ATI Electronics RK400 Bluetooth Headset User Manual
ATI Electronics (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd Bluetooth Headset
user manual
HIE IInIiIIIAl 3mm WI/I/I/I/I/I/I IIIMM BLUETOOTHs WIRELESS HEADSET USER MANUAL FCC ID: SF47RK400 1 | NOTICE BEFORE USING Thank you rm purchasmg me Roadeg muenoow Headxel moo P‘eaxe read m User Manua‘ comp‘ete‘y heme usmg the headset The Moon ‘5 based on me \aiest B/uetomh wwre‘esx (echno‘ogy and \s compham mm Emctoam v3 0 spccmcauon: R has bm‘mn 27m CVC mzhnobgy'or cxvcmc wmd m 52 canteng and wmd noxse suppvessmn u ‘5 capame Mconneclmg mm a Emezoam we as: techno‘ogy enamea phone or my B/uexoom w re‘ess ‘echno‘ogy enab‘ed dewce mm audwo gaxeway Mama p‘ayers, Desktops and Noxeoook compu? e1: can oe connened and paved mm me Headsex Hang a Bluemoth Dong‘e m omhrm Emctomh capab‘hty M app-“Cab‘cJ 2 | SPECIFICATION BIueKoolh Specmcauan Dperauan Fvequency Supported Proms DSP AvawIabIe ,, . Operanon Range . TaIk Twme’ SIandby Tune BatteryType , Charge Tune chgm Powev Supp‘y Operatmg Temp SIorage Temp: v3 0 2 4022 4mm HSP, HFP, AZDP CVCQVMIC), was, SBC, Mp3, AAC, APTX '33 mu m manor and up w 56 M20 m omdom 30 hours 900 hams 400mm, 3 7v, thmm Pon'ner Banery 3 Hours V .. V . 735 5 av DC and Mo-uov AC Adapter 32 m 1ZZ"F/D m 50": VI to MOW/40 I0 50': 3 | PACKAGE CONTENTS LIST Hesse mpemm package and refermthe patkage Content: My be‘ow m venfy a” News were mcmded n m package A RK400 RDadeg Eluctooth Hcmck B AC ww Chnvger (2 DC CarChargev D usa Chargmg Cab‘e E User Manua‘ ,, . , .. F Exra Ear Pad and M: Cover 0 Proleclwe Cavrymg Bag 4 | RK400 BLUETOOTH HEADSET OVERVIEW 1 Adwsubk: Hemband 2 Speaker 3 Va‘umc (+1 4 VD‘umCH 5 Hum Arm .5 Wmdpmai Mmphonc Boom (Mufl) 7 \r‘dwcnmr Ugh: (LED) 5 Orv/Off Bauer 9 M‘craohoncfl/MGZ) 7 10 Chavg ng 59cm 8 0701wa 5 | BATTERY INFORMATION The dewce T: equwpped wuh an mlegraled mhhumepowymer balle'y The bauery :annm be repIaced Do not zttemptm remnve (we batten/(mm the dewce smce wt wouId damage the deurce The ruu peddrrnanee dia new battery rs nm aehreued urmI after Mo orthree compIeIe chargrng/drschargrng aydes The battery an be charged and drsaharged :cvcra hundred Umcs, but u oncs n: capumty uvcrhmc Drscennemhe RKaomrdrn the pawersupp‘y as seen as We battery rs ruuy charged, duerehargrng wouId veduceme sen/me We onhe battery A charged banevy wru Iose Its adpadcy TI wt rs nm used on a regu‘ar basrs Impunnm Ensuve men me baflery rs My charged \Iyou do HUI use me down: (or a hang pcnod omrne Tu avmd a comp‘cw drseharge avrhe banew, rhe RK400 shouId be (hzvged at Ieasx every 3 months 6 | CHARGING THE BATI'ERY The moo rs operated wwh a reehargeabe banen/ charge rhe bakery compIeter befme Ks hm use Read ore preurous sermon "Battery InIovmann" heiare sramng We chargrng process 1) Carmen me Charger (0 me curred uudm 21when \he charger e connected ue \he HeadseL \he red rndreauer \ gm mm mm en chargrng the battery My maytake up up 3 hours 31when me cattery rs My charged, the red momawr hghcwrh tum b‘ue Drseanneec me chargerrrarn me headsec and me auuec The headset e ready to use. NOTE - Fm hrsurme use, p‘ease eharee me headsec My - The My charged bancry nas power Far ue (o 30 heurs o‘m‘krnmc ane musrc stvezmmg nrne, and up :e 900 heurs er standby r rne Heweuer, the (RM and sundby (We: may vary when used wnh drnerenc rneehe phones 01 othev Compahb‘e B/uetooth devrees, usage semngs, usage sw‘es‘ and enwronments When We eanery power e \ow, (he headsec w‘ remrnd yeu by yaree pvomm "Baflery \ow” every 70 seconds, and me red rndeacerwm stints flash h When usmg the RKIJOD wwth an Where? an addmona‘ battery rnece—veauure M be aewaced and the rcmammg emery :apnmly M dwsp‘ay on yeur ehene 7| PAIR TO YOUR BLUETOOTH PHONE serene you use your headset the rm me. you mus: pa r the um! wuh a muexoenh enab‘ed me e phene Pamng Te a one he process and veqmved enTy cmhe hm connechon wmh (he as“ phone The RKAOO can be pened wnh no m ewgm eeh phones and be conneded emheneoedy wnh m (29“ phones General procedure - Keep the RKADO wnhm nenge of a Bluetoolh wwe‘esstechno‘ogy enapTed ceH phone, (he dmance ehemd nm exceed 3 feet/1 me‘er, - The ncadxcx mu“ be mmcd e41 - Ho‘d the On/O" eouoh ror approxwmake‘y 5 seconds ohm you heah We vowce D'cmm "Famng" and the mdmator hgm mtevmmem‘y flashes ned and We The dewce e new Tn peThng mode The firstume (he headset Te mmed en, pamng mode ehemd engage amomahcaHy - Fwd (he aruexemh Scmng etyeon :CH phene and bcgm :oenohmg far Eluctooth dewces [For (urlherdelawb. pheese read We eperahng mSVUChon: Myou' ceH phone) . me (he he ofdevwces Jeond, se‘edthe “RKAOO” - w reqmred, enterthe PW code "noon" and cehhnn the envy Tnhe pehmg process was succexs‘u‘, you Wm heen me ymoe promp‘ "Pm'mg successfu‘” and (he mdhcawr ths b‘uc «on 3 Second: (Nan: The PTN :Ddc e pnepnoenenmed and cannot be changed) - Am pmflng,(hc moo wn ammeneeuyeunnea wmh (hr: ecu pnene New Fromm Phone connected) Fovsome :eH pnenes, you have m manua \yconnrm we connecuon enee pawed, the headset Wm enenge m siandby made end me md calm ngm wnu Hash me every n) seconds NFC 5mm pairing wow pnene suppans NFC, a swan Damng procedure ‘5 avaw‘ab‘e An app ‘5 necessary fay NFC Swan pamng Seencn end oown‘oad me app “Roadeg ET” from me Goog‘e May Store (Andrmd Menkeu or Marketp‘ace (Wnndows Phone] - He‘d the On/Off bmen Iorepprex mne‘y 5 seconds unm you heenhe vowce prorvp‘ "Pamng" and ‘hc mdwcamr hem \mcrmmcm‘y Hashes rod and Mac The demo 5 now m pamng mode . Fmd (he Bluetooth semng cum (9“ phone and turn the Bluemoth on (Forfurther detafls, p‘ease vead me opevatmg \r‘simchons o'yourceH phone) - Touch the NFC mducnon avea ofheadxel (0 (he bottom «the phone, (he phone wm dexect (he headxeK and comp‘em me paivmg amameneeuy NOTE - NFC \eeamn onhe phane meshem phone m phone . NFC may vary shghny among phones The phone‘s aepxey screen mus! ee en whne pamng - Vpamr‘g he not comp‘e‘eo wan 2 mmmes, We headsetwwH turn 0”. \ths happens, repem me pamng pvocess S I MULTI-CONNECTION FUNCTION rhe mu‘twrconnedmn funcuon aHows {arms snnuhaneous use enhe moo wnh Mo (CH pnonc: Th 5 e an ndvur‘mgc {m user: wnh a pcrsonn‘ and a husmcxs eeH phone Establls mg a eennmian Wm. two cell phones There ave seveva‘ opuons eieennea my the ammo wnh aheedy pened ee \ phones 10 - Automatic eonnomon: Wnen :ummg on (he moo, a eonneenon ‘s oummoneouy estanhshed wwlh (be two mast vetent‘y connected eeu onenes - Enaonsnmg a eonne n m the mun V o menuaHy esxabhsh a oonneenon bmwccn me RK400 and one ‘wo most rcccnfiy conncncd eeu phone; pres: Me On/orr human The moo hm conned: usekun me men reeenuy connected eeH onone Tnen n Corned; \tseWth (he next most vecem‘y connected one - Enablishing a eonnemon via (h: eon phune: \nne eeH pnone ‘3 nm one onne (we mese recenuy Conncncd eeu phuncx wun me RK400, you have m cflabhsh \hc eenneenon we \he muenoonn menu or me as” pnone Anersueeessruw eenneenen, you can eskabhsh anolherconnedmn WM 3 semwd eeu onone TM; aHows you to dexerm ne the sequence of cornecuons. um ceH onones are conneded wun (he RK400, the as“ phone canneded hrs‘ e (Fe m dewce and the omerone me seeono dcwcc Answer connccnon can be esnbhsned Dn‘y ahevfirst dwsconncdmg ene oi the Mo (2H onones Tne oeu pnone that ‘5 an conneaed aherwavd becomesthe first dewce m me seouenoe Note (ha! vmce dwahng ‘5 zvaflab‘e on‘y farms first dewce and [he operanon (or vedwahng me \as( numberdwflers «onne «nse and the second dewce Tne othev iunonons are execmed Me same way usmg the man as a Lonnemon wun on‘y one eeH pnone 11 9 | TURNING HEADSET ON/OFF Turning on your hudm WMe We headset ‘5 turned 0H, press and he‘d On/Off‘brS seconds Lmt \ you heanhe vmce Fromm "Powev on" The headsex ‘5 now on The B‘ue Tndmnmr hgmwTH be sohd far 2 sewnu: Connecting u a Elueraath plnone Once your headsa has comp‘eted (he pawmg pvocess successmuy, and the headset \smmed an, n W sonnes: (0 me phone you Tm conneued wnh amomunctu (vowce Fromm phone conncacd) P‘casc ensure your phone's Erucmmh funchon Ts acme Turning nfhhe mam Ax any workmg sme aflemhe headsa Ts pnwered on pres: and tha On/OFHOr s scconds You wm hear (he was promp( ”Power aw: and We Red \r‘dxcamr hghmh be sohd fo' 2 seconds The headset has now powered aw NOTE To conserve power. W018 headsex Ts not connecied m a dance forappmxnnasexy To Inmates, 07c headsmw T (um DH amumahctu 12 10 I WEARING YOUR HEADSET Accordmg w your preference, you can wear the headset on your \eh or ngm ear The adjustable headband design al‘ows (or a cominnab‘e m mgmw Mung 1: 11 IUSING THE RK400 Makmg a call . Using phone's keypad: In standby mode, dra‘ me number on your phone‘s keypad m make a cam, - Using Voic. Dia‘ing \n sundby mode, press the On/orr buuon qmck‘y You wru hears shontone cram he headsek, and me unane wru pvomptyou u: say we vmce tag wnrcn you nave a‘veady anncned w your nomad rune uorce tag rs rdenmed by me pnone, rne remed number wru be dra‘ed Mme enswemn your mobfle phone Suppon: mrs vmcc dmhng flmnmn, and verse rags have been m up an your mom phone pflor lo allemplmg \nrs Refer \0 your mobr‘e phone‘s user gwae or comacl yuursemce pmwdev NOTE Va :2 ararrng rs avar‘ao‘e on‘y Vo' \ne hrs| dewce rr {we :9“ phones are connected - Lam number re-d‘raling: \n mndby mode, press one On/orr butmn Mrce Tnc \asr number you d a‘cd er be re dwa‘cd NOTE News as“ phones are connened wrm me RKAOO, he‘d ore Vo‘ume 0 bunun 4w 7 sccunds (o dra‘ (he \as: number ohhc ccH pFonc conncncd prcwous‘y 14 Nuweclng In homing call . when you reeewe an mwmmg caH, was me ONO" bunon shonly m anxwav me mcommg <3” - omerwue, ammo supparrs yoiee remgmuan w anwav me meammg (3“ by saymgwss" Rejecting an lnmmlng all - when you rem/e an mmmmg eau, men and mm Orv/Off button (m a second: to veled me incoming (3H - oxherwue. RMUD Suppons valce vecngnmon 1o reyeex me mcommg G“ by saymg 'NO'Z Trensierring a call Whflc .1 ca‘ ys m progress, press and he‘d Vommc <~) for3 seconds. Tnc caH Wm be Lransk‘rrcd (ram your phone to youv headse' chcamg the opc'ahon can newer the (2“ «ram your headset back to your phone Ending a can” wMe on a eau, press 1H: On/orr buum to end the :3“, you can a‘so end we eau dwrecfiyhzm your phone Call-Waning (Three-Way Calling) Before usmg [he CaHsWamng (uncuo'v on your Hendsm, p‘caxc ensure max your 15 pnone suppensms nandserree preme and you have accessm me sen/we by a wxrc‘css prowdcr . mnere rs an mcomwg ca \ we 3 (SH re m progress, press On/ofl qmck‘y ans wru accep‘ me wamng Ca“ and end the cuvren‘ en - \Hhcrc r: an rneemrrg (a \ wnne a Ca“ rs m progress, press and he‘d Onlomer 3 seconds \0 accept the mcommg eau and p‘ace We :urrem cam on no d . WMe a :3“ rs er he‘d arm you ave engaged m an addmona‘ CaH, press On/orr qmck‘y m em: 01.; currem Ca“ and resume the ca“ ho‘dmg - WM: a Ca“ rs er ha‘d arm you are engaged m an addmuna‘ eau, was and ham On/ cu tor 3 seconds to em We currem :3” lo he‘d and conneayou WM me pvewous‘y he‘d caH - WMe you are engaged m one :3“ wwth name :3“ en ho‘d, press Vo‘ume 9 bunch Wee to add the new EU m We currcm conversamon u: make u (hrcCrwuy caH. - Whfle you are engaged m a (Nearway (3H, press an/on mee :0 and em (3“; Volumo control WMe an a Ca”, you can earner rne vo ume my n'exsmg the Vemme m mVo‘ume H button, oryou can adlus‘ me vo‘ume drreenynem your pnone 16 Mme WM: 3 ca” s n pvogrcss press and he‘d Vo‘u'm: r ) bunon «or 7 seconds, you mu hear a lane «ram \ow ro thh The headset's MT: Ts now muled You Wm hear a vemmdM rone every To seconds, nouiymg you ma your M: e sou mmed and a in“ Ts 3wa n progress Repeal 1H: opcrnhon and you mu hear We (on: (Tom thh “3 \0w The mule runeuen s new CanceHed Musie “reaming The RKAOO supponsAQDP prom: \hal aHews for wwc‘css sveammg omcrco musT: (rem s phone ormher Bluematlv enab‘ed muse deme The musm Wm osuse zutomahca‘ y whne a Ca“ Ts d eTed out/mcommg, and resume when the convevsauon has ended 12 I RESET THE RKAOO The RKADD can be pawed wnh up to ewght ceH phones You can dexexe Me pamng hsu and reseuhe headseno Me facmry semngs by domg the ToHowmg - The «cadxm musx be mmcd on and nm Dc connccmd m ar‘y ceH phene or dcwcc . Press end hon the Un/OH, Vo‘ume (+1 and Vo‘ume (7) buttons sTmuueneoudy «or approxwmate‘y 5 seconds unm (he md‘camr hgmflashes red 3 Umes Tnhe pamng hst was de‘e‘ed, (he headsethH remm m smndby mode wuhdu: connechon 17 13 I SAFETY AND GENERAL INFORMATION 1) P‘ease reaa mrs User Manua‘ caveVtu and ’oHow an mxlruchons 2> To avmd any damage armawunamn ofthe dewce, aa notdrop me dewce from man p‘aces 3) Keep dcwcc away from numrdrzy, wawr and any mhcr hqmd an dcwcc rs cxpnscd Lo wmer, morszure ormner hqwds, da not opevake r. to ayard ar‘y e‘ecmca‘ shock, expxasran and damage to me deyree or yauraec 4) Da nm p‘ace or keep 01‘s dewce near any hen sources, sucn as drrecs sunngm, radramrs, sum: or Omar appnrams mas produces hem ans rnay cause an expxasren, degrade :ne performance and/or reduce bauery We 5> Do not rnadriy, reparrdr d sassemo‘e deyree [espemaHythe banery] Domg (Ms wru yara me warranty 1))Do mm p‘acc naavy exams on we dcwcc 7> Use nw‘ythe supphed and approved anargera a) Mass cantacs Roadeg {or rep‘acemem orsuppon annrs produd 9) Unpwug nns dcwcc wncn unusad «or \ang pcmuds anrme ordmmg \rgnsnrng ssarms. 1 we banery used rn (Ms dewce rnay present a nsk aHne or chemma‘ bum rirnrsrand ed 1: 14 I FCC I: IC STATEMENT Operahon s sublet: m we rouowmg \wo condwlons, <11 m; dewce may not Cause harmM mterfevence <2) Tm; dame must mam any \Merference recewed, mdudmg \Merferenze mm may cause undcs rod cpcrahn" NOTE The manufadurcr x: rm resporwb‘c (or ANY mxcrfcrcncc, for cxamp‘c RAD‘O mw merfevence, (aused by unauthonzed modwficzuons m m eqmpment 5m modwficatons mm vmd the users aukhomy m operate the eqmpmem Roadeg and a \ omev \rademarks. 'egwslered \vademarks, mpyngns and \ogos are (he propeny nflhew vespemve owners The aruecoaw ward mark and ‘09:): are yegmred Trademark: owned by mucmnm swc, m; \Phonemws a regwsteved (redemavk euppxe, MC 19 15 I WARRANTY Thrs trnrned Warranty (ram Roadeg, a DAS Company, apphes to at e‘etlromc oroducts and dewces manufactured by Raadeg and so‘d under the brand narne Rnadeg Terms at xhn Warranty; Roadeg warrantatrrattbe pmdun you have purenased trern a DAS zuthonzed retaner rs tree hem detects rrr materats and worknransbro under novma‘ use dunng tne warranty penad Tre warranty oerred begms on the day of retan sa‘e answarrarty exiends on‘y to me uflgma‘ nurchascr It rs not transterabto to anyone wno Suhscqucndy reooryes tne product u exdudes an expendab‘e pans «uses, Mters, bu‘bs, etc) Dumg the warranty pened Roadeg wru reparryeurdetectrue product, rep‘ace rt wrtb an \dentrca‘ rtern, or at ourootron exchange rtroran equwa‘ent product olva‘ue and oenorrnanee ans trnnrted Warranty does not extend to any areduottrat ras been damaged or rendered defemve as a resuttot an aesrdent, rnrsuso or abuse, a: a rcsuh otan act etcod, by operatron outsrde the usage paramezers stated tn the manna‘, by mod Vrcaucm er the pvoducl. attempted repa r, or as a mum otwar orterronst attack Otherhmnanons ottbrs warranty exdbde oayrnenttoryourtosttrrne, \oss ovuse otyour product, or property damage caused bytne produ . r rts tenure to work, erany otner mmdema‘ orconsequemm‘ damages mc‘uumg pcrsnna‘ Wuury Fxccm as cxprcss‘y sottortrr rn tnrs warranty statement, Roadeg makes no etberwarrantres expressed er \mphed 20 Dclccwc pmduns musk be rammed m We dca‘cr wnhm 30 day: Aflcr 30 dnyx, 0w proaucl may be renamed to Roadeg When remmmg products m Roadeg smppmg ka Roadeg she“ be prepawd, your vep‘acementwm be mm‘ed back (a you ak no addmona‘ marge Carequy pack D'ooud and an mdudad accessonc: mm a :unab‘c box, a‘nng Wm Dngma‘ dawd rcg 5m re(e\p( or mvmte, a \enev :(almg the defem, dzynme phone numbEr. and a pkyacax vetum address (UPS wwH nut dehvev to a PO BOX) - Any package w‘m a PO Box address Wm 77M be processed, and w\ x be he‘d mm (mm nomaanda from ynu . Make sure yau can track yam ampmam m us Roadeg W m be raspcmakaxe «or ‘05( packages - Ruadeg mu m be responsm‘e «ardamaga marred danng smpmam w us - fame m prowde a dated pron! or puvcwase Mu mvahda‘e warramy Smpm Raadeg Remms‘ 1875 Zeager Roam E \zabemmwn PA17022 For cusmmev aasmance and kecwmaw suppan caH 17355752277979 Monday Mrough Fnday a 003m to 5 00pm Easkem Twme 0y wme m suppon@dasmc com 21
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