ADC Telecommunications M64-25 TurboMax Base Station User Manual

ADC Telecommunications Inc. TurboMax Base Station Users Manual

Users Manual

Application Note 16 – version 1.1page 1pplication NoteATurboMAX BTSInstalling and ConfiguringApplication Note AN – 16Date December 13, 2000Products Covered TurboMAXApplicable SystemRelease 5.0Subject TurboMAX Application NoteIntended Audience Network Planners, Installers, and End UsersNumber of pages 151.1 ObjectiveThe TurboMAX BTS is being introduced as part of System Release 5.0. This document describes theTurboMAX, and gives instructions on how to install and configure it.1.2 AudienceNetwork Planners, Installers, and End Users.1.3 ScopeThis document is applicable to System Release 5.0.
Application Note 16 – version 1.1page 2pplication NoteA2 DescriptionThe interWAVE TurboMAX is a high-power, low-cost, compact BTS used to provide WLL (WirelessLocal Loop), microcell expansion, and specialty GSM deployment. It complies with all relevant GSMspecifications related to Abis and Air (Um) Interfaces, so it can be used with any other GSM-compliantBSCs and mobile stations. The TurboMAX is 25” (63.50 cm) tall, 11” (27.94 cm) wide, and 19” (48.26 cm)deep.The TurboMAX consists of a chassis, one IWP card, one E1 or T1 Trunk card, two or three TRXs, anEEPROM RFD card, one Main Power Supply module, one Amplifier Power Supply module, one Clockmodule, two Fan modules, a high-power Amplifier module, and a CMA (Cable Management Assembly),which contains combiners, diplexers, and/or filters, and which routes external cabling into the TurboMAXchassis. Figure 1 shows the front view of a fully-loaded TurboMAX.Figure 1. Typical Fully-Loaded TurboMAX
Application Note 16 – version 1.1page 3pplication NoteA3 Installation3.1 Mounting the Chassis1) Mount the TurboMAX chassis as you would any other interWAVE chassis, either in an equipmentrack, on a wall, or on a table, as described in the WAVEXpress BTS Installation and CommissioningGuide.3.2 Verifying and Configuring the E1 or T1 Card2) When your TurboMAX is equipped with an E1 Trunk card, verify that the trunk impedance is setcorrectly on the eight-position DIP switch on the edge of the E1 card. For 75 Ohm coaxial cable,DIP switches 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7 must be set to ON, and DIP switches 4 and 8 must be set to OFF, asindicated on the DIP switch housing. For 120 Ohm twisted pair, all the DIP switches must be set toON.If you have set the E1 Trunk card for 75 Ohm coaxial cable, you may also need to ground the E1coaxial cable shields. Note that only one side of the coaxial cables should be grounded to avoidground loops. To ground the Port 0 Transmit shield, place a jumper across P9 pins 1 and 2. Toground the Port 0 Receive shield, place a jumper across P8 pins 1 and 2. To ground the Port 1Transmit shield, place a jumper across P10 pins 1 and 2. To ground the Port 1 Receive shield, placea jumper across P11 pins 1 and 2.3) When your TurboMAX is equipped with a T1 Trunk card, configure the trunk for the cable distanceto the DSX1 T1 demarcation point using the eight-position DIP switch on the edge of the T1 card.For Port 0, use DIP switch pins 1 – 4, and for Port 1, use DIP switch pins 4 – 8.For Port 0, when the TurboMAX is connected directly to another WAVEXpress chassis or if it isconnected to a T1 DSX1 demarcation point at 0-133ft (0-40m), set DIP switch 1 to OFF, and setDIP switches 2, 3, and 4 to ON, as indicated on the DIP switch housing. When the TurboMAX isconnected to a T1 DSX1 demarcation point at 133-266ft (40-80m), set DIP switches 1 and 2 to OFF,and set DIP switches 3 and 4 to ON. When the TurboMAX is connected to a T1 DSX1 demarcationpoint at 266-399ft (80-120m), set DIP switches 1 and 3 to OFF, and set DIP switches 2 and 4 to ON.When the TurboMAX is connected to a T1 DSX1 demarcation point at 399-533ft (120-160m), setDIP switches 1, 2, and 3 to OFF, and set DIP switch 4 to ON. When the TurboMAX is connected toa T1 DSX1 demarcation point at 533-655ft (160-200m), set DIP switches 1 and 4 to OFF, and setDIP switches 2 and 3 to ON.For Port 1, when the TurboMAX is connected directly to another WAVEXpress chassis or if it isconnected to a T1 DSX1 demarcation point at 0-133ft (0-40m), set DIP switch 5 to OFF, and setDIP switches 6, 7, and 8 to ON, as indicated on the DIP switch housing. When the TurboMAX isconnected to a T1 DSX1 demarcation point at 133-266ft (40-80m), set DIP switches 5 and 6 to OFF,and set DIP switches 7 and 8 to ON. When the TurboMAX is connected to a T1 DSX1 demarcationpoint at 266-399ft (80-120m), set DIP switches 5 and 7 to OFF, and set DIP switches 6 and 8 to ON.When the TurboMAX is connected to a T1 DSX1 demarcation point at 399-533ft (120-160m), setDIP switches 5, 6, and 7 to OFF, and set DIP switch 8 to ON. When the TurboMAX is connected toa T1 DSX1 demarcation point at 533-655ft (160-200m), set DIP switches 5 and 8 to OFF, and setDIP switches 6 and 7 to ON.
Application Note 16 – version 1.1page 4pplication NoteA3.3 Verifying the Internal Cabling4) Verify that the clock, antenna, and the other RF cable ends are correctly tightened to 7 to 10 in. lbs.(79 to Verify the cable from the IWP card ENET connector to the external alarm terminal block on thefront of the TurboMAX chassis.
Application Note 16 – version 1.1page 5pplication NoteA3.4 Connecting External Cabling6) Connect the E1 or T1 cabling directly to the E1 or T1 card using individually-shielded twisted-paircables, using the standard RJ-48C pinout. The RJ-48C pinout is as follows: Pin 1 – ReceiveRing/Shield; Pin 2 – Receive Tip; Pin 4 – Transmit Ring/Shield; Pin 2 – Transmit Tip.When you are connecting the TurboMAX directly to another TurboMAX or another piece ofequipment via an E1 or T1 port, make sure you use a crossover cable that connects the Receive leadsto the Transmit leads.7) The TurboMAX comes in two configurations: low-power, with a single antenna, or high-power, withup to three antennas.When you are adding an antenna to a low-power TurboMAX, connect the antenna to the N-typeconnector on the Antenna Plate Assembly on top of the TurboMAX.When you are adding antennas to a high-power TurboMAX, make sure you connect one antenna toeach of the three N-type connectors on the Antenna Plate Assembly on top of the TurboMAX. Sinceone antenna is shared by the receive paths for all TurboMAX TRXs, and since one antenna for thetransmit path for each TRX, you must connect an antenna to all available N-type antenna connectors.8) If required by local codes, ground the TurboMAX chassis by loosening a nut inside the CableManagement Assembly and tightening the grounding wire under the nut, per local requirements.9) Connect any customer-defined alarm inputs to the external alarm terminal block as follows: Makesure the external alarm inputs use normally-open relay contacts. For Alarm Input 1, connect thealarm relay across terminal block pins 5 and 6. For Alarm Input 2, connect the alarm relay acrossterminal block pins 5 and 7. For Alarm Input 3, connect the alarm relay across terminal block pins 5and 9.10) Connect external power to the two (Main and Amplifier) power supply units as follows:When you connecting –48VDC to the two chassis power supplies, (1) set the circuit breaker on bothpower supplies to OFF, and (2) connect the –48VDC leads from the power source to the terminalblocks on the front of both power supplies. Leave the circuit breakers OFF.When you connecting 110 through 230 VAC to the two chassis power supplies, (1) set the circuitbreaker on both power supplies to OFF, and (2) connect the AC cables from the power source to theIEC 320 receptacles on the front of both power supplies. Leave the circuit breakers OFF.3.5 Off-Line Commissioning11) Turn on power to the TurboMAX chassis by setting the circuit breakers on both power supplies toON.
Application Note 16 – version 1.1page 6pplication NoteA12) Monitor the Power On Self Test (POST) by watching the front-panel LED sequence to verify properPOST indications. Figure 2 shows the normal TurboMAX LED boot sequence. Note that the TRXsare tested sequentially.IWP E1 or T1PORT 112PORT 012ALARMSFLTON/LINEPWRALARMSFLTONLINEPWRTRXONLINEPWRFLTSCNRSTCONENETEXTXREFPower on the TurboMAX. Initial LED display is:IWP E1/T1LEDsSCNPWRON LINEFLTPORT 0PORT 1OFFONON N/AN/AN/AONONONONONLED display after 30 seconds is:IWP E1/T1 #1LEDsSCNPWRON LINEFLTPORT 0PORT 1FLASHONON N/AOFFN/AN/AONONONONONONIWP code loads. LED display during download is:IWP E1/T1LEDsSCNPWRON LINEFLTPORT 0PORT 1ONON N/AN/AN/AONONONONONOFFONIWP downloads code to E1/T1 card. LED display(1 minute for each card) during download is:IWP E1/T1LEDsSCNPWRON LINEFLTPORT 0PORT 1ONON N/AN/AN/AONOFFOFFOFFON FLASHFLASHBSS IWP completes TRX code download to eachcard sequentially. The final LED display is:IWP E1/T1LEDsSCNPWRON LINEFLTPORT 0PORT 1ONON N/AN/AN/AONOFFOFFOFFONOFFONIW249001TXRXTRXN/AONONOFFN/AN/ATRXN/AONONOFFN/AN/ATRXN/AONONOFFN/AN/ATRXN/AONONOFFN/AN/ATRXN/AONN/AN/AOFFOFFNote that the TRX FLT LED will stay illuminated until the TRX softwarehas been downloaded from the hard drive.TRX code downloads from remote BSS IWP hard drive.LED display during download is:IWP E1/T1LEDsSCNPWRON LINEFLTPORT 0PORT 1ONON N/AN/AN/AONOFFOFFOFFON FLASHTRXN/AONOFFN/AN/AONOFFIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIP/N XXXXXXIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS/N XXXXXXFigure 2. TurboMAX LED Sequence During the Boot Process
Application Note 16 – version 1.1page 7pplication NoteA13) After bootup, verify that the front-panel LEDs are lit as follows: SCN (on IWP card only) lit, PWRlit, ON LINE on IWP and E1 or T1 cards lit, FLT not lit. Note that the ON LINE LEDs on the TRXcards are not lit until they are unlocked by the OMC operator.If the LED displays are different than that shown in this and the previous step, the TurboMAX hasnot passed the POST. Contact Technical Support for further information.14) Set up a Craft PC with dedicated ethernet and serial connections as shown in Figure 3 and 4,respectively.ON/LINEPORT 112PORT 012ALARMSFLTPWRALARMSIWP, 64MEG, MMUHARD DISKONLINEPWRFLTSCNRSTCONENETEXTXREFIW206002AUI-BNCTransceiverEthernetPortBNCT-Connector50 Ohm terminatorsBNC T-ConnectorRG-58 coaxial cable3Com CombotransceiverPCMCIAcard slotCraft PCFigure 3. Connecting the Craft PC to the TurboMAX via the Ethernet Port
Application Note 16 – version 1.1page 8pplication NoteAIW206001ON/LINEPORT 112PORT 012ALARMSFLTPWRALARMSCraft PCcomputerIWP, 64MEG, MMUHARD DISKDB-9 portconnectorDB-9 extension cableDB-9 portconnectorONLINEPWRFLTSCNRSTCONENETEXTXREFFigure 4. Connecting the Craft PC to the TurboMAX via the Serial Port15) Power up the Craft PC, and allow the Linux operating system to bootup.16) Logon as ‘build’, and start XWindows by entering ‘startx’.17) Establish serial communications with the TurboMAX by entering ‘cu –l ttyS0 –s 9600’. TheTurboMAX responds with ‘Connected’. Press the [ENTER] key to display the ‘bts:A->’ prompt.
Application Note 16 – version 1.1page 9pplication NoteA18) Verify the boot parameters by entering ‘bootChange’. A list of parameters appears as you press the[ENTER] key, as shown in Figure 5.’.’ = clear field; ’-’ = go to previous field; ^D = quitboot device          : quprocessor number     : 0host name            : craftpcfile name            : /home/target/vxWorksinet on ethernet (e) : on backplane (b):host inet (h)        : inet (g)     :user (u)             : targetftp password (pw) (blank = use rsh):flags (f)            : 0xatarget name (tn)     : btsstartup script (s)   : /home/target/iwvstartother (o)            :Figure 5. Verifying/Changing TurboMAX Boot ParametersMake sure the parameters include the listed values. If so, continue with the next step. If not, reenter‘bootChange’, press the [ENTER] key to display the desired line, press period ‘.’ to delete theincorrect entry, type in the correct entry, and press the [ENTER] key to continue with the nextparameter. When all the bootChange parameters display the correct values, continue with the nextstep.19) Reboot the TurboMAX by pressing the [CTRL][x] key combination. Verify the current softwareversion and patch level by pressing [RETURN] to display the ‘bts:A->’ prompt. Then enter‘iwversion’. The TurboMAX responds with the BSX code version, the software release, theencryption status, and the patches currently installed. Verify that you have the software versioniw05_00.132 or later installed.20) Verify the images loaded in the TurboMAX IWP flash version by entering ‘printConfigBlocks’. Theresulting parameters display the Primary Config Block imageCurrent and Secondary Config BlockimageCurrent entries in the form ‘iwXX_YY.ZZZ’, which indicates the IWP flash version. ContactTechnical Support to ensure you have IWP flash version iw05_00.132 or later installed.21) Run the E1 or T1 POST diagnostics by disconnecting all E1 and T1 lines from the TurboMAX,entering ‘reboot’ at the ‘bts:A->’ prompt. Verify that the resulting seven sequential tests appear as‘PASSED’. If the E1 or T1 Trunk card fails any of these tests, the E1 or T1 card is defective; returnthe E1 or T1 card to interWAVE, and redo this test with the replacement E1 or T1 Trunk card.22) Terminate any existing telnet and/or rlogin session by logging in as root (bts:A-> su – root), clearingexisting sessions (# /sbin/arp –d iwbox), and logging out of root (# exit).
Application Note 16 – version 1.1page 10pplication NoteA23) Verify telnet communications with the IWP card by terminating the serial connection by entering‘~.’ (tilde .), which returns the prompt to ‘build@craftpc:~>’.After the serial connection is terminated, enter ‘telnet bts’ to display the ‘bts:A->’ prompt. Thisshows that you are able to set up a telnet session with the TurboMAX.Terminate the telnet session by entering ‘logout’. This causes the TurboMAX to display ‘Connectionclosed by foreign host’ and the prompt changes back to ‘build@craftpc:~>’.24) Reestablish a serial connection with the TurboMAX by entering ‘cu –l ttyS0 –s 9600’. TheTurboMAX responds with ‘Connected’. Press the [ENTER] key to display the ‘bts:A->’ prompt.25) At the ‘bts:A->’ prompt, enter ‘runtrxpost’ to test the TRX card(s). The resulting output contains theoutput for the various TRX tests, including one line for each TRX that reads: ‘TRX CARD IN SLOT<2, 4, or 6>: COMPLETED TRX POST OFFLINE TEST: <PASSED/FAILED>’.26) Review the E1/T1 and BTS POST test results by entering ‘postReportE1Trx’. The TurboMAXdisplays a summary of the E1/T1 and TRX test results, which should all appear as ‘PASSED’ exceptthose which appear as ‘NOT-RUN’.27) Reboot the TurboMAX after running the POST tests by entering ‘reboot’ at the ‘bts:A->’ prompt.28) Have the E1 or T1 link provider certify that the links pass a BER (Bit Error Rate or Bit Error Ratio)test at 10-8 or better over 20 minutes.29) Reconnect all E1 or T1 cables disconnected to run the POST tests.3.6 Performing Racal Tests30) Perform the Racal Test procedures for the TurboMAX as described in the interWAVE FieldMaintenance Guide for the 16W TurboWAVE. The only difference is that the output power of theTurboMAX is slightly higher.3.7 Off-Line Commissioning of a TurboMAX Daisy ChainThis is an optional section, and is only required if multiple TurboMAXs are to be daisy-chained off of aBSC, BS Plus, or NIB. If this configuration is used, each TurboMAX must be installed separately, and musthave off-line commissioning procedures independently performed. Once each TurboMAX is installed andcommissioned, the TurboMAXs can be daisy chained together.31) Before connecting any TurboMAXs, ensure that they are all installed and off-line commissioned.32) Ensure that all the TurboMAXs have been tested using the Racal Test Set.33) Ensure that a different Abis link has been set for each TurboMAX using the Abis Manager time slothas been set for each TurboMAX as follows:After each TurboMAX has been Racal tested, enter ‘getFlashE1Chan’ at the Craft PC ‘bts:A->’prompt. The TurboMAX displays the timeslot reserved for the LAPD signaling timeslot (default =16).To change this value, enter ‘setFlashE1Chan <timeslot>’ at the Craft PC ‘bts:A->’ prompt,where<number> is any unassigned E1 or T1 timeslot between 1 and 31, or between 1 and 24,respectively.Note that interWAVE recommends the following Abis timeslot assignments: First TurboMAX in thedaisy chain, Abis timeslot = 16. Second TurboMAX in the daisy chain, Abis timeslot = 17. Third
Application Note 16 – version 1.1page 11pplication NoteATurboMAX in the daisy chain, Abis timeslot = 18. Fourth TurboMAX in the daisy chain, Abistimeslot = 19.Verify that the Abis timeslot has been changed correctly. Enter ‘getFlashE1Chan’ at the ‘bts:A->’prompt. The TurboMAX displays the timeslot reserved for the LAPD signaling timeslot.34) Reboot each TurboMAX by entering ‘reboot’ at the ‘bts:A->’ prompt.35) After all TurboMAXs in a daisy chain have been assigned unique Abis LAPD links, connect them toeach other and to the associated BSC, BS Plus, or NIB with E1 or T1 links as described in Section3.4.3.8 Shutting Down the Craft PC and Disconnecting the Serial andEthernet Connections36) Terminate the serial connection with the TurboMAX by entering ‘~.’ (tilde .), which returns theprompt to ‘build@craftpc:~>’.37) Exit the XWindows session by pressing [CTRL][ALT] and [BACKSPACE] simultaneously. At the‘build@craftpc:~>”’ prompt, enter ‘exit’.38) At the ‘craftpc login:’ prompt enter ‘root’ to display the ‘craftpc:~#’ prompt.39) Shut down the Craft PC operating system by entering ‘shutdown –h now’. After about one minute,the Craft PC displays ‘System halted’ and ‘INIT: No more processes left in runlevel 0’.40) Turn off the Craft PC by toggling the power switch. The serial and ethernet connections can now beremoved between the Craft PC and the TurboMAX.41) Inform the OMC operator that the TurboMAX is ready for on-line commissioning.3.9 On-Line CommissioningOn-line commissioning of the TurboMAX requires that an on-site field engineer work with the OMCoperator, after installation and off-line commissioning.42) Verify that the TurboMAX is fully commissioned, that it is connected to a BSC, BS Plus, or NIBnetwork element, and that the OMC is communicating with the connected network element.43) Have the operator verify that the RF frequencies are cleared to transmit.44) Have the OMC operator download the TurboMAX configuring and correct software version andoperational parameters as defined in the WAVEView OMC Operations and Maintenance Guide andthe interWAVE Network Implemetation Manual.45) Have the OMC operator perform the following:Create a planned cell in the OMC database corresponding to this TurboMAX. The planned cellshould at minimum include the Cell ID and LAC for the TurboMAX.Define neighbor relationships for the planned cell.Create a managed cell from the planned cell.Set the TurboMAX parameters, including its base station identity code.Set the TurboMAX Abis parameters, including the corresponding E1 or T1 card slot and AbisLAPD link.
Application Note 16 – version 1.1page 12pplication NoteADefine the TurboMAX beacon TRX, and assigning ARFCN for each TRX.When the TurboMAX is daisy chained, setting the ‘E1 use type’, ‘Previous TurboMAX node’, and‘Next TurboMAX node’ in the TurboMAX Manager View, and setting the ‘E1 Chan’ as the Abischannel in the Abis Manager View as described in the WAVEView OMC Operations andMaintenance Guide.The rest of the TurboMAX on-line commissioning requires that an on-site field engineer work with theOMC operator as shown in Figure 6.BSSUnlock the AbisinterfaceUnlock theTurboMAXCheck state ofTurboMAXStep 54Use mobile toverify timeslotsUnlock theTurboMAX andRCARRIEROpen TurboMAXalarm and eventlist viewsCheck state ofTurboMAXOMCStep 47 TurnTurboMAXpower OFFStep 48Turn TurboMAXpower ONCheck alarm andevent detailedviewsCheck forcleared eventsand alarm in allviewsCheck forTurboMAX stateVerify TRXtimeslotsLock theTurboMAXCheck state ofTurboMAXStep 51Disconnect E1or T1 cablesStep 52Reconnect E1or T1 cablesProcedures for TurboMAXField EngineerProcedures for OMC OperatorVerify DatabaseStep 46 ProvideTurboMAXinformationVerify externalalarmsStep 53Test externalalarmsIW249002Lock E1 or T1PortsFigure 6. On-Line Commissioning Procedures
Application Note 16 – version 1.1page 13pplication NoteA46) Provide the OMC operator with all part, revision, and serial numbers for the TurboMAX cards andmodules.47) Power down the TurboMAX by setting the Main and Amplifier Power Supply module switches toOFF. Have the OMC operator verify the changed state of the TurboMAX.48) Power on the TurboMAX by setting the Main and Amplifier Power Supply module switches to ON.Have the OMC operator verify the changed state of the TurboMAX.49) Have the OMC operator lock the E1 or T1 ports, and verify that TurboMAX alarms clear.50) Have the OMC operator unlock the E1 or T1 ports carrying the OAM link, and verify the state of theTurboMAX.51) Label and remove the E1 or T1 cables from the TurboMAX. Have the OMC operator monitor theOAM link and confirm it is ‘disconnected’.52) Reconnect the E1 or T1 cables to the TurboMAX. Have the OMC operator verify that the OAM linkis restored.53) Test external alarms as follows:Whether or not the external alarms are to be used, short pins 5 and 6 on the TurboMAX externalalarm input terminal block. Have the OMC operator verify that after a delay, the first customer-defined alarm shows an alarm event.Remove the short between pins 5 and 6 on the TurboMAX external alarm input terminal block. Havethe OMC operator verify that after a delay, the first customer-defined alarm event clears.54) Refer to the debug mobile documentation for operating procedures. Use the debug mobile to debugmode, and ensure that the debug mobile displays that the timeslot being used corresponds to thetimeslot that was unlocked by the OMC operator. Place a mobile-to-mobile call using the debugmobile and the TRX under test, and verify that a two-way call can be made on this timeslot withgood audio quality, power, and low interference. End the call.This test checks the performance of each timeslot contained within each TurboMAX TRX.Sequentially perform the same test on all TCH timeslots as outlined in Table 1 or  Table 2. Note thatthe number of timeslots to be tested are different for a two TRX TurboMAX and a three TRXTurboMAX.
Application Note 16 – version 1.1page 14pplication NoteATable 1. Testing Timeslots in a Two-TRX TurboMAXTRX Number Timeslot Number Channel Type Testing Necessary0 BCCH No1 SDCCH No2TCHYes3TCHYes4TCHYes5TCHYes6TCHYesFirst TRX (Note)7TCHYes0TCHYes1TCHYes2TCHYes3TCHYes4TCHYes5TCHYes6TCHYesSecond TRX (Note)7TCHYesNote: The BCCH can be assigned to any TRX in the TurboMAX. The label ‘First TRX’applies to the TRX to which the BCCH is assigned. The OMC operator determines whichphysical TRX is ‘First’ or ‘Second’.Table 2. Testing Timeslots in a Three-TRX TurboMAXTRX Number Timeslot Number Channel Type Testing Necessary0 BCCH No1 SDCCH No2TCHYes3TCHYes4TCHYes5TCHYes6TCHYesFirst TRX (Note)7TCHYes
Application Note 16 – version 1.1page 15pplication NoteATable 2. Testing Timeslots in a Three-TRX TurboMAX (continued)0TCHYes1TCHYes2TCHYes3TCHYes4TCHYes5TCHYes6TCHYesSecond TRX (Note)7TCHYes0TCHYes1TCHYes2TCHYes3TCHYes4TCHYes5TCHYes6TCHYesThird TRX (Note)7TCHYesNote: The BCCH can be assigned to any TRX in the TurboMAX. The label ‘First TRX’applies to the TRX to which the BCCH is assigned. The OMC operator determines whichphysical TRX is ‘First’, ‘Second’, or ‘Third’.TroubleshootingOther than the POST testing done in Section 3.5, the TurboMAX TRXs, EEPROM RFD card, high-powerAmplifier module, and CMA (Cable Management Assembly) combiners, diplexers, and/or filters arereplaced as a unit. Contact Technical Support for detailed troubleshooting information.

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