ATTOWAVE M1K-Y12 RADAR DETECTOR User Manual Layout 1 Page 1


User Manual

Register your K40 RL100 today to activate your guarantees:Guaranteed immunity from speeding tickets If you get a speeding ticket within one year of purchase,we’ll reimburse you for the full cost of the ticket.*Guaranteed performance If your K40 radar detection system does not outperform anyother radar detector you’ve owned, return it within 30 daysfor a full product credit. One year warrantyK40 offers a one-year “repair or replace” warranty if yourproduct fails to work properly.*Offer not valid for speeding ticket violations incurred in school or construction zones, or connected with a DUI.Register your RL100 online today by
Mounting and Powering the RL100Mounting InstructionsTo help ensure that your RL100 functions properly and offers maximum protection, please follow these mountinginstructions:1. Clean the area of the windshield where the unit will be mounted.* 2. Attach the supplied Windshield Mounting Bracket toyour car’s windshield by firmly pressing the suction cups in the bracket to the windshield.a. Mount the bracket as low as possible near the center of the windshield.b. Do not mount the unit behind wipers or any metal obstructions.3. Slide the RL100 unit itself on to the bracket to completethe mounting.4. Level the radar detector, if necessary, by carefullybending the Windshield Mounting Bracket.*IMPORTANT NOTE: Some windshields include a metallic coating that cansignificantly affect reception of radar signals. Consult with your dealer orcheck your vehicle’s owner ‘s manual to determine if your windshield hassuch a coating.Power Connection1. Plug the small end of the supplied Power Cord into thePower Input Jack on the side of the radar detector.2. Plug the large end of the Power Cord into your vehicle’scigarette lighter socket or other 12V outlet.3. Switch on the RL100 by turning the Power On/VolumeControl Wheel located on left side of the unit. No power? See Troubleshooting Guide on page xx.4
Quick Start (using factory default settings)Once your K40 RL100 has been mounted and had the powerconnected, you may begin using immediately by followingthese steps:1. Switch on the RL100 –Turn the Power On/Volume Control Wheel on the side of the unit. 2. Wait for Test Scan to complete – The radar detectorwill announce(voice) and display(screen)  K40 SCAN thengo through a “wake up sequence”  lasting approximately 5 seconds.a. You will hear and see all bands tested. Adjust thevolume during this test.b. Upon completion of the sequence scan, the screenwill display HIGHWAY .3. Wait for GPS Connection – After searching for availablesatellites, the unit will announce “GPS Connected” thendisplay GPS   .4. You’re ready to drive! – The RL100 will now displayyour speed and direction of travel. For example, if you aredriving west at 57 mph the display will show _W  57_ .Please read the entire Owner’s Manual to fully understand all of the RL100’s operations and functions.5
Receiving Alerts The K40 RL100 provides a combination of audio and visualalerts to warn you when radar and laser signals are detected.  Radar Alert Sequence The RL100 detects X, K and KA-Band radar signals. When asignal is identified:•A voice alerts which band was detected. (This assumes thefactory default “Voice ON” setting has not been changed.) •A series of beeps indicates the strength of the signal. Eachband has its own distinctive beep. (Volume reduces automatically after 5 seconds.)•The display will provide you band and strength information. Radar Alert Examples: You are driving 45 mph and a low K-Band is detected.Visual Alert: K 2 45Audio Alert: Voice announces “K-Band” followed by slow beeps. As you approach the source, you slow to 40 mph and the signal becomes stronger:Visual Alert: K 8 40Audio Alert:  Beeping is faster due to stronger signal.Radar source strength: low medium strongDisplay reading: 123 456 789Audio alert beeps: slower faster6
Laser Alert SequenceWhen the RL100 detects a laser signal:•A voice alerts announces “Laser.” (This assumes the factorydefault “Voice ON” setting has not been changed.) •You then hear a distinctive audio tone. (Volume reducesautomatically after 5 seconds.)•Display indicates laser has been detected and reports your speed.•NOTE: Unlike radar, signal strength from laser remains constant.Laser Alert Example: You are driving 55 mph and laser is detected.Visual Alert:  LASER  55Audio Alert:   Voice announces “Laser” followed byunique tone. Alerts from non-police signals Your RL100 is sensitive enough to detect signals generatedby non-police equipment, such as bank security systems. Tolearn how to deal with these signals, please read about FILTERoptions (page xx) and the MARK Location function (page xx).7
Special Features/FunctionsMute SoundsUsing the MUTE button, the RL100 provides you two waysto mute audio alerts (both voice and tones) for either 15 seconds or 2 minutes: •OPTION 1:  Silence all audio after an alert has sounded.•OPTION 2:  Silence all audio for a preset time before anyalert occurs. (Example: You may mute soundsfor 2 minutes prior to making a phone call.)For either option, here’s how to mute your device: After pressing the MUTE button, the display will show Mute On_ and the voice will announce “Mute On.”NOTE: While this feature is engaged you will only receivenew alerts as visual indications on the display.Mark Location The “Mark” function conveniently allows you to store specificlocations and provide you two levels of alert:Level 1, MUTE — Mute a future alert from a locationknown to contain non-police signals, such as a bank that’sknown to transmit security signals that trigger your detector. Mute audio for Press and release 15 secondsor the MUTE buttonduration of the alertMute audio for Press and hold MUTE2 minutes or the button for 3 secondsduration of the alert8
•To activate, press and release MARK button when youare at the location. •Display shows Mute Loc and voice announces “LocationMuted”.•In the future, alerts will be muted within a 1500-foot radiusof the point marked.•Though muted, you will still receive full visual indication ofthe alert.Level 2, FULL ALERT — Provides you both audio and visualalerts for a specific location you’ve stored. (Examples:school zone, speed camera, red-light camera intersection).•To activate, press and release MARK button twice whenyou are at the location. •Display shows Alrt Loc and voice announces “Marked to Alert”•After marking the location, in the future the RL100 willalert you: To remove a previously marked location: Press and release MARK button while in that location.To remove all currently stored locations: Press and holdMARK button for 5 seconds at any time.When you arrive… You will hear a… …within 1500 foot radius of  ..."Bing Bong" tone and the the marked location display will show Alrt a marked location ...single “Bing” tone9
RL100 Radar and Laser DetectionReference Guide10Windshield Mounting Bracket(with suction cups) – For properinstallation, see page XX Power Cord – Plug into cigarette lighter or other 12v outletPower Input Jack – Insertsmall end of power cordhere Power On/Volume Control Wheel –Turn on the RL100 unit and adjustsvolume of voice/tonesMENU/DIM Button – Press and releaseto change display brightness from bright(factory default) to dim or dark, or pressand hold for 3 seconds to enter MENUmode (page XX )
11Alphanumeric Display – Pro-vides alert information as well asspeed, direction and setting status Speaker – Alerts delivered via voiceand tonesFILTER Button – Press and release toselect level of alert sensitivity (pageXX), or enter “Speed Monitor” func-tion by pressing and holding for 3seconds (page XX) MARK Button – Choose two levelsof alert at specific locations youidentify and “mark” (page XX)MUTE Button – Press and releasemutes audio alerts for 15 seconds, orpress and hold for 3 seconds to en-gage a 2-minute mute (page XX) To Set Preferences – Both MENU and MUTE buttons are used to change settings of programma-ble features (pages XX – XX).
Filter Operation (i.e. signal sensitivity)The Filter system on the RL100 offers you 3 levels of sensitivitysettings to accommodate various driving situations. To changethe level at any time, press and release FILTER button.Low Speed Mute The Low Speed Mute function automatically silences allradar and laser alerts when traveling under 27 mph.(Factory default setting for Low Speed Mute is “On.” To turn off and allow alerts at any speed, see page xx.)NOTE: Points of interest or other “Marked” locations you’vechosen (as described above) are not affected by the LowSpeed Mute function and will initiate alerts at any speed.Level / Mode Sensitivity Recommended Use1. Highway Detects all types of police For highway travel or in any(factory default radar or laser signals at full area in which you are un-setting) sensitivity. familiar with the types ofradar used.2. City The X-Band sensitivity is  When traveling in an urbanreduced. This is because it is area with minimal non-the most common source of police radar signals.non-police radar signals. K,KA and Laser remain at fullsensitivity.3. Filter Eliminates X-Band detection When traveling in a congest-completely. Reduces K and ed traffic area with a highKA Band sensitivity. Laser concentration of non-policedetection will remain at full radar signals.sensitivity.12
Speed MonitorThe Speed Monitor function alerts the driver when a pre-selected speed is exceeded. The Speed Monitor can be set to any speed between 40-100 mph in 5 mph increments. When the preset speed is exceeded: •The RL100 emits a “Slow Down” voice alert accompaniedby the visual display SlowDown.•The alerts will continue until the vehicle’s speed is reducedto below the Speed Monitor setting. The factory default setting for speed monitor is “Off.” To access and turn on this function:•Press and hold FILTER button for 3 seconds.•Press and release MUTE button to select the desiredmaximum speed for alerts.•5 seconds after your speed is selected, your setting will besaved, the voice will announce “Exit” and your display willreturn to the main screen.13
Menu / Customizable SettingsThe RL100 comes with factory default settings on certainfeatures that we’ve learned are desirable for the majority ofour customers. However, we provide you with the option ofchanging the settings based on your preferences. To access and change any of the 12 selectable preferences:•Press and hold MENU button for 3 seconds. The voicewill announce “Menu” and the display will read *MENU*.•Press and release MENU button to scroll through the preferences in the order listed on the following page.Continue until you reach the option to be changed.•To change setting, press and release MUTE button. Boththe display and voice will announce the change. •Press and release MENU to continue scrolling to anotherpreference.14
1 Voice Type Female Choose male or female voice for audio alerts.2 Audible Voice On For all initial audio alerts: “Voice On” usesvoice;  “Voice Off” uses tones only. 3 Test On Controls length of startup sequence afterpowering on unit. “Test On” is standard 5-second test. “Test Off” uses an abbreviatedsequence.4 Speed Displayed On “Speed On” displays current speed in mphwhen driving over 5 mph. “Speed Off”turns off this display.5 Compass Heading On Displays current compass heading whendriving over 5 mph.6 POP Radar Band Off Enables the detection of POP radar, a veryshort transmission signal that does nottransmit long enough to gather informationneeded to issue a speeding ticket. 7 Low Speed Mute On Audio alerts are automatically muted atspeeds below 27 mph. (read more onpage xx)8 X-Band On Enables the detection of X-Band radar.9 K-Band On Enables the detection of K-Band radar.10 KA- Band On Enables the detection of KA-Band radar.11 Laser On Enables the detection of laser.12 Factory Reset RESET! Returns the K40 to its original factory defaults for all settings. DefaultSettingMenu Options(in order displayed) DescriptionTo save your settings and exit:•Press and hold MENU button for 3 seconds. (or do nothing for 10 seconds)•The display will show EXIT and the voice will announce“Exit”.15
Troubleshooting GuideProblem Possible Cause SolutionPlug not inserted properly Reinsert plug and rotateDefect in power cord Replace fuse with 1 amp 250 Volt 3AG fuseLighter socket not clean or Consult your dealer or autonegatively grounded mechanicDefective fuse or electrical  Consult your dealer or autowiring for lighter socket mechanicPartially blocked antenna or Reposition the unit to ensurelens opening unobstructed view of the road aheadRadar/laser signals unable Determine if your vehicle hasto pass through windshield a heated windshield or is covered with a metallic sun-screen. Check your auto’s owner manual or consult with your dealer.High concentration of non- Use Filter Mode police X-band sources (see page xx)No visual display or audio (unit not receivingpower)Week or nodetectionrangeErratic orfrequent alertsIf you have any problems or questions, please call one of our experienced product consultants toll-free at 800.323.6768Warranty K40 Electronics offers a one-year “repair or replace” warrantyif your RL100 fails to work properly.  To ensure you are covered by our warranty please register your productonline today by visiting 16
Product subject to one or more of the following patents:Learn more at ©K40 Electronics17
FCC ID: W75-M1K-Y12This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules.Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference,and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.In addition, any changes or modifications to thisproduct, which are not expressly approved by K40Electronics in wiring, could void the user’s authorityto operate this product.
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