ATrack Technology ATVT1549 Vehicle telematics User Manual

ATrack Technology Inc. Vehicle telematics

User manual

        AX9 User Manual  Revision: 01 Revision Date: 2016/01/11           ATrack Technology Inc. 3F., No. 88, Sec. 1, Neihu Rd., Neihu Dist., Taipei City 11493, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Tel: +886-2-27975852 Fax: +886-2-27974030
        Confidential  Document  © ATrack Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved.                                                                            Page 2 of 27 Table of Contents 1. Notification .............................................................................................................................. 3 1.1. Disclaimer .................................................................................................................................... 3 1.2. Copyright ...................................................................................................................................... 3 1.3. Warning ........................................................................................................................................ 3 2. Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 4 3. Installation ............................................................................................................................... 5 3.1. Package Content ......................................................................................................................... 5 3.2. AX9 OBD-II Compliant ................................................................................................................. 5 4. Hardware Features ................................................................................................................. 6 4.1. OBD-II Protocol ............................................................................................................................ 6 4.2. Mini USB Port and Driver Installation........................................................................................... 6 4.3. Buzzer Operation ......................................................................................................................... 7 4.4. Power Supply ............................................................................................................................... 7 4.5. SIM Card Installation .................................................................................................................... 8 4.6. LED Indicators ............................................................................................................................. 9 5. Configuration ........................................................................................................................ 10 5.1. Connecting a Device Using HyperTerminal ............................................................................... 10 5.2. Connecting a Device Using AXTool ........................................................................................... 14 5.3. Firmware Upgrade ..................................................................................................................... 19 6. Bluetooth Applications ......................................................................................................... 20 6.1. Using an Android Mobile to Connect to your AX9 ...................................................................... 20 6.2. Using a PC to connect to your AX9 ........................................................................................... 21 6.3. Bluetooth Commands ................................................................................................................ 24 7. Appendix ................................................................................................................................ 25 7.1. FCC Regulations ........................................................................................................................ 25 7.2. Hardware Specification .............................................................................................................. 26
        Confidential  Document  © ATrack Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved.                                                                            Page 3 of 27 11..  NNoottiiffiiccaattiioonn  11..11..  DDiissccllaaiimmeerr  This document, and all other related products, including device, firmware, and software, are exclusively developed by ATrack Technology Inc. Due to the continuous developments and improvements of device functionalities, changes in the protocol, specification, and firmware functions are subjects to change without notice. ATrack Technology Inc. reserves the right to modify all documentations based on its own timelines. Document modification notices will be released to ATrack Technology Inc.’s customers upon completion.    ATrack Technology Inc. products are not intended to be used as life support or rescue equipments. ATrack Technology Inc. is not liable for any loss or injury caused by using or referencing to any of its products. Any possible means of using or integrating ATrack Technology Inc. products shall be avoided. 11..22..  CCooppyyrriigghhtt  ATrack Technology Inc. holds all parts of intellectual rights applicable in the copyright laws in all the countries. Any and all contents of this document shall not be exposed, delivered, and/or disclosed to non-authorized 3rd party without any form of approval and consent from ATrack Technology Inc. Any form of, including but not limited to, verbal, duplicate, or internet sharing, of releasing or exposing information to an unauthorized party shall be prohibited. ATrack Technology Inc. reserves the rights of litigation in the violation of copyright laws. 11..33..  WWaarrnniinngg  Connecting of the input wires can be hazardous to both the installer and your vehicle’s electrical system if not done by an inexperienced installer. This document assumes you are aware of the inherent dangers of working in and around a vehicle and have a working qualified understanding of electrical behaviors.
        Confidential  Document  © ATrack Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved.                                                                            Page 4 of 27 22..  IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn  Congratulations on your purchase of the ATrack AX9 GPS device, combining with the most comprehensive and  economical  vehicle  diagnostics  technology,  which  provides  real-time  engine  monitoring.  The  engine diagnostic data is collected through the vehicle's OBD-II communication port and is transmitted along with GPS data to the control center over a mobile network, for instance, GSM, GPRS, UMTS or CDMA. In this way, potential engine problems can be identified earlier before the vehicle breaks down at an inopportune time. Furthermore,  you  may  configure  other  advanced  driving  behavior  events  such  as  harsh  braking,  sudden acceleration, speeding, cornering, and much more in order to reduce the risks of vehicle damage and drive down the costs of fuel.   Depending on your needs, the AX9 will come with an embedded Bluetooth module (refer to Chapter 6 for more  information).  This  user  manual  is  intended  to  guide  you  through  the  installation  and  configuration process. It also highlights the hardware features and Bluetooth applications.                   The AX9 without Bluetooth module   The AX9 with Bluetooth module
        Confidential  Document  © ATrack Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved.                                                                            Page 5 of 27 33..  IInnssttaallllaattiioonn    33..11..  PPaacckkaaggee  CCoonntteenntt  When you open the package, verify that you received the following:     AX9 Device * 1   USB Cable * 1     33..22..  AAXX99  OOBBDD--IIII  CCoommpplliiaanntt  OBD-II is a set of standards and practices defined by SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) in the early 1990s. But some  automobile  manufactures  do  not  follow  it  completely.  Therefore,  ATrack  cannot  guarantee  each  vehicle’s OBD-II connected performance. For more information about the AX9 OBD-II compliance, please refer to the “ATrack AX Series OBD-II Compliant Guide” document for details.
        Confidential  Document  © ATrack Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved.                                                                            Page 6 of 27  44..  HHaarrddwwaarree  FFeeaattuurreess  44..11..  OOBBDD--IIII  PPrroottooccooll  There  are  five  signaling  protocols  that  are  permitted  with  the  OBD-II  interface.  Most  vehicles  have  been implemented with only one of the protocols. The AX9 features a superior protocol detection algorithm that ensures the device connects reliably even to vehicles that do not fully conform to the OBD‐II standards. The AX9 supports the following legislated OBD-II protocols:   J1850 PWM (Ford vehicles)   J1850 VPW (GM vehicles)   ISO9141-2 (Asian, European, Chrysler vehicles)   ISO 14230-4 KWP   ISO 15765-4 CAN (11/29 bit ID,250/500 Kbaud)  The AXTool provides the “OBD Live Data” viewer for showing OBD data in real time. Refer to Section 5.2 for details.  44..22..  MMiinnii  UUSSBB  PPoorrtt  aanndd  DDrriivveerr  IInnssttaallllaattiioonn  The Mini USB connection is used for the following purposes: configuring parameters and firmware upgrade. When the AX9 is connected to your laptop/PC via a Mini USB cable, the OBD-II and GSM/GPRS functions are switched off unless the main power is applied to the AX9 at the same time. The following figure shows the position of AX9’s USB port.     USB Port USB Port
        Confidential  Document  © ATrack Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved.                                                                            Page 7 of 27  Double click the USB driver VCP_V1.3.1_Setup/ VCP_V1.3.1_Setup_x64. Then, click the Finish button to complete the process.                      44..33..  BBuuzzzzeerr  OOppeerraattiioonn  The internal buzzer of the AX9 can be configured by any events or triggered by a remote server. Refer to the ATrack Protocol Document for details. When a device is configured and plugged into an OBD-II DLC connector, it performs some basic function tests. You can simply verify whether it is installed properly via buzzer indication. Please refer to the following table for details:    Buzzer Indication Description Beep 1 time Device Power ON Beep 2 times OBD Protocol Connected Beep 3 times GSM/GPRS Connected Beep 4 times GPS Fix  44..44..  PPoowweerr  SSuuppppllyy  The AX9 device is connected to the OBD-II SAE J1962 connector of a vehicle and draws power from the OBD port. No additional power cabling is required for the operation. If the OBD port of a vehicle is covered or you need to install AX9 in another place for better GPS reception, the optional low profile OBD-II extension cable is required.
        Confidential  Document  © ATrack Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved.                                                                            Page 8 of 27 44..55..  SSIIMM  CCaarrdd  IInnssttaallllaattiioonn    AX9 supports SIM cards with 1.8V (ISO/IEC 7816-3 class C) or 3V (ISO/IEC 7816-3 class B) operating voltages. To install s SIM, remove the crews, dust cap and the cover.    (1)           (2)            (3)           (4)
        Confidential  Document  © ATrack Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved.                                                                            Page 9 of 27 44..66..  LLEEDD  IInnddiiccaattoorrss             e following table describes the LED states: LED Indicators Color LED Status Description OBD Green Solid OFF Fast blinking   Blinking every 10 seconds OBD Protocol not found OBD-II data transmission. Deep sleep mode GPS Blue Solid OFF Blinking every 1 second Solid ON GPS power OFF GPS not fix GPS Location Fix GSM Red Solid OFF Blinking every 1 second Blinking every 2 second Blinking twice every 2 second GSM Power OFF GSM no signal GSM registered GPRS connected GPS GSM OBD
        Confidential  Document  © ATrack Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved.                                                                            Page 10 of 27 55..  CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn  You can explore many of AX9’s great features through AT commands. The commands can be sent to AX9 via USB, SMS or cellular network (e.g. GPRS/CDMA/UMTS). 55..11..  CCoonnnneeccttiinngg  aa  DDeevviiccee  UUssiinngg  HHyyppeerrTTeerrmmiinnaall  The following example shows how to connect the AX9 through Hyper Terminal. You may use other popular terminal emulators such as Putty or Tera Term Pro to establish a console session with the AX9.   (1)  Run HyperTerminal and select the correct COM port and click on the [Configure…] button.
        Confidential  Document  © ATrack Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved.                                                                            Page 11 of 27 (2) Port Settings should be as follows. Click on the [OK] button to close the Properties window.       (3) Click on [File][Properties]  Bits per second:   57600 Data Bits:      8 Parity:      None Stop Bits:      1 Flow Control:    None
        Confidential  Document  © ATrack Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved.                                                                            Page 12 of 27 (4) Click on the [Settings] tab and click on the [ASCII Setup…] button.   (5) Check the following options and click on the [OK] button.
        Confidential  Document  © ATrack Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved.                                                                            Page 13 of 27 (6) Power up the device and you can now begin to send AT commands to query the device. Please refer to the ATrack Protocol Document for details.
        Confidential  Document  © ATrack Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved.                                                                            Page 14 of 27  55..22..  CCoonnnneeccttiinngg  aa  DDeevviiccee  UUssiinngg  AAXXTTooooll  The AXTool is a simple configuration tool which is useful for users to configure the basic settings of the AX9. For advanced configurations, please refer to the ATrack Protocol Document for details.   General Setting [Device Password]: The device password is used for protecting device configurations. You can have the maximum of 6 characters. [SIM Card PIN Code]: Enter the PIN code of a SIM card if you a PIN code enabled. [Position Format]: Select position format for all reports. [Power Saving Mode]: Enable/Disable the power saving mode. When the power saving mode is enabled, the AX9 device will go into deep sleep mode after 1 minute of engine off.
        Confidential  Document  © ATrack Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved.                                                                            Page 15 of 27   Communication Setting [GPRS Enable]: Enable GPRS communication [Socket Type]: Select TCP or UDP for GPRS communication [APN]:  Access  Point  Name  for  GPRS  connection.  (Please  contact  your  cellular  network  carrier  for  the information) [Host IP]: Enter the IP address or domain name of host server [Host Port]: Enter Port number of the remote host server [User Name]: The GPRS user name. (Please contact your cellular network carrier for the information) [Password]: The GPRS password. (Please contact your cellular network carrier for the information)
        Confidential  Document  © ATrack Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved.                                                                            Page 16 of 27   Track Setting You may configure a tracking interval when the vehicle engine is ON. When [Time Mode] and [Distance Mode] are both selected, the tracking behavior will operate in AND condition.
        Confidential  Document  © ATrack Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved.                                                                            Page 17 of 27   OBD Live Data When the AX9 is connected to a vehicle’s OBD-II port, you will see the OBD live data such as VIN, Speed, RPM,  MAF  air  flow  rate,  Engine  Load,  Throttle  Position,  Engine  Temperature,  Fuel  Level,  MIL  Status, Odometer, Fuel Used, and Main Voltage.      System Setting The [System] setting will show the current connected device information. The [Reset/Action] function can be used to reset parameters or clear buffered messages of the device.
        Confidential  Document  © ATrack Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved.                                                                            Page 18 of 27  Uploading Setting To Device Once all the settings are entered, use the Blue Downward Arrow ( ) to upload the settings to the device. A popup window will show the progress. When it finishes, the popup window will close.
        Confidential  Document  © ATrack Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved.                                                                            Page 19 of 27  55..33..  FFiirrmmwwaarree  UUppggrraaddee  Open the AXTool program and click on [System] on the menu. Browse the firmware file which is provided by ATrack and click on the [Start] button.   When you see “Upgrade Successfully!!”, that means the device firmware is upgraded.
        Confidential  Document  © ATrack Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved.                                                                            Page 20 of 27 66..    BBlluueettooootthh  AApppplliiccaattiioonnss  In this  section, we will  walk  you  through on  how to  set up  a Bluetooth connection between  your  AX9  and your Android mobile/PC.    66..11..  UUssiinngg  aann  AAnnddrrooiidd  MMoobbiillee  ttoo  CCoonnnneecctt  ttoo  yyoouurr  AAXX99  For  this  demonstration  purpose,  we  will use the  "Bluetooth  SPP Pro"  app,  which can be  downloaded  from  this website address:   A 2-D barcode for your phone to scan and download from market:  After the installation, launch the app which scans for available Bluetooth devices. The AX9 device is listed on the list as shown below:           Tap on the area marked in red, then the device details are shown as below:   Tap on the Connect button.
        Confidential  Document  © ATrack Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved.                                                                            Page 21 of 27 Tap on CMD line mode.   The command prompt shows up:  After a successful connection, you can see a response message showing "Rxd>AX9 Bluetooth Connected". By default, there is no password. Therefore, the AT$BTEN command may be used to setup a password for a Bluetooth authentication. If a password is set, then a password prompt would be shown and you would need to type your password in order to communicate with the device.    66..22..  UUssiinngg  aa  PPCC  ttoo  ccoonnnneecctt  ttoo  yyoouurr  AAXX99  In this example, Windows 8 is used for this demonstration. The same principle can also be applied when installing a device on a Windows 7 platform. At first, you need to have Hyper-Terminal installed. Next, power up the AX9 device, and then on your PC, go to Control Panel -> Devices and Printers -> right click on a blank space and select Add devices and printers. Double click on AX9 SPP to install the device.
        Confidential  Document  © ATrack Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved.                                                                            Page 22 of 27  The device is being installed as shown below.     Under Devices and Printers, please right-click on AX9 SPP and select Properties.
        Confidential  Document  © ATrack Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved.                                                                            Page 23 of 27   Select Services in order to check which COM port the device is connected to. In this example, the device is connected via COM11.       Launch the Hyper-Terminal and select COM11. Please select  the following  settings during the  connection setup.
        Confidential  Document  © ATrack Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved.                                                                            Page 24 of 27   Once it is connected, there is a response message showing "AX9 Bluetooth Connected". You can issue some AT commands later on.     66..33..  BBlluueettooootthh  CCoommmmaannddss  AT$BTEN=<Mode>, <Password> <Mode>: 0 - SPP Profile (Default) <Password>: 4 characters password for connection authorization.  Example: Set "1234" for the Bluetooth connection password AT$BTEN=0,"1234"  After  connecting  to  the  AX9,  you  will  need  to  input  the  password  with  the  ending  characters <CR><LF> and send the password to the AX9 in order to establish the connection. This password sending  has  to  be  done  within  1  minute  after  a  successful  pairing.  A  failure  will  result  in disconnection and cause the pairing process to repeat again.
        Confidential  Document  © ATrack Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved.                                                                            Page 25 of 27 77..  AAppppeennddiixx  77..11..  FFCCCC  RReegguullaattiioonnss  This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  This device has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference  in  a  residential  installation.  This  equipment  generates,  uses  and  can  radiated  radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. -Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. -Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. -Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user‘s authority to operate the equipment.  Radiation Exposure Statement: This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator & your body. This equipment must not be co-located or operated in conjunction with any other antenna or radio transmitter.
        Confidential  Document  © ATrack Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved.                                                                            Page 26 of 27  77..22..  HHaarrddwwaarree  SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonn  Model Number AX9(GG) AX9(UA) AX9(UE) AX9(UG) AX9(CV) AX9(CS) Dimensions (L x W x H) 63 x 54 x 28 mm Weight 73 g Housing Flame Retardant PC(UL 94 V-0) Operating Temperature (w/o battery) -40°C ~ 85°C (-40°F ~ 185°F) Electrical Characteristics Power Supply 8V ~ 36V DC Current Consumption Operating : Max.140mA@12V, Deep Sleep Mode 1.9 mA@12V Cellular Network Communication Technology GPRS WCDMA/HSPA CDMA2000 1xRTT Frequency(MHz) 850/900 1800/1900 850/1900  900/2100 800/850 900/1700 1900/2100 800/1900 Carrier Support Worldwide USA/Canada EU/APAC Worldwide Verizon Sprint GSM/GPRS Quad-band 850/1900  900/1800 Quad-band N/A Cellular Antenna Internal Cellular antenna SIM Card 1.8V/3V Mini SIM(2FF) N/A GPS/GLONASS Receiver 56 Channels, --161dBM(GPS)/-158dBm(GLONASS) Tracking sensitivity   Accuracy 2.5 m CEP / 4.0 m CEP GPS Antenna Internal GPS active antenna GPS Data Buffer Capacity 8 MB Accelerometer 3-Axis Z,X,Y Resolution ±16g, 400Hz OBD-II Communication Connector Type  SAE J1962 Male Connector (Type B) ISO 15765-4 (CAN) Protocol Supported ISO 15765-4 (CAN), 11/29Bit ID, 250/500Kbaud ISO 14230-4 (KWP2000) ISO 9141-2 (Asian, European, Chrysler vehicles) SAE J1850 VPW (GM vehicles) SAE J1850 PWM (Ford vehicles) FMS / SAE J1939(Heavy-duty trucks) Device I/O Port Mini USB 1 (For I/O extension port)/ For device configuration Standard Accessories USB cable Length 1.2 m
        Confidential  Document  © ATrack Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved.                                                                            Page 27 of 27 Backup Battery Internal 3.7V    90mAh Rechargeable Lithium-ionBattery    Optional Accessories Bluetooth Module Bluetooth 3.0 EDR+ BLE 4.0 dual mode

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