ATID AT288N-R BlueTooth RFID Reader User Manual

ATID Co., Ltd BlueTooth RFID Reader


User Manual

AAAAtid Co., LtdAT28AT288N UI Won-Tak2017-02- . 88N Uguide k Choi -27     UI guuide
 AT288N AT288NDocumeHistory    Ver. RV0.1 2V0.2 2V0.3 2V0.4 2N UI guide    N UI guide ent    Ui guideReleasing D2016-02-24 2016-04-16 2016-05-25 2017-02-27 AT288Ne  Writer ate ConteDraft UniquLED InFCC wN UI guidWon-Tak Ch ents e Amendedndicator Re-waring de hoi  DaDefined ate  2017-Writer Won-Tak CWon-Tak CWon-Tak CWon-Tak CCorp. -02-27  VeReChoi  FirChoi  MoChoi  MoChoi  MoAtid Co., Ltersion  v0.4emark rst Release odified odified odified Page 2 d. 4
 AT288N AT288NDocumeConte1  Des 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8  LED 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5N UI guide    N UI guide ent    Ui guideents scription for Protocol .Remote c1.2.1 B1.2.2 URF PoweBeep ......Data storInventory1.6.1 O1.6.2 M1.6.3 UOutput F1.7.1 SRFID Inv1.8.1 SFirmware  UHF Upd0 Auto pow1  Memory A21.12.1 M1.12.2 M1.12.3 M1.12.4 TD ..................One / MuScan LEDSPP LEDRF Contr2.4.1 S2.4.2 S2.4.3 SPower LEAT288Ne  Writer Main Functio....................control .........Bluetooth .....USB Control .........................rage .............y mode ........One Tag modMulti Tag moUnique Tag mormat ..........Serial numbeventory OptioSelection Mae mode Mode (Twer off ..........Access ........Memory ReadMemory WriteMemory LockTag Kill .............................ulti LED ........D .................D ..................rol Window LShow BluetooShow USB PShow Beep CED ...............N UI guidWon-Tak Chon ................mode ..................on ....................................To Be Suppo........................................d ..................e ..................k .......................................................................................................................LED ..............oth Protocol rotocol settinControl hoi  Da....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................orted) .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................settings ......ngs ..............ngs ...................................ate  2017-...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Corp. -02-27  Ve....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Atid Co., Ltersion  v0.4...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Page 3 d. 4 ............ 5 ............ 5 ............ 5 ............ 5 ............ 5 ............ 6 ............ 6 ............ 6 ............ 6 ............ 6 ............ 6 ............ 6 ............ 6 ............ 6 ............ 7 ............ 7 ............ 7 ............ 7 ............ 7 ............ 7 ............ 7 ............ 7 ............ 7 ............ 7 ............ 7 ............ 7 ............ 8 ............ 8 ............ 8 ............ 8 ............ 8 ............ 8 ............ 8
 AT288N AT288NDocume 2.6 2.73  But 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.84  Bee  N UI guide    N UI guide ent    Ui guideBT LED ..2.6.1 B2.6.2 BUSB LED2.7.1 U2.7.2 Utton ..............Power Ke3.1.1 Won the devi3.1.2 Woff the deviC Key ....3.2.1 S3.2.2 LRF Powe3.3.1 S3.3.2 LRF Powe3.4.1 S3.4.2 LMulti/OneBT/USB Scan ButFirmwareep ................AT288Ne  Writer ....................Bluetooth CoBluetooth CoD ..................USB ConnecUSB Connec....................ey ................When the dece. ..............When the dece. ..................................Short Press ..Long Press Control LeShort Press ..Long Press Control RigShort Press ..Long press (Te Key ...........Key .............tton ..............e mode ............................N UI guidWon-Tak Ch....................nnection on nnection in S....................tion on standtion in Succe........................................vice is turne....................vice is turne................................................................................ft Key ..................................................ght Key ............................To be suppor.................................................................................................... de hoi  Da....................standby ......Success ..........................dby ..............ess ......................................................ed off, pressi....................ed on, pressi....................................................................................................................................................................................rted later) ........................................................................................................ate the the powe.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Corp. -02-27 key for a key for a f............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Atid Co., Ltersion  v0.4........................................................................................................................................................few seconds...................few seconds.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Page 4 d. 4 ............ 9 ............ 9 ............ 9 ............ 9 ............ 9 ............ 9 ............ 9 ............ 9 s will turn ............ 9 s will turn .......... 10 .......... 10 .......... 10 .......... 10 .......... 10 .......... 10 .......... 10 .......... 10 .......... 11 .......... 11 .......... 11 .......... 11 .......... 11 .......... 11 .......... 11
 AT288N AT288NDocume1 De    N UI guide    N UI guide ent    Ui guideescription Protoc1.1It is designa6B is not av Remot1.2AT288N  caProtocol caHID.     Blue1.2.1BTHThe translevel BTHThe transshouactulang  USB1.2.2USBThe will bshou USBAT288Ne  Writer  for Mainol ated to selecvailable at prete control an  be  used an be set up etooth H SPP connection smitted will bl device shouH HID connection smitted  will uld be needeal  device  anuage settingB B VCP connection cbe uploadeduld produce tB HID N UI guidWon-Tak Chn Functiont either ISO/esent. It will by  both  Blueamong SPPcan  be  avbe uploadeduld produce tcan  be  avabe  uploadeded in using thnd  data  on  th of upper levcan be availa to Serial Pothe additionade hoi  Dan /IEC 18000-6be supportinetooth  and UP, HID. Also vailable  usind to  Serial  Pthe additionaailable  usingd  on  the  cuhe device sihe  cursor  cavel device able using Seort (COM Poal program foate  2017-6C or ISO/IEng in the neaUSB. For theUSB protocong  Serial  Prort (COM  Poal program fog Human Inursor  as  likence the diffean  be  occurrerial Profile Port) of upper or utilizing theCorp. -02-27  VeC 18000-6Br future.   e  detailed  inol can be setrofile  Protocort) of  upperor utilizing thenterface  Deve  Keyboard erence betwered  in  accordProtocol andlevel devicee transmittedAtid Co., Ltersion  v0.4, but ISO/IECnformation, Bt up by eithecol and Datr level device transmittedvice  and  Datyping.  Theeen the datadance  with kd the data to e. Upper leved data   Page 5 d. 4 C 18000-Bluetooth er VCP or ta  to  be e. Upper d data.   ata  to  be e caution a read by keyboard be read el device
 AT288N AT288NDocume N UI guide    N UI guide ent    Ui guideThe transshouactulang  RF Pow1.3Output powand RF Pow Beep   1.4When be pow  Data st1.5Not ondata to  Invento1.6 One1.6.1If jus  Mult1.6.2In th  Uniq1.6.3In tthe  Output1.7 Seria1.7.1Seria AT288Ne  Writer connection smitted  will uld be needeal  device  anuage settingwer Control wer of RFID Mwer Control Rreading the twer-off state torage   ly transmittino remote conory mode e Tag mode st one tag is ti Tag mode his mode, tagque Tag modhis mode, tadifference ist Format al number al number wN UI guidWon-Tak Chcan  be  avabe  uploadeded in using thnd  data  on  th of upper lev Module can bRight Key. Letag or pressiin accordancng the data ttrol at once aread, this mog will be contde g will be cons that same till be shown de hoi  Daailable  usingd  on  the  cuhe device sihe  cursor  cavel device be controlledevel is set frong the buttonce with remote coafter saving ode will maktinuously reantinuously reatag will be rein front of thate  2017-g Human Inursor  as  likence the diffean  be  occurrd by pressingom 11 to 30.n, Beep will b  ntrol in the reit in local stoke tag readingading regardleading like Mueading just one tag   Corp. -02-27  Venterface  Deve  Keyboard erence betwered  in  accordg the RF Pobe working. Beal time, but orage is availg stop   ess of dupliculti tag modence time. Atid Co., Ltersion  v0.4vice  and  Datyping.  Theeen the datadance  with kower Control Beep functiot also transmlable.   cation e, but   Page 6 d. 4 ata  to  be e caution a read by keyboard Left Key on can mitting the
 AT288N AT288NDocume 2 N UI guide    N UI guide ent    Ui guide RFID I1.8 Sele1.8.1Neit  Firmwa1.9This mbutton mode a   UHF U1.10To  woavailab  Auto p1.11For this  Memor1.12 Mem1.12.1This Mem1.12.2This Mem1.12.3This Tag 1.12.4ThisIf usLED Changing L  One / M2.1In stateAT288Ne  Writer nventory Opection Mask her random tare mode mode can be pand power kand pressingUpdate Moderk  this  modeble in this moower off s function, dery Access mory Read s is the functimory Write s is the functimory Lock s is the functiKill   s is the functiser does tag LED state wilMulti LED e of One tagN UI guidWon-Tak Chtion tag only invepossible to skey simultaneg the power k (To Be Supe,  press  RF ode. evice will be on to read thon to write thon to lock thon to kill the kill, it is not pll let user knog mode in Invde hoi  Daentories or alset in state ofeously. Firmwkey makes it ported) Power  Conpower-off afhe tag by direhe tag by dire tag by dire tag by direcpossible to reow on settingventory Modate  2017-l tags excepf power-off. Tware updaterevert to thetrol  Right  Kefter designatectly accessiectly accessectly accessinctly accessingevert to the tag and event oe, ONE LEDCorp. -02-27  Vet for random To work this  for AT288 ise original statey.  Firmwareed time.   ing the meming the memng the memog the memorag. of AT288N D will be turnAtid Co., Ltersion  v0.4m tags inventomode, presss available inte.   e for UHF Mmory   mory. ory.   ry.    ed on and inPage 7 d. 4 ory. s scan n this Module  is n state of
 AT288N AT288NDocume   N UI guide    N UI guide ent    Ui guideMulti tamode,  Scan L2.2In stateinvento  SPP LE2.3In stateBTH_H  RF Co2.4RF CoLED sh 2.4.1  2.4.2  2.4.3 Power 2.5When DisableconnecAT288Ne  Writer ag mode  in both One anLED e-on for scanory is in succED e of either BHID or USB_ntrol Windowntrol Windowhows the setShow BluetoShow USB PShow Beep LED Low  batterye  500ms). Acting  either UN UI guidWon-Tak Chinventory mnd Multi tag mn button, Scacess, scan LETH_SPP or HID, both LEw LED w LED is contting value foooth ProtocoRF Power ●●●●●○○○○○○●●●●●Protocol settRF Power ●●●●●○○○○○○●●●●●Control settiRF Power ●●●●●●○○○○○○○●●●y,  Power  LEAlso,  PowerUSB  or Adade hoi  Daode, Multi Lmode will be an LED is enED will be flicUSB_VCP, SEDs will be tunsisted of 11or UHF poweol settings Window ○○○○ ●○○○ tings Window ○○○○ ●○○○ ings Window ○○○○ ●●●● D  will  be  flicr  LED  will aptor.  If  charate  2017-LED will  be tturned on. nable and in ckered SPP LED wiurned off. 1 pcs of LEDr. BluetoothBTH SPPBTH HIDUSB ProUSB VCPUSB HIDBeep CoBeep disBeep Enckered  on cbe  enable, ging  the  devCorp. -02-27  Veurned on.  instate-off, Scll be turned oD. In general,h Protocol P D otocol P D ontrol able able ycle  of  1000in  case  device  is  not  fiAtid Co., Ltersion  v0.4n state  of  Uncan LED is don . In state , RF Control0ms  (Enableevice  is  chainished,  therPage 8 d. 4 nique tag disable. If of either  Window e  500ms, arged  by re  is  Red
 AT288N AT288NDocume3 N UI guide    N UI guide ent    Ui guideLED. A  BT LED2.6BT  LEcontrol  2.6.1 2.6.2  USB L2.7USB Lcontrol  2.7.1 2.7.2Button There are twFor Short ppresses, it Pressing bu  Power 3.1Used f  W3.1.1AT288Ne  Writer At the full chaD D  is  only  wol and device Bluetooth CBT LED flick Bluetooth CBT LED is aED LED  will  be l and device USB ConneUSB LED fli USB ConneUSB LED is wo ways of mpresses, it isis recognizeuttons usuallKey for turning onWhen the deN UI guidWon-Tak Charging of devorked,  in  casare set by Bonnection onkers on cycleonnection inalways on only  workingare connecteection on stanckers on cycection in Succs always onmaneuverings recognizedd and operay refers to thn/off the devievice is turnede hoi  Davice, there is se  comport Bluetooth or nn standby e of 500ms (E Success g on compoed by USBndby cle of 500mscess g buttons ford and operatates when thehe short presce. ed off, pressate  2017-Green set for Blnot. Enable 100mrt set by USs (Enable 100AT288N; Loes when thee button is psses unless oing the poweCorp. -02-27  Ve uetooth.  It sms, Disable 4SB.  Please c0ms, Disableong press & Se buttons arepressed for motherwise speer key for a fAtid Co., Ltersion  v0.4shows  if  both400ms)   check  if  bothe 400ms)     Shot press.   e released. Fmore than 2 ecified. few secondsPage 9 d. 4 h  remote h  remote For Long seconds. s will turn
 AT288N AT288NDocume N UI guide    N UI guide ent    Ui guideo  W3.1.2o  C Key 3.2There differe Sho3.2.1WheOne   Long3.2.2Long  RF Pow3.3There   Sho3.3.1RF pthat   Long3.3.2Remprotowill t For UBT P RF Pow3.4There  AT288Ne  Writer on the device When the deoff the device are  two  funently in AT28rt Press en C Key is pTag mode->g Press g press woulwer Control are two funcrt Press power  can bcan be set isg Press mote Protocoocols will be take 3.5 secoUSB protocoProtocol, BT_wer Control are two funcN UI guidWon-Tak Che. evice is turnee. nctions  for C8N since ATpressed, diffe> Multi Tag md enable or dLeft Key ctions for RFbe adjusted.s 11dBm. l can be seleselected. If Conds to applyol, USB_VCP_SPP  BT_Right Key ctions for RFde hoi  Daed on, pressC key. For AT288N only serent Inventomode-> Uniqdisable the BF Power Cont1dBm is  deected by lonCOM PORT y the mode cP  USB HID_HID  BT_SF Power Contate  2017-ing the poweAT288  usersupports 6C.ory Mode canue Tag modeBeep Mode.trol Left Key.ecreased perng press. If Csetting is BTchanges. D  USB_VCSPP trol Left Key.Corp. -02-27  Veer key for a fs,  please  non be selectede . r press. The COM PORT T, BT protocoCP . Atid Co., Ltersion  v0.4few secondsote  the  key fd.   e minimum Rsetting is Uols will be sePage 10 d. 4 s will turn functions RF power SB, USB elected. It
 AT288N AT288NDocume   4 FCC RThis  devbased othoroughto  assurN UI guide    N UI guide ent    Ui guide Sho3.4.1RF p  Long3.4.2Run  Multi/O3.5No fun  BT/US3.6Data tBT/USafter  thsecond   Scan B3.7Run In  Firmwa3.8 FirmwapresseBeep There are bpressing C operated wis successf RF Exposurvice  meets ton standards h evaluation re  the  safetyAT288Ne  Writer rt Press power can beg press (To b in UHF UpdOne Key ction has beB Key ransmit modB LED on thhe  BT/USB ds.  Button ventory. Othare mode are mode caed. Firmware beep soundsKey. If the Bwhen Power Oful. re Informatthe  governmthat were deof scientific y  of  all  persoN UI guidWon-Tak Che adjusted. 1be supporteddate Mode. Inen applied yde can be selhe device. ThKey  is  pressher buttons dan be enteremode can os only when Beep Mode On/Off, Remtion and Stment's  requireeveloped by studies. Theons regardlesde hoi  Da1dBm is incred later) n this mode, yet. lected with Bhe mode chased.  No  otho not operated by pressinonly when the Beep Modeis disabled, ote connectitatementements  for eindependene standards ss  of  age  orate  2017-eased per prthe firmwareBT/USB Key.ange (changeer  modes we while Scanng the powee device is tue is enabledthere will beon/disconneexposure  to t scientific orinclude a sur  health.  TheCorp. -02-27  Veess.   e of UHF Sen The selectee in LED) is will  be  changn button is ber key while Surned off. . The Beep e no sounds ction, Buttonradio  wavesrganizations ubstantial safe  SAR  limit oAtid Co., Ltersion  v0.4nsor can be ed mode is sapplied two ged  during  theing pressedScan buttonmode is chaat all. Beep n press and Is.  The  guidethrough perfety margin dof  USA  (FCPage 11 d. 4 updated. hown via seconds hese  two d.  is being anged by sound is Inventory lines  are iodic and designed C)  is  1.6
 AT288N AT288NDocumeW/kg  avtissue. Dthis  SAat   http:/was testwith FCCthe usercontain requirem FCC wThis  devcondition(1) NOTE 1device, protectioand  caninstructioguaranteharmful equipmefollowing- - - -  NOTE 2complianN UI guide    N UI guide ent    Ui guideveraged  oveDevice typesAR  limit. //www.fcc.goted simulatioC RF exposur's bodies memetallic  comments may nowarning vice  compliens: This  deviceinterference1:  This  equipPursuant  toon  against hn  radiate  raons,  may cee  that  interinterferenceent off and og measures: Reorient or Increase theConnect theconnected. Consult the 2: Any changnce could voAT288Ne  Writer er  one  gram: BlueTooth SAR  inforov/oet/ea/fccon typical 0mure requirementioned abomponents  inot comply wies  with  Parte  may  not ce received, inpment has bo  part  15  of harmful  interfadio  frequencause  harmfrference  will e  to  radio oon, the user irelocate the e separation e equipment dealer or anes or modificoid the user'sN UI guidWon-Tak Chm  of  tissueRFID Readermation  on cid/.  Please umm wear on ents, use acove, the use n its assemth FCC RF et  15  of  the cause  harmncluding interbeen  tested athe  FCC Rference  in  a cy  energy aful  interferenot  occur  ior  televisionis encouragereceiving anbetween theinto an outln experiencedcations to this authority to de hoi  Dae for body, er (FCC ID: V  this  anduse  the  devhand and 10ccessories sh of belt clipsmbly,  the  useexposure reqFCC  Rulesmful  interfererference thatand  found  toRules.  These  residential and,  if  not ence  to  radn  a  particulan  reception, ed to try to cntenna. e equipment et on a circud radio/TV tes unit not exoperate the ate  2017-and  4  W/kVUJAT288Nd  other pvice  FCC  ID 0mm for bodhould maintas, holsters ane of accessquirements, as.  Operation nce,  and  (2t may cause o  comply  wite  limits  are installation. installed  anio  communiar  installatiowhich  can correct the inand receiveuit different fechnician forxpressly apprequipment.Corp. -02-27  Vekg  averagedN-R) has alsoad  can bnumber  for dy-worn. To in a separatind similar acsories  that dand should bis  subject 2)  this  devicundesired opth  the  limits designed  toThis  equipmd  used  in acations.  Hon.  If  this  eqbe  determterference br. from that to wr help. roved by the Atid Co., Ltersion  v0.4d  over  ten o been testedbe  viewed search.  Thmaintain coion distance ccessories shdo  not  satisbe avoided. to  the  followce  must  accperation. for  a  Class o provide reament  generataccordance owever,  theruipment  doemined  by  turby one or mowhich the re party responPage 12 d. 4 gram  of d against on‐line is  device mpliance between hould not sfy  these wing  two cept  any B  digital asonable tes,  uses with  the re  is  no es  cause rning  the ore of the eceiver is nsible for

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