Avaya 9641G IP Phone 9641G with integrated Bluetooth Transceiver User Manual

AVAYA IP Phone 9641G with integrated Bluetooth Transceiver

User Manual

1Avaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/29641G User Guide34516-6035946Issue 17May 20108Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PM
1© 2010 Avaya Inc.2All Rights Reserved.3Notice4While reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that the5information in this document is complete and accurate at the time of6printing, Avaya assumes no liability for any errors. Avaya reserves the7right to make changes and corrections to the information in this8document without the obligation to notify any person or organization of9such changes.10Note11Using a cell, mobile, or GSM phone, or a two-way radio in close12proximity to an Avaya IP telephone might cause interference.13Documentation disclaimer14Avaya shall not be responsible for any modifications, additions, or15deletions to the original published version of this documentation unless16such modifications, additions, or deletions were performed by Avaya.17End User agree to indemnify and hold harmless Avaya, Avaya's agents,18servants and employees against all claims, lawsuits, demands and19judgments arising out of, or in connection with, subsequent20modifications, additions or deletions to this documentation, to the21extent made by End User.22Link disclaimer23Avaya is not responsible for the contents or reliability of any linked Web24sites referenced within this site or documentation(s) provided by Avaya.25Avaya is not responsible for the accuracy of any information, statement26or content provided on these sites and does not necessarily endorse27the products, services, or information described or offered within them.28Avaya does not guarantee that these links will work all the time and has29no control over the availability of the linked pages.30Warranty31Avaya provides a limited warranty on this product. Refer to your sales32agreement to establish the terms of the limited warranty. In addition,33Avaya’s standard warranty language, as well as information regarding34support for this product, while under warranty, is available to Avaya35customers and other parties through the Avaya Support Web site: 36http://www.avaya.com/support. Please note that if you acquired the37product from an authorized Avaya reseller outside of the United States38and Canada, the warranty is provided to you by said Avaya reseller and39not by Avaya.40Licenses41THE SOFTWARE LICENSE TERMS AVAILABLE ON THE AVAYA42WEBSITE, HTTP://SUPPORT.AVAYA.COM/LICENSEINFO/ ARE43APPLICABLE TO ANYONE WHO DOWNLOADS, USES AND/OR44INSTALLS AVAYA SOFTWARE, PURCHASED FROM AVAYA INC.,45ANY AVAYA AFFILIATE, OR AN AUTHORIZED AVAYA RESELLER46(AS APPLICABLE) UNDER A COMMERCIAL AGREEMENT WITH47AVAYA OR AN AUTHORIZED AVAYA RESELLER. UNLESS48OTHERWISE AGREED TO BY AVAYA IN WRITING, AVAYA DOES49NOT EXTEND THIS LICENSE IF THE SOFTWARE WAS OBTAINED50FROM ANYONE OTHER THAN AVAYA, AN AVAYA AFFILIATE OR AN51AVAYA AUTHORIZED RESELLER, AND AVAYA RESERVES THE52RIGHT TO TAKE LEGAL ACTION AGAINST YOU AND ANYONE53ELSE USING OR SELLING THE SOFTWARE WITHOUT A LICENSE.54BY INSTALLING, DOWNLOADING OR USING THE SOFTWARE, OR55AUTHORIZING OTHERS TO DO SO, YOU, ON BEHALF OF56YOURSELF AND THE ENTITY FOR WHOM YOU ARE INSTALLING,57DOWNLOADING OR USING THE SOFTWARE (HEREINAFTER58REFERRED TO INTERCHANGEABLY AS “YOU” AND “END USER”),59AGREE TO THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND CREATE A60BINDING CONTRACT BETWEEN YOU AND AVAYA INC. OR THE61APPLICABLE AVAYA AFFILIATE (“AVAYA”).62Avaya grants End User a license within the scope of the license types63described below. The applicable number of licenses and units of64capacity for which the license is granted will be one (1), unless a65different number of licenses or units of capacity is specified in the66Documentation or other materials available to End User. “Designated67Processor” means a single stand-alone computing device. “Server”68means a Designated Processor that hosts a software application to be69accessed by multiple users. “Software” means the computer programs70in object code, originally licensed by Avaya and ultimately utilized by71End User, whether as stand-alone products or pre-installed on72Hardware. “Hardware” means the standard hardware originally sold by73Avaya and ultimately utilized by End User.74License types75Designated System(s) License (DS). End User may install and use76each copy of the Software on only one Designated Processor, unless77a different number of Designated Processors is indicated in the78Documentation or other materials available to End User. Avaya may79require the Designated Processor(s) to be identified by type, serial80number, feature key, location or other specific designation, or to be81provided by End User to Avaya through electronic means established82by Avaya specifically for this purpose.83Shrinkwrap License (SR). With respect to Software that contains84elements provided by third party suppliers, End User may install and85use the Software in accordance with the terms and conditions of the86applicable license agreements, such as “shrinkwrap” or “clickwrap”87license accompanying or applicable to the Software (“Shrinkwrap88License”). The text of the Shrinkwrap License will be available from89Avaya upon End User’s request (see “Third-party Components” for90more information).91Copyright92Except where expressly stated otherwise, no use should be made of93materials on this site, the Documentation(s) and Product(s) provided94by Avaya. All content on this site, the documentation(s) and the95product(s) provided by Avaya including the selection, arrangement and96design of the content is owned either by Avaya or its licensors and is97protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws including the98sui generis rights relating to the protection of databases. You may not99modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit or distribute100in any way any content, in whole or in part, including any code and101software. Unauthorized reproduction, transmission, dissemination,102storage, and or use without the express written consent of Avaya can103be a criminal, as well as a civil, offense under the applicable law.104Third-party components105Certain software programs or portions thereof included in the Product106may contain software distributed under third party agreements (“Third107Party Components”), which may contain terms that expand or limit108rights to use certain portions of the Product (“Third Party Terms”).109Information regarding distributed Linux OS source code (for those110Products that have distributed the Linux OS source code), and111identifying the copyright holders of the Third Party Components and the112Third Party Terms that apply to them is available on the Avaya Support113Web site: http://www.avaya.com/support/Copyright/.114Preventing toll fraud115“Toll fraud” is the unauthorized use of your telecommunications system116by an unauthorized party (for example, a person who is not a corporate117employee, agent, subcontractor, or is not working on your company's118behalf). Be aware that there can be a risk of toll fraud associated with119your system and that, if toll fraud occurs, it can result in substantial120additional charges for your telecommunications services.121Avaya fraud intervention122If you suspect that you are being victimized by toll fraud and you need123technical assistance or support, call Technical Service Center Toll124Fraud Intervention Hotline at +1-800-643-2353 for the United States125and Canada. For additional support telephone numbers, see the Avaya126Support Web site: http://www.avaya.com/support/. Suspected security127vulnerabilities with Avaya products should be reported to Avaya by128sending mail to: securityalerts@avaya.com.129Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PM2     Avaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010
Trademarks1All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.2Downloading documents3For the most current versions of documentation, see the Avaya Support4Web site: http://www.avaya.com/support5Contact Avaya Support6Avaya provides a telephone number for you to use to report problems7or to ask questions about your product. The support telephone number8is 1-800-242-2121 in the United States. For additional support9telephone numbers, see the Avaya Web site: http://www.avaya.com/10support11Power over Ethernet (PoE) warning12This equipment must be connected to PoE networks without routing to13the outside plant.14 1516 17Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PMAvaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010     3
Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PM4     Avaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010
ContentsChapter 1: Introduction to the 9621G/9641G Deskphone......................................................91Overview...........................................................................................................................................................92Scrolling and Navigation..................................................................................................................................113About Icons.....................................................................................................................................................124Administrative messages................................................................................................................................175Adjustable stand and display screen...............................................................................................................176Using the On-screen Keyboard.......................................................................................................................187Cleaning the screen........................................................................................................................................198Chapter 2: The Home Screen.................................................................................................219Options and Settings.......................................................................................................................................2110Setting Go To Phone Screen on Calling.................................................................................................2311Setting Go To Phone Screen on Ringing................................................................................................2312Setting Go To Phone Screen on Answer................................................................................................2413Setting dialing options............................................................................................................................2414Changing the voice dialing setting..........................................................................................................2515Changing the voice dialing language......................................................................................................2516Setting redial options..............................................................................................................................2517Configuring call timers............................................................................................................................2618Configuring visual alerts.........................................................................................................................2619Setting the audio path.............................................................................................................................2720Setting contact names to display during calls.........................................................................................2721Adjusting the display brightness or contrast...........................................................................................2822Turning button click sounds on and off...................................................................................................2823Setting the Home screen to display when the phone is idle...................................................................2924Turning error tones on or off...................................................................................................................2925Turning large text on or off......................................................................................................................3026Choosing your ring tone.........................................................................................................................3027Changing the display language..............................................................................................................3028Setting the Quick Touch panel................................................................................................................3129Personalizing button labels.....................................................................................................................3130Backing up and restoring your data files................................................................................................3231Browser...........................................................................................................................................................3332Chapter 3: About Features.....................................................................................................3533Accessing the Features menu.........................................................................................................................3534Feature Table..................................................................................................................................................3535Calling a person from the directory.................................................................................................................3736Configuring simultaneous ringing for multiple telephones (EC500)................................................................3737Chapter 4: Answering a call...................................................................................................3938Chapter 5: Making a call.........................................................................................................4139Making an emergency call..............................................................................................................................4140Clearing a number...........................................................................................................................................4141Redialing a number.........................................................................................................................................4242Using voice dialing..........................................................................................................................................4243Making a call using edit dialing.......................................................................................................................4344Calling a person from the contacts list............................................................................................................4345Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PMAvaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010     5
Calling a person from call history....................................................................................................................441Making a call using a “click to dial” link...........................................................................................................442Chapter 6: Standard Call-Related Features..........................................................................453Muting a call....................................................................................................................................................454Putting a call on hold.......................................................................................................................................455Transferring a Call...........................................................................................................................................466Conference calls.............................................................................................................................................467Setting up a conference call...................................................................................................................468Adding a person on hold to a conference call........................................................................................479Putting a conference call on hold...........................................................................................................4710Muting a person on a conference call.....................................................................................................4711Dropping a person from a conference call..............................................................................................4812Forwarding calls..............................................................................................................................................4813Send All Calls.........................................................................................................................................4814Forwarding calls.....................................................................................................................................4915Chapter 7: Bridged call appearances....................................................................................5116Answering a call on a bridged line..................................................................................................................5117Joining a call on a bridged line........................................................................................................................5118Making an outgoing call on a bridged line.......................................................................................................5119Chapter 8: Contacts................................................................................................................5320Searching for a contact...................................................................................................................................5321Viewing contact details....................................................................................................................................5422Adding a new contact......................................................................................................................................5423Editing a contact..............................................................................................................................................5524Setting up Favorite contacts............................................................................................................................5625Changing the Primary Contact Number..........................................................................................................5626Deleting a contact...........................................................................................................................................5727Chapter 9: Call History............................................................................................................5928Viewing call history..........................................................................................................................................5929Viewing call history details..............................................................................................................................5930Adding an entry from the Call History to your contacts list..............................................................................6031Removing an entry from call history................................................................................................................6032Clearing all call history entries........................................................................................................................6033Turning off call history.....................................................................................................................................6134Chapter 10: Using USB Flash Drives with your phone........................................................6335Adding contacts from an external file to your contacts list..............................................................................6336Replacing your contacts list with an external file.............................................................................................6437Copying your contacts list to a USB flash drive..............................................................................................6538Temporarily using a USB contacts list.............................................................................................................6539Using pictures from your USB device as a screensaver.................................................................................6640Chapter 11: Getting your messages......................................................................................6741Logging into your voice mail............................................................................................................................6742Chapter 12: About Logging In to and Out of Your Telephone.............................................6943Logging in to your telephone extension..........................................................................................................6944Logging out of your telephone extension........................................................................................................7045Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PM6     Avaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010
Logging in as a guest user..............................................................................................................................701Chapter 13: Avaya Home Screen Applications.....................................................................712Adding World Clock locations..........................................................................................................................713Viewing World Clock details............................................................................................................................724Using the Weather application........................................................................................................................735Using the Calculator........................................................................................................................................746Chapter 14: Setting up a Bluetooth® headset.......................................................................777Pairing a Bluetooth® headset with your phone...............................................................................................778Operating a Bluetooth® headset.....................................................................................................................789Index.........................................................................................................................................8110Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PMAvaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010     7
Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PM8     Avaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010
1Chapter 1:  Introduction to the 9621G/9641G2Deskphone3Your deskphone provides many features, including a touch-based Phone screen to view and4manage your calls, a menu of options and settings, a calculator, Web applications like Weather5and a World Clock, and access to your voicemail. The 9621G and 9641G Deskphones provide6this information in color.7The "G" designation in 9621G9641G means this deskphone model has a built-in Gigabit8Ethernet adapter which speeds data transmission. The 9621G Deskphone has a smaller9display area than the 9641G Deskphone and does not have a USB or Bluetooth interface.10Unless specifically stated elsewhere in this guide, the two models are essentially the same in11terms of features and functionality.12Not all functions and features described in this user guide may be available on your deskphone.13If you find that a function or feature is not available, please contact your system administrator.14Overview15 16Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PMAvaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010     9
1 2The following table provides button/feature descriptions for the 9621G/9641G deskphone.3Name DescriptionUSB Port Insert a USB device (also called a memory stick, thumb drive, or flashdrive) to transfer contacts between your phone and an external datasource; see Using USB Flash Drives with your phone on page 63 formore information. You can also recharge some battery-powereddevices by using a USB cable to connect the device to yourdeskphone's USB port. Note: the 9621G does not have a USB port.Message WaitingIndicatorAn illuminated red light in the upper-right corner of your phoneindicates you have voicemail messages waiting. If visual alerting isenabled, this light flashes when you receive an incoming call.Missed CallIndicatorThe icon on the Call Log button is illuminated when you have missedcalls. The top line shows the Missed Call icon and the number of callsmissed.Prompt Line View the prompt line to see helpful information, such as the expectedaction to take on a screen.Introduction to the 9621G/9641G DeskphoneAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PM10     Avaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010
Name DescriptionCall Appearances The number of lines available on touchscreen deskphones depend onhow the Quick Touch panel is administered (see Setting the QuickTouch panel on page 31. Touch the line to initiate or answer a call.Line Buttons On touchscreen deskphones, call-related icons at the beginning of theline show which lines are in use or available for calls. Touch the lineto select it. Line buttons also indicate if a feature is enabled or disabledin the Feature view.Softkeys Use the softkeys to act on objects displayed on the screen. The softkeylabels show you the action that each key produces.Message Press the Message button to connect directly to your voicemailsystem.Navigation Arrows Touch the right-facing arrow at the upper right of a screen or to theright of a list item to move to the next or a related screen.Phone Press Phone to view and manage your calls.Contacts Press Contacts to view the entries in your Contacts list.Call Log Press Call Log to view the history of your outgoing, incoming, andmissed calls.Home Press Home to configure options and settings, log out, access yourfavorite contacts, view network information, and access the calculator,World Clock, and Weather applications (if available).Volume Press Volume to adjust the volume of the handset, headset, speaker,and ringer.Headset Press Headset to use the headset if it is connected. Only HIS headsetcords are compatible with your phone.Mute Press Mute to mute a call in progress. To take a call off mute, pressMute again.Speaker Press Speaker to use the speakerphone. To take a call offspeakerphone, lift the handset.Forward Press Forward to display the Forwarding menu.Scrolling and Navigation1Use the onscreen up and down arrow buttons on the right middle of the screen to scroll up or2down through a list. Touch and hold the appropriate scroll button to scroll a page at a time in3the designated direction or to activate scrolling “auto repeat.”4To switch between call appearances and features, use the Features button or Calls button in5the upper right of the Phone screen to switch between call appearances and features. Touch6Scrolling and NavigationAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PMAvaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010     11
Features to move from the Phone screen to the Features list, or touch Calls to move from the1Features list to the Phone screen.2When a list item has a “Details” button (a blue right-facing arrow), touching it shows more3information about the item. For example, touching the arrow to the right of a contact name4produces a detail screen showing all the numbers on file for that person.5You act on objects such as a line or softkey by touching them or by touching the on-screen6softkey labels. Softkey labels change according to the context. For example, touch a contact7to place a call to that person, touch a line on the Phone screen to answer an incoming call,8to go off hook to place a call, or to resume a call on hold.9About Icons10The icons in the following table indicate the state of a call, navigation choices, Call History11types, Contact phone types, feature status, or the status of an attached or paired device.12Depending on their purpose, some icons appear on the top line, for example, to notify you13that a headset is active or that you have missed calls in the Call History. Other icons display14on call appearance lines to show call states. Icons also appear on application screens like the15Contacts list, Call History, or World Clock and Weather. Home screen icons are touch-based16to let you initiate actions like changing telephone settings, accessing the Web browser, or17accessing Avaya applications like the Calculator, World Clock, and Weather. Your administrator18might make other, optional Home screen icons available to you that do not appear in this table.19Such icons represent optional applications for which your administrator can provide20information.21Icon DescriptionIncoming call is ringing.This call appearance line is not currently in use.Call is active.You placed this call on hold.Your calls are being forwarded.A bridged call appearance is in use.EC500 is on.Introduction to the 9621G/9641G DeskphoneAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PM12     Avaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010
Icon DescriptionA conference call is active.You placed a conference call on hold.Speakerphone volume is being adjusted.Headset volume is being adjusted.Details button. Touch to display more information abouta line item or to access related information screens.Unnamed registration in effect.The call in progress is muted.The ringer volume is off due to pressing - on the Volumebutton until the volume turns off. To reinstate volume,press + on the Volume button.Your administrator may place this icon on one of yoursoftkeys as an energy-saving measure, or it appears onthe Settings menu. Pressing this softkey turns thedisplay backlight off. When the backlight is off, anyactivity on your telephone turns it back on.Indicates that your phone is in an “UnnamedRegistration” state, caused by not entering an extensionwithin 60 seconds of being prompted for one or notentering a password. In this situation, your phone mayregister with its call server but will show only one callappearance, no features, and will allow only outgoingcalls. To switch from the unnamed registration state,login with a valid extension and password.Team icon indicating this team member is available.Your system administrator sets up teams as applicable.Team icon indicating this team member is having callsforwarded.Team icon indicating this team member is busy on a calland not available.About IconsAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PMAvaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010     13
Icon DescriptionTeam icon indicating this team member is busy and isforwarding all calls.Team busy and ring icon.Team busy and ring (more) icon.Team icon indicating a team member is calling.Home screen icon that designates the general phonenumber for a favorite Contact. See Setting up favoritesfor more information.Home screen icon that designates the home phonenumber for a favorite Contact. See Setting up favoritesfor more information.Home screen icon that designates the work phonenumber for a favorite Contact. See Setting up favoritesfor more information.Home screen icon that designates the mobile phonenumber for a favorite Contact. See Setting up favoritesfor more information.Call History — all calls.Call History Missed call.Call History Outgoing call.Call History Answered call.Contact — General telephone number.Introduction to the 9621G/9641G DeskphoneAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PM14     Avaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010
Icon DescriptionContact — Home telephone number.Contact — Mobile Telephone number.Contact — Work telephone number.Contact — Favorite.Feature is on.Feature is off.Phone is paired with and able to communicate with aBluetooth® headset.Access the Home screen WML Browser application (ifavailable).Access the Home screen (telephone) Settings menu.Access the Home screen Calculator application.Access the Home screen World Clock application.Access the Home screen Weather application.About IconsAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PMAvaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010     15
Icon DescriptionWeather is clear/fair.Weather is partly cloudy.Weather is cloudy.Weather is a light rain.Weather is rainy.Weather is snowy.Weather is icy.Weather is thunderstorms.Weather is windy.Weather is severe storms.See more Home screen icons.See previous “page” of Home screen icons.Access the Main Menu Clean Screen option.Access the Main Menu Guest Login option.Access the Main Menu Log out option.Introduction to the 9621G/9641G DeskphoneAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PM16     Avaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010
Icon DescriptionAccess the Main Menu Network info options.Access the Options & Settings Screen and SoundsOptions menu.Access the Options & Settings Call Settings menu.Access the Options & Settings Application Settingsmenu.Access the Options & Settings Advanced Settingsmenu.Administrative messages1Your administrator can send important messages directly to your telephone, for example,2notification of an early office closing due to inclement weather or information about an imminent3service interruption.4These types of messages can take any of the following forms:5• a text message streaming across the top display line, accompanied by an audible alert,6• an audio message broadcasting through the Speaker (or the headset if that device is7active),8• an “interrupt” screen notifying you that you are receiving an audio alert, with instructions9for canceling the message or resuming your previous activity, such as continuing a call.10While receiving an audio message, you can switch between the Speaker, handset, and headset11as desired, can terminate the pushed audio content by “going on-hook,” and can adjust the12volume, as you normally would during a call.13Adjustable stand and display screen14You can adjust the display screen to different angles. To move the display screen, gently pull15from the top of the display screen towards you. As you pull the screen towards you, you will16hear a clicking sound. Each of these clicks is a locking position for the display screen. Gently17pull the display screen all the way towards you and push to return it to its original flat position.18Administrative messagesAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PMAvaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010     17
Using the On-screen Keyboard1An on-screen keyboard appears when you add or edit a contact name or number, or when you2personalize labels for your call appearances or features. You can switch between alphabetic3and numeric keyboards, and you can use the keyboard to enter symbols and accented letters.4Use the diagrams that follow to add or change names, telephone numbers, or labels. Touching5and holding the Backspace or cursor right/left buttons down produces an “automatic repeat”6action that stops when you lift your finger or stylus. Remember to touch the “Done” check mark7when you finish editing. Use the “Cancel” X to discard any edits and return to the previous8screen, retaining the original information.9Figure 1: Text Entry Keyboard1011Figure 2: Numeric Entry Keyboard1213Introduction to the 9621G/9641G DeskphoneAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PM18     Avaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010
Cleaning the screen1Clean the touch screen periodically to remove fingerprints and other marks by using a soft,2slightly damp, lint-free cloth. From the Home screen, select Settings, then Touch Screen3Cleaning to disable the touch screen so that you can clean it without initiating an action or4application. Follow the instructions that display and press any phone button like Contacts or5Home when you are done.6 Warning:7Use plain water or a cleaner specifically designed for LCD, computer, or touch screens only.8Do not use harsh chemicals, window cleaner, abrasives, aerosol sprays, ammonia, or solvents9to clean the touch screen. Do not get moisture into openings.10Cleaning the screenAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PMAvaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010     19
Introduction to the 9621G/9641G DeskphoneAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PM20     Avaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010
1Chapter 2:  The Home Screen2Press the Home button under the display to access the Home screen. The Home screen has3icons that let you access your telephone's options and settings to adjust or customize them,4access Web-based applications to get information about the time and weather in different parts5of the world, display a calculator, view your phone and network settings, use Favorite speed6dial buttons, and log out. The exact content of your Home screen depends on how your7administrator has set up your system but it normally includes the following standard Avaya8features:9• Settings displays a menu that lets you change your call settings, the language in which10information displays on the screen, the way your screen looks and sounds, pair your11phone with a Bluetooth headset, log into a phone as a guest, clean your screen, log your12phone out, and more.13• World Clock shows the time and weather in different parts of the world.14• Weather shows the current weather conditions in an area you choose and a short-term15weather forecast.16• Calculator provides a simple, four-function calculator.17• My Pictures lets you use pictures from a USB device as your telephone screensaver.18You can also use Contacts to put speed dial icons for up to eight Favorite numbers on your19Home screen. Your administrator may make other Web-based applications available to you,20for example, a corporate directory or support page. To invoke any application you see on the21Home screen, touch its icon. If you have designated more than eight Favorites, or your22administrator has enabled more than eight total WML and Avaya-provided applications, you23have a second page for your Home screen. Touch the scroll bar on the right side of the Home24screen to view the next page.25 Note:26The Settings options that appear depend on how your extension was administered. Some27options described in this guide may not be available to you.28Options and Settings29The Settings menu contains choices for:30• Options & Settings31• Bluetooth Setup32Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PMAvaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010     21
• Network Information1• Guest Login2• Log Out3• LightOff4• Touch Screen Cleaning5• About Avaya one-X6The Options & Settings menu provides access to:7• Call Settings, including choices for automatically displaying the Phone screen when you8get an incoming call or when you place a call, turning call timers on or off, controlling how9Redial works, turning Visual Alerting on or off, and more.10• Application Settings, including choices for personalizing button labels, for turning call11logging on or off, and for including bridged calls in your call log12• Screen & Sound Options, including choices for adjusting the brightness of your phone13display or an attached button module, changing the contrast on an attached button14module, changing the ring pattern, selecting a different display language, showing the15quick touch panel, and setting button clicks and tones.16• Advanced Options, including choices for backing up and restoring your settings, options,17and button labels. You can also set Automatic Gain Control (AGC) for your headset,18handset, and/or speaker audio.19• VPN Settings, if your deskphone is part of a Virtual Private Network and if you have20authorization to view or change associated settings. If you are an authorized VPN user,21see the VPN Setup Guide for 9600 Series IP Telephones (Document Number 16–22602968) for information.23Bluetooth Setup lets you pair a Bluetooth—capable wireless headset with your phone, so you24are not tied to your desk during calls. Bluetooth setup is not applicable to the 9621G deskphone25model.26Network Information shows summaries of network-related parameters for your phone, often27used in troubleshooting with your administrator. For more information, see Viewing Network28Information.29Guest Login lets you log in to another 9621G or 9641G phone and access your own phone's30features and functionality.31Log out is used when you want to sign off the phone, to protect your settings or to allow another32user to log in to your phone. Logging out prevents unauthorized use of your phone. Log out33does not display unless your phone (and any associated button module) is in an idle state.34LightOff has a corresponding Light Off icon, which you can touch to temporarily turn off the35display (and any attached button module) to save energy until you next use the phone. For36example, if you touch the LightOff icon, the display screen appears to be off, but if you get an37incoming call, press one of the hard buttons on the phone, or pick up the handset to make a38call, the display is restored to its normal brightness level.39The Home ScreenAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PM22     Avaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010
Touch Screen Cleaning disables the display so you can remove fingerprints or other marks1from the touch screen.2About Avaya one-X provides the release number of your telephone software.3Setting Go To Phone Screen on Calling4Set Go to Phone Screen on Calling to Yes, to automatically display the Phone screen when5you make a call.671. Press Home.82. Touch Settings.93. Touch Options & Settings.104. Touch Call Settings.115. On the Call Settings menu, touch Go To Phone Screen on Calling to change it from12Yes to No or No to Yes.136. Touch Save to save the setting or Cancel to return to the menu without saving.1415Setting Go To Phone Screen on Ringing16Set Go To Phone Screen on Ringing to Yes to automatically display the Phone screen when17you get an incoming call.18191. Press Home.202. Touch Settings.213. Touch Options & Settings.224. Touch Call Settings.235. On the Call Settings menu, touch the Go to Phone Screen on Ringing setting to24change it from Yes to No or No to Yes.256. Touch Save to save the setting or Cancel to return to the menu without saving.2627Options and SettingsAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PMAvaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010     23
Setting Go To Phone Screen on Answer1Set the Go To Phone Screen on Answer option to Yes to automatically display the Phone screen2when you answer a call.341. Press Home.52. Touch Settings.63. Touch Options & Settings.74. Touch Call Settings.85. On the Call Settings menu, touch the Go to Phone Screen on Answer setting to9change it from Yes to No or No to Yes.106. Touch Save to save the setting or Cancel to return to the menu without saving.1112Setting dialing options13Your phone has two dialing options. You can dial as you normally would, for example, pick up14the handset, get a dial tone, and dial the number you want (on-hook dialing). Or, you can set15"edit dialing" which mimics how you dial a call on a cell phone - you can enter all or part of the16number, backspace to correct a digit if needed, and when ready, initiate the dialing process17using a softkey.18 Note:19Edit dialing may not be available to you, depending on how your system is administered.20211. Press Home.222. Touch Settings.233. Touch Options & Settings.244. On the Call Settings menu, touch Edit Dialing to change it from On (Enabled) to Off25(Disabled) or Off to On.265. Touch Save to save the setting or Cancel to return to the menu without saving.2728The Home ScreenAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PM24     Avaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010
Changing the voice dialing setting121. Press Home.32. Touch Settings.43. Touch Options & Settings.54. On the Call Settings menu, touch Voice Dialing to change it from On to Off or Off to6On.75. Touch Save to save the setting or Cancel to return to the menu without saving.89Changing the voice dialing language10111. Press Home.122. Touch Settings.133. Touch Options & Settings.144. On the Call Settings menu, touch Voice Dialing Language.155. Touch the line with the language you want voice dialing to recognize.166. Touch Yes to confirm the selected language.177. Touch Save to save the setting or Cancel to return to the menu without saving.1819Setting redial options20You can set Redial to dial the last number you dialed or to display a list of the last numbers21you dialed.22231. Press Home.242. Touch Settings.253. Touch Options & Settings.26Options and SettingsAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PMAvaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010     25
4. On the Call Settings menu, touch Redial to change it from List (the last four, five, or1six numbers display when you touch Redial, depending on your deskphone model)2to One Number (touching Redial dials the last number called) or One Number to List.35. Touch Save to save the setting or Cancel to return to the menu without saving.45Configuring call timers6You can set your call settings to display the duration of calls. You can turn the call timer display7on or off.891. Press Home.102. Touch Settings.113. Touch Options & Settings.124. On the Call Settings menu, touch Display Call Timers to change it from On to Off or13Off to On.145. Touch Save to save the setting or Cancel to return to the menu without saving.1516Configuring visual alerts17When the Visual Alerting option is turned on, incoming calls cause the LED in the top right18corner of the phone to flash. You can turn Visual Alerting on or off.19201. Press Home.212. Touch Settings.223. Touch Options & Settings.234. On the Call Settings menu, touch Visual Alerting to change it from Off to On or On24to Off.255. Touch Save to save the setting or Cancel to return to the menu without saving.2627The Home ScreenAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PM26     Avaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010
Setting the audio path1You can set your phone to go off-hook on the Speaker or the Headset when you make an on-2hook call.3This setting also determines whether the Voice Dialing feature gets its input from the Speaker4or the Headset.561. Press Home.72. Touch Settings.83. Touch Options & Settings.94. Touch Call Settings.105. On the Call Settings menu, touch Audio Path.116. Touch the setting to toggle between the available choices.12For example, if the current setting is “Handset” touching that line changes that13setting to “Headset”. Touching the setting again changes it to “Speaker” and so on.14 Note:15If the audio path is set to Headset and your headset uses switchhook control16(typically true for wireless headsets), the Voice Dialing feature cannot receive17input from the headset.187. Touch Save to save the setting or Cancel to return to the menu without saving.1920Setting contact names to display during calls21You can set your phone to use names from your Contacts list when the calling or called party22number matches a number on your Contacts list.23241. Press Home.252. Touch Settings.263. Touch Options & Settings.274. Touch Call Settings.28Options and SettingsAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PMAvaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010     27
5. On the Call Settings menu, touch Pair Contacts to Calls to change it from Yes to No1or No to Yes.26. Touch Save to save the setting or Cancel to return to the menu without saving.34Adjusting the display brightness or contrast5These settings adjust the brightness of either the deskphone or an attached Button Module,6or the contrast of an attached button module. You cannot adjust a deskphone's color display7contrast.8 Note:9The 9621 IP Deskphone does not support button modules, therefore only brightness10adjustment applies to that model.11121. Press Home.132. Touch Settings.143. Touch Options & Settings.154. Touch Screen & Sound Options.165. On the Screen & Sounds menu, touch Brightness or Contrast.176. Touch either Phone Screen or Module, depending on which item's brightness or18contrast you want to adjust.19 Note:20Contrast adjustment applies only to an attached button module and not to the21color display screen itself.227. Touch either end of the bar indicator to adjust the brightness or contrast, depending23on which attribute you are adjusting.248. Touch Save to save the setting or Cancel to return to the menu without saving.2526Turning button click sounds on and off27281. Press Home.292. Touch Settings.303. Touch Screen and Sound Options.31The Home ScreenAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PM28     Avaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010
4. Touch Button Clicks to change it from On to Off or Off to On.15. Touch Save to save the setting or Cancel to return to the menu without saving.23Setting the Home screen to display when the phone is idle4By default, your phone automatically displays the Home screen when there is no input or other5activity for a specified time period. Set the Return to Home Screen option to No to display the6screen saver instead of the Home screen upon timeout. The timeout duration is set by your7administrator or, if not set, defaults to 10 minutes of inactivity.891. Press Home.102. Touch Settings.113. Touch Options & Settings.124. Touch Screen & Sound Options.135. On the Screen & Sounds menu, touch the Return to Home Screen setting to change14it from Yes (the default) to No, or No to Yes.156. Touch Save to save the setting or Cancel to return to the menu without saving.1617Turning error tones on or off18If the Error Tones option is On, your telephone produces audible feedback when you press a19button that isn't valid or try to exceed the size of a text field. If you do not want to hear error20beeps, set your error tone to Off.21221. Press Home.232. Touch Settings.243. Touch Screen and Sound Options.254. On the Screen and Sounds menu, touch Error Tones to change it from On to Off or26Off to On.275. Touch Save to save the setting or Cancel to return to the menu without saving.2829Options and SettingsAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PMAvaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010     29
Turning large text on or off121. Press Home.32. Touch Settings.43. Touch Screen and Sound Options.54. Touch Text Size to change it from Off to On or On to Off.65. Touch Save to save the setting or Cancel to return to the menu without saving.78Choosing your ring tone9You can choose your ring tone from two different sets of sounds. Classic ring tones are simple10synthesized sounds. Rich ring tones are richer, more complex sounds. A check mark indicates11which ring tone is currently selected.12131. Press Home.142. Touch Settings.153. Touch Options & Settings.164. Touch Screen and Sound Options.175. On the Screen and Sounds menu, touch Personalized Ringing.186. If you see a Scroll Bar, scroll to see the full list of ring tone options. To switch between19the two sets of ring tones, touch Classic Tones or Rich Tones. Otherwise skip this20step and proceed to the next step.217. Touch the ring tone to which you want to change.228. Touch Save to save the setting or Cancel to return to the menu without saving.2324Changing the display language25261. Press Home.272. Touch Settings.28The Home ScreenAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PM30     Avaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010
3. Touch Options & Settings.14. Touch Screen and Sound Options.25. On the Screen and Sounds menu, touch Language.36. Touch the language to which you want to change.47. Touch Yes to confirm the selected language or Cancel to return to the menu without5changing the language.67Setting the Quick Touch panel8When you use the Quick Touch panel, the Phone screen provides access to more of your9features or speed dial buttons at a glance. You can set the Quick Touch Panel to display one10(the default) or two lines, or set it not to display at all. Note that displaying the Quick Touch11panel limits your call appearances display to three lines at a time.12131. Press Home.142. Touch Settings.153. Touch Screen and Sound Options.164. On the Screen and Sounds menu, touch the Show Quick Touch Panel setting to17change it from 1 Line to 2 Lines, from 2 Lines to No, or from No to 1 Line.185. Touch Save to save the setting or Cancel to return to the menu without saving.1920Personalizing button labels21You can change the labels that are displayed for your extensions, features, and speed dial22buttons. For example, you can change the label for your extension to "My Line." If you have a23button module attached to your deskphone, you can change any of those labels as well; for24example, you can change a Help Desk extension to read “Help Desk.”25261. Edit the label using up to 13 characters.27Press More then Clear to clear all text fields and start over.282. Press Home.29 Note:30To edit a label on an attached Avaya BM12 Button Module, press the Edit button31on the module instead and proceed to Step 7.32Options and SettingsAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PMAvaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010     31
3. Touch Settings.14. Touch Options & Settings.25. Touch Application Settings.36. On the Application Settings menu, touch Personalize Labels.47. Touch either Extensions... or Feature labels..., depending on which type of label you5want to personalize.68. Touch the label you want to edit.79. Use the Edit keyboard to type the new label. For information about using the8keyboard, see Using the On-screen Keyboard on page 18.910. Touch the checkmark to save the new label or Cancel to return to the menu without10saving.1111. You can revert back to the default button labels by pressing Home, then touching12Settings > Application Settings > Restore Default Button Labels.1314Backing up and restoring your data files15In addition to the automatic backups of telephone information whenever you change or update16options and settings, and depending on how your system is administered, you can initiate a17manual backup of your data files. Data files are personal settings like contacts, favorites,18personalized labels for your phone and any applicable button modules, call history, ring tones,19and any other options and settings you may have set using the Home screen. Likewise, if20administered, you can restore your data files to their previous settings using the manual restore21option. Performing a manual backup or a manual restore of backed up files is not usually22necessary, but your system administrator may ask you to do this in the event of system23problems.24251. Press Home.262. Touch Settings.273. Touch Options & Settings.284. Touch Advanced Options.295. Touch Backup/Restore.306. Touch the Manual Backup line to start the data file backup.31The top line displays messages to inform you the backup is in progress and when32the backup is complete.337. To restore your data from a backup file, touch the Manual Restore line.34The Home ScreenAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PM32     Avaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010
The top line displays messages to inform you that data restoration from the backup1file is in progress and when the restoration is finished. Your options and settings2now reflect their previous values.34Browser5Your telephone includes a Web browser capability that can be used to present additional6applications. The items available through the Web browser vary depending upon how your7telephone is administered. Contact your system administrator with any questions.8Access the browser through the Home screen, by pressing Home. If you don't see the Browser9option on the Home screen, no Web applications are available for your phone.10BrowserAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PMAvaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010     33
The Home ScreenAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PM34     Avaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010
1Chapter 3:  About Features2Your administrator may have set up your telephone so that it presents the Features as3described in this chapter together on one screen with your call appearances; if so, the features4work as described in this chapter, but they do not appear on a separate Features menu. The5Features menu gives you access to advanced telephony features, such as Directory,6Abbreviated Dial, and Call Forwarding. Directory allows you to dial other users on your system7by name. You can use Send All Calls and Call Forward to have your incoming calls sent to8other numbers. When set to “on,” EC500 allows calls to your desk phone to also be sent to9your cell phone. Forwarding features are also listed in the Forward menu. Your system10administrator may also assign frequently-used features to softkeys, to give you quick11access.Note that any features assigned to an attached Button Module will not display on the12Features menu. The particular features available to you depend on what your administrator13has assigned to your phone.14Your administrator may also place selected features on softkeys on the call appearance15(Phone) screen. For more information about what features and options are available for your16extension, contact your system administrator.17Accessing the Features menu1819From the Phone screen, touch the Features button at the upper right corner to view20the Features menu.21The LED icon next to the feature name indicates if the feature is currently on or off. If22the LED to the left of the feature label is green, the feature is on.23 Note:24To return to the main Phone screen, touch the Calls button at the upper right corner.2526Feature Table27Feature names are often abbreviated to fit your deskphone or button module display area. Use28this table as a cross-reference to standard feature names and their corresponding common29abbreviations. Depending on how your system is administered, not all features shown here30Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PMAvaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010     35
may be available to you. For detailed information about a feature, contact your system1administrator.2Feature Name Common AbbreviationAutomatic Dialing Phone number or extension set up by your administratoras an auto-dial number, followed by a telephone icon,“Autodial.” or “AD.”Automatic Intercom Auto Icom or AIAutomatic Callback Auto Callback; AutoCBCall Forwarding All Calls Cfrwd or CFwrd with a third-party's extension ifapplicableCall Forwarding Busy/Don'tAnswerCFBDAPark a Call Call parkCall Pickup Call pickupCalling Party Number Blocking CPN BlockCalling Party Number Unblocing CPN UnblockDial Intercom Dial IcomDirected Call Pickup Dir PickupEC500 EC500Exclusion (Calling Party) ExclusionEC500 Extended Calling Extend CallExtended Call Pickup Ext PickupMalicious Call Tracing Activation MCT ActOne-step Recording Audix RecordPriority Calling Priority CallSend All Calls SAC or SAC with a third-party's extension, if applicableWhisper Page Whisper Act Note:3If you have personalized labels for any of the features available to you, the personalized4label is displayed instead of the feature abbreviations shown here.5About FeaturesAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PM36     Avaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010
Calling a person from the directory1The Directory feature allows you to dial other users in your system by name.231. From the Phone screen, scroll right to access the Features menu, select Directory,4and press Select or OK.52. From the Phone screen, touch Features and select Directory.63. Use the dialpad keys to start spelling the last name of the person you want to call.7Press each dialpad key one time for each corresponding letter. For example, for8“Hill”, press 4,4,5,5.94. Select Next to view the next name alphabetically in the directory, if necessary.105. Touch Make Call when you see the name you want to dial the call.1112Configuring simultaneous ringing for multiple telephones13(EC500)14The EC500 feature allows you to have incoming calls to your desk phone ring on your office15telephone and your cell phone at the same time. This allows you to answer office calls while16you are away from your desk. The cell phone number is programmed by your system17administrator.18191. From the Phone screen, scroll right to access the Features menu.202. Touch EC 500.21 Note:22When EC500 is on, the top line displays a cell phone icon; see About Icons on23page 12 for an illustration.2425Calling a person from the directoryAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PMAvaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010     37
About FeaturesAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PM38     Avaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010
1Chapter 4:  Answering a call2When you receive an incoming call, the incoming call is usually selected automatically.3However, if you are already on a call or if you receive more than one incoming call at a time,4you may need to select the call you want to answer manually.5An incoming call displays as a green line with a ringing bell icon. To answer the call just touch6the call appearance line.7 Note:8Depending on how your telephone is administered, there may be some differences in the9steps this procedure describes.1011Answer an incoming call in one of the following ways:12• If you are not on another call, lift the handset, touch the ringing call appearance13line, press Speaker to answer using the speakerphone, or press Headset to14answer using the headset.15• If you are on another call, you may need to put the active call on Hold first before16answering the new call. If the telephone does automatically display the incoming17call, you can touch Ans Hold to automatically put the first call on Hold when you18answer the new call. Alternately, you can touch Ans Drop to automatically drop19the first call when you answer the new call.20To automatically display the Phone screen whenever you receive an incoming call,21set the Go to Phone Screen on Ringing option to Yes (see Setting the Go to Phone22Screen on ringing).2324Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PMAvaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010     39
Answering a callAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PM40     Avaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010
1Chapter 5:  Making a call2If you are not on a call, simply dial the number you want to call. Use the Phone screen to view3and manage calls. Press Phone to view the main Phone screen at any time. When the Phone4screen is displayed, press Phone  to move to the top of the call appearance list.561. Lift the handset, or press Speaker or Headset (if applicable) or touch an idle call7appearance line.82. Dial the number you want to call. If you have a favorite icon on the Home screen9for the person you want to call, just touch that icon to initiate dialing.1011Making an emergency call12You do not have to be logged in to make an emergency call. If emergency calling was set up13by your system administrator, the Phone screen has an Emergency softkey to immediately14connect you with a preset emergency services number.15161. Touch the Emerg. softkey. If you do not see an Emerg. softkey, pick up the handset17or press the Phone button, then touch the Emerg. softkey.182. Some phone systems will call back to confirm the emergency status. The phone19automatically answers the incoming call on the Speaker and displays “Emergency20Call in Progress”.213. To end the emergency call, touch the Drop softkey or press the Speaker button.2223Clearing a number2425Touch Clear to erase all dialed digits and enter a new number.2627Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PMAvaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010     41
Redialing a number121. From the Phone screen, touch Redial.3The last number will be redialed or you will see a list of the most recent numbers4that you have dialed, from which you can select one to redial. See Setting redial5options on page 25 for information on redial settings.6 Note:7Your system administrator can disable Redial functionality.82. Touch the number you want to redial.910Using voice dialing11You can say a name to search for and call any contact when voice dialing is set to on. You can12optionally add a qualifier like "at home" or "mobile" with the name to get to a specific number13for the contact. The first two times you use voice dialing, a help screen displays to assist you14in using this feature.15161. Press Contacts.17If Voice dialing is enabled, a Voice softkey displays.182. When voice dialing is active a green bar displays on the top of the Voice softkey. If19you don't say a name, after a while voice dialing times out and the green bar20disappears.If no tone is generated or if no green bar appears next to the Voice21softkey, touch Voice again to restart voice dialing.22 Note:23To make voice-initiated dialing available each time you access your contacts, see 24Changing the voice dialing setting on page 25. To change the language you want25to use for voice dialing commands, see Changing the voice dialing language on26page 25.273. Within a few seconds or as soon as you hear the tone, say the name of the person28you want to call.29You can say the name in first name, last name order even if the name is displayed as30last name, first name order (and separated by a comma) in your Contacts list. You31can add a qualifier, for example, “at home”, “at office”, “mobile phone”, “cell phone”,32or say one of the contact number types (Home, Work, Mobile) with the name. For33Making a callAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PM42     Avaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010
example, to reach Sam Jones at his primary number you can simply say “Sam1Jones”. To reach Sam Jones at home, you might say “Call Sam Jones at home.”2 Note:3If you don't add a qualifier and multiple numbers exist for that contact, the4telephone always dials the first number listed.54. When one or more contacts display:6• Touch the entry you want to dial, or scroll to a different number and touch Call.7• Touch the Details button to view all of the numbers for a contact.8• If none of the matches represent the contact/number you want, touch Retry9and repeat the voice-initiated dialing command from Step 3.10• Touch Cancel to exit voice dialing and return to the main contacts screen.1112Making a call using edit dialing13Prerequisites14Your system administrator has to authorize this function. To set up edit dialing, see Setting15dialing options on page 24.1617Edit dialing works just like making a call on your cell phone - just start entering the number18without hearing a dial tone. Using the Bksp softkey, you can backspace to "edit" the number19before actually dialing it.20211. From the Phone screen, enter the number you want to call.222. To edit the number touch the Bksp softkey to erase the previous character, one23character at a time. To remove the entire number, touch Clear.243. Touch Call.2526Calling a person from the contacts list27You can call someone in your Contacts list by saying their name (see Using voice dialing on28page 42) or by touching the name in the list. You can find a name by scrolling to it, or by29using the search box. Use the dialpad keys to enter the first few letters of the name and the30screen will scroll to the first match in your list. When you find the entry you want, touch that31Making a call using edit dialingAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PMAvaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010     43
line to dial that contact's primary number. If you have entered additional numbers for that1contact, you can touch the Details button to see them, then touch the number you want to dial.231. Press the Contacts button.42. Locate the contact you want by starting to type the person's name as it is listed.5For example, if you added John Smith to your Contacts List as “Smith, John” you6would start typing his last name rather than his first name. Each time you press the7dialpad, the list display shifts to match your input. Alternately, you can scroll up or8down to locate the contact.93. To call the contact's primary number, touch the line on which the contact name10appears.114. To call a non-primary number, touch the Details button to move to the detail12information for the contact, then touch the desired number.1314Calling a person from call history15161. Press the History  button.172. Touch the appropriate Call Log icon at the top right of the screen to view All Calls,18Missed Calls, Answered Calls, or Outgoing Calls.19For icon descriptions see About Icons on page 12.20Depending on administration, returning a Missed Call may result in that Call Log21history entry being deleted when the calls goes through.223. If you don't see the name of the person you want, scroll down until the name23displays.244. When you see the name of the person you want to call, touch it to dial the25corresponding number.2627Making a call using a “click to dial” link28You can make a call using a “click to dial link” on a Web page or any other screen that provides a29dialing link. Typically, a handset icon indicates a line with this type of link.30Making a callAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PM44     Avaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010
1Chapter 6:  Standard Call-Related Features2Your deskphone offers standard call-related features like muting a call, transferring a call,3forwarding calls, and conferencing.4Depending on the action you want, either press the appropriate button on the face of the phone5or touch the appropriate softkey while on the call.6Muting a call7If a call is on mute and you switch between the handset, headset, or speakerphone, the mute8will be turned off.9101. Touch Mute during a call so that the other person cannot hear you.112. Touch Mute again to unmute the call.1213Putting a call on hold14151. If you are not active on the line you want to put on hold, touch that line.162. Touch Hold.17 Note:18A hold timer may display when you put a call on hold. For more information, see 19Configuring call timers on page 26.203. Touch Resume or the call appearance of the held call to retrieve the call.2122Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PMAvaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010     45
Transferring a Call121. From the Phone screen, with the call you want to transfer active, touch Transfer.32. Dial the number to which you want to transfer the call.43. Touch Complete to transfer the call.56Conference calls7You can use conference calls to speak with up to five people in different locations on the same8call. Additional conferencing options may be available through Expanded Meet-Me9Conferencing. Contact your system administrator for more information about this feature.10Setting up a conference call11121. Select any idle call appearance and dial the first conference participant.132. From the Phone screen, touch Conference.143. Dial the telephone number, or call the person from the Contacts list, or call the15person from the Call Log list.164. When the person answers, touch Join to add the person to the existing call.175. Touch Add.186. Repeat these steps to add another person to the conference call.197. To see a list of the conference participants, touch the Details button on the20Conference Call line and then either:21• Touch a participant name and touch Silence to mute the person.22• Touch a participant name and touch Drop to drop this person from the23conference call.24• Touch Refresh to refresh the conference details.25Standard Call-Related FeaturesAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PM46     Avaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010
• Touch Back to exit the conference details screen and return to the Phone1screen.23Adding a person on hold to a conference call451. From the Phone screen, select your active call.62. Touch Conf, or Add if you are already in a conference.73. Select the call on hold that you want to add to the conference.84. Touch Resume to take the call off hold.95. Touch Join to add the person to the conference call.1011Putting a conference call on hold12When you put a conference call on hold, the other parties can still talk to each other.1314Touch Hold during a conference call.1516Muting a person on a conference call17You may be able to silence a person on a conference call using the Silence softkey. The18individual muting feature is not available on all systems. If you do not see Silence when you19choose a person, you cannot mute that person.20211. From the Phone screen, touch More > Details during a conference call.222. Select the person you want to mute.233. Touch Silence.244. Touch Silence again to take the person off mute.2526Conference callsAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PMAvaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010     47
Dropping a person from a conference call1This feature is not available on all systems.231. From the Phone screen, select your active call.42. Touch More then Details.53. Select the person you want to drop.64. Touch Drop.78Forwarding calls9You can forward your incoming calls to another number or to voicemail. If call forwarding is10turned on, a Forwarding icon appears on the top line of your display screen and the Forward11button is illuminated. Alternately, you may have your forwarding feature(s) available on a Quick12Touch panel, if your administrator has set up this capability. When the Forward button light is13on, one or more of the forwarding features are active. You can choose from a number of14forwarding features, including Send All Calls and Call Forward. The forwarding features15available on your phone depend on the options your system administrator has set. For more16information about the options available to you, contact your system administrator.17Send All Calls18When Send All Calls (SAC) is on, your incoming calls go directly to a predefined coverage19number, typically your voicemail. Incoming calls ring once at your extension and then go directly20to a number which is set by your system administrator. Pressing Send All turns Send All Calls21on. If it is already on, pressing Send All turns it off. Touching the Send All softkey turns Send22All Calls on, changing the appearance of that softkey to indicate the feature is on. If this feature23is already on, touching the Send All softkey turns the feature off and the softkey appears24normal. You can also turn Send All Calls on or off by using the telephone Features list.2526Touch Send All or touch Forward to access the main Forwarding menu, then touch27Send All Calls to turn Send All Calls on or off.2829Standard Call-Related FeaturesAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PM48     Avaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010
Forwarding calls1Several forwarding features may be available so you can set a number to which your calls will2be forwarded, or turn off call forwarding if it is already on. If available, your call forwarding3features are listed on a Forwarding features menu.451. Touch Forward to access the main Forwarding menu.62. From the Phone screen, scroll right to access the Features menu.73. Touch the forwarding feature you want to activate or deactivate.8When you turn on the Call Forwarding feature, you hear a tone prompting you to9enter the forwarding number.104. Enter the number to which you want to forward your calls.11After you enter the forwarding number, you hear a confirmation tone.1213Forwarding callsAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PMAvaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010     49
Standard Call-Related FeaturesAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PM50     Avaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010
1Chapter 7:  Bridged call appearances2Your phone may show one or more bridged call appearances on the display screen in addition3to your own call appearances. A bridged call appearance typically belongs to someone else,4but bridging allows you to see if that call appearance is in use, answer calls on that appearance,5or join a call in progress on that call appearance from your telephone. You can also make6outgoing calls on a bridged call appearance when it is not in use.7Answering a call on a bridged line8Answering a call on a bridged line is basically the same as a call on a primary line.9101. Touch the bridged call that you want to answer.11The ringing line will typically be selected automatically. If you are on another call12when a call comes in to a bridged line, you have to select the ringing line (just like13for an incoming call to a primary line).142. Touch Answer.1516Joining a call on a bridged line17You can join an existing call on a bridged line.1819Touch the call appearance of the bridged call in progress that you want to join.2021Making an outgoing call on a bridged line22When you make a call on a bridged line, you are using another person’s line. The caller ID23may show the call as coming from you or coming from the person whose line you are using. If24Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PMAvaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010     51
you have any questions about how the name or extension displays to the person you are1calling, contact your system administrator.231. Touch the bridged line you want to use.42. Dial the telephone number, or call the person from the Contacts list, or call the5person from the Call Log list.67Bridged call appearancesAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PM52     Avaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010
1Chapter 8:  Contacts2You can save up to 250 names and up to 3 telephone numbers per name. You can use voice3dialing to speak the contact name; see Using voice dialing on page 42 for information. You can4also import or export a Contact list using a USB device; see Using USB Flash Drives with your5phone on page 63 for information.6 Note:7When you press the Contacts button you may not see all the functionality described in this8chapter. This would be because your system administrator has disabled changes to9Contacts.10Searching for a contact11You can search for any name by typing a full name or you can type just a few letters of the12name and let the telephone display matching entries. For example, if you press 3, the Contacts13list might display entries starting with D, E, F, or 3 depending on how you set up your contacts.14With each successive key you press, the Contacts list “drills down” to display more matches.15161. Press Contacts.172. With the phone on-hook, use the dialpad to start typing the name for which you want18to search.19Keep in mind how your Contact list is set up. If you set up your contacts as “Last20Name, First Name” start typing the letters of the last name. If you have set up your21Contacts using a different scheme, type the most likely letter(s) that would match22the contact you want to find.233. When you see the contact you want:24• Touch the contact's phone number to dial the person, or25• Touch the Details button next to the contact's phone number to select a26different phone number for or see detail information about this contact.2728Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PMAvaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010     53
Viewing contact details121. Press Contacts.32. Find the contact you want to view. If necessary, scroll to it or use the searchbox.43. If you have entered more than one number for a contact, touch the Details button5on the Contact line to see all the phone numbers for this person.6Using Details is the only way to view or dial a second or third number for a contact.74. Take one of the following actions:8• Touch a number to dial it.9• Touch Edit to change the detail information on this person.10• Touch Delete to remove this person from your Contacts list.11• Touch Back to return to the Contacts list.1213Adding a new contact14151. Press Contacts.162. Touch New.173. Enter the name using the keyboard. See Using the On-screen Keyboard on page 1818for more information.194. Touch the check mark to move to the number entry screen.205. Enter the primary telephone number using the keyboard. The primary number is the21first number entered and the one that will always display on the Contacts list without22having to go into contact details.236. Touch the check mark to indicate you are finished entering the name and primary24telephone number.25The telephone displays your entries in a business card format.267. Take one of the following actions:27• To change the name, touch that line and edit the entry following Step 3.28• To change the number, touch that line and edit the entry.29ContactsAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PM54     Avaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010
• Touch a blank line to add another number using the on-screen keyboard, then1touch the applicable icon representing the type of number (mobile, work, or2home). Repeat this step if you want to add a third number for the new contact.3• Touch Cancel to return to the Contacts list without saving the new contact4information.5• Touch Primary to change the primary number. See Changing the Primary6Contact Number on page 56 for more information.78. Touch Save.89Editing a contact10111. Press Contacts.122. Search for the contact you want to edit.133. Touch the Details button to the right of the contact to display detail information.144. Touch + to add another number for the contact or touch Edit to edit the name or any15of the numbers.165. To edit a name or number, take one of the following actions:17• Touch Primary to change the primary number. See Changing the Primary18Contact Number on page 56 for more information.19• Touch the Name or number you want to edit.20• Touch a blank line to add a number.21• Touch Cancel to return to the Contacts list.226. Use the onscreen keyboard to make changes to the contact information. See Using23the On-screen Keyboard on page 18 for more information.247. Touch Done.258. To change other contact information, repeat Steps 5 through 7.269. When you finish changing contact information, touch Save.2728Editing a contactAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PMAvaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010     55
Setting up Favorite contacts1You can assign up to sixteen “favorite” numbers from your Contacts list as one-touch speed2dial buttons on the Home screen. A contact must be set up before you can assign any3associated phone numbers as favorites.451. Press Contacts.62. Search for the contact you want to set up as a favorite.73. Touch the Details button for the contact to display detail information.84. Touch Favorite.95. Touch the number you want to set as a favorite.106. Enter a caption or label you want to appear on the Home screen for this favorite.11See Using the On-screen Keyboard on page 18 if you need help entering the caption12or label text.137. If you entered the caption or label using the on-screen keyboard, touch Done.14Otherwise proceed to Step 8.158. Touch Save.16 Note:17To remove a favorite contact number from the Home screen, follow the same18procedure as for setting up a favorite and touch the number to toggle it from on to19off. Make sure its status has changed, then touch Save.209. Repeat Steps 3 through 7 to set up another favorite contact.2122Changing the Primary Contact Number23If a contact has two or three numbers, the primary contact number is the first number in the24list. It is the number dialed when you touch a contact in the Contacts list. By default, the first25number you enter for a contact is the primary number.26271. Press Contacts.282. Search for the contact whose primary number you want to change.293. Touch the Details button for the contact to display detail information.30ContactsAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PM56     Avaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010
4. Touch Edit.15. Touch Primary.26. Touch the number you want to become the new primary number.37. Touch Done.48. Touch Save.56Deleting a contact781. Press Contacts.92. Touch the Details button on the contact you want to delete.103. Touch Delete.114. Touch Delete again to confirm or Cancel to cancel the deletion and return to the12Contact list.1314Deleting a contactAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PMAvaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010     57
ContactsAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PM58     Avaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010
1Chapter 9:  Call History2The History screen provides a list of recent calls, with information about call disposition3(missed, answered, or outgoing) and with caller name and number (where available), call time,4and call duration. Call History also shows bridged calls and the number of missed calls from5a given calling number up for another person or that you missed and were answered by6someone else in your pickup group. When you have one or more missed calls, the Call Log7button lights and the Missed Calls icon and the number of missed calls display on the top line.8To call a person listed in your Call History, see Calling a person from call history on page 44.9Viewing call history10111. Press History.12You can go to the top of the list by pressing History again.132. If you want to see a different list, touch the applicable icon at the upper right14representing answered, outgoing, or missed calls.153. Scroll up or down to view the entries on the list.1617Viewing call history details18191. Press History.202. If you want to see a different list, touch the icon at the upper right representing the list21you want to view.223. If you don't see the call whose details you want to review, use the scroll bar to find23it.24Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PMAvaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010     59
4. Touch the right arrow on the call for which you want to see detail information.15. Touch Back to return to the list view, or touch Delete to remove this call from the2log, or touch +Contact to add this person and phone number to your Contacts list.34Adding an entry from the Call History to your contacts list561. Press History.72. Touch the Details button of the number you want to add to your Contacts list.83. Touch +Contact.94. Edit the name and telephone number, if necessary.105. Touch Done then Save.1112Removing an entry from call history13141. Press History.152. If you don't see the entry you want to delete, use the scroll bar to find it.163. Touch the Details button for the entry you want to delete to see detail information17about the call.184. Touch Delete.195. Touch Delete again to confirm, or touch Cancel if you do not want to delete this20entry.2122Clearing all call history entries23Clearing all entries from the call history deletes all of the entries for the specific list you are24viewing. For example, if you are viewing the Outgoing calls list, only outgoing calls are deleted.25However, if you are viewing the All Calls list, touching Clear All deletes all calls.26Call HistoryAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PM60     Avaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010
11. Press History.22. If you do not want to delete all calls, touch the icon at the upper right representing3the list you want to clear.43. Touch Clear All to delete all of the entries in the list you are viewing.54. Touch Clear All to confirm.67Turning off call history8You can turn call logging on or off. If you have bridged call appearances on your phone, you9can choose whether or not to include calls to your bridged lines in your call log.10111. Press Home.122. Touch Settings.133. Touch Options & Settings.144. Touch Application Settings.155. Touch History to change the setting to or from Yes or No.16To turn logging of bridged lines from Yes to No, touch Log Bridged Calls.176. Touch Save to save the new setting or Cancel to return to the Application Settings18menu.1920Turning off call historyAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PMAvaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010     61
Call HistoryAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PM62     Avaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010
1Chapter 10: Using USB Flash Drives with2your phone3Subject to your administrator's permission, if your telephone has a USB interface and you have4a USB (Universal Serial Bus) flash drive (also called a thumb drive or memory stick), you can5log into your phone from anywhere in the world, add contacts to your Contacts list from an E-6mail or other PC software program, and display pictures from the device on your phone as a7screensaver. You can also copy your contact list from your phone to a USB flash drive, replace8the contents of your phone's current contact list with those on the USB flash drive, or9temporarily use the flash drive's contacts instead of your phone's contact list.10 Note:11The 9621 IP Deskphone does not have a USB interface.12Avaya offers a PC application called Avaya one-X™ Deskphone USB Companion to help set13up your USB device/phone options. Your administrator has certain setup responsibilities and14can then help you determine which options are available to you and how to use the tool to set15them up.16 Note:17USB Login: If you have automatic USB login capability, the only Contacts you can see are18those on the USB device itself. Note that when you use the USB login, the Log Out menu19option is not available to you; the only way you can log your phone out is by removing the20USB device.21After setup, inserting the flash drive into the telephone's USB jack produces either a list of USB22actions/options or a display message notifying you that you cannot proceed because your23device is not supported or the device exceeds the telephone's available power. Whether power24is provided to the phone's USB interface depends on how the phone is powered and25administration settings. Only FAT or FAT32 file systems are currently supported; USB drives26with NTFS file systems are not supported. Multiple LUNS are not supported.27Adding contacts from an external file to your contacts list28Use a USB flash drive to add contacts from an external file to your contacts list. Keep in mind29that your contacts list cannot have more than 250 incoming entries. Contact files merged or30written to the phone's contacts list must be in a specific format. One way to ensure that the31file is in the proper format is to export your telephone's Contacts list to your USB device, which32automatically creates a properly formatted file. Avaya also provides a spreadsheet tool that33Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PMAvaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010     63
uses macros to convert your Outlook contacts into the Contacts format the telephone uses.1For information on this tool, search for “Avaya one-X USB Companion” on the Avaya support2site at http://www.avaya.com/support.341. Plug the USB device into the jack near the center top edge of your phone.52. Touch Select to select Merge file and phone contacts.6The Merge option is shown only when both the USB file and the phone have7contacts.83. The merge occurs automatically. When complete, review the statistics displayed,9which show the number of entries, duplicates, and any errors.104. Touch Save to write the merged Contacts list back to the USB device and return to11the list of contacts/USB actions or touch Exit to return to the list of contacts/USB12actions without writing the merged file to the USB device.13 Note:14Attempts to merge more than the 250 entries allowed produces a List Full screen15which lets you either save the partial list (the first 250 entries) or cancel the merge16without writing the external file's contents to the telephone.1718Replacing your contacts list with an external file19Use a USB flash drive to replace your entire contacts list with the contacts from an external20file. Incoming contacts must have a name and at least one and no more than three telephone21numbers with associated types. If not provided, the type of number will default to the general22type. Your system administrator can provide detailed format information about external data23source files.24251. Plug the USB flash drive into the jack near thecenter top edge of your phone.262. Either scroll to Replace phone contacts with file then touch Select or touch the27Replace phone contacts with file line directly.283. Review the statistics displayed, which show the number of valid and invalid entries,29and if applicable, how many entries exceed the 250 contact phone maximum.304. Touch Save  to overwrite and replace your contacts list with the file on your USB31device or Cancel to cancel the replacement and retain your current contact list.3233Using USB Flash Drives with your phoneAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PM64     Avaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010
Copying your contacts list to a USB flash drive1You can copy your entire contact list from your phone to a USB flash drive for safekeeping or to2use in an external software program. If the USB flash drive already contains a contact file, you3must first confirm that you want to replace that file.451. Plug the USB flash drive into the jack near the center top edge of your phone.62. Either scroll to Write file with phone contacts using the scroll control then touch7Select or touch the Write file with phone contacts line directly.83. Touch OK.94. If your USB device currently has a contacts file on it, touch Save to confirm that you10want to overwrite that file with the telephone's contact list.1112Temporarily using a USB contacts list13You can temporarily use a contacts file on a USB flash drive rather than your phone's contact list14as long the USB flash drive remains attached to the phone. For example, copy your contacts15list to your USB flash drive and take the device with you while traveling. If you have access16to a guest phone with the latest telephone software at another site, you can attach the USB17flash drive and use your contacts list.18191. Plug the USB flash drive with the contacts file you want to use into the jack near the20center top edge of your phone.212. Either scroll to Use contacts file while present using the scroll control then touch22Select or touch the Use contacts file while present line directly.233. Touch OK to access the contacts list on your USB flash drive.24Any changes or updates you make to your contacts list while the USB device is25connected affect only the temporary file on the USB device, and not your “regular”26telephone contacts list.2728Copying your contacts list to a USB flash driveAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PMAvaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010     65
Using pictures from your USB device as a screensaver1If your USB device has a top level directory named \Pictures or another picture directory2that is properly administered, you can use pictures in that directory as your phone's3screensaver. Each picture displays for 5 seconds unless you specify a different value (from 54seconds to 999 seconds). The maximum allowable height and width for each picture is 500 x5612 pixels. Your administrator can help you set up this feature. Your administrator can also6disable this feature, in which case the ”My Pictures” option will not appear on the Home screen.7In addition to the features described in the Using USB Flash Drives with your phone on page 638the Avaya one-X™ Deskphone USB Companion application includes a utility program to9convert your pictures to the correct format.10111. Plug the USB device into the jack near the center top edge of your phone.122. At the phone, press the Home button.133. Select My Pictures to immediately begin displaying the pictures from your USB14picture directory on the phone and then whenever the screen display “times out”15after the administered idle period.16 Note:17If you disconnect the USB device from the telephone, the standard screensaver18replaces your pictures after the designated idle period.1920Using USB Flash Drives with your phoneAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PM66     Avaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010
1Chapter 11: Getting your messages23Press the Message button to connect directly to your voicemail system.4The lighted Message button and a red light on the upper right-hand corner of your5telephone indicate when you have messages waiting. Your messages are an6administered function. Contact your system administrator with any questions.78Logging into your voice mail9101. To log in to your voice mail, press the Message button.112. Follow the voice prompts from your voice mail system.1213Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PMAvaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010     67
Getting your messagesAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PM68     Avaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010
1Chapter 12: About Logging In to and Out of2Your Telephone3Logging in and out maintains your preferences, call information, and options if you share a4telephone with other users. Log out to prevent unauthorized use of your telephone during an5absence.6 Note:7Depending on how your phone is administered, for example, whether Call Log backup is8enabled or not, Call Log information may be lost when you log out your extension.9Your administrator may provide you with a USB device with a pre-programmed Extension and10Password in it, or may provide you with a PC-based tool for putting this information on a USB11device. This will enable you to use the USB device to log in to the administered Extension and12Password automatically, from any telephone in your system. See your administrator for details.13If you log in with the USB Login option, the only way to log out is by removing the USB device14from the phone connection.15 Note:16When you use the USB Login, the only Contacts you will be able to see are the Contacts17on the USB device. See Using USB Flash Drives with your phone on page 63 for more18information.19Logging in to your telephone extension20Log in from the initial screen when it prompts you for your extension.21221. Enter your extension.232. Touch Enter.243. Enter your password.254. Touch Enter.2627Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PMAvaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010     69
Logging out of your telephone extension121. Press Home.32. Touch Settings.43. Touch Log Out54. Touch Log Out to confirm.67Logging in as a guest user8Log in to another touch—based phone as a guest to retain the features and functionality of9your own phone. For example, if you are temporarily using a visitor's office telephone but want10to have your Contacts list available. The telephone must be on-hook to select this feature.11121. Touch Home.132. Touch Settings.143. Select Guest Login.154. Enter your extension.165. Touch Enter.176. Touch Password.187. Enter your password.198. Touch Enter.209. Touch the left or right arrow to select the expected amount of time you will use this21phone. You can log out as a guest at any time despite the duration you select.2210. Touch Enter.2324About Logging In to and Out of Your TelephoneAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PM70     Avaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010
1Chapter 13: Avaya Home Screen2Applications3Avaya provides three useful applications with your phone. The World Clock application allows4you to find out the time, temperature, day, and date in a selected city or country. The Weather5application provides forecast information via an internet service for a location you specify. The6Calculator application lets you perform calculations using the touch screen.7 Note:8If you press the Home button and don't see any or all of the applications this chapter9describes, your administrator has not made the application(s) available to you.10Related topics:11Adding World Clock locations on page 7112Viewing World Clock details on page 7213Using the Weather application on page 7314Using the Calculator on page 7415Adding World Clock locations16You can set up as many as six locations for which you can track the time and related17information. Once you set up one or more locations, the World Clock application will display18the associated time of day and an icon representing the current weather condition for the19location. You can tell at a glance whether it is day or night at a location; when the background20color of a location is sky blue the time shown is after sunrise and before sunset and if the21background color is dark blue the time shown is after sunset and before sunrise. You can also22see detailed information about a selected location which includes the time, day, date,23temperature and current weather conditions; see Viewing World Clock details on page 7224for more information. World Clock weather information is updated every three hours.25 Note:26If you press the Home button and don't see the World Clock application, your administrator27has not made this application available to you.28 Note:29This application relies on internet connectivity to retrieve location-specific information. If30access to the internet or the Weather.com service is interrupted or if the particular location31does not return data, a Warning icon will display.32Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PMAvaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010     71
11. Press Home.22. Touch World Clock.33. Take one of the following actions:4• If this is not the first time you are accessing the World Clock application,5proceed to Step 4.6• If this is the first time you are accessing the World Clock application, you will7automatically be presented with the Location Entry screen on which you can8enter either a United States Postal Zip Code, a City, a City and State, or a City9and Country. Your entry can be up to 60 characters in length. For information10about using the keyboard, see Using the On-screen Keyboard on page 18.11Save the location using the check mark on the on-screen keyboard.12 Note:13If there is more than one possible match for the location you entered, a14screen displays a list of up to 10 potential locations. Touch a location on the15list to select it as your location or touch Back to return to the Location Entry16screen without making a selection. If you don't see the location you want,17touch Back and enter more information, such as a comma followed by a18country name.194. When the Locations screen displays, you can:20• Touch Add to add another location, use the on-screen keyboard to enter the21information as described in Step 3 and save it using the check mark, or22• Touch a location line to view time-related details about or to delete that location,23or24• Touch Back to return to the Home screen.2526Viewing World Clock details27281. Press Home.292. Touch World Clock.303. Touch anywhere on the line of the location you want to look at. Details include the31local time, day, date, location name, local temperature, and an icon indicating the32local weather conditions. If a temperature is not available, two dashes show in its33place. When the local weather is not available, that detail is left blank.34Avaya Home Screen ApplicationsAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PM72     Avaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010
 Note:1Temperature units for world time are controlled by the Display Units in the2Weather application.34. Take one of the following actions:4• Touch Delete to remove this location from your World Clock application.5• Touch Back to return to the Home screen.67Using the Weather application8To activate the Weather application, you must input the city or postal code for which you want9weather reports and indicate whether you want temperatures and wind speeds displayed as10English or Metric units. Once you set up the location and measurement, the Weather11application will display the associated current temperature, wind speed and humidity (if the12temperature is 50 degrees Fahrenheit or 10 degrees Centigrade or more) or wind chill (if the13temperature is less than 50 degrees Fahrenheit or 10 degrees Centigrade. Icons indicate14current weather conditions and sunset/sundown times; see About Icons on page 12 for15descriptions. Forecasts are shown for the current day and the next day, as is the last time16weather information was updated. Weather information is updated according to the update17schedule of the internet service providing the information, whenever you touch the Refresh18softkey, or change the location.19 Note:20If you press the Home button and don't see a Weather option, your administrator has not21made this application available to you.22 Note:23This application relies on internet connectivity to retrieve location-specific information. If24access to the internet or the Weather.com service is interrupted or if the particular location25does not return data, a Warning icon will display.26 Note:27Depending on the particular location, the High Temperature for Today's forecast may be28removed after 2:00 p.m. in that location.29301. Press Home.312. Touch Weather.323. Take one of the following actions:33Using the Weather applicationAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PMAvaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010     73
• If this is not the first time you are accessing the Weather application, proceed to1Step 4.2• If this is the first time you are accessing the Weather application, use the on-3screen keyboard to enter a location or postal code of up to 60 characters in4length. Touch Next to display a second screen to select a unit of measure. A5unit selection default of Metric displays; touch it to change (toggle) the setting to6English. Touch Save. For information about using the keyboard, see Using the7On-screen Keyboard on page 18.8 Note:9If there is more than one possible match for your location, a screen displays10a list of up to ten potential locations. Touch a location on the list to select it11as your location or touch Back to return to the location entry screen without12making a selection. If you don't see the location you want, touch Back and13enter more information, such as a comma followed by a country name.144. When the Weather information for the location you entered displays, you can:15• Touch Location to change the city or postal code, use the on-screen keyboard16to enter the information, and save it using the check mark, or17• Touch Refresh to view updated weather information, or18• Touch Back to return to the Home screen.1920Using the Calculator21The Calculator application works like most PC calculators. A special calculator keyboard lets22you enter up to nine digits plus a decimal point and a minus sign. An overflow message displays23and an error beep sounds when more than nine digits are entered. Math equations consider24two values — x and y. The first value you enter is “x” and the next value is considered as “y”25unless the next value is an equal sign; any value entered following an equal sign is taken to26be a new “x” value and so on. Results display following the entry of operations like +, —, x,27or a division symbol.28 Note:29If you press the Home button and don't see the Calculator application, your administrator30has not made this application available to you.31321. Press Home.332. Touch Calculator.34Avaya Home Screen ApplicationsAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PM74     Avaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010
3. Use the on-screen calculator keyboard to enter your equation.14. Touch the X icon at the top right of the calculator to return to the Home screen.23Using the CalculatorAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PMAvaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010     75
Avaya Home Screen ApplicationsAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PM76     Avaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010
1Chapter 14: Setting up a Bluetooth® headset2The 9641G deskphone has a Bluetooth interface that supports connection of an Avaya branded3Bluetooth headset or a non-Avaya headset that complies with the Bluetooth Headset Profile.4Bluetooth® wireless technology simplifies your work environment and expands the range of5your deskphone. You now have a wireless headset that allows you to move around while6engaged in a call.7If you have problems with your headset or with your telephone while your wireless headset is8operating, contact your telephone administrator for assistance.9Related topics:10Pairing a Bluetooth® headset with your phone on page 7711Operating a Bluetooth® headset on page 7812Pairing a Bluetooth® headset with your phone13Before using your wireless headset for the first time it must be paired with your phone so that14they recognize each other. If you get a new headset, you must repeat the pairing process. The159641G deskphone supports only one wireless headset at a time.16 Note:17If your Bluetooth headset is not an Avaya brand, read the manufacturer's pairing instructions18before proceeding. Although your headset package may include instructions for pairing the19headset with any telephone, this procedure provides Avaya one—X™ Deskphone-specific20pairing information.21221. Press Home.232. Touch Settings.243. Touch Bluetooth Setup.254. Take one of the following actions:26• If this is not the first time you are pairing a headset, proceed to Step 5.27• If this is the first time you are pairing a headset, touch Add. If the correct device28type is not highlighted, touch the other device type to select it. Follow the29instructions on the screen and touch Start to begin the pairing process.30Proceed to Step 6.31Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PMAvaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010     77
5. If this is not the first time you are pairing a headset, you can reactivate it or pair1another supported Bluetooth headset; the current device the phone recognizes is2listed first with a check mark on a list of available devices. Touch the appropriate3device (headset) to select it from the list, then touch Activate. Alternately, you can4touch Add to add another device to the list and pair it with the phone as described in5the previous step.66. Every headset has a stored Passkey, but if yours is not processed, you may be7asked to enter one using the dialpad. Avaya products use 0000 as the Passkey; for8non-Avaya headsets, consult your manufacturer's documentation. Passkey entry9can be up to 16 digits, but most devices use four digits. When complete, touch10Enter.117. When the confirmation tone sounds, press Finish.12When pairing completes, the top line of the telephone display shows a Bluetooth®13logo icon to indicate the wireless headset is active.1415Operating a Bluetooth® headset16The operation information provided here is generic and may not apply to all wireless headsets,17particularly those that are not Avaya branded. Consult the information your headset18manufacturer provides for specific information.19 Note:20Be sure your Bluetooth headset's battery is charged according to manufacturer instructions.2122Basic headset operation is as follows:23• Press and hold the Power button for at least three seconds to turn the headset24on or off.25- The Bluetooth icon on the headset flashes blue when the headset is on.26- If the battery is low, the Bluetooth icon flashes red. Recharge the battery per27the manufacturer's instructions28• To answer or end a call, press the headset's Call Control button.29• To place a call, press the headset's Call Control button. After you hear the dial30tone, start dialing.31• If you are using the telephone handset, transfer the call to your headset by briefly32pressing the Call Control button. To transfer a call from your headset back to the33Setting up a Bluetooth® headsetAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PM78     Avaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010
handset, briefly press the Call Control button again, or if the handset is still on-1hook, simply pick up the handset.23Operating a Bluetooth® headsetAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PMAvaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010     79
Setting up a Bluetooth® headsetAvaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PM80     Avaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010
Index1A2Administrative messages3about ....................................................................174applications5contacts ................................................................536Weather ...............................................................737Applications8Calculator .............................................................749Web ......................................................................7110World Clock ..........................................................7111audio path12on-hook ................................................................2713Avaya Web Applications14about ....................................................................7115B16Back up data files .......................................................3217Bluetooth18about ....................................................................7719pairing headset with phone ..................................7720Bluetooth headset21operating ..............................................................7822bridged call appearance23about ....................................................................5124joining ...................................................................5125Bridged Calls26answering .............................................................5127Brightness, adjusting ..................................................2828Browser29about ....................................................................3330button click sounds31configuring ...........................................................2832Button labels33personalizing ........................................................3134Button labels, restoring to default labels ....................3135C36Calculator ...................................................................7437call history log38about ....................................................................5939Call history, calling from ..............................................4440call log41turning off .............................................................6142viewing .................................................................5943Call Log44clearing entries .....................................................6045removing an entry ................................................6046viewing details ......................................................5947Call Settings48changing dialing setting .......................................2549changing voice dialing language ..........................2550Call Timers51configuring ...........................................................2652Call-Related Features53about ....................................................................4554calling55using a click to dial link ........................................4456calling a person57from the contacts list ............................................4358from the directory .................................................3759calling, using voice dialing ..........................................4260cleaning the screen ....................................................1961Clearing a number ......................................................4162click to dial63making a call using ..............................................4464Clock65application ............................................................7166conference calls67about ....................................................................4668muting a person ...................................................4769putting a call on hold ............................................4770setting up .............................................................4671Conference Calls72adding a person on hold ......................................4773dropping a person ................................................4874contacts .........................27, 42, 43, 53–55, 57, 60, 63–6575using temporary USB files ...................................6576about ....................................................................5377adding from call history ........................................6078calling a person ....................................................4379copying to USB flash drive ...................................6580deleting ................................................................5781editing ..................................................................5582merging USB files with .........................................6383name display during calls .....................................2784searching ........................................................42, 5385selecting ...............................................................5486Contacts87adding a new ........................................................5488editing favorites ....................................................5689Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PMAvaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010     81
editing primary number ........................................561importing/exporting via USB flash drives .............632Contrast, adjusting .....................................................283copying contacts list to USB file .................................654coverage .....................................................................485D6Dialing Options7setting ..................................................................248directory9calling a person ....................................................3710Display11adjusting brightness .............................................2812Display, adjusting contrast ..........................................2813E14Edit dialing ............................................................24, 4315Emergency call ...........................................................4116error tones17turning off .............................................................2918F19Favorite contacts20setting up .............................................................5621Feature abbreviations .................................................3522Feature table ..............................................................3523Features24about ....................................................................3525accessing .............................................................3526Flash drives ................................................................6327forwarding28a call .....................................................................4929Forwarding calls30about ....................................................................4831G32Go To Phone Screen on answer33setting ..................................................................2434Go To Phone Screen on Calling35setting ..................................................................2336Go To Phone Screen on ringing37setting ..................................................................2338guest login ..................................................................7039Guest login .................................................................6940H41History, calling from ....................................................4442History, of calls ...........................................................5943History, removing a call from ......................................6044History, viewing for calls .............................................5945Historyclearing all call entries .....................................6046Historyturning off ........................................................6147Historyviewing call details ..........................................5948hold49conference calls ...................................................4750Home screen51about ....................................................................2152Home screen display when phone is idle53setting ..................................................................2954I55Icons in telephone display56about ....................................................................1257incoming calls58directing to multiple telephones ...........................3759forwarding ............................................................4960sending to coverage .............................................4861transferring ...........................................................4662Incoming calls63answering .............................................................3964K65Keyboard66using ....................................................................1867L68Language69changing display ..................................................3070changing voice dialing ..........................................2571legal notices .................................................................272logging in as a guest ..................................................7073Logging in to your telephone ......................................6974logging in to your telephone extension .......................6975Logging out of your telephone extension ...................6976Login as a guest user .................................................6977M78Memory sticks ............................................................6379messages80getting ..................................................................6743Messages44about ....................................................................1745muting calls ................................................................4546Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PM82     Avaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010
N1Navigation Arrows2page control ....................................................11, 453right .................................................................11, 454up & down .......................................................11, 455O6On-hook dialing ..........................................................247On-screen keyboard8about ....................................................................189Options & Settings10about ....................................................................2111call history ............................................................6112call logging ...........................................................6113changing language ...............................................3014choosing ring pattern ...........................................3015configuring visual alerts .......................................2616go to Home screen when idle ..............................2917go to phone screen on answer .............................2418go to phone screen on calling ..............................2319go to phone screen on ringing .............................2320phone screen on calling .......................................2321redial settings .......................................................2522Setting dialing options ..........................................2423setting the Quick Touch panel ..............................3124outgoing calls25making a call ........................................................4126making a call on a bridged line ............................5227redialing a number ...............................................4228Outgoing Calls29edit dialing a number ............................................4330P31pairing32Bluetooth headset and phone ..............................7733Phone Screen on Calling34setting ..................................................................2335Phone Settings36about ....................................................................2137pictures38from USB files as a screensaver ..........................6639Primary Number40changing ..............................................................5641Q42Quick Touch panel43configuring ...........................................................3144R45redial ...........................................................................4246redial options47setting ..................................................................2548replacing contacts list with an external file .................6449Restore data files .......................................................3250Ring Pattern51choosing ...............................................................3052S53screen54cleaning ................................................................1955screensaver56from USB pictures ................................................6657Scrolling and Navigation58about ....................................................................1159SENDALL ...................................................................4860T61Telephone display icons62about ....................................................................1263Telephone stand64about ....................................................................1765text size66configuring ...........................................................3067Thumb drives ..............................................................6368Transfer ......................................................................4669U70USB files .........................................................63, 65, 6671merging with contacts list .....................................6372pictures ................................................................6673USB flash drives74working with .........................................................6375V76Visual Alerts77configuring ...........................................................2678Voice dialing79changing setting ...................................................2580changing the language .........................................2581Voice mail45logging in ..............................................................6746Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PMAvaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010     83
W1weather2adding a location ..................................................733application ............................................................734updating ...............................................................735World Clock6adding locations ...................................................717selecting a location ..............................................728viewing location details ........................................729Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT-June 24, 2010-5:17 PM84     Avaya one-X™ Deskphone H.323 9621G/9641G User Guide Issue 1 May 2010

Navigation menu