PRECAUTIONS COPYRIGHT? ' Distributing copies of MP3, WMA with DRM or WAV tracks wilhuut permission is a violation uf international copyright laws. SAFETY: - Whrfltifln experienoed during walking or exercising will not affect the player. Huwever, dropping the player or dmpping a heavy object on the player may result in damage or sound distortion. - Avuio spilling any liquid unlu or We the player. . Do not leave the player in a Iomll'on near heat sources; In a locaiion suhiectto direct sunlight, excessive oust, send, mnlsmre. rain or mechanical shock; on an unlevel suriace; or in a car with the windows ciosed during periods of excessive heat. ROAD SAFETY: - Do not use headphones while driving, cycling or cperaling any molurizsd vehide. it may create a traffic hazard and it is illegal in some areas. it can be polemially dangemus Iu play your headset at a high volume while walking, especially at pedestrian crossings. You should exercise extreme cauiinrl or discontinue use in pntenfialiy hazardous situaflnns. FCC WARNING: - This equipment may generate or use radin frequency energy. Changes or modifications lo this equipment may cause harmful interference unless the modifications are expressly approved in the inslmeliun manual. The user could lose the authority to operate ihis equlpmeni ii an unauthorized change or modification is made. FCC DECLARATION This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two mnditions: 1) This device may not cause interference, and 2) This device must accept any interference received. induding interference that may cause undesired operation. Warning: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly appmved by the periy respunsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to cumply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Pen 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to pruvide reasonable protection against harmtul interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, it no! installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radin communicatluns. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. if this equipment dues cause harmful interference to radio or television receptiun. which can be determined by turning the equipment on and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or mare ot the tollowing measures: - Reurient or relucate the receiving antenna. - Increase the separatiun between the equipment and receiver. - Connect the equipment intu an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is cunnected. - Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician fur help. Shield cable must be used with this unl't In ensure compliance with class 5 FCC limits. Dear Cusmmsr: Selecting fine audio equipment such as the unit you’ve just purchased is only me start of your musical enjoyment Now it's time to consider how you can maximize ihe fun and exciiernent your equipment offers This menulacturer and file Electronic industries Association's Consumer Elsclmnics Gmup want you to gel the most out oi your equipment by playlng it at a safe level. One that les me sound come through lnud and clear without annoying blarlng or disioriion end, most importantly. Without aflscllng your sensitive hearing Suund can be deceiving, Over lime your hasrlrig “comfort level" sdapLs to highest volumes of sound. 50 what sounds “nurmal” can actually he loud and harmful to ynur hearing. Guard againsi this by setting your equipment at o safe level BEFORE your hearing adapts. To ambush a safe level: - Start your volume control at a low setting. . Slowly increase the sound until you can hear it comfortably and clearly. and without distortion. Ones you have eslabllshed a mmforlable sound level: ' Set the dial and leave it lhefe. Taking a minule to do this now will help to prevent hearing damage or loss in the future. Afier all. we want you listening for a lifetime. We Want You Listening For A Llfsllme Used wisely, your new sound equipment will pwvide e lifetime of fun and enjoyment Since hearing damage irorn loud noise is often undetectable uniil it is ten late. this manuiactuner and me Electronic Indusiris's Association‘s Consumer Electronics Group recommend you avoid prolonged exposure to excessive noise This list of sound levels is included ioryour protection. l‘ Decibel Lam an 40 50 so 70 80 THE FOLLOWING NOISES CAN BE DANGERsz UNDER CONSTANT EXPOSURE: 90 100 120 140 150 Examg g Quist library, sofi whispers Living room, relrigeralar. bedroom away fmm lmlflc Ligmuamc, normal mnversatiun, quim omoa Air mndifioner al 20 fseg sewing machine Vacuum deener, hair dryer, ncfsy restaurant Average city traffic, garbage disposals, alarm clock a! MD feet Subway, momma/C‘s. truck traffic, lawn mower Garbage lruek, chaln saw, pneumaflc drill Ruck band cunnert In fmnl 01 speakers, thunderclap Gunshnl blast. jel engine Rocket launching pad Infnrmslion courtesy Of the Deafness Research Faundflhon. CATION OF CONTROLS 91>?!" F” 3456 Navigation Control (Navigation Upanwn, Menu, CD Skip/Search MM, Radio Tuning UpIDown) LOCK Switch (rear of unit) VOLUME — Button VOLUME + Button Battery Compartment (Under Peel) Display 1 2 7 8 9 10 111213 7. Peei B. Play/Pause >II (Enter) Button 9. Power/Stop (Exit) Button 10. EQI' (Play Mode) Button 11. Strap Hole 12. USB Port (Side of Unit) 13. Headphone Jack (Side of Unit) $5.3 Ewimx “signs 3 33.2 ms 2 is? 95 32.5; can 5: $228. an a. 39.25 3: 55:3 ”9292 0:5 3; no 6 x. banana EEG; s $2.2 2. EDGE as: 8 “SR. 93. m E cum: 2. a a: n 833 of. n as 5:3 25.3 33.8 E. 322 2 2: an .N 3553 Eng 3 E5 ea in “52.5 mm: _ aura". mi. 5 5,2 m use. 3:3 25582; ”5: if w=o_5mm._.._. || button 9m select it » Repeatedly push and release the Navigation canlrol to the left (Tuning ann) ur right (Tuning Up) to tune a station. For rapid search tuning. push and hold the Navigaflon control (a (he Iefl or right for one second, then release; the unit will automatically seam and stop on the next strongest station, When a station is broadcasting In stereo. “STEREO” will appear in the display. Press the Eat ‘ button to listen in mmo. “STEREO' will disappear tram the display. Press the sow button again to "slum ta steraa If the station is not strung enough or it is not bmadmsttng in Stereo, “stared" will nDI appear. 15 Press me VOLUME + m- a buttons to adjusflhevulume. To tum the um’l off, press and hold the Power/Stop human. “Hold Down To Paws! or w.“ appear in the display. The unit wm tum m? smsr u mums up from one to Hume. Do nm release the Power/Sap butlun unlll the unit Iums of, ANTENNA merns headphones act as an antenna for FM. Extend the headphone wire (or has! FM reception. 19 OPERATION ONTINUED) T0 MANUALLY SET A STATION INTO MEMORY I] l A} 03\ AD Tum the unit on by pressing the Power/Slap button; select the FM Tuner made and tune a slafion as described on pages is and19. Press the PLAY/PAUSE >ll button 0: “STORE" will appear in Ihe display. Push the Navigation conlml e imms \he left or right in Salem 3 presst number (“Channel 01" km "Channel10"). a“. A“ When ma desired memory number appears. press the PLAYIPAUSE >ii button a |o slnre ills presel; ‘STORE" will disappear trim the display and the station will be sel into memory. To cancel and no! stars the Stalin", press the Power/Stop button a; “Store" will disappearfmm the display 20 0 PE RATI ON TO AUTOMATICALLY SET STATIONS | (CONTINUE NTO MEMORY II Whlle In the FM radiu mode, make sure me PRESET indicator Is not in the dlsplay. If it is, press Ihe Power/Slop buflon m clear it. Press ene hold me PLAY/PAUSE >|| button until mum SCAN” appears in (he dlsplay. The unit will autumahcafly store the ten next strung stflhcns ima memonj. New FM Stalkms wm overwrlte arm/ions presets. NOTE: u less men ten stalmns have been scanned mm the memory, the memory wm keep a! a lrequency wwlh 57.5MHz. TO RECEIVE MEMORY PRESEI'S flfi 4h. Press ahe Power/Slop human 0; “PRESET‘ will appear in «he display. Push the Navlgaliun mm ea towards (he left or ngm lo sewect a plesel channel, Press the Power/Slop human 0 to exit lhs preseq mess; the ‘PRESET‘ indicamr will disappear'mm Ihs dismay. 21 OPERATION (CONT NUED) TO LISTEN TO MP3SIWMASIWAVS II A“ Tum lhs unll an by pmlng lne Puwerlstnp hullun a: file Memorsx slarl spree“ wm appeal in Ihe displayuampumnly. ThemheMusic Playermenu will appear and lhe MFJIWMA’s ualx lnlurmallon will appear in me display. Flax me PLAY/PAUSE >|| hum e la slam playback mp playlupk MPSNVMA file's llllurmafi'nrl wlll appaar/saullauoes me clumsy W ms unit Is in a mode mher hall the Musl: Player menu. press the Navigation Covllml 0: the Main menu will appear ln the display. wmlln alx seconds. push the Navigallon commlmnmrds (he lell or right unlll Flay Now/NEW Playing IS nigh» Iighled. then press Ihs PLAY/PAUSE P | bulmn 810 selad ll, Playhad< will starl summalinally I'E'flaal- fl AP Sal me Equaler as shown on page l7. Press me VOLUME l o/- a bumns lp adjust me volume. To slop play/palm, pleas lhe Puller/Slap pullan a; me Slop lmllcalur will appear. Tu llm me mlt all. preps and hold me Pomerlswp human: “Hula Dan To Fewer-om will appear in me lllaplay The unit wlll lum all aller il mums up lmm am: la three. Du nulrel se "la Puwerlslnn hmmn unfil |he uninms all. NONE: - See pages 9 Ihmugh ls var hfomnliml en uphudhg MP3. WMAaml WAV files lu this unll NOTE (Aura RESUME): Each lime you exltlha Music Player mane erlum Ills unilnfl. when me unllla fumed hadi un nrynu emerme Music Player mnds agaln.1h!s un‘rxwill resume allne heglnmng nl me |as1 luck which was playing before lumlng me power oflur manging mode. Tu cancsl resume, pug the PuwerISlop [mum once wllllu in Muslc Player slap made; me unit will lemm lo showing me first file's infmmalmn. When in me Random or Randum Repeal made (see page 26). me unll will ml show me firsl file's lnlurmaliun when yuu press llle Power/slap bullun. in ma Playllal er Pleylisl Repeal mode, ll will ralum b show line first salamed file's immune". 22 OPERATION (C TIN TO PAUSE PLAYBACK n , During playback, lf you wish to pause the file mnmenlarily, press lne PLAY/PAUSE >ll bulton: playback will pause, the Pause indicator wlll appear and the timer will stop counting. Press file PLAVIPAUSE >ll button agaln to resume playback; the sound will return, the Play indicator will appear and the timslr will start counting again. TO SELECTIBROWSE THROUGH THE FILES 4A . 4» 41A . Press lhe Navigation control a; the Main Menu will appear. Pusn the Navigation control 0 towards the left or right to Browse lharl press tne PLAY/PAUSE >n button a tu select it; me Root folder contents will appear. Repeatedly push Iha Navlgflllon control 0 (awards the Iefi tar right to selea s file/{alder H B folder ls salsded. press the PLAY/PAUSE >|| button Q to open the folder, (hen push the Navigation cunlrul 0 towards the [all or right to select 5 ms When the desired file ls selec‘led press the PLAY/PAUSE bll human 9 lo start playing the selected file. NOTE: To remm in me Root folder, press the Power/Stop button, 23 OPERATION (CONTINUED FORWARD/REVERSE SKIP n» a» Durlng playback. push the Navigation central to the right to advance the playertio the beginning of the next file. Push the Nevigatiun control to the fig!“ repeatedly to advance the player to higher~numbered files. During playback, push the Navigation mntml to the left to mwe the player back to the beginning of the currently playing file. Push the Navigation control to the la" repeatedly lo move the player back to lewsr-numbered files HIGH-SPEED MUSIC SEARCH .fl> Durlng playback. push and hold the Navlgatlon control towards the right ur the left to mime me playflr fnmard or backward wilhln a file lu locale a Specific musical passage. The player will move forward or backward al high speed as long as the central is held. When you release the control, nnrmal playback win msums. 24 o RATION (co T0 REPEAT A FILE ED) use. A!» Ta repeal a single file, press the ECU‘ button 0 anus whlle playing a me; me Repeal One indiparpr an will appear in line display. Push the NavTQafion control a inwards (ha lsR or right to select the spscllle track mat you wish in repeat The Specific track you selected will be repeated continuously. To cancel Repeat playback, press the EQI‘ limmn repeatedly unt'll the play mode indicators disappear from he display. TO REPEAT ALL FILES n . To repeal all files, press lne EQI' when twice while playing a file; the RepeaIAll indicator m will appear in me display All tracks all the player will be repeated continuously. To cancel Repeat playback. press the EQI' bumn repeatedly unlil lne play mode indicamrs disappear 1mm Ihe dlsplzy. 25 OPERATION (CONTINUED) TO RANDOMLY PLAY ALL FILES A} QR At» Tu randomly play an the flies and (hen siup. prfis the EGI' bumm three Mme: While In the Stop made: the Random indicamr x wili appear in he display, Pmss ma PLAYIPAUSE >l| human I) m star: playback; ma unit will piay all are iradrs in random prdar, Wharr aii ma [lads have been played, the unlt wm siap. To ramps! Random piaybadt, press ma Ear human 5 rapsatady uniri me piay mods iridiaamrs disappearimm ma display T0 RANDOMLY PLAY ALL THE FILES CONTINUOUSL‘I I] QR A} Tn mndumly play ail me files cuntinuuusly, press the Ear buflcri fuur tims while in ma Stop mode: the Random Repeat indicator ma win appearln ina dispiay. Press the PLAY/PAUSE >II bu|ton 0 to start playback; the unit wiii play all ma pads in random urdnr cnm‘inuausly. To cansai Random Repeat playaapk. press the EQ(‘ bmmn 9 rapaaradiy umn the piay mnda inm-mra disappaar fmm iha dispiay. 26 0 RATION (CONTINUED) PLAYING A PLAYLIST (A playlisl must be programmed first, see $19.28) A» Press the EOI' button 0 five tlmes while playing a H P" wm appear in the dreplay. Push (he Na lgnlum comm! 9 wwamg the right he scan playmg me firsurerx ofme magnet The umr wiB play ma praylisr anea and man amp To cancer Playflst playnaene press the E0!“ button repealanfly unlil lhe play made mica-us arsappear from me display. REPEATEDLV PLAYING A PLAYLIS’T (A pl aylist must be programmed first. see pg. 23) II GA A» A» Press Ihe £01“ bumm a six times whHe playan a file; “P" and me Rspaat indicator 0 will appear in me dismay Push the Navigalmn oomrd 91mm fine right «a man waving the first track unhe plawist The unnwiu play me playflm repeatedly Ta uncar Repeat Playilst playback, press me EQI‘ hlmun repeatedly unlil rha p|ay made indicalurs disappear 1mm ma arapray 27 OPERATION (CONTINUED) CREATING A PLAYLIST 4x A AD 4\ . Press IhE Navigation willful 0; the Main Menu will appear. Push the Navigation cuntrol 0 towards the lell or right tn Browse then press the PLAY/PAUSE V" bullon O to select it; me Root folds! mutants will appear. Repealedly pusrr llre Navigation wmml 0 towards the lsll or nphl ln select a file/Valuer. ll a laldsr ls seamed, press lhe PLAY/PAUSE >|| buflun e In Open lrrs lower men pusn ma Navigufl'an acnlrul 0 towards the lanar right Our-Elem a file. NOTE: Ta mlum la the Rant lulusr, press ms Power/Slop human. A} 4\ 4 AD When rlna dssirad ms is sslaslad, pm and new ma PLAVIPAUSE >ll bullnn to add It 10 ms plsyllsl; a program number wlll appear at the lan slde bl me file (Le. 111" Is he first program llle ol the plsyllsl. “02“ me second llls. em). Prass lrre PLAY/PAUSE >l| human agalrr m confirm and ma prpgrsrn numberwlll disappear. Rapsalsleps z and 3 to add more files. NOTE: Ta sxil ms Elm/Se menu and rslpm on me Maln menu, mess the Navigalinn mnlml umll ms Msln manp appears ln lne dlsplay. $89 prsvlnus page farhuwm play me playllsl, NOTE - Yau can only programme same file inID the playllsl once, 28 OPERATION (CON T0 VIEW/CLEAR THE PLAYLIST UED n 4k . A» Press and hold the Navlgsm‘on comm] o umll Ihe Semng Menu appears in me alsplay. Push the Navigaflon cuntml 0 towards Ihe rlgm repsaladly la Playllsl and then press (he PLAY/PAUSE >|| human 9 in select ll: the PlayIis1 will appear. To clear a file, selsm me me (a delete by pushing the Navigation control a m we lelt or right unlll the file IS hlghligmed. men press the E411' button 9. To uearalll mes In the playllsl, aflerentering me playfist, press me EQ/‘ human 0. flu . AP 4\ . [I AP Push the Navlgafiurl control 0 awards the left nr light (a select. CLEAR ITEM or CLEAR L|ST. then press the PLAY/PAUSE >Il human 9. Push me Navigation control 0 (awards me left or right la select NO or YES. men pre§ the PLAY/PAUSE >ll button 9 b confirm. I1 you select yes and confirm the file/ms; In the playlisl will men be deleled; if you sslscl No and cnnfirm, mefilemles wl’II nal be deleted. OPERA ON (CONTINUED DELETING A FILE 4x I] AB 4\ » Press me Navigallon control 0; the Maln Menu will appear. Push the Navigaliun control 0 towards the left or right (a Bruwse men press me PLAY/PAUSE >|| button a m se|ect it; the Rom folder epntems wm appear. Repeatedly push the Navlgah'nn mmrul o Inwards me |efl or rlgm m select a file/folder if a tower is selected. press the PLAVIFAUSE >Ilbu1wn a m open the lblder, than push Ihe Navlgaflan mnlrol o mads the let] nr rigmm self-ma fileu NOTE: To reuur. m me Raul (alder, press me vaer/Smp hum". El AP 4k . fl AD After the file ls selected, press me EQI‘ humm Push the Navigafion control 0 towards the Iefl or righl to 581801 NO or VES, then press the PLAY/PAUSE >II button a (a canfilm. If you select YES and confirm, lhe file will men be deleted; if ynu salad NO and confirm, the file wlll not be deleted. 30 0 RATION (CONTINUED) TO SET THE CONTRAST I] <1! . A? E A . Pmss and hnld the Navigafiun central 11 mm the Selling menu appears in Ihe dlsplay. Snmu w Cunkrfist by pushing the Navigation mntml 0 (awards the 19" or right. man press the PLAY/PAUSE >|| button 9 lo Salem it; [he Contrast setting will appear. Push the Navigation cunlml towards the IE“ or right In set the dssll‘ed contrast. Press the Navigation cnnlrm twice ur wait a few seconds to exit the menu. 31 OPERATION (CONTINUED) TO SET THE BACKLIGHT E A . Press and hald (he Navigafiun Cunlml 0 until the Setting menu appears in me dismay, Scroll m Beskxigm by pushing the Nevwgsuen conml 0 (awards the 1511 Or fight and men press the PLAY/PAUSE >|| human 0 us select it; the Eacktighl safling WM! appear, Set the dssrrea backlight urns (AWWays ow. s semnds, 1a seconds. 15 seconds MNways On) py pusnrng me Navipeu‘an control to we left or righL The re the flms the backlightwlll be m before luming efiwhen rm mums are pressed, sesaArwsys on and me baddighl wm not IlghL Press the Navigalmn cunlrol as set and relum (a me serengs menu TO SET THE PLAY TIMER 4k . Ab E A» . Press and hold me Navigation cuntml o unfil ms Setting menu sppesrs in me dlspwey, Sure” to Play Tlmer py pushing the Narrgsrpn conlml to the left or right 0 then press are PLAY/PAUSE >|| human 9 In selecl it: me Play Tlmer sening will appear. Scroll by pushing the Navlgsnen contra! (awards the mfl nr right In ss|su s desired may timer sening (Elapsed er Remeinlng). Press the Navigaiiun control 1p set and relurn «p the semngs menu. 32 OPERATION (CONTINUED) TO SEI' THE POWER SAVINGS ll».fl». QR Prus and hem tne Nevlgntinn mntmlountll Push the Navlgafinn ennlrel Iowards the left or the Setting menu appears in the display. ngnt lo select a desired Fewer Savings setting Scmll tn iner savrngs by pushing the lniseble.l mlnule,3minutee.5 mlnutss].This is Navigallon cpntrnlo luwards the left or rignt the time the unlt wlll stay on if ll “s nnt pleyrng Ihen press the PLAY/PAUSE >II tmtlnn a le and ne buliuns have been pressed Ior the set , ssleclitlna Powersavings settlngwlll appear. tlrne, Press the Nevlgetien central to set and relum lo the settings menu. TO VIEW THE SYSTEM INFO Puss and nold the Navlgeuan omrml n untrl lne Setlrngs menu appeals ln the dlsplny Scroll 10 Syetern lnle by pushing the Navigation ounlmI n tnwems tne lett or rigm llren press the FUN/PAUSE >II lumen 9m select It: the system In'mmallun wrll appear. Press the Nsvlgntlpn ennlrol o to exlt System lnlu, me Settings menu wlll men reappear. 33 ’ TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE lt you experience a problem wllh this unit, chad< the chart below belore calling for service. SYMPTOM CAUSE SOLUTION Unit will not Dead battery, or not Replace battery and install turn on. installed properly. properly. Lock switch is in the Slide switdr to the Unlook posi- Lock position. tian. No sound. Headphones are not Insert headphones. inserted. Volume is set too Raise the volume, low. The MP3 or WMA tiles Download uncorrupted are corrupted. files. FM distorted. Station not tuned. Retune station and extend headphone wire. Download Failure. Damaged USB cable. Replace cable. The computer is not The USB cable is Make sure USB cable is recognizing the not sewrely connected. securely connected. player. Driver is not installed install driver and/or see or computer is not pages 9 through 14 for compatible. compatibility WMA files with DRM Incorrect downloading See pages 15 through 16 to cannot playback. methods. download WMAfiies with DRM. TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE (CON UED SYMPTOM CAUSE SOLU'I10N No buttons work The Luck feature is activated. Slide the Lock switch to the unlock position. Unit needs to be reset or firmware needs tu be updated. Reset unit and/or update firmware, see pages 38-37. Unit acting erratically. Unit needs to be reset or firmware needs to be updated. Reset unit and/or update firmware, see pages 36-37. WMA files with DRM cannnt playback. lncorrect downloading methods. See pages 1516 to download WMAfiles with DRM. 35 FORMA'I'I'ING THE PLAYER WARNING! D0 not format this player unless it stops working and you are instructed 10 do so by technical support personnel. Formatting the Player 1. Use the USB cable to connect the player and the computer. 2. Double click on My Computer, right cllck the “Removable Di k" and left click on ‘Format", 3. At the "Format" window. select ‘FAT32" from the file system pull down menu. then click start to format the unit (see figure to the right). NOTE: Make sure yuu have selected the "FAT32" at the file system pull down menu, otherwise after formatting, the player will not work properly. 4. Click OK to confirm and the player will start to format. 5. When finished. click "Close" to close the Format window 36 » UPDATING THE FIRMWARE WARNING! Do nul update the firmware unless you are sxpsrisncl‘ng problems with your dlgltal audio device. InDclrect or fauhy firmware inflallafion will cause the player to stop funcllorllng. 1. Download the updated firmware at ww.msmurexeleclmrlics.com. 2. Unzip the file, than double cllck setupexe in me Desklbp folder to inslall lire software to your oomuuter. 3. Connect the playerlu me wmpuler using the supplied USB cable and the lnstallalion screen wlll appear. (mne installallm screen dug not appear. unplug the USE cable and mm ulnhe unit). Connect to the computer agaln and press and hold me Power/Stop button until ms l’nstallatiun screen appears. 4. Follnw the on-screen lnsmrcfinns to install tha drivsr. 5. When finished, dick START and Innate the newly inflallsd software ‘Memurex Audia Player“ and sslsct “Flrmware annload’. RESETTING THE UNIT , If lhe uml ems errallnally. reset the unll by remmling the battery far a law seconds and (hen reinsenlng. 37 SPECIFICATIONS Audio Frequency Range 20m — ZDKHZ Headphones Ompul zomw, 16uhm (Max. Vol) SIN Ralln asap (MP3) FII! Support MP3 MPEG 1/2/25 Layer 3 VVMA Windaws Media Audifl (WMA file wlIh DRM) WAV ADPCM encoding Bil Rate 8kbps—32flkbps Tag IMO IDS Tag FM Tuner FM Frequency Range 87.5MHz—1DBMH1 Amenna Headphaneleal’phc-nss Cord AnIenna General Dimension 33 x 40 x 40 mm Weight 389 (Mmhoul battery) Battery 1 x AAA baIIEry LCD FuII Graphlc with Backligm Language English USB USB 2.0 Built-in Memory 128MB Max Playlw'me Approx. 18 hours (123m, MP3) Supported os Win ME, 2000, XP and Mac osx VWn ease (Driver is required) Dperaflng Temperature m- F IL) 104° F (5° 0 to 40° C) Specificafiuns are subject VJ chins. without notlca. 38 FOR FIRMWARE UPGRADE, PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT WWW.MEMOREXELECTRONICS.COM To CHECK IF THERE Is NEW FIRMWARE AVAILABLE. FOR ADDITIONAL SET-UP OR OPERATING ASSISTANCE, PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT WWW.MEMOREXELECTRONICS.COM OR CONTACT CUSTOMER SERVICE AT (954) 660-7100. PLEASE KEEP ALL PACKAGING MATERIAL FOR AT LEAST 90 DAYS IN CASE YOU NEED TO RETURN THIS PRODUCT TO YOUR PLACE OF PURCHASE OR TO MEMOREX. FOR PARTS AND ACCESSORIES, CONTACT FOX INTERNATIONAL AT 1-800-321-6993. 39 Memcorp, Inc. Weston, FL Printed in China Visit our website at www.memorexelectronics.com 413mm 0 s it ive or is it Memorex'?"“ MMP8560 User’s Guide Personal FM Stereo MP3/WMA/WAV Player Before operating this producl, please read these instructions completely.
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