AEG Identifikationssysteme AREDT1LF-1 RFID reader User Manual Installation Guide ARE DT1 LF 09 A17

AEG Identifikationssysteme GmbH RFID reader Installation Guide ARE DT1 LF 09 A17

User Manual

Installation Guide
Rev 09
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 4
2 STARTUP AND TESTING THE READER ...................................................................... 5
3 AEG ID INSTRUCTION SET .......................................................................................... 5
3.1 General ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
3.1.1 Entering instructions .......................................................................................................................... 6
3.1.2 Output format .................................................................................................................................... 6 Instruction specific output ........................................................................................................... 6 Output after changing a parameter .............................................................................................. 6 Output at parameter query ........................................................................................................... 7
3.1.3 Blank instuction ................................................................................................................................. 7
3.1.4 Incorrect instruction / error codes ....................................................................................................... 7
3.1.5 Upper and lower case ......................................................................................................................... 8
3.1.6 Linefeed ............................................................................................................................................. 8
3.2 Instructions for the hardware settings........................................................................................................ 9
3.2.1 BD – baudrate .................................................................................................................................... 9
3.2.2 EC – Echo .......................................................................................................................................... 9
3.2.3 LED – LED control .......................................................................................................................... 10
3.2.4 RST – reset ...................................................................................................................................... 10
3.2.5 HF – Antenna field ........................................................................................................................... 11
3.2.6 HID – human interface device/keyboard ............................................................................................ 12
3.2.7 KL – keyboard language ................................................................................................................... 13
3.2.8 VER – version .................................................................................................................................. 13
3.3 Instructions for reading settings .............................................................................................................. 14
3.3.1 CID – suppression of ID Codes .......................................................................................................... 14
3.3.2 CN – suppression of No Reads .......................................................................................................... 15
3.3.3 NID – Failure Protection .................................................................................................................. 16
3.3.4 INIT – initialization ......................................................................................................................... 16
3.3.5 LAA – LED automatic activity .......................................................................................................... 17
3.3.6 TSC – time show code ...................................................................................................................... 17
3.3.7 TOR – maximum reading time .......................................................................................................... 18
3.3.8 VSAVE – variables save ................................................................................................................... 18
3.3.9 VS – variables show ......................................................................................................................... 19
3.3.10 SA – algorithm selection................................................................................................................... 19
3.4 General reading instructions .................................................................................................................... 20
3.4.1 GT – get tag ..................................................................................................................................... 20
3.4.2 MD – mode of operation ................................................................................................................... 20
3.4.3 Basic data exchange process ............................................................................................................. 20
3.4.4 RD – read page ................................................................................................................................ 21
3.4.5 WD – write page .............................................................................................................................. 22
4 OPERATING MODES OF THE READER ...................................................................... 23
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4.1 MD 2 - triggered by an software command .............................................................................................. 23
4.2 MD 0 - continuous reading ...................................................................................................................... 24
5 INSTRUCTIONS .......................................................................................................... 25
6 FCC INFORMATION .................................................................................................... 26
7 HOTLINE ..................................................................................................................... 27
8 REVISIONS ................................................................................................................. 27
Rev 09
1 Introduction
This document describes the RFID-reading device ARE DT1 LF and the set-up procedure.
The main features of the reader are listed below:
integrated USB interface selectable either communications port (similar RS232) or HID
USB powered (no external supply voltage necessary)
compact design
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2 Startup and testing the reader
Connect the reader with the USB interface from your notebook or pc
The reader is supplied via the USB interface. The supply differs depending on the used port. To
reach the maximal reading distance a powerfull supply is essential. A USB hub with its own
power supply can deliver this.
In the device manager there will appear a new device (AEG ID Communications Port)
In the brackets you see the port number of the device (e.g. COM5)
Open the “Demo Terminal“ on the CD
Open the menu “Settings”
You have to set the following settings: baud rate 19200 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, ,
no flow control.
Send the command „VER <CR>“ to the reader. The reader answers with the actual firmware
version (e.g. AEG ID Multi-ISO V2.034).
Send the command “MD <SP> 0 <CR>” to the reader. The reader sends No Read messages
(XXXXXXXX), while there is no transponder in the antenna field available (if CN parameter ist
0). If there is a transponder present in the antenna field the reader sends its serial.
3 AEG ID instruction set
3.1 General
The command set described below defines the transfer of data on the serial interface.
The commands consist of a command code and optionally of a parameter value. Commands are ter-
minated by the control character <CR> (0Dh). The control character serves as command line termi-
Command codes and parameters,including all letters and numerical values, are principally transmit-
ted as a sequence of ASCII characters (the value 255 (decimal) consequently as 32H, 35H, 35H; the
command RST as 52H, 53H, 54H).
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3.1.1 Entering instructions
The protocol format is as follows
Command <SP> parameter <CR>
The space character <SP> separates commands from parameters and the <CR> character acts as
command line terminator.
For commands without parameter values (e.g. GT ) the <SP> character and parameter values are
omitted. The command line is as short as this:
Command <CR>
3.1.2 Output format
Generally, every input terminated by <CR> is acknowledged by the reader. The following response
protocols are different: Instruction specific output
After entering a valid command without a parameter value, the system answers by sending the param-
eter value and <CR>. Example:
Command: GT <CR>
Output: Transponder number or No Read <CR> Output after changing a parameter
After entering a valid command together with a parameter value, the system answers by sending the
parameter value and <CR>. Example:
Command: MD <SP> 2 <CR>
Output: 2 <CR>
After entering an invalid parameter value, the system answers with the corresponding error code. Error
Command: MD <SP> 4 <CR>
Output: NAK <SP> #02 <CR>
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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------7/27-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Output at parameter query
Parameter settings can be queried by sending the command without adding a parameter value. Exam-
Command: MD <CR>
Output: 2 <CR>
3.1.3 Blank instuction
If a single <CR> is input, the reader answers with a single <CR>. Example:
Command: <CR>
Output: <CR>
3.1.4 Incorrect instruction / error codes
If a command is not entered correctly, the reader sends one of the following error codes:
NAK #00 <CR> unknown command
NAK #02 <CR> wrong parameter
NAK #10 <CR> antenna failure
XXXXXXXX <CR> no read
ACK no error/acknowledge
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3.1.5 Upper and lower case
The instruction set isn’t case-sensitiv.
3.1.6 Linefeed
The reader does never send a linefeed. If you use a terminal program it can add the linefeed. You have to
choose the option “displace CR with CR LF”.
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3.2 Instructions for the hardware settings
3.2.1 BD – baudrate
The command BD enables the change of the baud rate. The settings are directly effective.
Input format: BD <SP> parameter <CR>
Output (example): 2 <CR>
3.2.2 EC – Echo
The EC command allows to change the echo function.
Input format: EC <SP> parameter <CR>
0 Echo off
1 Echo on
Output (example): 0 <CR>
0 4800 baud
1 9600 baud
2 19200 baud
3 38400 baud
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3.2.3 LED – LED control
With the command LED you can control the LED ring of the ARE DT1.
Input format: LED <SP> parameter <CR>
Output (example): 1 <CR>
0 off
1 on
2 Buzzer beeps,
LEDs flash
final state =initial
3.2.4 RST – reset
With the command RST the reader does a warmstart and loads the saved settings from the internal
EEPROM. The antenna field is off after the reset.
Input format: RST <CR>
Output (example): ACK <CR>
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3.2.5 HF – Antenna field
With the command HF, the antenna field can be set or reset manually.
Input format: HF <SP> parameter <CR>
0 Switch off antenna field (this stops automatic mode)
1 Switch on antenna field (this stops automatic mode)
2 Automaticmode, the antenne field is activated by reader to
comunicate with the transponder, afterwards it is switched off
automatically. Therefore it is not compatible with the pass-
word mode.
The reader answers with the adopted antenna mode.
Input (examplel): HF <SP> 2 <CR>
Output: 2 <CR>
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3.2.6 HID – human interface device/keyboard
The command switches the interface ether to HID or RS232 emulation.
Input format: HID <SP> parameter <CR>
Output (example): 0 <CR>
0 RS232 emulation, COM port
1 HID interface, keyboard
You have to unplug the device and plug the device in again to use the new setting. Don’t forget to use the
command VSAVE to save the new setting.
If the reader is in HID mode, you can not send any commands to the device. Because of that you have to
use the Set-Up card – interface to switch the reader back from HID mode to serial interface mode.
1. Plug out the reader
2. Place card no reader
3. Plug in reader into USB-port
4. Wait for the beep tone from reader
5. Plug out reader
6. Remove card from reader
7. Plug in reader into USB port
8. Reader starts using the serial interface
The Set-Up card – interfeace is a EM4305 transponder with data content 0x31D6B82E on page 3,
0x0006008F on page 4 and the password 0x25F8AB6D.
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3.2.7 KL – keyboard language
With the command KL you can configure the language of the keyboard in HID mode.
Input format: KL <SP> parameter <CR>
Output (example): 07 <CR>
07 german
09 englisch
0A spanish
0C french
10 italien
13 dutch
16 portuguese
4B canadian
3.2.8 VER – version
With the command VER the reader sends the actual firmware version.
Input format: VER <CR>
Output (example): AEG ID V1.22 <CR>
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3.3 Instructions for reading settings
3.3.1 CID – suppression of ID Codes
In the MD0 mode with CID=1 only the first of in succession identical transponder numbers is output
on the serial interface. The possibly following identical transponder numbers are suppressed, as long
as no new valid transponder number is received, processed and output. The get tag command is not
influenced by this command. NoReads do not influence the data filtering. The leds are not influenced
by this command.
Input format: CID <SP> parameter <CR>
Output (example): 0 <CR>
0 No suppression
1 Suppression of equal transponder numbers
Example: A, B, C are different transponder codes, N is NoRead error code:
Sequence of reading cycles Output sequence
after filtering with
CN=0 und CID=1
Output sequence
after filtering with
CN=1 und CID=1
N, N, ......,N, A, A, A, ....A, N,N,
N, N, ......,N, A, N,
N, .......
N. N, N, A, A, A, N, A, A, B, A,
C, C, C, .......
N. N, N, A, N, B,
A, C, .....
A, B, A, C
The settings are directly effective.
Note: The internal reference number is deleted in the following conditions:
after a cold start
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after a warm start (command line RST <CR>)
after entering the command line CID <SP> 1 <CR>
This causes that the next transponder code is output definitely.
Note: The filter function CID picks up the results of the complete reading cycles, while the parameter
NID proceeds from the results of single readings! The filter function CID has effect on the serial in-
terface only.
3.3.2 CN – suppression of No Reads
Through the setting CN=1 the NoRead results after a get tag command or in MD0 mode are sup-
pressed on the serial interface. The leds are not influenced by this command.
Input format: CN <SP> parameter <CR>
Output (example): 0 <CR>
0 No suppression
1 Suppression of equal transponder numbers
Rev 09
3.3.3 NID – Failure Protection
NID specifies the number of identical transponder numbers, which have to appear for the result “suc-
cessful reading“ within a reading cycle. In the setting NID = 1, two successive readings have to show
the same transponder number.
Input format: NID <SP> parameter <CR>
0 One out of one
1 Two out of two
Output (example): 1 <CR>
Sequence of readings Lenght of the read-
ing cycle
Result of the read-
ing cycle
NoRead 1 reading NoRead
0000125ED1, 0000125ED1 2 readings 0000125ED1
0000125ED1, 0000126ED1 2 readings NoRead
3.3.4 INIT – initialization
With the command INIT all paramters of this command set are set to the default values. After that
you can save the settings with the command VSAVE.
Input format: INIT <CR>
Output (example): ACK <CR>
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3.3.5 LAA – LED automatic activity
The leds can be controlled by the reader or over the interface. You can set it up with the command LAA.
If the reading settings CN=1, CID=1, CE=1 (when SI=0), MD=0 and LAA=0 are set, the reader beeps
and flashes after successful reading. This setting makes sense when reader is used with HID setting.
Input format: LAA <SP> parameter <CR>
Output (example): 0 <CR>
0 controlled by reader
1 manual controlling
Note: If automatic LED control is active (LAA = 1), it delays processing
the following command until switching the LED is over. If several
reading or writing accesses to the transponder are planed, switch this
function off (LAA = 0).
3.3.6 TSC – time show code
With the command TSC you can define the time in ms, after that the transpondercode is shown again,
when the CID parameter is set to 1. If TSC is 00, the code is not shown a second time.
Input format: TSC <SP> parameter <CR>
Input format (example): TSC <SP> 30 <CR>
Output (example): 30 <CR> => 30 * 100ms = 3000ms = 3 seconds
00 TSC is not active
01..FF TSC time - in 100ms steps
Rev 09
3.3.7 TOR – maximum reading time
TOR is the timeout time for the reader. TOR is used in operation mode 2 as maximum gating time for
a reading process. The length of the maximum gating time results from the equation gating_time =
The time constant TB (time base) has always the default value 100ms.
Input format: TOR <SP> parameter <CR>
Output (example): 05 <CR>
3.3.8 VSAVE – variables save
With the command VSAVE the following parameters are saved to the internal EEPROM:
Input format: VSAVE <CR>
Output (example): ACK <CR>
1 just available in the ISO 14443A standard
2 just available in the ISO 15693 standard
00h limits the reading process duration of exactly one reading cycle
01h..FFh limits the reading process duration to maximum 1..256 times
Rev 09
3.3.9 VS – variables show
With the command VS the reader shows the settings of the following parameters:
Input format: VS <CR>
Output (example): BD <SP> 0 <SP>
3.3.10 SA – algorithm selection
With the command SA the algorithm can be selected. Depending on the algorithm, the reader adapts its
communication to the transponder suitable for the chip type respectively data format that shall be used.
With parameter 0 ~ algorithm 14 ~ EM4305, EM4569 transponders additional commands to read and
write selective (RD, WD) are available. With parameter 1 ~ algorithm 5 ~ ISO FDX format there are
specific commands as well. This algorithm specific commands are listed in the “Addon_A..” documents.
Input format: SA<SP>parameter<CR>
Output (example): 1<CR>
0 A14 ~ EM4305, EM4569
1 A5 ~ ISO FDX
Rev 09
3.4 General reading instructions
3.4.1 GT – get tag
The instruction GT executes one reading and sends back the transponder code of a transponder or the No
Read error code (e.g. „FFFFFFFFFF“ oder „XXXXXXXXXX“).
Input format: GT <CR>
Output (example): 0420212E5F <CR>
3.4.2 MD – mode of operation
There a two modes of operation available. It is possible, that the reader reads constantly or triggered by
an instruction.
Input format: MD <SP> parameter <CR>
Output (example): 2 <CR>
0 constant reading mode
2 single reading mode
3.4.3 Basic data exchange process
The master has to send an software command to start an read or write process of the reader. After doing
all the necessary work at the readers site, the result of the reading or writing process or an failure code
is sent back to the master.
If there is used an read/write transponder, only the serial number of the transponder will be read if the
basic read command „Get Tag“ („GT <CR>“) is applied.
The data exchange of the whole memory can only be done, if the reader is set to the Mode 2 ( „selective
Read (RD) “ and „write (WD)“).
Rev 09
3.4.4 RD – read page
Start the reader with the command RD plus parameters (plus <CR>). You can read out just one
block (with one parameter) or several blocks (with two parameters, first and last block number).
Wait for the answer
Analyse the received answer: 8 characters plus <CR>. Allowed characters 0 to F.
The NoRead code is set to ( „XXXXXXXX“).
The result of the reading process may also be seen at the LED’s.
LED L2 lit, if there was a successful read.
LED L3 lit, if there was a No Read.
Example: RD <SP> 20 <CR> read block 20
RD <SP> 16 <SP> 33 <CR> read all blocks from 16 to 33
Allowed values (block numbers of the transponder IC):
ALGO 9 (1 kBit; P4150, P4450, P4550) 3 ... 33
ALGO 6 (2 kBit; Hitag 1) 16 ... 63
ALGO 14 (2, 4; kBitEM4305, EM4569) 5 … 15
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3.4.5 WD – write page
The memory of the transponder is organised in blocks, containing 32 bits. The data’s of every single
block must be changed separately.
Start the reader with the command WD plus parameters ( plus <CR>). The sent parameter consists
of the block address and writing data’s (8 ASCII characters).
Wait for the answer
Analyse the received answer: 3 characters plus <CR>.
ACK <CR> Writing process was successful
NAK <CR> Writing process was not successful.
NOT <CR> The response of the transponder was not readable.
The result of the writing process may also seen at the LED’s.
LED L2 lit, if there was a successful write
LED L3 lit, if there was no successful write.
Example: WD <SP> 20 <SP> < 0 1 2 7 A C D F > <CR> write to block 20
Allowed values (block numbers of the transponder IC):
ALGO 9 (1 kBit; P4150, P4450, P4550) 3 ... 33
ALGO 6 (2 kBit; Hitag 1) 16 ... 63
ALGO 14 (2, 4; kBitEM4305, EM4569) 5 … 15
Rev 09
4 Operating modes of the reader
In the AEG instruction set there are two operational modes defined:
MD 0 - continuous mode
MD 2 - the reading process is triggered by the serial interface
In the next capters can you find a detailed functional description.
The default mode is MD 2.
4.1 MD 2 - triggered by an software command
The master sends the command to read a transponder code. The reader answers with the code or an error
You can execute specific commands “Read” (RD) and “Write” (WD) just in mode MD2.
In operating mode 2, the exciter is always turned off. Triggered by the software command (GT; RD;
WD), the exciter is activated. After successful reading or writing of a transponder number the exciter is
turned off automatically.
Figure 9: Software triggered reading operation
If the first reading cycle yields no result (NoRead), the on-time of the exciter is limited by the param-
eter TOR (time out reader): Reading cycles are continuously started until either a transponder is read
successfully or the time span corresponding to the value of the parameter TOR has expired. The read-
er will not interrupt the last running readout cycle. If no transponder number has been read, a
NoRead is output.
reading cycle
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Figure 10: Software triggered reading operation with TOR>0
Please note: The TOR parameter is only active, if the GT-Command is applied. Within the time span
defined by the value of TOR no NoRead will be output on the interface!
4.2 MD 0 - continuous reading
When operating continuously the exciter is switched on permanently. The reading cycles are initiated
After an accomplished reading cycle the reading information is evaluated. After that data (either tran-
sponder number or NoRead code) is output to the serial interface
Figure 11: continuous operation
reading process
reading cycle reading cycle reading cycle
reading cycle
reading cycle reading cycle
Rev 09
5 Instructions
To avoid any reduction of the reading distance of the reader, the reader must not be brought next to a
metal surface (e.g. don’t put metallic sticker to the reader). This could lead to a significant change of
the properties of the antenna circuit, which in turn reduces the reading range considerably or causes
reading holes!
To get reliable readings, the distance between reader and transponder must be within the specified read-
ing volume.
The reading characteristic in front of the reader is not isotropic. It depends also strongly on the orienta-
tion between Reader and Transponder. To get the maximum reading distance, the orientation between
reader and transponder must be well suited.
To get a reliable readings or writings, the time of transponder while crossing the sensitive area of the
antenna must be coordinated to the data transfer characteristics of transponder
In general the time depends on the speed of the transponder, the size of the transponder and the way the
transponder is mounted on the vehicle and must be verified by field tests.
Environmental electromagnetic noise may also reduce the read and write range considerably.
Arrangement to eliminate such troubles must be done specific to the application by the help of engineers
of the manufacturer.
Rev 09
6 FCC Information
Federal Communications Commissions (FCC) Statement
You are cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the part responsible for com-
pliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant
to part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency
energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference
to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can
be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interfer-
ence by one or more of the following measures:
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connect-
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Rev 09
7 Hotline
If there are questions or suggestions please call the hotline:
Sales und Marketing: +49 (0)731-140088-0
Fax: +49 (0)731-140088-9000
8 Revisions
11.01.13 Revision 00: initial edition
30.01.13 Revision 01: chapter 3.3.9 „TSC time show code“ added
chapter 3.6.9 „SF set flag“ added
21.01.13 Revision 02: adapt to LF
20.11.13 Revision 03: ALGO command
10.06.14 Revision 04 A17: SA, NID command
18.09.14 Revision 05 A17: USB power supply (MK)
19.01.15 Revision 06 A17: LAA, note, command delay (MK)
18.05.16 Revision 07 A17: FCC Information (MK)
03.06.16 Revision 08 A17: TSC command description corrections (HL)
17.06.16 Revision 09 A17: FCC Information correction (MK)

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