AKG Acoustics US TM40 Wireless Microphone Transmitter TM40 User Manual
AKG Acoustics US Wireless Microphone Transmitter TM40
FCC ID: E9MTM4O mam-m ~ Mam , nmmmm- . munmlm . Kmmmmnm , mam- (mum mm. w...“ ....... mm w.» Bitte ak‘luelles Lieferprogramm einsetzen! I.” WMafiJII! TM 40 transmitted? Bmmngahlnweite tame var Inbeuiebnahma m Games been! K Uurlnnmcfllms...u...n.... Phase readme manual before name the equipment . A M Modod’amvhl“ -............ ----- v.15 Blfie aktuellen Adressbalken + Codenummer emsetzen! flew Veulllezli'e cats notice avanw'ullllssr le svsrémel 3:3, Mania-l war I'uso ...... .. . . . . p. 21 Immk— ana di iuare I‘appalecchlo, leggera || manuam $5; Moaodompuo... ....uz1 ‘ m . 1m» Antes de uflflzar eI equrpo, mass leer e! manuau m.» wwram1)aswv.mwiyasmsMaw/mung ‘ mi IWsumo _ “5 mm” W FAN lea am manual . FQ Va fim WM? V 1 Slcherhei! llnd Umwelt 1.1 slcnoman l. Setzen Sis das Gsfét night dilektef Smnenelnsmlung, stalker Slaub— unu chhligksilssinw‘lrkung‘ Regen. Whlalionan odsl smlégen anus, 1.2 Human 1. Emerge" e vsmralmm Ballerisn um Akkus lrnmel gsméfl flan pweis gsnenden Emorgmgsvofscmmm Werfell sis Bansrlen ode! Akkus weds ins Feuar (Explosnnsgelam “Och in den Fleslmml. 2. Wenn Sie m ems: vecscnmusn, enl- kmen Sis u’la Baum hm mus. items" Se Gm, Elsktmnk und Kabsl um emsorgsn Se alle Kolrvonemsngsmlfldmdafivgdlm- den Eflbergungwmfiflen. 2 Buchnlhung 5.1 E Iellllnu vlelsn Dank dass 319 sum mr eln Pmdukt aus dem Hausa AKG em» schiedsn haben. ems lesen sle me Bedlenurlgsanlellung gunman“ amen, hm! Sle an: Germ hen-“nun. und hewahren Sie die Bedlenungs- anleilung gunman-g nut, damn 5m jeder- zeit nachschlagen laymen, er wljn- schsn lhnen viei Span und snug! a z Lletemmfnvw ff? isuldafrlhds- 1Marie1fimn~ ml amply Gabe my mu) clue AAA (Warn Knmmlllefen Sie ulna. 0b die Verpsnkung alle oben angalnhrlen Teile mum Falls amass lshll, wander! Sis sich bins an lhm AKG-Héndlx 2.3 Emplohlene: Znhehfir ' magma" Du M) 7.4 Bauhrelbulw DerTM 40 is1 ein Semismlodul 11a Selle was 40 mkmmols, das speziefl mm direklen Anslecken an die Mikmlone D mm. D 37W, D sacs», c 90m urld c 5900- eancloafl wurde. Der TM 40 arhsilel am elner nxen. uuarzslab SIEflBfl Tlégefiraquanl im UHF-Tragerlrequenzbereich w“ 710 his ass MHL Dle Fame fies Emmecksls enl- spricht der lvagarlrsquenz fies sendermodqlls. Sis kennen am Earlene mammal abel such gegen dsn mllge- 0mm - um - Note: - um - Nuns - um: 43 «mks» - Mme - “Mes - uou - "on: - "out Sine entsprééhéndé Bilder des TM 405m- Seize-n! Abb. 1: Bedisnelameme m 40 Herman schwsrzefl Ersauflsckel aw Iausmen. 2.5 Bedlunlamenta (swans Abb. 1) 1 ONIMUTE/OFF: new summe- scnalter hat ¢ei Slsilungen: on: Dis Spannungsverwgung mr das Sendsrmodm Lax elngswhahst. M: Des vom Mkmron kemmende Audiosignel isl slummgewhaltet, Spennungsversorgung und HF- Tragemmsnz hlerben iedoch sing} schanet Dadurch win as Empiéngsr m abgmh‘lmsm Mikwfofl nicm dumn artiste Sender gemm. OFF: Dre spannungsversorgung my dag Sendermouur isl ausgewnaweo. 2 Balurieflch mn 81k. 1.5 VAEEmerie Gmaa AAA (mngelis'em. Dle Fame dss Bansrielamdsckels zeigt die Trégedrequenz des Senders an: set anuanz Famous- same WW mom—mm usw 7nmmHz 23505 We use! mm 2390 a ussxs 739mm 3m: \ Km 7453st Mcnimgnen um Mawfian Wxgnsn m 751mm won ussus 7s(ssmnz 5‘3CMEHEV' am 502st tmmm sum 10mm 2330 Ink JP_1 mszsmm Th mum“ JPZ some-Max Zlmclgmhlm mama: mo um mm»: mscvm unset; use H1 32754: run ISM! ass,wnmm mscmawmmuw lswe 064 5an em 2 sun 554mm 25610 Moll-LED: Dice LED neigi den Ladezus'and as Eanevie an. LED lemme! hsim Elnsohalten kur'z nu! ma enischi wiedec Banana in own-m, LED leuchm kcnsham: ane m a. so MTnuten ersch‘upil Elmangspegellsgl Stem die Empfinuwianksnnssmmingangsen masks-mm xum Aulhdan smes Akkus im Samariefiwh mn Hllle def opflonslen Ladestalion cu 4a. Koniakte: me Konlakte an m Oberselte fies Sendsrmoduls sneuen aulmrmisoh die elekmsche Vel‘ bindung zum Mlkldon her. —nr 3 Inbetrllbnahme an ammo mlegenl amuwhen mm mm.- Siehs Am 2: 1. Drficken Sie den Schnapphsksn am Eanaiefaamsckel (1) flash unlsm z Zehen Sis den Bansfiefamflscka n) nun mm m Sendermuflul an Manny: Der Sahiumslonpo'wén' dar Innedssiia’ des Emmiafscnueokels ‘ hmrvasmm, pdsw niem, aafimamene mon- slenj 'chi flchllg Am Bfinellefach hm 191 um»; pager ‘ "Nth kann. ‘ ~ s Legs" as die mngelmene bzw. n he Batisris (2; Me In Abb. 2 gem-g: |n ass EMeflefam emv 4. Stellen 5.9 den ON/MUfE/OFF- Schalter (Si Elf ON. uofiun-um-um-nm-um-Nm 41 m...“ mun AKG mum mm m an mm m u an M— nun mm" “ mm... am— uNm-n Mmm «1- MW. «mum: mm AXE m Gm mu, m.“ «Mmmmmmwmm n. mm mm ma ma mm prom-Wu m Mn mum. me Am emu am.- on u. p-wm m 40 mm .... um mnWWMyu |~=¢vhwm|mmcg cm L. mm. ma mm um mmmlxmmlo§m» an a. mum. magi . m- m. fimzml w...“ aah manh- “ms/cs, Mum emu-m4 mmwwmmmwm myW-W‘h Ham-Dm'm AMMuG-rmfladuflqma MII “my-amm- 40 mun-mew.» manhfimim Mame-ummm «Mp-manna.“ human-mm wmmmmmmm-«m mmmwmm 1 mm n- u avmn- a. v—nmlw m m m M mm- h 0mm 1mm. Mumsmnmm mummmwm v-amw- man man mm». mmwwm 1mm. wmmwum mmmmwuwfluam~ «gunman-mum ml»: n... "mu 0.1 pm» 4mm. mmwmmm mmwwm 1mmeammmmr mum. me KommlI-LEDM hmluzalfl.Wun dammhgnunzm new”: die Kama-LED (4) m Wem as Kunml—lfl) (a) m mum beamistdeaateflelnaoommm awn Tausd'lm She an Dannie magma-s: bald gags" sing mm nus. Warm die KnrmowLED (4) "lam M- blim. m ’ Ballads cum-mph. Lsgen soc sins rwuu Bantam an. 5, schieben si- den Bmenehcm deem (1) gogen dle Hellmhiung am Gas Sendannodul. his as Baum lachdeckel (1) elnmsm 3.2 sew-u um Am. (sighs Am a; Sis kannen flu Sendetmodul mane einfl normals" Balsrle sum "it Gillan 1,5 V-Akku when. Wir mmmen NIMH-Aklms as Typs SANVO HR-QU (650 mAh) ode! Panasonic Rechargeabla PROe (550 m). CU 40 ADD. 3: Akku aufiudsn mn omionalgr tau-sumac cu 40 Zum Ann-den dos Aldous human sis rm ass Sendennodm (1) mn dam Lsduflamer (2) win in Abb. 3 gamut h dle optional. Ladmnhn CU 40 (a) m mum. Nahum Him/else dam finds" su- m dew sealenungsanlmun' g as: mum's" cum Q 4 Anvundung ! 4.1 Emlem Mlmflone S19 kbnnen dc: Sendermodlfi In folgaflfla Mihbfm Medan: DW,Dnoo-,Dsaoo-,csoo~m 059W, 4.2 Semer "mum and MM Siam Bedbnungsanieilung was Mlkmrnns, 4.3 Pngel elnmlun (fish: Abb. 1) I. Kommlliemfl Sia ob Gel Enpf'angu mu damselben Panama gekenn- zeichnel ifl wva def Semis. 2. Drum Sis den Elngangspngslmgm (4) am Sendelmodul mil aimm kIGI- nan Schmtbenzieher m mr mm zwischafl Ilnkem und nomem Ansehlag am. a. Sculls“ Sums swam-n aln, In dun Sie m ON/MUTEIOFF- swan-n (1) m on stalls". 4. Sfilnflefl Sis dm Emplflngef und dis Mlolnlaga em. 5. Shgen ow 3mm Sis in das Mlkmlon 6. Some lnre Stlmme in dsn Lam- wrecmm vemm klingan, am" Sis den Emangsmarsger (4) svwek gage" den Wzbigusinn muck bis Sis kelne Vefzsmng man! man. Sollta Ihre Sfimme In den Laub spmchem xu Islse klingefl, Grebe" Sia den Einglflgspegehglef (4) "m Uhmigauinn auI. Falls av. magma-at InloIqe lkuslischu mkkoppqung m pfoiian bashrm crew: sag den Einqmgspegflragla (4) mm mm mum m as Plane" men, 4.4 Mlknio'mehnlk Ninweisl zuerm/fmnik, imbesorr dm Bespvwmngsabdmi Malian und Rncldwwimg, findm Sis In der Badisnungsanleitung lhm Axe- Mikmlom. 4 5 Fehlemmu Hnweisn znv Fehlerbohebung findon SIe In an Bsdienungsanltilung des Empungecs, 5 Rclnluung m‘ Hairwgan Sis das Gshéuss des Sondamwduls mn Mm mu wnsser bet-Imam Mn. Zur Vemendung In: For Fun In: Voor hot gebfutk In: Ma amendes I: For use In: Para el use on: m. ammo: I: “main mmvlssa Pour l'usage on: Para 0 Inn on: Far unwind“ I: "ulna: mmmnnwu-nn-fllnnuwnnnn- 39 6 Dado: ficnlcos Figuémla Ennadom 710 - ass MHz Modulsfi FM La um 09 bands ind m - 20000 Hz E's—amine.“ fie mama - ' 51 +50?) 115 kHz "— Desvio nominaw 15 kHz {SPL SP2: 13.5 kHz) Distorcén néo—I’near am 1 kHz lyp. 0.896 Compressor/Expansnr imegmdo muss slnanldo up, 103 dew Pméncna as sale. RF up, 5 mW Consume de come up, 75 mA Ahmemsqao de comma pllhn de 1 x 1 5 v Iamsnho AM Funcionamsnw >fl 0 minus) >s h [acummadofl Nzwal as armada para desvio nominal 300 mVI1 kHz Dnmensess (um) comprlmsmo: 125 mm diameiro: 26 mm Peso new so 9 Esta promo coma-spend: as normas ENsocssn 590 51301 439-5 v.1.1.1(09-2000) e EN300 422-2 v.1.1.| (07-2000). 1 6 Technische Date-- 7 ea uenz 7104365MH1 Modulanm FM Moubenmmgsbendhrene 40 - 20.000 Hz Frequsnzshbilitét are his +5013) :15 kHz Nsnnhub 15 kHz Kumakmr hsi 1 kHz IVDV n m Kempandu Imsgllert signavnausehabsxanu am 103 dBKA) HFAusDangslelslung up 5 mW snemufnamns up 75 mA Spannungsverwgung 1 x 15 v-Banene acme AAA Bemebszell >n h (Emails) >0 n [Akku] MIwEngamspsgal lflr Nsnnhub 500 mW1 kHz Abmessungen (BxTle LEngac 125 mm, a: 25 mm Management 30 9 Bless! Pmdukt empnum den Nnrmsn Emmssnsea Emm 489-9 v.101.1 (as-zoom und ENaoo 422-2 v,1,|.|(07-2wn|. Fcc statement Thie equipment has been tested and round to comply withlhe Ii'vlrts loreClaee E digital device, pursuant to Fans 74,15, and so cutie FCC Rules. These I’nlilsals designed to amide reasonable mise- tiorr against nrrmlul inerlererce n a tee identiai installation. Thrs equipment gen- erates, mes, and can radiate ndto ire- ouency energy and. it not installed and used in accordance wnh tne instructions may cause harmful interference no lo oomrnumcatic However, more is no guarantee that r edenenoe wlll not occur in a particular installation. it Ms equip ment does cause hannlul interference to radio or lalevlsien reoepmn, vmich can be determrneq by turning tne equipment oil and on. the user a encouraged to try to correotlne lnleflefeooe b, orleormote oi the following nieasllres: - Reoriern or relocate tire receiving antenna. ~ increase me sebaration between the equipment and the melvsr, ~ Connectthe equipment into an outlet on a circuit dmerem lrcrrr ltm to wmotr the receiver is connected. - Consult the more! an experienced radiorl'v techmcrarr tor help. shielded cables and I/O owe must be used for this equipment to comply With lne relevant FCC regulations. Changes or modificallens not expressly appnwsd in writing by AKG Acousfics may void the usa’s rutnority to operate lhra equipment, Thls device complies with Pan15 Mme FCC Rules Operatron ra subject to the lotiowrng two conditions: (it this device may not cause harmful lrwrerenoe, and (2) this device must aoceot any Inter- lelenoe received, including interlerence that may cause undesired operation. 1 Safety and Environment 1.1 Safety 1. Do not expose the equipment to direct sunlight, exoeseive duet, moie- ture, rain, mechanical vibvallms, or shock. 1.2 Environment 1. Be sure Io dlspme 01 used bananas as required by local waste disposal rules Neverlhmw oatterteei o afire (IIS( of explosion) or garbage bin. 2. When scrabolng the equipment. remove the batteries, separate the case. circuit boards and cables, and dispose ol aii comm-ante in accord- ance with local waste disposal rulee or: Alumro nivei wealig. t) l. Csnlflqus-se que a receotor eete mareado corn a mono ooroo que o "Kidulo de e ssor. one o aiuste do nivei (4) no modulo de emissor com uma chat/e delenda pequena ale o nielo entre os pontce finais direito e esquerdc. ngue o modulo de emiesor posiclcr nanoo o oomutader ON/MUTE/OFF (|) em ON. Ligue o receptor e a inetalucao de Audio. Came cu tale no miumlorie. Se a 5113 vuz aperece! dlfiordda nos alm-l‘alames vile 0 aiusle do rtlvsl de errtreda (a) no eernide ami-hurélio alé a dietorceo desapaleoer. Se eua Va: 303! demroiaoarnenle baixu, give 0810le do nivel do entra- da (4) no senlido noreno. Se 0s eno- mamas mmegarem a mill asso- blns devldo a reallmenluao awsll- oe, glre o atuete do nivei de entreda (4) peratree ate cs assobioe desaoe- reoerem. 4.4 User do mlcnmmo Dloee para 0 use do mlorolonee, abbre- tudo am relocac a distancla do mlcmfo- ne, eieito de orvxlmldade e reallmem tagio act'tslica enoontrare no manual do sou micmfons AKG. 4.5 Resolver problem. 05 avlsos Dara resolver arebiernee Inwmraré no manual do usua‘no do lsu receptor, 5 lepeu lepe a omega do modulo de emrseor corn urrr bano mothaoo em egua 37 necide he emoaiagem no oompanl- memo oomo e moatredo he fig. 2 5, Pdelcione o comutador ONIMUTEI OFF (31 em ON. 0 LED de controie (4) eoendeee ore» veniente Quendo a pilha eeva em ordem. o LED do cohtrote apaga-se. Se o LED de oontrole (4) pennanece P0! urna prlha nova. See LEDoe controle (ii nr‘eoeeacm oer. a piiha aata esgotedc coiodue uno piiha nova. s. Empurre a tarnoa do mmpam‘menlo de pllha (1) no modulo de oinissor contra d sentldo da seta, are a tampa do oornpertimemo (I) engatar. 3.2 Use corn mmhflnr (Vein (19.3) Em vsz de user um pllha normal, pods operar o modulo de emiesor tamoem com um eoumuleder de 1.5 v. 35 Lede edep CU 40 Fig. 3: Corredaro aoumulador com d canegedor ooclonal cu 40 Reamer-dance ecumuladoraa NiMN do too SANYO HR-AU (660 M) cu Fanm‘ic Redwpeehie FROG»(5& mAhJ. Para canegar d eounruledor so pnecisa ooiooer o modulo de emraeor (1) com o edeptador CA 40 tel no cenegedor opoidnel cu 40 (3) como oemonetredo ne fig. 3. Male inlonnaooee enoontrara no manual do usuario do cenegador cu 40. ‘ 4.1 mlerotonee A noornmdadoe Pode Iiger o modulo de emleeor eoe seguintes misfortunes: D aw, D 370m, a saw“. 0 soot e c sew. Eé 4 opt-ache 4.2 uger . Mind to m6dulo de emlsacr Veja o manual de instruct‘rca de seu microlone 2 Descriptlon 2.1 Inmuflion Dear Customen Thank you lor purchasing an AKG product This Manual eomains importent instructions tor setting up and operating Your equivm, Please take a law minutes Io mad he Instructions below caretulty More operating flu equip- mam. Hesse keep lhe Manual 701 lulure reference Have tun and impress your audierod 5.2 Unpacking fie? H'Mlfl 10A“ 1AAA “1M truer-he charg‘ng a‘zeoat- oattery mddtuaneptetteryooyer check that the package contains all the pans listed aoorre. "anything is mlssng, please contact your AKG dealer. 2.3 Option Accessories ‘fi cu 40 charger 2.4 Deecripfion The TM 40 IS a WMS 40 miaotnnls Series miniature transmitter module specifically designed tor direct connec- tion to the D W. is mm D 330m. 0 90m, end 0 59m)- microphones The TM 40 operates on a single fixed. quartz slapillzed mrriei trequency in the 710 MHz to 365 MHz UHF trend. The color at the battery cwer lmlcales the carrier lmquency or your transmitter You can replace the color code ballary cover with the supplied black replace ment cover. 15 controls (Refer to fig. 1) t ONIMU’IEIOFF: This sllde e provides three positions on: Power to the transmitter module to on. M: The signal detiyered by the micro- phone is muted while power and the RF in"!!! frequency remain on. This prerents the receiver horn respond- ing to interference from other trene miners. om Power to the transmitter mod- ule is n". 2 Battery compamnam for one t.5-v AAA size haneiy (suppfledj. The ooloroltheoettery compartment cover indicates the oerrler lreouenoy of your transmitter module: Bike: entsprechende‘ Bilder des TM 40 ,' setzen' m Fuqnmy Filmma- color 65 71mm: mcrmmmwn 03543 711.11an 2855st use muwm mange ussse mwsmz 3750yg\0_aflm KRS "mum-1x ewe-rime“ usem mam-1x swagger Km sum-1: me name 751550qu marinara EUEZ gsst-lz flzcwarmved EUEZB aas,1nuM-1z mega-k um 500,525qu ‘IUCMbrw/n JP! WJZSIIHZ mscigmbm 5093 81150an rwc Elms swam/fix 7095 mm 350mm moor/rm m gamut-u 3275Cflm lsm miwm ‘mmamflw Sm summit: com um EMMA“: 25670 sums Lax Indicuies “new slam LEDhsr-ssmomsmamy upon 54mm ON and mngulshss: mm \5 014 LED ugms cormsnfly: banery will be dean In about so mimmo mom In: nus may put se's the sen ' my ohhe transmmer module's a smion. mummy oer-um for charging a raohargeouo ommry inside me be:- my companmem using the owonal cu 40 manger. mm: The cor-mam m we upper endohhemalsmm mom will 5mm mm’wvy as'ablish an sledflcal oonne> Iivns in me moropnons. de cor-m isle LED irrmca o esmno de caves das Dilhsa 0 LED mode-59 bravememe quan- do ligaoanarelno sapagm dapols: a mlna ssfi em ordsm. 0 LED permansoe am . pilhzesta— liesgmadn oemro as so mmos. 4 nuns do mm 1.19 mm; alus'a a senumndaoe da armada de sumo. s eon-mos as clrgl om carnage! um ammulsuor no companimemo oa pllhs snares do oarrogaoor npciuna] cu M1 6 comm os oomms na extrem a- as superior do médula de emissor cmbelecem momi‘ficamame Iodas is Dcnexées elélricas an mimlcne. r 3 Aclonamenw 3.1 Cebu/m l all!!! 0 rem-l- Vsia fig. 2: 1. Empurre U gauche ds engine na tampa do companimemo a; pllha (1) para baixu. 2. Rmm slam do oompammemo flu pilha (U do médulo dB emissor para haixu. impomm: o cuomho no berraofia’ aapomosa no maria: da'lumna do oompammum as pilha (1) fixl'a pm; jna am posioéo. N6 mire o ‘ hpdebewmr pot! apar- ~ as“ fixoaa, tuosa no companimamo da palm, retire-a 4, Colnque a pilha um ou n pilha a) for- Bifie entsprebhende 1 Edward TM 40 ein- Bitte ehtsprechendé ‘ Bilder des TM 40'ein-e setzen! Fig. 1:0ontroles do TM 40 34 tuir a tampa pela temps de reooeioed em my taste lornecida he embelaoern. 2.5 Ehmums a. cont-ole (vale fig 1) l DWMUTEIOFF: nerd balm deeiizan- te possul tree pow-m are a allmsntagin de Dormnle do modulo de emissm esré iioeoe, M: o einel do éndio proveniente do rriuosone este mode. a allinentaeao oe oonente e a lreqnéocls ponedora RE porem, parmanecsm Ilgadas. Deete tonne o modulo de eniieeor nso e penumaeo por outroe ernieeores smrs o mlcmfme stole oeelioeoo. OFF: a alnnervtscéo de omene do médulu dn ern'eeor eete desligade. z companlmento do pilhl para 1 pilha de 1,5 Vlernanho AAA llornecr- oe ne embalagemL A oor da tempe do companirnento indica a lreqilendie Donadoia oo médulo oe animal: u in r Fume USSA ”mow: moreddsntaown usua mutinwz 256mm». us5s macaw: 2390 s —L USEHB 7363750042 3750 film ma "MGM: 23450 m‘ teen usm mmswz summon mallow: ml: um 75155WH1 5ISCMwM 5062 mm: mow-rim EUfiZB WSJUWHX 2366 ink JP1 “Sm/fix l W mhm JFZ “HAM: ZINC Ighl bite E063 BIZBHMMZ Em C B 313.1an 7080 ilk—“est sum moon-net MW green BM! mama: izascrrieiuluw 1st 364,31 mmz ms wmmllz 25570 a setting Up 3.1 Imamnqlneplaellw and Yonlng the Battery Reta to fig. 2: 1. Depress the snap nook on the battery companmsnl lid 11). 2. Pull the battery companmeht lid (I) own to ramwe it from the tranemmer moduie. Imporhitt: The loan‘p‘edjon the ineioe of the battery swimmer-ruin (1) holos the bellery i'l pieoe, Do not remove the loam pact ll, you do, the hanery will not be held inpieoe prop- eriyend mayloelee e rattling noise a, tfthoreisaoead ordefeouve battery inside the banery oomoenment. remove the battery. 4. Insert Ihe suFDIisfl or new battery (2; into the bnnery oompartrnent as shown In fig. 2. Bitte ehisprecltéhde kjlder des TM 4 ‘ein- inserting the hatw 5. setthe ONIMUTEIOFF when (a) to on Thesanrs LED(4)wr|l then momentar- lly. lithe battery is in good common, the statue LED (4) will mnguish. it the stems LED (4) fights constantly lhs bansry will he deed within about 60 minutes. Renlace the bansty with a new one as soon as possible. it the statue LED (4) fails to flash momentarily the battery is dead. lneert e new battery. Slide the balmy oomparlmenl lid (1) onto the mnemmet module against the direction or the arrow m the point m the lid (1) will dick shut. in u-lnc Rechargeable Bananas Reterlolto. 3: instead oi dry batteries you can alsn use a 1.5-v ramalgeable hzmy on power the transmlmr module. We tee— omrheod SANYO Mimi (sea mm) of Panasonic Rechargeable PRO+ 11 91 TM 0 40 Lacie 0 sworn CU40 Fig, 3: Using rne cu an optional charger, 12 (550 mm mm" rechargeable oatlenes. To charge me barren]. insert lrre «rene- rnmar module (1) 1mome CA 40 adapter (2) and the aaamer inlo me oollonal cu 4c charger (3) as shown in fig. cl. For dslsl'ls. reler lo lhe Cu 40 charger 5 “ma 4.1 Recommended Mlenwhom You can oonnecl ine lmnammer tn me lollowina mroropnonee: 1: saw, D 37001, n mu". 0 9m", and C 5900“, 4.2 Cumming end msoonrrecnrrg the mnemiiter Reler to me menu-zlion manual ol your miaopnone. 4.3 setting Levels (Relerto fig. 1) 1. Check mal me reoeiver is marked wnn lne same color ooae as me lrensmitler module 2. Use a small screwdriver io lurn lne inpul galn eonlrol (4; on me lrenemll- ler module 10 a poemon nelrway belwserr lhe iell and ngnl slope. Sel the ON/MLITEIOFF switch (1) lo ON lo ewlloh powerlo lne lmnsminer module on. 4. Swim power lo your sound syslsm or arnpiirier on. 5. Speak or elng into me mlunphone. s. 11 your Voice sounds orsloneo on me loudspeakers lum 1ne inpul gain con- lrol (A) down ccw la lne poinl lnal you will hear no more dielonion li your voice eounue loo quiet on (he loudspeakers, (um lne pul gain conlrol (4) up cw. “Mluudspaakeu slarl bowling flue 1o aoouelic [sed- oaok. immediarely rum me Input gain 1 Saguranga 0 male amblenfie 1.1 seam-nae 1, N50 sxpnnha o dlsposilivo a ran - 950 solar Weim ou un-iioade. chuva, vibragées e golpee. 1. Pllhas e uumuladores eegoleuoe deverao ear elrmineooe oonlorme as reapeolwee normae eslaaeleciues Dot lei. Mao jogue as pilhee no 1090 (panoo oe exploeao) nem no ' doméslleo. 2. Orlando pretends oeslazer-ee oo aperelno, remove as pllhas uu us mmulsdms, eeaare a camera. a elelninioa e as oaboe e oral/bench qua esmee serao elmrineooe conforms as names eslaoelecioae por lei. z Dmnefio 2.1 Imdllgio Agradeoemos a eua preferennia Dot um modulo oe AKG. Porravor reser- ve alyuns mlnuloe para ler fists manual enlee de mar esle equipemenlo e guarae ea insrruooes cuidadosamenle para ssmpre pooer consuira-laa em case oe apareoerem qualequer pergun- las. livinarss e born iraoalnol 2.2 volume do lorruclmemo for» 1mm laurpu- Ipiha mingle nee-risen durum rarnanno depu- mull MA was) Vermque sea ernoalaoem oomém mos oe eorneonernee eolma rnuioaaoa. Case ialle also, lavor emre em cantata com a oonoeesionérla da AKG. 2.3 Aeeeeorloe recomenfladus ‘ Caregeoor cu 40 u newneso omweum modulo ue mimrmlnlfi- lurizado da eerie was «7 mammals, oeeenuolvloo eepecialmeme para aer conecleao uirelamanne aoe miarolones D seam, D 3mm D 33004, c 900- e 0 590m O'I’M 40 runoiona numa lrequencla puf- moora fixa eeraoilzaoa a moral na laixa 119 frequencle poneaom UHF de 710 a 365 MHz. A car as lampa eo oomparlirnenlo da pilha oorreeponoe aneqireno a pmsdo- ra do modulo oe emlsson Pooe euheli- 33 5 Dates Mcnlcos anma ma Modulacién 710 - 365 MHz FM Ancno de hands de 1ransmnszfi audio 40 720.000 H1 shbill an a; frecusnma 40° fiesta +51rc) : 5 k Desv n nomlnal Factor fie dmmen no lineal mu 1 kHz n’p. 15 km (SP1 SFZ: 1:1 5 kHz; 01391 Companw magma Relwén seflal a mum on ma flaw Pamela de saflda AF flu. 5 mW Tome da cements 11p. 75 mA Ahmemacm 11s mam Horas (is same» lel 119 armada audio pm dssvlscien nnmmal 1 pila do 1,5 vmano AAA >11 1. (pm >e n (ammulaflorl 300 mm kHz Dvmsnsbnes (an x mm x an Iorlgiiud: 125 mm difl’nemi: 26 mm Peso neio 3‘7 9 Es1s pmduao camper-19 a Ias mas ENSODSEflQQB. £11301 459-9 v.1.1.1 (us-20011) y Emoo 422-2 V.” .1 107-2000). com (4) back down 10 the pom 1m «he nownng will slap. 4.4 Microphone Toehnlqno For detailed 15 on how 10 usa a vocal microphone. pemmlany wim regard 10 working dlstsnce, prommily e1fec1. and feedbank. Ma 10 he instrucfion manual or your AKG mluophuna 4.5 mmmdflm For mhlesnoou‘ng mm. rslsr to your rec ermanual. 5 clear-Ins 1: clean the Iransmlner module ssa use a son clom moist» ened with wam 1s 5 Specifications Gamer mung Eggs 711) in ass MHZ Modulation PM now nermum m tn zomo Hz requency 513me 1- «o 151)- :15 kHz Rated devielion 15 kHz (SP1 SP2: 13.5 kHz) “1.11311 kHz kw. nus Commander inlegmled SignaVnoise raflo ryp. 105 115111) HF omom ryp. 5 mW our-em consumpflm ryp. 75 111A Power requirement e1ng1e 1.5-v AAA size banery Emery me >11 hnurs (dry banery) >o hours (rechargeable banery) Auoro In 111 1am for med den/mm am mV/1 kHz §ze (wxDxm lengm: 125 mm (51m; di 5 mm (1 in.) Net welgm 30 g (1.1 n) This pmduct oompuee with me followmg svandanis: 511500653998, Emm 489'9 v.1.1.1109-2m0]. and 5mm 422-2 v,1.1.1107-2wm. 14 4.3 onmmhr el nivd (veese Fig. 1) 1. Conlmle 51 e1 meow eeva mercaoo con el mismo cédigo de coroc qua e1 modulo transmmn 2. Gire e| comm oe hive! oe armada (4) oel méduloirsnsmlsoroon un peque— no desalovnmadw hasta 51 cent"), enue e1 1ope Izamerda y devecho. a, Eno1enoa e1 mooulo 1ransmisor. colo- cando e| cmmutador ON/MUTE/OFF (11 an on. 4. Enclsnda el receptor y el eou1po audin. 5. Came o hahle en e1 mien—310m. 6. $1 su vuz suene dismonaue en los aim/aces, gins e1 oomrol oe nlvel oe entrada 14) hacia Mra's an ssnlido commie e 1a; agujne de1 nab; 718513 que ya no Digs ninguna dlsfiofsién. 51 an we: suena muy we an 105 ene- vooas, gin e1 warm as nivsl oe emreoe (4) en ssrmfln oe Ias uias oe1 veloi. s- Ios enevooee 9019157211 3 sllbar debiliu a la relmillmeniacim seasons. gire sl wnlml oe nivel oe emmda (A) inmsdiatameme oe vueha hma qus ease e1 sumo. 4.4 76cm. micrownioa En los correspondlemss Mcdos de empleo de sus mlaoronos AKG sum wa mosesoionee acsrca de la «écn‘wa microromca. sabre «coo can lespeclo a le dlstsnda oe palahra. e1 etec1o oe pm- xlmidad y la retmallmemacién mum 4.5 nap-noun de despenec‘los Las Indlcaclonss para la reparacién as despefleclos 135 umqu en el M0110 oe emp1eo de su receptor. a lepieu 1.1mp1e Ia mm oe1 mddulo 1mm- m1eor oon un pain humedecldo en mus. 31 5. eelwue el eenmutador ON/MUTE/ OFF tal en on. El LED ue comm! (4; relampagusa bmemenm sr la pila eete err huan ss'ado. el LED as Carmel (4) ea vuel- ve e epeger euermn el LED de control (4) ample— ze a rluminerse certstentememe le plle estan'i egoteee en epmx. 60 minutes. Gamble le prle mama antes w unn nueve 5- el LED as control (A) no relempe- guea. la plla eete ergoteae. Coloque una pile mew. s. Empuleletep-aelemledepileelll sobre el médulo trenemsor en diac- clencmlraliaalaflechahasaque queue enclavada. 3.x Furtelonemlemo out amulaaorweeee Flg. 3) El Mull: trerlerniw ee wade haw mmmnarlamblén cull m acumulenurde 1.5 v err Elgar ue una plle nomlal. 30 TM 0 40 Lads 9 adap ‘B’ o cu4o Frg. & cams-rel acumuladof can le estate-err de calga epezerrel cu 40 mm 105 mummadmes NMH eel tipo 5mm HMU (650 mil) 0 Panasonic Rechargeable Pix» (550 mm Para cerger el acumuladur liene que Darla! el medulo misfit (1) con el adaptaw CA 40 (2) en la esteclén ue cerge opclenel cu 40 (al. tel como se lrldlca en la Flg. a. Puede enmnlrar més indlcaclones el reepem en el Mode ae empleo 119 let estaclén de came cu 4c 4 Anllcacién 4.1 mlerotenu noommhdot Pusde meter el nlédulu transmlw e lee sigurerrlee mlcrolnnos: a sac". D 37cm 9 mm, o env- y c 5900». 4.2 cot-ecu" y demnmar e| "MI-lo tram-lieu veeseelmmuesmpleudeermluelm 1 S‘cllrlté et éeologle 1.1. seer-rm 1, Ne place: jamais l'epparell A un andmit oil a nsque d’élre expose elrectemem au solell, i me atmo» sphere poussiél'ause e I'humldllé. e la plum. aux vlbratlorre ou aux secoussas. 1.7. Embgle l. leomlaz-vnus aux reglerrrerrle en vigueur pour la mlse err rebut des pllee mes. Ne meklez lsmals des piles rti alu leu (risque u‘explnelon) nl aux emu-es manageree. 2. Si vous Msz l‘npperell a le terrellle. errlevez lee piles on Ie‘s amuse sepa» nez le non l-eectronique el lee cables el ellmlrlez lee alllerenls elé» meme wrrlermemem aux reglerrrerrts en vigueur. 2.1 immuctlen Nous veus rememlms d'avoir ch st un prawn AKG, Pour profits eu mexlmum fies aven- mges que vous onre le WMS we lisez "is attentivernerll ce mode d‘emplai “am In mlse en service de l’uppfivelt Conserve: solgneusement la mode d’emplol pour pouvolr le consumer lotsque voue wens posezdes questions. Nous vous eoulteltons beencoup ue eucm. 2.2 scraper-lent mrnl lee élélrlsms enumefee cldessus. Sl ce n‘est pee le can, veulllez camacter votre distribuleur AKG. 2.3 Mcauoins «Won-rel; ‘ energeurcu 40 fie? l module |mafla~ lplle mower- errmteur leurcllw ulmert- clenm‘r TM 40 e‘onm centrtslez sl le anon wntlent men tens 2.4 neudpfion Le m 40 est un memle emetteur mln‘a— ture de le gemme WMS 40 rrrlcrlmols, spécialamenl corteu pcuz etre branehé aireclement eur lee mlcros D aw. D 37W. D 3100“. c 900“ el 0 5900», Le TM 40 lemimme sur urle poneuse flxe etemlteee par quartz dens In gamma ae fiéquenees porteueee UHF de 710 e 355 MHL La cauleur du wuvsfcle flu compani- rrrerrt de la pile correspond e In lrequerr- ce poneuee du module emetreur. Vous 15 pouvez eepsna-m lamplaw Ie cou- vevcle comeur par Ie wuvsmle as rechange noir loumi. 2.5 Elémenu do commandewtfig I) 1 ONIMUTEIOF Ce wiseur pent tamper lrois pom firm: 0" : IA module émamsa as! sous tension. M : Le signal audio Vefliim flu micro est sur must mais Ia module émsneur rests sous lension 91 sur la pmeuse HF. Cscl pumel dB owner Ie mlcm sans que le rénameur ne son penny» bé par d'aulres 610mm"; OFF : LB module émetleur n’est pas souslensim. z Cnmplnlmem de la plu pour une pile (18 1,5 v, dvmsflslofl AM (mums). LE couleur du oouverde correspond A I! paneuse flu module émeneur: 16 (Bins énlsprechéhde Bildsr digs TM 40 , ~ , setz‘ sat Fréquenee couleur FINA)». __Wm summma— WM Us“ 736.975MH2 3750 Emma“ “EM W 748.575MHZ mun m KRA 750.9 damgm EUSZB MWWHZ 236C lit Wm JP? WAZMZ mac I'm blue 512 HDMZ “W! C EUGSB 313 ‘UUM‘lZ 7090 mesa mzmm 32750 lien _ am aszulmm mscmn em W ggz 5m 354mm“ we Huizfimfisdemmedumw LED de commi: me LED Indian sl suds ds own de la pill El LED as ilumlna Ixevemsme al meander er modulo mansmiw y Iuego se snags: la plla m en omen. E| LED we Ilumlna en fulrna Canaan- va: la pun sstm agmada an apex. 50 minutes. 130an de nivel as am: ajusla In sewslbllfflad us Is enma a comma. da my. pem carga! un lwmulanor eon Ia mien de carga opcional cu an. 0mm m Mamas en el Imio supsriol del medulo «ransmlsor esta- blecefl automi’lflcamenbe la oenmdon sléarlca con el mtcvbfono. 1 3 Push on funclonamlenw 3.1 coloe-rlu -r y may" I: pila (Véase Fig, 2) 1. Amiele hams ahaju elganchu as nw slén de Iatspe de bcaja de pilas (u 2, Retire Ia Iapa de la caja de pilas (1 ) cal médulo transmisof, nan-in hac’a map, Imboflnm 94 rullsno de gm‘eqpum an al New gs lalapa rte m csju as piles (1) 0115 |= pils en su pas En. El renew no 59 me mum, pueslo qua nu «mam Dian mans o “steam 5m mam 4. 0010un la pus sumlnlstrfldao nusva (2) en la calls as plhs, m come 59 males en In Fig. 2. "Z Bilte ems (rechefide 3“: Bildsr des TM 4!) Sin- "" , setzen! , Fig. 2: Immuclr Ia plla 29 Bitté entsfirschénde Bilder de TM 40 ein» Fig, v 51mm fie mama del TM no 25 taps as suslimcién nagra summiwada, 2.5 Imam: ae Inn-do mama; 1) | ONIMUTEIOFF: 9519 conmuiaflor eenedim fisnetze's posicrenes: om Ia alimemacién de cements para el modulo mmsmiw esis consens- da. u: is sefial audlo qua pmiefle dsl mimilom m an mudo, pew Ia an- memuidn de cements y la frecuen- cin mndora as AF siguen muscle!- as; am mes que el receptor no as vea pan-imam nor was transmisu- res a pm as lener ev mimiono ciasmnectado. OFF: I: almmm‘én de eorrisme del miidulu lrsnsmlsor esfi descflnecla» ca 2 on)- de pills para 1 pila 6915 v Iamafio AAA (sumlrmradd. El color as h tuna indies Is irecuen- cia pmtadom aei médulo transmisor: set hammer-com Pamne DEM—HHMMHI mica—mm 115648 711mm 28mm!“ Usfis 730mm 23m: ussxs 735 75mm 3750 745mm mmmmn usm mammal 364m Km 750mm Wank ussns 151m siiamgxme m sasMHx 1720me mm mimimx mo lnk m 308,629,141 MDCgrsanbmwn ‘PZ 31mm: mlmuus sues 512.811»er we mm 511111an 7090 UKNA 354mm flvadaI UKfiGB samba mscgreen ISM! film insennbngibw lsmz mama ewluz ISM! Mme: 25670 LED union. : Gems LED inuique I'usuvs as In pue. La LED lance un wan quend on ma Ia module émensursoustsnsion puls s’éislnl animal 1 la pile 951 an bun éial. La LED vests allumée : Ia pike n'assu- m pins qua so minutes d’amonomie. Whining d’me : régle la sensibllné as I'm wdlm contacts pull! changer m awn dans la compartment de la plleé I'ai- as an chmeur optionnsi CU 40. 0°de : Les mans sur la haul nu module mmuréiabussam auto- mmquemem Ia mnnexicn é‘ec'lflque avec la microphone. 8 "Ice en service 3.1 min on pineal-emu».- man a and as h pile Var F192: 1, Pousssz 19 fermoir du cowards du companimem de la pile (1) ms Is has. 2. Enimz is ewvemle flu oompanh menu de la plls (1) an lefaisanl gllsser vers Ia his. 1mm : L! biaque ds‘moussa A ‘I'Imérleur du cuuvewls an mp‘anl», mam de la pile m malnfiem 1a pife en . 905mm ‘enlavez nu’ Salts mamas. 3mm! la psiq ne man pas minienue 2 6017661 ent‘uf‘nsquehird wave: 5 rqueyyxieysymgilyys Impatnns. i a. Enlevez Ie ass écheanl, Ia pile épu 59's on défeaueuse sewn/am dans la compartment. 4. Menez Is pila loumie cu in muvelle Bitte en sbre’chen‘de; ‘ Bilder dés TM 40 ein i semen!» all! (2) dans la compmimem comma lnoique a la Flg. 2, 5. Failes ownpsr au wrssur ON/MUFE/OFF (a) In Fashion on. La LED (émoin (4) lanes un éclain Sl la pile est en hon élat, II LED (4) i'éteirll anssliéi. Si Ia LED (4) 79518 allumée. la pile n'asslne plus que BO minm demo- rlomle. Remplaoez-Ia flies que pos- sible par une plls "along. Sl la LED (4) he S’Illuma pas. la plle est épuisée 91 dell airs changés. 6. Remeltez 16 cowards du cumflifll- man! as I: plle (1) SUV Is module emeneur en la lalsem glissar flans le sens inveee de le new lusqu’z‘n enclaochsmenl. a: Fonnlomemm sur mu Vail F' . e- Au Isu d‘une pile normals, vans pewez égalemenl utilise! un scum as 1.5 V. 18 TM 0 40 Leos o adap ler o CU40 Fl; 3 : Recharge oe l'aocu A value on uhargeur epllonnel cu 40 Nous recomrnarvjuns lee some NWIH. type SANVO NR~4U (650 MM] 00 Pemeonlc mhwgsable PRO; (550 mAh). Pour recharge! mm ll suifit o'immoulre le module ememeur (1) eveo l‘eoepleleur cA 40 (2) oens le changeuromlonnsl cu 40 (a) some Indlqué a le Fig. 3, Pour plus oe dél‘sils. veuillez consunsr le mooe fl’empl du enamel" ou 40. 4 Mod. opéfihlre 4.1 Mlcronhonet letommlnd‘l Vous pouvez branchey Ie modlr le emeueur eur les microphones su'r vams : DEW, Dame“. 03300“. C990M el 0 590m 4.2 Bunchemem oi d‘brmeha~ men an nwdnlo “mar Veulllszvous manna nu made a'emplol de vane mlwwhma. 1 Securidad y meal» amblonte 1.1 Sag-"idea 1. No exponet el eparelo dimc'IBmsme el sol, - polvo o numeoeo memos, a la lluvle, e vlbracionss o a go‘lpes. 1.2 Medlo emblem 1. Les piles y lee ecumuledores usados debs" elimlnnree slendlerldo a Ins corresponolenlee olepoe ionee de e” "won oe reeldnos wgemee. Las piles o acumuladoms no debefl lirar- se nl el lueoo [Deng-o oe exploelonl nl a In beeme resldunl. 2, Pam mellow el epemlo hay que secer Ias piles o loe awmulenores. separev la Cali. Ia electrénlca y el cable y prooeoer e la ellminaoion de toooe loe componentes alenolenoo e 1515 ooneepomlemee diepoelelonee de sllmlnau‘o’n de residues vioenlee. 2 Descripelén 2.1 Immflueeién Muchas gracias per haberee demdldo par un pvoducto oe le empress AKG. Tomeee, per favor. unos momen- los we leer el Mode oe Empleo me do our el ape-mo. Guards lee [unmo- cionee oe empleo en un Inger ssguro de mooo one pueda ooneullenee e. se le oresenle elgune ouoe Que se owieney que lenge mucho éxllo con su nuevo equipo! 2.2. Valumen de sun-meme Def 1mm ladlph- lpfla "Saudi loo-smear oovcm lemefio some mm AAA plhslwa slrvsse oommlerei el amhalsle coallene loose lee plazas icadas sniba. llgo, le rogemos omglree e su nor AKG. 2.3 mnoms noonemadoo ‘ Eamon (is come cu 40 M Duedpdbn El TM 40 es un mbdulo lransmw mlniatura de la sens WMS 40 minima- ols, desarmllado especialmeme para Ios mlchonus D 580“. D 3700”. D 3800“. C 900“ y C 5900“. El 1M 40 flleOHa can une lleouenola pmom llle emolllzmle pot cumo en la gama de lrscuanclas pmdwas UHF de 710 hams 865 MHZ. El color de la laps ds la win as nllis compo-me e le frememia ooneom del mooulo Iransfllisov. Le lane ae la call as Dilis Ia weds reemvlaur par la 27 8 Ball tecnlci Fgusnza p_onante 710 - 055 MHz Moonwazuone FM earn a; tresm‘T—xss one auo'io —4o - 20.000 Hz _ Stab 113 cells mouenza (as 401: a 150 t) x15 kHz Deviazlons mammals 15 kHz (SP1 SPzz1a 5 km Famore dl dlslorsione ad 1 kHz up. 0.0% Companflsf integrate Ruooono pegnaldlumove up. 103 dBKA] Pelenm d‘uscma RF up. 5 mW whimsmn up, 75 mA Allmemazinne 1 Mafia on 1.5 v dimmeone AAA Dureta o'esemzso >11 11 (baneria). >e h (eocumulew-e) Lweflo a mgreeso sumo per owimone nemmals 300 mV/I kHz Dimension? (larghezm x pmlendifi x enemj Iunghezm: 125 mm ammo: 23 mm Peso "91m 30 g Questu modem eomsponoe ulle norms ENsocaszwse. ENsm 4509 v.1.1.1 109-2000» ENSOD 422-2 11.11.1(07-2000). 26 4.3 KW do mean Mair 119.1) 1. vermez si la réoepleuva Men Ie meme code muleur que le mooule emet- lea. . A I‘aids d'un pent mumsvis. réglez le povemiemélm d‘emréa (4) on modurs émeneur em I: posmon médisne. a égale olsunce des mtées mile 91 gauche. Menez le module émmeursws (arr slon en amenanl Is cureeur oN/MuTE/oFF (1 j w ON. . Menu le réoepieur at I'équlpemem sudin sous tension. . Channel on panel uansle mlm. . Si wire voix arrive derormee mm haul peneurs. «eneexoumene palm «mew d’emée (A) dans le sens inverse des ugu‘ueeoe Ia mnnlmms- Quin disban‘lion ass dislofsTanu Si Von‘s volx arrive sous un nivaeu Imp falbde aux haulrpaflaurs, lam teams! is pflteflliométra d‘emrés (4) dans le sens dss exgumss de la moms. SI lee haut-panmrs 59 mal- um e sima pace qu'il y a m larsen teumez aueeim le végiage (4) dens 19 sens imam pure as que lee sme- mems s'arrélem. M Mhnlque cu mlem Voue tmuvsrez dans le moue d'emplol de vane "om AKG 101.1155 135 Indica- lions rem/es e In 1ecnn1que ou micro, en paniculisf oslles oonoemem In my fiance du micro aux levree. I'efiel oe pmxlmité ct Ie larssn. 4.5 pep-mum Voue Imuvm Iss msmmlms relalives au dépennage dans la mode d’emploi de woke récepteuv. 5 Hotter-99 Le bower du mooulo éme‘leur se nanoie avec un chinon humme’d'eau, 19 J 6 caucMrIsthuas techniques F usnoe ease Modulaxion FM 710 - 366 MHz sends me audm — 40 - 20.000 Hz Sm?" os rrsousnos (em—re 4m sl «soflcl x15 EH_1 Excurslon nominals Dlstorslon ivp~ (bar hmenique) pour 1 kHz 1514426”, P2 : 135KHL) o,e% Compmsseur—expanswr inlggrs Happen slgnsl Sur own typ. 163 as w Pulsssnos some NF lyp. 5 mW Censommaxlon lyp. 75 rnA Allmsnlallon 1 plls de 1.5 v. dimension AAA Amonomls > 11 n (pus) > e n (seem vaenu d’emrés audio pour rsxculslon nominale 300 mV 1m: Dlmsnslons (I x p x hi Poids nsl Ce proaull ssl mn'ormeaux norms; Eusoflssflssa. Emu! 4339 v.1 ENMD 422-2m|.1.1(n1-zum). 20 lonpusw: 125 mm dlaméira: 26 mm 30a nae-20mm mioroloni: D aw, D 3700". D 330m. 0 aw s 0 590m. 4.2 coma mos-ire e sill-N n modulo di tmmlslune (veal fig. 4) mail ls islruzlonl per mm new vosllo miuolono. 4.3 Como ragolare n Iivello llsafio 1) 1. Conimllale ss ll rlosvllols ha lo sies- so oodles 5 colors osl modulo di ira— smisiens. 2. Aprite iI rsgolslors del llvslloa nglss so (4) sul module oi uaymssione glvandolo oon un piooolo oaoozsvils fin quando si lrvvn a] cenlm lls ans- slo slnlslro e qusm: assoc. cl. Inserite moduloollrssmisslms per- mm I'xmemmms ON/MUTE/OFF (1) In peslzlnne on. 4. Inseme iI memo-s s l'lmplsnlo soda. 5. Osmals o panels nel micm'eno. 5. Se ls voslrs vane viens ripwdena dlslona oagli enopansnll, ponate mm H regulators osl Ilvello d‘irk gresso (A; in ssnso anllorsno fin quando nun senms pill dlseofslonl. Se la voslra vase vlsns Hpmdatta lmppo bassa dag» slloosnaml, por- larsavoml regolslorsosl HveHn gressn (A) g andolo ln sense nrann. Se g. aliparlnnfl oomlnoiano a fischlare a causal osl lssdback scu- sfimv ”penile wollo inmaxro u repo— |alors del llvsuo o'lngrsssp (e) fin quando iI «some 03m M- Teallcl mlcrofonica Le lndleazionl suua tomes mimolonica. in panioolars per quanta alla dinsma tie! mlcmfono dmla boost alrenm dl plossimifia s sl issoosok, sane comenuv ls nsus lslmzlonl per I'uso oer voslm mlororono AKG. 4.5 mm o rim-m Ls lnoloazlom ooms nmsdlsvs a dllelli sono oomenule nails lslmzloni per l'uso osl 1105110 ncswlo Pullzla nulls Ia some del modulo oi rasm‘ "one can ml 951an |numlono d'anqua. 25 2A mum (21 neflo soomoano banaia come 1nd“ am nella fig. 2, Pmala l'imarmooia UN/MUTEIOFF (a) in posizlens ON. II LED oi can'mflo (4; a aooanoa ble— vernsnle. sa la banala a in [warm slam LED dioonirollomslspsgne subuo. Se ll LED oi oomrollo (4) si amende rimananoo aooaso, la banaria ai aauurira nai mass 60 minuli ma. Smmulleia al p piasro con una nuova. 59 ll LED oi oomwllo (4) non sl awanoa nemmeno bmvemema, la banana 5 asausla. Inssflle una baile- via "mm. . Meme ll oopewhio oallo scmlpaflo haneria (1) sill mooulo oi uasmismr lie, laundolo soonara comm la dira zlone dalla neocla fin quando ll copermlo(1)scath TM 0 40 Lads o adap (a 0 CU 40 Fig. 3: Come carioare l'aocurrmlaioie eon l'opzionala 51mm oi mes cu 40 u Eumixio eon ueenmnlmd Vaol no. Ct Palms la: lunzlonaia iI mooulo dl tra- amlaalona ancua oon un aocumulalaa da 1,5 v al pom di una banana VI rac- oomanolamo oi usara aocumulalorl NiMH del lioo sumo HRAU (650 mm oppura oal llpo Panasonic Rechargeable PROr 1550 mAh). Per cancels l’aocumumore, baala plaz- we iI modulo oi lraamlaalona (“can ' daualona CA 40 (2; nsll opzionala slazic» ne oi carioa cu 40 (3) some i ioalo naila fig. & Par indmazml oiu oauag ale wnsunale Ie lslruzlmii par I'uso oella stazlone oi Carina cu 40 4 Im go 4.1 moi-atom mammalian“ Paula nollsgnle ll modulo dl oasmiaalona al saguanli 1 Slcum 9d alt-blame 1.1 sieurezza 1. Non aabonala l'qmaraomio arena meme ‘I $013,353 palm a all'umlona alla pioggla, a vibrazinni o a oolpi, 1.2 mount» 1, Smalma la banana users 9 oil acm- mulam usaii sample oon‘ormemsrr la alla name analurnsnlo rIstm- uamanla uigami Non gamma ls bal- taria o gh aooumulalorl rial luoco (barioolu di uolosiona) o nal rifiml lesidui. 2. Se rousmale l'appaiaocnio. Iogllele la benwie ”SPA gll acoumulalon. separate soalola alauroni- e cavi e smallna lunl lcomponami ooruorma meme alle norms di smalllmanlo v gano per esai. 2 Descrlllone 2.1 Mind-mono in ringrezamo oi aver seello un prooono dell‘AKG. Lsooala par favors nnemamente la ialruzionl per I’uso puma o' ume l'apbmooluo sconsu— vale la mzion’ bav I'uso psi polells consullara in caso di nacasana Vl augu» rlamo huon divanlmanlo a mono surf casaol 12. In dvtnsono 0 ref limdulooi Ismael» lbanala iwpauli: mo mum dlmhm ma namiw MA (mil Conimllale per iavora se la conleziona oomiana mm loombonami di cul sobra. Se mmca qualcosa mulgelevl al uoalro rivendiwre AKG. 2.3 Ame-cm mourn-mini ' stazlooa oi caries cu 40 u Ducrlflone ll TM 40 é un modulo ol lrasrmssiona in minimum dsfla sane Willis 40 minio- uools, swiuooalo apposilameme bar II oollagamanlo olrano ai microfom D 380“, D 370qu D 3800“, c 900- a 1: 590m. Ii TM 40 mull/ma su Una influenza per- tame fissa, slabifizzata a qumo, nalla gamma della lrequerlze UHF da 710 a 865 Mqu II com del wpmhlo oello scompano bmeria oomaoonde aHa iraouanza por- tame osl mooulo di iraamiasuona. Potale anme sosll’iulm n coparmio oalu seem- 21 Bitte emsbrecfiende Bilderkdes TM 40 ein- Fug, 1: Elemem m oomando as! TM 40 22 natto battena con il wpe'chlo m risen/a new In dolaziona 2.5 Element! a comma; (vadi fig. 1) | ON/MUTEIOFF: ONES“) inlammoie a scmlmemn ha 11! pesizionl: ON: L'ahmemm‘ens dsl modulo dl Irasmifiione é inseam l segnale audio Dmvenlsnm dal m. minus a sway-mo, Ia (mans d‘allmmazhne e la lrsquenza por- vame RF nmangono mam. In qussm mode iI modulo aw (remissions non View dismrbalo da am] "3mm anche Wanda [I mlwohnn nun 6 mega. OFF: L'aflmemxbna dew modulo m trasmlssions é spams. 2 Milena hm Far 1 hawk da 15 v dimwneman dmazione). n more dsl copsmnso mum Ia lrs- Quanta meme dEI module 41 ka- miwiofle: Set Freq-nun colon r-mne u 71mm": Aflovatdiflibrwn usw mnmm 23505 us5a mama: 2390 u r- ussaa 73637sz nscyewmmen KN 75m BMW usw mam”: swag-m m4 mama: mummy usms 75mm: mmumxw Eusz mszswz «mama Euszs mmwuz mgmk JP! maze-w: "magma“ JPZ anmswz Mignbfin Elm smunwz yglwrc 319mm: mes UKBGA 35690an museum UKEBB sssznan 32mm ISM! 553.10an mascmm m lsw mama waggyz ISM! awswm 25570 LED a: comm Questo LED hdlca Io mm m canca dean banerla. || LED si aaoends blwemeflle ll momamo dell‘aecsflslons e s. spsgne subno dopa: Ia banana e wk, n LED rimans ammo permmeme— meme: Ia banana si eszwziré nei pvos— simi an minun‘ ci a. Romain-ave del min d'lngum: regokala sensibimfi ddl‘lngmsw audio. Comm“ 4! mice per caucus un mumulaiore hello swmpane bane- m con l'aimo duropmnale smzkm di caries cu 40. Comm-t | com-m wlla pans sup:- rim del modulo n; mmisswane vea- limm momsmamte u cullega— memo ammo can u microfiche. 3 Mass: In iunxlono 3.1 Inurlulloaflmlre e mun l. nmmh Vem fig. . 1. Pmmete verso n besso iI game ad lnnestn dlspusio sul oopsvcrflo dello soompanu bmeria (1L 2. Smate n cupevfino deHo seompam hafleria (1) can module 51 traxmissxo— ne firzmdo iI copammo verso u hassn. umporhmu u cuselnem m espansu 0757. sab am me warm dd caper-mm ~ deno mpano bafleria (1) fissa Ii banana; nella ans pos 9. Non Augusta u “cinema Betcha aluimen- item mm b mama bane nelbo 9 am uusam rumfl. 3. Se c‘é una haneria wausta o mano- 52 new; scumpano banana, legume- la. 4. Inssfite Va battens m dulazione 0 ma Bitté entsbrepihéhde Bilder des TM40 ein- ~ ~ setzen’! , Fig. 2: Come imam la bimeda 23
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.4 Linearized : No Create Date : 2003:09:12 17:34:53Z Modify Date : 2003:11:19 16:46:25+01:00 Page Count : 22 Creation Date : 2003:09:12 17:34:53Z Mod Date : 2003:11:19 16:46:25+01:00 Producer : Acrobat Distiller 5.0.5 (Windows) Author : tr Metadata Date : 2003:11:19 16:46:25+01:00 Creator : tr Title : User Manual.pdf Has XFA : NoEXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools