ATI Electronics RK200 Bluetooth Headset User Manual

ATI Electronics (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd Bluetooth Headset

user manual

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Document ID1790428
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Document Descriptionuser manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize243.03kB (3037916 bits)
Date Submitted2012-09-13 00:00:00
Date Available2012-09-13 00:00:00
Creation Date2017-10-30 05:47:00
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Document Titleuser manual
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rut nnIGIIIAl
FCC |D:SF47RK200
Wank you fov purchasmg me Roadeg Bruemow OveHherHead Headsex RKZDD
Huge and nus User Mmm zomp‘cm‘y were usmg ma hcudxcx The RKZDD has
been deve‘oped usmg BlueLoolh wwre‘ess lech'm‘ogy and ‘5 (apab‘e ereemeemg
mm Blueloolh wwe‘ess xecrmowogy enab‘ed demes oeswgned WM Audwo Gateway
PDAS. Dcskwp and Nuxcbook comp-mars can km corncdcd and paved wmh We
headset usmg 3 USE Bluemom Dong‘e Before usmg {he headse: p‘ease veHVy
your Emewom wwre‘ess techno‘ogy enab‘ed dewce (Phone, PDA) comphes wnh
erueeeom v“ 1m 2m D/vZ w: a and :uppcn: the arueeeem ww'c‘nxs tnd’mu‘ugy
enemea headset or handszee meme
Eruceouch Spccmmmn v21+ EDI?
Operalm Frequency 2 40272 new 4;
Supponed FvoMe HSF, HFP
asp Avmbxc cvc (um), AwS‘Jcam
Operaumv Range Up m 33 (mo m mam
TaIkTme 13wouvs
Sundby Tum: 300 new;
Bauery Type SDmAIv, 3 7v, Luhmm Paxymev Battery
Charge Tune 2 Hams
ngm 579
PowevSuppIy sov DC and 110-2AOVAcAdapLer
Opevanng Temp 32 to 122‘F/O (a so":
smug: Temp I4I0140°FHO m we
PIease mspecl m Dackage and reIer \0 \he package comems my new In venIy aI
news were ncIuded m m package
In». Mm. Quantity
A RKZOO Roadeg arueeoom Headsei
9 AC mm Charger
c DC CarChavger
D USE Chavgmg CabIe
t User Manua‘
\1 5301:sz
Adwslab‘e Headband
\r‘oxmxor \ gm
vmme m
Vo‘ume (,)
Mumnmwm Buflon
(On/ON Buuou}
Speaker/Er Pad
use Chmgc Port
Adpmab‘e Arm
Wmdpmof Boom Mm
I).Yow deyree rs powered by a chargeab‘e baneh/ The m perrerrhahee o’a new
emery rs achreyed on‘y aflcrtwo emhree cempwece charge and dreeharge cyc‘cx
The bauery can be charged and drscharged hundreds or umes
1) Unp‘ug 0m aha—gerrrerh (he cIcnnzaI pmg aha me dcwcc when he‘ h use
Do he: Ieave a my chargea bakery Connec‘ed lo a charger, Sm(e eyerchargrrg
mayaheneh Ks Meurhe Heft unused, a My charged banery wru \ose Ks charge
nvcrtvwc rrche headsecwm ga unuxnd Icrz \ghg Mme, excaae charge rauy aha
\um err the headse‘
3) ID prch-r‘t evergrscharge ehaahgerrhg the bannry, K rs recgrhrhehaeg thatynu
charge the headse‘ (a Iy every 3 rhemhs
The headxm has an \Mcma‘, norvrcmovab‘c. rechargeab‘c bancry De "DI anempx
\0 remove the eauery (ram the deyrce as you may damage -.he deyrce P‘ease rerer to
the IoHowmg steps (a charge (he battery
wLermecr the charger \0 \he torret‘ oufiel
2) when the charger rs cghheccea cache hcagaec, che reg rharcacar hght Wm carh en
mi ca‘mg \l rs chargrhg chargrhg We bauery my may Lake up In 2 hears
3) wheh the battery rs quy charged, the reg rheArcacgr hght wru cgrh mac Dacahhen
the chargerfrom the headser and rhe waH ewe: The headser rs veadym use
- The My charged bunny has powcr‘or upw13 hours 0mm Wm: or up w 300
hours 0(slandby {me However, :he La‘k and standby umes may vary when used
wrm drflerem mobfle phone: 01 omercorrpaubwe s/ueroom wwe‘ess recrrrrowogy
nnnb‘nd dcwzns, usage Settmgs, usagn :ty‘cs, and mwmmms
- When we battery power rs \ow, We headserwm remmd you by beepmg every
20 snzunds, and the red mdmamr hght starts my flash
- Forrrrsnrme use, p‘ease marge me headsex My
Belore you use your headse‘ the hm arms, you must paw we um‘ WW! 3 BlueLooLh
erab‘ed mobfle phone or devwce P‘ease ve'erto me «ouowrrrg steps m sex up me pawmg
m. mm
‘1 a"
rm; m; mm or. On/D" mm an
m edge ohm umHuv A xesondx um FnHowmg ,wr mm mslmtkmn
y.“ n-Kh- LED um um um and guru m yaw mum» enab‘ed
red Ihcmme‘y murmmg m m u m pm. mm starch mad!
pmrmg made
Sun "uh
my pm. mum: s». mum and mm»
am. mm. on m. sum, mm m «m. Emu w M. is mm: <4 and) sad
mm mm pawmg (ordwm w camp‘etc pawn;
. \Hhe pamng \s Succes m, we headsm Wm conned m yourphone uummanca \y
Van may need (a sunhrm (he :annenmn
- WW5 :He mam ‘s paved w‘m me phone and somened. Owe mdwcnor thw u
Hash b‘ue 1 (me every 3 secunds V the pzmng operatmn (afled or ad nut :mmen
(0 your phone‘ (he one mommy \ on W flash 1 mus even/ 5 seconds
' Once you pa r the headset wxlh one dewte or mo'e, :he headsm wa zummalcaHy
connem k: the phone you \asi cormeaed whenevev you m we headset on, as
\ong as your phone \swwhm range and has Ks a/umowumon cnab‘cd
Turning on you! hon-is“
WM‘e (he neadsex \swmed off, mess and now On/OfHor 3 seconds unm you near a
tune {mm \uw m Ingn Tne headset ‘5 now on Tn: am indszr hght Wu o: who (or
2 seconds
Connefling u a aluuom. phone
vyw ncadm ha: zomp‘ckcd (he pamng opmmn successwy, wnun «no mom ‘5
\umed on, u mu conned lo we onono \as‘ cannecled aulamahaHy Measo evsure your
pnone's B/uetoolhmncncn \s aawe
Turning omn- Imam
At any workmg sme afienne Headsm ‘5 powered on, press and he‘d On/Offfor
o satunds Yum Wm hair a mneimm Mgh m \uw, ar‘u the Red mdxzatnr hght Wm on
5on for A seconds Tno headsel has now powered of"
To (onsewe power, ‘1 [we headse‘ ‘5 nmconnec‘ed \o a dewce (orappmxxma‘e‘y m
mmuzes, (he neadsemu mm o« aulomaucaHy
Accord ng (o yum prererence, you can wemne needser on yum \eh or nghteav
rne adrusubwc headband desrgn flows «or a comfnnib‘c m
Lek eavwearmg
Using pharm's keypad
\n sxandby rnode. dwa‘ 0m number on your pndne's keypad :e makc n as“
Using Voice-D ling
\n (hm standby mudc, pmxs and rc‘caxc the Orr/ow Mum Hmcmon Bmdn Wary,
you Mr hear 3 mm {one (rem :nc headse‘, and me pnone wru remmd you \0 say we
ycrce mg wnrcn you nave nwvcady recorded xo you' Contact w me yorce mg rs
rdenmed by the pndne, ML- m‘zmd numberer he dra‘cd wedge Ensure that yuur
mono phone supports [MS yorce drohng (unemn, and ucnee tags have been
recorded on yourrnobne pnone pnovto anernpung on; Refeno your rnoono
pnone's user gwdc oreonna yeur SCMcc pruwdcr
Last numher re-d ng
Prns: and he‘d 01c Va‘u'uc [ ) bunan (m3 second: Van wa hear 2 short tunes
The ‘351 number you dwa‘ed wa be reamed
wnen yeu reeewe on mccmmg 1:3“,prcxsmc On/OW bum)" m answer ore mcommg
eon, you can a‘so answer me :3“ on your phane‘s keypad
wnen you recewe an mcommg an, press and he‘d me On/OH bunon rer 3 seconds
(a re‘enthe mcummg (2H
wnne a Ca“ rs m progress on yourrnobno phone, press and he‘s Vo‘ume (+1 Vor3
xnzonds Hm :1” Wm be (mush-"Cd rrorn your rnoono pnene (a ynur neaoser Repmng
\he opevahon can transferme :3“ Iron your headse‘ to your rnoono phone
WW2 on o eau. press we On/OH bunon m end we eoH, you ean 3‘50 end are
eon on your mobne pnone keypad
same uswg (he CaHrWa (mg «unmon on your headseK, p‘ease ensure (hatyouv
phone Supponsfiw‘x handslrcc pron c and you hvc :cccss mm: same by your
wve‘ess pmwder
- Vmcm \s anesner mcommg an ch a an ‘s m progress on your mobnc phone,
press Orv/O“ qmck‘y nns Wm amep‘ me wamng (3H ene end {we currenicaH
. mne—e ‘s an mznmmg mu mm a :3“ ‘s \n pragmss an yuur mnbflc pnunn, prcxs and ham
(Du/ON (01 3 seconds he accem me mcov'mg :3“ ans p‘ace {he turrem (3H on he‘d
- WME 3 (AU ‘3 an huh! and ynu arc Engzgnd m an addmana‘ ca“, pres: On/cw qmddy m
end We curvenl Ca“ and vesume me can no dmg
. mm a a” ‘s an he‘d and ynu am engaged m an addmana‘ ca“, pres: and he‘d On/OW
m3 seconds :0 snm me cunenz (3H (0 new and connect you mn me prewous‘y new (23“
- wnne yeu are engaged m une {an thh enmnemm en ha‘d, press the Vu‘ume (r)
bunon and Vo‘ume <77 bunon qmck‘y a! (he same nme m add me he‘d ca“ (0 me
cunem conve’sauon, mukmg a (breerway caH
- WMe you are engaged m e threerway :3“, press Orv/Off ween) em 3“ caHs
wnne en z :3“, yeu (an ad‘uxtthc va‘umn by pmssmg 0m Vu‘umn (+> arVa‘umC 1)
human, cvyou can adjusl (he vomme on your mobfle pnene keypad
17 | MUTE
th‘e a CAN ‘5 w progress, press and he‘d Vomme (V) for 3 seconds, you wwH hears
mm from \owm Mgh The mam: MW ‘5 now mmcd You wwH hear: rermndm mm:
every 20 seconds, nowymg yeu that your M: ‘5 51M mmed and 3 (3H ‘5 SUN m pmgvess
Repeame operauorr and you Wm heanhe (one from hwgh xo \ow The mute ’meuon \s
new :ancchd
ILF‘ease read m: User Manua‘ caveNHy and foHow 3H mstmcnons
Ilia zvmd any damage m ma‘flmman af Me dewte, do nut drnp the dew:e (ram
Mgh p‘aces
2) Keep dewce away ‘rom hmmdxly, wa‘er and any other hqmu u the dewce \s exposeu
m waxer, rrrmsmre or omer hqmds, do not ooevme m m avowd any e‘ecmca‘ shock,
cxp‘us‘on and damage m we dcwcc uryourseu
a) Do um p‘ace or keep m5 dame near any heat sources, such as area surrhgm,
radmovs, sums av ommapparaws whwzh produzcs heat m: may cause an
exp‘asxon, degvade me perrormance and/or reduce bauery we
5) DB not mudx‘y, rcnmr Br dwszncmb‘c Emma (nspmzmyrrc battery) Do Mg 015wa
vmd me warraniy
51 DD nut p‘zcc heavy mm; an the dawn
7) Use on‘y me supphed and approved chargers
s) P‘ease comacl Roadeg (m rep‘acemem or suppovl m m pmdm
97 Unp‘ug m Dev to when “mm (or hang pcnods aim: ordlmr‘g hghmmg xxorms
Amman; mam 5”ch HAZARD
The ballery used m [hm dewte may pvesenl a nsk one 01 chemxta‘ bum W mxshand‘ed
Opemuon ‘5 sumemo mevomawmg Mo sandman:
mm dame may no! cause harmM \merfevence
27 Th: dewce mustzzzeptzny mteflerente recewed, mdudmg mterference that
may cause undemed operanon
NOVt Hm mnmmm ‘5 m mspnnswb‘c «:7va mtcrfcmnzn, For cxamp‘n
RAmo ovTV m‘er’evence, caused by unauthomed maammons m ms eqmpmenl
Such modmcauons com d vmd me user's amomy w operas the eqmpmem
We Eluelcolh” word mark and ‘0905 are yegmeyed nademavks owned
by B‘uexoom 5K3, MC
Thrs Lxrmted Warranzyqrana Roadeg, a DAS Cernpany, apphestn an e‘enmm:
preduers and oewces manu’acmved by Roadeg and so‘d underme brand
name Roadeg
Terms 0! une Warramy:
Roaang wavrams that the produc‘ you have purchased (mm a DAS authomed
render rs has from defeus m mamma‘s and werhmanshrp undernorma‘ use cu'mg Me
warranty pened vha warranty pened bcgms an the day ar mtzx‘ Sa‘c Hus warranty
extends emy to the ongma‘ purchaser h rs nor transfemme K0 anyone wne subsec
duenuy recewesfiwe p'odud Hexcmdes a‘ expendab‘e pans (fuses, flkers, bu‘bs, em
Dunng the warransy penud Ruadeg Wm repmr yeur de‘ecwe prndun, rep‘ace rewrsh
an \demca‘ rrern, oral ouropnon exchange «for an equwa‘ent pvoduct dvyawue and
perfom‘ance Thrs L mmed Warrnmy does nm enend so any predua (rm has been
damaged ar rendered deremye as a resuk a« an accrdenz, narsuse arabuse, as a 'esu‘t
or an acr or God, by openmon oursrde rhe usage pararnerers mated m rhrs mamm‘, by
medmeanen enhe p'odud, aacmpmd rcpaw, or as a resuu brwar oncr'onxx unack
Othev hnarsahans a‘ (Ms warrar‘ty exdude paymen: her your \ast hrne, ‘05: cf use 04
your preduer, br prepeny damage caused by rhe preduer or Ks few ure 10 werb or
any ezher msrdcnm or consequenaaw damages mc‘udmg Dcrscna‘ wary Fxccp‘ as
express‘y 521(0th m \th warranty slalemem, Roadeg makes no alherwarranhes
expressed or rrnphed
Dermwe mam: mm be rcwmcd m 01:: dcm‘cr WNW" so days Aficr 30 days, we
pmducl may be relurr‘ed m Roadeg
wnen remm ng pvoduasto Roadeg Sh‘ppmg (a Roadeg snnu be pvepawd, your
rep‘mcemem wwH be waned back :0 you n no addmona‘ cnmge Caren. ‘y pack
pvaduct and 3H nduded azzexsunes men a smtab‘e box, a‘ung thh ungma‘ dated
newer menu or mvmce, a \enev 5m ng me dam, dayx me pnone number, and a
phys‘ca‘ return address (ms wwH nmdchvcrm a PO Box)
. Any pac
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