ALPHA VISION TECH AC-110 PC Camera User Manual users manual 13

ALPHA VISION TECH CO., LTD. PC Camera users manual 13

users manual 13

Download: ALPHA VISION TECH AC-110 PC Camera User Manual users manual 13
Mirror Download []ALPHA VISION TECH AC-110 PC Camera User Manual users manual 13
Document ID177829
Application IDKLPoI0LHi6VmA1gdj3TZSA==
Document Descriptionusers manual 13
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize209.19kB (2614895 bits)
Date Submitted2001-11-06 00:00:00
Date Available2001-11-01 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-10-30 11:03:22
Producing SoftwareAcrobat 4.0 Import Plug-in for Windows
Document Lastmod2001-10-30 11:03:40
Document Titleusers manual 13
Document CreatorAcrobat 4.0 Import Plug-in for Windows

4) NetMeetingrnn can creetee shortcut icon on the
desktop and the quick launch oer Select the
appropriate box.
“Norm-Nun... n.hM.y-umna
77 rmmuemmmwmrm.
Click 'Nnxl'1o continue.
5) In order to have audio during e video conference.
the speaker musl be functioning propeny. This
Audio Tuning Mzardwill check to make sure your
speakers and micfophone istunctioning property.
Click 'Nexl' to continue.
Fig 16—1-5
6) Press the'Tusl‘ buncn and adjustme voiume n
aoocxdingly. Inhe speaker or headphone is not
functioning properly, erreoktne sound card for
proper insteiietion
we no. utemmewn .
on“... m.“ “MW.
Von-IMWMMm-m me.»
numb-Yunnan»- we.“
Aflerthelest, click on Nexf (0 continue.
Fig 16—1-5
7a) Speak into the microphone normally, The sound
meter should nucmate from green tored. Every time
the sound meter reaches yellow! red, the record
volume bsrwill seliadjust to compensate tor
the icurtness.
rememmmi mm...
mauve”. We.
Afler the test. olid< on 'Nex!' to continua
fig 154-73
7b) lime mlcrophnna Is notfunctlnnlng. mls wlndow
will appear inslead ofme screen in 63. Check all
miemphofle and sound and installation.
Reinstall "necessary.
Click ‘Nexf w minus.
Fin le—l-vb
a) The Audio Tuning VWza/d is now edmplele.
Click 'FInIsh' (o acme Audio Tuning Wizardand
begin Micfowflm Newleefingm.
16 Stamng Mlcrosoflini NetMeetmgnni
NelMeeiing allows you in hold (ace-(office conversations over the Internet with friends and (Emily.
Coliaborale with co-workers around the world with this industry standard video commencing tool.
Calling Menu
My Video
| n/ll
rig 164-1
Vioeo Menu
NetMeetinglrMi Tools
Calling Menu: Place Call, End Call, Directories,
Video menu: Display a video, video con/erence with pioiure in piclure, arid adjust
NetMeetinglwl Tools: Access shared liles, that, whiteboard, and iransler liles
My Video Display your own Video during Video conferencing
“For more information regarding NetMeeting, please visit me official Microsoftm
NelMeelingrmi web site:
16 U gNetMeet gm:
To find an IF addrels (Aulomaiically):
Nole: Make sure lhe oompuler is connected lo lhe lnlemel. This will allow you lo oblain an lP address for lhe
oompuier. An IP address allows anolher oompuler lo locale you over lhe lnlernel. lflhe oompuler has a
siailc IP line and is conneoied lo lhe lnlerneivia a digllal or cable signal (DSL. cable, T1, T3) the computer
will always have me same IP address. lflhe ccrnpuler logs onlo me lnnemelvie regular modern. lhen lhe
oompulers IP address will be dllierenl every lime il logs onlo lhe lnlemel. ln lhis ease. you musl oblain die
IP address every lirne lhe oompuler oonneols lo lhe lnlemel.
1. start NelMseIingrwll
2. Clickon Help and the" on Aboul Mlubsofiml NetMsslingrer
3. Locale your IP address allhe
oollorn oilhe window.
After OMaining Vour IP Address:
1. Make sure you and lhe pany you wanl lo video conference with are oonneoled lo lhe lniernel.
2. Have NetMeefinQflM) running on both computer.
3. Enler lhe other person's IP address or vice versa, (Only one person needs lo do this).
4. Oncea call is placed. an incoming call nulificslinn will appear on lhe remole wmputsn
5. Connection will be established once Ihe call is answered.
"In orderlo broadcaslyourown video during a video oonlerence, you rnusmrsliurn on your own video.
Click on Tools > My vidnc in order open the My Video window. lick the 'Plly' bufion to display your
own video.
2 vi. Ind: d-lr
o so. so
II on» do
Fig 153-2
For on-line technical support, visit us on ourweo sits at www airicainsoorn. There are many
documentations on the weti site that will help answer your questions. If the documentation does not
answer your ouation. you can call ourtechnlcat support toll tree at 1—885-511-4100,
in ordor to receive techn
py mailing in the rapist
from the date of purch
eligihlo to utmlvl techn
support. you must have mgislsud your product or on lino or
card. Registration ot your product is required with an days
Products not registered with Alpha Vlslon Tech will not be
Compliance Statement
Fcc Compliance and Advisory Statement. This device complies with Part 15 or the FCC Rules,
Operation is sublecl to the iotlowing two conditions: 1) this device may not cause harmiul
interference, and 2) this deVica must accept any interference recetved, including interference that
may cause undesired operation, This equipment has been tested and lound to comply With the limits
tor a Class a digital device. pursuant of Part ts otthe FCC Rules. These limits are designed to
provide reaaonahle protection against harrriful interterenoe in a residential installation. This
equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio ireouency energy and, it not installed or used in
accordance wlth the instnrctions. may cause harnilul interterence to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interterence will not occur in a particular installation. it this
equipment does cause hanntul tnterierenca to radio or television reception which can he determined
by tuniing the equipment ottand on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interterence oy one
or more otthe tollwtng measures: 1) reorient or relocate the receiving antenna; 2: increase ute
separation between the equipment and the receiver; at connect the equipment to an outlet on a
circuit dnterenttrom that to which the receiver is connected; 4) consult the dealer or an experienced
radio/TV technician for addttlonat suggestions. Arty changes or modifications not expressly approved
by the party responsiole tor compliance could void the users authority to operate the equipment.
Where shielded interface cables have been provided with the product or specrhed additional
components or accessories elsewhere defined to he used with the installation or the product, they
must be sued In order In ensure compliance with FCC regulallans,
Canadian DOC Statement This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B limits tor radio noise
emissions trorn digital apparatus set out in the radio interierence regulations ol the Canadian
Department oi Communications.
Alpha vision Tech Co, Ltd. All rights reserved.
Other names and brands are Ihe property (71 their respective ownelSr
Alpha vision Tech USA Branch office: 2103 Woolsey street, Berkeley, CA 94705

Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
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PDF Version                     : 1.3
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Modify Date                     : 2001:10:30 11:03:40+09:00
Create Date                     : 2001:10:30 11:03:22+09:00
Creator                         : Acrobat 4.0 Import Plug-in for Windows
Producer                        : Acrobat 4.0 Import Plug-in for Windows
Page Count                      : 5
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