Alpine Electronics Inc KIT ASSY AVN avn


(Short-Term Confidential) User Manual-2

Download: ALPS ALPINE 9ZUA142 KIT ASSY AVN User Manual avn
Mirror Download []ALPS ALPINE 9ZUA142 KIT ASSY AVN User Manual avn
Document ID2511496
Application IDZVmL5drNyEbk5gZOYPiNsQ==
Document Description(Short-Term Confidential) User Manual-2
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize323.6kB (4045024 bits)
Date Submitted2015-01-23 00:00:00
Date Available2015-07-22 00:00:00
Creation Date0000-00-00 00:00:00
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 10.1.2 (Windows)
Document Lastmod0000-00-00 00:00:00
Document Titleavn
Document CreatorCorelDRAW
Document Author: Shubham

o Answn Call
ln co of mcmnlllg coll all phone, lhc syslcm ml!
Auhlmaluallyswlkhh) Bluchlmh Hl‘ rnrerme
nnnnn ll, lone» lonll SWHCM slrghlly lo Mulch bclwccvl
velncs ar speaker phone and moblle phone, mess hang, up
key nmrosll ro rcrnnr lo the provrons nroclol,
6 l-llsloly
Touch [Hlslory] ram {0 enlcrrlre .nlcrrnoc asshownhclow
w... on a
r... H mu.”
All Calls] ro check all cnlls
Mlssed Calls] ‘llsl or rnlssccl calls
Rccenod chlls] ‘llfl ufrccclvcd onlls
0u|gmng Malls] lnl ornmgmng coll-
[: l l :1 w s lhc ronn lo chuck ull hlsklry
o Adda»! Hook
Cllck [Address Bookl lcon and me lnlerlace rs as shown
chok [Download All] and Illcu cllok lnowrrlosd] or
[chnoel] ro download all phone numbers ro rlre sysrcnr
L llck [hose mldR nmo] lo mnunw dllwnlmdlngall
llrclclmnscnnnlls Ill-rm]kcyhlcllmlnucdownllmdlng
AllnumbcmxlncclhcLumumbcrm' .slnrnc
V 1f al call nrslory, ohck [Do lo Alll IL) llclclc oll
Du. lug downloadmg n1Lcllck[Smp Downlondl key ro
:l) Smplhecunemphonc numberdnwnloadmg:
£22thn dawlload sroppocl, cl k [Pam and k ,hmo]
agsm'l conlrnno downloadlng
Q Selllngs
Cllck [Scmngs I rcon on nranr mono nno lhc nnonocc ls ns
shown below
l (,1le luemc scorchllollrsnlnynlcuccnonro
Holld HFI‘PN P Alison! 00m]
Bogrn lo. l0.
Cllck [Cancel] ro rolrnn lo rnonr nrlerloco ol sellmgs
lo d 'play lsluoloorh dcvl -s and lconneemrscnnrwcrl
rconJoursplnylclcomllncvr sl
Bluemolh devlce oonnocnon ls os shown below
2('llck‘Clcdr/mDcvlcus‘lcollloc‘ rolldcw morn.
3 {‘1le lchonge PIN Code] rcon ro Change ro new
Cllck [Remove] ro dololc all numbers onrcrco
[ .4. ohok rrro delete numbers enrered one by one
[0K] mconhnnpa ~wordsolnng
lconcol] lo mnucl rho sculng .md rerun. ro .clnng, rnenn
[Rullmel' ro clear all lenel: enrereo, l JOdelde leners
one by onec [UK] ro corn m new name,
[chm-ell ro cancel rhe wcmng and renn-n ro semng nnenu
0 Bluelooln Muslc
“ hm Bluuuolh mnslc ls Command and malchtd, rrphnnc
ls plavlded wrrh alneroolh mlmc ploy runouon, n wlll
swlroh phone sumo mlo velnolo sponkcr syslern ro play
muslc m phone Cllck [Bluercorh MuSAC] to enrol nlneroolh
mosh- play rnlormoos
«1Prcunns,[>ll] Ploy/paused» Vm
7, USE
The vldco file lorrml llrar can played back on lhls mm are
MP4, DOLBY. "254, XVld, AVl MYEGI 2, MW, er
kcleldm.MKVal-ld .ww
r nm‘cuud hy l)va (nrgrnl krphr Mnnngcmum) hr
nrher files wrrh mm of Copyngm prnlucuen. can-rel b4;
played back our ~nnrr
When USB disk memory does um suppon a lonnar, n wlll
mlmlllaucally sklp ll
0 Plug, unplug lez Dltk
Plug U disk wl‘Hmcdm mfummuun .rnn USH lmch‘cc
9 Lnler USE Dlsk Play Model
(luck [USE] rm (m
chow-l below
men m enrer USE rnrerme as
when \rSli dlsc r. read, .u play mudd u |hh smut rs dun
unrdlng ln mcnu calcgory,
Alllum. and Type as :howll below
[All] lo enrer all song llsl lo plhy ln song order,
[Amsl] m cmcr mgr hrr m play ln mm order,
[Alhurn] m cmcr alhurn lnl m play m ulhurrr order,
[lypel ln clllur rype lul {0 play M type nrrlh
Flllm mus 'mcnu us shown below
[« l mu backwmd
[MI] lo pause when playm
thn paumdarsmppcd presuhc lulnw play agarn
[ »l 'fau forward
[Random] m landom play \ungx n. rlnk
loyclul k) cycle play lhc culnlll song. In rarulhm model,
has: lkhnrlernl ngalll In Cancel n and then all songs
wlll cycle play
[EQ]- Aoswluh nmonglhe following models Classlc. Sun,
Srurulurd, Ruck, Yup, Ln.» and Dance
0 Vldco
Cllck lvmeo] lo swlrcllmvldco llsrlmcrlacc as
shown below,
[x J[ l I, k: scan vmeo llsl up and down
Cllck yldeu documem and enrer yuleo plny mle|fflce as
Cllck [Pu-hue] Icon and cmcr plume 1|»! lmclfzcc
[ z ][ 1 ] m «an prerure up and rlnwr. a: dluwn helpw»
l«l prnulmplcmrc
l m l m pnusc pulure dlsplny
l»ll nuxlp 'Vun;
m J rormeplcmrc,
Relare plcrlne by 180“ When mlmmg,
The rereen \\lll nor play (he nexr one :mmmancally
[ a] m loom ru plclum
l R] m luum 0m yvlclum
as uhnwn hclnry
¢ All:
Press [Back] on panel lo remrn m rhe pr a» mu: menu and
cllck n. seleer song
(,1le [ x ]\\l \um pagc upward,
( llck l ; 1m \um rmgc rhnmwurn,
(‘llck lhrlel won ‘0 .‘mcr me llsl
“1lcanod player l‘ conneued, rlre
and udcu file lannd
0 Enlchxu
slrgmly lunch mm. m rhcn much
lrrrull w enrer lPad rnremrce ru shown beluw
rem can play audlo
lPod cubic can umnw‘ phones nprh rplnmc 45 only In em
al above model pleme pulchme canneckn ham dealer
[Play] clickmoplaysong
[Adm] chekmoplaywngamamsmrdcr
Alhuw] ornk n n. my rong. rn urbnm Urdu
Hung} obok n ro on} song; or rong (vrdcr
\szym clmk ruopnysong m sly‘; brner
[Video] cbck H ro prny song: rn \ rdeo order
Touch [ll’odj reon ro cmer mnrn urn-moo and much orbor
fimmon rcons ro exn
[Play] obok H ro mncr anolhcr menu as drawn below
\ Cl kHlusc‘ccnhupvcwous‘vsl
1 click n m selecl me He)“ bsr
Song] Chck H ro orncr aumhu menu ns shown below
‘mmn ronuom play
(( nlmHCd by [Random] kCy Ir mr mark my
p ,vcu,rmopnrymnrder)
[Cycle] meancyclcplay
or nuollcdbyfilydcjk 'l'hcrcan’smglcuydcandnunrcytlc)
. lrckrnoprny oprovroussongr
m] chckmo pnusesong'
»|] chcknmplaymcncn ng,
Vrd oyonoknrobn rrrdeomennm huwn horow
[x] mcanrandumplay
rConrrorrm hy [Rmdmn] kc) If no mark my
mnyon Ilnumhymonlm
\(7yclc\.mc'¢n p‘ay
mg] \a sersonnd efiecnrnrne rollowrng order
orsplny efieor Change
[|«] - cbok n ro play me pmrons vldeo,
[u] olnk n Lupxusc \xdcuplxy,
[»|] cmkruoplxylhcncxlwdm
Lhck [AUX] ro CnmrAUX rmerme m \hlmn hukxw
10. Remote Control
Tuncmm Dcscnpucn
Mmdh) mm.
,Volume up
v Volume down
n Prwum: cor-mponbnrg m .m wv‘h u "
Pre The key, rr rhe cunem nnerruce has me rcon
m n M mggex relevfim mncfion
Play/Faust ccrrcspundmg n 311 Dummy):
wnh \hc mun proo me kcy, rrrr no th mm
n w. mggur rbrorom {“an
.Nexr canespondmg ro all wnh
Press mo koyo rnbo cuncm nrromeo has rno reon
" n W." mggel Ielcvam quCHons
usD, lPOD, DISC cursor to mow donn
) MlaMJ ro mrne on
usa, won, ms: Curmrh) moVC down
DVD MH\U ro mow flow“
KI .rennrr \a C59, {PUDDISC lmr DVD
MENU |o move 1m
.NU ro mow rrgnr
.~ *lcu usu, DTSC 1m to mggcr‘ DVD MLNU
Confirm DVD number ro 521er CHAPTER
Confirm DVD nnmbor ro mm CHAR H—R
Confirm DVD number nr who! LHAPI LR
Confirm DVD numlxx ro 531ch CHAPTER
Confirm DVD number ro 521er CHAPTER
Confirm DVD nnmbor ro “but CHN" H—R
Confirm DVD numha nr Cor u HAN LR
Confirm DVD numlxr ro 531er CHAPTER
Confirm DVD number ro 521er CHAPTER
Mcnu DVD Menn
thla) l)\’l)l)lSPl.AV
Andro DVD Lnnguagc
Submlc DVD Subnno
11, Sefling Functions
9 Kcy 'kmc
(‘1le [Sclllllg] on nunrr nrerrn ro enrer [Serrrng] rnrerreee es
slnro 11 below
ser 1o [0M lo open key done,
an rn [om rn eloee kuy lone,
9 Audlo Scumgo
Clrek re seleer andlo rrrddel Standard» Rack, Yup, lec,
mm. Clusm urnl son
Dcfullh Slandnrrl
Q Sound lreld Adlmlmcnl
Cllck [Sound rreld Adruslnrenl] key ro enler sound field
Adroernreru rruerrrrce es dwml lselor.
clrek \Ccmcrl key lodeterrlrecnrerpoorron
ll-lrelr mm H or M rulrosl nrelr pllcll up or down
lLoo Plrch] H or 1 11 ndrrrsr low prlelr up or dovm
[Cerrrer] ndrrrsr sound erreer eenrer ro physrenl cerrrer
Press up dawn lchnglll, and red pornr wlll mnvc {or one
onrr Lu [hat elrreerron
0 Image Serrrng
lrrl'lnrage Sulung"k~;y rn scmllg mum, clrek [Enrerl m
errlerrrnege serrrn menu as slrown below.
lrr rnrrrge serrrng menu, brrglrrnees. eonrresr and eolor
oururnerereenlreedr 1cd,xndl|almcanmmlrcdtfaulu
l Bnghmcx»
u when orrgunrcss dorm, screen nrnrs dalk,
’ijhen bnghmess up, screen lurrrs bngh|
_ 1Bllghmlzss eursorrnores eorrcspond gly
2 Connnsl
/\Hlexlconlr rdowrr, eereerreonrresrnrrus enroll,
£2;wnen eonrresr no, eereeneonrresrrurns hlg.
1, :olor
Q When color dorm color sumralron down and scrccn
(41‘th color down, eolor snlurerron up nnd screen rorrrs
(3:1 oloreursormnseseorrespondrrrgl,
A llereulrserrrnpr
thn um‘l' r, nnplunesr rrn errlororrmg _
dcmulr, c k loKl coreslor; rmrrgedelrroll
Q Sereen Celrlsrnlrou
Sllghtly und neeurore V elrek cross corsoroeeordrrrgrorrps,
end sysrenr wrll lemnl ro rlre prerrorrs rruerraee oner
enlrorerron lrnor,repenrrlreopererron ns shown belo
Wnen lorrelr panel rs rnsensrrrve or drlmng lerrelr perrel
Upcratlunmclhod whenrlresysrenrsnrrrs,srcenernsereen
\‘llck [enlerl m enrer uhhmhon rere n end one More
llltcrmccwllldpp and orrlrrrelo worrl lrpson lop surcc
cllck cross errrser sllgmly nnrl oecornlely by loud or pen
Wnen callbmuon rs nrrrslred, cross culsol wlll drsnppeer.
wulrur 10 seconds eorrnler down llmee elrck screen eerrler
lo cmmc lo srore relrlrrrrlren data, or -e rlre callhratlun rs
rrnrrlrd seepreroreon lop rrglrreor-rrer
o Vcn‘mn lnror-nrerron
clrek [Enrer] re errler versron mfolmnllon rnrerrece as
w. e r rl
6 Versrun Intormanoxl
clrek[Errler] lo enrer [kesrorero cmlory Senmg] mlemlce
M shown below
clrel< UK or Cancel rlre opererren
12. Reversing Funerrrrn Operation
The s lcm rs provlded wrrlr reversrng vldea lllren
revers g rlre cm, rlre 'Vslem wll] euroruorrenlly mm lo
reversrng lmagc lxltcrfacc
13. Online map upgrade
Dcvlcc [Drlumbcl and cxmlnng'ap e drequue
Device ID is VlSlblE by Vlsmng semnpieldei
Updniesl Map Illlk ger shared rliroiigli you) email anei
Downlending and saving of Map should be on same
VlMl Supper: mm
CalerWIOUOHOS/OW”, 3223/4
Pleasmsii below web Ilnk rennere dcmlls‘r
blip lwww mapmyindla com/inrdashravn/mxps/cuvcmgc
blip www.maprnylniua ennuia. ash—amine” "up.
l Vlap upiiaie prinesi Will be siiillunnal nelivlly nail
cost ersingle map updaie is INR \XUO/r rer Honda end
userforupdale from dealer websile
an eanee upda|ed from Map My India Semee eenrei
2 ln ease of men of SD Card eusremer needs m
BM, in esie it hm uamageil/eni-rnpleel ii shell be
replaced me, by Alplnc ludm w liryaonuclm
IV. Maintenance and Troubleshooting
How lo Use Screen Correctly
Application Nines
. Dim'lkccplnhlghtcmpc lurcforlungumc
- Please keep direct sunlight away fiom \hc seresn
. rleeseuseiliesereeninilieiempemmreienge,
operaiirigrenipeianire mm 70
sieriigi» lempcralum’ 40.43“:
. P e unn‘i u~ \hurp nbjeen PI is be mm m
sliek ibe sere n by bend or else ii may bring
Semen Pieium
- 'Ihc may be mull him do! or nasnuig pnini
ibi-igbispeoensereeu l'bisisibespseial
phenomenon or seieeii. bur uer fault
. It blight liglir slnnes duecrly ni sclecu‘ sereen Will
. Before eleaning duslbr slain ensereen, please Sllu'
off power lirsiaiid menu e screene, oficlurh
- Please be careful m aveul screen serarelied by nail
when wlpmg sereen, or else, is will be liiird [a gel
- please lie not me wcl clmh, Vursnhlc nil in ilunner
\0 “AFC screen
How lo Use Screen Correctly
Npres for Dise Operancn
I [)0 nm use disc “th crank nnd «am or bended
- Di. nni uec irregular (nnii eireulsrl iii
any raule x x
Only 1ch11 disc ie be mailed,
- to siren:
- ne mi wueli bumcd surmee (ms surfincc with
column glass) when operaung disc, Do nm damage
ln considm‘uun iirprnduu dcslgn, lflhcrc ii any
serareli/ fallkon sulfacc eidisc, ilus isnesprmiuei
- lfdlsc is washed wul. dusr. picnic Wipe irby clean
Sufi clam msld: out Do not us: 011 or lhlnller, In
addinon‘ do uei use amismiic ngem
Notes for Storage
Dn nol smre in direei sunligliroi lug}! iemperniure.
Please be sure to plaee inie dlsc box to Avoid
Environment Io Play Dise
. During vcluclc iii-lying, 1! may be impossible in
read iii: dalaenmmlly ilue in vlhmuml
, ii immtdlalcly sner mdmwr
s and bi Iewie pUNLMUJI my be impossible |o
plny disc as normal du: m lens or dis: eenslerisauen
(candensanon enecrl And now, please wair ier
nbeui l hmu iinnl dew svnpomlcd and linen \Mpe
. when she nmduei iemperaiure rises, prineeuen
erreei will be runeunail end some ruaeiinni wlll

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