FCC ID: F2NUR044OT DATE: FEB. 27, 1998 REPORT x 85055-1 39 REGULATORY INFORMATION FCC ID: F2NURC440T DATE: FEB. 27,1998 REPORT 1} 36055-1 Federal Communications Commission Radio and Television Interference Statement for a Class ‘8’ Device This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits For a Class 3 digital devicepurtuant to part is of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential lflSlflilaKlOfl.n’llS equipment generates. uses. and can radiate radio lrequency, energy and. if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communicatinns.How!VEn there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. User Instruniuns |{ this equipment dues cause interference to radio or -1 vision reception.which can be determined by turning the equipment at? then an, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: I Recrienr or relocate the receiving antenna. I Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. l Connect the equipment into a different outlet so that the equipment and receiver are on tfifferent branch circuits. I Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/[V technician for help. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by NextLevel Systems. Inc could void the user‘s authority tn operate the equiumenr. Note This product was FCC certified under test condirians that included the use of shielded 1/0 cables and connectors between system components.Ta he in compliance with FCC regulationi the user must use shielded cables and connector; and install them property, Thit device complies wrth Fart lSofthe FCC Rules. Operation rs subiect to the following two condi ant: (l) this device may not cause harmful Interference and [ll this device must accept any interference received including interference that may cause undesired opera tion, ei Systems.lnc. All rights reserved. Crcyrtgnt 51997 Ne ms digital apparatus does not mead the Class A/Clas; a (whichever is applicable) Ii ' ‘ tot radio noise emissions from digital apparatus as Set out in the Radio lnt- erence Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications. l Le present apparerl nume‘rr‘que n'e'met pas dc bruit; radiae‘lccrriques ] de'acrmnt lei rim/res applicant's; aux appa nume'riqucx dc (Jesse A/ Classc B {re/an lc curl prercrr'tes dam Ie réglcmenr du FCf section rs sul lc bruulllage rcdioe'letrrrque e‘dicre' pal/e Mirrixte‘re des Communications du Canada. FCC ID: F2NUR6440T DATE: FEB. 27,1998 REPORT 3 86055-1 Introduction I'm; Usels Manual descrlbes the installatlch of your remote Coflllcl UH iUllra ngh Frequency) antenna and the programming and day-today Funtzians cr'your 14114 at 44n~l remote cuntrol. The antenna wrll allow you to use your remote from any locatinn in your home wlthaul regard to walls or 0012! cbstruuionm The lemcte (antral (when programmed) will acetate your satellite tecelverNCR. TV, and other (Onnetted campanents. Rev-aw this manual to ensure quick and groper installation a! your antenna as wail as suecessl’ul programming alyaur remote control. Save these lnsuuctiqns fer futute ver‘etenze. Complete the Warranty Registration Card at the back a! the manual and return immediately Plusieulx parties de ce manuel ant éte' (raduim en r'rcnccl's pout Ies rendre plus accexsl‘blex r“: nus alien rt lnremationaux. Pre—Installation Checklist Ched< For the t'ollawlng items In your shipping carlan before beginning installation and programming, liany items are missing or appear damageti contact your dealer. Only wne model af remcte control will be ln the package. um; Anlemu CONVERTiNG YOUR REMOTE To FRENCH Converting Your 3-in—1 Remote to FrenIcng blink ' Pause > She“ blink ‘U;' Pause > long blink, lung blink. lung blink lent; blinuang blink '5.' A lern In the code will always be represented by a short blink. Ve'rification des codes pour vos appareils Vous paws: ve'n‘n'er Ie: fades dz grog/emulation accepts“; pour w: appareilx en sufvarlder e'lapes détriles zi-opréx Apyuyez xul la much: approprie': (V'lde'a TV, AUX! pmdanlau 1 main: (mix xecandtxiusqu’d (t que la lumie're DEL dignara 2 Pour la léléccmmande J-en- I, appuyzz 5ur Va much: VIEW {vision/yer] all NOW e! pourxul'vzz avg: Wrap: Ji Pour In léle'cammmde 4 -:rv- l, spawn Xur la lunch: INFO el gaunul‘vez ave: l'z'raae 3 La lumrale DEL (ligncrem, indlquanr le code dz vorre appdi‘eil dam I‘mdre salve-n: Par exempl: ii I: code 4: van: le'lz'viseur arpour la ma'qu: Tandy (tode 109,10 sc'quenze dc clignalzmenl ma: pause >Icng (llgnolemenr- h,- pause > court (lignofement- a .: pal-lie > long dignctemem, long dignolemenl, lung clignolemenn long dignnlemenr. long dignorzmenr x 5 :. Un zs'ra dam I: rode err tau/burs fzpfc'ifllfépdl UH court dignuremml. 13 FCC ID: F2NUR0440T DATE: FEB. 27, 1996 REPORT it 86055-1 _q)_. TV I: ’le¥‘< “£142: Sufi! IMM _ 2113“ m “K - ”WNWHH' mauuvu‘iununx;b4:q"cr,=0.wcl W b ' ' ' ' ’ “10 .. v .. . AWL”? , 1S“ mam-mu A . men , , AW" - ~« - not. ,M.:n-:w:nu.uu m mimmrahumf I...“ _ mm, mm. mm m an.“ , fan Cable Boxes Gwen!“ ”lam! um" M. m w... .. H . J. ; um MN ”Hamming“ hum“: . llmawnnau m7“! . JXLUA he", .. mum maunlulu-mu ULIH M mm; m. .m1,m.mwnfi,w.nm v , A ..u ' “ ‘ ' “5 h.r¢| . , mdll tam”. , . J]! "W“ mm mun VCR Cad“ u film“! W . .. A an mu stun mmmunmxm .ux .DIID¢L¢MWJNLWX.IM . c . manna-u“ km v ,. wuzunmma‘, .. mmmxmxmmmmumn mmmvxeuwwuus ,.w an; . . u mammmm nxmruu mm Amman-0 ow ummumnnu maummmnu u mun mu! Awmsnummmm 5mm momma I4 , . v . ”an ax zusiuxuifl slum-mu mm mm. , m . m an , 511.5“,Mn-unmtml . .. cu can “unman- . um" alumna «u- tau- can” . v on can mmwwnwumh. . aminmlxmuufljn , . M u A. m men-Num- on main-- .umn.m A. an menu , cumin-June wwmsmv m . .. Am Aflu’flun ‘(S —‘47— USING THE REMOTE FCC ID" F2NUF|C440T DATE: FEB. 21, 1995 REPORT # 86055-1 ver, make sure you "1 .; Hen coeraring e r (hannel you use‘ Whenever you use the 400 well" tuned to channel 3 or 4—which your VCR. Nate aracketed i(erns apply (o (he A-in-l remme only. A Word About Modes To enable the lemme commits operate your Ieeeivewqur w, and your VCR [or auxiliary camounenul. i( has three [or four] main modes or’operarionzsrfl modesTV (node. and VCR mode [and AUX mode]. This means (hu when you press (he SAT. N VCR keys (or AUX keys] on (he lemme ennrral, you enable ii (a conirul each cr’ (hese devices, one or a (me. Narurally, some of (he remure mmrol keys have more than one function, depending upon which made you are using al (he (ime.K (his in mind as you read (he description key Also kee in rnind that some funerr'ons are available only wrrhrrr SAT mode. Among (hese special functions are access (o the menus through the OPTIONS key and use ollhe lnreraflive Program Guide (IPG) through (he GUIDE keys in additionyciu can assume that if you see a key on (he remme (ha; you have never seen on a TV or VCR remoie annual. i( is only useful (or sarellire receiver functions and can only operate when (he female is operating in SAT mode. POWER Press (his key to (urn (he equipmenr on or off. SAT lmndel Frost (his key to (hange (he (en-me (a SAT mode so (ha( it can mnlrol (he receiverflhe SAT mode is used to View satellile TV and [if applicable to yaur 400 modell Cable TV signals. TV (mode) Press (his key in change the remote (a TV mode so that l( (in central (he N VCR (mode) fires; (his key to change (he remeie (o VCR made so (her i( (an control (he VCR. [aux (modell Press this key (0 change (0 AUX mode so that i( can control oiher auxiliary components. [Avallable on (he a-in-r remore only! SOURCE Press (his key to conrrcl the rnpur source to your receiveL your TV. er your VCR (or mher componentsl‘depending upun (he mode to whioh your remote control is se(.This key is available an the s-in-i remaie only. I For exemplaif (he remme is in SAT mode, press (his key (0 shift the receiver’s input source between sarelli leahle TV inpui and auxiliary input; (w inuulsl. I II (he remote is inTV mode. press this key (0 shift (he Tv's inpur source hemeen the various auxiliaries such as antenna and video sources. I If the remore is in VCR mode. press (his ltey to shil( (he auxiliary inpu( source among various inpurs. 16 OPTIONS Pres“ rhis kw io exit any menu and display (he Options menu. Press ir again to remove (he chicns menu and return to walehing a prugram in sar made INTERESTS Press (his key (u exir any menu and disclay the inrerrm menu. Press i( again cc remove (he lnreresu menu and return (i; watching a program. 4 Q > Press (hese keys (a highlight selecu’cns From menu streeris, VIEW [EXIT] Press (his key (a exi( any menu and wauh a program in SAT modellyou are already wa(
play I pause > b fast forward I I record ENTER For convenience, there are two ENTER keys: I li you are uslng a menu press the ENTER key to select a highlighted option. I If you are watching a program in SAT mode and have already pressed the number keys to inditate a channel,press the ENTER key to tune in the channel whose numbers you haVe pressed. trln-l Remote Control 19 ,,,,,,_____.——————— kl) FCC ID: F2NURC440T DATE: FEB. 27, 1998 REPORT # 55055-1 VOL/S unusezlf cu and 3 cu agnéroxcaue. Remarquz [as ponies enrre crucher; ne 5'apar'rcueflr Qu'a m té/éccmmande 445-1, Au sujet des modes Paw permerrre E) In re'lémmmande de fair: ron(ricnner vorre re’capteur, vcrre _ éw‘ieurervurr: magn!’ srooehu awe/ail; p ‘ auxiliaries}. called a (mi: [cu queue} princs‘paux mod- d'cpérarion: mod-1 SAT, mode féle' er made Vide'o [er mudeAUX}. Cele Slgmfie qua lo/xque vous aapuyez surles {ouzhes SAT, TV, Vide'a [cu AUX) sur la té/écommzmde, vac: Ia mndzz apt: in mums/er chacun de cu uppers/Is. un 61 bis. Sign znrendu (ermine: dz; rouches a re'le'rommnnde fontrdlenrp/u! d’une function, se’an I! made urrlv're', ll vows faudm raw! tempts de (sci larsque mu; fire: 70 descripu'an de chaque fourhe de la re/e'ccrnmarvde. Gem‘s: aussi d I'eypn‘r fa fair que rmine; Foncrr'cn; ne sun! disponibles qu'en mode SAK Parmi res foncriuns paniculiérer, on camyle I‘d-1:25 uuxmenut par/a rauche OPWONS zrl‘usag: du guide dz pragrnmman'an inmacriflGP/I par la rauche GUVDE a: p/us, mus pawn prendre pour acquir qua xi mus vayez une rout/He xur In ré command: que mus nbviez cnmrejamais vusul u": tirezcmmande pour te’léviseur qu magne'mrtcp’ ‘zsr qu'5/Ie n‘sr um: qua pvurlzs function: du léCepreur dz rarer/ire cr Qu‘eNe ne pen-r danc (outlier-Mr que Iarxquz mug in: en mode SAT, POWER (mite en mrdle) Appuyez iur (en-1 latKhepcul alfumer ou éreindr: Is: appardlx. SAT {made} Aapuyu sur tetra ruuche pour chem! Ie mode SA T permertant 13 vorre rdécarnmnnde de wand/er la récepraur 1 made SATserr d visionnule: programme; dc (é vv'xicn pct rare/Inc er [xv applicable aaur vet/e madé/e 4001 par cdbr’e. TV {madtl Appuyez w: care much: pour chow? I: made r‘l permerranra' mire léle'commande de cantré/zf/e (éle'vr'xzul. vide‘o {mo-it) Aoauyu M «We (ouch: pour rhuisir re mode vide‘a nermerranr a varre rélécommande d: wnrrdler vuh‘e magnz‘rampe. [AUX (modtl) Appuyez sur cm: much: pourAppuye: sur as: much; pcur silecrr'qnnerlex cations def v étrnrvs menu VIEWIEXIYI{VisionncrlSorticll -— , Aypuyez surrene rouchepuurqufner , _, —» four menu erpour vv’xiunner urv ' programme an mode m, s; was regards: deja un programmi appuyez sur zerre much: your ar’r‘rcher dz; remeignemenu suz I: pragmmmz. [NOW] Apauyez surczrre (ouch: pour ar‘fiche/ meormariarl rut It programme an rpm. Made( 400 ‘in'm Frtnch imam Central 21 FCC ID: F2NURC440T DATE: FEB. 27, 1998 REPORT # 86055-1 murs (film-MCI Appuyez m <5; mums: puuraugmenre/ cu dimlnuer I: vc/ume du re're‘w'seur, Taudus nume‘n‘ques Cr: marches (Dmmdndem’dES fancrions difiérfflrex salt/n le mod! d'apérarlnn. l Si vous ulv’lisezles menux, app-rye: sul ux laughs; puur silecuonner une option nume’rare‘z. I Si mus regard" un prcgrnmme en mode SAT. copay-z sur res roudves er SUI ENTER (Entree) pauf (hanger d: canal, S? I: canal est désigné par (rals chlfilru il mu auroman'quzmenr silemonne’ aprés l'enrre‘s du rrolsiéme (hi HELP (Aide) Appuyez sur re nuche pour ur'ficher une rifle d‘e’nuns d'cide. Appuyu d: nuuvsau pour les quirrer er rmurner au programme en mode SAT. [MENlll Apauyet {W (cm muffle paw affidver d l‘e’aan un menu dc camcrz'n'sriques parmi v’uquelles mus pquvez (hoisin GUIDE Apouyez sur cane laud-re une iois pnur aficher I: Guidz dc programmes lumen/(GPO, une deuxiémz fol: pour aificher lg mini- gulde e! une rm/xiéme fol: pew remurny au programme en (curs. GO BACK {Remap} Appuyez sur cent much: paurrercumer a un menu pre'cédenr. NEXT liuiwntl Pendanlque Wu: mgardzt un programme. app-rye: xur cm: mocha pour nFficner la band: dc yregrummarion - Programme xulvunr - qui mus dorme dc; rcnseu'gnemznrx sur les programmes. INFO Cm: much: a plusizurs fonaicns: I 51'qu visianntl un programme en mod: SAT, sue nifich: def renseignzmenrs de'rarlle‘x SW l: programme en courx; appuyzx de nouvzau pour lair: disparcirre les renseignzmenm‘ I si mus utilise: I: GPI, appuyez in! cm: (ouch: pour aificnu des renseignemenlr de'willét SUP l: programme xe'lccn'onné appuyez dc nauvzau pour lair: dixparar‘rr: ref renxefgnements a reloumer au Gm; ' ' I (l mu: urv‘lim le menu dc; canauxprélz‘rz's. appuyez wr cerre touch: pour alfidver def renser‘gnzmenrs de'millis rut Ie canal se'lecrionnel' appuyez dz nomau pour (dire dispersive <5 renxzignemems er reraumzr a l‘éaun précéderm CHAN /\V “Ch-l C45 touches an! plusizurr innctigns: I si vwr fegardezun programme en mode Sal? appuyez sur re: (auchus puur cblenir un canal dislgné par un nume‘ru ihlén'eur ou supe'n’wr: 22 l u was mfrsez un menu du xysreme, acne . surres {amhexpour (hanger Ce mar sari fail: fired/aim la men “lrsez le C-Pl, unlisez (55 touches pour valrl'émcn supérv'eur LAST CH (Demicr canal) Aapuyrz iulcen'e (cuchzaour reroumer cu dzrnier {anal vision/vi Touches vide'o En mode Wdéo. mus yawn walker/z; touches ave: Symbol“ paur ces Funm’an (es raw/Hes s: rrouvenmu deux rangéex du has sur la reléznmmande. 4 i rembcbine/ D afrér b lectule I pause b > avcnaraplde I I mregisrrer ENYER {En trig] Pourplux de cammodlu‘, vow nouverezdeux muffle: Enrréz. I Lcrsque vaus urilv'sez un menumpguyu fur Enlrz‘e pour sélccrv'onner an option misc En évv'dencz. I Si vous regardez un programme en mode SAT crave mu: aver de'id appuyzz sur les mocha: nume'n'quefpuur lndiquer l: anal desire“, appuye: sur la rouzhe Enue‘e pour yynraniser c: canal. 2! vqjfi USING THE REMOI’E FCC ID: F2NURC4COT DATE: FEB. 27,1998 REPORT # 86055-1 ”You Have More Than One 400 Receiver if you have more than one satellite receiver, you may want to prevent the remote ronrrols r‘mm anectlng zhe other re:ervers.To prevent this kind of interferen xz>24< Ema—qunfiloz nbm—u 9:36. QHthmRflsz-mzfl EOCI Pb mhmhzfldm ESE-Mm zmxurmfir Scat; Saga. 25 2.7. 2 fr... uni... nail.— flmtqaxiiaan $3; a: $3; 22125. «423: 3:5: 23 W M fl x 9... 5.5: a 3: =. 15355... 23.15 2.5.1 1.5.5, 11. x; 35.4 M 9 57 23: 35:33:11 5.23 2:5 is: _ C 7, M .§...5.§=5§3! 333 siziirniiiaigaiiiizin..§ M 2 B $5:=.E§e?»§:2i§§§===a3i§i§s N . x 2 B T F E R F o D E W. N H R S: r§§>xi§isii§§iS}. \ c D , F lliyri 5 $323, ;.3$2_§:,:§ 5.5 4. 31313353, 2: L1 VEl' FCC ID: F2NURC440T DATE: FEB. 27, 1998 REPORT 3 86055-1 5:8 531“? m2;— - a 209,- W=u1N r—cxm "‘ 4 >0u mUEU _x>—d u.:;_uu >Z 1111 1 1 7 71 7 1 1 1 7 1 7 1 1 7 7 1 7 7 Em: 1m_ Nmasflf 517m xfim mum > 8a a? we. as Na 27 9113. 7 1 mg 5 Ems 2 acacia 7.1 5x vim". max : of 3 3—1 m8 _ now 3... 7 m3. 2: ad 1 71 7 7&3: 2 .—o_%im7_ 5&7an max > E.“ 7c H wow. . as Z? 1.2977 m. émaemm; 2.12517 max I 23 E 7 SF. 25 22. £55.80 max §> E; 7 713733 7 £3 7535775363”game7 as 7 63 7 as 7 7 xn—I EDI EENI 53—52 530 —_E_|_ 7 Each. Egan 0:05:an Eofimm 7 Eofimu— anmm 7 pwmue‘ ,7 o>< cum 7 is» $53 722257 mama 157111 is»; 25 gain 7 mmmE 17 w-cEwm _m£¢>_:2 15.635 FEE-7.2 Zia-w Emcm mmfimméN Ema-ow Exog— 73. H a”: 38mm 7. of. 97.279“ £23 52 wgfi KN Amun— “E45 PcvamDZE ”a 00m _ 3am momfi— d men 2 6mm 5 tag UOu Nu co=muo.._ ngmwiw athnZz u: dctwmsmeu mzn 23m m5 d 30 13. x35 520 7m 8: 111 7 1 11 1 171 1 1 7 11 7 7 7 17 1 1 1 7 1 7 1 77 11 7 . 7, 7 7 7 7 1 1 7 . 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 EN 7 WE {saw 7 3m 7 new 539 033 Sn: 7 as 7 $3.9 £st gm nE< 7 fix, Tmoowm 3313258 xau 37193 $08 «co—E 530 £32 u 230 imam sum-U 5.20 w 8: ‘ 09m Wmo 22mm M— ENEwm .m=mw_1 > ‘ ‘ ham“ ‘ ‘Rbm nfiv mil. 7 mvum ‘JIvfi ‘ mwoN 7 cmmflmt new 57 mummfe ., magma m Em : 3a. 98 ‘ w? m 1. m2 tn 2“ as at. mcfifim weiw; o_ Ea a 5.x . > 27 m 3 w 2 a «7 3m tn new 822. ism; %Ew7 H WEWUEEVM 1 ‘ ix ‘ 11 1 1 ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ flaw :\;w l ‘ w «W 30.5“.— ‘ ‘ wi Emmi GEWHE P 1 EN ivw w V“ ‘ 08,8 Wemm mm‘fizm: WEMMEM > 5 In 5 3m ‘ 8&6”. afiéwfififi NEW HEM a 7 fiwmumw ‘ 3m: as 52 ‘ ‘ ‘ wan mama? m £me a can > ‘ Sn @ v New am: 27. I5 ‘ \ fig w?! w {Emu .v 5m x Gm‘ ww Nd“ 8.5 7255” ‘ cumémmmfifimuaem‘w‘El‘: \‘ ;>‘ wgi‘mw ‘ fw ‘ , 3&1 mmsmcm ‘ ‘ ism-wig gem; fix I New 3 «Mn; ‘mem ictwm £3”: “mmaiw wwsmg w wmmfimhv 6m > N; m m‘ w aw WEN as “can gig wimw mgr E 1 3m ‘ ; E an 2,3 238 E as? N masmmw 51m > a $1 ‘ «M . Mmm mmmm on‘mwt . fifififmw maimwcum m u fisl‘wm 7 mm“; “ME. 8&qu ‘ ‘ Esmacmmw 2&an ... cum > 7 m E 5 can ‘ puma Bowmmw ‘ mgacsmmsse w idem 2mm > ‘ 7 “a 1 E E ‘ 5m ‘ 58mm ‘ gmnfiwflwaw N Magma id x Sm ‘ E; LE ME 7787.5 gfimww mmmfw; N maemm u. can > new 3” m mm was Ego—N ‘ Swim mmewk N firm we fix I 2m \ Wm wfi E 5 gamma“ 32mm mmsm w magma ,~ sum 1 7 5m ‘ I” w vw mflm 335 9.2.3 waxy w maem w 5 I , , mm 3h SN 35 as “a“ ‘ Emmm‘wamm‘h a «aim: sE . 7 ‘> E r z in 2 3m 3mm 7 08.52 . ,._f7msw7_ waemu é Eg a: > o: E SW 1 f, _ NE , a: E.” 85 mi». £5 E mmsmm 5 Ex yawn "7: 1 a; 9m Em 11m w EN 7 7 EN 5.5 ‘ m: 2.20 mmew Emem N 5.x 5mm a: > . an,” own N Wm ‘ w.” «3 80.82” «a: wmemz ._ magma .— 5.x 51 m: z of” NE , Sm ‘ EV SN 85an E. fisew w. wmem 7, é um.“ A: x R m an 3” 2 o a as one : E mmmm ,, waif guy? a: x E E MEN mm.“ new 5.32 ‘ “Ewes! _wm5mm yam 5&1 a: > 7 a; SN 96 31 can 8&5. 9.5sz eff.— ofismw a 5.1 x61 1: 7 x _ mod N— «am 3. wk 33ch mmfiamw§4 maeumw SE yawn. a: x _ 8.0 mam NE E «2 So 83 can mg mm £qu « 1&5 Am Ex 55“. a: > 9: v2 ‘ q 8 3 QR EN 53 msmzmm WEE .— was? 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E , 85mm? ” Ema | 9: wEmfi w $>®4 E02 ”225 MAX Tmmomn FCC ID: F2NURC440T DATE: FEB. 27, 1998 REPORT 3 86055-1 6.2 APPENDIX B: TEST SITE CERTIFICATION, CHALK CREEK EMI SITE - per 2. 94801) SO FCC ID: F2NURC440T DATE: FEB. 27, 1998 REPORT # 66055-1 SITE CHARACTERISTICS, CHALK CREEK EMI TEST SITE General: The DNB Engineering test facility is located in Chalk Creek Canyon near Coalville, Utah. Site characteristics were measured according to the procedures outlined in both FCC Bulletin ANSI 063-4 (1992) “Characteristics of Open Field Test Site: and VDE 0877 part 2/2.85 “The Measurement of Interference Field Strengths,“ The results of these characterizations indicate that the Chalk Creek site is an outstanding facility to perform accurate and repeatable EMI tests. This facility has been FCC approved to perform class B certification testing since January, 1986. In October of 1993, according to the FCC requirement to re-apply every three years, the facility was re-certified to the ANSI 063.4 1992 requirements. Certification was granted for the 3, 10, and 30 meter positions for both ranges. Facility approval was granted by the FCC Oct. 29, 1993 under file number 31040/SIT 130083, Since 1982, VDE personnel have used this test facility to perform Type Approval and Certification tests. It has been satisfactory to them in every case. In January, 1987, the National Institute of Standards and Technology accredited the facility under the N\’LAP accreditation program. In September, 1994 the National Certified Testing/Competent! Notified Body for Norway and Scandinavian Countries (NEMKO) approved this test facility. DNB now offers the testing required for the CE Mark. NEMKO EMC Laboratory Authorization No.: ELA 131 In September, 1994, the New Zealand Ministry of Commerce certified that DNB ENGINEERING, INC. EMC facilities meet their laboratory approval criteria for EMC testing and placed DNB ENGINEERING on their list of Ministry—Approved laboratories. In August, 1995, VCCI certified that the Chalk Creek facility was acceptable to perform EMI test according to VCCI requirements. The certificate number is 715. Ambient Emissions Ambient emission measurements were made to determine the level of the ambient emanations at the DNB test facility. The results indicate that all ambient signals are below the FCC, VDE and VCCI radiated emission limits or that each can easily be identified as an ambient signal. 61 FCC ID: F2NURC440T DATE: FEB. 27, 1993 REPORT 3 88055-1 6.3 APPENDIX C: EMCINSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT All test equipment are calibrated by a certified menulugy facility using standards traceable to NIST, Each instrument is calibrated annually or more frequently if required. 62 FCC ID: F2NURC44OT DATE: FEB. 27. 1993 REPORT # 86055-1 Test Equipment for Emissions Descrigtion Manufacturer Model Serial GalDua Antenna Mast, site 2 (30m) AH Systems AMSC£ 2159-40 Plotter .HF' 7475A 2517A20261 Primer HP 2671 G 2520A31080 2727Aos182 2727A051 80 HP BSGSOA 2043A00277 HP 982611 24391109175 1 721 A001 1 3 PRE Amp (3,10m) 6/20/98 ClSPR Adapter site 2 Com-uter desk to- Site 1 S ectrum Anal zer site 2 Receiver site 2 RES ESHB 872842/045 1/27/99 Receiver site 2 RES ESVP 832402/005 1/27/99 S lrum Monitor site 2 Fix-S SllB 1 EZM(3) 880 057/038 L Periodic Antenna site 2 SCH UHAL09107 91071004 L10 10/24/98 Biconical Antenna site 2 SCH BBA9106 11 5/5/98 USN SCH NSLK 8126 142 10/24/98 LISN SCH NNLA 8120 301 10/24/98 Bicon Antenna Log Periodic Antenna SAS-200/512 Horn Antenna, Double Fldg Gd SAS-200/571 6/24/93 Horn Antenna AT4000 Antenna Mast. site 1 (30m DNB 2159-2 AMSG outside Antenna Mast.sits1(10rn EMCO 1 1050' 1236a inside) Antenna Mast site 1(3m inside) EMCO1 1050' 12361) i Prlnter HP 2871 G 25201131833 Com uter desk to HP 9826A 231A05633 PRE Am- 3m 27271106191 6/18/93 PHE Amp (30m) site 1 8447D 2727A06181 8/20/98 CISPR Adapter site 1 85650A 2043A00124 10/24/98 (rsl‘. only) Platter > 7475A 2325A64445 Swum Analyzer site 1 85665 2421A00516 RF/Preselector site 1 SSGBSA 2724A00659 10/24/98 reft onl PRE Amp. (10m) HP 8447D 2727A05184 6/18/95 Amplifier Mini-Circuits ZHL—1042J N111496—6 Amplifier MITEQ AFSS-02002000- 428733 (2-20 GHz, 22dB gain) 180-MP Reoe'wer site 1 RES ESH3 982399/025 6/19/98 Spectrum Monitor site 1 R815 EZM(3) 880 437/037 Receiver site 1 Has ESVP 879907/048 6/19/98 LISN SCH NNLK 5121 10/23/98 Bicnnical Antenna site 1 BBAIQOG 13 10/24/98 Log Periodic Antenna SCH UJALP9107 20 LISN SCH NNLK 8121 156 10/23/98 | Antenna Mast site 1 port. (10m Unisys U~258 00300—5023 outside) 63 FCC ID: F2NURC440T DATE: FEB. 27, 1993 REPORT t‘ 86055-1 6.4 APPENDIX D: INFORMATION SUPPLIED T0 APPLICANT 64 FCC ID: FZNURCIMDT DATE: FEB. 27,1998 REPORT 3 86055-1 INFORMATION PERTAINING TO EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURED AFTER COMPLIANCE TESTING It is prudent that manufacturers have an established Quality Assurance program to spot check their products on a periodic basis, either based upon time or quantities produced. Obviously, a change in the engineering design should be sufficient justification for a re-lest. The Quality assurance test need not be formal Verification or Certification such as required during the initial production of the product. However, it should be sufficient in scope to assure that the EMI characteristics of the-product have not changed to the degree that the product exceeds the FCC limits. If a new model of a product is produced, it must undergo full Verification or Certification testing and, in case of Certification, be filed with the FCC. It is expected that the FCC will place greater emphasis and resources in spot checking commercially available products. If a product is found not to be complth with the Limits specified in Part 15‘ Subpart B. the manufacturer will be subject to the appropriate penalties imposed by the Commission. The initial Certification or Verification is sufficient to justify initial production. The additional quality assurance testing performed is the manufacturer’s responsibility to assure continued compliance. 65
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