ATI Electronics ATIBT1000 BLUETOOTH HEADSET User Manual 1 Notice Before Using

ATI Electronics (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd BLUETOOTH HEADSET 1 Notice Before Using

Users Manual

- 1 -BluetoothBluetoothBluetoothBluetooth®®®®HeadsetHeadsetHeadsetHeadset BT1000BT1000BT1000BT1000
- 2 - NoticeNoticeNoticeNotice BeforeBeforeBeforeBefore UsingUsingUsingUsingThank you for purchasing the Celltronix ® Bluetooth ®Headset BT1000 . Please check the contents of this packageto verify the items listed below have been included in yourpackage.Please read this User's Manual completely before you usethe Headset. The BT1000 has been developed usingBluetooth ® wireless technology and is capable ofconnecting with Bluetooth ® d e vices designed with AudioGateway . PDAs, Desktop and Notebook computers can beconnected and paired with the Headset using a USBBluetooth ® Dongle. Before using the Headset please verifyyour Bluetooth ® device (Phone, PDA) complies withBluetooth ® V 1.1/V1.2/V2.0/ V 2.1 and supports theBluetooth ® Headset or Hands-free profile.
- 3 - PackagePackagePackagePackage ContentsContentsContentsContents ListListListListPlease inspect this package and refer to the packagecontents list below to verify all items were included in thispackage:A. BT1000 Bluetooth ® headset............................. ... ...........1B. AC Travel Charger........................................ ... ......... . .. .....1C. DC Car Charger................................................. ... .. . .........1D. USB Charging Cable......................................... ... ... . ........1E. User's Manual...................................................... . .. . .......1F.Ear Pad (Large and Small).................................. ... .... . . . ....2
- 4 - BT1000BT1000BT1000BT1000 BluetoothBluetoothBluetoothBluetooth ®®®® HeadsetHeadsetHeadsetHeadset OverviewOverviewOverviewOverview
- 5 - BatteryBatteryBatteryBattery informationinformationinformationinformationThe device is equipped with an integrated lithium-polymerbattery. The battery cannot be replaced. Do not attempt toremove the battery from the device since it would damagethe device. The full performance of a new battery is notachieved until after two or three completecha rging-discharging cycles. The battery can be charged anddischarged several hundred times, but it looses its capacityover time.Disconnect the BT 1000 from the power supply as soon asthe battery is fully charged, since overcharging wouldreduce the service life of the battery. A charged batterylooses its capacity if it is not used.Important: Ensure that the battery is fully charged if you donot use the device for a longer period of time.Toavoid acomplete discharge of the battery, the BT 1000 should becharged at least every 3 months.
- 6 - ChargingChargingChargingCharging thethethethe batterybatterybatterybatteryThe BT 1000 is operated with a rechargeable battery. Chargethe battery completely before its first use. Read the section"Battery information" before starting the charging process.1) Connect the charger to the correct outlet.2) When the charger is connected to the headset, the redindicator light will turn on. Charging the battery fullymay take up to 2 hours.3) When the battery is fully charged, the red indicatorlight will turn blue . Disconnect the charger from theheadset and the wall outlet. The headset is ready touse.NOTE:- For first time use, please charge the headset fully.- The fully charged battery has power for up to 2 7 hours oftalk-time or up to 75 0 hours of standby time. However, thetalk and standby times may vary when used with different
- 7 -mobile phones or other compatible Bluetooth ® devices,usage settings, usage styles, and environments. When thebattery power is low, the headset will remind you by "B eep "tone every 20 seconds, and the red indicator light starts toflash.- For using the BT1000 with iPhone or Blackberry, aadditional battery meter feature will be activated, theremaining battery capacity will display on your phone. PairPairPairPair totototo youryouryouryour BluetoothBluetoothBluetoothBluetooth ®®®® phonephonephonephoneBefore you use your headset the first time, you must pair
- 8 -the unit with a Bluetooth ® enabled mobile phone. Pairing isa one-time process and required only for the firstconnection with the cell phone The BT 1000 can be pairedwith up to eight cell phones and be connectedsimultaneously with two cell phones.- Hold the BT1000 within range of a Bluetooth ® -ready cellphone;- the distance should not exceed a meter.- The BT1000 must be turn ed off .- Press the On/Off button for approx. 5 seconds until youhear a short-low signal tone and the indicator lightintermittently flashes red and blue. The device is in pairingmode. For first time use, when turn on the headset thenenter the paring mode automatically.- Activate the Bluetooth ® function of the cell phone andstart the search for Bluetooth ® devices. (For further details,please read the operating instructions of your cell phone).
- 9 -- From the list of devices found, select the " BT1000 ".- If required, enter the PIN code "0000" and confirm theentry. If the pairing process was successful, you will hear asignal tone and the indicator lights blue for 3 seconds. (Note:The PIN code is preprogrammed and cannot be changed.)- After pair ing, the BT1000 automatically connects with thecell phone. For some cell phones, you have to manuallyconfirm the connection. Next, the BT 1000 changes tostandby mode and the indicator light flashes blue every 10seconds.Note: If the pair ing is not completed within 2 minutes, theBT 1000 turn s off again. In this case, repeat the pair ingprocedure . Multi-connectionMulti-connectionMulti-connectionMulti-connection functionfunctionfunctionfunctionThe multi-connection function allows the simultaneous useof the BT1000 with two cell phones. This is advantageousfor users with a personal and a business cell phone.
- 10 -EstablishingEstablishingEstablishingEstablishing aaaa connectionconnectionconnectionconnection withwithwithwith twotwotwotwo cellcellcellcell phonesphonesphonesphonesThere are several options of connecting the BT1000 withalready paired cell phones.- Automatic connectionWhen turn ing on the BT1000 , a connection is automaticallyestablished with the two most recently connected cellphones.- Establishing a connection via the BT1000Tomanually establish a connection between the BT1000and the two most recently connected cell phones, press theOn/Off button. The BT1000 fi r st connects itself with themost recently connected cell phone. Then it connects itselfwith the next most recently connected one.- Establishing a connection via the cell phoneIf the cell phone is not one of the two most recentlyconnected cell phones with the BT1000 , you have toestablish the connection via the Bluetooth ® menu of the
- 11 -cell phone. After successful connection, you can establishanother connection with a second cell phone. This allowsyou to determine the sequence of connections. If two cellphones are connected with the BT1000 , the cell phoneconnected first is the first device and the other one thesecond device. Another connection can be established onlyafter first disconnecting one of the two cell phones. The cellphone which is still connected afterwards becomes the firstdevice in the sequence.Note that voice dialing is available only for the first deviceand the operation for redialing the last number differ s forthe first and the second device. The other functions areexecuted the same way using the BT1000 as a connectionwith only one cell phone. TurningTurningTurningTurning headsetheadsetheadsetheadset onononon /off/off/off/offTurningTurningTurningTurning onononon youryouryouryour headsetheadsetheadsetheadsetWhile the headset is turned off, press and hold On/Off for 3
- 12 -seconds until you hear a tone from low to high. The headsetis now on. The Blue indicator light will be solid for 2s econds.ConnectingConnectingConnectingConnecting totototo aaaa BluetoothBluetoothBluetoothBluetooth ®®®® phonephonephonephoneIf your headset has completed the pairing processsuccessfully, when the headset is turned on, it will connectto the phone you last connected with automatically. Pleaseensure your phone's Bluetooth ® function is active.TurningTurningTurningTurning offoffoffoff thethethethe headsetheadsetheadsetheadsetAt any working state after the headset is powered on, pressand hold On/Off for 5 seconds. You will hear a tone fromhigh to low, and the Red indicator light will be solid for 2seconds. The headset has now powered off.Note:Toconserve power, if the headset is not connected to adevice for approximately 10 minutes , the headset will turnoff automatically.
- 13 - WearingWearingWearingWearing youryouryouryour headsetheadsetheadsetheadsetAccording to your preference, you can wear the headset onyour left or rightear.The adjustable head strap designallows for a comfortable wearing . UsingUsingUsingUsing thethethethe BT1000BT1000BT1000BT1000MakingMakingMakingMaking aaaa callcallcallcall- Using phone's keypadIn stand-by mode, dial the number on your phone's keypadto make a call.- Use Voice-Dialing
- 14 -In the stand-by mode, press the On/Off shortly, you willhear a short tone from the headset, and the phone willprompt you to say the voice tag which you have alreadyattached to your contact. If the voice tag is identified by thephone, the related number will be dialed. Please insure thatyour mobile phone supports this voice dialing function, andvoice tags have been set up on your mobile phone prior toattempting this. Refer to your mobile phone's user guide orcontact your service provider.Note : the voice dialing is available only for the first device iftwo cell phones are connected .- Last number re-dialingAt the standby status, double On/Off press button , The lastnumber you dialed will be re-dialed.Note: If two cell phones are connected with the BT 1000 ,hold the Volume ( - ) button pressed for 2 seconds to dial thelast number of the cell phone connected last.
- 15 -AnsweringAnsweringAnsweringAnswering aaaa callcallcallcallWhen you receive an incoming call, press the On/Off buttonshortly to answer the incoming call;you can also answer the call on your phones keypad.RejectRejectRejectReject anananan incomingincomingincomingincoming callcallcallcallWhen you receive an incoming call, press and hold On/Offbutton for 3 seconds to reject theincoming call.TransferringTransferringTransferringTransferring aaaa callcallcallcallWhile a call is in progress on your mobile phone, press andhold Volume (+) for 3 seconds. The call will be transferredfrom your mobile phone to your headset. Repeating theoperation can transfer the call between your headset toyour mobile phone.EndingEndingEndingEnding aaaa callcallcallcallWhile on a call, press the On/Off button shortly to end thecall; you can also end the call on your mobile phone keypad.
- 16 -Call-waitingCall-waitingCall-waitingCall-waiting (Three-Way(Three-Way(Three-Way(Three-Way Calling)Calling)Calling)Calling)Before using the Call-Waiting function on your headset,please ensure that your phone supports this Hands-freeprofile and you have access to the service by wirelessprovider.- If there is another incoming call while a call is in progresson your mobile phone, press On/Off shortly. This will acceptthe waiting call and end current calling.- If there is an incoming call while a call is in progress onyour mobile phone, press and hold On/Off for 3 seconds toaccept the incoming call and place the current call on hold.- While a call is on hold and you are engaged in anadditional call, press On/Off shortly to end the current calland resume the call holding.- While a call is on hold and you are engaged in anadditional call, press and hold On/Off for 3 seconds to shiftthe current call to hold and connect you with the previously
- 17 -held call.- While you are engaged in one call with another call onhold, Double press Volume ( - ) button to add the held call tothe current c onversation for making a three-way call.- While you engaged in a three-way call, double pressOn/Off to end all calls.VolumeVolumeVolumeVolume controlcontrolcontrolcontrolWhile on a call, you can adjust the volume by pressing theVolume(+) and Volume(-)button or you can adjust thevolume on your mobile phone keypad.MuteMuteMuteMuteWhile a call is in progress press and hold Volume(-) button,for 2s, you will hear a tone from low to high. The headset'sMIC is now muted. You will hear a remindful tone every 1 0seconds, notifying you that your MIC is still muted and a callis still in progress. Repeat the operation and you will hearthe tone from high to low. The mute function is now
- 18 -cancelled.MusicMusicMusicMusic streamingstreamingstreamingstreamingThe BT1000 supports A2DP profile that can streamingstereo music from the phone. The music will pauseautomatically while a call is dialed out/incoming, andresume while the conversation is ended. ResetResetResetReset thethethethe BT1000BT1000BT1000BT1000The BT 1000 can be paired with up to eight cell phones. Youcan delete the paring list and reset the h eadset to thefactory settings.–The BT 1000 must be turn ed on and no connection mayexist to a cell phone.–Press and hold the On/Off , Volume(+) and Volume( - )buttons simultaneously for approx 5 seconds until theindicator light flashes red 3 times .–If the paring list was deleted, the headset will return to
- 19 -stand-by mode without connection. SafetySafetySafetySafety andandandand generalgeneralgeneralgeneral informationinformationinformationinformation1) Please read this User's Manual carefully and follow allinstructions.2)Toavoid any damage or malfunction of the device donot drop the device from high places.3) Keep device away form humidity, water and any otherliquid. If the device is exposed to water, moisture andother liquids do not operate it to avoid any electricalshock, explosion and damage to the device or yourself.4) Do not place or keep this device near any heat sources,such as, direct sun light, radiators, stoves or otherapparatus which produce heat. It may cause anexplosion, degrade the performance and/or reducebattery life.5) Do not modify, repair or disassemble device (Especiallythe battery: It may cause an explosion). Doing this will
- 20 -void the warranty.6) Do not place heavy objects on the device.7) Use only supplied and approved charger.8) Replacement or service must be done by a qualifiedservice center or manufacturer.9) Unplug this device when unused for long periods oftime or during lightening storms.10) The battery used in this device may present a risk offire or chemical burn if mistreated. FCCFCCFCCFCC &&&& ICICICIC StatementStatementStatementStatementOperation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference.(2) This device must accept any interference received,including interference that may cause undesired operation.Note:  Any changes and modifications to this unit not  expressly approved by the party responsible for compliancecould void the user's authority to operate this equipment
- 21 - ECECECEC DeclarationDeclarationDeclarationDeclaration ofofofof ConformityConformityConformityConformityOperation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference.(2) This device must accept any interference received,including interference that may cause undesired operation.Note: The manufacturer is not responsible for ANYinterference, for example RADIO or TV interference, causedby unauthorized modifications to this equipment.Such modifications could void the user's authority tooperate the equipment. This product is CE certifiedaccording to the provision of the R&TTE Directive (99/5/EC).This declares that this product is in compliance with theessential requirements and other relevant provisions ofDirective 1999/5/EC.Please note that this product uses radio frequency bands
- 22 -not harmonized within EU.Within the EU this product is intended to be used in Austria,Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Portugal, Spain,Sweden, and United Kingdom and within EFTA in Iceland,Norway and Switzerland. WarrantyWarrantyWarrantyWarrantyThe condition of this warranty and supplier's responsibilitiesunder this warranty are as follows:Warranty is non-transferable and is limited to the originalpurchaser only.- You must be able to prove the date of original purchase ofthe unit with a dated receipt.- The warranty is not applicable if the product has beensubject to physical abuse, improper installation,modification or repair by an unauthorized third party.- Supplier's responsibility shall be limited to the repair or
- 23 -replacement of the product at its sole discretion.- Specifically exempt from any warranty are limited-lifeconsumable components subject to normal wear and tearsuch as batteries, decorates and other accessories.- Supplier is not responsible, for failure resulting fromaccident, abuse, misuse, or any unauthorized repair, ormodification.- Modification and repair of the unit should be done by anauthorized and qualified service center or returned to themanufacturer .- This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you mayalso have other rights which vary under local laws.
- 24 -Bluetooth ® is a trademark owned by the Bluetooth ® SIG,Inc.

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