ASUSTeK Computer AAM6KTPB2 Wireless ADSL Router User Manual AM200g

ASUSTeK Computer Inc Wireless ADSL Router AM200g


users manual 1

TriplePlayUser ManualVersion 1.0Version Date: August 1, 2005Document #:  BD-TU0001-10
TriplePlayUser Manual 1Version 1.0Document #:  BD-TU0001-10Table of ContentsGENERAL INFORMATION ...............................................................3Package Contents ..................................................................3Safety Instructions—Please read. ...........................................3Front Panel View ....................................................................4Indication................................................................................4Back Panel View ....................................................................6INSTALLING THE ROUTER..............................................................7Connect the ADSL Line and Telephone.................................7Connect the PC to the Router ................................................7Connect a Printer or Server to the Router..............................8Connect the Telephone to the Router ....................................8Connect the Router to a Phone Jack .....................................8Connect the Power Adapter ...................................................8INSTALLATION DIAGRAM ...............................................................9USB DRIVER INSTALLATION .......................................................10CONFIGURING YOUR COMPUTER ................................................14Windows 2000......................................................................14Windows XP.........................................................................15LOG IN TO THE ROUTER..............................................................16DEVICE INFO..............................................................................17Summary..............................................................................17WAN.....................................................................................17Statistics...............................................................................18LAN Statistics................................................................18WAN Statistics ..............................................................18ATM Statistics ...............................................................19ADSL Statistics .............................................................19ADSL BER Test ............................................................20Route....................................................................................21ARP......................................................................................21DHCP ...................................................................................22QUICK SETUP ............................................................................22ADVANCED SETUP .....................................................................26WAN.....................................................................................26LAN Local Area Network (LAN) Setup .................................31NAT ......................................................................................32Virtual Servers ..............................................................32Port Triggering ..............................................................34DMZ Host......................................................................35Firewall.................................................................................36IP Filtering—Outgoing ....................................................36IP Filtering—Incoming ....................................................37
TriplePlayUser Manual 2Version 1.0Document #:  BD-TU0001-10MAC Filtering ................................................................38Parental Control ............................................................39Quality of Service .................................................................40Routing.................................................................................43Default Gateway ...........................................................43Static Route ..................................................................43RIP ................................................................................44DNS......................................................................................44DNS Server...................................................................44Dynamic DNS ...............................................................45ADSL....................................................................................46DSL Advanced Settings ................................................47Tone Settings................................................................47Port Mapping ........................................................................48WIRELESS .................................................................................49Basic ....................................................................................49Security ................................................................................49MAC Filter ............................................................................51Wireless Bridge ....................................................................52Advanced .............................................................................52Station Info ...........................................................................54VOICE .......................................................................................55SIP Basic..............................................................................55SIP Advanced ......................................................................58Phonebook ...........................................................................61Call History...........................................................................62DIAGNOSTICS ............................................................................63MANAGEMENT ...........................................................................64Settings ................................................................................64Backup Settings ............................................................64Restore User Settings...................................................65Restore Default .............................................................65System Log ..........................................................................66Configure System Log ..................................................67SNMP...................................................................................67Internet Time ........................................................................68Access Control .....................................................................69Services ........................................................................69IP Addresses.................................................................69Passwords ....................................................................70Update Software ..................................................................70Reboot Router ......................................................................71
TriplePlayUser Manual 3Version 1.0Document #:  BD-TU0001-10General InformationThe TriplePlay is a 3-in-1 router having the functions of astandard ADSL router, plus voice capabilities and wirelessaccessibility all in one box.  Including three features addsconvenience and provides increased functions for one router.Package ContentsIncluded in the package is one of each of the following—•TriplePlay router•AC power adapter•USB cable•RJ-11 telephone cable•RJ-45 Ethernet cable•Splitter•User Manual•Place your router on a flat surface close to the cables in alocation with sufficient ventilation.•To prevent overheating, do not obstruct the ventilationopenings of this equipment.•Plug this equipment into a surge protector to reduce the riskof damage from power surges and lightning strikes.•Operate this equipment only from an electrical outlet withthe correct power source as indicated on the adapter.•Unplug equipment first before cleaning.  A damp cloth canbe used to clean the equipment.  Do not use liquid / aerosolcleaners or magnetic / static cleaning devices.•Do not open the cover of this equipment.  Opening thecover will void any warranties on the equipment.Safety Instructions—Please read.
TriplePlayUser Manual 4Version 1.0Document #:  BD-TU0001-10Front Panel ViewLED Mode IndicationSolid The router is on.1. Power No lightThe router is not on.Check if the AC power adapter isconnected to the router and plugged in.Solid ADSL is connected.No light ADSL is not connected.  ALARM LED willbe red.2. ADSL / LINKBlinking Router is connected to ADSL.Solid ADSL is connected; no traffic.3. ADSL / ACT  No light  ADSL is not connected.Blinking Presence of ADSL traffic.Solid Router is connected to LAN.No light No connection to LAN.  Check if LANcable is connected to router.4-7. LAN 1-4Blinking Presence of LAN traffic.Solid Connection established using USB.8. USB Device Flashing The router is sending or receiving datausing USB.Solid Wireless is enabled.No light  Wireless is disabled.9. Wi-FiBlinking Presence of wireless traffic.
TriplePlayUser Manual 5Version 1.0Document #:  BD-TU0001-10Solid Line2 is off-hook.10. Phone2 No light  Line2 is on-hook.Solid Line1 is off-hook.11. Phone1 No light  Line1 is on-hook.Solid Line is off-hook.12. LINE No light  Line is on-hook.
TriplePlayUser Manual 6Version 1.0Document #:  BD-TU0001-10Back Panel ViewPort Description1.   On / Off  Press to turn the router on and off.2.   DC 18V 1A  Connects to the AC adapter.3.  LINE Connects to the wall outlet using an RJ-11cable.4. Phone1  Connects to a telephone using an RJ-11 cable.5.  Phone2 Connects to a second telephone using anotherRJ-11 cable.6. Console For professional use by service personnel only.7.  USB Device Optional:  Use only if not using any of the LANlines.8.  ResetShort reset (“system reboot”)—push & hold thereset button for 4 seconds.Long reset (“default settings”)—push the resetbutton for more than 4 seconds and thenrelease.9-12.  LAN 1-4  Connect to PC(s) using RJ-45 cable(s).13.  ADSLConnect to the splitter provided using an RJ-11cable.  Refer to the next page for completeinstructions for splitter connections.
TriplePlayUser Manual 7Version 1.0Document #:  BD-TU0001-10Installing the RouterConnect the ADSL Line and Telephone•Connect an RJ-11 cable between the wall phone jack andthe line-end of the splitter (see diagram below).•Attach another RJ-11 phone wire to the modem-end of thesplitter and the ADSL port on the rear panel of the router.•The phone-end of the splitter will be connected to thetelephone using a third RJ-11 phone wire.NOTE:  See connections on the installation diagram.Connect the PC to the RouterBy Ethernet—•To use the Ethernet connection, connect the Ethernet cablefrom the computer directly to the router.•Connect one end of the Ethernet cable to the port(s)labeled LAN 1-4 on the back of the router and attach theother end to the Ethernet port of your computer.By USB—•Or, you can use the supplied USB cable to connect yourcomputer directly to the router.•Connect one end of the USB cable to the USB port (labeledUSB Device) on the back of the router and connect theother end to a free USB port on your PC.•The Found New Hardware Wizard will open on your PC.See USB Driver Installation below.
TriplePlayUser Manual 8Version 1.0Document #:  BD-TU0001-10•If your LAN has more than one computer, you can attachone end of an Ethernet cable to a hub or a switch and theother to the Ethernet port (labeled LAN) on the router. Notethat either a crossover or straight-through Ethernet cablecan be used. The router automatically recognizes the typeof connection that is required.Connect a Printer or Server to the RouterIf you have a printer or server that you wish to connect to therouter, attach the printer or server to the port labeled USB Hostusing the USB cable that comes with the device.Connect the Telephone to the RouterThere are two ports on the back of your router labeled Phone 1and Phone 2 for you to connect up to two telephones to.  UseRJ-11 cables to connect the telephone(s) to the router.Connect the Router to a Phone Jack•Before connecting the power adapter, connect the routerdirectly to a phone jack using an RJ-11 cable.•Connect one end of an RJ-11 cable to the port labeled Lineon the back of the router and the other end to a wall phonejack.Connect the Power Adapter•Complete the process by connecting the AC power adapterto the POWER connector on the back of the device andplug the adapter into a wall outlet or power strip.•Then turn on and boot up your PC and any LAN devices,such as hubs or switches, and any computers connected tothem.
TriplePlayUser Manual 9Version 1.0Document #:  BD-TU0001-10Installation Diagram
TriplePlayUser Manual 10Version 1.0Document #:  BD-TU0001-10USB Driver InstallationThe following instructions will guide you through the installation ofthe USB driver.1.  When you attach the USB cable to the router for the first timeand turn on the device, Windows will detect new hardwareand the Found New Hardware Wizard will appear.2.  The Found New Hardware Wizard will appear shortly after,identifying that a USB driver is needed.  Click on Next tocontinue with the installation.
TriplePlayUser Manual 11Version 1.0Document #:  BD-TU0001-103.  The Digital Signature Not Found window appears.  ClickYes to continue with the installation.4.  Then the Insert Disk window prompts you to insert the disk(or CD) containing the USB driver.  Click OK after insertingthe disk (or CD).
TriplePlayUser Manual 12Version 1.0Document #:  BD-TU0001-105.  After clicking OK at the previous window, you will be asked tobrowse for the location of the disk (or CD) that the USB driver ison.  Then click OK to continue to the next step.6.  When you select the location of the disk (or CD), the required fileUSB8023K.SYS will automatically be updated in the filenamewindow of this screen.  Click on Open to continue with theinstallation process.
TriplePlayUser Manual 13Version 1.0Document #:  BD-TU0001-107.  The last window lets you know that the driver installation iscomplete. Click Finish to close the wizard.
TriplePlayUser Manual 14Version 1.0Document #:  BD-TU0001-10Configuring Your ComputerPrior to accessing the router through the LAN or the USB port,note the following necessary configurations—•Your PC’s TCP/IP address:  192.168.1.__( the last numberis any number between 3 and 254)•The router’s default IP address:•Subnet mask: are the procedures for configuring your computer.  Followthe instructions for the operating system that you are using.Windows 20001.  In the Windows taskbar, click on the Start button and pointto Settings, Control Panel, and Network and Dial-upConnections (in that order).2.  Click on Local Area Connection.  When you have the LocalArea Connection Status window open, click on Properties.3.  Listed in the window are the installed network components.If the list includes Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), then theprotocol has already been enabled, and you can skip toStep 10.4.  If Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) does not appear as aninstalled component, then click on Install.5.  In the Select Network Component Type window, click onprotocol and then the Add button.6.  Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) from the list and then clickon OK.7.  If prompted to restart your computer with the new settings,click OK.
TriplePlayUser Manual 15Version 1.0Document #:  BD-TU0001-108.  After your computer restarts, click on the Network and Dial-up Connections icon again, and right click on the LocalArea Connection icon and then select Properties.9.  In the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box, selectInternet Protocol (TCP/IP) and then click on Properties.10. In the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog box,click in the radio button labeled Use the following IPaddress and type 192.168.1.x (where x is any numberbetween 2 and 254) and in the IP addressfield and Subnet Mask field.11.  Click on OK twice to save your changes and then closethe Control Panel.Windows XP1.  In the Windows taskbar, click on the Start button and pointto Settings and then click Network Connections.2.  In the Network Connections window, right click on the LocalArea Connection icon and click on properties.3.  Listed in the Local Area Connection window are theinstalled network components.  Make sure the box forInternet Protocol (TCP/IP) is checked and then click onProperties.4. In the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog box, clickin the radio button labeled Use the following IP address andtype 192.168.1.x (where x is any number between 2 and254) and in the IP address field and SubnetMask field.5.  Click on OK twice to save your changes and then close theControl Panel.
TriplePlayUser Manual 16Version 1.0Document #:  BD-TU0001-10Log in to the RouterThis section will explain how to log in to your router using thefollowing steps—1.  Launch your web browser.2. Enter the URL in the address bar andpress Enter.A login screen like the one below will be displayed after youconnect to the user interface.3.  Enter your user name and password, and then click onOK to display the user interface.  NOTE:  There are two default user name and passwordcombinations.  The user / user name and password combinationcan display device status, but cannot change or saveconfigurations.  The admin / admin combination can perform allfunctions.  Passwords can be changed at any time.  Please notethat this user manual is based on the admin / admin login whichincludes all functions.____________________________________________________
TriplePlayUser Manual 17Version 1.0Document #:  BD-TU0001-10This section describes the system information that can beaccessed using the menu items under Device Info.SummaryAccess the general information of the router by clicking on“Summary” under “Device Info”.  It shows details of the routersuch as software version, wireless driver version, LAN IP address,etc.  It also displays the current status of your DSL connection asshown below—WANAccess the WAN status report from the router by clicking on“WAN” under  “Device Info”.  Since a WAN connection has notbeen set up yet, there is no information to view.  After completingthe configurations for a WAN connection, you can return to thisscreen to view the information on your WAN status.Device Info
TriplePlayUser Manual 18Version 1.0Document #:  BD-TU0001-10Below is how the screen will  look once a WAN connection is setup.StatisticsLAN StatisticsAccess the LAN statistics from the router by clicking on the “LAN”item under “Statistics”WAN StatisticsAccess the WAN statistics from the router by clicking on the“WAN” item under “Statistics”.
TriplePlayUser Manual 19Version 1.0Document #:  BD-TU0001-10ATM StatisticsAccess ATM statistics from the router by clicking on the “ATM”item under “Statistics”.ADSL StatisticsYou can view ADSL statistics by clicking on the “ADSL” itemunder “Statistics”.  Information contained in this screen is usefulfor troubleshooting and diagnostics of connection problems.
TriplePlayUser Manual 20Version 1.0Document #:  BD-TU0001-10ADSL BER TestA Bit Error Rate Test (BER Test) is a test that reflects the ratio oferror bits to the total number transmitted.If you click on the ADSL BER Test button at the bottom of theADSL Statistics screen, the following pop-up screen will appearallowing you to set the tested time and to begin the test.
TriplePlayUser Manual 21Version 1.0Document #:  BD-TU0001-10RouteAccess the routing status report from the router by clicking on the“Route” item under “Device Info”.ARPAccess the ARP status report from the router by clicking on the“ARP” item under “Device Info”.  ARP (Address ResolutionProtocol) maps the IP address to the physical address, labeledHW Address (the MAC address) and helps to identify computerson the LAN.
TriplePlayUser Manual 22Version 1.0Document #:  BD-TU0001-10DHCPAccess the DHCP Leases screen by clicking “DHCP” under“Statistics”.  This shows the computers, identified by thehostname and MAC address that have acquired IP addresses bythe DHCP server with the time that the lease for the IP address isup.Quick SetupThis section will explain how to quickly configure the router for thesingle purpose of connecting to the Internet.To enable the auto-connect process, click on the box labeled DSLAuto-connect, a process that will automatically detect the firstusable PVC and automatically detect PPPoE, PPPoA, and BridgeProtocol (with DHCP Server available).  To continue, click on theNext button.If you uncheck the DSL Auto-connect box, the resulting screen isseen below.  Enter the VPI / VCI as indicated by your ISP andenable Quality of Service to enable the function.  To continue,click on Next.
TriplePlayUser Manual 23Version 1.0Document #:  BD-TU0001-10Following is the Connection Type screen where you select thetype of network protocol and encapsulation mode over the ATMPVC that your ISP has instructed you to use.  The following is aPPPoA example.  Click on Next to continue.Enter the PPP username and password as given by your ISP.Then decide if you will be using any features such as dial ondemand, PPP IP extension, keep alive and then click on Next.
TriplePlayUser Manual 24Version 1.0Document #:  BD-TU0001-10The next step is to configure the Network Address Translation(NAT) settings.  Enable the necessary services and then click onNext to continue.You can configure the DSL Router IP address and Subnet Maskfor the LAN interface to correspond to your LAN’s IP Subnet. Ifyou want the DHCP server to automatically assign IP addresses,then enable the DHCP server and enter the range of IP addressesthat the DHCP server can assign to your computers.  Disable theDHCP server if you would like to manually assign IP addresses.Click on Next to continue.
TriplePlayUser Manual 25Version 1.0Document #:  BD-TU0001-10The next screen allows you to enable / disable the wirelessfunction.  If you enable wireless, then enter the wireless networkname (SSID).  The default SSID—Broadcom—is already entered.Click on Next to continue.After all of the WAN configurations have been made, the WANSetup Summary screen displays all WAN settings that you havemade.  Check that the settings are correct before clicking on theSave / Reboot button.  Clicking on Save / Reboot will save yoursettings and restart your router.
TriplePlayUser Manual 26Version 1.0Document #:  BD-TU0001-10Advanced SetupThis section of the setup is an advanced version of the quicksetup.  If you want to make specific configurations to your routersuch as firewall, port mapping, quality of service, DNS, etc.,consider going through this advanced setup for a morecomprehensive configuration.WANConfigure the WAN settings as provided by your ISP.  Thefollowing screen shows the PPPoA connection that wasestablished in the previous Quick Setup example.Click on the Add button if you want to add a new connection forthe WAN interface.  The ATM PVC Configuration screen is seenbelow.  The ATM PVC Configuration screen allows you toconfigure an ATM PVC identifier (VPI and VCI) and select aservice category.
TriplePlayUser Manual 27Version 1.0Document #:  BD-TU0001-10Find out the following values from your ISP before you changethem.•VPI : Virtual Path Identifier. The valid range is 0 to 255.•VCI : Virtual Channel Identifier. The valid range is 32 to65535.•Service Category : Five classes of traffic are listed—oUBR Without PCR (Unspecified Bit Rate withoutPeak Cell Rate)—UBR service is suitable forapplications that can tolerate variable delays andsome cell losses.  Applications suitable for UBRservice include text/data/image transfer, messaging,distribution, and retrieval and also for remote terminalapplications such as telecommuting.oUBR With PCR (Unspecified Bit Rate with Peak CellRate)oCBR (Constant Bit Rate)—used by applications thatrequire a fixed data rate that is continuously availableduring the connection time.  It is commonly used foruncompressed audio and video information such asvideoconferencing, interactive audio (telephony),audio / video distribution (e.g. television, distancelearning, and pay-per-view), and audio / videoretrieval (e.g. video-on-demand and audio library).
TriplePlayUser Manual 28Version 1.0Document #:  BD-TU0001-10oNon Realtime VBR (Non-Real-time Variable BitRate)—can be used for data transfers that havecritical response-time requirements such as airlinereservations, banking transactions, and processmonitoring.oRealtime VBR (Real-time Variable Bit Rate)—used bytime-sensitive applications such as real-time video.Rt-VBR service allows the network more flexibilitythan CBR.The next screen shows the below types of network protocols andencapsulation modes—•PPP over ATM (PPPoA)•PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE)•MAC Encapsulation Routing (MER)•IP over ATM (IpoA)•BridgingSelect the mode that your ISP has instructed you to use and clickon Next.
TriplePlayUser Manual 29Version 1.0Document #:  BD-TU0001-10Since this example uses a PPPoA connection, the next screenrequires you to enter a PPP username and password.  After fillingin the page and making any selections your ISP has instructedyou to, click on Next to continue.The next screen allows you to configure NAT either by enabling ordisabling it.  Other services include IGMP multicast and WANservice.  After making your selections, click on Next to go on tothe next page.When the settings are complete, the next screen shows a WANSetup – Summary screen displaying the WAN configurationsmade.  Click on Save to save the settings.
TriplePlayUser Manual 30Version 1.0Document #:  BD-TU0001-10After the settings are saved, the below screen will followdisplaying the WAN settings that you made with the option to Addor Remove any of the connections that you have made.  Whensatisfied with the settings click on the Finish button.After selecting the Finish button, the below screen will appear.  Atthis point, the router will reboot to save the changes made.
TriplePlayUser Manual 31Version 1.0Document #:  BD-TU0001-10LAN Local Area Network (LAN) SetupYou can configure the DSL Router IP address and Subnet Maskfor the LAN interface to correspond to your LAN’s IP Subnet. Ifyou want the DHCP server to automatically assign IP addresses,then enable the DHCP server and enter the range of IP addressesthat the DHCP server can assign to your computers.  Disable theDHCP server if you prefer to manually assign IP addresses.  Clickon Next to continue.  The Save button only saves the LANconfiguration data, but does not apply the configurations.  Selectthe Save/Reboot button to save the LAN configuration data andreboot the router and apply the new configurations.
TriplePlayUser Manual 32Version 1.0Document #:  BD-TU0001-10NATIf you enable NAT (Network Address Translation), you canconfigure the Virtual Server, Port Triggering, and DMZ Host.Virtual ServersA virtual server allows you to direct incoming traffic from the WANside to a specific IP address on the LAN side.  Click on Add toconfigure a virtual server.Select the virtual server from the drop-down list and complete theserver IP address, then click on the Save / Apply button.
TriplePlayUser Manual 33Version 1.0Document #:  BD-TU0001-10The following screen appears after you save your selection.  Toadd additional virtual servers, click on the Add button.  If you needto remove any of the server names, select the check box and clickon the Remove button.
TriplePlayUser Manual 34Version 1.0Document #:  BD-TU0001-10Port TriggeringClick on the Add button to add Port Triggering to your Internetapplication.The below screen appears when you click on Add allowing you toselect the application that you want to set the port settings for.After a selection has been made, click on the Save / Apply button.The below screen appears after you save your selections.  Youwill be able to add or remove selections made, by clicking on theAdd and Remove buttons.
TriplePlayUser Manual 35Version 1.0Document #:  BD-TU0001-10DMZ HostYou can define the IP address of the DMZ Host on this screen.Enter the IP address and click on Save / Apply.
TriplePlayUser Manual 36Version 1.0Document #:  BD-TU0001-10FirewallIP Filtering—OutgoingThe outgoing filter will block the LAN traffic from entering theWAN side.  Click on the Add button to create filters.The below screen will appear when you click on Add.  Input thefilter name, source information (from the LAN side), anddestination information (from the WAN side). Then click on Save /Apply.The following screen appears when you Save / Apply the IP filter.The screen lists the IP filters that were added from the previousscreen.  To change your settings, click on the Add or Removebuttons.
TriplePlayUser Manual 37Version 1.0Document #:  BD-TU0001-10IP Filtering—IncomingIncoming IP filter filters the WAN traffic to the LAN side.  Click onthe Add button to add incoming filter settings.Enter a filter name, information about the source address (fromthe WAN side), and information about the destination address (tothe LAN side). Select the protocol and WAN interface, then clickon Save/Apply to add the setting.
TriplePlayUser Manual 38Version 1.0Document #:  BD-TU0001-10You can view and delete the incoming filter settings from thisscreen.MAC FilteringMAC filtering can forward or block traffic by MAC address. Youcan change the policy or add settings to the MAC filtering tableusing the MAC Filtering Setup screen.
TriplePlayUser Manual 39Version 1.0Document #:  BD-TU0001-10If you click on Change Policy, a confirmation dialog allows you toverify your change.If you want to add a setting to the MAC filtering table, enter theSource and Destination MAC address, and select protocol type,frame direction, and WAN interface. Then click on Save / Apply tosave it.After you save the settings, a screen showing the settings willappear.  On this screen you will be able to view and delete MACfiltering rules.Parental ControlIn a home setting, parents can also restrict the day of the weekcertain computers can access the router.  Click on Add to set upthe restrictions.
TriplePlayUser Manual 40Version 1.0Document #:  BD-TU0001-10To set up a restricted user, enter the user name, the MACaddress, and select the days to restrict.  You can also enter thestart and end of the blocking time.  When completed, click onSave / Apply.Quality of ServiceYou can configure the Quality of Service to apply differentpriorities to traffic on the router.  Click on Add to configure networktraffic classes.
TriplePlayUser Manual 41Version 1.0Document #:  BD-TU0001-10•Traffic Class Name— the name that you name this class of traffic forwhich you are configuring quality of service•Assign ATM Transmit Priority— select from low, medium, or highpriority level for transmitting ATM packets.•Mark IP Precedence— used to mark a packet to notify the network inregard to the importance of the packet.  IP precedence values rangefrom 0-7 with 6 and 7 reserved and should not be used.  The 8precedence values have the following meanings—o(0) – Routineo(1) – Priorityo(2) – Immediateo(3) – Flasho(4) – Flash Overrideo(5) – Criticalo(6) – Internetwork Controlo(7) – Network Control•Mark IP Type of Service— select from the following choices—oNormal ServiceoMinimize CostoMaximize ReliabilityoMaximize ThroughputoMinimize Delay
TriplePlayUser Manual 42Version 1.0Document #:  BD-TU0001-10•Mark 802.1p if 802.1q is enabled on WAN— (see below ”ConnectionType” screen located under “WAN” under “Advanced”.)  The valuesrange from 0-7. NOTE:  Enter the following conditions either for SET-1 or for SET-2.SET-1•Physical LAN Port— select the physical port—Ethernet LAN 1-4, USB,or wireless•Protocol— select from the following protocols—TCP/UDP, TCP, UDP, orICMP•Source IP Address— the IP address for the computer which packetsare coming from•Source Subnet Mask— the subnet mask for the source of the packetsbeing sent•UDP / TCP Source Port (port or port:port)— if TCP or UDP wasselected , then enter the port number•Destination IP Address— the IP address of the computer where thepackets will be sent to•Destination Subnet Mask— the subnet mask for the destination of thepackets being sent to•UDP / TCP Destination Port (port or port:port)— if TCP or UDP wasselected , then enter the port numberSET-2•802.1p Priority— if 802.1q was enabled on WAN, then select a valuebetween 0-7.
TriplePlayUser Manual 43Version 1.0Document #:  BD-TU0001-10RoutingDefault GatewayYou can enable automatic assigned default gateway on theRouting – Default Gateway screen.  As default, the box is checkedfor automatic assigned default gateway to be enabled.  Click theSave / Apply button to enable or disable this feature.By deselecting the Enable Automatic Assigned Default Gatewayoption, you will be asked to manually enter the default gateway IPaddress and select the appropriate user interface that you will beusing.  Click on Save / Apply to continue.Static RouteThe Static Route screen can be used to add a routing table (amaximum of 32 entries can be configured).  Click on Next to add.
TriplePlayUser Manual 44Version 1.0Document #:  BD-TU0001-10Enter the route information and then save and apply yourconfigurations.RIPIf RIP is enabled, the router operation can be configured as activeor passive.DNSDNS ServerUse the DNS Server screen to enable automatic assignment of aDNS or to specify a primary and secondary DNS.
TriplePlayUser Manual 45Version 1.0Document #:  BD-TU0001-10If you uncheck the Enable Automatic Assigned DNS checkbox,then there will be two additional fields—primary and secondaryDNS server—to enter as seen below.Dynamic DNSAccess “Dynamic DNS” located under “DNS”.  Dynamic DNS(Domain Name Service) is a system that allows more than one IPaddress to be assigned to one domain name.The following Add dynamic DDNS screen allows you to set upyour DDNS server.  Select the Dynamic DNS provider from thelist— or TZO.  Enter the hostname and the ADSLinterface and the username / password provided by the DNSserver site.  Note that you will need to register first at
TriplePlayUser Manual 46Version 1.0Document #:  BD-TU0001-10ADSLThe DSL settings screen contains three sections—modulation,phone line, and capability—that should be specified by your ISP.Consult with your ISP to select the correct settings for each.  Thenclick on Save / Apply if you are finished or click on AdvancedSettings if you want to configure more advanced settings.
TriplePlayUser Manual 47Version 1.0Document #:  BD-TU0001-10DSL Advanced SettingsThe test mode can be selected from the DSL Advanced Settingsscreen.Test modes include—normal, reverb, medley, no retrain, and L3.Tone SettingsThe frequency band of ADSL is split up into 256 separate tones,each spaced 4.3125 kHz apart. With each tone carrying separatedata, the technique operates as if 256 separate modems wererunning in parallel. The tone range is from 0 to 31 for upstreamand from 32 to 255 for downstream. Do not change these settingsunless so directed by your ISP.
TriplePlayUser Manual 48Version 1.0Document #:  BD-TU0001-10Port MappingPort mapping is a feature that allows you to open ports to allowcertain Internet applications on the WAN side to pass through thefirewall and enter your LAN.  To use this feature, mapping groupsneed to be created.Click on the Add button as displayed below.After clicking the Add button, the below configuration screenappears, allowing you to enter the groups and the interfaces theyare associated with.

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