten Hagen erhalten sie rund um die uhr aufder Kensington Website u nter www.kensington,corn. , we. mnnwrw rrrrvu in. hcnnlca ce ® 11: mlrwmn Plow . rensingtorr computer nodrrcts oronp itcoo orarrds rurope itcoo tarrada irrc item uuitali. toiurrenofitcuooorrdr MM Hm! cu sercodiocairrr revelaaiardst sasrwnonlphlnorne oxrord Road eramplon botany nsvv zois Redwm Statesman“ Ayieshury onin a no onau Designed in calliorrrla,u$ a Bitth,HP?i co to set trseoeynm iuus bytennngion United itrngdon (anode uosiniia Assembledlrrcnlna vmw mflnmrom sin—195mm Getting Started Vour Sl650m wireless Notebook Optical Mouse is conveniently compact and easyto use. The mouse automaticallyturns offwhen its use wireless Receiver issecured inthe body orthe mouse allowingyouto paclr it awayand carry it anywhere you go To begin using your mouse, you will need to; 1. open the Battery/Receiver Door 2. InstalltheAAbatteries 3 Remove the USE Wireless Receiver 4. Plugthe use Wireless Receiver into a use port on your computer. The mousewill automaticallyconnectwith the receiverand you should be readyto useyour mouse. Battery Installation Vour mouse requirestwo (2) AA batteries (c). To open the battery/receiver door (i), squeezetlie sides (J) ofthe mouse ontherubbergrips. Plecetlie batteries in the battery slot (K), Battery Indicator Illuminares rot sseoswhen unit isoperationalwith between green first switched on met and 1m battery life lett Flashes For 50 secs Unit isuperatiunalwith between red load and we battery life left Does Not when first Battery isdead illuminate switched on Ejecting the USB Wireless Receiver To release the use Wireless Receiver (3) housed between the batteries grasp the end ofthe reciever and pull. Remwethereceiverfromthe mouseand push to ciosethe battery/receiver door, Making a Connec ion Plugthe use Wireless Receiver into a use port on your computer. The wireless connection is made automati-Ily. lfthe mouse does not worlr properly, check the use connection, the batteryorientation and condition. IMPORTANT. his wireless device is similarto all FM radio, the position oiyour coniputerand surrounding objects [especially metal objects) may eiferi your wireless reception and range (avelage range Is approximately 10 meters or 30 reeti. Turningyour Mouse On/Of'f Your mouse is designed to automaticallyturn ol‘fwhen you store thewirehss use receiver in its body ProgrammingVourMouse You nray program your mouse buttons by donnloading the latestversion ofMouseWorks" soltiiva re available at www.kensington.wm or rromtne included CD. Receiver Storage St Extending Battery Life Tosave battery power,turn offthe mousewhen not in use byslidingthe use receiver to) intothe nrouseand pushingit in until it locks into place. When you feel a click,the mouse is offend you can conveniently carry your mouse with you Common Troubleshooting Steps 1. Unplug and respiugthe receiver. 2 Instailfresii batteries In the mouse 3. Test the device on another use port orcomputer. 4, Some surfaces may “trick"the sensor,sucli as reflective surfaces like glass or mirrorsAsa result this product will not workwell onglass or mirror surfaces, The sensor should perform well on all othersurfaces. 5. Makesulethe batterydoor is properyclosed and locked in place. Importan . omputer User Health Information in recent years, medical attention on occupational iny‘iiries has identified normal, seemingly harmless activities as a poterttial cause of a wide range or problems collectively lcnown as Repetitive stress injuries (RSI) or Cumulative Trauma Disorders (CTD). it is now recognized that any repetitive motion rnay contributetothese health problems As a computer Liser, you might also be at rislc. ey paying attention to the wayyou perform your work, use your computer and phone. play sports,and workeroundthe houseyou can identifythe behaviors that may be puttingyou at rislc. iryou experience pain, swelling, numbness, orweekness in yourwrists or hands (especially during sleep), see your physician immediately These symptoms could mean that you are developing a repetitive stress injurythat requires prompt medical attention, For more detailed information,consultyourdoctor. Technical Support Technical support is availabieto all registered users of Kensington products. There is no chargefortechnical support except the cost ofthe phone call, and long distance chaigeswhere applicableTechnioal support contact information can beround ontheback page ofthis manual. Technical SupportTips - You may findthe answerto yourprobiern in the FraquentIyAsked Questions (FAQ) section ofthe support area on the Kensington Website: . Cailfrcme phone where you have accesstoyourcomputer . be prepared to provide the following information: . Nameaddressandtelephone number . The name oftiie Kensington product . Make and model ofyourcomputer , Voursystem softwareand version - Symptomsofthe problemand whatledtotllem Five-Year Limited Warranty KENSINGTON COMPUTERPRODUCTS GROUP [“KENSINGTDN“)wal ontsthis product against defects in rnaierialandvrorxrnansnp undernorrnal use andscwiceforfiveycarsfnrniheonginaldateoi purchase rthlNCToN,ai itsopiion,slrrllrcparrornplaceihedefcciivc unit onered bythiswariarty rlease retain the dated sales reoeipt as evidenoe atthe date Dfpurchase imiwlii need rt iorarlywanarliyservlce in order tn keepihls lirnned uraroniyin effectthr produd rnim have tech handled and used as prescribed in the insiructionsacconpanyirethiswananiy rhislimitedwarianlydoes not one anydanragr duetoaoident, misuse, abuse ornegligene This limitedwarranty isiolid only nthe product is used With theeduipment spccfiedonihc pnduci box Pleaseohednroductboxfordctailsorcallrtnslricron uchnicalsupport DiSiilAlMEROT WARRANTY txctir FORTHE LlMlTED WARRANW vmviotb HEREINJO THE txrtnr TERMITTED ev LAW, lttnsulolon oisctAliusAtt WAiitArvTita, EXI‘RESSOP ltuvtitb, INCIUDINGALI vuxtdnilts or MtxanniAbitirv AND/OR FITNESS TORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE Tl) THE EXTENTTHATANY IMPLIED WAKRANTIES MAV NONETHELESS EXIST EV OPERATION OT LAW,ANVSUCH WARRAN TIES ARE LIMITED TO THE TIVE—VEAR DURATION OFTHIS WAnmvrv SUIylESTATES/PRCVINCES DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONSON HOW LDNOAN IMPLIEDWARRANTY LASTS, so THEABOVE LIMITATIONS MAv NoTAPPuTorou LIMITATIW OF llABlllW KEPAIPOI? REPLACEMENTOE THIS PRODUCT/AS PROVIDED HEREIN, ISYOUREXCLUSIVE REMEDY KENSINGTON SHAIL NOT BE LIABLE TORANVSPECIAL INCIDENTALQRCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED To, LOST KtVENUES LOST PROFIB, toss or list ortorrWAtt, loss or woven or DAlA, ntnrAt OT REPLRCEMENT EQUIPMENT, DOWNTIME, DAMAGETO PROPERWAND THIRD'PARTV CLAIMSARISINDOUT DEANVTHEORV (IT TZE(OVERY, INCLUDING WARRANTY, CONTRACTSTATUTORV ORTORT NOTWITHSTANDING THE TERMOFANYIIMITEDWARRANTYORNWWARRANWIMPLIED evLAw,otlnrnt tvtnr rriArANi LIMITED WARRANTV TAILS OF ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE, IN NO EVENTWILL KENSINGTON'S ENTIRE LIABILITY cxcttblntrunansr rrxlcttir rnis prontrr soutsrortsicuunrltsuo norAitoWTnttxctuslon ontlmerrlon orlnchtnTAtorconstoutnrlAtDAtquts,sorntAinvttliilTArlonontxctUSlon MAV NOTAPPLYTO VOU THIS WARRANTVGIVES VOUSPECITIC LEGALRIGHTSAND VOUMAVALSO HAVE lfiTHEIl RIGHTS I HAI VARV tPeOMXTATE TD STATE/AND PROVINCE TO PPOVING RF Technical Specifications single Channel—er Frequency 2 425 CHI Federal Communications Commission Radio Frequency Interference Statement Note. This devlo: hasnoentested and tornrl to romplywith the iimitsiora classiid iral dc pursuant to Parl is oi the KC Rules These limits are designed to prnvide reasonable protection against hannrui interference in a residential installation This equipment generates, uses and ran radiate radio frequency energy and, irriot insuriicd and used in aciordanoe widrthe instructions may cause harrrrtui lrrleriuerroeloradlomnl’nunlcalivm however, there is no guarantee that interference will not em; in a particular installation limis equipmart causes harrrrtul interferenoe to radioor television reoepiion,wl h can be determined by turning die equipment oiiand on, the user is encouraged totryto ioneot the intererence by one or moreotthe following ireasurer ~ Revrienlor relocate the lemming arrlema. . inoease ilre separation between the equipment and reoeiver . Correct the equipment into an outlet on a or tiererri from that to which the receiver is uonnected . consult the dealer or an erqqei renoed radio/iv technician for help, NWDIFIKATIDNS; Modificatiors not expressly approred by Kenstngton mayvold the user's authorrty to operate the devioe under rcc regulations and must not be made SHIELDED coats In order to meet FCC requirements, all oomeciiorrs to equipment using a Keroington lr‘lu' device should be tirade usingordy the shielded cables IMPORTANT were FCC Radiation Exposure Statement This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set lonh lot an uncontrolled environment End users must iollow the specific operating instructions tor satisfying or exposure compliance This transmitter must not be co—Iocaleo or operating in conyunction With any other antenna or iransrnnter Declaration ofConformity Compliance Statement This product rompiieswith l>art 15 pure rCC Rules. Operation is subiedmtwo ionditions. (1) This devioe may not cause harmful interference, and, (z) disdevice must acmpt any inlerrerence rereiveil, including lrrleriarenoe that maymse u desired operation. As defined in Sedion ZSIEoTth: EC( Rides. the responsible party for this rievrue is kensington Computer Products Group, 333 Twin Dolplu'ii Drive, kiln/nod Sims CA $106,154 Thisclass lei digital apparatus ooiriplies vvrth Canadian lCESOtB. Safety and Usage Guide es 1. In the absence of proper operation and itcustomer initiatedtroubieshooting is unsuccessful, switch off device and call Kensington technical support. 1. Do not disassemble product orexpose itto liquid, humidity, moisture or temperatures outside the specified operating ranges ofo deg c (32 deg F) to 40 deg c (104 deg F). 3. Ifyolrr product is exposed to out of range temperatures, switch it ofrand ailowtemperatuleto return tothe notmaloperating range. The Following Information is Only for EU-memberstates: Tleuseoitiresymbolirdicatesthatthisproduct rnaynotbetreatedahousehoidwaste. By errsurirgrhis product is disposed circorrectly, pauuiill help prevent potential regalive ooirsequenoasfor the environment and hiriian health, which muld ntherwrseire caused by rnappropriatewasuhan rngofthispmductrormoredeuriledinrorrnationaboutrecy rrrg otttasprodud, please contact yoiii local oty office, your household waste disposal envioeor the slop where you puicirauni the product Kenslrlgiorl,AC(Oarld Muiiseworcs are registered rodemartsniArcci ennds The Kenslngiorl ironiise isasenice nrarcofActoeorrds Allatheliradernalka areihe properlynilrlelrrespect/veowners ozuoo tensingion compuer Produ
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