AVITA BPW-07XX Bluetooth Blood Pressure Monitor User Manual 72 B65MN out

AVITA Corporation Bluetooth Blood Pressure Monitor 72 B65MN out

User Manual

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Document ID809390
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Document DescriptionUser Manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
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Filesize295.63kB (3695405 bits)
Date Submitted2007-06-28 00:00:00
Date Available2007-06-28 00:00:00
Creation Date2007-06-27 12:13:34
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Document Lastmod2007-06-27 12:13:34
Document Title72-B65MN-out.cdr
Document CreatorCorelDRAW 版本 12.0
Document Author: Administrator

Bluetooth Blood Pressure Monitor (Arm Type)
User‘s Manual
Please readlhisinslruction manual
carefully before usingyeur blood pressure monitor
l.|mporlanlNotice.. 1
2. Intended Use ..................... z
3 Device Description ................ 2
4 Description of LCD Display ,,,,,,, 3
5. Ballery Loading ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3
6. How to Apply the Arm Cull ... ... .. 4
7. Dale/ Time Set Procedure ... ... ... s
8. Howie Measure _ 7
9. Howthe Wireless Conneciion Works. _ 10
10.Mem0ry Recall and Delelion _.. ... . 11
11 Selling the Alarm Clock ............ 12
12.Cauti0ns in Cleaning ............... 14
13 Applied Standards ................. 15
14.FCC Statement ................... 1a
15.Errcr Indication ................... 1s
lfiProducl Specification .............. 19
Important Natice
When using Ihls product please be sure lufollow all the
holes llsleu below Anyaellon againsllnese nollces may
cause lnjuryor affecllne accuracy
Do not disassembley repair, crremodel the monitor
Do nol expose lne monitor lo extreme lernperalure. very
hlgh humldlty, ordlrectsunllghl
Avold dropplng and rough handling
Press Start/Stop button dullng measurement may cause
me EPM slop operallng
During lne measuremenl, please keepsnenllo ensure lne
male 5,
lnaccurale readlngs may occur lluserylbrales durlng
Nole 7:
Avcld measurlng blond pressure in an mlnules aller
exercise balhlng, or relurnlng from ouldoor.
Note 8:
Underany circumstance, measured results are ONLY for
reierencefmy lurthermedlcal actlon should lollowlhe
advice of doctors.
Intended Use
This arm type Blood Pressure Monitorappiiesthe
Oscruometrrc method to measure human systoiicr diastolic
biood pressure and heart rate/RH values are shown on the
LCD menuoranu the results wlil be senteutomahcailylo
yourneamr mommrrng devlcethrough wrreless connectlon.
ans aevrce rs uesrgnee only for aduits
Device Description
7 Mode Euuon
7 s|an / Slop Bullon
Arm cw f—flz
Orange Cu" Marker
r P
(comma to Air Jack)
Description of LCD Display
(r) SyswrrcPressure fer Date
fir PurseDrspray \, Aiarmsymbui
(4) Trme
ii) Drasiohc Pvessure
Inflalrnn/Deflairun Symbui
Average Measurementsymbui
Low Bauery Symbui
WHO rrrarcamr
is} Memuvy Set
'“ fB-EE imam:
7mm ‘mn AVG
r’v‘r Memory Symbni (A?
Battery Loading
1 Open the battery caver.
2 Load lour‘i SVAAtyped aikaime batteries in (he
compartmentand Ihen ciose Ihe cover.
Qwhen the “Low Bauery Symbor" appears atthe
rrghlrbouom corneron the LCD monilorr piease reprace
an banerres
mane dame Wm not be used fora long time piease
remove all (our batteries.
GBaiteries must bedisposed ofln accordance with incal
environmental and instrtuirunai puiicies
How toAppIy the Arm Cuff
.Make sureme aw mug ws securewy
mserted inme main unil
. Remove UghI-lilting clclhmg from
Sit m a chawrwwlh yourleetflalun
thefluorand restycurarm on a
tab‘e so (hanks cuflls aHhs Same
wevew as yourheart. g
.Tumme pawm cfyournand
upward.App\yme omen your
upperarm Secure the cuflarcund
your arm using Ihe vewcm smp
Make sureme cuvflswrappeu
lirmlym place.
5 The butlom uHhe culfshould be approximarewy u s" m
1.2" above youremcw Make sure the orange markerls
m your mnerarm and "Index" rs m the range 07" <—OK—~
/ 2-3cm \
Q‘s -1.2 )
Natura‘ly‘ [flood pressure variesvrom two hands‘ so that
always measure yourblood pressure an the same arm.
in order to ensure comparaurmy ofrwo readings
Date! Time Set Procedure
1.Aner Loadmg the batteries (his devrce womd enter mm
Dale/Trme semng procedure and me Month vamewm
be flashed first
2. To adjusnhe varue ovMonm, prease press "M1" button
and Ihe value erI goes up Once fimshed, please press
"MZ" button to confirm the value and go to the next
3. Fouowme steps instructed above toadjusnhe varue or
day year, hour. minute and unit unemperamre ( "c / “H
Month Day Vnr Hnur Minn" "cl'r
How to Measure
1 . Press the Stan I Slop button
(1 >AH dlsplay symbaws appearfcr approx 1seconds
Thls s Ihe mmaw LCD last
(2) When the manner complems me necessary Ms W m
| m: m
preparaflons before measurement the fist BB‘ mg
readmg resukwlll be shown on me dlsplay fcM
(3) Then the manner begms «0 measure your mood
pressure. and you wm seems mflauan symbm on
(he dwsp‘ay when |nfla|mg Durmg the process of
deflahun, Ihe symhcfl of mflahcm wwH Ium a" and
(he symnm 0! neflauen WWH mm on mslead
2 Record the Measurement Result
(1 tAtterttte measurement ts compteteo, your otoou pressure and
outse rate wttt be dtsplayed on the LCD automatteatty.
(2) Press Mt tu recnrd the measurement tn the hrstzene‘ arpress
M2 to recede tn the second zone
(3) The devtce would auto record the measurement tn thettrstzone
tt users no net press any button after measurement
/ o
Press M1 Press MZ‘
Record Record
in M1 tn M2
x The slored measurements wrtt rematn m the memory even when
the hattertes are remnved fur ballery replacement
(4)The Worta Heatth Organtzattun (WHO) and the tnternattonat
Secrety at Hypertenston (tSH) aeyetueeu the Btoou Pressure
Ctasslhcatlun Shawn M Ihe figure below
x The tnuieator shows on LCD hetps to getto know what your
Bteea Pressure means tnstantty
>:< Accordtng to the otooe pressure etassthcattun by the WHO / tsH
trevtseu m 1999) s
3. Temperature Mode
(1)Alterme measurement ws compweted,
your mood pressure and muse w." be
dlsplayed on the LCD aummamauy
(ma mm m temperalure mane please
press me START/ STOP buuon «a
much In Ihe lemperalure made
(3) Ms devme wama automalwcaHy swmcn lo mmperamre mode
aflerlwu mmules mung
2 min. me;-
x To 5m down the temperature dwsp‘ay‘ p‘ease remove all (our
How The Wireless Connection Works
Anhe end loe measurement, your mood pressure wwll
be sent automahcaHym your heallh monuormg aevrce.
You do not need to do anything. Whe neaun momtcrmg
devwe rs notwcrkmg or rs nolwllhm range ofthe blood
pressure monitor the blood pressure wiH be stored m the
blood pressure momtor's memory
Memory Recall and Deletion
‘l Memory Recall
(1) Underlemperalure modei press "lvll" butlonto recall
ttiereadingsinlnelirstzone,orpress'MZ" uultcnlo
recall the readings in lhe second zone Them the
average measurement resultWill be sliown on llie LCD
(2) After llie average reading is shown on llie dlsplay, you
can press"M1"ol"M2"buttcnl01racK hlslollcal
recordslrom no l lo no so
UnderTemperature made 3 UnderTemperalure mode
Press “Ml“ Press "Ml“ Pless “M2“ Press “M2“
snows average agaln ln recall . snows average agalrl to recall
AVG average the latest tliree measurements
You can recall up to 60 measurements in eacn zone
lvlemory capacity is maintained in a "iirst—lrlrlirstrout"
basls, is the oldest readingsWill be deleled first
2 Memory Delelion
Undertemperalure modei please press Ml(or M2)
bulton and hold it until lrie screen shows Clr, men all me
records saved ie the relative zone would be cleared.
Setting theAlarm Clock
Vourautomatic dlgital blood pressure momtcr
features an alarm clock. The alarm can be set to
rmg at three different times m the day. The alarm is
especlally helpful llyou are requlred to measure
your blood pressure at specific tlmes (lor example:
7:00 a.m ‘12:00 pm and 10:00 p m.). F|gs. 1-3.
To set the alarm clock:
1. Press the Mode Button to enter mm the alarm
setting mode.
2. Continue to press the Mode Button to select the
alarm to adjust.
3. Wlth the chosen alarm screen dlsplayed, the hour
will begin to flash at the middle ofthe screen, Fig 4.
Presslhe M1Buttohto changelhe hour Oncelhe
correct hour ls displayed, press the M2 Button to
4 Aiterthe hour is confirmed, the minutes Will begin
to flash. Fig 5. Pressthe Mt button to changethe
minutes. Once the correct minutes are displayed,
press the M2 button to confirm.
5. The alarm feature must be turned on immediately
aftersetting the time torthe alarm. Press the M1
Button to turn the alarm on, Fig 6 Press the M1
Button 3 second time to turn the alarm oft, Fig. 7.
6. Press M2 Button to confirm the setting then
automatically switch to the temperature mode.
7. DuringAIarm Setting procedure, the device will
automatically switch to temperature mode in 2
minute idling.
X You may see the alarm icon shows on the LCD
when turn to temperature after anyone of the
alarm clock is set. Fig 8.
Cautions in Cleaning
1 Wipe the mommrwnh a plece oicwoth moistened with
water or detergent, Ihen wwpe n dry
>:< Please be carewl solhalwaterdo notget mtolhe um! u
may cause damage crgaschne.
2 Do not use benzine‘ thinner, strung detergenl or
3 D0 nut wash or wellhe arm cuff
Applied Standards
This product conforms to the provisions ofthe
EC directive MDD (93/42/EEC). The following
standards apply to design and/or manufacture
ofthe products:
- EN 1060-1
Non—invasive sphygmamanometers—
Pam General requirements
- EN 1060-3
Non-invasive sphygmomanometers-
Part 3 ' Supplementary requiremenls lor electro—
Mechanical blood pressure measuring system
Eleclronic oraulornaled sphygmomanometers
' IEC/EN 606014
Medical eleclrical equipment—
Part 1 General requirementfor safety
' IEC/EN 60601-1-2
Medical eleclrical equipment-
Part2 Collateralslandard:
Electromagnetic compatibility , Requiremenls and tests
Classilrcalian according to lEC/ EN 60601-1:
- Inlernally powered equipmenl
- Type BF applied part
' Not suitable for use in the presence cla flammable
anaesthetic mixture
~ Continuous operation
FCC Statement
Nate: Tnis equipment has been tested and round to comply
With the timitstera ctass B digitat deince, pursuant to Part
ts ct the FCC Rules Tnese limits are designed to prcVide
reasonabte protection against narrnfut interterence in a
residential instattation.
This equipmentgeneralesi uses and can radiate radio
frequency energy and‘ itnot instatted and used in
accordance with the instructions may cause narmtut
interterence td radio ccmmunicaltuns However‘ tnere is
no guaranteetnat interference wiH ncl dccur in a parlicular
instattatinn tftniseduiprnentdces cause tiarrntut
interference Io radio ortetewsion reception which can be
determined by turning the equipment offend on, the useris
encouraged to try to correcttne interterenee byone oftne
tottowmg measures
* Reerient er retacatetne receiiring antenna
>i< increase tne separation between the equipment and
* Connect the equtpmenl IHID an outteton a circuit
ditferentfrdrntnatto wnicntnereceiveris connected
er Consutttne deateroran experienced radio/TV
FCC Statement
* FCC Caullon: To assure conlmued Campllance‘
(exampleeuse onlysnleldea lnlerlace cables when
connectlngtacomputerorperlpheraldevlces) Any
changesormodlflcations not expresslyappmved by lne
party responsmle ler compliance could void the user's
authorllym operate lhls equlpmem
* Thls devlca cumplieswith Parl 15 eflhe FCC Rules
Operation ls subject tolhe lollcwlng two condltiuns (1)
thls devlce may nol cause harmful lnterlerence, and (2)
ms devlce musl accept any lnterlerence raven/ed,
mcludlng mlerlerencememeycauseundesrred
>|< Tms devlce complreswrm FCC radlatlcn exposure llmlts
ssHorm foran uncontrolled envrronmem. End users
muslfcllowlhe specmc operalmg mslrucuensfor
sallslymg RF exposure Campllancs Thrslransmlller
musl not be cerlccated cropereung m conlunellon wlth
any emeranlenna orlransmlner
Error Indication
”measurement rs not made correcfly. the followmg
errorwiH be dwsp‘ayed.
How to Cnrrect
Pressure rs hrgher
man 330 mmHg
Key pans arefan
Yuu may move yuur
The measuremem
readmg ls extremewy
high or wow,
button oncemmmm
temperaiure mode.Take
arestmawhfle, measure
agam wuhoutmovmg
yourarm orbody
x Wireress Communicatmn arueMddeszmsrdumann)
Peakoutput power 1 03 dBm
>.'< u is recommended lhanhe accuracy should be checked
EU Representalwe
Gowaen Slar Compuler (UK) um.
uml 39, Rambuw ‘ndusma‘ Estate‘
Troul Road‘ West Draylon,
Mwfldx UBT 7RN, Umted ngdem
9? No 78‘Sec1,Kwanngu Rd‘
San-Chung TamelCmmty

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File Type                       : PDF
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PDF Version                     : 1.3
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Page Count                      : 24
Create Date                     : D:20070627121334
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Producer                        : Corel PDF Engine Version
Author                          : Administrator
Creator                         : CorelDRAW 版本 12.0
Title                           : 72-B65MN-out.cdr
EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools
FCC ID Filing: UV3BPW-07XX

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