ATI Electronics H7062 Bluetooth headset User Manual H706 VAU 80 User Guide

ATI Electronics (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd Bluetooth headset H706 VAU 80 User Guide


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Document ID2199390
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Document DescriptionUSERS MANUAL
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Document TypeUser Manual
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Date Submitted2014-02-24 00:00:00
Date Available2014-02-24 00:00:00
Creation Date2012-12-31 09:32:59
Producing SoftwareCorel PDF Engine Version
Document Lastmod2012-12-31 09:32:59
Document TitleH706(VAU-80) User Guide
Document CreatorCorelDRAW
Document Author: Administrator

Bluelooth Headset
P‘ease read mis users gmde u: get staned‘ and u: make me bes‘ use Mme headsets
many vsames
.ProdumSpe ca! n
Sme|uom Specmcanan Bluemam Version 2 “EUR
Pawcrchc‘ mass m
swam Frame HandsVFree‘ Headset (Headset mm on‘y).
Standby nme- mu hours
Talk Time Up m 4 hours
aparaung Range um 10 melars (3mm)
”Above menuoned smuby me and |alk ume wm be alwerem dependlng on mobile
Phone semng and usage enwanmem The figures above Show me average vsmes
(asked by \aboramry
Your headset overv w
The headset camains me following pans:
1.0harging Socket
2 Speaker
3 Ear Hook
4 MuHHundlon Button
5 Indicator Ugh!
e chrophane
Package Includes:
AV B‘uelooth Headse(
5 AC charger
c uss Chavgmg Came
D User manua‘
I char; 9 the headset
vow heaasm uses a rechargeame bauery
You must charge the ballery «tu Debra usmg me headse‘ «or the hm ma
1 ng the charger mlo chargmg socket
2 mug We charger ‘mo (he e‘ednca‘ oufleL me red hgm w." mummme
3 Ftu charge «he heaasm am the red hgm |ums an (appraxrmamy 1 hours)
1. w you hear Ihe \ow hanery warning suund (been every 5 seconds)
and the red rhmcamr mm \s flashing every 5 seconds
IMPORYANY «hrs means me bakery needs «1 be charged
2 w you mrh me heansm on and me endmg me‘udy \s \mmemzfle‘y
p‘ayed‘ mm a‘so rheahs |he hanery needs «a be charged
a. The heaasm \s not «uncuohax wmle chammg
I Storage of the headset
. Always stare the heeesel wrth the power alt arre make sure rt ls salely protected
- Avald storage at hlgh tempererures (above 40 C/IDAFL such as h a hot vehlcle or
m erreet sunllght tsterage at hlgh temperatures can damage pertarmahee and
reduce battery We)
- Do not expuse the headset er any at lts supplied pans to ram or ether llqulds
- Tur g headset Onlcm
- To turn the headset em press and held the MultlrFunchun buflan ler 4 seconds
The blue melealer llght will lllumlnale lar 3 secunds and yet. le hear a long
beep tehe The blue llght le theh flash every 5 seconds
' To turn the headset afl, press aha hold the MultlrFunCIlan bunml tar A secnnds
aruntll you heera shen been tone The lndlcator llgmwlll llesh red Release
the bullanr an new melody MN I): played lhttleatlhg [he
headsethas Dowerad all
- Pairing wrm your Elueloom phone
Pavmg wIH creme an encrypted wrreless m helween your muemam phone and
muemoth neaaser
1 Ensure ma| your phone's aruerumrr mncrmn rs actwed (see yum phone's game (or
2 Ensure (hat ma nsaesar rs on (see Turning the hudnl err/om.
a Press and mm me Muanumon hunon rorabom sea seconds mm lhe mdrcalnr
ham auernale‘y Hashes hme and red
4 se« your Bmetuolh phone «a urswver me heedser by «auowrng your phone's gmde
rypreeuxr me sreps rmrve gomg (o ser up‘ sweep or arueroom menu on you
phone and the sereamg me uphmv m dlscnver Emelcom memes
5 Vow phone wru find me headser and ask w you wan| n k: pail, se‘ed me [3
name was" confirm mrs by pressmg me “ Yes“ or "ow.
5 Enter passkey or MN, moon (4 Items) men press are M;- or ‘OK‘
7 FnHuw ms|mzmons an your when k: comprere nalnng. (Van can arsa press me
Mu‘lwrFunchun button once «a cumplcrc rrrrs srcpr.
More above sreps are run successlul‘ please dame me paving data (see Deming the
pairmg data) and repeat sreps 171
To confirm your phone and headset are eperattne prdperty, make a test call
t Pteee the headset over your ear
2 On your phone, dtat the number you want to CHM and mess the ”send" key
a. tt patmd sueeesstdtty. you wttt hear the Mg tene an the headset
Atter headset ts successtutty patred t you shoutd not need to repeat these tntttat setup
steps each time yOLA use the headset, unless painng date ts deleted on yum phone
Weartng the headset
t The headset IS pmvtded wtth an ear hank that you can use tar a benerfit on yaw ear
headset toward your mauth {/7
2 To use the headset thh the eat neon t‘ \
msen the ear hook me (he smaH k ‘
opentng at the back at the headset
3 The headset can be worn an ether the tett
or nght ear by change the dtrermcn at the
ear hook ‘ R‘g'“ A Le"
- Making a call
Making a voice aaiivaied call
if ine VOICE recagniiion ieainra is on. you can make a was aciivaiefl can
1 Press ins Mums Fundion bulk)" ance‘ you w." near ine voicerzdivahnn [one
2 Say me name oi me person yuu Wish to caH
Depending on yuur Phone‘ ihis ieainra may nai he supponea
Rl-dialing tho last numbor
Tn make a caH in ms iasi number you nave dialed
in ins siandrby made‘ by aoubie press MuilirFunctiun bimon \he iasi number
you maid wm be rarfliaied
I Answering a can
Afler yuu heal ine ring ions, press ins MuitirFundiun bulk)" once
I Ending a call
Press lhe Muiii-Funcuon bunan once
- Rejecting a call
wnen you nearine ring iene. press and new Muitirluncuon buiien uniii yuu neara
shun been The CM Wiii be reieeied
- Adjusting iiie volume
Tneie IS no Vaiunia auuen nas been amide iei me headseli you sneuia auiusi
ine uoiume via yuur mobiie
Deleting all pairing data
wnen ine neaasei is on and disconnected imin your piiene, ine pairing iniomiaiien
can be aeieiea by pressing and naming irie MuilirFunciiun buflon abom 7 seconds
uniii 3 ions beep «one is new
device imni cine: lypes aiwasie and recycie i! respensimy io prcmme
To nreveni DosSible harm in me enwanmenii please separeie ims
me susizinabie reuse of maieiiai resources
I FCC & IC Statement
oneramun ‘5 subject «7 tne Mowmg Iwu candmene
(1 1 Tms devme may not cause harmfu‘ m|eflerenca and
(21 Tms devme mus| accem any mtenerence recewed mcmdlng \merievence
Ina! may cause undesned aperatmn
Mme Tne manuhcmrer ‘5 nm responsm‘e MANY xmerverenog «m examp‘e RAM) or
w ‘menerenee caused by dnadmdnzed mudwficmmns m we eqmpment
Sucn mudmcahon: camd vmd \nc user' 5 eutnuncy m opera": \ne eqmpnem
Tms Waducl ‘5 CE eemned acmmmg [a me pmmn ol the RsrrE meme (99/5/92)
Dec‘ares mm 0H5 pmdm ‘s m wmpnanee wwh (he essenua‘ requlremems and uther
re‘evam pmvmnn: at meme 1999/5/62
wease nme mm "vs pmdum uses radm «venuency bands nd\ harmurweu wmhm EU
wumn the EU W5 product Is mended to be used m Ausma Be‘mum‘ Denmavk‘
nnxznd Fvance Germany Gveece \ve‘and Ham Luxembomg.
Tne Nemenende Pandgel Spam. Sweden Unwed ngdom and wnmn EFTA
m \ce‘anfl‘ Narway end Swuer‘and
axdemmn e atvademarkuwned hyma Bluemmh me he
- Warranty
The Wndmun lo wavranly and our mspuns ‘9: under nus wanan-y are as «anew:
Warramy \s narHransierab‘e‘ and \s urnuea m «na cngma‘ puvcnaser emy
‘ m mm be ams |u prove me data Mangma‘ purchasa loa unm wmn a cam mam
' The warranty ‘s nm appncama n the product nas been sumac! m physma‘ abuse‘
\mpmper ms‘aHatmm maamcauan m renew by unamnonzea we pany.
‘ The raspansmmy av supphers mums snau be nrnnaa m we repmr nr mp‘acemem
Mme mom a‘ Ms‘so‘e mscreuan
‘ Spemfitu exemp‘ «mm any warranly are muted-Me sans-mama campunems mm
m narmz‘ wear and «ear sucn as bananas and mnev accessones
- Sappnarwm nm take any respnrmhxhly My: «anara at we um has rssuuaa «mm
asuaem abu5e mwsuse or any unamnonzaa regain modmcanan or mszssemb‘e
~ Mommauun and mpavanns umHMs dzww man be done by an amhnnmd and
Quahned semce oemev ar mmmed «a [he manmacmr
'Tms warranly Ewes you spssmc ”995‘ ngms and you may a‘su have mnsv ngms wmch
vary under \acs‘ \aws

Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.5
Linearized                      : No
Page Count                      : 12
Create Date                     : 2012:12:31 09:32:59+08:00
Modify Date                     : 2012:12:31 09:32:59+08:00
Producer                        : Corel PDF Engine Version
Author                          : Administrator
Creator                         : CorelDRAW
Title                           : H706(VAU-80) User Guide
EXIF Metadata provided by
FCC ID Filing: SF4-H7062

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