ADOBEAIR Evaporative Cooler Manual L9070130
EX401ISB L9070130
HC43A HC43A ADOBE AIRE EVAPORATIVE COOLER - Manuals and Guides L9070130 View the owners manual for your ADOBE AIRE EVAPORATIVE COOLER #HC43A. Home:ADOBE AIRE:/ Evaporative Cooler Parts:ADOBE AIRE evaporative cooler parts:#HC43A ADOBE AIRE evaporative cooler parts:#HC43A ADOBE AIRE evaporative cooler manual
User Manual: ADOBEAIR ADOBEAIR Evaporative Cooler Manual ADOBEAIR Evaporative Cooler Owner's Manual, ADOBEAIR Evaporative Cooler installation guides
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Evaporative cooling works on the principle of heat absorption by moisture evaporation.
Your evaporative cooler draws outside air into specially made pads soaked with water, where the air is
cooled by evaporation, then circulated into your home.
Your MasterCool evaporative cooler has been designed to provide more efficient, consistent cooling
through use of a long-life MasterCool pad. It is a cellulose fiber treated with stiffening and wetting agents
to provide the most reliable evaporative pad ever devised.
Your cooler has two modules - wet and dry - which may be separated for service and cleaning, and
incorporates the most reliable components for long, trouble-free life.
REQUIRED: A special MasterCool motor kit is necessary for installation.
Model Number
Serial Number
The model and serial numbers for your unit
are located on the data plate attached to your cooler.
Record this information in the space allotted above.
This product covered by City of Los Angeles
Research Reports RR930224 (for all single
phase applications), or RR930190 (for 3 phase
applications) Electrical, and RR8141 Mechani-
cal. Copies of these reports are available from
the manufacturer upon request.
MasterCool" II, 1
Installation and Start-Up ............................................................ ................................
Mounting and Securing ....................................................................... 3
Electrical Connections ........................................................................ 3
Grounding ............................................................. '.............................. 3
Installing Motor ................................................................................... 3
Installing Overflow Standpipe and Drain Line ...................................... 4
Connecting Water Supply ................................................................... 4
Faucet Use ......................................................................................... 4
Adjusting Water Level and Float Valve ............................................... 4
Installing Bleed-Off ............................................................................. 4
Installing Float Shield ......................................................................... 4
Maintenance Schedule
Annual Start-Up/Shut-Down ............................................................... 5
Required Exhaust Openings ............................................................... 5
Pre Start-Up Inspection ...................................................................... 5
Periodic Inspection ............................................................................. 5
Checklist ............................................................................................. 5
Cabinet Cleaning & Touch-Up ............................................................ 5
Scratches & Bare Metal ...................................................................... 5
Changing Pad ..................................................................................... 5
Adjusting Belt Tension ........................................................................ 6
Lubrication .......................................................................................... 6
Cleaning Water Pump ........................................................................ 6
Snugging Down Set Screws and Nuts ................................................ 6
Washing Pad ...................................................................................... 6
Parts Replacement
Motor .................................................................................................. 6
Pump .................................................................................................. 6
Float .................................................................................................... 6
Bleed-Off ........................................................................................... 6
Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................ 7
Getting the most from your cooler ...................... t................................................... 7
Maintenance ....................................................................................... 7
Add-On Coolers .................................................................................. 7
Insulation ............................................................................................ 7
Multi-Speed Motor .............................................................................. 7
Attic Vents .......................................................................................... 7
Thermostat Control .......................................................................... 3,7
2•MastetCooP II
Installation. and Start-Up
Read carefully before =nstalhng your MasterCo'bl evaporative cooler.
To install the unit the following tools are
•5132" hax key allen wrench
Channel locks
•Adjustable wrenches
Tubing cutter
114"Socket wrench
•7/16" Socket wrench
Before attempting to install the cooler,
make sure the following preparations have
been made:
•Assure that the mounting sudace is
strong enough to bear the weight of the
cooler when in use; remember that
when the system fillswith water, the
cooler will be much heavier than when
dry. The operating weight for MC units is
250 pounds, and for HC units is 295
Make sure you have adequate means
for liftingthe cooler in place.
Make sure the mounting sudt_ceis level
in all directions.
•Make sure any ductworkandelectrical
and federalcodes.
Caution: Aft electrical in-
stallations must comply
with local buflding and
safety codes, and must be
performed by qualified
personnel only. ,
The blower module and the media module
can be separated before mounting by re-
moving tour bolts and one sh_ppingscrew
-see drawing below.
Placement and Securing
The duct opening for the 63/64 units
should be about 20" x 20"+ The cooler
discharge opening for these models is
19-3/4 x 19-3/4". For the 43/44 units the
duct opening should be about 18" x
15". The cooler discharge opening for
these models is 17-3/4" x 17-3/4".
If the cooler is to be mounted on the roof,
construct a suitable roof stand to support
the entire weight of the cooler. (The roof
jack or ducting should NOT be used to
support any weight of the unit). For models
MC63 or MC64 our #785 leg kit, sold sepa-
rately as an accessory, willadequately sup-
port the unit and secure it to the roof. For
High-Performance models HC43. HC44.
HC63 and HC64 we recommend that a full
stand be constructed in such a manner as
to support the entire perimeter of the
cooler. A leg kit only may not provide
adequate support for these mode!s due to
their increased size and weight.
Place the cooler over the roof jack and
position so that it is level. Carefully seal
the space between the roof jack and bot-
tom of cooler with caulking compound,
silicone, asphalt or industrial sealing
tape to prevent air leakage, Then care-
fully seal the roof jack to roof with asphalt
or caulking compound to prevent air leak-
age from cooler or rain water from leaking
into mot. (See Figure 1). There should be
24 inches clearance on all sides of the
cooler for maintenance.
For maximum cooling performance
and even water distribution, the cooler
must be level. The base of the cooler
at the drain fitting should have at least
4" clearance to allow drain installation.
Electrical Connections
For the convenience of thermostat con-
trol, we recommend installing a
MasterStat TM Universal Cooler Control
Kit, Model CC1000A. Complete installa-
tion instructions are furnished with the
CC1000A Kit. For electrical connections
to arotary wall switch, use the following
Locate the junction box installed inthe dry
module. Junction box is to be installed
with the receptacle facing away from
the pad. Make certain all electrical cords
are clear of the belt, water, pulleys and
blower wheel. Note that there ere two
plug-ins, one for the motor and one for the
pump. The building power supply must be
connected to this iunction box to provide
power to the motor and pump. The wiring
diagram in Figure 1 shows how the junc-
lion box receptacle should be connected
to the power supply. Make sure contro
switch and circuit breaker are in the OFF
position. Low voltage electrical supply
(below 105 V) may cause insufficient
water supply to pad,
®Caution: Turn off afi elec-
trical power to the cooler
before attempting to in-
stall, open, or service
your cooler.
Install a ground wire to suitable ground
according to local codes.
Install Motor
NOTE: A special MesterCool motor kit
Is necessary for installation due to the
custom designed receptacle In the
junction box.
1. Adjust motor cradle spacing.
2. Place motor in cradle (see Figure 2).
3, Place straps over each end, connect to
cradle and tighten.
4, Align sheave (motor pulley) with blower
pulley by moving sheave in and out on
motor shaft until visual alignment is
achieved. Tighten alignment set screw
to 125 in-lbs. Do not adjust to the point
where the motor sheave comes in con-
tact withthe motor face plate (see Figure
2). Belttensionshould be ad usted so the
beltwi defect 1/21o3/4 nchatthecenter
of the span per Figure 3. Re-adjust belt
tension after any pulley adjustment. Re-
place worn or damaged belts.
F/gure 3
Figure t
MasterCoot _I/, 3
Caution: Disconnect all
electrical power to the
cooler and insure that belt
is not rotating before ad-
justing belt tension. Do
not adjust belt tension by
changing dlamefer of ad-
justable sheave. Adjust
belt tension only by ad-
justing motor brackeL
Rotate blower wheel by hand to see that it
moves freely without rubbing against
Check motor mountinq to be sure all
screws and nuts are tightened down.
If cooler is connected to ductwork, air
delivery and motor amperage will be de-
creased due to increased duct resistance.
To compensate for this, the motor pulley is
adjusted out or in. using an ammeter to
check motor amperage. For maximum air
flow check motor amperage with all ser-
vice panels in place. To prevent overload-
ing of the motor, check amperage with all
windows and doors open and all relief
systems operating. Tighten pulley set
screw to 125 in-lbs.
A qualified serviceman is required to ad-
just motor before start-up.
Caution: Do not exceed
maximum amperage out-
put as stamped on the mo-
tor specification plate or
motor can overload. Only
qualified persons with proper electrical
equipment and knowledge should ad-
just variable pitch sheaves. Do not allow
water to get on the motor, as it will burn
out the windings.
Note on multi-speed switches: A switch
with separate terminals for the pump is
Install Overflow
Standpipe and Drain Line
Install overflow drain bushing in bottom
wet section on the rightside. Screw plastic
overflow standpipe into the drain bushing
and tighten snugly. Slide rubber washer
over drain bushing, push through bottom
of cooler, and tighten nut, Connect a per-
manent drain (copper/pvc/garden hose) to
the drain bushing for draining the unit and
overflow protection. Drain should be in
accordance with local plumbing codes.
4 • MesterCooP II
Connect Water Supply
Connect water line to cooler as follows:
•A water valve should be installed at a
convenient location, to allow the water
supply to be turned onand off. 1/4"tubing
is used to provide water to the cooler. A
water connector kit, availubte from your
dealer provides the necessary items.
•Install float valve in the side panel of the
wet section opposite the pump.
• Place tube nut and ferrule over end of
• Insert tube into float valve, and tighten to
qOTE: Soft water equipment should not be
mttached to any water lines going "to a
ooler. "Soft Water" will cause corrosion
md decrease effective life of cooler.
Figure $
Fasten 1/4 inch water supply line to cooler
stand using tubing clamp and self-drilling
screw. Locate tubing clamp 18 inches or
less from water supply line entry into cabi-
net. (See Figure 5A)
1/4" WATER
Faucet Use
Connect water line to water supply, as fol-
lows (refer to Figure 6).
•Install a sillcock and water valve on
faucet, as shown. Place tubing nut and
ferrule on tube end and insed in valve.
Tighten nuts on valve and tube.
l( faucet is not to be used for water supply,
installvalve on water line to be used. Follow
instructions above for securing tubing to
Figure 6 .,_,_ |t_--TUBING FROM
FAUCET , • "
vW',v .
Adjusting Water Level
and Float Valve
Fill reservoir as follows:
• Turn water supply on. Check for good
pressure and flow from float valve.
•When float valve shuts off. check water
level. Water level should be from 1/2 to
1 inch below top edge of overflow
standpipe. Itmay be necessary to adjust
float valve by bending the rod (refer to
Figure 5).
•Check reservoir and all connections for
Install Bleed-Off
A bleed-off system is provided with your
MastsrCoo| cooler. We recommend the
bleed-off be installed and maintained
while operating this unit. Its purpose is to
eliminate a small quantity of water from
recirculatlon thus reducing scale build-up.
Rgure 7 Install bleed-off as
•Install 1/4" black
plastic tubing into
pump as shown in
Figure 7.
•Insert smaller
black plastic
tubing into 114"
tubing as shown
in Figure 7.
Adjust bleed-off by shortening smalltube to
get the proper bleed rate shown below.
Disposal of bleed-off water shouldcomply
with local codes. Use of chemical additives
or any water treatment otherthan bleed-off
is not recommended for thiscooler. Failure
to use the bleed-off with MasterCool pad
greatly increases the mineral deposits and
reduces the expected life of the
MasterCool pad. and could result in early
replacement of pad at your expense.
Motor Hp Seconds to fill
1/2 100
3/4 80
1/2 80
3/4 65
3i4 70
1,0 60
314 60
1.0 50
Install Float Shield
• Install shield overfloat valve as shown in
F)gure 8.
•Loop of cotter pin fits into hole in shield.
• Cotter pin loop and hole must face
MasterCool pad.
Required Exhaust
Using standard CFM ratings, a common [[_.L_
method of determining how much to open
doors or windows for proper exchange is:
2 square feet per 1000 CFM.
Pre-Start-Up Inspection
Assure that:
•Cooler mounting is level; duct is sealed.
•Cabinet issecurely fastennd to mounting.
•Cooler cabinet is grounded. Electrical
connections are safe and secure.
•Motor, pump, and float installed. Motor
and pump plugged into junction box.
•Pump impeller turns freely. Remove pump
and basket. Remove impeller cover (see
FigurelO and spin the impeller to assure
free rotation).
•Water line connectedsecurelywithout
leaks.Water supplyturnedon.
• Floatadjusted forproperwater level.
•Blower, shaft, collar, and pulley set bolts
are snug (do not overllghtan pulley boll).
•Pulley alignment okay; belt tension okay
(see page 3 for instructions).
•Blowerbearingsare lubricated.Filloilcup
withagoodgrade SAE 2OWor30W oil
•Pad is pre-soaked. Check to see that
pump starts and pad is evenly Wet.
•Open windows or vents in house.
•In case of trouble in any oi these stag_,
refer to the Troubleshooting Chad on
page 7.
Caution: Never operate unit
with service panels, pad
or inlet _ter removed This
will result In am overloaded
€ondition and may damage
the blower motor.
Periodic Inspection
In addition to the planned maintenance
schedule, regular inspection of your
MasterCool cooler willenhance the chance
for longtrouble-free service life.
Check for leaks
0Is cooler level?
0Are there dry spots on the pad when
cooler is in operation?
CI Does blower turn freely?
0Is there 25 Ibs. tension (models 63/64)
20 It=. tension (models 43/44) on drive
0 Are bolts, nuts, and set screws snug?
0Is float set correctly?
0Is water pan clean?
Cabinet Cleaning and
The cabinet and all internal parts except
blower and drives are fumlehed with ahard
appliance-type Polybond• coating. This
surface is highly resistant to scale and cor-
rosion. A soft cloth, warm water, and a mild
cleanser will bdng all surfaces back to like
new appearance. Avoidsteel wool or sand-
paper in normal cleaning of the cabinet.
Scratches and Bare Metal
In the unlikely event that scratches or bare
metal areasoccur, sand orrub the area with
steel wool to prepare the finish. Paint with
standard paint or touch-up paint available
through your dealer.
Changing Pad
This should be done after 5 years or if
passages are clogged.
NOTE: Hosing off inlet face of pad can
unclog passages of dust, and minerals ac-
cumulated there. Light ecrapinge of the in-
take edges of the pad will not harm its
openings and will remove more stubborn
Caution: Avoid splashing
water on blower motor.
•Remove wet section top.
• Remove water distdbutor assembly,
disconnecting hose.
•Lift out used pad sections.
•Replace wllh new MastarCool pad only,
available from your dealer. Aspen and
other evaporative pads WILL NOT
Maintenance Schedule
Regular maintenance is akey to long successful service of your MasterCool cooler. The selvice schedule willhelp you maintain an efficient
unit with good appearance.
Changing pad (p. 5) At beginning of 6th
year or if passages
are blocked.
Cleaning & touch-up (p. 5) X
Cleaning water pump (!o.6) X
Lubrication (p. 6) X
Adjusting bell tehsion (p. 6) X As needed
Periodic inspection (p. 5) Duringcoolingseason Duringcoolingseason
Snugging downset screws & nuts(p. 6) X
Adjustingblend-off(p. 4) X
Washing down pad with hose (p. 6) X
Drain allwater lines to and from the
cooler to prevent freezing X
Your MastarCoolII cooler'swater reser-
voirisfinishedwitha Polybond®appliance
type finish. It is so hard, asphalt type
coolerundercoatwillnotstickto it.Under-
coat will break free and clog pump and
water distributor.
Do not use cooler cleaners,
cooler treatments, or other
additives in this evaporative
cooler. The use of any of
these products will void your
warranty and may impair the
life of your evaporative cooler.
MasterCooP II* 5
Adjust Belt Tension
Each time you inspect your cooler, be sure to
check belt tension on motor/blower assem-
bly. Check belt condition and replace it if
frays or defects appear: Check alignment of
blower pulley with motor pulley.
Blower shaft bearings need periodic lubri-
cation. The oil cups on the blower shaft
bearings should be filled with a good grade
SAI= 20W or30W oilwhen necessary. Under
normal use, oiling is required every three
months of operation. DO NOT OVER OIL.
The pump and blower motor do not require
Four Rgure 9
Cleaning Water Pump
Disassemble and clean water pump as
•Disconnect pump from electrical box.
• Remove pump
•To Prevent breakage, carefully release
the four snap-out tabs, and lift impeller
base plate from the pump body.
•Using a mild detergent solution, wash
all deposits from inside around impeller
and impeller base plate.
•Spin impeller to dislodge any foreign
• Rinse and reinstall impeller base.
•Reinstall pump.
•Make sure to usa a pump screen or
basket. Check to sea if old one needs
replacing due to clogging
®Caution: Do not allow pump
to topple over and become
submerged; water will
damage pump motor.
Snugging Down Set
Screws and Nuts
Location of set screws and hardware that
should be snugged down.
•Pulley set screw (150 in-lbs)
•Blower set screws (150 in-lbs)
•Wet and dry module connection bolts
Washing Pad
Annually, mineral a.ccumulation and dust
should be washed off the intake sudsce of
the pad. Use garden hose and nozzle. A
paint scrapper may be used to remove hard-
ened scale from edges of intake passages in
Parts Replacement
Removingold motor
•Unplugfromjuncflonbox-4 pinplug
•Loosenalignmentset_:mw on
motorpuney(onmotorsideof pulley)
andmmevebaitand motorpulley,
•Pul motorfrombrackets,
Replacing motor
new motor,
Removing old pump
•Disconnectpowerto cooler.
•Unplugfromju_ box(3pinping),
• Unscrewpumpbracket.
Replacing pump
•Remove impeller base plate at
bottom or pump by releasing tour
•Spin impeller to assure free
•Reinstall impeller base plata.
•Clean old pump basket or replace.
•Race pump in basket.
•Attach bracket to cabinet.
•Connect pump plug to junction
box (3 pin receptacle).
•Connect pump hose to hose
Removal of old bleed-off
•Replace bleed lineif necessary.
Installation of bleed-off
•To installbleed linetopumpsee
Rgere 7.
• Bleedllneshouldfilla 12ounse
•Adjustblasd rate by shoriening
Removing old float
•Removenutand ferrulefrom
• Removelockwasherand nutfrom
•Liftfloatout o! cabineL
Replacing or installing float
•Secure nutand lockwasher
holdingfloatto cabinet.
of tubing.
•Inserttubeintofloat valveand
tightento secure.
•Turnon lauoatallowingwater to
•Fill from1/2 to I inchbelowtop
edge of overflewstandpipe.
•Adjustfloatball by banding the
float arm witha pairol pliersto
achieve correctangle.
Symptom Possible Causes
•Unit fells to Itart of deliver NO elactrlcal power io unit
Ilr • Fuse blown
•_N breaker_ed
•Co_s) damagedor
•Bel toolooseor too tlgnt
•M_ cve_ andfrozen
• Blowerwileelbeadngsd_y
• Fauly wiriogm _lofts
•ff condition_s, can
• PlugIn co_ or replaceIf
• Adjust_n ten_
• Replace motor
• Adjustbel tensionorreplace
• Us_g =nm_ef, adlua
rnolcrio lull bad amps(see
• cal einctddan
•Unit lUlrts but eir delivery
_ _ s_e_ Uexheu_
Be4ioo bose
alum windows or doors to
Usingamm_er,aclu_ motorto
AdJu_be#lanslonm replaceN
•I_dequete cooling _lao ex_uM In house,
Insufnclari w_. liow Io pad. pad
_'_n h_ _
•Loose¢o_¢fk_ In_ler
• _ b_fl w_
O_oen w_dows or door to
InceNse ventliollon.
AdJusl to direct air as _slmd.
Check water Q_n wstem
•Rinseorrep_ce pad
•C_ _Ins
•U_ pump.Cban Im_Uer
_ofaNfo_ m_er
•Checkfor leeksand corre_
•Rasel orreplacebleed-offkit
•.ot_ cycles on and off Exceesk,e b_dllenslon
•Blow_ •heirtighto_frozen
Incormd sheaveadjustment
P_eys mba_gned
_panels, pador Inio_liter
•Lubrk:atebk)werbeadngs and
Correct-donot exceedname
Neveroperateu_t withsauce
paneb,pador'_et flllarremoved.
INs wiNresultIn anevade•bed
€o_dl_ andmaydamagemeier.
• Wear dmlnl_ from • FIO_[arm Improperly • Ad_sl
overflow standpipe e_Justed
• ,_-_eatio IInatvalveleak_g * _lanai',_ve
•_r_t_ ._e_
•Knocking or banging Bearings dr/ Lubd_e blowerbea/_lgs
sound • Wbeelrul_r,gt_v,w * Irebedblowxabet.eol_,
hous_orro_k_o_beJ_ce _ e_ puky.N_vner_an_
• L_ • R_o_ _d
•Blower shakes or rattles Bck or pulley loose Inspectbelland ad_ I needed.
•Excessive humldl_ In _a_e e_lau_ Op_ _x_ Or_ la
harms vengei_on.
i Mu_y or unpleasant odor _ain _ s_ wal_ In _oir Dm_ Ilush and dean re_wo_
•Pad _ldewed orclogged • Checkbleed-_ seeing
• Pad notcomplatel)'v_t beiore D_ypadanclbogotapan
coolerIsturnedon * Turnonwale_beioms_adlngu_
• Newpad * NOTE:Themwillbeasl_l ode€"
noticedonInNlaJs_-up. Tbeodo¢
dayso_opera_bnI bleedolfIs used.
Getting the most
from your cooler
Your evaporative cooler is a finely crafted, eco-
nomically operating unit built on decades of
know-how and reseamh. It serves as the head of
an overall air cooling and moving system for your
home. But there are a number of ways you can
maximize the comfort, efficiency, economy and
convenience of your total cooling system.
Regular maintenance as recommended in this
manual, is essential for cooling comfort, extend-
ing the life of your cooler, and avoiding unneces-
se_/pads replacements. Start-up and shutdown
servicing should never be ovedooked.
Add-On Coolers
Coolers come in a wide array of sizes, horse-
power, and capacities, suitable forpatio, garage,
guestroom, and so fodh, More than one cooler in
asingle home improves the cooling effective-
ness of the system. Owners of refrigerated air
conditioning have found that the addition of an
evaporative cooler vastly reduces their electric
Once your cooler forces cooled air into your
home and pushes the hot air out, good insulation
around your ductwork will keep the air as cool as
possible. Whola-house insulation will prevent
heat from seeping in and will also improve cool-
ing comfort.
Multi-Speed Motor
The cooling rate can be controlled by increasing
and reducing the amount of cooled air blowninto
your home. Two-speed motors allow you to use
higher speeds during the hottest pad ofthe day,
lower speeds for milder temperatures.
Attic Vents
By exhausting cool air through the attic, you can
reduce the temperature of this hotspot and make
your home more comfodable.
Thermostat Control
The addition of automatic control makes your
system convenient and efficient. We recommend
the MasterStat TM, Model CC1000A, Universal
Evaporative Cooler Thermostat and Control Kit.
MasterCooP I1.7
AdobeAir, Inc. * 500 S. 15th Street • Phoenix, AZ85034
L411004A • 1/96