ALPS ALPINE WB1U345 Vehicle remote keyless entry transmitter User Manual

Alps Electric Co., Ltd. Vehicle remote keyless entry transmitter

User Manual

JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 86 SESS: 1 OUTPUT: Mon Oct 30 18:36:45 2006/ford_pdm/ford/own2002/cro/mpdiffKeep vehicle doors andlu g g ag e com partm entlock ed and k eep k ey s and rem otetransm itters ou t of a child’s reach.U nsu pervised children cou ld lockthem selves in the tru nk and riskinju ry . C hildren shou ld b e tau g htnot to play in vehicles.O n hot day s, the tem peratu re in the tru nk or vehicle interior canrise very q u ick ly . E x posu re of people or anim als to these hig htem peratu res for even a short tim e can cau se death or seriou sheat-relat ed inju ries, inclu ding b rain dam ag e. S m all children areparticu larly at risk .REMOTE ENTRY SYSTEM (IF EQUIPPED)T his device com plies w ith part 1 5 of the F C C ru les and w ith R S S -2 1 0 ofIndu stry C anada. O peration is su b ject to the follow ing tw o conditions:( 1 ) T his device m ay not cau se harm fu l interference, and ( 2 ) T his devicem u st accept any int erference received, inclu ding interference that m aycau se u ndesired operation.T he rem ot e entry sy stem allow s y ou to lock or u nlock all vehicle doorsw ithou t a k ey .T he rem ot e ent ry featu res operatew ith t he ig nition in any position,ex cept in the 3 ( O N ) , w ith thetransm ission not in either P ( P ark )or N ( N eu t ral) .If there are prob lem s w ith t herem ote entry sy stem , m ak e su re totak e ALL remote entrytra ns mitters w ith y ou to theau thoriz ed dealer in order t o aid introu b leshoot ing the prob lem .CIMS #1379636com_rem-entry.enoitdseq=105art=conmc313_aart=expcf318_aDIFF-MARKED Review Copy ——(OLD=2008 Crown Victoria fus Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) SME (#4545) (Sep-29-2006 15:15:31))(NEW=2008 Crown Victoria fus Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) CHAMP REVIEW (#5656) (Oct-30-2006 18:31:42))2008 Crown Victoria (cro), Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) (own2002),Market: USA (fus)PAGE: 86 OP: root EDIT SESSION: 1DATE: OCT 30 2006 at 18:36JOB: @ibm2/ford_pdm/CLS_ford/GRP_own2002/JOB_cro/DIV_mpdiffLocks and Security8 6
JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 87 SESS: 1 OUTPUT: Mon Oct 30 18:36:45 2006/ford_pdm/ford/own2002/cro/mpdiffUnlocking the doors1. Press and release to unlock the driver’s door. Note: The interiorlamps will illuminate.2. Press and release again within five seconds to unlock all the doors.Locking the doorsPress once to lock all the doors. The doors will lock upon first press.Press again within three seconds to receive confirmation that thevehicle was successfully locked. Note: If all vehicle doors, the hood, andthe trunk are closed upon the second press of the , the horn willchirp once and the parklamps/taillamps will flash once to confirm thesuccessful locking.Upon the second press of the , if any door, the hood, or the trunk isnot securely closed the horn will chirp twice to warn that successfullylocking was not complete. The park/taillamps will NOT flash if any dooris ajar.Car finderPress twice within 3 seconds. The horn will chirp and the turn lampswill flash. It is recommended that this method be used to locate yourvehicle, rather than using the panic alarm.Sounding a panic alarmPress on the remote transmitter to activate the alarm. Note: Thepanic alarm only works with the ignition in the 1 (OFF/L OCK) position.Press a second time to deactivate the alarm. Y ou may also deactivatethe alarm by turning the ignition to the 3 (ON) position.Opening the trunkPress once to open the trunk.•Ensure that the trunk is closed and latched before driving yourvehicle. Failure to properly latch the trunk may cause objects to fallout or block the driver’s rear view.This feature will not work with a vehicle speed greater than 3 mph (5km/h) if the ignition is in the 2 (A CCESSORY ) or 3 (ON) position.Replacing the batteryThe remote entry transmitter uses one coin type three-volt lithiumbattery CR2032 or equivalent.CIMS #1601186com_car-finder itdseq=108CIMS #998940com_battery-remote.flyitdseq=111DIFF-MARKED Review Copy ——(OLD=2008 Crown Victoria fus Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) SME (#4545) (Sep-29-2006 15:15:31))(NEW=2008 Crown Victoria fus Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) CHAMP REVIEW (#5656) (Oct-30-2006 18:31:42))2008 Crown Victoria (cro), Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) (own2002),Market: USA (fus)PAGE: 87 OP: root EDIT SESSION: 1DATE: OCT 30 2006 at 18:36JOB: @ibm2/ford_pdm/CLS_ford/GRP_own2002/JOB_cro/DIV_mpdiffLocks and Security87
JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 88 SESS: 1 OUTPUT: Mon Oct 30 18:36:45 2006/ford_pdm/ford/own2002/cro/mpdiffTo replace the battery:1. Twist a thin coin between the twohalves of the remote entrytransmitter near the key ring. D ONOT TAKE TH E RUB B ER COV ERAND CIRCUIT B OARD OFF TH EFRONT H OUSING OF TH EREM OTE ENTRY TRANSM ITTER.2. D o not wipe off any grease on thebattery terminals on the backsurface of the circuit board.3. Remove the old battery. Note: Please refer to local regulations whendisposing of transmitter batteries.4 . Insert the new battery. Refer to the diagram inside the remote entrytransmitter for the correct orientation of the battery. Press the batterydown to ensure that the battery is fully seated in the battery housingcavity.5. Snap the two halves back together.Note: Replacement of the battery will not cause the remote transmitterto become deprogrammed from your vehicle. The remote transmittershould operate normally after battery replacement.Replacing lost transmittersTake all your vehicle’s transmitters to your authorized dealer if service isrequired.If a remote transmitter has been lost and you would like to remove itfrom the vehicle’s memory, or you would like to purchase additionalremote transmitters and have them programmed to your vehicle:•Take all your vehicle’s transmitters to your authorized dealer forprogramming, orCIMS Review Copy ——(OLD=2008 Crown Victoria fus Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) SME (#4545) (Sep-29-2006 15:15:31))(NEW=2008 Crown Victoria fus Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) CHAMP REVIEW (#5656) (Oct-30-2006 18:31:42))2008 Crown Victoria (cro), Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) (own2002),Market: USA (fus)PAGE: 88 OP: root EDIT SESSION: 1DATE: OCT 30 2006 at 18:36JOB: @ibm2/ford_pdm/CLS_ford/GRP_own2002/JOB_cro/DIV_mpdiffLocks and Security88
JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 89 SESS: 1 OUTPUT: Mon Oct 30 18:36:45 2006/ford_pdm/ford/own2002/cro/mpdiff•Perform the following programming procedure yourself:Note: Ensure the brake pedal is notdepressed during this sequence.Place the key in the ignition andcycle from 1 (OFF/LOCK) to 3 (ON)eight times in rapid successionwithin 10 seconds. After doorslock/unlock, press any control on alltransmitters (up to four). Afterpressing the control on each remotetransmitter, the door will lock andunlock. If programming multiple remote transmitters, you must press thecontrol buttons on each remote transmitter within 7 seconds of eachother to remain in programming mode. W hen completed, turn theignition to 1 (OFF/LOCK).All transmitters mu st be programmed at the same time.•W hen completed, turn the ignition to the 1 (OFF/LOCK) position andwait at least 20 seconds in order to use the recently programmedtransmitter(s).•All transmitters mu st be programmed during the same programmingcycle. A transmitter that is not programmed within the sameprogramming cycle will be erased and will no longer operate yourvehicle’s locks. If this occurs, you will have to reprogram all thetransmitters again, as you cannot just “ add” a transmitter.Illuminated entryThe interior lamps illuminate when the remote entry system is used tounlock the door(s) or sound the personal alarm.The illuminated entry system will turn off the interior lights if:•the ignition switch is turned to the 2 (ACCESSORY), 3 (ON) or 4(START) positions, or•the remote transmitter lock control is pressed, or•after 25 seconds of illumination.The dome lamp control must not be set to the off position for theilluminated entry system to operate.The inside lights will not turn off if:•they have been turned on with the dimmer control, or•any door is open.4321CIMS Review Copy ——(OLD=2008 Crown Victoria fus Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) SME (#4545) (Sep-29-2006 15:15:31))(NEW=2008 Crown Victoria fus Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) CHAMP REVIEW (#5656) (Oct-30-2006 18:31:42))2008 Crown Victoria (cro), Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) (own2002),Market: USA (fus)PAGE: 89 OP: root EDIT SESSION: 1DATE: OCT 30 2006 at 18:36JOB: @ibm2/ford_pdm/CLS_ford/GRP_own2002/JOB_cro/DIV_mpdiffLocks and Security89
JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 90 SESS: 1 OUTPUT: Mon Oct 30 18:36:45 2006/ford_pdm/ford/own2002/cro/mpdiffThe battery saver will shut off the interior lamps 30 minutes after thelast door is closed, or after 10 minutes if the last door is left open.Radio type approval numbers for remote entry receiverIf the type approval of your remote entry system is inspected in one ofthe countries listed in the following table, refer to the correspondingapproval number:Remote entry receiver certification numbersGabon 01070305/ARTEL/GABTELJ ordan CAZ /ENG/CA/04/11/1Z ambia TRC/LPD/2004/28C h ang es or modifications not ex pressly approved by th e partyresponsible for compliance could void th e user’s auth ority tooperate th e eq uipment.KEYLESS ENTRY SYSTEM (IF EQUIPPED)With the keyless entry keypad, youcan:•lock or unlock the vehicle doorswithout using the key.•open the trunk.See also Remote entry system in this chapter for more information.Your vehicle has a factory-set 5– digit code that operates the keylessentry system. You can also program your own 5– digit personal entrycode.The factory-set code is located:•On the owner’s wallet card in the glove compartment, or•At your dealer.When using the keyless entry keypad, press the middle of each button inorder to ensure a good activation.Programming a personal entry codeYou can program up to three personal codes to unlock your vehicle.These codes do not replace the permanent code that the authorizeddealer gave you.To create your own personal entry code:1. Enter the factory set code. Note: The keypad will illuminate whenpressed.1 2 34 5 6 7 8 90CIMS #1567936com_rem-cert-numbers.enoitdseq=114CIMS #197220com_keyless_enter.enoitdseq=115CIMS #197231com_keyless_program.enoitdseq=116art=mntcf300_aDIFF-MARKED Review Copy ——(OLD=2008 Crown Victoria fus Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) SME (#4545) (Sep-29-2006 15:15:31))(NEW=2008 Crown Victoria fus Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) CHAMP REVIEW (#5656) (Oct-30-2006 18:31:42))2008 Crown Victoria (cro), Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) (own2002),Market: USA (fus)PAGE: 90 OP: root EDIT SESSION: 1DATE: OCT 30 2006 at 18:36JOB: @ibm2/ford_pdm/CLS_ford/GRP_own2002/JOB_cro/DIV_mpdiffLocks and Security90
JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 91 SESS: 1 OUTPUT: Mon Oct 30 18:36:45 2006/ford_pdm/ford/own2002/cro/mpdiff2. Within five seconds press 1 •2 on the keypad to enter theprogramming mode.3. Enter your personal 5-digit code. Each number must be enteredwithin five seconds of each other.4. Press 1 •2 to store the first personal code.5. The doors will lock then unlock to confirm programming of the newcode.To store a second personal code:1. Enter the factory set code.2. Within five seconds press 1 •2 on the keypad to enter theprogramming mode.3. Enter a second personal 5-digit code. Each number must be enteredwithin five seconds of each other.4. Press 3 •4 to store the second personal code.5. The doors will again lock then unlock to confirm programming of thenew code.To store a third personal code:1. Enter the factory set code.2. Within five seconds press 1 •2 on the keypad to enter theprogramming mode.3. Enter a third personal 5-digit code. Each number must be enteredwithin five seconds of each other.4. Press 5 •6 (or 7 •8, or 9 •0, or wait five seconds) to store the thirdpersonal code.5. The doors will again lock then unlock to confirm programming of thenew code.Tips:•Do not set a code that uses five of the same number.•Do not use five numbers in sequential order.•The factory set code will work even if you have set your own personalcode.Erasing personal codeTo erase all of the personal entry codes programmed to a vehicle:1. Enter the factory-set code.DIFF-MARKED Review Copy ——(OLD=2008 Crown Victoria fus Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) SME (#4545) (Sep-29-2006 15:15:31))(NEW=2008 Crown Victoria fus Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) CHAMP REVIEW (#5656) (Oct-30-2006 18:31:42))2008 Crown Victoria (cro), Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) (own2002),Market: USA (fus)PAGE: 91 OP: root EDIT SESSION: 1DATE: OCT 30 2006 at 18:36JOB: @ibm2/ford_pdm/CLS_ford/GRP_own2002/JOB_cro/DIV_mpdiffLocks and Security91
JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 92 SESS: 1 OUTPUT: Mon Oct 30 18:36:45 2006/ford_pdm/ford/own2002/cro/mpdiff2. Press and release 1 •2 within 5 seconds of step 1.3. Press and hold 1 •2 for two seconds. All of the vehicle doors will lockand then unlock to confirm erasure.Unlocking the doors and releasing the trunk with the keyless entrysystemTo unlock the driver door, enter either the factory-set code or personalcode (each digit pressed within 5 seconds of prior digit). The interiorlamps will illuminate.•To unlock all doors, enter the factory-set code or personal code(driver door unlocks) and press 3 •4 within five seconds.•To release the trunk, enter the factory-set code or personal code(driver door unlocks) and press 5 •6 within five seconds.After the factory-set code or personal code has been entered, you canunlock all doors (press 3 •4) and release the trunk (press 5 •6) aslong as the controls are pressed within 5 seconds of each other.Locking doors with the keyless entry systemIt is not necessary to enter the factory-set code prior to locking all doors.To lock the doors, press 7 •8 and press 9 •0 at the same time. Note:The doors will not lock if the driver door is ajar.Anti-scan featureIf the wrong code has been entered 7 times (35 consecutive buttonpresses), the keypad will go into an anti-scan mode. This mode disablesthe keypad for one minute and the keypad lamp will flash.The anti-scan feature will turn off after:•one minute of keypad inactivity.•pressing the control on the remote entry transmitter.•the ignition is turned to the 3 (ON) position.SECURILOCKYPASSIVE ANTI-THEFT SYSTEMSecuriLockypassive anti-theft system is an engine immobilizationsystem. This system is designed to help prevent the engine from beingstarted unless a coded key programmed to your vehicle is used. Theuse of the wrong type of coded key may lead to a “no-start” condition.This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules and with RSS-210 ofIndustry Canada. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This devicemust accept any interference received, including interference that maycause undesired operation.CIMS Review Copy ——(OLD=2008 Crown Victoria fus Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) SME (#4545) (Sep-29-2006 15:15:31))(NEW=2008 Crown Victoria fus Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) CHAMP REVIEW (#5656) (Oct-30-2006 18:31:42))2008 Crown Victoria (cro), Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) (own2002),Market: USA (fus)PAGE: 92 OP: root EDIT SESSION: 1DATE: OCT 30 2006 at 18:36JOB: @ibm2/ford_pdm/CLS_ford/GRP_own2002/JOB_cro/DIV_mpdiffLocks and Security92

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