ATI Electronics RK300 Bluetooth Headset User Manual

ATI Electronics (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd Bluetooth Headset

user manual

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Document Descriptionuser manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
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Filesize263.92kB (3299061 bits)
Date Submitted2012-09-13 00:00:00
Date Available2012-09-13 00:00:00
Creation Date2017-10-30 05:43:48
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Document Titleuser manual
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Thank yen for purchasmg me Roszmg sluemow Headset RK300 New read m
User Manua‘ coma‘ete‘y befove usmg the headset
The RK3UU ‘5 based on advanced B/ucmoth wwc‘cs: (cchno‘ogy and ‘5 compham mm
Eruemom v3 0 spetmcanons, and w ‘5 Capab‘e nfccmnenmg mm a Bluemolh wwe‘exs
techno‘ogy enamed phone av tamer aruemom wwre‘ess ‘echno‘ogy enab‘ed dewce Mm
audwo gammy Medwa o‘ayers, Desktops and Notebook compfievs can be conneaed
and paved mm 019 mom mg a avoemom Dor‘g‘e or mm aroeeoom capnb \ (y
m anphcab‘c).
BIuemot/w Specmcauon
Operanon Frequency
Suopaned Frame ,.
DSP AvawIabIc
Operauon Range
TaIk Tune
SIandby Trme
Banery Type
Charge Twmc.
Power Supp‘y
Operaung Temp ,,
SIorage Temp
v3 0
2 402 2 486m
33 Mo m mdoorand up \0 6b mm m omdoor
30 how;
mo hours
400mAh 3 7v, errum Ponn‘er Emery
3 Hours
5 av DC and 1104on AC Adapter
.. 32 :o raw/om 50':
14mt40°Flr1D (o éO‘C
Hease mspemms package and yevena the package contents m be‘owm veniy aH
kams were mcmeee m m package
A RKEOO Roadeg Blueloclh ‘ \eadxel
B AC WaH Charger
c DC CarChavger
D. USB Chargmg Came
E User Manua‘ ,,
F Exua Ear Pan and M: Cover
Adwmb‘e Headband
vmme (g
Vamme 0
Hexxb‘e Ann
Wmdpmo" Boom Mm
\ndxcalor ngm (LED)
Ou/OU Buucm
Chargmg Sacks!
The devree rs eqmpped wnh aw mtegvaIed hthmmrponmer haneh/ The binary cannot
be vep‘aced Do noI aaerhpuo vemove me battery Irorv (he devree Smce \twou‘d
damage me devrce The M performance of a new canary rs hm achreved “hm afler
two enhree cempme chargmgrdwxchargmg eydes. The binary can be charged and
drseharged severa‘ hundred mes, but u \oses n3 Capacfly over me
Deemed me moon Irom (he powe’ supo‘y as soon as me banery rs My charged;
overcharghg wou‘d reduce me semee Me uhhe emery A charged baflery wru Iose
Is canamy r’ a re hm USCCI on a regmer bass Imponam Ensure mar (he banery r: $tu
(hinged \Iyau do rm use rhe devme (era \mg pevmd anrme To avmd a (omp‘ete
drseharge enhe battery, the mace shomd be charged at \east every 3 rhemhs
The RK300 re operated wnh a reehargeeme battery Charge (he banery comp‘ete‘y
beIore Ks hm use Read (he prevrous sechon "Battery \nIcrmaUcn" before fiamng We
chargmg prams
1) Connect We charger to \he covet! oufiel
2) wheh the charger rs connected to the headset, the red rhdrearer \ gm wru (urh eh
chargrhg (he baflery ruhy maytake up w 3 hours
a) When We nanery rs My eharged, me —ed rhereamr hghrwrh tum b‘ue Dreeehhea me
charger hem (he headxm and me om‘rx The headser e rcadym use
- Fevhrsnrme use, p‘casc charge We heads“ m y
- The vuuy eharged battery has pewerver upto 30 heure enahenrhe and musm
skreammg twe, ahd up u: 900 hours olstandbynme Howevev, the (a‘k ahd skandby
We; may vary when used wuh drfierem mob ‘9 phones or ofi‘ercompaflb‘e
Elucmoth dcwccx, usage Scmngs, usage emes, and anrcnmcms When We bancry
power e w. the headset wru remhd you by veree prempn ”Bauery \ow” every
20 seconds, and the red mdmztor hghk wru skznm flash
‘ When usmg Me RK3OO wnh an \Fh‘one?
ah addmona‘ battery meterieature wru
be anrmed and (he rcmummg bancry
capacny er dwsp‘ay on your phone
Befme you use yom headsettheflvstume, you mess pen she unsswssh a s/uesoosh
wwe‘ess techno‘ogy enab‘ed mohne ohone Famng ss 3 oners me pvocess and reqmreo
onTy fov she hrss cannecuon wnh she ceH phone The moo can oe paved wmh upso
ugh: ccH phones and he eenneeseu svnukancous‘y wM‘ swo eeh phones
General procedure
- Keep she RKSDD wsshsn range ole Elusmoth wwe‘ess techno‘ogy enab‘ed ceH ohone,
she mssenoe shank: hos exceeo 3 feet/1 meser
- The headsd must be Whoa ufl‘.
- He‘d she On/ON buuon (eh apo’axwmme‘y 5 seconds unm you hear she VDTCe pvompl
"Famng" and she sneseeson hghs mermmendyflashes red one Mus The devme Ts
how Tn pamng mode The hes Mme she heeoses Ts mmed on, pen n5 mode shomo
engage automaucaHy
- ano she arueseosh Scmng ofyuurccH phone and chm searehsng «er amesoosh
dewce: (Fm (unhe' oesehs, p‘ease read she onerazmg msuuthons wow eeH phone)
. From she hss ofdewces found, seTees she "RKEDO"
- W reqmred, ensershe PTN code "0000" end conhm‘ she entry \fme pamng
process was successfu‘, you wTH hen—she vmce pyoynps "Pawmg eueeessm" ar‘d sne
TnaTeasor hghss owe fo' 3 seconds (Nose The PTN eede e preprogrammcd and
cannot be changed)
- Aher pamwg, \he RK300 Wm automauca‘ y eonneelwun the as“ phone (Vents prompt
Pnone connected) Forsome (EH pnones, you have (a manuaHy confirm the cornecuon
Once paved, me neadses Wm ononge k) ssanoby mode and me mdwca‘or hon: ww \ lxosn
b‘ue away 10 seconds
NOTE Hpamng \s notoompxeseo wnh n 2 mum}; me headsetwwH (um 0H \ths
reopens. nepeo: me pan r‘g pnoeess,
The mu‘twrconnedmn funenon ouowslonne snnu (aneaus use ohne RK300 wmn mo
cc” phone: Thws w: an adva'wagc (or users wmh a pcrsona‘ and a busmcxs ccH phone
Establishing a connmion m. all phones
Tnene are seve'a‘ opnons o‘ connedmg me mace wwth a‘ready paved eeH pnones
- Au‘omavc connec‘ion: wnen \ummg an we RKsoo, a connecuon n: amomaucaHy
estabhshed wnh the (we must vecendy connedea ce‘ onones
n via due RKSOO: To manuaHy exmbhsh a connemon bar
:wccn no moo am: (he (we moss rcccnfly eonneaed ecu pnones, pres: (he On/Off
human The RK3DD 0m conned; use‘fw (V the mos| vecem‘y connected :9” pwune
Tnen n conned; usewwmn (he next most vecendy conneued one
Emonsnmg o cunnenion via flue een phone: whne ceH pnone o nm one ehne
. o mosx reccm‘y conncncd :cH pnoncs wnn we RK3UD, you nave :0 csmbhsh one
Cnnnemon ma cne Eruecoocn menu onne ceu onone Afiersuttexsm‘ connecnon,
you can eskabhsh anolherconnecnon wnn a second ceH onone TM: aHowsyou to
deienmne the sequence of eonneenons Wtwo ceH onenes are oenneaed wnh me
RK300, me can pnonc conncncd hm o :no no: dcwcc and me other one mo second
dewcc Anmncr commotion can be cslabhshcd cm‘y aflcr hm downnecnng one a
:ne two ceH pnones The ceH pnone thak ‘5 5m (unnamed afterward becomes we rm
oewoe m the sequence
Noe that vmce mahng o avaflzb‘e on‘y ion the first devme and the open! on fm
redonng me ‘35! numoeroaevs fov the first and the second oeme Tne othev
‘mex on: a'e execmed me same way usmg the New as a connecnon wnn or‘y
one CD“ phoncv
Turning en your headset
wnneme headse‘ ‘5 turned 0H. p'ess and he‘d On/OflforB seconds unm you neerme
vowcc promm ”Power on” The headsm ‘5 now on The sum mdwcmor th wwH be sohd
(or 2 Second:
Cunnening u: z Bluelooth pnune
Once your hcudscx has comp med me pamng process succCSSNHy, and me headset
5 \umed on u M” connect to one phone you \an conneaed wnn aummucaHy (vowce
prompt Phone conneded) Pease ensure your phone's Bluetaoth Vunchon \s zmve
Tuming emne headset
A\ any workmg sme ahev :ne Headsa \s poweved on. press and He‘d owou ten 5
seconds m M“ neenne vmce prompt "Power of", and we Rea mdmztor mm M“ be
sohd «or 2 seconds Tne headset nee new poweved aw
NOTE To conserve newer. Mhe headset ‘5 um (unnamed m a dewce cm
approxwmme‘y m mmutes, me headset wwH mm off emenneucemy
Accovdmg m you' pyeiavenca, you can wear the headset on your \efl av ngm ear
The adwstab‘e headband deswgn aHowsvar a combnab‘e m
nghxeavweavmg mummmg
Making a call
- unng phone's keypad: \n standby mode, dwa‘ (he number on yam phone's keypad
u: make a 53H
. Us. v n Dialing: \n mndny mode, press we Qn/ow human muddy m M“ hear
a snomone «mm (He heaosek, and me pnone nnu pvomptyou m say (he vowce (ag
wn cn you have a‘ready attached an yourcontact \Hhe vmce mg n: \demfled by me
phone, (hr: mmcd numbcrwwH be dwa‘cd P‘Casc ensure um yourmobw c phone
suppons \Msvoxce a a‘mg runmn, and vents \ag: Have been set up on yourmbne
pnane pnono attempnng (n; Reievto yom mob \e phone's user gmde or Contact
yom sen/me prowder
NOTE Vmce dwahng \s avaflab‘e on‘ylovthe «magma \Hwo ceH pnones ave
. Last numbnr r0 lmg: \n Handby mode. press one 0mm bunon me.
The ‘35! number you dwa‘ed wwH be red a‘ed
NOTE mwo [DH phones are conncncd wwth one RKSOO, he‘d m Vo‘umc (n) bmon
Jorz secondsto dwa‘ the ‘35! number guns (2“ pnane connected pvevmus‘y
Answering a call
wnon you vecewe an mcommg caH, mess rne Orv/Off ounon m answev me mcommg
:3“, you can a‘so answerthe L3H dwrecflyhom your onone,
Reject an mcom g :3“
wnon you vecewe on mcommg caH, mess and he‘d Or/On‘f ounon lav 3 seconds m
royecr me mcommg :aH
Transferring : call
Whfle a ca“ ‘5 m progress, pvess and he‘d Vo‘ume (+> ror 3 seconos Tne caH Wm be
vansferred from your ohone w your neaoser Repeaung me operauon can vansfer
(he caH «rom your headsm back (a your pnonc
Ending a call
Whfle on a Ca“. press one Orv/Off button w and the ca“, you can a‘so end (he caH
dwrccdy (rorn yaw phunc
s (ThreerWay Calling)
Beroro usmg (he CaHrWamrg fundmn on your headsei, p‘ease ensure mat your
phone :uppons (M: HandSrfrcc Frame and you have ucccssm (h: scrwcc by a
wwre‘ess pvawder
- u Lheve r; an mcommg caH wNe 3 :3“ rs m progrexs, press On/Oflqwck‘y The Mr
aooopune wzmng Ca“ and end we cuvrem caH
- Mere rs an mcommg caH wMe a Ca“ re m pvogress, press and he‘d On/OfHor
3 Seconds m acccpuhc ncnmmg Ca“ and p‘acc me currcm m“ on he‘d
- wnne 3 (3H rs an nod and you are engaged m an zddmtmz‘ czH, pres: On/Off qmddy
m end the ourrenr Ca“ and vesume the ca“ ho‘dmg
- wnne a Ca“ re on nod and you are engaged m an addmona‘ CaH, press and he‘d On/
omer 3 :Ccond: m snmne currcm ca” m he‘d and corncnynu wnn me pmwous‘y
rexo (3H
- WMe you are engaged m one can wnr another can on new, doume press Vo‘ume 9
bunon to add the he‘d be“ m the current zonyeoomn u: make a threveay caH
- wnne you are cngagcd m a {Freerway caH. press On/cm wee to end 3H caHs
Vulume eonml
wnne on a cam. you can adwn one vo‘umc by pressmg me Vo‘umc (r 1 and Va‘umc (7)
button, m you (an ad‘unthe vo‘ume dwecfly «run your pnono
whne a is“ s n progress, press and he‘d Vemne 0 bunch Ter 5 seconds“ you wm hear
a sane from Tow so hwgn The headses's MT: Ts new mmed You mu hear a Temmdfu‘ sane
every To seconds, nesnyhg yuu Was your Mu: Ts :uH mused and a Ca“ Ts ssm Tn prng'cs:
Repeal she operahon and you Mu hear he \one Tram thh In Tow The muse funchon s
new cznceHed
Music sueaming
The RK300 suppons AZDP proMe shes 3‘ ows (orwwre‘exs suearmng ofssereo much (mm
a phene m esher Bluemoth enahTed musm dewce The mqswc Wm pause automahcaHy
whne a es“ s dwa‘ed out/\ncommg, and resume when she conversahon has ended
The RK300 can be penee WTsh up so eTghs ceH phones You can de‘ese she oamng hss
and resesshe headsesso she faaory semngs by dcmg she foHowmg
- The headses msss be :urnea on and nos be sonnessed \0 any :2” phone or dew ce
- Press and hem she Orr/ow, Vemnre (~) and Vemrne 0 bussens sansaneeusTy fov
approx mne‘y 5 seconds unm she Tndpeser hthasnes Tea 3 Mme: vshe pmrmg hst
was do‘cscd‘ she hcudxm Wm vcmm se ssandhy mode wnhmn cunnccspn
1) Ptease reed (Ms Usev Mamet carequy and renew 3H mstmmons
2) to award any damage or mavdnctron ottne dewce, do not amp tne devrce
Irern nrgn p‘accs
3) Keep dewce eweyvrern ndnrrdrry, water and any otner Med d We deyree rs expnseo
te water. morstdre eretner hqmds, do not operate rt te ayord any e‘ecmca‘ shock,
exp osren and damage to tne devrce eryedrsev.
4) Do net p‘acc Ur kccpm s deyrce near any neat SUMFCCS, such as drreet :dr‘th,
rearetors. Stove: or otnerapparezus \hal procure; neat ans may cause an Exp‘oswom
degrade tne performance end/er reduce baxery We
5112:; net modrry, reparrer dreaseernbte devree (especm‘ ytne battery), [)0an tnre wt
yerd the warranty
5) De net p‘ace neeyy omens on tne dewce
7) Use on‘ythe supphed and approved Chargers
3) Ptcase contact Raadeg tar rep accmcm er Suppon OHM: predeet
9) Unp‘ug rnrs dewce wnen unused (er \ong penods ettrnre ordwmg hghtmng smvms
to; me battery used rn tnrs devrce rnay present a nsk ernre or enemrcat bum
\f rnrsnandtee
Opevahon \s subled m the «aHowmg two (ondmmvs
m H'Hs dewce may um cause hava merference
(7) ms down: mm acccpx any women» vcccwcd, mc‘udmg mwmmc
(rm may cause undesved operzuon
NOTE The manummm ‘5 m responsmxe fovANY \Merference, for examp‘e
RAD‘O 01 TV mrieyence. caused by unamhonzed modmcauons (0 ms eqmpmem.
Such modmcnwons con m: me user's aumony m operme me eqmpmem
mam and 3H other IradENavks, vegwxle'ed \rademarks. copyngm: and
090: are me propeny ohhew vespedwe owners
The B/umm» word mark and \ngos we regmeved (rademark: owned by
mucmom swc, ‘HC
Phone" 5 a reg stared Uademark oprp‘e, W:
Tm; meed Warranty irom Roadeg, a DAS Company, apphes m 3H e ectmmc pvaduds
erre devrces manufactureo by Roadeg and so‘d underme brand name Roadeg
Terms ahlrre Warranty:
Roadeg wavrams om me product you have purchased from a DAS auMonzed retafler
s rreecrom deceers m mmerm‘s and workmensmp under norma‘ use durmg me warmy
perred The warranty pence bcgms on m: day 0F rmaw‘ sa‘c Tms warranty cxmnds on‘y
\o the orrgrra\ puvchaser u rs m rrarsrerebxe r0 anyone wrre subsequenly retewes (he
pvodud n exdudes 3H expendab‘e pans «uses, Nters, bums, em) Durmg the warranty
penod Roaong er reperryourdeiearve product, rep‘ace K we an \dentwca‘ new, or at
ourcpnon exchange m— an equwa‘e rodun aivaMe and pervermenee Tm: mened
Warrarcy doc: rm mend (c any produa om has been damaged or rcndcrcd dcfcnwc
as a vesuk 0" an Modem, mrsuse avabuse, as a resu‘tnfan at: chod, by opevauon
oursrde me usage peremesers sated m mrs mama-1‘, by modmeeuen ome pmdua,
anempted reperr, or as e resun 0' war or serrorrst snack omer \ mmanons of Ms werremy
exdude. paymem for your ‘05: ume, \ess 04 use of your produeu or property damage
caused by no produn or K: faw‘urc m wovk, 0v any omer mmdcna‘ or conscqucmra‘
damages mdudmg persona‘ rmun/ Extep! as express‘ysel farm m mrs warranty
smemerrr, Roadeg makes no emerwerrermes expressed er rmphee
De’ecuve produds mus| be returned to me dea‘evwnhm 30 days Anerao days. \he
product may be returned to Roadeg
wnen remm ng produusm Roudeg snrpprng m Ruadeg :hnH he p'epmd, your
rcp‘accmcn wru be mar ed back m you a no andmona‘ chavgc Carcmuy pack produa
and an mduded aCcessz-me: mo a :umb‘e box, z‘ong wrrn ang na‘ dated regrsrer
vecewm av rnyorce, a \etter mung the deiem, daynrne pnone nurnaar, and a pnysrcax
return adoress (UPS er notdehverio a PO Box}
- Any package wnh a PO Box adurcxs wru nm be processed, and W b: he‘d unm
runner rranraanon from yau
- Make sure you can track your snrprnem to us RoadK n5 wru not be responsrme ror
\ost packages
- Roadeg wru man be vosponswb‘c rordamagc mcuvrcd durmg snrpmcnx m as
. Faflme to prowde a dmed would purchase wru mvahdate wavvamy
5an m Roadeg Relums.1375 angcr Road, Ehrabemown PA17022
For cusmmer asswsiance and ‘echmca‘ syppon caH rasaaaazzqm Monday mrough
F—rday 3 00am m 5 00pm Eanc'n Trrnc Orwrm: m suppowdaxrnc cam

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