Users Manual

4 Microphone Wireless SystemsSistema de 4 micrófonos inalámbricosUSERS MANUALfor Professional Series Models:› AVT-QUAD1› AVT-QUAD2› AVT-QUAD2B(AVT-4BP1 and AVT-4BP2 Beltpack Transmitters)Please read and keep for future reference.Distributed by:  www.avtronicsworld.com
* * * CONSUMER ALERT * * *Most users do not need a license to operate this wireless microphone system. Nevertheless, operating this microphone system without a license is subject to certain restrictions: the system may not cause harmful interference; it must operate at a low power level (not in excess of 50 mil-liwatts); and it has no protection from interference received from any other device.Purchasers should also be aware that the FCC is currently evaluating use of wireless micro-phone  systems,  and these  rules are  subject  to  change.  For  more  information,  call  the  FCC  at 1-888-CALL-FCC  (TTY:  1-888-TELL-FCC)  or  visit  the  FCC’s  wireless  microphone  website  at www.fcc.gov/cgb/wirelessmicrophones.TRANSMITTER SPECIFICSAVT-QUAD1 and AVT-4BP1Handheld Transmitters:Channel A (Purple) 696.65 MHz FCC ID: Y3I-AVTQUADHH8Channel B (Yellow) 693.65 MHz FCC ID: Y3I-AVTQUADHH7Channel C (Pink) 631.75 MHz FCC ID: Y3I-AVTQUADHH6Channel D (Gray) 625.15 MHz FCC ID: Y3I-AVTQUADHH5Beltpack Transmitters:Channel A (Purple) 696.65 MHz FCC ID: Y3I-AVTQUADBP8Channel B (Yellow) 693.65 MHz FCC ID: Y3I-AVTQUADBP7Channel C (Pink) 631.75 MHz FCC ID: Y3I-AVTQUADBP6Channel D (Gray) 625.15 MHz FCC ID: Y3I-AVTQUADBP5AVT-QUAD2, AVT-QUAD2B and AVT-4BP2Handheld Transmitters:Channel A (Red) 697.85 MHz FCC ID: Y3I-AVTQUADHH4Channel B (Green) 680.45 MHz FCC ID: Y3I-AVTQUADHH3Channel C (Blue) 621.55 MHz FCC ID: Y3I-AVTQUADHH2Channel D (Orange) 619.15 MHz FCC ID: Y3I-AVTQUADHH1Beltpack Transmitters:Channel A (Red) 697.85 MHz FCC ID: Y3I-AVTQUADBP4Channel B (Green) 680.45 MHz  FCC ID: Y3I-AVTQUADBP3Channel C (Blue) 621.55 MHz  FCC ID: Y3I-AVTQUADBP2Channel D (Orange) 619.15 MHz  FCC ID: Y3I-AVTQUADBP1NOTE: The manufacturer, distributor, and supplier is not responsible for any radio or TV interfer-ence caused by unauthorized modifications to this equipment. Such modifications could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.AVT-QUAD1R and AVT-QUAD2R Receiver:FCC INFORMATION2
FEATURES AND SPECIFICATIONS LIST›Use up to 4 wireless microphones at once (8 with an additional system – to use 2 systems use separate frequency groups such as AVT-QUAD1 and AVT-QUAD2 or AVT-QUAD2B)›Far reaching working distance: 200 feet›Reliable sturdy construction›Operates on 4 single channel fixed frequencies (UHF 600MHz band)›Transmitter power: 30mW›Carrier wave stability: 10PPM›Sensitivity: -105dB @ sinad = 12dB›S/N Ratio: >105dB (virtually eliminates distortion)›Great frequency response: 50Hz~18KHz›Squelch control: dual-squelch circuit eliminates static and stray signals›4 individual volume controls›Max. output level: balanced (0 – 400mv), unbalanced (0 – 200mv)›Power supply: external DC power supply, 0.8A, 12~18V DC›Output connectors: 4 XLR balanced, 1 mixed unbalanced ” TRS›Requires 2 AA batteries for each transmitter›Compact size: 16.5”(L) x 1.8”(H) x 9.8”(D) (approximate dimensions)›Lightweight: (approx.) 13.2 lbs for receiver and 4 microphones in cartonAVAILABLE MODELSAVT-QUAD1Comes with 4 handheld microphones, 1 receiver, and power cord. Frequency group 1.AVT-QUAD2Comes with 4 handheld microphones, 1 receiver, and power cord. Frequency group 2.AVT-QUAD2BComes with 3 handheld microphones, 1 beltpack and lavalier mic, 1 receiver, and power cord. Frequency group 2.AVT-4BP1Comes with 4 beltpacks and lavalier mics. Frequency group 1.AVT-4BP2Comes with 4 beltpacks and lavalier mics. Frequency group 2.Optional Accessories:  To add optional accessories such as a pack of 4 beltpacks or a second system go to www.avtronicsworld.com to find a dealer.Congratulations on purchasing a fine wireless microphone system from AVTronics.This product should give you trouble free service throughout it’s life. We trust you will enjoy it’s performance.3
Power SwitchBotón de EncendidoChannel AVolumeControlControl de VoluménChannel BVolumeControlControl de VoluménChannel CVolumeControlControl de VoluménChannel DVolumeControlControl de VoluménFRONT()()()()()HELPFUL DIAGRAMSChannel DXLR OutputChannel CXLR OutputChannel BXLR OutputChannel AXLR OutputMixed ”TRS OutputMezcla de Salida CablePower Cord InputEntrada de Cable de Energía(Actual frequencies will vary by model)(Actual frequencies will vary by model)BACK4Opening the device may void your warranty.Do not dispose of this device by putting in the trash.()(Canales de las Salidas XLR)(de Cable de (de Cable de )
5On/Off SwitchBotón de EncendidoOn/Off SwitchBotón de EncendidoRECEIVERBELTPACKcolor coded by frequencycodigo de color de frecuenciaCAUTION!To lower the risk of potentially harmful electric shocks please do not perform any of the following procedures:› Do not disassemble, remove screws, or otherwise in any way open the    enclosure.› Keep receiver and transmitters away from water including rain and moisture.› Make sure there are no breaks in the A/C power cable.› Make sure the switch is to the off position when you turn on the unit.› Do not use this device in the rain, swimming pools or in moist damp    environments.PRECAUCIÓNPara disminuir el riesgo potencial de un golpe de corriente peligroso, por favor no lleve a cabo ninguno de los siguientes procedimientos:›No desmonte ó remueva tornillos en otras palabras, no abra por ninguna razón. ›Mantenga el recibidor y el transmisor lejos de agua incluyendo lluvia ó    humedad.›Asegurese que no existen roturas ó averías en el cable de corriente A/C.›Asegurese que el interruptor está apagado cuando usted encienda la unidad.›No use este artefacto bajo la lluvia, en piscinas ó en ambientes húmedos.()()()color coded by frequencycodigo de color de frecuencia()
TROUBLE SHOOTINGCheck to make sure the power cord is plugged in and the switch is put to the “on” position.Make sure the switch has been put to the “on” position. If the unit is still not working then check the batteries in the transmitter. Each unit requires 2 AA batteries.Check to make sure the volume knobs on the receiver are all turned to the same position or all the way on.Use 4 individual XLR cables to plug into the sound board instead of the ” cable.The microphone user may be too close to a speaker or stage monitor while the microphone is in use.PROBLEMPOSSIBLE SOLUTIONThe receiver has no power.Transmitter has no power.The volume of each microphone is not at the the same level coming through the sound board.The sound is coming through on the same channel for all 4 microphones and as a result cannot be adjusted individually.Feedback6GETTING STARTEDStep 1Verify that all equipment including the sound system is turned off.Step 2Attach power supply cord to receiver.Step 3Make sure you have batteries in each transmitter that you plan to use.Step 4Plug power supply cord from receiver into the wall.Step 5Plug receiver into sound system.  Do this by either plugging in each channel using the XLR outputs on the back of the receiver (each channel requires one XLR cable) or by connecting one ” cable to the sound board. Note:  If you want the sound technician to be able to adjust each channel individually on your mixer, such as EQ, volume, and auxiliary send, you must use the XLR outputs, not the ”output. Turn the channel volume controls on the receiver all the way up and mix indepen-dently on your mixer. If you use the ” output you must adjust (mix) your volume levels on the front of your receiver.Step 6Turn on receiver.Step 7Turn on transmitters.Step 8Adjust individual volume controls to desired levels.
7LOCALIZACIÓN Y SOLUCIÓN DE PROBLEMASAsegurate que el cable de corriente está conectado y el interruptor está activado.Asegurase que el interruptor este en la posición de activado. Si la unidad sigue sin trabajar entoces coteje las baterías del transmisor. Cada uno requiere 2 baterias doble A.Asegurase de los botones de volumen en el recibidor estén todos en la misma posición ó todos subidos hasta el final.Usa 4 cables XRL individuales para conectarlos en consola de sonido en vez de el cable de ”.El que este usando el micrófono puede estar muy cerca de alguna bocina o de los monitores de piso.PROBLEMAPOSIBLES SOLUCIONESEl recibidor no tiene corriente.El transmisor no tiene corriente.El volumen de cada micrófono no está en el mismo nivel de sonido que viene de la consola de sonido.El sonido está llegando a travéz del mismo canal para los 4 micrófonos y como resultado no pueden ser ajustados individualmente.Interferencia en el sistema.CÓMO CONECTAR EL EQUIPOPaso 1Verifique que todo el equipo incluyendo el sistema de sonido este apagado.Paso 2Conecte el cable del suplidor de energía al recibidor.Paso 3Asegurese que tiene baterías para cada transmisor que usted se proponga usar.Paso 4Conecte el suplidor de energía del recibidor a la pared.Paso 5Conecte el recibidor al sistema de sonido. Puede hacer la connección de dos formas:  Puede  conectar  cada  canal utilizando  las  salidas  XLR  en la parte de atrás del  recibidor (cada canal  requiere un cable  XLR) ó puede conectar un cable de ” al sonido de la consola de sonido. Nota: Si usted quiere que su técnico de sonido pueda ajustar cada canal individualmente en su mezcladora de sonido, como el EQ, volumen ó auxiliares, usted debe usar las salidas XLR, no la salida de ”. De otra manera, suba hasta el final los controles de sonido, todo el volumen y mezcle independientemente en su mezcladora. Si usted usa la salida de ”, usted debe ajustar en su consola de sonido el volumen en el frente de su recibidor.Paso 6Encienda el recibidor.Paso 7Encienda los transmisores.Paso 8Ajuste los controles de volumen para los niveles de sonido deseados.
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