ALPS ALPINE B1G077 KEYLESS ENTRY SYSTEM (Hand Unit) User Manual TB1G077 20150821x

Alps Electric Co., Ltd. KEYLESS ENTRY SYSTEM (Hand Unit) Users Manual TB1G077 20150821x

User Manual

User Manual / TB1G077
FCC CAUTION The transmitter for the remote keyless ■Locking the doors
・Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly Changes or modification not expressly entry system is located inside the key head. Press the "  " button to lock all doors and
 replaced replace only with the same or approved by the party responsible for rear gate (Station wagon ). An electronic
 equivalent type. compliance could void the user's ■The remote keyless entry system has chirp will sound once and the tum signal
・Do not exposed to excessive heat such as authority to operate the equipment. the following functions. lights will flash once.
 sunshine, fire or the like. ・Locking and unlocking the doors (and If any of the doors (or the rear gate / trunk
・Do not expose the remote transmitter to This device complies with part 15 of trunk lid on the Sedan ) without key. lid) is not fully closed, an electronic chirp
severe shocks, such as those experience the FCC Rules. Operation is subject ・Unlocking the rear gate on the Station will sound five times and the lum signal
as a result of dropping or throwing. to the following two conditions: wagon without key. light will flash five times to alert you that
・Do not take the remote transmitter apart (1) This device may not cause harmful ・Unlocking the trunk lid on the Sedan the doors (for the rear gate/trunk lid ) are
except when replacing the battery. interference, and (2) this device must without key. not property closed.
・Do not get the remote transmitter wet, accept any interference received, including When you close the door, it will
if it gets wet , wipe it dry with a cloth interference that may cause undesired The operable distance of the remote automatically lock and then an electronic
immediately. operation. keyless entry system is approximately 30 chirp will sound once and the lum signal
・When you carry the remote transmiter on feet (10 meters). fights will flash once.
an airplane, do not press the button of the This device complies with Industry Canada’s However, this distance will very depending
remote transmitter while in the airplane. licence-exempt RSSs. Operation is subject to on environmental conditions.
・When any button of the remote the following two conditions: The system's operable distance will be
transmitter is pressed, radio waves are (1) This device may not cause interference; shorter in areas near a facility or electronic
sent and may affect the operation of the and (2) This device must accept any equipment emitting strong radio waves such
airplane. interference, including interference that may as a power plant, broadcast station ,
When you carry the remote transmitter cause undesired operation of the device. TV tower, or remote controller of home
in a bag on an airplane, take measures to electronic appliances.
prevent the buttons of the remote Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’
transmitter from being pressed. Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils
radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est
Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes :
replaced. Replace only with the same or 1) l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage;
equivalent type. 2) l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout
brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le
Do not exposed to excessive heat brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre
such as sunshine, fire or the like. le fonctionnement.
Remote keyless entry system
:Trunk lid / rear gate
:Unlock button
:Lock button

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