Mirror Download []ASUSTeK Computer WL500W MIMO WIRELESS ROUTER User Manual USERS MANUAL 4 OF 6
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Document DescriptionUSERS MANUAL 4 OF 6
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Date Submitted2006-08-01 00:00:00
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Document TitleUSERS MANUAL 4 OF 6
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WL-500W Wireless Router User Manual
5. Application features
ASUS WL-500W Wireless Router provides two USB2.0 ports for connecting the
USB storage, the USB camera, and the USB printer. Thus, you can monitor the
working environment, share data and printer with both wired and wireless users in
your network. Furthermore, WL-500W provides a download utility -- the Download
Master -- to facilit ate and share the download files.
Warning: Before unplugging the USB storage disk from WL-500W, you must eject
the disk in Status & Log -> External USB Disk page to prevent data corruption.
Note: Before applying change and rebooting WL-500W, make sure all USB applications
are disabled, it would take more than 20 seconds for WL-500W to reboot.
1) Sharing USB storage
To use this feature, you need to plug a USB hard disk to the USB2.0 port on the rear
panel of WL-500W. Make sure the hard disk is formatted and partitioned properly.
Note: FAT32 has a 2GB file size limitation and do not support files above that size. If
you want to use files of above 2GB, you must format the disk to EXT2 file system.
Creating user account
To share the data in the USB storage, you need to create
user accounts first.
1. Click USB Application -> User List in the left side
menu to open the configuration page.
2. I n p u t U s e r N a m e a n d
Password for the accounts.
Click Add to add the
account to the list.
3. To d e l e t e a n a c c o u n t ,
select the account from
the list and click Del.
4. Click Apply to apply the
changes and restart the
wireless router.
Creating share folder and access right
You can create a new share folder or share an existing
folder in your hard disk.
1. Click USB Application -> Share Nodes in the left
side menu to open the configuration page.
WL-500W Wireless Router User Manual
2. Click Add to add a share
3. Select the folder you want to share
from Folder Manager and click Ok.
To create a share folder, input the
folder name in Add Folder field
and press Add.
4. Define the access right for
the share folder by appoint
User Name and Access
Right. Click Add to add
the access right rule. When
finished, click Apply to
save the configuration.
5. Set Network Neighbourhood
Mode to Apply rules in
shared node list, Work
Group to WORKGROUP to
enable all computers within
WORKGROUP to access
WL-500W USB storage.
6. Click Finish.
7. Click Save & Restart to
restart the wireless router
and activate the settings.
8. Open My Network Place
from a computer connected
to WL-500W. Click view
work group computers,
you can see WL-500W in
the Workgroup category.
All files on the USB storage
are ready for sharing.
WL-500W Wireless Router User Manual
2) Setting up FTP site
WL-500W can also serve as an FTP site. You can make your FTP site accessible to
all users, or set up an access policy to restrict anonymous login. To use this feature,
you need to plug a USB storage disk to the USB2.0 port on the rear panel of WL500W. Make sure the hard disk is formatted and partitioned properly.
1. To allow anonymous login: Set
Network Neighborhood Mode
to Share all partitions in disk,
FTP Mode to Login to first
partition. The anonymous
login directory is the root
directory of first partition.
To allow account login only: Set
Network Neighborhood Mode
to Apply rules in shared node
list, FTP Mode to Login to
first matched shared node.
Click Add in the Share Node List
to specify the access directory
and access right of FTP account.
2. The Maximum Login User
field specifies the maximum
number of concurrent users.
The default value is 6.
3. Click Finish to activate the
settings and reboot. This process
may take several minutes.
4. Type into
the address box of your Web
browser and press Enter to
login the FTP site.
WL-500W Wireless Router User Manual
3) Download Master
The Download Master helps to manage the download tasks without turning your
computer on. To use this function, you need to: 1) mount a USB storage to WL-500W
Wireless Router; and 2) install ASUS Utilities from the support CD. Refer to chapter 6
for utility installation procedures.
1. Click Basic Config page in USB Application folder.
2. Set Enable Download Master
to Yes. If you want to share the
downloaded file with your LAN
users, set Enable Download
Share to Yes. Click Finish and
save and restart the wireless
3. Open Download Master from Start
-> All Programs -> ASUS Utility
->WL-500W Wireless Router ->
Download Master. Click File ->
Connect to associate with WL500W.
4. HTTP download (1)
Right click the download link
on the Web page and click
Download using ASUS
Download. A window in
step 5 appears to indicate
download progress.
HTTP download (2)
Right click the download
link on the Web page and
click Properties. Copy the
download Address (URL).
WL-500W Wireless Router User Manual
If you select Download using
ASUS Download, you can see
the download task is added to
the Transfer list. The blue bars
indicate the progress of download
If you copy the download address,
click Assign button in the utility.
Paste the address into Getting
File From box, select HTTP from
Options, and click Download
button to start.
5. FTP download
C l i c k Tr a ns f e r b u tto n o f th e
Download Master and select FTP
in the Options field. Input the FTP
site address, Port number, User
Name, Password. Click Download
to start.
6. BT download
Save the BT seed on your
computer. Click Transfer button of
the Download Master and select
BT in the Options field. Click
Browse to locate the seed file.
Click Download to start.
7. Click Folder button to view the
download file. Open the Complete
folder to view or copy the finished
files to your local hard disk. The
unfinished tasks are kept in
InComplete folder.
4) Web camera
The ASUS Wireless Router implements several applications for a
USB Web camera, enabling you to capture images and send them
over the Internet. For this function, you need to plug a USB camera
onto WL-500W and enable ActiveX for your Web browser.
Web camera
1. Click Web Camera page in USB Application folder.
2. Enable Web Camera - Selecting LAN Only enables Web Camera for LAN users.
Selecting LAN and WAN enableds Web Camera for both LAN users and WAN users
through firewall.
WL-500W Wireless Router User Manual
Web Camera Mode - Select the
appropriate camera mode from
the drop down list. ActiveX Only
enables user to execute ActiveX
clients on an WindowsÂŽ IE
platform and get the best image
quality. ActiveX and Refresh
enables user to get a basic image
on both IE and other browsers.
Refresh Only provides to all users
still images which are refreshed in
a specified interval.
Web Camera Driver - When you plug a supported Web Camera into the USB2.0 port in
the wireless router, the appropriate driver is selected automatically. Refer to the USB Web
Camera support list on ASUS Website ( for supported Web Camera models.
Image Size - Select the image size from the drop down list. 320 x 240 provides a larger
image while 160 x 120 provides faster transmission. Click Preview to see the effect.
Sense Level - This field indicates the sensitivity at which image movement is detected.
Refresh Time in Seconds - This field indicates the time interval in seconds in which the
system reloads images. The range of values is 1~65535.
HTTP Port - This field indicates the port that HTTP server listens on to communicate. For
example, by default, you can connect to your web camera by using
without password checking. (The password checking field is unchecked.)
ActiveX Port - This field indicates the port that server listens on to communicate with
ActiveX clients.
Enabling ActiveX for your IE
If you use Internet ExplorerÂŽ, you need to enable ActiveX or
the Web Camera cannot function properly. For clients using
Netscape or other browsers, ignore this part.
1. Open Internet Explorer 5.0 or above on your computer,
click Tools -> Internet Options.
3. Select Security tab and click Custom
Level button.
4. Enable the activeX controls and plug-ins.
By default, these items are disabled.
WL-500W Wireless Router User Manual
5. By default, these three items are enabled.
Enable them if changed.
6. Click Yes to change the security settings.
Enable Web Camera to WAN users
With proper setting to DDNS, you can monitor your working environment from
anywhere on Internet, even if dynamic WAN IP address is used. If any motion is
detected by the camera, WL-500W captures the images and send them to your
appointed E-mail box. Refer to page 15-17 for DDNS setup procedures.
1. Enable Security Mode? -Select
Yes to enable security function on
the data and time you set below.
Date to Enable Security Mode This field defines the date that
Security Mode is enabled.
Time to Enable Security Mode This field defines the time interval
that Security Mode is enabled.
Send to - Input the E-mail address you wish WL-500W send the image to.
Email Server - This field indicates the E-mail server you use for exchanging E-mail. If you
leave this field blank, WL-500W uses the mail server of your E-mail address in Send to field.
Subject - This field is for the subject of E-mail.
Attach Image File? - This field allows you to attach the captured image in the E-mail.
Remote monitors
This function allows you to monitor up to 6 Web Cameras in your LAN. You can enter
the IP addresses of other ASUS Wireless Routers which have Web Camera attached.
Note: When enabling "LAN and WAN" remote control in the Wireless Router, packets
from Internet with destination ports 8081 to 8086 will be forwarded to WL-500W
in Remote Control fields. To make sure packets from WL-500W are routed back
to Internet, you need to set a static route entry for WL-500W. The IP address and
gateway address are same as the address of WL-500W.
WL-500W Wireless Router User Manual
Remote Site 1-6 - This field
stands for the IP address and
port number of Remote Site.
The value of this field is [IP
Address]:[Connection Port].
Preview - Click Preview to see
the view of all the Web Camera
sites you set in Remote Site.
5) Sharing USB printer
You can connect a compatible USB printer to the USB2.0 port of WL-500W to
share the printer with your LAN users. Follow the procedures below to setup your
computers to utilize the printer server function of WL-500W.
Installing USB printer
Plug your USB printer to the USB2.0 port on WL-500W rear
panel. To verify whether your printer is properly installed and
to WL-500W Wireless router, click Status & Log -> Status. If
Printer Model is correct and Printer Status is On-Line, you can
share this printer within your LAN.
Note: Visit ASUS Website for
compatible printer vendor and
Setting up printer client under Windows XP
Follow the steps below to install network printer on your clients.
1. Run Add Printer Wizard from Start ->
Printers and Faxes -> Add a printer.
2. Select Local printer attached to this
computer and click Next.

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