AKG Acoustics DPT70 Digital Wireless Microphone Pocket Transmitter (DPT70) User Manual QSG DMS 70 V2 Uebersetzung des

AKG Acoustics GmbH Digital Wireless Microphone Pocket Transmitter (DPT70) QSG DMS 70 V2 Uebersetzung des


Short user manual page 1

Download: AKG Acoustics DPT70 Digital Wireless Microphone Pocket Transmitter (DPT70) User Manual QSG DMS 70 V2 Uebersetzung des
Mirror Download [FCC.gov]AKG Acoustics DPT70 Digital Wireless Microphone Pocket Transmitter (DPT70) User Manual QSG DMS 70 V2 Uebersetzung des
Document ID1587710
Application IDwkM3/9g4680EkqNcCZ877A==
Document DescriptionShort user manual page 1
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize134.89kB (1686133 bits)
Date Submitted2011-11-24 00:00:00
Date Available2011-11-24 00:00:00
Creation Date2011-11-16 12:02:03
Producing SoftwareCorel PDF Engine Version
Document Lastmod2011-11-16 12:02:09
Document TitleQSG_DMS 70_V2_Uebersetzung.des
Document CreatorCorel DESIGNER Version 12
Document Author: rsieghart

FCC Statement
This equipment has been tested and round to comply with the limits tor a Class B
digimi device, pursuant to Fans 74 and 15 or the FCC Rules. These iimin are designed
to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential
installation This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio lreouency energy
and, it not installed and used in accordance with the instmctions, may cause harmtul
inmrterence to mdio communications. However. there is no gualarrtee that interference
will not occur in a particular installation. if this equipment does cause harmtul
interlerence to mdio or teiflision reception, which can be determined by turning the
equipment ott and an, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interterence by one
or more of the following measures:
. neorient or relocate the receiving antenna
. increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver
. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit ditrerent irom that to which the
receiver is connected.
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician tor heip.
Volume Configuration - Audio-Mixer
Adjust the audio level using the Volumeri’oti on the instrument you have
connected For best results we recommend using the highest possible input level
in order to obtain the best possible signalrtornoise ratio However, even when
someone is speaking loudly into the microphone you should take care to ensure
that the level Indicator never moves Into the red zone; taliure to do so can result in
unpleasant distortion caretuiiy Increase the Input level until the level Indicator ls
yust below the red zone
Shielded cables and i/O cords must be used ror this equipment to comply with the
relevant FCC regulations
Changes or modifications not expressly approved in writing by AKG Acousfics may void
the user's authonly or operate ttris equipment.
This device complies with Part 15 ot the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
loiiowing two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harnnui inmrierence. and (2)
this device must accept any interlerence received, including interlerence that may
cause undesired operation.
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rurtner inlorniation can oe tound in the operating instructions as a Pot downioad irom www akg com
Pour toutes informations coinpléinentaires, oonsuiter ia Notice d‘utilisation ateiechargor au torniat PDF sur ie site www akg coin
Ulteriori inioimazioni sono disponiuiii neiie istruzioiii per i‘uso. scaiioauiii in ioiiiiato PDF dai sito wuvwakg com
cotendia mac iiiformacion en el nianuai de ruiicionamiento due puede descaioai eii formato PDF en WWW akg coni
Para mais inioimacocs transrira o inanuai dc instrucocs cm PDF a partir do site www akg com
oicscs Produn cntspricht dcn iii dci Konrorinitatscrklarung anocgcocncii Normon sic konncn dio Konrornlitatscrklarung aui http //www akg.corn odci por ErMail an saics@akg com anioidcin
This product contornis to the standards listed in the Declaration oi Coniolniity To order a free copy oi the Declaration of Conformity, visit http //www akg com or contact salesoiakgcom
ce produit est confoime aux normes Citées dans la Declaration de Contorniite', dont yous Douvez orendre connaissance en consultant ie site http l/wyvvi.akg com ou en adressant un email ”a
saies@akg corn
duesto prodotto coriisponde aiie norme eiencate neiia dichiaiazioiie di ooiitoimita, one o dispoiiioiie ai sito http-warw akg com oppure aii‘iiidirizzo email saies®akg com
Este apaiato corresponde a lac iiormas citadas en la deciaiacioii dc conloimidad Esta ultima esta dispoiiioie en el Sitio http //www akg com o puede Ser soiicitada ai correo electronico
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Creator Tool                    : Corel DESIGNER Version 12
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Title                           : QSG_DMS 70_V2_Uebersetzung.des
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