Acom 700S HF+6m Linear Amplifier User Manual

ACOM Ltd HF+6m Linear Amplifier

User Manual

1TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                                 1.  GENERAL INFORMATION .........................................................................................................................31-1.  Inroduction and description .......................................................................................................31-2.  Owner assistance .....................................................................................................................31-3.  Equipment supplied and options ...............................................................................................31-4.  Features .................................................................................................................................... 41-5.  Safety considerations, explicit denitions .................................................................................42.  INSTALLATION ...........................................................................................................................................52-1.  Unpacking and Initial Inspection ...............................................................................................52-2.  Amplier operating location selection; cooling. ......................................................................... 62-3.  Connecting the amplier within the shack ................................................................................62-4.  Installing options and connecting to external devices, computer, etc. ......................................93.  POWERING AND OPERATION ................................................................................................................103-1.  Low energy stand-by mode of the power supply ....................................................................103-2.  Front panel - controls and indication .......................................................................................103-3.  Initial turning on ...................................................................................................................... 113-4.  Basic screen ........................................................................................................................... 113-5.  Control system – buttons and menus .....................................................................................133-6.  Test transmission ....................................................................................................................134.  AMPLIFIER OPERATION .........................................................................................................................164-1.  Change of modes, RX / TX and Operate / Stand-by; option AUTO OPERATE ......................164-2.  Band change, standard and expanded frequency coverage ..................................................174-3.  Operation with an external antenna tuner ...............................................................................184-4.  Automatic protection system ................................................................................................... 185.  MENUS – SETTINGS AND OPTIONS .....................................................................................................195-1.  Menu “Measurements in the amplier” – AMP MEASURE .....................................................205-2.  Menu “Service functions in the amplier” – AMP SERVICE. ..................................................215-3.  Menu CAT/AUX SETTINGS....................................................................................................215-4.  Menu “USER PREFERENCES” .............................................................................................235-5.  FAULTS LOG ..........................................................................................................................245-6.  RESTORE DEFAULT SETTINGS ........................................................................................... 246.  REMOTE CONTROL ................................................................................................................................256-1.  General information ................................................................................................................257.  MAINTENANCE ........................................................................................................................................ 257-1.  Periodic maintenance; general checks and cleaning ..............................................................257-2.  Replacement of fuses .............................................................................................................277-3.  Using the fault codes (signatures) for diagnostics ..................................................................277-4.  FIRMWARE UPDATES ...........................................................................................................288.  SPECIFICATIONS ....................................................................................................................................288-1.  Parameters .............................................................................................................................288-2.  Functions ................................................................................................................................298-3.  Storage and shipment ............................................................................................................. 299.  DISCLAIMER ............................................................................................................................................30
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            1. GENERAL INFORMATION1-1. Inroduction and descriptionThis manual describes the installation, operation, and maintenance of the HF+6m solid-state linear power amplier ACOM 700S.ACOM 700S is a state-of-the art linear amplier, covering the amateur bands from 1.8 to 54MHz with 700W output power (PEP or continuous carrier) with less than 40W of drive. The amplifier operating information is shown on a multi-functional, high resolution color display. ACOM 700S may by controlled either by the six front panel buttons or remotely – via an RS232 port.NOTEACOM 700S is designed to work with the ACOM 04AT Remote Automatic Antenna Tuner. The connection of ACOM04AT will make accessible the features that are inactive onthe amplier display when ACOM 700S operates withoutACOM 04AT. The operation of ACOM 700S with ACOM 04ATis described in the ACOM 04AT Operation Manual.1-2. Owner assistanceIf technical or operating assistance is needed, please contact your local dealer rst. In the unlikely case of you needing further information, you may get in touch with ACOM via: fax (+ 359 2 920 96 56), telephone (+359 2 9209780), e-mail (, or by post (blvd. Nikola Mushanov 151, 1330 Soa, Bulgaria). Website: Equipment supplied and optionsThe amplier is supplied in a single box including:- amplier ACOM 700S;- power cord;- this manual with a CE declaration of compliance;- four pieces of spare fuses1-4. Features• 5“ high resolution color display (108x65mm), 800x480 pixels, and 24-bit color.• The nal PA stage uses a rugged LDMOS transistor - BLF188XR.• Compatible with all transceiver models available on the market - does not need any specialsignals: „ground on transmit“ and less than 40W of RF drive power is sufcient.• Broadband input circuit, providing  a  perfect  transceiver  load  with  SWR  below 1.2:1 (typically1.1:1), without retuning throughout the whole frequency range from 1.8 to 54MHz.• The overall operation of ACOM 700S is extremely simplied : the screen menus are intuitiveand easy to follow, no special skill is required from the operator when changing frequencybands.3
44                                                                                                                                                        • Automatic control – when connected to a transceiver with CAT capability, the amplier will trackthe operating frequency, and will change bands accordingly.• Even if not CAT connected, the amplier monitors the input signal frequency through the built-infrequency counter and automatically switches bands.• Remotely controlled by RS232 port.• Takes care of itself during operation via continuously working protection circuits in all modes.• The operator can monitor more than 10 parameters of the amplier in operation.• Easy maintenance – detailed data (55 parameters) about each of the last 28 hard-fault protectiontrips is stored in the amplier’s memory.• Convenient for expeditions and eld operation due to the extremely compact and lightweightconstruction and the built-in switching-mode power supply (SMPS) that operates with extended mains voltage range of 93-265VAC, with no internal switch over. The consumed current is purely sinusoidal, Power Factor Corrected (PFC) andinrush limited. This makes the operation from unstable mains and generators easy and troublefree.• Perfect electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) with both highly sensitive devices and the powerfuldevices in the radio station (receivers, computers, other ampliers) exceeding the standardEMC requirements due to the used PFC and built-in radio-frequency lters.1-5. Safety considerations, explicit denitionsThe ACOM 700S linear amplier is a Class I apparatus regarding protection against electric shock, i.e. the third grounding lead of its mains cord (colored yellow with two green stripes) and the grounding stud on the rear panel, marked GND (Fig. 2-1), must be connected to the grounding system of the shack for safe operation.The ACOM 700S amplier is designed to meet international safety standards and complies with the CE electromagnetic compatibility requirements, as well as the FCC regulations.This operating manual contains precautions, cautions, and warnings that MUST BE CОMPLIED TO by the user to ensure safe operation and maintaining of the ACOM 700S amplier in a safe working condition.PRECAUTIONS:The EXPLICIT DEFINITIONS described below apply to this operating manual:W A R N I N G notes call attention to a procedure which, if not correctly performed, could result in personal injury or re hazard by electric shock or lightning.C A U T I O N notes call attention to a procedure which, if not correctly performed, could result in equipment damage, not only in the ACOM 700S amplier.N  O  T  E notes call  attention to a procedure which, if not  correctly performed, could result in inconvenience.
5              W A R N I N G HIGH VOLTAGE!Both the mains voltage and the high DC voltage up to 500V inside  the ACOM 700S amplifier are LETHAL! For yoursafety, disconnect the power plug from the mains and WAIT AT LEAST three minutes EACH TIME, BEFORE removing the cover of the amplier.W A R N I N G HIGH VOLTAGE!NEVER ALLOW, ESPECIALLY CHILDREN, to insert anything into holes  in  the  case - this  may  cause ELECTRIC  SHOCK!Never  touch  an  antenna  or antenna  isolators  duringtransmission or tuning - this may result in an electric shockor  burn.  Never  expose  the amplier  to  rain,  snow  or  anyliquids.  Avoid placing the amplier in  excessively dustyenvironments  or in direct sunlight.  DO  NOT  OBSTRUCTCOOLING ducts or vents.W A R N I N GDo not undertake repairs or changes in hardware or rmware of your ACOM 700S amplier. Doing so will endanger your or  others‘  health  or  life,  or  damage  the  amplier  and  the equipment  connected  to  it.  Such  repairs  or  changes  are not  covered  by the  warranty  and  may  void  the  warranty.    The manufacturer is not liable for any such repairs or changes. Any  such  repairs  or  changes  are sole responsibility  of  the person or persons engaging in them.C A U T I O NTo avoid damage (not covered by the warranty) please read the INSTALLATION  - Section 2 of  this operating manual carefully. If  you  have  any  doubts or  questions  regarding the  installation, operation or safety of the ACOM 700S amplifier, please consult your dealer immediately.2. INSTALLATION2-1. Unpacking and Initial InspectionC A U T I O NBefore  you commence installing the ACOM 700S amplifier, please read this  manual thoroughly. Carefully  inspect  the shipping carton and its contents as described below for missing items (S. 1-3) or mechanical damages. If anything is missing or is  damaged  (scratched,  bent, crushed or  something  is  rattling inside  or  moving  freely  when  turning the  amplier over, notify your dealer immediately! Delaying this notication may infringe the warranty conditions of the carrier.
66N O T EKeep the original packing for possible future transportation. Unpack and inspect carefully the contents of the cardboard carton for possible transportation damages. On the amplier, check-up the chassis, front panel, display, buttons, rear panel connectors, main power switch and fuses.2-2.  Amplier operating location selection; cooling.Locate the amplier close to the place where will be used. You will need an easy access to the rear panel for connecting cables, and of course, to the buttons and screen on the front panel.The ACOM 700S is forced air cooled.  Locate the amplier so that there are no objects or other devices closer  than  10cm  (4”).  The  exhaust  air  can  reach  65ºC  (150ºF)  and  if  the  surrounding  devices  are sensitive to heating from outside or use forced air cooling themselves, increase the distances accordingly.C A U T I O NDo not leave free paper, cloth or other light materials around and under  the  amplier.  They  may  be  drawn  in  by  the  cooling air stream and block the vents. This will lead to overheating and accelerated material aging, not covered by the warranty.2-3.  Connecting the amplier in the shackW A R N I N GBefore  you  connect  the  amplier  to  external  grounding, you should advise with a licensed electrician and  conrm such  kind  of  connection  is  allowed  by  your  national and local electrical code, safety rules,  and regulations in force. Simultaneous connection to the  earth  grounding  and protective earth  may  be  inadmissible  or  may  fall  under special requirements in some countries!W A R N I N GNever use the gas installation pipes for grounding. This can cause an EXPLOSION!W A R N I N GDo not use the steam-heating or water-supply network pipes for grounding! You may expose to dangerous voltage not only yourself but also other people using the same installation.C A U T I O NBear in mind that the grounding installation may have to withstand emergency  currents  over 15A with minimal voltage drop on it. Therefore it may be necessary to improve its conductivity using heavier leads and lower-resistance grounding path.The grounding lead should be at least 4mm2 (AWG 11 or SWG 13).For details and recommendations on the grounding and RF counterpoise system concerning the electromagnetic compatibility see also S. 3-6(f).a)  GND stud  - First connect the grounding stud of the amplier  (located on the rear panel and marked GND – Fig. 2-1) to the grounding system of the shack.
7   b) KEY-IN jack - amplier input for receive/transmit control from the transceiver.The transceiver switches the amplier from receive mode into transmit mode (RX/TX) by grounding of the KEY-IN input.Run a shielded cable from the output of your transceiver, providing “ground on transmit”, to the KEY-IN input on the amplier rear panel (RCA PHONO jack – Fig. 2-1). Use a standard RCA PHONO plug for connection to the amplier.Transceiver manufacturers give different names to this output, for example: TX-GND, SEND, T/R LINE, RELAY, and others. In some transceivers “ground on transmit” output should be activated by a menu or via changing a switch on the rear panel or inside the transceiver. See instructions in your transceiver manual.N O T EVoltage on the KEY-IN jack does not exceed 12V and the currentis below 6mA. See also S. 8-2(a).N O T EYour amplier will not work if the KEY-IN input is not connectedcorrectly. If you experience any difculty consult your dealer.     Fig. 2-1 Rear panel connectionsc)  KEY-OUT jack - transmit-enabling control output from amplier to the transceiver.The KEY-OUT jack on the rear panel provides an extra control signal from the amplier to the transceiver. This can be used for improving the receive/transmit (RX/TX) switching safety.C A U T I O NKEY-OUT  is  a  low-powered open-collector output, make sure that the signal voltage  coming  from the respective transceiver connection does not exceed 50VDC (open circuit) and the closed-circuit current is below 20mA. If your transceiver has a suitable input, that disables transmission unless grounded externally, we recommend this to be connected to the KEY-OUT jack of the amplier. Use shielded cable terminated with а standard RCA PHONO plug.
88                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          The transceiver manufacturers give different names to this input, for example: TX-INHIBIT, MUTE, LINEAR, and others. Check the manual of your transceiver. Approach your dealer for details. If your transceiver has no such input, do not worry – ACOM 700S will operate normally with KEY-OUT unconnected.d) RF INPUT - Connect a coaxial cable with a PL-259 plug from the transceiver output(antenna jack) to the amplier RF INPUT jack.C A U T I O NIn order to avoid at damage, turn off your transceiver’s internal antenna tuner.e) RF OUTPUT - Connect a suitable coaxial cable with a PL-259 plug from the RF OUTPUTon the rear amplier panel to the antenna switch, tuner or antenna intended for the respective frequency band.C A U T I O NIf you use an amplier for the rst time in your shack, pay seriousattention to the size of coaxial cable from your amplier outputto the antenna. The cable must be capable of handling theincreased power safely, particularly on the 10m and 6m bands.This warning applies equally for the antenna switch, tuner, andthe whole antenna system, especially when using multi-band trap antennas.We recommend using RG213 or better. Consult your local coax cable supplier.f) Preparation of the mains outlet for the amplier, requirements for the installation andthe mains voltage.C A U T I O NBefore connecting your amplier to the power grid, be surethat the outlet is correctly wired and is capable of providing therequired current i.e. (up to 10A from 200/240VAC mains and up to16A from 100/120VAC mains). Also make sure that the groundinglead is connected properly in the outlet, intended for the amplier.If subsequently you connect the amplier to a different outlet,check it as well.It is preferable to use the mains outlet closest to the source. Make sure that the respective fuses andvoltage, of your power mains match the ACOM 700S amplier’s specications (see S. 8-1(g)).g) Main fuses.C A U T I O NMake sure you check whether the main fuses installed inyour amplier correspond to your local mains nominal voltageand if necessary replace them as described in Section 7-2!h) Power cord inlet. Due to different mains standards in different countries, theACOM 700S is delivered without a power plug for the mains cable. You dealer mightbe able to provide the correct Safety Class I plug. The ground lead of the power cableis colored yellow with two green stripes. If you have any doubts about the correct wayto connect these wires, consult your dealer.
92-4.  Installing options and connecting to external devices (transceiver, computer, etc.)a)  CAT/AUX interface – used for connecting and operating with various transceiver models (see table 2-1 below and the respective menu in S. 5-3, table 5-1 and Fig. 5-3).Most of the modern transceivers can be connected by CAT to the ACOM 700S. This will allow the amplier to track the transceiver frequency without any transmission and change the bands automatically when in Operate mode. The cable can be supplied optionally, ordered separately or home brewed according to table 2-1 and the transceiver’s manual. The CAT connection requires a cable made especially for the ACOM 700S and your transceiver. Wiring diagrams of such cables can be found at Note  that  some  of  the  connections  -  to  the  transceiver’s  BCD  band  data  outputs  and  Band  Voltage outputs do not provide an exact frequency data, but only band data. Those connections cannot be used when ACOM 700S works together with ACOM 04AT because the tuner needs to know the exact frequency, not the band. Table 2-1 shows the signals and the pin out of the CAT/AUX connector - rear panel of the amplier.   Table 2-1CAT/AUX interfacePIN NO. PIN NAME DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATIONSRear panel view1 RxD Received Data TTL input2 RxD Received Data RS232 input3 TxD Transmitted Data RS232 output4 TxD Transmitted Data TTL output5 GND Ground 0 Volt6 BAND voltage Analogue input 0 to +8V7 Band data 0 Bit 0 TTL input8 Band data 1 Bit 1 TTL input9 Band data 2 Bit 2 TTL input10 Band data 3 Bit 3 TTL input11 ON RMT Remote Pwr On +4.5 to + 15V / 3mA max12 Debug mode CPU only Pwr Input +8 to + 15V / 0.4A13 KEY-IN Tx Request Less than +12V / 6mA14 KEY-OUT Tx Ready O.C. output, up to +50V / 20mA15 GND Ground 0 Voltb)  RS232 port. Table 2-2 shows signals and pinout of the RS232 port on the amplier’s rear panel. This connector may remain unused until you decide to control the amplier remotely.
1010   Table 2-2RS 232interfacePIN NO. PIN NAME DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATIONSRear panel view1 - Not connected -2 TxD Transmitted Data RS232 level output3 RxD Received Data RS232 level input4 - Not connected -5 GND Ground 0 Volt6 DSR Remote Power On RS232 level input7 - Not connected -8 CTS Remote Power On RS232 level input9 - Not connected -3.  INITIAL POWER ON AND OPERATION C A U T I O NDo not turn the amplier on at least two hours after unpacking it and installing in its nal operating position. Pay special attention whenever the amplier is moved from a very cold place to a very warm one because condensation may develop on the inside resulting in damage to the high  voltage circuits of the amplier. Under these circumstances, do not turn the amplier on for at least 4 hours. A similar effect could occur following a rapid warming of the room, such as winter usage of a powerful electric heater.After following all instructions in Section 2 INSTALLATION, check whether the rear panel mains switch is turned off. Then plug the amplier in the mains outlet. 3-1.  Low energy standby mode of the power supplyNow you can turn on the mains switch on the rear panel. This will activate only the low-energy stand-by mode of the amplier power supply and will light up the red LED above POWER button, while the main power supply is still off and the display is dark.3-2.  Front panel - controls and readouts  a)  POWER button. When the rear panel mains switch is turned on, push and hold 1-2 seconds to start the amplier up. When the amplier is turned on, push to turn it off (back to standby mode).         b)  LED indicator above the POWER button. When lit red and the screen is dark, the amplier is in standby mode and may be turned on by pushing the POWER button.

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