ASUSTeK Computer RTAX2E00 ROG Rapture GT-AX6000 Dual-band Gaming Router ROG Rapture GT-AC5400 Dual-band Gaming Router User Manual Blue Cave
ASUSTeK Computer Inc ROG Rapture GT-AX6000 Dual-band Gaming Router ROG Rapture GT-AC5400 Dual-band Gaming Router Blue Cave
User Manual Warning Statements
Safety Notices + Usethis productin envranments with ambient temperatures between 0°CB2‘F) and 40°C(10¢‘F) + Refetotherating labe on the bottom of your product and ensureyour power adapte comales wth hi rating. + ©0 NOT place on uneven o unstable work surfaces.Seek servicing fthe casing has been damaged «: BO NOT place ordrop objects on top and d notshove any foreign objects nto the product + D9 NOT expose toor use near iquids ain,or moiture. D0 NOT use the modem during electica storms + B0 NOT coverthevents on the productto preventthe system from getting overheated + D0 NOT use damaged powercards accessoris,or other perpherals «: Ifthe Adapteris broken, do nottrtofi it byyaursef Contacta qualffedservice technican or your retaler «: To prevent electricashock harard cisconnect the power cable from the electrcal outle bforerelacatin thesystem Specifications: DC Power adapter DC Output +19V with max 3428 current c—a0c o—70c Operating Temperature Storage 5o—%0% 20—90% Operating Humidity Storage ASUS Recycling/Takeback Services ASUS recycling and takeback programs come from our commitment to the highest standards for protecting our environment. We believe in providing solutions for you to be able to responsibly recycle our products, batteries, other components,as well as the packaging materals. Please go to httpsesrasus comfenalish/ Takeback htm for the detailed recycling information i diferent regions. Federal Communications Commission Statement This device comples with Part 15 ofthe FCC Rules. Operation s subject to the following two conditions: This device may not cause harmfulinterference + This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the Imits fo a lass B digital device pursuant to part 15 ofthe FCC Rules:These imits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in residental installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmfulinterference to radio communications, However there is no guarantee that interference will not accu in a particular installaton. If ths equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the eauipment off and on, the useris encouraged to ty to correct the nterference by one or more of the following measures Reorient o relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. Connect the equipmentinto an outlet on a cicult diferent from that to which the receiveris connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. Prohibition of Co—location This device and it antennas) must not be co—located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmiter WARNING Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user‘s authority to operate the equipment IMPORTANT NOTE: Radiation Exposure Statement This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure imits se forth for an uncontrolled environment. End users must follow the specific operating instructions for satstying RF exposure complance. To maintain compliance with FCC exposure complance requirement, please folow operation instruction as documented in this manual Compliance Statement of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) This device complies with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada lcence exempt RSS standard(s.. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) is device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any nterference, including interference that may cause undesired operation ofthe device WARNING! This equipment must be instlled and operated in accordance with provided instructions and the antenna(s) used for this transmitter must be instaled to provide a separation distance o atleast 20 em from all persons and must not be co—located or operating in confunction with any other antenna or transmitter Operation in the band 5150—5250 Mz is only forindoor use toreduce the potentialfor harmfu interference to co—channel mobile satelite systems. Can icés—3@)NMB 3@ Radio Frequency (RF) Exposure Information The radiated output power of the ASUS Wireless Devic is below the Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada rado frequency exposure limit. The ASUS Wireless Device should be used in such a manner such that the potentia for human contact during normal operation is minimized This equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20 cm between the radiator any part o your bodly This device has been certifed for use in Canada, Status of thelisting in the Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada‘s REL (Radio Equipment Lis) can be found at thefollowing web address: httpirswle gc caleic/site/ceb bhst netleng h 100020 htral Addtional Canadian information on RF exposure also can be found at the fllowing web; hitpsformwic ac.caleic/site/smt—ast nst/eng/s108792 himl Déclaration de conformité de Innovation, Sciences et Développement économique Canada (ISED) L présent appareil est conforme aux CNR a‘innovation, Scences et Développement économique Canada applicables aus apparells radio exempts de lcence. Vexplotation est autorisée aux deux conditions suvantes :(1) Tapparellne doit pas produire de brouilage, et2) Iutiisateur de T appareil dot accepter tout brouilage radiotlectrique subs, méme sie broullage est susceptible dlen compromettre lefonctionnement. La bande 5150 — 5250 MHz est réservée uniquement pour une utlisation a Iintérieur ain de réduire les risques de brouilage préjudiciable aux systemes de satelites mobiles utlisant les mémes canux. Can icés—3@)NM 3@ Informations concernant Fexposition aux fréquences radio (RF) La puissance de sortie émise par cet apparell sans il es inférieure ata mite dlexpositon aux fréquences radio d nnovation, Sciences et Développement économique du Canada (SED}.Utlisez Iappareil sns fl de fagon 3 minimiserles contacts humain lors un fonctionnement normal Cet équipement doit dtr installé et utlisé avec un minimum de 20 em de distance entre la source de rayonnement et votre corps Uutlisation de cet appareilest autorisée au Canada Pour consulter fentrée correspondant a Fappareil dans Ia list d équipement radio (REL — Radio Equipment Lis d nnovation, Sciences et Développement économique du Canada, rendez—vous sur: httpiurmwic ac cafeic/site/ceb bhst nstleng/h 100020 htrl Pour des informations supplémentaires concemant Texposition aux fréquences radio au Canada, rendezvous sur: httpsfurmwic ac caleic/site/smt—gst nst/ong/s108792 htral 1506—043u000 Networks Global Hotline Information Europe Asi—Pacific Asia—Pacific Country! Rrea Hotline Number Service Hours Gpus soo—sz401 ofi 1400—18:00 Mon—Fr vos9—1805010920 0049—1805010023 0900—1800 Mon—F (component support) 1000—17:00 Mon—Fr co19— 2102050911 d Germany 0200—1200; taly 199—100089 1400—18:00 Mon—Fr Austra cors—220200513 0900—18.00 Mon—fm Belgium cosz7e150231 0200—17.00 Mor—fi Sweden cossasere0007 0200—18:00 Mor—fm Denmark cors sexz2003 0900—18:00 Mon—im Spain cose—sorssocss 0900—18.00 Mon—im Siovak Republc cos—2221eze21 0200—17.00 Mor—f Switzerland—German _ Oo4t—242711010 0200—18:00 Mor—fn Swtzeriand—talian cost—s«st10r2 0900—18:00 Mor—fm Ireland coss stesort0te 0900—17:00 Mon—im Uicraine cose.o005457727 0900—18:00 Monem New Zealand ceco—27s7ke 090—12:00 Mor—f Korea corz—21sccsese 0930—17:00 Moretm tosserts7917 1100—1900 Mon—Fn Singapore cosserzosess 1100—1900 Mon—Fr (Repalr Status Only) 1100—13.00 Sat Phiippines 1800—18ssor62 0200—18:00 Mor—fm Region Asi—Pacific Middle East + Africa Balkan Countries Baitic Countries nores: Emorm Indonesia Hong Kong Saudi Arbia Bosnia Herregovina Croatia Estonia Lithuania Kaunas Iomouem cosz—2123005000 500128 (LocalOnly) corsa—2se24770 reragsmarer 4003 0988 CaptaD asoo se osss (demais localidades soor2127e7 cos0 2165243000 *essroon72—2014z800 *or7oro0s72—ssssesss cossrazzrancs coss—1sd01111 coset—12070677 cosr2—ee7t79e co370—37325000 « UK support —mallnetwork support «: For more informatio,vis‘t e ASUS supportsite at htts:/hwvew /summort? Service Hours 0930—17:00 Mon—n 230 — 1200 Sat 1000—1900 Mon—Sat 2301200 5t Mon—Fr 200—1800 ST SatSun $00am—18:00 Mon‘Fr 0900—12.00 SatWed 0900—18:00 Mon—m 0200—17.00 Sun thu 0830—17:30 Suncth 0900—17.00 Mon—Fi 0900—17.00 Mon—fr 0200—17.00 Mor—fr 0900—1800 Mon—Fr 0200—18:00 Mor—fr
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