AGD SYSTEMS AGD340 Portable Non Handheld Enforcement Radar : AGD 340 User Manual

AGD SYSTEMS LTD Portable Non Handheld Enforcement Radar : AGD 340

User Manual

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Date Submitted2008-08-11 00:00:00
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Document TitleUser Manual
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‘i it , I ‘figflt‘é’m' ' DE-rsc'rian
These instructions detail the use and operation checking and verification processes for
of the A603“) radar. This radar has been measurement integrity.
specifically designed for the accurate
measurement of the speeds of passing
vehicles when mounted at the side of the road
for enforcement purposes The radar is
designed to work in conjunction with a host,
photographic based, enforcement system. The
host system may be mobile or fixed location in
The radar is supplied in a black plastic
enclosure which incorporates all the radar
circuitry and processing circuitry to perform the
speed measurement function. The connection
to the radar is via two integral connectors and
mounting is provided by different fixing
facilities on the housing which are dependent
on the radar‘s deployment in application. In
addition LED outputs are provided which
provide a visual indication of the radar‘s status.
The AGD340 is a 24GHz continuous wave
radar which measures speed by the Doppler INTRODUCTION --------
Effect. The radar‘s integral planar antenna DOCUMENT REVISION
forms a narrow beam which is sited at a
predetermined angle across the road. When SPECIFICATIONS .....
vehicles pass through the beam the radar
accurately measures the speed at
approximately 195 readings per second via an
advanced digitising and tracking technique to a
resolution of 0.1Kmlhr.
Details of each vehicle speed measurement
are passed to the host system via a high
speed serial communications interface. The APPENDICES
radar also incorporates a number of self- SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION
/ m,mvmmm_,._m..
mvmw AGD Systems Limiltd
White Lion House. Gloucester Road, Stavertofl. thelienham, Gluucesiershire, GL5| DTF UK
B+44l011452 854212
F: 044 IEII IASZ 854213 E: |nIo@agd-systeivls.€0m
®AGD Systems Ltd 2008. All Hum reserved, Comm“ In mum the lnlcrman‘on Contained In lhIs document is the property MAGD
Systems Ltd, and Is supplied without "ability for errors oromlssions, TAN 018 ~1 Page 1 of 35
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.A|I lights mar/ed. we“ h m, the lmomlaliun contained in Ms document Is me am UVAGD
TAN 018 -|
9 AGD Syms LM 2008
Swans Ltd“ m4 [5 suw|ied wlmom llamy (of! errors or unissbns.
7" Notes
Fine spark finish
Radar Weight 0.80 Kg No mounting cables, connectors or
External 288mm(W) x 112mm(H) x
Dimensions 50mm D
Mounting 1x M10 female thread on lower
Fixings faoe.
8 x 5mm clearance on front flange
Radar 3 pin male bulkhead power Bulgin PX0410/03SI5560
Conneclion conneclor
10 pin male bulkhead data
Radar Labeling Manufacturers Label
Operating ' '
Tern - : ture
Supply Voltage 24V dc S
Bulgin PX0410/088/6065
hould not be powered from a vehicle
when the vehicles engine is running,
otherwise dama-e to the radar ma occuri
Page 3 of 35
©AGD Systems Ltd 2003. All rights reserved. Common” In COM. the informalion contained in (his documenl Is the property of A60
Systems Ltd, and is supplled without] liability lof errors or omrsstons. TAN-018 >1
BAUD command.
25“ “9“ _—
fr- - uenc
Test m—__
-20°C O-erational IEC 68-2-1 Test Ab
IEC 68-2-2 Test Bb
Dry Heat +60°C 0. ; .tiona|
Damp Heat 0 ic 48Hrs 25°C to 40°C 95%RH IEC 68-2-30 Test Db
Free Fall Each top reai corner & each lop IEC 68-2-32 Test Ed
rear face. 1000mm free fall to
Drop and All faces & corners 100mm drop IEC 68-2-31 Test Ec
To- nle
Em- OOOm/S , 2mS Duration IEC 68-2—27 Test Ea
IEC 68—2-34 Test Fd
Random 0.029 I Hz (10-50Hz)
Vibration 0.01921 Hz (so-150m)
000ng Hz (150-500Hz)
Overall RMS 1.589 3Hrs on X.Y,Z
Sinusoidal IEC 68—2-6 Test Fc
ambient before 12Hrs Immersion
Antenna -—_
Dieletric resonator oscillator, DRO —
Horned e leown converter —
Black UV stabilised --l -rbonate —
All was resewad. m“ h W. the lnfommfion mined in ms documenl is me pmpeny MAGD
®AGD SysQems Ltd 2008.
Syslems Lam. and is supplied wllmulllabilily (or ems or omissions.
Fundam entai
Fr : . uenc
Tern perature
<20dBm EIRP
24.1OOGHZ 1 25MHZ
Typically < 100 kHz/°C
Plane polarised with E-Field
4.5 degrees
Venice] 15 degrees
< 1 W EIRP 25 to 22000MHZ
ETSI EN301 489-1
5 - ecification
Radio EMC
S - ecification
FCC 727 8mV/m @3m
See Figure 26 and Figure 27
See Figure 26
”U Desi-nation
The number of speed
measurements made per
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©AGD Systems Ltd 2008. All right
5 reservedv Comma-dd In Cum, the inform
Systems Lia, and is supplied wil
haul Ilabilllyfof errors or missions.
alien contained in (his thallium is the wopeny MAGD
TAN-D18 -1
E 5 Relay
n 0
i P Tampemm
0 LD Senw
r “W wa12
Mom Flash
Bowl Flash
Figure 1 System Hardware Overview
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ied wimoulflabilily hr cm of omissions,
OAGD Systems Ltd 2008.
Systems m, and Is supm
TAN 018 -1
4.1.1 Serial interface. RS485
A UART interface is provided using RS485
voltage levels. The default baud rate for this
interface is 115200. This however maybe
changed using the BAUD command to speeds
of up to 926000. The BAUD command will
store the baud rate into non volatile memory of
the radar ready for the next time the radar
boots. When the radar first boots it will always
use a baud rate of 115200 to report the radar
firmware version and the baud rate that will be
used. it then switches to the new baud rate
and again reports the radar firmware version.
The serial interface default setup during
normal operation is shown in Table 1.
Baud Rate 115200
Parit Bits
Stop Bits
Flow control
Table 1 Default UART Settings
The RS4B5 provides the primary output of the
radar in the form of ASCII messages. These
messages provide speed, beam entry and
beam exit information.
4.1.2 LEDs
The externally visible LED is used to indicate
the radar status, see Table 2.
Table 2 LED Status
mam: mmamnon l maAsunEmrzn‘r l acumen
Three internal LEDs are used to indicate a
target detect. The LED that is illuminated is
dependent on the direction the target is
travelling relative to the radar and whether it is
a double sideband target like a tuning fork.
4.1 .3 Temperature Sensor
A digital temperature sensor has been installed
on the digitiser board. The temperature of the
radar may be requested using the TEMP
4.1.4 Non Volatile Memory
An EEPROM is installed on the board to
provide non volatile memory. The primary use
of this EEPROM is to store configuration and
calibration data.
4.2 Power supply
The radar is powered using a DC voltage in
the range of 9 to 30volts. The radar is polarity
protected using a diode. The radar can take a
very large current doing power up that is of the
order of amps. However, this current only lasts
for ~1 ms and should not affect most
The radar should not be powered from a
vehicle when the vehicles engine is running,
otherwise damage to the radar may occur.
4.2.1 Input Protection
A thermal fuse with a 630mA rating has been
installed to protect against electrical short
circuit fault conditions.
Page 7 of 35
OAGD Systems Ltd 2006. All rights reserved. Comma! in Confidence. the information mined in this document is the property MAGD
Systems Liti, and is supplied without liability to! or
mm or omissions.
commands sent to the radar and
5.1 Overview
The AGD340 radar is a real time radar that
continuously samples the input. The radar
uses a real time operating system that is
continuously performing a number of tasks
simultaneously using a time multiplexing
5.2 Tasks
The radar has a number of key tasks that are
performed in parallel.
- Watch Dog Task
This task has the lowest priority so that
if any other task locks up for any
reason this task will not be run. if this
task is not mn then the radar will reset
itself automatically afler -0.5 seconds.
This task is also used to provide the
heartbeat functionality where a
message is sent over the RS485
approximately every 10 seconds
0 Detection Task
This task performs the detection of
targets. This task waits for the ADC to
complete a block of data collection and
then performs the necessary signal
- Rs485 Handling Task
This task processes data received on
the R8485 connection. it processes
provides appropriate responses.
. Configuration Update Task
The configuration task updates the
radar configuration data once every
minute The main purpose of this task
is to update the lifetime figures for the
5.2.1 Detection Task
This task performs the main functionality of the
radar to detect speeding vehicles using
digitised data from the microwave module.
5.2.2 Target Tracking
The radar FFT target information is split into
approaching, receding and double sideband
The target tracking function only tracks a
single target at a time so when operating in
dual direction mode the function is called
twice, once for each direction. it the double
sideband target detection is turned on the
target tracking function is called again and
passed the double sideband target list.
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O AGD Systems Ltd 2003. Mt rights reserved. Cal-“II Ill Cum, the intonation comined in
Systems Ltd. and Is supplied without liability for em or omissions.
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YHAFFIC , unsnnmm-umn ‘ msASuREmEnr EQuleErfl'
" Ac" '
6.1 Standard Messages
The radar in normal operation produces four standard messages. Each message type is identified by
the MT field, see Figure 2. The four message types are:
01 Beam entry message
02 Valid detect message
03 No deteci message
04 Beam exit message
Flgurs 2 Format for 01, 03 & 04 messages
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OAGD Systems Ltd 2008. All “9M: reserved, Common” h Confidence, lhe informaflon contained in this document is the vaeftycfAGD
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‘01'=Beam Entry
‘03’=No Detect
‘04'=Beam exit
Start of message byte
Message Type
Frame number in hexadecimal
Target identification number in
hexadecimal format
Direction the target is travellingr
R'=Reeeding Target
ouble sideband target
imulated approaching target
‘Y'=Simulated receding target
Target speed to one decimal
place in decimal format
The speed units used for the
‘K’=KPH measurement
"' Asterisk
‘XX' Check sum in hexadecimal
End of messa-e b e
Table 3 Format for 01. 03 NM messages
Figure 3 Format for 02 message
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atien contained In this document lsihe propefiy M AGD
0 AGD Systems Lid 20084 An rights usewed. ml“ In m. the idem
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YFIAFFlt lnrDRmA‘rlcn mEAsuREmEnY l EuuiPmEnY
srx 2
1 Start of message byte
MT 2 ‘02’=Valid detect Message Type
, 1 Comma
Frame 4 XXXX Frame number in hexadecimal format
, 1 Comma
Target 4 XXXX Target identification number in
Number hexadecimal format
, 1 Comma
Direction 1 ‘A'=Approaching Target Direction the target is travelling.
‘R'=Receding Target
‘D‘=Double sideband
‘T'=Simulated Test Target
approaching target
‘Y‘=Simulated receding
, 1 Comma
Speed 5 ‘DDDAD’ Target speed to one decimal place in
decimal format
, 1
U 1 ‘M'=MPH The speed units used for he
‘K’=KPH measurement
, 1
Detection 5 ‘DDDD’ The distance a target has travelled
Distance during detection in metres
, 1
AD 5 ‘DDD.D’ Radar mounting angle in degrees to an
accuracy of one decimal place in decimal
This is the angle the radar uses to
calculate the speed of a target
Sensitivity level the radar is set to
Check sum in hexadecimal format
End of messa-e b e
Table 4 Valid Detect Message Format
The radar counts time in frames. The time the message is sent is stored in the frame number field in
hexadecimal format,
Each new target detected is given a new target number that is stored in the field target number in
hexadecimal format.
The direction field can either be A for approaching or R for receding. When the radar is operating in
double sideband detect mode the direction can also be D to indicate a double sideband target
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Systems Ltd., and is supplied without liability for errors or omissions. TAN-018 -1
The speed of the target is given to 1 decimal place. The units used are supplied in the U field. K
signifies KPH while M indicates MPH.
The check sum value is calculated by performing an XOR on all the characters starting with the first
byte of the MT field and up to but not including the checksum characters. The checksum is output as a
2 character hexadecimal number.
6.2 Diagnostic Messages
These messages are not produced as standard and are normally disabled. The 'DM command has to
be sent to the radar to enable them.
6.2.1 DO Message
The Do messages are enabled by using the ‘DM command. When followed with a 1 the 00 messages
are enabled and disabled by following with a 0, e.g.
‘DM 1 Turn Do messages on
“DM 0 Turn DU messages off
The DO message format is shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4 DO Message
Page 12 of 35
this documenl is the propeny of A60
OAGD Systems Ltd 2008. A" rights reserved. emit“ IVI with, the Norman" mined in
Systems Lidav and is supplied without liability in errors or omissions. TAN -018 -1
TRAFFlC inFaHmAYton l msASuHEmEP-T ‘ squiwmsrw
‘D0’=Debug message
Start of message byte
Message Type
, Comma
Frame number in hexadecimal format
, . Comma
Number of XXXX Number of targets being reported
. 1 Comma
D, 1 ‘A'=Approaching Target Direction the 1“1 target is travelling.
‘ =Reoeding Target
‘D =Double sideband
approaching target
‘Y'=Simulated receding
: 1 ‘:' Colon separator
Target Speed 5 ‘DDDD' Target speed in KPH to one decimal
81 place in decimal format of 1“ target
: 1 ‘:' Colon separator
Target 5 ‘DDDD‘ Amplitude of 13' target in dB
. 1 Comma
D,| 1 ‘A Approaching Target Direction the n‘h target is travelling
‘R‘=Receding Target
‘ ’=Double sideband
: 1 ‘:' Colon separator
Target Speed 5 ‘DDDD’ Target speed in KPH to one decimal
Sn place in decimal format of n'" target
: 1 ‘:‘ Colon separator
Target 5 ‘DDDD' Amplitude of n'" target in dB
" 1 "” Asterisk
Check Sum 2 Check sum in hexadecimal format
1 End of messa-e b e
Table 5 Diagnostic Message format
The DO messages contain the output of the target detection function. The DO message lists all the
messages during a target detect will typically be produced at a rate of 195 per second. Therefore a
baud rate of at least 115200 is required to support this mode of operation
DO messages contain a lot of information about the track history of a target as it travels through the
beam The D0 messages could be used to provide extra evidence about any particular speeding
offences For instance Figure 5 shows atypical DO sequence for a vehicle, see Figure 6, approaching
the radar
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QAGD Systems Ltd 2008. All righls reserved Comm“ In Cum, the irtfotmaflon committed in this document is the property of AGD
systems Ltd.. and is supplied without liability for errors or omissions, TANmB »1
4-39”! MPH
Speed MPH
Front Right
wheel spurious
Front left wheel
Rear left wheel
Flgure 6 D0 Example Target
As can be seen from Figure 5 the vehicle However because the wheel spurious signals
speed can easily be picked out from any are not consistent a track is never formed on
spurious signals caused by the wheels of the them The speed reported by the radar in the
vehicle. The wheels of a vehicle can produce valid detect and beam exit messages will be
spurious speeds which can vary between 0 the one associated with the largest magnitude
and twice the actual speed of the vehicle detected.
Page 14 of 35
the propefly MAGD
OAGD Systems Lm 2008. All rights wed, Comm-Rh! in MM, the intonation mined in this document is
Systems Ltd" and “s supp|ied without liability for enors or omissions TAN 013 -i
6.3 Status Messages
6.3.1 co Message
The CO message is produced in response to the CHECK-ADC command. The message format is
shown in Figure 74
1 2 1 4 1 4 |
' srx
Start of message byte
MT Message Type
, Comma
Frame Frame number in hexadecimal format
. Comma
I DO Offset
I Channel DC Offset in hexadecimal
Q Channel DC Offset in hexadecimal
Check sum in hexadecimal format
End of messa- - b e
o DC'Offset
Check Sum
Table 6 C0 Message Format
6.3.2 C1 Mounting Angle Message
This message is sent in response to a #AD command The message reports the mounting angle the
radar is using to calculate the speed of vehicles The message format is shown in Figure 8.
1 z 1 4 1 5 1 2 1
Start of message byte
MT Message Type
, Comma
Frame Frame number in hexadecimal format
, Comma
Radar Radar mounting angle in degrees
' Asterisk
Check Sum Check sum in hexadecimal format
End of messa-e b e
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OAGD Systems Ltd 2008. All rights reserved Cmnmuchl h Comm. the information contained In this document is the property of AGD
Systems Ltd“ and Is supplied wilhoul liability fix errors 0
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Table 1 C1 Message Format
6.3.3 C! Radar Enqulry Message
This message is sent in response to a #AGD command. The message reports the radar type and
firmware version. The message format is shown in Figure 9.
Start of message byte
Message Type
Frame number in hexadecimal formal
Frame Number
Radar Model AGD340 Radar type
, Comma
Firmware ‘Ml-DDD—A' Firmware version
’ Asterisk
Check Sum Check sum in hexadecimal formal
ETX End of messa-e b 9
Table 8 Radar Enquiry Message
6.3.4 03 D05 Mode Message
This message is sent in response to a #DDS command. The message format is shown in Figure 10.
1 2 1 4 1 1 1 2 1
Figure 1D DDS Mode Message
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lion contained in mi: document I! the pmpeflyd AGD
QAGD systems Ltd 2008. All rum reserved. common“ it cum. “1&le
Synems m. and is supplied without liabil'ny for em! or omissions. TAN me -1
Start of message byte
Message Type
Frame number in hexadecimal format
DDS mode
Check sum in hexadecimal format
End of messa-e b e
Table 9 DDS Mode Message
6.3.5 CA Direction Mode Message
This message is sent in response to a #DIR command,
Start of message byte
Message Type
Com ma
Frame number in hexadecimal formal
Com ma
Direction mode of radar
‘A’ Apfiroaching
‘R Receding
‘D’ = Dual Direction
‘XX’ Check sum in hexadecimal format
3 End of messa e b e
Table 10 Direction Mode Message
6.3.6 05 Debug Mode Message
This message is sent in response to a #DM command The message format is shown in Figure 12.
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Start of message byte
MT Message Type
, Comma
Frame Frame number in hexadecimal format
, Comma
Direction Debug mode of radar
' Asterisk
Check Sum Check sum in hexadecimal format
ETX End of messa. » b e
Table 11 Debug Mode Message
6.3.7 CS Frequency Error Message
This message is sent in response to a #FE commandt The message reports the ADC sampling
frequency measured by the processor and the ADC sampling frequency error. The message format is
shown in Figure 134
Figure 13 Frequency Error Message
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«3 A60 Syslem: Lid 2008. All rights reservoir cums!- In Cum. the
systems U1, and is Supplied WM". liability lor errors 01 missions. TAN 4315 -1
STX 7 V Start of message byte
MT Message Type
Frame Frame number in hexadecimal format
, ‘,' Comma
Measured DDDDDDD Measured ADC sampling frequency in
Frequency decimal
, ‘,' Comma
Measured DDDDDDDD ADC frequency error in parts per million
* Asterisk
Check Sum Check sum in hexadecimal format
ETX End of messa-e b e
Table 12 Frequency Error Message
8.3.8 C7 Low Speed Threshold Message
This message is sent in response to a #LS command The message reports the low speed threshold
being used by the radar and the units the radar is using. The message format is shown in Figure 14
1 2 1 4 1 5 1 | 2 1
STX ' ‘ i > 7 ‘ Start of message byte
MT Message Type
Frame Frame number in hexadecimal format
Low Speed DDoDD
, , Comma
Speed Units ‘K’=KPH Speed units being used
" "‘ Asterisk
Check Sum ‘Xx‘ Check sum in hexadecimal format
ETX 3 End of messa-e b e
Table 13 Low Speed Threshold Message
6.3.9 cs Sensitivity Level Message
This message is sent in response to a #8L command The message format is shown in Figure 154
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Systems Ltd, and is suppfied without liability for errors or omissions, TAN-018 -1
Start of message byte
Message Type
Frame number in hexadecimal format
Radar sensitivity level
Check Sum Check sum in hexadecimal formal
ETX End of messa-e b e
Table 14 Sensitlvlty Level Message
6.3.10 cs Speed Unlts Message
This message is sent in response lo #SU command. The message format is shown in Figure 16.
1 2 1 4 1 1 1 2 1
Flgure 16 Speed Units Message
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lr‘lFDHmATLQH msAsuFtemEnY l EDUIPmEr‘tT
STX ' Start of message byte
MT Message Type
Frame Frame number in hexadecimal format
. ‘,' Comma
Speed Units ‘M' = MPH Speed units being used by radar
‘K' = KPH
' "' Asterisk
Check Sum ‘XX' Check sum in hexadecimal format
ETX 3 End of messa- - b e
Table 15 Speed Units Message
6.3.11 CA Temperature Message
This message is sent in response to a #TEMF' command The message reports the temperature of the
radar as measured by a sensor on the digitiser board The message format is shown in Figure 171
1 z 1 4 1 5 2 1
Figure 17 Temperature Message
STX Start of message byte
MT Message Type
. Comma
Frame Frame number in hexadecimal format
, Comma
Temperature Radar temperature in degrees Celsius
" Asterisk
Check Sum Check sum in hexadecimal format
ETX End of messa. - b e
Table 16 Temperature Message
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QAGD systems Ltd 2008. All rights reserved. Comm-eh emu-nee. the Information contained In this document is the property otAGD
Systems LM.‘ and is suppiled without liability to! errors or em stons. TAN-018 -1
6.3.12 CB Firmware Version Message
This message is sent in response to a #VER command. The message format is shown in Figure 18.
1 2 1 4 1 s 1 2 1
Start of message byte
Message Type
Frame number in hexadecimal format
, Comma
Firmware ‘MI-DDD-A' Firmware version
' ‘*' Asterisk
Check Sum ‘XX' Check sum in hexadecimal format
ETX 3 End of messa-e b e
Table 17 Firmware Version Message
6.3.13 CF Heartbeat Message
This is the heart beat message. This message is sent approximately every 10 seconds. The message
format is shown in Figure 19.
STX J ' 7 Start of message byte
MT Message Type
Frame Frame number in hexadecimal formal
Check Sum Check sum in hexadecimal format
ETX End of messa-e b e
Table 18 CF Heartbeat Message Format
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TRAFFi: menammflcn mEAsuHEmEhT EDuleEnr
6.4 Error Messages
6.4.1 E0 Message
The E0 message is used to report errors detected in the radar The format of this message is shown in
Figure 20
Start of message byte
MT Message Type
Error Number 2 digit error number in hexadecimal
2 digit hexadecimal number indicating
the length of the text description
Text Length, N
Text Text string of length N
" Asterisk
Check Sum Check sum in hexadecimal format
End of messa-e b e
Table 19 Error Message Format
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7.1 lntroductlon
For best detection performance the radar must be setup correctly. Failure to do so can result in
inaccurate or false detections.
7.2 Radar Mountlng Angle
Radars are supplied factory programmed to be used for a specific mounting angle, usually to 22
degrees. This angle is the angle the radar points across the road from the direction of the road. see
Figure 21. The angle a radar is setup for is printed on the top side of the radar. The angle is also
reported in valid detect messages and the command ‘AD may be used to determine it This angle is
used by the radar to adjust the speed the radar measures to the actual target speed and therefore it is
important the radar is setup with the correct angle. If the radar is setup with an angle that is less than
the mounting angle then the radar will measure speeds that are larger than the vehicles true speed,
while if the angle is greater than the mounting angle the radar will measure speeds that are less than
the vehicles true speed.
Figure 21 Radar Mounting Angle
The radar transmits a radio beam across the road that has a horizontal beam width of -5 degrees The
vertical beam width of the radar beam is relatively large at 15degrees so although the radar should be
made level this is not cruclal for correct operation. For a fixed camera installation often the radar is
mounted relatively high (~3m) and in this case it is desirable to point the radar more down towards the
ground In this application careful consideration of the radar beam and its shape is required to ensure
that all the lanes of the road are covered.
1.3 Sensltlvity Level
The radar has two sensitivity levels to allow it to operate in most situations. The sensitivity level is
adjusted using the ’SL command. If the radar is being used to monitor only two lanes of a road then
the low sensitivity level should be chosen This is particularly important in an urban environment where
the radar may pick up reflections and falsely trigger the camera that will take a picture of a non-
existent or incorrect vehicle. This is illustrated in Figure 22 where the radar has triggered the camera
because it has detected a speeding car from its reflected signal off a building. By setting the sensitivity
level of the radar to low this weak reflected signal is often not detected.
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7mm: . mmammon mgsufismsrfl l anuvrflmsrfl'
Figure 22 High sensitivity false detections in an urban environment
To reduce further the possibility of detecting reflections the radar should not be pointed at any large
vertical flat surfaces which may reflect the radars transmissions. This is particularly true if the surface
is metal.
When the radar is monitoring 3 or more lanes the high sensitivity mode of the radar maybe used. The
radar, even in low sensitivity mode, will detect most vehicles on a four lane road but some targets with
small radar signal returns may not be detected in the far lanes e.g. motorcycles.
7.4 Dual Direction Mode
The radar can be set in a mode to detect speeding vehicles travelling in both directions. Each direction
is tracked independently in this mode the vehicle travelling on the opposite side of the road may not
be detected correctly because the signal is blocked by a vehicle nearer to the radar. It is therefore
recommended that the radar is setup to detected vehicles on the far side of the road using beam entry
messages and nearby targets using the beam exit messages. Figure 23 shows what can happen in an
incorrect setup. in an incorrect setup the vehicle in the far lane is detected correctly and a beam entry
message is sent. This message would not be used to take a photo though as the rear number plate
can not be seen yet However moments later a car travelling in a lane nearer to the radar blocks the
signal from the far vehicle and so the radar sends a beam exit message and the system would then
take a photo. However the far vehicle is not in view and therefore no conviction can be made. In the
correct setup though as soon as the radar detects the speeding far vehicle a beam entry message is
sent and a photo is taken. Moments later the near vehicle blocks the signal from the far target and a
premature beam exit message is sent but a photo has already been taken and a safe conviction may
be made.
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Figure 23 Dual direction detection
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Appendix A - Radar Commands
A.1 AGD or #AGD
Reports the name of the radar and its firmware version.
AGD340 Speed Enforcement Radar
Firmware Version Ml-096-A
[STX]CZ,0003A651 ,AGD340,Ml-096—A'08[ETX]
A.2 *AD or #AD
Used to enquire the radar’s mounting angle setting, that is used to calculate the speed of a target.
'AD Reports the mounting angle used by the radar in degrees.
Exam ple
Used to enquire/modify the baud rate used by the RS485 interface of the radar.
When the radar first boots the baud rate that is used will be reported over the RS485 interface at a
baud rate of 115200. Therefore if the baud rate of the radar is not known simply use a tool like
HyperTerminal and set the baud rate to 115200 to find out the baud rate of the radar, A typical output
from the radar when powered up and viewed with HyperTerminal set to a baud rate of 115200 is
shown below.
User configuration successfully loaded
AGD340 Speed Enforcement Radar
Firmware Version MI-083-L1
Baud rate = 921600
The usage of the BAUD command is shown below
BAUD Reports the baud rate being used by the radar
BAUD x Sets the baud rate of the radar to x. When the baud rate has been set using
this command the next u'me the radar is rebooted this is the baud rate that will
be used.
Measures the DC offset values of the l and 0 ADC channels and reports this in a CO message, This
command is useful to perform a simple check of the analogue stages of the radar, In normal
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circumstances the values returned for the I and Q offsets should be in the range 8000h t 100. Note
these values are in hex. A typical radar response is shown below
A.5 *DDS or #DDS
This command turns on double sideband target reporting mode. This mode of operation of the radar
will report double sideband targets which are usually simulated targets such as a tuning fork. Another
common double sideband target is fluorescent lights.
The usage of ‘DDS command is shown below
“DDS 0 Turn double sideband detection off
‘DDS 1 Turn double sideband detection on
The #DDS command is similar but also responds with a C3 message.
Used to enquire/modify the direction mode of the radar.
DIRECTION Report the direction mode being used
DIRECTION A Approaching targets mode
DIRECTION R Receding targets mode
DIRECTION D Dual direction mode
#DIR is used in a similar way but a CA message is sent in response.
A.1 *DM or #DM
Used to enquire/modify the diagnostic mode of the radar.
‘DM Reports the diagnostic mode being used.
‘DM 0 Turn diagnostic mode off
‘DM 1 Turn diagnostic mode on
In diagnostic mode the radar produces D0 messages that can be used to provide supporting evidence
for an offence. However, this requires a significant baud rate to be used for reliable operation.
Normally a baud rate of 115200 is sufficient.
#DM is similar but also responds with a cs message.
This command reports the results of the latest frequency error measurement. A typical response is
shown below
—1 1 ppm
The first frequency reported is the measured ADC clock rate. The next line reports the measured error
in parts per million. Next the assumed frequency of the processor clock is reported.
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#FE is used in a similar way but the radar responds with a 06 message.
A.9 'FFD
This command loads the factory set defaults from the EEPROM. This command can be used to set the
configuration to a known good state.
A.10 *HELP or ?
This command is used to produce a list of the user commands. The command does not provide
information on factory commands.
Reports life time statistics of the radar. A typical response is shown below.
Time on = 1226Minutes
Number of boots = 66
Valid Target detects = 489
A12 *LS or #L3
Used to enquire/modify the low speed threshold velocity of the radar. Target speeds detected below
this are not reported. This command must be passed a value of 20KPH or greater.
”LS Reports the presenth speed threshold velocity in the presently set speed
‘LS x Sets the low speed threshold velocity to x. The units of x are in the presently
set speed units (See ‘SU).
#L8 is similar but responds with a C7 message.
Performs a software reboot of the radar.
This command is used to activate the radars hardware self test circuitry. The hardware can simulate
both a receding target and an approaching target. When activated the radar will turn the simulation
hardware on and analysis the returning messages. if the radar measures an incorrect speed during
this test or me wrong direction the radar will shut down the ADC. The usage of the SELF_TEST
command is as follows
SELF-TEST A Simulate an approaching target
SELF-TEST R Simulate a receding target
The self test functionality is also called during bootup.
A.15 *SL or #SL
This command is used to set the sensitivity level of the radar.
The usage of the ‘SL command is shown below
‘SL Enquire radar sensitivity level
‘SL L Set low sensitivity level. Suitable for monitoring across up to two lanes
‘SL H Set high sensitivity level. Suitable for monitoring across up to four lanes
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The #SL is similar but responds with a CS message.
A16 ”SU, UNITS or #SU
These commands are used to enquire/modify the speed units used by the radar. Valid units are:
M Miles per hour MPH
K Kilometres per hour KPH
The usage of the command is shown below
‘SU Enquire radar speed units
‘SU M Set MPH as the radar speed units
‘SU K Set KPH as the radar speed units
The #SU is similar but responds with a C9 message.
A.17 ‘TGT
This command tells the radar to simulate a target detect sequence. A typical response is shown
[STX]04,00024CBB.00000001 .A.120.0.K'2A[ETX]
The direction field of the simulated target will be T so that it can not be mistaken for a real target. The
beam entry message will always have a target speed of 100KPH and the following messages will
always contain a speed of 120KPH. No DO messages are simulated in this target simulation.
A.18 TEMP or #TEMP
Reports the temperature of the radar in degrees Celsius. A typical response is shown below.
#TEMP is similar but responds with a CA message.
Reports the firmware version of the radar.
The WER reports the software version in a CB message.
A20 ”VN
This command reports the security numbers of the DSP board. These are unique to each DSP board
and can not be adjusted. A typical output is shown below
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Appendix B - Connectors
3.1 Data Connector
4 Wire RS485
24992r54HZ 150PPM
S- re
Table 20 Data Connector
3.2 Power Connector
9 to 30V DC
OV or Ground
Table 21 Power Connector
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c.1 25KHz Reference Slgnal
The radar uses an analogue to digital
converter, ADC, to digitiee the received
signals. The ADC dock source is derived from
a crystal on the digitiser board that is also used
for the UART. The crystal used has a
frequency of 14.7456MHz. This is divided
down by the CPLD by 295 to give an ADC
clock frequency of 49935.03475Hz. The signal
used for the ADC has a very small duty ratio
that means it is difficult to measure the signals
period using an oscilloscope. Therefore tor
measurement purposes the ADC clock is
made into a square wave which requires a
further division by two to give a frequency of
24992.54Hz. This signal is provided on the
data connector of the radar.
To measure the reference signal output a
frequency counter maybe used. The radar
constantly monitors the sampling frequency by
comparing how long the radar takes to collect
data samples by using the processors crystal
as a reference, which is independent from the
ADC clock source. Measurements are
compared approximately every second and if
two successive measurements show a large
enough error then the radar will send an error
message and shut down the ADC converter.
This in turn means the frame counter will
longer increase in the heartbeat message. The
measurement of the ADC clock frequency can
be accessed at any time by using the #FE or
‘FE commands.
0.2 IQ Mon/toting
The internal connectors J1 and J2 can be used
to monitor the in phase and quadrature signals
from the microwave front end. The radar has to
be opened to access these connectors and
should therefore only be performed at
calibration time. If using an oscilloscope to
observe these signals it should be configured
as a high impedance probe. Using a 500hm
probe to monitor these signals will distort the
QAGD Systems Ltd 2008. All rights reserved. W M W“, the lrflorrnallcfl coma
Systems Ltd. and is supplied without liabiliiytor errors or omlssions.
c.3 IQ Injection
The internal connectors J1 and J2 can be used
to inject l and Q signals into the radar. A low
impedance source should be used to provide
the signals with a magnitude of up to 5V peak
to peak.
c.4 Hardware Simulated Target
The radar has a built in hardware based target
simulator. This is used during boot up to
simulate an approaching and then a receding
target. If an error is detected in the simulated
target‘s speed then the radar will send an error
message and turn off the ADC clock rending
the radar inactive. The radar can be made to
perform a simUlated target test at any time by
sending a SELF-TEST command Again it an
error is detected in the targets speed the radar
will stop. To distinguish real targets from
simulated targets the radar inserts an X or a Y
in the direction fields of all related messages
produced. During simulation the microwave
front end is turned off to avoid any possible
interference with the simulation.
The CPLD on the digitiser board generates the
signals used for the simulated target. These
signals are generated using the logic shown in
Figure 24. The input signals to the logic are:
This input selects the direction the
simulated circuit will simulate. This
signal is controlled by the 06711
- CS
This input selects whether the outputs
are active. This signal is controlled by
the 06711 processor.
This signal is taken from the ADC
sample clock and is the circuits input
The purpose of this logic is to generate two
square waves. l and Q. with a frequency that is
one sixteenth of the ADC sample frequency (ie
49985084751 16 = 3124.07Hz) and out of
phase by 90°. This effectively provides a
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simulation of the expected signals from the
channel lags or leads by 90° and therefore
microwave module when it can see a Doppler
controls the effective direction the simulated
mrget. The DIR signal controls whether the 0 target is travelling
we j
, D j 4
_k‘ c
7 i
r ,,- gal”, ,W
7 7, J
Figure 24 CPLD Target simulator
The I and Q signals from the CPLD are then The filter reduces the harmonic content of the l
filtered before being applied to the —ve input of and Q signals to a level which the radar can
the digitisers board input operation amplifiers. cope with
he w m
Figure 25 Target Slmulator Filter
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Appendix D - RADAR Certification
D.1 Radar Certification Overview
It is essential for the AGDS40 law enforcement radar to be certified every 12 months. ensuring the
radar is within the design specification limits and traceable to known standards.
During manufacture of the radar an automated calibration and test rig is used to control all of the
required test equipment and generate an initial 4 page calibration certificate/report.
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mus“: 1 lr‘lFDRmATth mEAsuHEmEnY ‘ EquleErfl'
a “20
3- -341
-'0200‘IXO‘160'IAO'IZO -|oo -xo -eo no -20 o 20 10 so an 100 121) 140 I60 130 zoo
— Horizcmml Beam Panem
— Vertical Beam Pattern
—- -3dB Level
Flgure 26 AGD340 Antenna Field Patterns
g "15
‘25 i‘
“20 ‘IR ‘lfi ‘14 “12 “10 “x “6 '4 “2 D 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 I8 20
Angle (Degrees)
— Horizontal Beam Pattern
—— —3 dB hvel
Figure 27 AGD340 Horizontal Beam Pattern
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