Abacus Innovations NORMARC7013 7013 Dual Frequency Localizer User Manual 7013
Lockheed Martin Air Traffic Management 7013 Dual Frequency Localizer 7013
Normarc 7013 ILS Technical Handbook
NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM Technical Handbook ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................1-1 1 GENERAL INFORMATION.............................................................................1-1 1.1 Introduction........................................................................................................ 1-1 1.1.1 ILS Overview ............................................................................................... 1-1 1.1.2 Localizer Overview ...................................................................................... 1-1 1.1.3 Localizer Description ................................................................................... 1-2 1.2 Product Type Numbers ...................................................................................... 1-2 1.3 Abbreviations...................................................................................................... 1-3 2 PHYSICAL ORGANIZATION ..........................................................................2-1 2.1 Module and Assembly Location ......................................................................... 2-1 2.2 Service Kit Assembly.......................................................................................... 2-1 2.3 Power Supply ..................................................................................................... 2-1 3 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION................................................................................3-1 3.1 Overview ............................................................................................................ 3-1 3.2 Physical Description ........................................................................................... 3-1 3.3 Monitors.............................................................................................................. 3-2 3.4 Transmitters / Modulators................................................................................... 3-2 3.5 TX Control .......................................................................................................... 3-2 3.6 Remote Monitoring (RMS) Unit .......................................................................... 3-3 3.7 Remote Control Unit........................................................................................... 3-3 3.8 Remote Slave Panel........................................................................................... 3-3 3.9 Remote Maintenance Monitoring (RMM) ........................................................... 3-3 3.9.1 RMM Access................................................................................................ 3-5 3.9.2 Storage Functions........................................................................................ 3-5 3.9.3 Local Keyboard/Display Functions .............................................................. 3-5 3.9.4 Diagnostic functions..................................................................................... 3-6 4 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS.....................................................................4-1 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Signal Minimum Performance LLZ ..................................................................... 4-1 Environmental Characteristics............................................................................ 4-2 EMC Characteristics........................................................................................... 4-2 Mechanical Characteristics ................................................................................ 4-2 Power Supply ..................................................................................................... 4-3 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 Table of contents TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM PART II INSTALLATION .....................................................................................5-1 5 MECHANICAL INSTALLATION ......................................................................5-1 5.1 Mounting Kit MK1343A....................................................................................... 5-1 5.2 Moving RF Connectors....................................................................................... 5-2 6 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION .......................................................................6-1 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 6.16 Connection Overview ......................................................................................... 6-1 Power and Battery.............................................................................................. 6-1 RF Inputs............................................................................................................ 6-2 RF Outputs ......................................................................................................... 6-3 DC Loop (Localizer only).................................................................................... 6-3 Remote Control .................................................................................................. 6-4 PC and Modem .................................................................................................. 6-5 DME (localizer only) ........................................................................................... 6-6 For the Fernau 2020 DME the following connection is recommended............... 6-9 Analog Inputs ..................................................................................................... 6-9 Digital Inputs and Outputs .................................................................................. 6-11 Battery Warning.................................................................................................. 6-12 Remote control connections............................................................................... 6-13 Automatic shutdown of GP................................................................................. 6-15 Remote slave connection ................................................................................... 6-16 Interlock switch connection ................................................................................ 6-17 7 TESTS AND ADJUSTMENTS ........................................................................7-1 7.1 Configuration Settings ........................................................................................ 7-1 7.1.1 ILS Configuration ......................................................................................... 7-1 7.1.2 Remote Ports Access Level Configuration .................................................. 7-2 7.1.3 Warning Configuration ................................................................................. 7-2 7.1.4 Remote Control Interface (CI 1210)............................................................. 7-2 7.1.5 Remote Control configuration ...................................................................... 7-3 7.2 Technical note - Leased Line Setup for Remote Control (Westermo)................ 7-5 7.2.1 DIP switch settings ...................................................................................... 7-5 7.2.2 Strap settings on modems ........................................................................... 7-5 7.2.3 Connecting modem to the cabinet ............................................................... 7-5 7.2.4 Connecting modem to the RC ..................................................................... 7-6 7.2.5 Connecting the two modems ....................................................................... 7-6 7.3 Transmitter Alignments and Calibration ............................................................. 7-7 7.3.1 RF Phase Feedback Adjustment ................................................................. 7-7 7.3.2 RF Power..................................................................................................... 7-7 7.3.3 LF Phase Adjustment .................................................................................. 7-8 7.3.4 RF Power Balance Adjustment.................................................................... 7-9 7.3.5 RF Phase at Combiner I/P ........................................................................... 7-10 7.3.6 SDM Calibration........................................................................................... 7-11 7.3.7 DDM Calibration .......................................................................................... 7-11 7.3.8 Ident Tone Modulation Depth ...................................................................... 7-11 7.3.9 RF Frequency Adjustment ........................................................................... 7-12 7.4 Antenna System Adjustments ............................................................................ 7-12 7.5 Monitor Alignment and Calibration. .................................................................... 7-12 7.5.1 General ........................................................................................................ 7-13 7.5.2 RF Input Level Adjustment. ......................................................................... 7-13 7.5.3 AGC Time Adjustment ................................................................................. 7-14 7.5.4 SDM Adjustment.......................................................................................... 7-14 Table of contents ii 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM 7.5.5 DDM Adjustment.......................................................................................... 7-14 7.6 Monitor Alarm Setting Procedure ....................................................................... 7-14 7.7 Maintenance Limit Adjustments ........................................................................ 7-15 7.8 Adjustment points............................................................................................... 7-17 PART III DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................8-1 8 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION........................................................................8-1 8.1 Introduction......................................................................................................... 8-1 8.2 Transmitter ......................................................................................................... 8-2 8.3 Monitor ............................................................................................................... 8-4 8.4 Transmitter Control............................................................................................. 8-4 8.5 Remote control system....................................................................................... 8-6 8.6 Remote Monitoring System (RMS)..................................................................... 8-7 8.6.1 General Description ..................................................................................... 8-7 8.6.2 PC and Modem........................................................................................... 8-7 8.6.3 RMS Databus .............................................................................................. 8-8 8.6.4 Maintenance Data Collection....................................................................... 8-8 8.7 Power Supply ..................................................................................................... 8-9 9 DETAILED DESCRIPTION .............................................................................9-1 9.1 Main Cabinet ...................................................................................................... 9-1 9.1.1 MF1211A Localizer Monitor Frontend ......................................................... 9-1 9.1.2 MO1212A Monitor........................................................................................ 9-4 9.1.3 TCA1218A Transmitter Control Assembly................................................... 9-8 9.1.4 LF1223A Low Frequency Generator ........................................................... 9-17 9.1.5 OS1221A RF Oscillator ............................................................................... 9-18 9.1.6 LPA1230A Localizer Power Amplifier Assembly ......................................... 9-20 9.1.7 COA1207B Change-Over Assembly ........................................................... 9-28 9.1.8 PS1227A Power Supply .............................................................................. 9-29 9.1.9 RMA1215A RMS Assembly......................................................................... 9-30 9.1.10CI1210A External Connection Interface ...................................................... 9-32 9.1.11MB1203A Monitor Section Motherboard...................................................... 9-33 9.2 Tower Equipment ............................................................................................... 9-34 9.2.1 RCA1240C Remote Control Assembly ........................................................ 9-34 9.2.2 Motherboard MB1346A................................................................................ 9-37 9.2.3 Power Supply PS635B ................................................................................ 9-37 9.2.4 Motherboard MB1347A................................................................................ 9-37 9.2.5 Slave Panel SF1344A and SP1394A .......................................................... 9-38 9.2.6 IL1379 / IL1380 Interlock switch .................................................................. 9-38 10 PARTS LISTS .................................................................................................10-1 10.1 Introduction......................................................................................................... 10-1 10.1.1Explanation of Parts Lists Form ................................................................... 10-1 10.2 Parts Lists ........................................................................................................ 10-2 10.3 Usable on code index......................................................................................... 10-2 10.4 Figures ............................................................................................................... 10-2 PART IV APPENDIXES .......................................................................................A-1 A CUSTOMERS INFORMATION.......................................................................A-1 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 Table of contents iii TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM Table of contents iv 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1-1 Figure 1-2 Figure 2-1 Figure 2-2 Figure 2-3 Figure 3-1 Figure 3-2 Figure 5-1 Figure 5-2 Figure 5-3 Figure 6-1 Figure 6-2 Figure 6-3 Figure 6-4 Figure 6-5 Figure 6-6 Figure 6-7 Figure 6-8 Figure 6-9 Figure 6-10 Figure 6-11 Figure 6-12 Figure 6-13 Figure 6-14 Figure 6-15 Figure 6-16 Figure 6-17 Figure 6-18 Figure 6-19 Figure 7-1 Figure 7-2 Figure 7-3 Figure 7-4 Figure 7-5 Figure 7-6 Figure 7-7 Figure 7-8 Figure 7-9 Figure 7-10 Figure 7-11 Figure 8-1 Figure 8-2 Figure 8-3 Figure 8-4 Figure 8-5 Figure 8-6 Figure 8-7 Figure 8-8 Figure 8-9 Figure 9-1 Typical ILS installation........................................................................... 1-1 Localizer block diagram......................................................................... 1-2 NM 7013 Module Location - Front view................................................. 2-2 NM 7013 Module Location - Rear view of main section. ....................... 2-3 NM 7013 Module Location - Front view of wall-mounted section .......... 2-4 ILS block diagram.................................................................................. 3-1 The NM 7000 series RMM/RMS systems. ............................................ 3-4 NM 70XX required mounting space (top view). ..................................... 5-1 NM 70XX mounted on wall with MK1343A............................................ 5-2 Moving the RF connectors to the cabinet bottom. ................................. 5-3 ILS main cabinet connection overview. ................................................. 6-1 Power and backup battery connections. ............................................... 6-2 RF input connections............................................................................. 6-3 RF output connections. ......................................................................... 6-3 DC loop connections. ............................................................................ 6-4 Remote control connection.................................................................... 6-5 PC and modem connections. ................................................................ 6-6 DME connections. ................................................................................. 6-7 DME master connections. ..................................................................... 6-8 LLZ master connections. ....................................................................... 6-8 LLZ Main connections Fernau 2020 DME. ............................................ 6-9 Analog input connections. ..................................................................... 6-10 Digital input/output connections. ........................................................... 6-11 Battery warning connections. ................................................................ 6-12 Remote control to ILS connection ......................................................... 6-13 Remote control power supply connections............................................ 6-14 Automatic GP shutdown connection ..................................................... 6-15 Remote slave connection ...................................................................... 6-16 Interlock switch connection ................................................................... 6-17 Station Control strap platform................................................................ 7-2 Cable connections for Remote Control via RS-232............................... 7-3 LF phase CSB illustration. ..................................................................... 7-8 LF phase SBO illustration...................................................................... 7-8 Power balance SBO illustration. ............................................................ 7-10 RF phase SBO illustration ..................................................................... 7-10 Adjustment points on Monitor Frontend MF12xx................................... 7-13 Alternative jumper settings of P2++ ...................................................... 7-14 Front side adjustment points. ................................................................ 7-17 CI1210A Connection Interface adjustment point. .................................. 7-18 Power Amplifier Assembly adjustment points (rear view)...................... 7-19 ILS Block Diagram................................................................................. 8-2 System Block Diagram of a 2-Frequency LLZ Transmitter.................... 8-3 Monitor section block diagram............................................................... 8-4 TCA1218A/B Block Diagram ................................................................. 8-5 RCA1240C/D Block Diagram ................................................................ 8-6 The RMM configuration. ........................................................................ 8-7 The RMS databus. ................................................................................ 8-8 The IIC serial bus and ADC channels. .................................................. 8-8 Power supply functional diagram. ......................................................... 8-9 MF1211A Block diagram (CL channel shown) ...................................... 9-3 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 List of Figures TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM Figure 9-2 Figure 9-3 Figure 9-4 Figure 9-5 Figure 9-6 Figure 9-7 Figure 9-8 Figure 9-9 Figure 9-10 Figure 9-11 Figure 9-12 Figure 9-13 Figure 9-14 Figure 9-15 Figure 9-16 Figure 10-1 Figure 10-2 Figure 10-3 Figure 10-4 Figure 10-5 List of Figures ii MO1212A Block diagram ...................................................................... 9-7 TCA1218A Block diagram part 1 ........................................................... 9-15 TCA1218B Block diagram part 2 ........................................................... 9-16 NMP110A block diagram....................................................................... 9-18 OS1221A block diagram. ...................................................................... 9-19 Physical organization of power amplifier assembly. .............................. 9-25 NM 7013 Transmitter Block Diagram part 1 .......................................... 9-26 NM 7013 Transmitter Block Diagram part 2 .......................................... 9-27 Changeover system block diagram. ...................................................... 9-29 PS1227A Block Diagram ....................................................................... 9-30 RMA1215A Block Diagram.................................................................... 9-31 CI1210A Block diagram......................................................................... 9-33 Block diagram RCA1240C .................................................................... 9-35 Block diagram NMP128A ...................................................................... 9-36 Interlock switch connections.................................................................. 9-39 Intensionally omitted.............................................................................. 10-2 Intenionally omitted ............................................................................... 10-2 Normarc 7011 & 7031 LLZ & GP cabinet, wall mount side ................... 10-2 Intensionally omitted.............................................................................. 10-2 Intensionally omitted.............................................................................. 10-2 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM LIST OF TABLES Table 7-1 Table 7-2 Table 7-3 Table 7-4 Table 7-5 Table 7-6 Table 7-7 Table 7-8 Table 7-9 Table 7-10 Table 9-1 ILS configuration settings. ................................................................... 7-1 Access level strap settings. ................................................................. 7-2 Remote Control Setup ......................................................................... 7-3 Aural warning configuration ................................................................. 7-4 Warning reset (Silence): ...................................................................... 7-4 Buzzer: ................................................................................................ 7-4 Telephone Line / RS 232 / TTL logic: .................................................. 7-4 Normal operating power level.............................................................. 7-8 Localizer alarm limits. .......................................................................... 7-15 Glidepath alarm limits .......................................................................... 7-15 MB1203A plug in module connectors.................................................. 9-34 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 List of tables TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM List of tables ii 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM PART I INTRODUCTION General Information This paragraph gives a description of a typical ILS installation and the Normarc Localizer system. Conventions and abbreviations used in this manual are also given. 1.1 Introduction This is an overview of Normarc's NM701X ILS localizer systems 1.1.1 ILS Overview A complete Instrument Landing System comprises: • A LOCALIZER SYSTEM, producing a radio course to furnish lateral guidance to the airport runway. • A GLIDE PATH SYSTEM, producing a radio course to furnish vertical guidance down the correct descent angle to the runway. • MARKER BEACONS, to provide accurate radio fixes along the approach course. The layout of a typical ILS airport installation is shown below. Localizer 110 MHz Glide Path 330 MHz Marker Beacon 75MHz 3° HBK547-1 Figure 1-1 Typical ILS installation 1.1.2 Localizer Overview The complete ILS Localizer system comprises: • A LLZ transmitter/monitor cabinet • An antenna distribution network • A monitor network • A LLZ antenna array • Near-field monitor antenna ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 GENERAL INFORMATION 1-1 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM A block diagram is shown below: LOCALIZER ANTENNA ARRAY ILS LOCALIZER TRANSMITTER TRANSMITTER AND MODULATOR I and II SBO CL CSB CLR* ANTENNA DISTRIBUTION NETW. SBO CLR* ILS Localizer REMOTE CONTROL UNIT CSB CL MONITOR I and II CL MONITOR CLR* DS RUNWAY CL. NETWORK NF SLAVE PANEL 24V BATTERY RMM SYSTEM MONITOR OUTPUT PROBE POWER SUPPLY * CLR SIGNALS N/A on single-frequency equipment MAINS INPUT 220V/110V AC HBK204-1 Figure 1-2 Localizer block diagram 1.1.3 Localizer Description The antenna array of the ILS localizer transmitter is located on the extension of the centerline of the instrument runway of an airfield, but is located far enough from the stop end of the runway to prevent it being a collision hazard. The localizer antenna radiates a field pattern directed along the centerline of the runway towards the middle and outer markers. The antenna also furnish information outside the front course area in the form of full fly-left or full fly-right indications (CLEARANCE). All localizer installations transmit a STATION IDENTIFICATION in morse code at periodic intervals. This is a 1020 Hz tone that is keyed to form the basic station identifier. The localizer is designed to provide a signal at a minimum distance of 25 miles within +/- 10 degrees, and at a minimum distance of 17 nautical miles between +/- 10 and +/- 35 degrees from the front course line. (Refer to ICAO Annex 10 Chapter 1.2 Product Type Numbers The Normarc product numbering system is based on the following three levels: • System • Assembly • Module Systems have type numbers starting with NM, for example NM 7033. Systems consist of assemblies, modules and parts. GENERAL INFORMATION 1-2 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM Assemblies have type numbers consisting of three letters, a three- or four- digit number and a letter, for example LPA 1230A. LPA is an abbreviation of Localizer Power amplifier Assembly, 1230 is a running number, and the last letter is the variant designator. Assemblies can consist of assemblies, modules and parts. Modules have type numbers consisting of two letters, a three- or four- digit number and a letter, for example FD 1235A. FD is an abbreviation of Feedback Detector, 1235 is a running number, and the last letter is the variant designator. Modules consist of parts. 1.3 Abbreviations AC ADC AGC CL CLR COU CPU CS DAC DC DDM DF DL DS DSP EEPROM EMC EMI EPROM FFT FIFO FPGA GPA I/F I²C IIC ILS LED LF LLZ LPA LRU MCU NAV NF PC RAM RF RMM RMS Alternating Current Analog to Digital Converter Automatic Gain Control Course Line Clearance Course Central Processing Unit Course Sector Digital to Analog Converter Direct Current Difference in Depth of Modulation Difference Frequency Dc Loop Displacement Sensitivity Digital Signal Processor Electrically Erasable Progammable Read Only Memory ElectroMagnetic Compatibility ElectroMagnetic Interference Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory Fast Fourier Transform First-In-First-Out Field Programmable Gate Array Glidepath Power amplifier Assembly InterFace Inter Integrated Circuit Same as I²C Instrument Landing System Light Emitting Diode Low Frequency Localizer Localizer Power amplifier Assembly Line Replacable Unit Monitor Combiner Unit NAVigation signals Near Field Personal Computer Random Access Memory Radio Frequency Remote Maintenance Monitor Remote Monitoring System ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 GENERAL INFORMATION 1-3 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM ROM RTC SC SDM SPA SRAM STB SW TRM TX Read Only Memory Real Time Clock Station Control Sum in Depth of Modulation Same Parameter Alarm Static Random Access Memory Standby SoftWare TeRMinator Transmitter GENERAL INFORMATION 1-4 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM Physical Organization 2.1 Module and Assembly Location The figures on the following pages show the locations of the modules in the main cabinet. Figure 2-1 shows the main section of the LLZ cabinet from a front view, with indications of the plug-in board locations. Figure 2-2 shows the same section from a rear view, while Figure 2-3 shows the top half of the wall-mounted section. In addition, the Remote Control Assembly RCA1240C/D and Remote Slave SF 1344A are installed in the technical control room and the control tower, respectively. 2.2 Service Kit Assembly The Service Kit Assembly SKA 1229A includes two different extension boards for maintenance operations: EB1349A Extension Board - for use with the Power Supply PS1227A, Monitor MO1212A, RMS Assembly RMA1215A, Transmitter Control Assembly TCA1218A/B and Low Frequency Generator LF1223A plug-in boards. EB1245A Extension Board with coax cables - for use with Monitor Frontend MF1211A and Oscillator OS1221A plug-in boards. In addition, the following items are included: • Static-dissipative work mat and wrist strap to ensure ESD-protected environment when performing maintenance operations on the equipment. • Torque wrench, screw drivers etc. 2.3 Power Supply An External Power Supply, operating at 230V/120V mains input and providing 27V at 20A, is normally supplied with the equipment. In special cases, a second external power supply is supplied. ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 PHYSICAL ORGANIZATION 2-1 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM PS 1227A OS1221A MF 1211A LF 1223A TCA 1218A MO 1212A RMA 1215A COA 1207B LPA 1230 HBK537-1 Figure 2-1 NM 7013 Module Location - Front view. PHYSICAL ORGANIZATION 2-2 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM MB 1203 TX2 CLR TX1 CLR TX2 CL TX1 CL COA 1207B SBO 1 SBO 2 SBO SBO CSB CSB IN IN OUT DUMMY OUT DUMMY SBO 1 SBO 2 SBO SBO CSB CSB IN IN OUT DUMMY OUT DUMMY VIEW A-A HBK542-1 Figure 2-2 NM 7013 Module Location - Rear view of main section. ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 PHYSICAL ORGANIZATION 2-3 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM Terminal block for power and battery connection and decoupling capacitor CI 1210A HBK541-1 Figure 2-3 NM 7013 Module Location - Front view of wall-mounted section PHYSICAL ORGANIZATION 2-4 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM System description This chapter gives a functional overview of the NM70xx ILS systems. 3.1 Overview The complete ILS electronic system is housed in a compact, wall mounted cabinet. The cabinet and the electronics, except for RF units, are common to the LLZ and GP systems. Monitor input signals Monitor Transmitter Remote Control NAV signals out External sensors RMS TX control Comm. ports Changeover Section Data and diagnostics Monitor input signals Transmitter Monitor HBK573-1 Figure 3-1 ILS block diagram. The ILS cabinets can be configured for Cat I, Cat II, or Cat III requirements with no basic changes. Eight models are available: NM 7011 Single frequency LLZ NM 7012 Single frequency LLZ with hot standby monitoring (Cat III) NM 7013 Two frequency LLZ NM 7014 Two frequency LLZ with hot standby monitoring (Cat III) NM 7031 Single frequency GP NM 7032 Single frequency GP with hot standby monitoring (Cat III) NM 7033 Two frequency GP NM 7034 Two frequency GP with hot standby monitoring (Cat III) The system is based on modern technology with extensive Remote Monitoring and Maintenance capabilities, and very high reliability and integrity. To meet this objective, the monitor comparator and station control are based on digital hardware, while the RMS interface is microprocessor based. 3.2 Physical Description The cabinet contains three sections: • The electronics card cage • The change-over section • The transmitter / PA section The electronics card cage contains the RF oscillators, the LF signal generators, the monitors, the station control, the RMS processor, and the voltage regulators. ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 3-1 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM The change-over section contains coaxial relays, attenuators and phasers for the RF outputs. The transmitter / PA section contains the PA blocks including couplers etc. for each output. The cabinet is divided in two parts, with the rear part fixed to a wall, and the front part hinged to give access to interior of the cabinet. All external connections are made to the rear part of the cabinet. 3.3 Monitors The ILS has duplicated monitors with inputs for Course Line (CL), Displacement Sensitivity (DS), Near Field (NF), and Clearance (CLR) (Dual Freq. only). The signals are detected by the input stage, and then digitized. In the next block they are filtered by a Fast Fourier Transform performed by a signal processor. The results for each parameter is then compared with stored limits in a digital hardware comparator. Each of the two monitors consists of two modules. For Cat III use, Hot Standby monitoring can be added by using one additional monitor and associated RF couplers and combiners. The design of the monitors ensures a very high integrity due to the use of digital hardware for the alarm comparators and a very simple Fast Fourier filtering with a signal processor. In addition, the monitor is checked by automatic self-tests. The alarm limits are stored locally in EEPROM, and can be updated from the RMS processor, with a separate hardware write protection to ensure that the integrity is not affected by the RMS system. 3.4 Transmitters / Modulators The transmitters are duplicated, either single frequency or dual frequency. Each transmitter consists of a RF oscillator, a LF generator, and one or two PA blocks (single or dual frequency). The RF oscillator uses a synthesizer for easy frequency changes and simple logistics. The oscillator has two outputs for use in dual frequency systems. The LF generator contains the generators for 90Hz, 150Hz and 1020Hz signals, the ident keyer / sequencer and interface for DME master or slave keying. All signals are generated by division from a common clock oscillator, ensuring very stable phase relations between the modulation signals. The modulation balance, modulation sum, RF level and Ident morse code are set in this module by means of multiplying digital to analog converters. The values are stored locally in EPROM and can be updated from the RMS processor with hardware write protection. The same LF generator is used for single and dual frequency systems. 3.5 TX Control The TX control unit controls the system dependent on alarms from the monitors and inputs from the local control, the remote control and, optionally, the RMS system. It also generate status information to the same units. The local control and status indicators are a part of the SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 3-2 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM TX Control unit. All functions in the TX Control are based on digital hardware to ensure the highest integrity. 3.6 Remote Monitoring (RMS) Unit The RMS unit contains the system microprocessor. It handles storage and read-out of monitor parameters, measurements for maintenance and fault finding, and performs fault analysis to isolate faults to line replaceable modules. It is also used to set monitor limits and transmitter adjustments. The RMM handles communication to local and remote RMS computers, and in addition it handles a small display and keyboard for parameter setting and readout. 3.7 Remote Control Unit The remote control unit is used in the tower or in the technical control room. It has indicators for operating status as well as detailed warnings and an aural alarm device with reset. It can control equipment on/off and change-over, and has an Access Grant-switch to allow remote control from the RMS system. The Remote Control Unit is connected to the ILS by one telephone pair cable. 3.8 Remote Slave Panel The slave panel is connected to the remote control by a multipair wire. It is intended for use in the control tower. It has indicators for normal / warning / alarm and has an aural alarm device. in addition it can turn the equipment on and off, and has an aural alarm reset. Optionally a slave panel with remote control functionality can be delivered. 3.9 Remote Maintenance Monitoring (RMM) The NM7000 series has a built-in Remote Maintenance Monitoring system. This system consists of the RMS system, remote PC terminals with the RMM program installed, and the local keyboard/display. Figure 3-2 illustrates the RMM/RMS systems ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 3-3 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM RMM program RMM program RMM program Modem Modem Modem Modem Local Remote 1 Remote 2 RMS data bus Local parameter storages Maintenance data bus Local measuring points RMS hardware RMS system RMS core program Local Keyboard/ Display NM70xx HBK 598-1 RMM system Figure 3-2 The NM 7000 series RMM/RMS systems. The centre of the RMS system is a CPU with the RMS core program. The RMS collects measurements and diagnostic data, and makes them available to the user. The collected information allows easy and cost effective maintenance, fault finding and routine reporting. In addition, system settings are distributed and parameter readings are collected via the RMS/ CPU. External personal computers are used for a user-friendly interface to the RMM system. The equipment has three serial output ports, typically used to connect a local PC, a PC in the airport technical equipment room, and a modem for connection to a central maintenance facility. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 3-4 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM The local keyboard/display allow readings and control through an LCD display and a sevenbutton keypad. This gives access to the RMM functionality without the need for a PC. 3.9.1 RMM Access Access to the RMM system is controlled by multiple hardware and software access controls. One password is required for each access level, i.e. one password for level 1, two for level 2 and three for level 3. Optional hardware controls may inhibit writing in the upper access levels. Access level 1 • Readout of all the monitor values, warning and alarm limits. • Readout of all the maintenance values and warning limits. • Readout of all the delays. • Readout of all the monitor DDM offsets. Access level 2 • TX1 and TX2: 90/150 Hz on/off. • TX1 and TX2: morse normal, continuous, TST or off. • TX1 and TX2: test-signal 90 Hz or 150 Hz dominance on/off. • Diagnostics. Access level 3 • Settings of all the monitor warning and alarm limits. • Settings of all the maintenance warning limits. • Settings of all the delays. • Settings of all the monitor DDM offsets. 3.9.2 Storage Functions The RMS has the following storage functions: Alarm storage: • Contains data for the last four alarms. Each set contains data for the last 30 seconds before and immediately after the alarm occurred. The last 6 seconds are sampled at a 0.1 sec. rate, the rest at 5 sec. intervals. Warning storage: • Contains one data set for each of the last 25 warnings that have occurred. Medium time periodic storage: • Contains one data sets at 15 minutes intervals for the last 24 hours. Long time periodic storage: • Contains average value and standard deviation of the data sets for each 24 hour period in the last 180 days. Event storage: • Stores the last 50 major operational events, including user logins and logouts, TX on/off operations, alarms and warnings, monitor parameter changes and changes in system status. 3.9.3 Local Keyboard/Display Functions Through a menu-based interface all main commands, adjustments and monitor limits are ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 3-5 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM accessible from the front panel keypad and LCD display. In addition a quick-read function gives read-out of all main monitor parameters in a glance. 3.9.4 Diagnostic functions The system contains internal measuring points and diagnostic functions to isolate faults to failed modules. The values measured are referred to as maintenance parameters. Please refer to the NM70xx Operating Manual. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 3-6 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM Technical Specifications NM 7013 Dual-Frequency Localizer Cabinet. 4.1 Signal Minimum Performance LLZ Transmitter Frequency range Frequency tolerance Output power (CSB) Harmonic radiation RF difference frequency (2-freq. only) Spurious Output power stability CSB/SBO stability Modulator Modulation depth 90/150 Hz adjustable range SDM stability DDM stability Frequency tolerance Total harmonic dist. (90/150 Hz) Phase locking (90 Hz to 150 Hz) SBO phaser adjustment range 20% 10-25% + 0.3% SDM + 0.1% DDM + 0.05 Hz 1% maximum 5° maximum ref 150 Hz + 10° Identity Keyer Modulation frequency Modulation depth Distortion Speed of identification 1020 Hz + 10 Hz 5-15% adjustable 6% Maximum 7 Words/Min. approx. Monitoring Alarm Functions RF power reduction Change of nominal CL Change of nominal DS from nominal value Change of nominal CLR (2-freq only) Change of nominal NF Change of nominal SDM Difference frequency (2-freq. only) Total period of radiation out of tolerance Additional NF time delay Line break, ILS - Remote Control (disable optional) Identification lost or continuous (optional) ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 108-112 MHz + 0.002% 5-15 W adjustable 2.5 uW maximum 10 kHz + 2 kHz 25 uW maximum + 0.2 dB + 0.3 dB / +-5° Range (*) 1-5 dB + 4-25 uA + 10-50 uA + 10-60 uA + 4-25 uA + 2-6% SDM + 2-5 kHz 1-10 sec. 0-20 sec. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 4-1 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM Monitor input levels: Adjustment range, nominal level AGC range for less than 1% change in SDM Monitor stability at nominal levels: RF power values DDM values SDM values Warning Functions: RF power reduction Change of nominal CL Change of nominal DS Change of nominal CLR Change of nominal NF Change of SDM Difference frequency Mains failure Remote Control Data Transmission Medium Data modulation Transmitter level Receiver dynamic range -5 to –34 dBm 5 dB + 0,2 dB + 1 uA + 0,5% SDM 40-75% of Alarm limit 40-75% of Alarm limit 40-75% of Alarm limit 40-75% of Alarm limit 40-75% of Alarm limit 40-75% of Alarm limit 40-75% of Alarm limit 2-wire line, 600 ohm serial, FSK -10dBm + 2 dB -10dBm to -34dBm * asymmetrical limits are possible. 4.2 Environmental Characteristics Operating temperature Storage temperature 4.3 EMC Characteristics EMR: Spurious and harmonics: 4.4 -10 to +55 °C -30 to +60 °C EN 55022 class B CISPR 22 Mechanical Characteristics Dimensions: (H x W x D) ILS Rack: Remote control: Slave panels: 1020x600x500 mm 129x71x170 mm 129x41x170 mm Weight: 85 kg – 95 kg depending on model The ILS rack is wall mounted. The remote control and slave panels fit a standard 3U (132mm) high 19" subrack. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 4-2 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM 4.5 Power Supply External supply: Input voltage: Output voltage: Output current: ILS cabinet Input voltage Current consumption: Stand-by Battery ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 230V +15%/-20%,45-65 Hz or120V +15%/-20%, 45-65 Hz 27,6V 20A max 22-28V DC 8A – 14A depending on configuration 24V DC nominal, 85 Ah-110Ah valve regulated lead-acid battery recommended 21825-3.7 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 4-3 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 4-4 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM PART II INSTALLATION Mechanical Installation The NM70XX cabinet is constructed for mounting on a wall. For easy operation, the keyboard/ display section should be in eye/shoulder height (140-160cm). The RF connectors may be mounted either on the cabinet top or the cabinet bottom. The free space required around the cabinet is approximately one by one meter, see Figure 5-1 1.0m 0.9m HBK594-2 Figure 5-1 NM 70XX required mounting space (top view). 5.1 Mounting Kit MK1343A If the wall is not able to carry the weight of the cabinet (see technical specifications), Navia Aviation supplies a wall mounting kit, MK1343A. This kit is dimensioned for standard 60 cm space between studs. For easy mounting, place the cabinet on the rest screws (B) before entering the mounting screws (A). This is shown in the enlarged view in Figure 5-2 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 MECHANICAL INSTALLATION 5-1 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM 11 Screw M8x25 Split lock washer M8 Flat washer M8 POWER POWER Adjustment screw HBK597-1 Figure 5-2 NM 70XX mounted on wall with MK1343A. 5.2 Moving RF Connectors If desired the RF connectors may be moved from the cabinet top to the bottom or vice versa, as illustrated in Figure 5-3. The back section (F) of the main cabinet consists of a connector plate and a blind plate that are interchangeable. These plates are identical, except for the connectors. To interchange the plates, follow these instructions: • Release the nuts (A), washers (B) and flanges (C) on the plates. • Release the ground connections (D) on the connector plate and (H) on the blind plate. MECHANICAL INSTALLATION 5-2 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM • Interchange the plates. • Remount the nuts, washers and flanges in the order shown. • Remount the ground connections (D) and (H). Make sure they are located on the hinge (G) side of the cabinet. NF CL CLR DS SBO CLR CSB CLR SBO CSB HBK596-1 Figure 5-3 Moving the RF connectors to the cabinet bottom. ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 MECHANICAL INSTALLATION 5-3 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM MECHANICAL INSTALLATION 5-4 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM Electrical Installation This paragraph describes the external electrical connections of the NM 7013 main cabinet. 6.1 Connection Overview The ILS main cabinet consists of three connector sites, illustrated in Figure 6-1 • The ILS RF signals to and from the antenna system are connected at the top of the main cabinet. These connectors may be moved to the bottom, see Mechanical Installation. • The power supply (supplies) and the backup battery are connected to the power connector rail inside the cabinet back section. • All other external connections are sited on the Connection Interface board CI1210A inside the cabinet back section. POWER RAIL CONNECTIONS POWER +27V SUPPLY 0V +27V BATTERY 0V CI 1210A CONNECTIONS 4 DC LOOPS 3 RS 232 1 REMOTE CONTROL 1 DME 2 TEMP SENSORS 1 AC LEVEL MEASUREMENT 3 DIFFERENTIAL ANALOG CABLE FEEDTHROUGH 8 DIGITAL INPUT/OUTPUT RF CONNECTIONS NF IN DS CL CLR COU/CSB COU/SBO OUT HBK574-2 CLR/CSB CLR/SBO Figure 6-1 ILS main cabinet connection overview. 6.2 Power and Battery The power supply and the backup battery are connected to the power connector rail inside the cabinet back section as shown in Figure 6-2. If two power supplies are used, these are parallel ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 6-1 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM coupled outside the cabinet. The cables used should have 4mm2 intersection. Fuse 27AT 0V 0V +27V +27V +27V Modem Power Supply Battery HBK576-3 Figure 6-2 Power and backup battery connections. A DC powered modem or other external equipment designed for 22V - 27V DC can be connected to the fused terminal block marked Modem. Maximum current consumption should be 1 A. 6.3 RF Inputs The RF inputs are: • Course Line - CL. • Near Field Antenna - NF. • Displacement Sensitivity - DS. • Clearance - CLR (two frequency applications only). These are connected as shown in Figure 6-3 (front view). HBK577-2 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 6-2 NF CL 21825-3.7 CLR DS ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM Figure 6-3 RF input connections. 6.4 RF Outputs The RF outputs are sited at the cabinet top as illustrated in Figure 6-4. The connections are: All applications: • COU SBO - COUrse Tx SideBand Only. • COU CSB - COUrse Tx Carrier and SideBand. Two frequency applications: • CLR SBO - CLeaRance Tx SideBand Only. • CLR CSB - CLeaRance Tx Carrier and SideBand CLR SBO HBK578-3 CLR CSB SBO CSB Figure 6-4 RF output connections. 6.5 DC Loop (Localizer only) The DC loops are connected to the Connection Interface board CI1210A in the cabinet back section. Location and pin out are illustrated in Figure 6-5 • DL_REF* are the reference voltages from the main cabinet. • DL_DETECT* are the return voltages from the antennas. • GND is main cabinet ground. ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 6-3 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM Suitable female connectors are Weidemüller BLZ-5.08/6 or equivalent. TEMP OUTDOOR AC LEVEL ANALOG CH.1 ANALOG CH.2 ANALOG CH.3 DIGITAL PORT A DIGITAL PORT B DIGITAL PORT C DIGITAL PORT D TO MB1203 TEMP INDOOR RS232 RS232 RS232 BATTERY WARNING REMOTE CONTROL DC-LOOP DC-LOOP DME CI 1210A LOCAL REMOTE 2 CH.1&2 REMOTE 1 CH.3&4 HBK579-2 DC-LOOP 1 - Ch 1 In RADIO LINK DC-LOOP 1 - Ch 3 In 2 - Ch 1 Out 2 - Ch 3 Out 3 - GND 3 - GND 4 - Ch 2 In 4 - Ch 4 In 5 - Ch 2 Out 5 - Ch 4 Out 6 - GND CH.1&2 6 - GND CH.3&4 Figure 6-5 DC loop connections. 6.6 Remote Control The remote control is connected to the Connection Interface board CI1210A as illustrated in Figure 6-6. The connection of the remote control, remote slave panel and interlock switch is done at the remote control site and covered in chapter 6.13 - 6.16 • FSK_[P,N] is the modem line pair. • GND is main cabinet ground. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 6-4 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM For normal FSK modem operation the straps S9-11 on CI1210A should be mounted. A suitable female connector is Weidemüller BLZ-5.08/4 or equivalent. TEMP OUTDOOR AC LEVEL ANALOG CH.1 TO MB1203 TEMP INDOOR ANALOG CH.2 ANALOG CH.3 DIGITAL PORT A DIGITAL PORT B DIGITAL PORT C DIGITAL PORT D S9-14 RS232 RS232 RS232 BATTERY WARNING REMOTE CONTROL DC-LOOP DC-LOOP DME CI1210A LOCAL REMOTE 2 REMOTE 1 CH.1&2 CH.3&4 REMOTE CONTROL HBK580-1 RADIO LINK 1 - GND 2 - FSK_P 3 - FSK_N 4 - GND Figure 6-6 Remote control connection. 6.7 PC and Modem PC terminals and modems are connected to the standard pin out RS232, 9 pins DSUB connectors on the Connection Interface board CI1210A as illustrated in Figure 6-7 Recommended connections are: • LOCAL - the PC located at the ILS main cabinet site. • REMOTE 1 - the PC located at the airport technical maintenance site. ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 6-5 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM • REMOTE 2 - distant PC terminals connected through a modem. TEMP OUTDOOR AC LEVEL ANALOG CH.1 ANALOG CH.2 ANALOG CH.3 DIGITAL PORT A DIGITAL PORT B DIGITAL PORT C DIGITAL PORT D TO MB1203 TEMP INDOOR RS232 RS232 RS232 BATTERY WARNING REMOTE CONTROL DC-LOOP DC-LOOP DME CI1210A LOCAL REMOTE 2 REMOTE 1 CH.1&2 RADIO LINK CH.3&4 1 - CD (REMOTE 2 only) 2 - RXD 3 - TXD 4 - DTR (REMOTE 2 only) 5 - GND 6 - DSR (REMOTE 2 only) 7 - RTS 8 - CTS 9 - Not connected HBK581-1 Figure 6-7 PC and modem connections. 6.8 DME (localizer only) Distance Measurement Equipment DME is connected to the Connection Interface board CI1210A as illustrated in Figure 6-8 • ACT_DME[P,N] is the positive and negative terminal of the DME active signal from the DME, respectively. • IN_DME[P,N] is the positive and negative terminal of the morse code envelope signal from the DME, respectively. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 6-6 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM • OUT_DME[P,N] is the positive and negative terminal of the morse code envelope signal to the DME, respectively. A suitable female connector is Weidemüller BLZ-5.08/6 or equivalent. TEMP OUTDOOR AC LEVEL ANALOG CH.1 ANALOG CH.2 ANALOG CH.3 DIGITAL PORT A DIGITAL PORT B DIGITAL PORT C DIGITAL PORT D TO MB1203 TEMP INDOOR S1-8 RS232 RS232 RS232 BATTERY WARNING REMOTE CONTROL DC-LOOP DC-LOOP DME CI1210A LOCAL REMOTE 2 REMOTE 1 CH.1&2 CH.3&4 DME 1 - ACT_DMEP 2 - ACT_DMEN RADIO LINK 3 - IN_DMEP 4 - IN_DMEN 5 - OUT_DMEP 6 - OUT_DMEN HBK582-1 Figure 6-8 DME connections. ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 6-7 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM ILS CI1210A DME S1 2.7K S2 S3 IDENT FROM DME S4 2.7K S5 S6 S7 S8 P8 HBK770-1 Figure 6-9 DME master connections. If the DME shall be used as ident master, connect as shown in Figure 6-9. In the RMM program, CLR modulation and DME interface dialogue (see Operators Manual), set DME as master and DME active signal to OPEN. The LLZ will now transmit the DME dictated morse code. If the LLZ does not receive any ident signal for approximately 20 seconds, the LLZ will start to transmit its own programmed morse code. When the DME signal returns, the LLZ will start to transmit the DME code instantaneously. ILS CI1210A DME S1 DME ACTIVE 2.7K S2 S3 S4 2.7K S5 S6 S7 IDENT TO DME S8 P8 HBK771-1 Figure 6-10 LLZ master connections. If the LLZ shall be used as ident master, connect as shown in Figure 6-10 or Figure 6-11. In ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 6-8 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM the RMM program, CLR modulation and DME interface dialogue (see Operating Manual), set LLZ as master and the DME active signal according to the DME’s manual. When the DME is active, the LLZ will send every forth ident word to the DME. When the DME is inactive the LLZ will be keying four out of four words. If the LLZ shall be keying three out of four words whether the DME is active or not, disconnect the DME ACTIVE wires and program the DME active signal to OPEN. 6.9 For the Fernau 2020 DME the following connection is recommended In the RMM program, CLR modulation and DME interface dialogue (see Operating Manual), set LLZ to master and the DME active signal to OPEN.“ DME FERNAU 2020 NM 701x LLZ CI1210A +27Vdc 2.7K S1 DME ACTIVE S2 S3 S4 +5Vdc 2.7K 270 S5 S6 S7 IDENT TO DME S8 P8 SK 2 HBK1122-1 Figure 6-11 LLZ Main connections Fernau 2020 DME. 6.10 Analog Inputs The analog inputs are connected to the Connection Interface board CI1210A as illustrated in Figure 6-12 The inputs are: • ANALOG CH.1-3 - three differential DC analog inputs, P is the positive and N is the negative terminal. Maximum voltage: ±15V Input impedance: 10kohms. • TINDOOR, TOUTDOOR - temperature measurement inputs with interface to an LM35 temperature sensor. Maximum voltage: ±15V. ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 6-9 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM Input impedance: 10kohms. • AC LEVEL - AC level measurement input. Intended for use with a battery eliminator (i.e. 220/9VAC) to monitor the mains voltage. Maximum voltage: 24Vpp. Input impedance: 10kohms. Suitable female connectors are Weidemüller BLZ-5.08/4 or equivalent. ANALOG CH.1 ANALOG CH.2 ANALOG CH.3 TEMP OUTDOOR AC LEVEL DIGITAL PORT A DIGITAL PORT B DIGITAL PORT C DIGITAL PORT D TO MB1203 TEMP INDOOR RS232 RS232 RS232 BATTERY WARNING REMOTE CONTROL DC-LOOP DC-LOOP DME CI1210A LOCAL REMOTE 2 REMOTE 1 AC LEVEL TEMP RADIO LINK 1 - VDD V+ Vtemp GND 2 - T*DOOR 3 - GND LM35 Bottom view CH.1&2 4 - Not connected CH.3&4 ANALOG CH.* 1 - VACP 1 - ANLG*P 2 - GND 2 - GND 3 - VACN 3 - ANLG*N 4 - Not connected 4 - Not connected HBK583-1 Figure 6-12 Analog input connections. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 6-10 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM 6.11 Digital Inputs and Outputs Eight bidirectional digital channels (numbered 0-7) are located on the Connection Interface board CI1210A as illustrated in Figure 6-13 Logic levels: TTL. Input impedance: 560ohms. Suitable female connectors are Weidemüller BLZ-5.08/4 or equivalent. TEMP OUTDOOR AC LEVEL ANALOG CH.1 ANALOG CH.2 ANALOG CH.3 DIGITAL PORT A DIGITAL PORT B DIGITAL PORT C DIGITAL PORT D TO MB1203 TEMP INDOOR RS232 RS232 RS232 BATTERY WARNING REMOTE CONTROL DC-LOOP DC-LOOP DME CI1210A LOCAL REMOTE 2 RADIO LINK REMOTE 1 CH.1&2 DIGITAL PORT A DIGITAL PORT B CH.3&4 DIGITAL PORT C DIGITAL PORT D 1 - USER_DIG1 1 - USER_DIG3 1 - USER_DIG5 1 - USER_DIG7 2 - GND 2 - GND 2 - GND 2 - GND 3 - USER_DIG0 3 - USER_DIG2 3 - USER_DIG4 3 - USER_DIG6 4 - GND 4 - GND 4 - GND 4 - GND HBK575-1 Figure 6-13 Digital input/output connections. ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 6-11 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM 6.12 Battery Warning Two inputs for main power supply failure (backup battery active) are sited on the CI1210A connection interface board as illustrated in Figure 6-14 Logic levels: Normally high 5V or 0V =battery warning. Input impedance: 10kohms. Suitable female connectors are Weidemüller BLZ-5.08/4 or equivalent. TEMP OUTDOOR AC LEVEL ANALOG CH.1 ANALOG CH.2 ANALOG CH.3 DIGITAL PORT A DIGITAL PORT B DIGITAL PORT C DIGITAL PORT D TO MB1203 TEMP INDOOR RS232 RS232 RS232 BATTERY WARNING REMOTE CONTROL DC-LOOP DC-LOOP DME CI 1210A LOCAL REMOTE 2 CH.1&2 REMOTE 1 CH.3&4 BATTERY WARNING RADIO LINK 1 - BATT.WARN. CHARGER 1 2 - GND 3 - BATT.WARN. CHARGER 2 HBK602-2 4 - GND Figure 6-14 Battery warning connections. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 6-12 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM 6.13 Remote control connections The remote control is connected to the corresponding ILS by connecting the REMOTE CONTROL connector on Connection Interface CI1210 to P9 on Motherboard MB1346, as shown in Figure 6-15. Suitable female connectors are Weidemüller BLZ-5.08/4 or equivalent. 600 ohms cable should be used. REMOTE CONTROL NORMARC P9 MB1346 1 - GND 1 - TXOFF 2 - FSK_P 2 - ALARM TXOFF 3 - FSK_N 3 - LINE_A ALARM 4 - GND 4 - LINE_B J2 P3 P9 J1 LINE A LINE B P10 RX A CI1210 on corresponding ILS or CI 1376 on corresponding Marker Beacon RX B 10 TX A TX B SLAVE RS485 15 P8 INTERLOCK ALT.LINK SLAVE DIRECT AUX IN/OUT 20 P6 P7 25 P5 OPTO OUT GND P4 GND 1-ALARM (C) 30 2-ALARM (E) 3-NORM (C) 5V 5V 4-NORM (E) 5-WARN (C) 24V 24V 6-WARN (E) 7-STBAL (C) V_DIM V_DIM 8-STBAL (E) POWER OUT POWER IN HBK772-2 Figure 6-15 Remote control to ILS connection The power supply to the remote control is connected according to Figure 6-16. The battery charger is connected to P2 on the MB1347 - power supply motherboard. Output connector P3 on MB1347 is connected to input connector P4 on MB1346 - remote control motherboard. Several MB1346's are serial linked by connecting P5 on one board to P4 on the next. Suitable female connectors are Weidemüller BLZ-5.08/4 or equivalent. ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 6-13 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM NORMARC NORMARC MB1346 MB1346 J2 P3 P9 J2 P3 P9 J1 TXOFF ALARM ALARM LINE B LINE B P10 LINE A P10 RX A NORMARC LINE A MB1347 RX A RX B RX B 10 10 10 TX A TX A TX B GND SLAVE RS485 15 INTERLOCK 15 15 P8 From P2 TX B SLAVE RS485 ALT.LINK J1 J1 TXOFF P8 SLAVE INTERLOCK ALT.LINK DIRECT 24V SLAVE 24VDC power supply DIRECT 20 AUX IN/OUT AUX IN/OUT P6 20 20 P6 POWER IN S1 25 P7 P7 25 25 V_DIM=24V P5 GND OPTO OUT 1-ALARM (C) P5 P4 GND 30 OPTO OUT GND 5V 3-NORM (C) V_DIM POWER OUT 5-WARN (C) 8-STBAL (E) 30 GND 5V 5V 3-NORM (C) 30 5V 4-NORM (E) 24V 6-WARN (E) 7-STBAL (C) GND 2-ALARM (E) 5V 4-NORM (E) 24V P3 P4 1-ALARM (C) 2-ALARM (E) 24V 5-WARN (C) 24V 24V 6-WARN (E) V_DIM POWER IN 7-STBAL (C) V_DIM V_DIM 8-STBAL (E) POWER OUT POWER IN V_DIM POWER OUT HBK773-1 Figure 6-16 Remote control power supply connections ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 6-14 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM 6.14 Automatic shutdown of GP If required, the GP can be configured to shut down automatically when the LLZ is off. Connect a wire from P9 ALARM on the Motherboard MB 1346A that belongs to the LLZ to P9 TXOFF on the MB 1346A that belongs to the GP. Refer to Figure 6-17. GP HBK1100-1 LLZ NORMARC NORMARC MB1346 MB1346 J2 P3 P9 J2 P3 P9 J1 J1 TXOFF TXOFF ALARM ALARM C B A C B A LINE A LINE A LINE B LINE B P10 P10 10 10 SLAVE RS485 SLAVE RS485 15 15 P8 INTERLOCK ALT.LINK P8 SLAVE INTERLOCK ALT.LINK DIRECT SLAVE DIRECT AUX IN/OUT 20 AUX IN/OUT P6 20 P6 P7 25 P5 OPTO OUT P4 GND 5V 3-NORM (C) 4-NORM (E) 5V 24V 5-WARN (C) 6-WARN (E) 7-STBAL (C) 24V V_DIM 8-STBAL (E) POWER OUT 25 P5 1-ALARM (C) 2-ALARM (E) GND P7 30 GND OPTO OUT 1-ALARM (C) P4 GND 30 2-ALARM (E) V_DIM POWER IN 5V 3-NORM (C) 24V 5-WARN (C) 5V 4-NORM (E) 6-WARN (E) 7-STBAL (C) V_DIM 8-STBAL (E) POWER OUT 24V V_DIM POWER IN Figure 6-17 Automatic GP shutdown connection ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 6-15 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM 6.15 Remote slave connection The remote slave panel SF1344 is connected to the corresponding remote control's motherboard by connecting P3 on MB1346 to P1 on SF1344. P10 on MB1346 is not used. See Figure 6-18. Suitable connectors are standard 25 pins female DSUB (Harting 0967 025 0442 and 0967 225 4704 or equivalent), connected by a 10 wire 1:1 cable. NORMARC MB1346 J2 P3 P9 J1 TXOFF ALARM LINE A To P1 on SF1344 LINE B P10 1:1 RX A RX B 10 TX A TX B SLAVE RS485 15 P8 INTERLOCK ALT.LINK SLAVE DIRECT AUX IN/OUT 20 P6 25 P7 P5 GND OPTO OUT 13 25 P4 GND 1-ALARM (C) 30 2-ALARM (E) 5V 5V 3-NORM (C) 4-NORM (E) 5-WARN (C) 24V 24V 1 - GND 2 - ALARM 3 - WARNING 4 - NORMAL 7 - GND 15 - V24P 19 - ON_OFF 21 - SILENCE 23 - INTERLOCK (if used) 25 - BUZZER 6-WARN (E) 7-STBAL (C) V_DIM V_DIM 8-STBAL (E) POWER OUT POWER IN 14 HBK 774-1 Figure 6-18 Remote slave connection ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 6-16 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM 6.16 Interlock switch connection The interlock switch is either connected to P8 on MB1346 (remote control motherboard) or to P2 on SF1344 (remote slave panel), see Figure 6-19. MB1346 / P8 OR SF1344 / P2 INTERLOCK SWITCH RWYA RWYB 1 INTERLOCK 2 GND LLZ runway A LLZ runway B GP runway A GP runway B HBK775-2 Figure 6-19 Interlock switch connection Note: When MB1346A is used with Remote Control Assembly RCA1240C or D and Interlock function is not used (connected), a jumper plug must be installed in P8 (or P2). ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 6-17 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 6-18 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM Tests and Adjustments 7.1 Configuration Settings Follow this procedure to set the configurations in the ILS according to the desired system configuration. 7.1.1 ILS Configuration Set the correct configuration for this ILS according to this table. The Station Control strap platform is located on Transmitter Control Assembly TCA 1218 (Figure 7-1). 10 Strap IN NOT interlock Strap OUT Interlock Strap IN NOT hot standby Strap OUT Hot standby Strap IN 2 frequency ILS Strap OUT 1 frequency ILS Strap IN 1 of 2 voting Strap OUT 2 of 2 voting (default) Strap IN Lost contact with remote control will NOT turn off transmitters. Strap OUT Lost contact with remote control will turn off transmitters. (default) Strap IN WRITE DISABLE switch in horizontal position generate service condition. (default) Strap OUT WRITE DISABLE switch in horizontal position does not generate service condition. Strap IN ACCESS grant switch on remote control must be in access grant position in order to obtain access level 2 or 3 from the RMM system. (default) Strap OUT ACCESS grant switch on remote control is overridden. Strap IN Tells the RMS that this is a GP ILS. Strap OUT Tells the RMS that this is a LLZ ILS. Strap IN Spare, Not used. Strap OUT Spare, Not used. Strap IN Spare, Not used. Strap OUT Spare, Not used. Table 7-1 ILS configuration settings. ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 TESTS AND ADJUSTMENTS 7-1 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM HBK592-1 10 Figure 7-1 Station Control strap platform. 7.1.2 Remote Ports Access Level Configuration The allowed access levels on REMOTE ports 1 and 2 on the RMS can be configured by setting jumpers S1-S4 on the Transmitter Control Assembly TCA1218A (Figure 7-1) according to Table 7-1. Jumper in means that access level is allowed. Jumper out means that access level is denied. PORT ACC. LEVEL 2 ACC. LEVEL 3 Remote 1 Strap S1 Strap S2 Remote 2 Strap S3 Strap S4 Table 7-2 Access level strap settings. 7.1.3 Warning Configuration Use the RMM Program to configure which warnings shall cause system warning, i.e. illuminate the RC main warning lamp. The main warning lamp is the warning indication given on the Slave Panel for the Air Traffic Controllers. 7.1.4 Remote Control Interface (CI 1210) The transmission medium (telephone line (FSK modem) or RS 232) to the Remote Control can be selected by plugs and link straps S9 - S14 on the Connection Interface CI 1210 if the equipment is equipped with the RS-232 cable Straps in Function Connector used S9, S10, S11 Telephone line (FSK modem) CI 1210, P29 S12, S13, S14* RS-232 9 pin DSUB below CI 1210 TESTS AND ADJUSTMENTS 7-2 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM Table 7-3 Remote Control Setup * S14 pin 2 connected to ground by plug on cable from P3 pin 20, refer to Figure 7-2 HBK1121-1 Figure 7-2 Cable connections for Remote Control via RS-232. 7.1.5 Remote Control configuration The Aural Alarm / Warning functions and transmission medium (telephone line or RS 232) in the Remote Control can be selected by link straps: The strap links S6 to S12 will give Aural Warning for the following warning parameters when connected: ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 TESTS AND ADJUSTMENTS 7-3 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM Strap Warning Parameter S6 Standby Alarm (Hot Standby racks only) S7 Parameter Warning S8 Ident Warning S9 Battery Warning S10 Standby on Air S11 Monitor Disagree Warning S12 Maintenance Warning Table 7-4 Aural warning configuration Strap Function S1 in Silence on Remote Control resets Remote Control buzzer only S1 out Silence on Remote Control resets both Remote Control and Slave Panel buzzer S5 in Silence on Slave Panel resets Slave Panel buzzer only S5 out Silence on Slave Panel resets both Remote Control and Slave Panel buzzer Table 7-5 Warning reset (Silence): Strap Function S4 in Buzzer connected S4 out Buzzer disconnected Table 7-6 Buzzer: S2 pins connected S3 pins connected Function Input used on MB 1346A 1-2 1-2 Telephone line P9 Line A and Line B 3-4 3-4 RS 232 J2 Alt. link 5-6 5-6 TTL logic Not supported Table 7-7 Telephone Line / RS 232 / TTL logic: TESTS AND ADJUSTMENTS 7-4 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM 7.2 Technical note - Leased Line Setup for Remote Control (Westermo) This description applies to Westermo TD-22 GB modems used to connect the remote control to the ILS rack. 7.2.1 DIP switch settings SW1: X* Leased line, switch off echo and result code. All AT commands ignored, including +++ * For the modem connected to the cabinet use: X = 0 (Answer mode). * For the modem connected to the Remote Control use: X = 1 (Dial mode). SW2: Enable SW2:2 to 7. Asynchronous. DTR/DSR disconnected. SW3: 2-wire connection. SW4: 300 baud. 8 data bits, odd parity, 1 stop bit SW5: 7.2.2 V.21 300 bps Strap settings on modems The modems needs an active CTS for being able to transmit. Since there are no handshaking from ILS or RC to modems, the CTS signal must be activated by connecting the modems own RTS to it’s CTS. This is done by connecting the RTS and CTS together on the screw-block above the 25-pins D-sub on each modem. 7.2.3 Connecting modem to the cabinet The modem must be connected to RC RS232 on the connection interface board in the ILS cabinet. The signals on the 9-pin connector in the cabinet should be connected 1:1 to the 25©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 TESTS AND ADJUSTMENTS 7-5 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM pins connector on the modem. Normally a 9 to 25-pins converter and a 1:1 flat cable will be used to connect the modem to the cabinet. 7.2.4 Connecting modem to the RC The modem must be connected to J2 on MB1346 (remote control motherboard) using 25-pins D-sub connectors with a 1:1 cable. 7.2.5 Connecting the two modems Connect the two modems by using the standard Line connection marked TEL LINE on the modems. TESTS AND ADJUSTMENTS 7-6 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM 7.3 Transmitter Alignments and Calibration Test Equipment required: • Oscilloscope general purpose • NM 3710 Field Test Set (with 20 dB attenuator) • BNC Test Cable • Frequency Counter RF Carry out the alignment steps in the order outlined below: 7.3.1 RF Phase feedback adjustment 7.3.2 RF power 7.3.3 LF phase adjustment 7.3.4 RF power balance adjustment 7.3.5 RF phase combiner at I/P 7.3.6 SDM calibration 7.3.7 DDM calibration Test DDM setting 7.3.8 Ident tone modulation depth 7.3.9 RF frequency adjustment NOTE: If some of the functions/parameters depart considerably from normal, then repeat the steps in sequence once more, except steps - 7.3.9. 7.3.1 RF Phase Feedback Adjustment Connect the oscilloscope to the BNC test connector labelled PHASE CORR. located on the transmitter modules. NOTE Set the scope's input mode to DC. The waveform observed should take a continuous form without limiting segments or deep notches or other discontinuities. (Each modulator develops it's own waveform shape due to spreads in insertion phases). The dynamic maximum point should be adjusted to approximately -4 volt. The average operating point of the PHASE CORR signal can be shifted by means of adjusting potentiometer PH.OFFS. at the back of the LPA/GPA (See Figure 7-11). 7.3.2 RF Power The CSB and corresponding SBO output power can be adjusted by means of the RMM Program or the Local Display/Keyboard. ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 TESTS AND ADJUSTMENTS 7-7 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM LLZ Course 15W CSB LLZ Clearance 15W CSB GP Course 5W CSB GP Clearance 0,5W CSB Table 7-8 Normal operating power level The output power can be read by means of the RMM Program or the Local Display/Keyboard. 7.3.3 LF Phase Adjustment DEMODULATION CSB: NORMAL DEMODULATION CSB 10° LF PHASE ERROR Figure 7-3 LF phase CSB illustration. DEMODULATION SBO: NORMAL DEMODULATION SBO 10° LF PHASE ERROR Figure 7-4 LF phase SBO illustration. One-frequency system Connect oscilloscope channel A to the BNC test connector labelled CSB located on LPA/GPA Course 1 (2). Set oscilloscope input mode to DC. Adjust 150 Hz COU phase adj R3 on Low Frequency generator LF1223A (Figure 7-9) observing oscilloscope channel A until the waveform equals left hand graph in Figure 7-2. TESTS AND ADJUSTMENTS 7-8 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM A significant indication of correct LF phase is that the pair of the intermediate peaks are equal in amplitude. Two-frequency system Connect oscilloscope channel A to the BNC test connector labelled CSB located on LPA/GPA Course 1 (2). Connect oscilloscope channel B to the BNC test connector labelled CSB located on LPA/GPA Clearance 1 (2). Set oscilloscope input mode to DC. Select CHOP mode. Adjust channel A and B gain so that both waveforms show the same amplitude. By means of the RMM turn off 90 Hz modulation for Course Tx and Clearance Tx. On Low Frequency generator LF1223A Tx1 (Tx2) adjust 150 Hz COU phase adj. R3 to physical centre position. Adjust 150 Hz CLR phase adj. R180 to track 150 Hz Course waveform in the same phase (waveform overlap). By means of the RMM turn on 90 Hz modulation for both Course Tx and Clearance Tx. Adjust 90 Hz COU phase adj. R1 (LF1223A) observing oscilloscope channel A until the waveform equals left hand graph in Figure 7-2. Adjust 90 Hz CLR phase adj. R179 (LF1223A) observing oscilloscope channel B until the waveform equals left hand graph in Figure 7-2. A significant indication of correct LF phase is that the pair of the intermediate peaks are equal in amplitude. 7.3.4 RF Power Balance Adjustment Connect the oscilloscope to the BNC test connector labelled SBO located on the transmitter modules. NOTE: Set the scope's input mode to DC. ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 TESTS AND ADJUSTMENTS 7-9 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM DEMODULATION SBO: 1dB POWER IMBALANCE (150Hz<90Hz) DEMODULATION SBO: NORMAL Figure 7-5 Power balance SBO illustration. Perfect power balance between the 90 Hz modulated carrier and the 150 Hz modulated carrier is indicated when the two largest sets of peak waveforms fall on lines parallel to the baseline. A more accurate way of observing a power balance error is to double the sweep rate in non-trigger mode such that the second 60 Hz half of the cycle is folded back on the first half and tracks the envelope waveform. RF Power Balance can be adjusted by potentiometer RF-BAL on the back of the LPA/GPA (See Figure 7-11). Adjust until both halves fall on the same envelope waveform or the two largest sets of peak waveforms fall on lines parallel to the baseline (See Figure 7-5). 7.3.5 RF Phase at Combiner I/P Connect the oscilloscope to the BNC test connector labelled SBO located on the transmitter modules. NOTE: Set the scope's input mode to DC. Set the oscilloscope in normal trigger mode such that the waveform below can be observed. DEMODULATION SBO: NORMAL DEMODULATION SBO: 5° RF PHASE ERROR Figure 7-6 RF phase SBO illustration The RF phase (90° start phase) can be adjusted by trimmer RF PHASE on the back of the LPA/GPA. Adjust until the minima points between the smallest peak waveform reach the baseline or a minimum. TESTS AND ADJUSTMENTS 7-10 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM 7.3.6 SDM Calibration Connect the NM 3710 Field Test Set to the CSB BNC test connector in the Cabinet's Changeover section. (Insert a 20 dB attenuator at the input of the Field Test Set in order to avoid overloading). SDM should be calibrated to 40,0% +/- 0,1% SDM by adjusting SDM from the RMM Program or the Local Display/Keyboard. 7.3.7 DDM Calibration NOTE: Check that all TEST DDM settings are in NORMAL. Connect the NM 3710 Field Test Set to the CSB BNC test connector in the Cabinet's Changeover section. (Insert a 20 dB attenuator at the input of the Field Test Set in order to avoid overloading). DDM should be calibrated to 0.0% +/-0.05% DDM by adjusting DDM from the RMM Program or the Local Display/Keyboard. Test DDM Setting TEST DDM with 90Hz or 150Hz dominance can be switched on and off from the RMM Program or the Local Display/Keyboard. The DDM values inserted by TEST DDM are preset values which is set as described below. 90Hz Dominance Preset Utilize the Field Test Set as in the previous test.Set the TEST DDM in position 90 Hz dominance from the RMM Program or the Local Display/Keyboard. Adjust the (90 Hz) test DDM setting until a wanted DDM value indicating (-) sign is obtained. (Typical value: -0.8%...-1.0% DDM). 150Hz Dominance Preset Utilize the Field Test Set as in the previous test.Set the TEST DDM in position 150 Hz dominance from the RMM Program or the Local Display/Keyboard. Adjust the (150 Hz) test DDM setting until a wanted DDM value indicating (+) sign is obtained. (Typical value: 0.8%...1.0% DDM). Set the TEST DDM back to normal. 7.3.8 Ident Tone Modulation Depth Method 1 Connect the Field Test Set to the CSB BNC test connector in the Cabinet's Change-over section. (Insert a 20 dB attenuator at the input of the Field Test Set in order to avoid overloading). ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 TESTS AND ADJUSTMENTS 7-11 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM Set the Ident Control to CONTINUOUS from the RMM Program or the Local Display/Keyboard. On the Field Test Set, press IDENT. 1020 Hz modulation depth can be adjusted from the RMM Program or the Local Display/Keyboard. Adjust modulation depth to 10.0% +/-0.3%. If VOICE modulation is implemented, the ident modulation depth should be set to 5.5% +/0.3% to avoid over modulation. Before this adjustment is done, follow the instructions in the appendix VOICE GENERATOR. Make sure VOICE is turned off from the RMM program or the Local Keyboard/Display when adjusting the modulation depth. Method 2 An alternative method of checking 1020 Hz modulation depth to 10% is described below: Connect the oscilloscope to the BNC test Connector labelled CSB. Switch off the 90 Hz modulation and the 1020 Hz modulation. Note the peak-to-peak deflection of the remaining 150 Hz waveform. Then switch off the 150 Hz modulation and switch the 1020 Hz modulation to CONTINUOUS. The observed 1020 Hz peak-to-peak waveform amplitude should be 50% of the 150 Hz amplitude providing the 1020 Hz modulation depth is 10% (or 1/2 of 150 Hz depth). 7.3.9 RF Frequency Adjustment Fine-adjustment of the operating frequency can be carried out by adjusting C1 in the OS1221A/B RF Oscillator module. Mount the Oscillator OS1221A/B on an extension board. In order to monitor the frequency, connect the Frequency Counter to the BNC test connector labelled CSB. (Make sure the transmitter under test is routed to Antenna). If necessary for stable counting switch off modulation tones. Adjust until frequency is less than 1 kHz from operating frequency. Trimmer C1 adjusts course and clearance frequencies simultaneously. 7.4 Antenna System Adjustments After the transmitters has been aligned correctly the antenna system must be aligned. This includes mechanical adjustments of the Antenna System, electrical adjustments (phasing) and adjustments of the ADU and MCU. For details, refer to the adjustment procedure for each antenna system. 7.5 Monitor Alignment and Calibration. TESTS AND ADJUSTMENTS 7-12 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM Test Equipment required: • Oscilloscope, general purpose • NM 3710 Field Test Set (with 20 dB attenuator) • BNC Test Cable • Digital Voltmeter, 4 digits, DC 7.5.1 General Description is given only for the DS channels. R338++ means that the other channels has numbers R1338, R2338 and R3338 for CL, CLR and NF channels. Before any monitor adjustments are attempted, the following procedures shall be completed: Transmitter calibrations Network alignments It is imperative for the result that the signals from the Monitor Combining Network (MCU) are correct. Check these signals with the NM3710, Field Test Set, These signals are used for aligning the monitors. 7.5.2 RF Input Level Adjustment. Mount the Monitor Frontend MF12xx on an extender card. Turn on the transmitters. Set the potentiometer R338++ in middle position. See Figure 7-7. HBK776-2 Figure 7-7 Adjustment points on Monitor Frontend MF12xx. Adjust the jumper settings in P2++ and potentiometer R338++ until the voltage is 240mV at ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 TESTS AND ADJUSTMENTS 7-13 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM TP23++. HBK777-2 Figure 7-8 Alternative jumper settings of P2++ Turn off the equipment and remove the extender card. Set the Monitor Frontend MF12xx in its correct position. Turn on the transmitters. Adjust the RF level potentiometer on the front of Monitor Frontend MF12xx until the monitor gives a RF level reading of 3.0V. 7.5.3 AGC Time Adjustment Turn on the transmitters. Make a note of the AGC voltages on TP 1,2,3 and 4 on MF12xx. Turn off the transmitters. Adjust the AGC TIM potentiometer on the front of Monitor Frontend MF12xx until the AGC voltage (TP1,2,3 or 4) is the same as with a nominal RF input. Do this for all four monitor channels on all of the Monitor Frontend MF12xx modules in the system. This ensures fast response from the monitors. 7.5.4 SDM Adjustment Adjust the SDM potentiometer on the front of Monitor Frontend MF12xx until the monitors reads 40.0/80.0%SDM +/- 0.1%SDM. 7.5.5 DDM Adjustment Measure and note down the DDM values from the MCU and NF antenna with help of the Field Test Set. Set the Nominal values for each channel to the measured values with help of the RMM Program. 7.6 Monitor Alarm Setting Procedure Type in the wanted alarm limits from the RMM Program or the Local Display/Keyboard. TESTS AND ADJUSTMENTS 7-14 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM The monitors will have preset alarm limits when the ILS is delivered for factory. These alarm limits are as listed in the table below: LLZ CAT1 CAT II CATIII CL DS NF CLR DDM 15uA 25uA 15uA 40uA SDM ± 4% ------ ------ ± 4% RF level ± 3dB* ------ ------ ± 1dB DDM 11uA 15uA 11uA 40uA SDM ± 4% ------ ------ ± 4% RF level ± 3dB* ------ ------ ± 1dB DDM 9uA 15uA 9uA 40uA SDM ± 4% ------ ------ ± 4% RF level ± 3dB* ------ ------ ± 1dB Table 7-9 Localizer alarm limits. * Only for single frequency ILS. For two frequency ILS the limit is +/- 1dB. GP CAT1 CAT II CATIII CL DS NF CLR DDM 30uA 37uA 30uA 45uA SDM ± 5% ------ ------ ± 5% RF level ± 3dB* ------ ------ ± 1dB DDM 30uA 37uA 30uA 45uA SDM ± 5% ------ ------ ± 5% RF level ± 3dB* ------ ------ ± 1dB DDM 30uA 37uA 30uA 45uA SDM ± 5% ------ ------ ± 5% RF level ± 3dB* ------ ------ ± 1dB Table 7-10 Glidepath alarm limits * Only for single frequency ILS. For two frequency ILS the limit is +/- 1dB. CLR transmitter is only present in two frequency ILS. 7.7 Maintenance Limit Adjustments Use the RMM Program to set maintenance warning limits in the system. All new systems will ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 TESTS AND ADJUSTMENTS 7-15 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM have factory preset maintenance warning limits. Maintenance warning limits can not be set from the Local Display/Keyboard. TESTS AND ADJUSTMENTS 7-16 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NF SDM adj. 21825-3.7 HBK698-3 DS RF level adj. DS AGC time constant adj. SERVICE STAND BY TX1 TX2 STBY MAINT IDENT BATT DISAGR LOCAL TX1 AUTO MANUAL CHANGE OVER INTERLOCK REMOTE OVERRIDE ON/ OFF NORMAL WARNING ALARM TX2 WRITE PROTECT MAIN COAXIAL POSITION CLR COURSE ESC PREV NEXT ENTER QUICK READ TX1 TX2 LF 1223A 150Hz COU phase adj. (R3) 90Hz COU phase adj. (R1) 150Hz CLR phase adj. (R180) Ident mod adj. 90Hz CLR phase adj. (R179) DS SDM adj. PARAM Mon.stby. CLR RF level adj. CLR AGC time constant adj. CLR SDM adj. CL RF level adj. CL AGC time constant adj. CL SDM adj. NF RF level adj. Mon.2 MF 1211A 7.8 NF AGC time constant adj. Mon.1 NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM Adjustment points Figure 7-9 Front side adjustment points. TESTS AND ADJUSTMENTS 7-17 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM TEMP INDOOR TEMP OUTDOOR AC LEVEL ANALOG CH.1 ANALOG CH.2 ANALOG CH.3 DIGITAL PORT A DIGITAL PORT B DIGITAL PORT C DIGITAL PORT D TO MB1203 Battery protection level adj. RS232 RS232 RS232 BATTERY WARNING REMOTE CONTROL DC-LOOP DC-LOOP DME CI1210A LOCAL REMOTE 2 REMOTE 1 CH.1&2 CH.3&4 HBK697-1 Figure 7-10 CI1210A Connection Interface adjustment point. TESTS AND ADJUSTMENTS 7-18 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM RF phase adj. DC offset adj. RF balance adj. 90Hz mod. adj. 150 Hz mod. adj. OSC. CSB SBO Type FREMDRIFT S.no. Ver. RF.PHASE Phase feedback offset adj. DC RF-BAL G90Hz G150Hz PH.OFFS. HBK696-1 Figure 7-11 Power Amplifier Assembly adjustment points (rear view). ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 TESTS AND ADJUSTMENTS 7-19 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM TESTS AND ADJUSTMENTS 7-20 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM PART III DESCRIPTION Functional Description 8.1 Introduction The NM 7000-series Instrument Landing System is a fourth generation system featuring extensive remote maintenance and monitoring features and systematic use of modern electronic components and processors. Careful analysis has guided the partitioning of the system into analog hardware, digital hardware and software to meet the reliability and integrity objectives as well as easy maintenance and low cost of ownership. In the monitor, comparison between monitor measurements and stored monitor limits is performed by digital hardware. Thus safety critical software is avoided in those functions. The filtering functions are performed by a dedicated signal processor running a FFT algorithm, with the signals sampled after base-band detection. The transmitter/modulator uses a synthesizer as a RF source. In two-frequency systems a common reference crystal is used, avoiding drift in difference frequency. The LF and ident frequencies and ident keying are generated by digital hardware, while the level setting and modulation control are performed by digitally controlled analog feedback loops. Local and remote control, and change-over and shut-down functions are performed by digital hardware. Software is used for the remote maintenance and monitoring functions, including alarm and parameter storage, diagnostic functions, transmitter adjustments and change of monitor limits. Appropriate hardware protection is used to avoid that the software becomes safety critical. Technology Most of the modules in the NM 7000-series ILS are based on surface mount components on multi-layer boards. This reduces the number of modules, and gives very good EMC/EMI performance. Most of the digital hardware is contained in field programmable gate arrays (FPGA), giving very high reliability. The processors used are well proven Texas and Intel types. In the RF stages, modern RF power FET transistors are used. ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 8-1 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM Transmitter 1 Monitor 1 Monitor input signals Monitor Frontend MF1211/MF1219 Monitor MO1212 LF oscillator LF1223 Transmitter LPA/GPA RF oscillator OS1221 Remote Control External sensors Connection Interface CI1210 Comm. ports RMS RMA1215 Data and diagnostics Monitor input signals HBK549-1 Monitor Frontend MF1211/MF1219 Monitor MO1212 TX control TCA1218 RF oscillator OS1221 Changeover Section NAV signals out Transmitter LPA/GPA LF oscillator LF1223 Transmitter 2 Monitor 2 Figure 8-1 ILS Block Diagram Each block is described separately in the following sections. 8.2 Transmitter The transmitter section generates the ILS signal with the required RF power levels and modulations levels. The section comprises two identical transmitters, TX 1 and TX 2, where one is connected to the antenna, while the other is connected to dummy loads, acting as a back-up. The reference signals in the transmitter section are RF signals from the oscillator OS1221A and LF modulation signals (90Hz and 150Hz) from the low frequency generator LF1223A. The LF 1223A also generates the keyed 1020Hz signal for the Ident. System DC voltages comes from the Power Supply board PS1227A. In each transmitter, the RF oscillator has separate outputs for Course and Clearance. These two channels are offset by 10 kHz. The LF Generator also has independent outputs for Course and Clearance. The LPA 1230 Localizer Power Amplifier Assembly contains modules to modulate, amplify and combine signals into the required CSB and SBO signals. Amplitude- and RF phase feedback ensures correct RF power level and modulation. The COA 1207B Change Over section has relays to connect the CSB and SBO outputs from one transmitter to the antenna while the other is connected to dummy loads. The relays are controlled by a Coax-control signal. SBO phase shifters and attenuators are incorporated for obtaining the correct CSB/SBO relationship. The block diagram is shown on the next page. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 8-2 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM POWER AMPLIFIER ASSEMBLY COU-TX1 AMPLITUDE & RF PHASE FEEDBACK COAX CONTROL CHANGE OVER COU AM-MOD. HPA FEEDBACK CONTROL CSB HYBRID AM-MOD. SBO MONITOR CSB 50 ohm HPA COAX RELAY RF OSC. TX1 AMPLITUDE & RF PHASE FEEDBACK COUPLER PHASER POWER AMPLIFIER ASSEMBLY COU-TX2 LF GEN. TX1 OUTPUT CSB COURSE ATTENUATOR AMPLITUDE & RF PHASE FEEDBACK OUTPUT SBO COURSE 50 ohm AM-MOD. HPA CSB FEEDBACK CONTROL HYBRID AM-MOD. COAX RELAY SBO HPA PHASER ATTENUATOR AMPLITUDE & RF PHASE FEEDBACK COAX CONTROL POWER AMPLIFIER ASSEMBLY CLR-TX1 AMPLITUDE & RF PHASE FEEDBACK COAX CONTROL CHANGE OVER CLR AM-MOD. HPA FEEDBACK CONTROL CSB HYBRID AM-MOD. SBO COAX RELAY LF GEN. TX2 AMPLITUDE & RF PHASE FEEDBACK COUPLER PHASER POWER AMPLIFIER ASSEMBLY CLR-TX2 RF OSC. TX2 MONITOR CSB 50 ohm HPA OUTPUT CSB CLEARANCE ATTENUATOR AMPLITUDE & RF PHASE FEEDBACK OUTPUT SBO CLEARANCE 50 ohm AM-MOD. HPA CSB FEEDBACK CONTROL COAX RELAY HYBRID AM-MOD. SBO HPA PHASER ATTENUATOR AMPLITUDE & RF PHASE FEEDBACK COAX CONTROL HBK590-1 Figure 8-2 System Block Diagram of a 2-Frequency LLZ Transmitter ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 8-3 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM 8.3 Monitor The monitor section's main task is to generate alarms if the transmitters fail. The alarm signals are interpreted by the station control section which decides whether to change transmitter or to shut the ILS signals down. Warning information is treated by the RMS. The input signals to the monitor are RF signals, CL, DS, NF, CLR(2 freq. only), from the antenna system. In addition the DC loop detects failures in the antenna and an optional external frontend may monitor alarm generating parameters from additional equipment (i.e. a far field monitor). The outputs are alarm status to the transmitter control section, parameter values to the RMS and DC loop reference voltages to the antenna system. The monitor chain consists of the Monitor Frontend module, MF1211A in LLZ and MF1219A in GP, and the Monitor module MO1212A. This chain is duplicated to increase reliability. In hot standby configurations an additional chain monitors the standby transmitter. See the figure below. The Monitor Frontend module is mainly an AM receiver which detects the baseband signals and generates DC voltages proportional to the RF level. In addition a digital pulse train is generated, to tell the difference in frequency (DF) between the COU and CLR transmitters in two frequency configurations. The Monitor module digitizes the analog signals, filters all data by FFT or mean value calculations, and passes the parameters to the comparator. The comparator generates alarm signals if the parameters are outside the programmed limits. MONITOR FRONTEND 1 AM receiver MONITOR 1 DS_RF_LEVEL DS_RF DS_BASEBAND CL_RF_LEVEL CL_RF NAV Comp. FIFO AM receiver MUX Alarm bus SC Digital Filters CL_BASEBAND Mon.1 FIFO Alarm bus TRM Limit Storage Mixer DF RMS bus AM receiver DC loop CLR_RF_LEVEL CLR_BASEBAND CLR_RF AM receiver NF_RF_LEVEL NF_RF NF_BASEBAND External Frontend 1 NAV Mon.2 MONITOR FRONTEND 2 MONITOR 2 External Frontend 2 NAV Mon.St.by STANDBY MONITOR FRONTEND STANDBY MONITOR DC loop HBK556-2 Figure 8-3 Monitor section block diagram. 8.4 Transmitter Control The transmitter control sections main purpose is to control the transmitters on/off state. This is done based on alarm inputs from the monitors, inputs from remote control, inputs from local keyboard (front panel for station control) and inputs from the RMM system. The station control receives alarm information from the monitors. Based on the alarm status FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 8-4 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM and the current mode of operation, the station control decides if a changeover/shutdown should occur. The station control unit also receives user/state inputs from remote control (example: Interlock) and the RMM system (example: Warning lamp outputs). Configuration selections on the TC1216A board also affects the operation of the station control. Transmitter Control TC1216A STATION CONTROL ALARM DETECTION AND VOTING ALARM STANDBY ALARM TX control bus TX CONTROL REMOTE CONTROL INTERFACE Station control alarm bus RC bus CONTROL AND UART RC i/f bus RMS bus LC1217A/B LOCAL bus Local Controls with/without hot standby LEDs Terminator alarm bus TERMINATOR ALARM DETECTION AND VOTING ALARM TERMINATOR SHUTDOWN UNIT Terminator alarm HBK543-1 Figure 8-4 TCA1218A/B Block Diagram The transmitter control assembly, TCA1218A/B consists of the transmitter control (TC) module TC1216A and the local control (LC) front panel LC1217A/B (the B-version is a front panel designed for hot standby configuration). See Figure 8-4. The main functions of the TCA1218A/B are performed by the station control (SC) part of the transmitter control (TC). The SC takes care of the normal operating tasks like turning transmitters on/off bases on various inputs that may affect the transmitter status. The SC also has a RMS interface enabling the RMM system to read the status of the SC and to illuminate warning lamps etc. The terminator (TRM) part of the TC takes over and shuts the ILS down if the SC is not able to operate as expected. The TRM shut down the power to the transmitters approximately 1 sec©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 8-5 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM ond after an alarm situation or interlock state has occurred. The remote control interface process serial data from/to the remote control. This unit also detects and reports faults in data transmission with remote control. The data from the remote control are sent to both SC and TRM. The local control displays the transmitter status of the ILS. It also provides a user interface, enabling the user to perform basic operations on the ILS. 8.5 Remote control system The remote control’s main purpose is to provide an interface to the ILS from the control tower, or technical equipment room at the airport. The remote control provides the ILS with user inputs and selections. The unit also displays the status of the ILS using LEDs. The remote control system consists of an UART/line interface, RC1241A, a front panel, RF1242A/B (B is a front panel for hot standby configuration) and a slave panel. The remote control assembly, RCA1240C/D, consists of the remote control (RC) module RC1241A and the remote control front panel (RF) RF1242A/B (the B-version is a front panel designed for hot standby configuration). See Figure 8-5. RC1241A Telephone line CONTROL AND UART LINE INTERFACE Slave bus Slave panel(s) RF1242A/B Remote Control front panel with/without hot standby lamp indications HBK544-1 Figure 8-5 RCA1240C/D Block Diagram The line interface in RC1241A convert signals between standard serial data format and telephone line signals both ways using a FSK modem (compatible with CCITT V.21). The UART /control in RC1241A performs serial/parallel conversion. Pushbutton, switch and operational mode (interlock) status is sent from remote control to ILS. Transmitter status and other info is received from the ILS. The front panel RF1242A/B contains the pushbuttons, switches and LEDs for the user. The slave panel is an optional control panel with a limited set of functions/LEDs, designed for use in the airport tower. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 8-6 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM 8.6 Remote Monitoring System (RMS) 8.6.1 General Description The Remote Monitoring System consists of a CPU-board located inside the main cabinet, with several means of collecting data from both inside and outside the equipment. The RMS also constitutes the operator interface, offering up to three RS232 interfaces, and the Local Keyboard/Display. The main tasks are: • Collection of executive monitor parameters and maintenance parameters • Generation of system warnings • Maintaining historical storages of all data. • ‘Snap-shot’ of all monitor and maintenance data immediately before alarm occurrence. • Setting of alarm limits and tx parameters. • Fault isolation. • Controlling the Local Keyboard/Display. The RMS SW comprises a resident part located in the ILS. It communicates with the RMM PC program via dedicated lines or a MODEM. The PC SW is the main operator interface with the ILS. Data collection is facilitated in 3 different ways: A parallel high speed data bus offering both read and write operations, a IIC-standard serial bus, and a set of 24 different ADC channels. MAIN CABINET Remote PC 1 RS232 Local PC RS232 MODEM MODEM Dial-up or leased-line MODEM MODEM RS232 CI 1210A RMA 1215A Remote 2 RS232 Remote 1 RS232 CPU Interface Circuitry LCD / Keyboard RS232 Serial Interface Remote PC 2 Digital and Analog Inputs Analog Inputs RMS data bus Analog channels IIC serial bus Local Monitor Data and System Settings HBK569-1 Figure 8-6 The RMM configuration. 8.6.2 PC and Modem The main operator interface is locally or remotely connected personal computers, running dedicated SW and communicating with the main cabinet resident SW via a dedicated protocol. The system facilitates three channels for PC connections, two of which can be used for remote PC via modems and leased-line or dial-up telephone lines. All three PC’s can be logged on simultaneously, but only one of them can have write access at a given point in time. ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 8-7 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM 8.6.3 RMS Databus The main operation of the RMS parallel data bus is continuously to collect data from the Monitor MO 1212A. Additional functions are setting of monitor alarm limits and delays on the MO 1212A, setting of TX-parameters on LF-generator LF1223A, and reading of system status from the TX Control Assembly TCA 1218A/B. Writing of warning status to the TCA 1218A/B is also done via the RMS databus. MO 1212A MON1 MO 1212A STB MON MO 1212A MON2 LF 1223A TX1 LF1223A TX2 TCA 1218A/B RMS Databus HBK568-1 RMA 1215A Figure 8-7 The RMS databus. 8.6.4 Maintenance Data Collection In order to facilitate fault isolation and presentation, several analog and digital measuring points are distributed throughout the system. These point are primarily accessed via the IIC serial bus. In addition, 24 ADC-channels are read directly into the RMA 1215A board. The IIC serial bus collects digital status information from MF1211A, MO1212A, LF1223A, OS1221A and the CI 1210A connection interface card. 6 of these are user configurable inputs/outputs. In addition, analog measurements are obtained from the LLZ - Power Assemblies LPA1230A. The ADC-channels are mainly used to measure power amplifier current consumption, as well as system voltages. These measurements are obtained from the Power Supply boards PS1227A. In addition system current consumption, as well as several user configurable inputs, are measured on the CI1210A board. LF 1223A TX1 LF 1223A TX1 OS 1221A TX1 OS 1221A TX2 LPA 1230A TX1 COU LPA 1230A TX1 CLR LPA 1230A TX2 COU LPA 1230A TX2 CLR IIC serial bus RMA 1215A CI 1210A ADC channels MF 1211A MON1 MF 1211A MON2 MF 1211A STB MON MO 1212A MON1 MO 1212A MON2 MO 1212A STB MON PS 1227A #1 PS 1227A #2 HBK570-1 Figure 8-8 The IIC serial bus and ADC channels. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 8-8 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM 8.7 Power Supply The ILS main cabinet is supplied from one or two 27V power supplies with a backup battery. The 27V is regulated down to ±15V, 8.5V and 5V. The transmitter power amplifiers are fed directly from the 27V supply, while the rest of the system uses the regulated voltages. Current measurements are done on the power supply, the battery and each power amplifier. Each regulated voltage is measured in the Power Supply PS1227A. The results are presented to the user through the RMS system. When the ILS signals are shut down, the power supply to the power amplifiers are actually turned off by relays. This is controlled by the terminator alarm signal from the station control section. The backup battery is protected against deep discharge with a protection circuit. This circuit disconnects the battery when the voltage drops below 22V. A battery warning is given through the RMS system when the primary power supply (supplies) fails MAIN CABINET Terminator Alarm PS1227A-1 MODULE CONNECTIONS PA123xA CL 90Hz V27_CL1501 PA123xA CL 150Hz V27_CLR901 PA123xA CLR 90Hz V27_CLR1501 PA123xA CLR 150Hz V15P DC DC CI1210A Battery Warning DC DC Main Cabinet Switch DC DC DC DC AC MF121xA MO1212A RMA1215A LF1223A V15N TX1 V27_CL901 OS1221x CI1210A AC1226A TCA1218A VDD V8P5P MF121xA OS1221A PA123xA PS1227A-2 DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC V27_CL902 PA123xA CL 90Hz V27_CL1502 PA123xA CL 150Hz V27_CLR902 PA123xA CLR 90Hz V27_CLR1502 PA123xA CLR 150Hz TX2 HBK584-3 Figure 8-9 Power supply functional diagram. ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 8-9 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 8-10 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM Detailed description This chapter gives a detailed description of the assemblies and modules in the NM7013. Notations in the block diagrams: ~. -. [7:0]. -. 9.1 Active low signal. Signal bus numbering system. Here, an eight bits bus, numbered from seven down to zero. Main Cabinet The following paragraphs describe the electronics modules located in the main cabinet. 9.1.1 MF1211A Localizer Monitor Frontend General Description: The MF1211A module demodulates the ILS RF signals from the antenna system, and passes baseband and RF level signals, and a digital pulse train representing the difference in frequency (DF) between the CL and CLR signals, to the monitor MO1212A (chapter 9.1.2). The CLR channel and DF circuit are used in two frequency systems only. Block Diagram: See Figure 9-1. Block Description: The MF1211A module has four identical channels: • DS - Displacement Sensitivity • NF - Near Field • CL - Course Line • CLR - CLeaRence In addition a mixer circuit extracts the difference frequency between CL RF and CLR RF, and a maintenance monitor reports low level RF amplitude and modulation depth to the RMS. CL_FILT consists of a step attenuator and a bandpass filter covering the bandwidth 108.1 to 112 MHz. The step attenuator can be set in the range 0 to 34 dB by setting jumper plugs enabling one or more of three attenuators each providing 6dB, 12dB and 16 dB attenuation. CL_RFAMP splits the band limited RF signal to the baseband chain and the RF level chain. The baseband amplifier stage comprises automatic gain control (AGC) through a pin diode attenuator. CL_LEV detects a DC voltage proportional to the RF input level, through a detector diode and a low pass filter. CL_BASEB detects the baseband signals and generates the control voltage to the AGC stage of the CL_RFAMP. When no RF signal is present, the AGC voltage is clamped to a preset level. ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 DETAILED DESCRIPTION 9-1 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM CL_LPFI are active lowpass filters that attenuates frequencies above the ILS baseband. DF_MIXER mixes the CL and CLR RF signals and extracts the difference frequency. The output signal is a TTL level pulse train. MAINTMON monitors the RF levels and the modulation depths, and reports to the RMS if the levels exceed the preset limits. DETAILED DESCRIPTION 9-2 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS RF INPUT STEP ATTENUATOR ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 CL_FILT BANDPASS FILTER From CLR channel DF_MIXER ACTIVE MIXER DF RF LEVEL VERNIER CURRENTCONTROLLED ATTENUATOR AGC CL_RFAMP PRESET AGC LEVEL TPxx23 VOLTAGE REFERENCE LOWPASS FILTER CL_LEV RF LEVEL DC OUT CL_BASEB COMPARATOR AGC_TIME TP 1...4 CL_LPFI LOWPASS FILTER Part of MAINTMON MUX BASEBAND CL_IDENT IIC_SDA IIC_SCL AGC_VOLT RF LEVEL NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM HBK554-2 Figure 9-1 MF1211A Block diagram (CL channel shown) DETAILED DESCRIPTION 9-3 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM 9.1.2 MO1212A Monitor General Description: The MO1212A module digital converts and processes NAV parameters, compares them with programmable limits and reports alarm situations to the Station Control on TCA1218A (chapter 9.1.3) and the RMS. Block Diagram: See Figure 9-2. Block Description: LF_FRONT: The analog signals from MF1211A Monitor Frontend are multiplexed and digitized, and the difference frequency (DF) pulse train is counted as a 12 bits value. These digital values are multiplexed into the FIFO along with the DC loop (DL_Detect[3:0]), External (Ext_Val[11:0]) and test channels. The FIFO is seven words deep, and the sampling frequency is 640 Hz/channel. Much of the functionality of LF-Front is handled by a FPGA NMP101A which is described in chapter DSP_FILTER performs all filtering in the Monitor. Data is read from the LF_FRONTEND FIFO, AC data are FFT analyzed and for the DC data mean values are calculated. The calculated parameters are written to the COMPARATOR. DSP_FILTER consists of a TMS320C31 DSP, a memory block and a reset/watchdog circuit. COMPARATOR compares the parameters received from DSP_FILTER with the programmed upper and lower alarm limits. Alarm data are passed on to the Station Control and Terminator (on TCA1218A, chapter 9.1.3) on a dedicated bus. The COMPARATOR generates both instantaneous and delayed alarms. The delayed signal is sent only if the alarm is still present after the programmed delay period. All parameters, alarm and warning data are passed on to the RMS via an output FIFO (warning information is treated by the RMS). The alarm and warning limits and delays are stored in the local EEPROM. Much of the functionality of COMPARATOR is handled by two FPGAs NMP102A and NMP103A described in chapter NMP101A Monitor Digital Frontend General description: NMP101A is a FPGA in the LF-FRONT block. It serves as an interface between the (digitized) inputs from the monitor frontend MF1211A and the DSP_FILTER block. NMP101A is based on the Actel ACT1020 FPGA. For electrical specifications see the ACT1020 datasheet. Block diagram: See Figure 9-2. Block description: REF COUNTER divides the system clock (4.9152 MHz) for use in channel addressing. It also generates the read/convert pulse to the external ADC. DETAILED DESCRIPTION 9-4 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM DIFF FREQ COUNTER counts the pulse train that represents the frequency difference between the CL and CLR signals. It generates a 12 bits value which multiplied by 20 gives the true frequency difference. MUX selects between DF, one of sixteen channels from the ADC or one of the eight external channels in a roundabout manner to the FIFO. FIFO is a 7x17 bits first in first out queue with interface to the TMS320C31 DSP in the DSP_FILTER block. The five most significant bits are channel address and the 12 least significant bits are data. FIFO reports error to the COMPARATOR and data available (DAV) status to the DSP. NMP102A / NMP103A Comparator General description: NMP102A and NMP103A are two FPGA's providing most of the functionality of the COMPARATOR block. Block diagram: See Figure 9-2. Block description: The block diagram shows both the NMP102A and NMP103A as a whole and blocks drawn twice are found with the same functionality on both FPGA’s. INPUT LATCH: stores the parameter number and value coming from DSP_FILTER. SEQUENCE CONTROLLER: Controls the entire operation of reading alarm limits from the EEPROM, runs parity checks on the alarm limit values, compares the parameter value from DSP_FILTER with upper and lower alarm limits, reads and parity checks the alarm delay values and delays any alarms correspondingly. COMP: Compares the parameter value from DSP_FILTER with the alarm limits from EEPROM and generates a raw alarm. DELAY: Delays the raw alarms corresponding to the delay values in the EEPROM. FIFO CONTROL: Writes data into the FIFO when the comparator cycle is finished. EEPROM INTERF.: Controls the interface towards the EEPROM. EEPROM write is only allowed if RMS_LEVEL1 is a logic '0' (RMS access level3). RMS INTERF: ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 DETAILED DESCRIPTION 9-5 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM Is the interface to the RMS. It controls interrupt when data is ready in the FIFO and generates addresses for EEPROM programming and status and control signals. PARITY CHECK: Checks incoming data from the EEPROM. One bit error is corrected, and only a parity warning is passed to the RMS. If two bits are erroneous, all output alarms are set, and a parity error is passed to the RMS. EEPROM: The EEPROM is used to store the alarm limits. Warning limits used by the RMS are also stored here. FIFO: The FIFO is used to streamline the data transfer to the RMS. One full set of 32 parameters is written to the FIFO before the interrupt is activated. DETAILED DESCRIPTION 9-6 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS ©1999 Navia Aviation AS FROM MF1211A NF_* CLR_* DF DL_DETECT_* DS_* CL_IDENT CL_RFLEVEL CL-BASEBAND VOLT. REF. LPF CL_BB_DGR TEST_RF_OK TEST_RF_ERROR TST_CH[1:0] MUX MUX 12 DL_REF* AD 4.9152 MHz ANAFRONT VOLT. REF. ANA_CH[3:0] ADO[11:0] DIFF FREQ COUNTER REF COUNTER EXT_VAL[11:0] CLK 12 MUX 12 FIFO LF_FRONT NMP101 LF_DREAD DAV 17 DO[16:0] EXT_ENA EXT_CH[2:0] ADDRESS DECODER RESET AND CHECK CIRCUIT BOOT EPROM 21825-3.7 17 FROM TCA1218A RMS BUS DSP_FILTER EXTERNAL RAM DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR RMS_LEVEL1 IOS[6:0] IOD[7:0] DSP_DATA[16:12] DSP_DATA[11:0] PAR_WR PARITY CHECK PARITY CHECK INPUT LATCH 12 RMS INTERF. COMP NMP 102/103A EEPROM INTERF. SEQUENCE CONTROLLER DELAY DELAY FIFO CONTROL SEQUENCE CONTROLLER EEPROM RD FIFO WR COMPARATOR MT_AL_RDY MT_AL_ID[4:0] MT_AL MT_AL_N MT_AL_RDY MS_AL_ID[4:0] MS_AL MS_AL_N MS_ALARM_RAW MS_ALARM_RDY MONITOR TER ALARM BUS TO TCA1218A MONITOR SC ALARM BUS TO TCA1218A NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM HBK555-3 Figure 9-2 MO1212A Block diagram DETAILED DESCRIPTION 9-7 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM 9.1.3 TCA1218A Transmitter Control Assembly General Description: The TCA1218A transmitter control assembly consists of the transmitter control TC1216A and Local Control (front panel) LC1217A. Block Diagram: See figure Figure 9-3 and Figure 9-4. All blocks except Local Control are located on TC1216A. Description of selected signals: MON1 SC ALARM BUS : Station control alarm bus from monitor MO1212A no.1. Consists of M1S_AL_ID[4:0], ~M1S_AL_RDY, M1S_AL, ~M1S_AL_N and M1S_AL_RAW. MON2 SC ALARM BUS : Station control alarm bus from monitor MO1212A no.2. Consists of M2S_AL_ID[4:0], ~M2S_AL_RDY, M2S_AL, ~M2S_AL_N and M2S_AL_RAW. STB MON ALARM BUS : Station control alarm bus from standby monitor MO1212A. Consists of ~MSTBS_AL_RDY and MSTBS_AL. Only used for hot standby configurations. RMS BUS : Interface to the RMS. Consists of IOD[7:0], IOCS, IOS[2:0]. MON1 TRM ALARM BUS : Terminator alarm bus from monitor MO1212A no.1. Consists of M1T_AL_ID[4:0], ~M1T_AL_RDY, M1T_AL, ~M1T_AL_N and M1T_AL_RAW. MON2 TRM ALARM BUS : Terminator alarm bus from monitor 2. Consists of M2T_AL_ID[4:0], ~M2T_AL_RDY, M2T_AL, ~M2T_AL_N and M2T_AL_RAW. RC_BUS : Interface to the line interface circuits for the remote control interface on CI1210A (ch 9.1.10). Consists of SDIN, SDOUT, ~CD. Block Description: STATION CONTROL interpret the alarm bus from the monitors MO1212A and generates alarm (and standby alarm for hot standby configurations). These signals together with inputs from local controls (on LC1217A), remote controls (via CI1210A), RMS inputs and configuration setup (in EEPROM and jumper settings) determine the state/state change for the NM70xx transmitter state. Status information are generated and sent to local control panel (LC1217A) and remote control panel (via CI1210A). The RMS can poll the state of the station control at any time. State changes generates an interrupt signal to the RMS. STATION CONTROL can shut off the transmitters LPA1230A by turning off the RF-oscillators OS1221A. DETAILED DESCRIPTION 9-8 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM Most of the functionality of STATION CONTROL is handled by three FPGAs NMP104A, NMP105A and NMP106A described in chapters - TERMINATOR interpret the alarm bus from the monitors MO1212A and generates alarm. This signal together with local controls (on LC1217A, remote controls (via CI1210A), RMS inputs and configuration setup (in EEPROM and jumper settings) determine the state of the terminator alarm (TRM_AL) output. TERMINATOR has an extra 1s delay, so that the STATION CONTROL has time to fulfill transmitter state changes before the terminator shuts the NM70xx down. Terminator alarm shuts the NM70xx down by disconnecting the power supply from the output stage of the transmitters LPA1230A. Most of the functionality of TERMINATOR is handled by FPGA NMP107A described in chapter REMOTE CONTROL IF: This unit converts signals from the station control and terminator to serial messages (1 message is 2 bytes long). This is done continuously (approximately 10 messages/s). The serial input from the remote control is converted to parallel format. Messages from the remote control are accepted only if two equal messages are received in sequence. If no valid message is received within 2s, the remote control interface assert a failure signal to inform the station control and terminator that the link to the remote control is broken. Depending on the configuration setup, this will turn the NM70xx off. CONFIG Jumper plugs for configuration of the NM70xx. DEBOUNCE consists of debouncing circuitry for signals from switches on LC1217A and jumper plugs for setting access levels for remote control. LOCAL CONTROL consist of keys, switches, switchlocks lamps and indicators located on LC1217A used to control and indicate operational status of the NM70xx. NMP104A Station Control Monitor Data Detector General Description: NMP104A is a FPGA within the STATION CONTROL block. It serves as a monitor alarm/error detection and monitor alarm voting unit. NMP104A is based on the Actel ACT1020 FPGA. For electrical specifications see the ACT1020 datasheet. Block Diagram: See Figure 9-3 and Figure 9-4. Block Description: MON.1 ALARM & ERROR DETECTION This block decodes the MON1 SC Alarm bus and generates alarm if the monitor MO1212A no 1 has set the alarm flag for any of the 32 parameters received in a set. Error checks includes parameter identity sequence check, AL_N negated of AL, test channel alarm toggling and timeout for RDY-signal. Any alarm/error will set the monitor alarm output (M1_ALARM) for the ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 DETAILED DESCRIPTION 9-9 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM duration of next 32 parameters, meaning that 32 parameter without alarm/error must be received in sequence before the alarm output is reset. MON.2 ALARM & ERROR DETECTION Same as for MON.1 ALARM & ERROR DETECTION, but for MON2 SC alarm bus. VOTING This block provides monitor alarm (VALARM) to the NMP105A depending on jumper configuration (1 of 2 or 2 of 2 voting) in the CONFIG block and inputs from the two MO 1212A monitors (not including standby monitor). When configured for 2 of 2 voting, both MO 1212A monitors must give alarm to set the VALARM output. When configured for 1of 2 voting, alarm from one of the two MO 1212A monitors is sufficient to set VALARM. STB ALARM DETECTION Alarm flag for any parameter sets the alarm immediately. The alarm will be reset when 32 parameters are received in sequence with no alarm flag set. PUSHBUTTON ONESHOTS To prevent locking up of push button keyboard signals, this block translates the input signals from the switches on LC1217A from levels (high or low) to pulse stream. NMP105A Station Control Event Detection General Description: NMP105A is a FPGA within the STATION CONTROL BLOCK. It serves as an event detection and control unit. The NMP105A also includes the station control RMS-interface. The event information is output to the station control state machine controller NMP106A. NMP105A is based on the Actel ACT1020 FPGA. For electrical specifications see the ACT1020 datasheet. Block Diagram: See figure Figure 9-3 Block Description: RMS INTERFACE The RMS interface provides interface to the RMS BUS LAMP STATUS GENERATION This block generates lamp status information for the LOCAL CONTROL and REMOTE CONTROL IF blocs. RMS LEVEL DETECT This block decodes RMS access levels 2 and 3 using access configuration in CONFIG block, write disable switchlock information from LOCAL CONTROL, access grant from Remote Control IF and access requests from the RMS. EVENT DETECT The event detect unit checks for valid events (for example key press, alarm interlock etc.), and sends valid event number to the station control state machine controller NMP106A. Events not valid for the current mode of operation are ignored. Events are given priorities with interlock as the highest priority. The alarm event has the next priority, while the other events are DETAILED DESCRIPTION 9-10 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM polled one by one. The event detect unit also has a built in integrity check. This function works when the ILS is in normal operational mode (automatic mode with transmitters on and no alarm). When the ON/OFF is pressed, a FORCE_AL signal is output. This signal turns off all transmitters (LPA1230A) without notifying the rest of the system. The loss of transmitted signal will be detected by the monitors (MO 1212) and cause monitor alarms to the STATION CONTROL.This alarm will result in a TX changeover initiated by STATION CONTROL, but since STBY TX is also turned off, monitor alarm will remain and cause TX shutdown after alarm delay. This sequence ensures that the monitoring circuits and shutdown mechanisms operates as intended. If the integrity check function should fail, a timeout function shuts the ILS down. INTERRUPT DETECT This block detects transmitter state changes and stores the event causing the change. Transmitter feedback and coax relay position is also stored. An interrupt is generated to inform the RMS that a transmitter state change has occurred. TX 20 SEC DELAY This function ensures that no transmitters are allowed to transmit for 20 seconds after an alarm shutdown has occurred. MAIN SELECT STORE This block stores the information regarding which transmitter that is selected as main transmitter. INTERLOCK DELAY This block turns on the transmitters 20 seconds after the interlock signal from the REMOTE CONTROL IF block has been deactivated. NMP106A Station Control State Machine Control General Description: NMP106A is a FPGA within the STATION CONTROL block. It serves mainly as a state machine controller (states are stored in an EPROM) for transmitter on/off control. NMP106A is based on the Actel ACT1020 FPGA. For electrical specifications see the ACT1020 datasheet. Block Diagram: See Figure. 9-3 Block Description: SEQUENCER This block generates strobes and control signals for running the state machine. New states are triggered based on received new data from NMP105A (on the STO_BUS). This block also generates reset to the hardware watchdog safeguarding and controlling the station control reset. EVENT CHECK This block checks event and main select signal received from NMP105A. Two identical event/ main select signals must be received in sequence before the event/main select is acted upon. TIMER ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 DETAILED DESCRIPTION 9-11 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM Used by the state machine for delays/timeouts for state changes. DELAY Delays the coax relay position feedback in state change sequences. Ensures that the coax relay on COA1207A (Ch.9.1.6) will not change position while the transmitters are transmitting. PARITY CHECK This block check the parity of each byte read from the state machine content EPROM. Parity failure results in transmitter shutdown. LOCKUP DETECT This block detects failures in the state machine sequence. It will trigger if the state machine don’t become idle within a specified time. Failures results in transmitter shutdown. EPROM READ DATA ADDRESS This block is an address counter setting the address for the state machine EPROM during reading through the RMS. The RMS can either reset or increment the address counter. The feedback from these control strobes, address bit 0 and EPROM data byte are transferred to the NMP105A for reading by the RMS. TX ON/OFF CONTROL This block controls the on/off state of the transmitters. Default is leaving the transmitters in the state reported by their feedback signals, thereby providing no change in transmitter state. However, if PARITY CHECK failure or event LOCKUPDETECT failure is detected, the transmitters are turned off. LOCAL LAMP STATUS Local panel lamp outputs to the LOCAL CONTROL BLOCK are provided based on coax relay position, TX main select, transmitter status and station status received from NMP105A. EPROM ADDR MUX This block selects EPROM addressing either for STATE MACHINE or RMS read control. NMP107A Terminator General Description: NMP107A is a FPGA providing most of the TERMINATOR function. The terminator function is to provide a transmitter shutoff function if the STATION CONTROL should fail to do so. NMP107A is based on the Actel ACT1020 FPGA. For electrical specifications see the ACT1020 datasheet. Block Diagram: See Figure 9-3 and Figure 9-4. Block Description: RMS INTERFACE The RMS interface provides the interface to the RMS BUS. RMS LEVEL DETECT This block decodes RMS access levels 2 and 3 using access configuration in CONFIG block, DETAILED DESCRIPTION 9-12 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM write disable switchlock information from LOCAL CONTROL, access grant from REMOTE CONTROL IF and access requests from the RMS. EVENT DETECT The event detect unit checks for valid events (for example on/off-key, alarm, interlock etc.), and sends valid events to the terminator state check. Events not valid for the current mode of operation are ignored. TERMINATOR STATE CHECK This block acts upon events/states received from the EVENT DETECT block. Alarm/interlock states are allowed to be active for 1 second before terminator alarm is activated. The terminator alarm is then reset if an on/off-event is detected, thereby starting a new 1 second timeout. The STATION CONTROL must now stabilize the ILS with no alarm within this 1-second period of time if a TERMINATINATOR shutdown should be avoided. If terminator is triggered by alarm or interlock while transmitters are transmitting, an interrupt is generated. The RMS can then read the cause of the interrupt through the RMS BUS. INTERLOCK FILTER This block overrides the interlock signal in interlock override mode of operation. To enable interlock override mode of operation the interlock override switchlock must be activated, the local/remote switch must be in local position and the auto/manual switch must be in manual position. MON.1 ALARM & ERROR DETECTION This unit decodes the MON1 TRM ALARM BUS and generates alarm if the monitor MO 1212A no. 1 has set the alarm flag for any of the 32 parameters received in a set. Error checks includes parameter identity sequence check, AL_N negated of AL, test channel alarm toggling and timeout for RDY-signal. Any alarm/error will set the monitor alarm output (M1ALARM) for the duration of the next 32 parameters, meaning that 32 parameters without alarm/error must be received before the alarm output is reset. MON.2 ALARM & ERROR DETECTION Same as for MON.1 ALARM & ERROR DETECTION but for MON2 TRM ALARM BUS. VOTING This block provides a monitor alarm (~VALARM) depending on jumper configuration (1 of 2 or 2 of 2 voting) in the CONFIG block and inputs from the two MO1212A monitors (not including STBY monitor). When configured for 2 of 2 voting both MO 1212A monitors must give alarm to set the ~VALARM output. When configured for 1 of 2 voting alarm from one of the two MO 1212A monitors is sufficient to set the ~VALARM. NMP109A Remote Control Interface General Description: NMP109A is a FPGA providing most of REMOTE CONTROL IF function. The NMP109A transfers data between STATION CONTROL and TERMINATOR and the remote control (via CI 1210A). NMP109A is based on the Actel ACT1020 FPGA. For electrical specifications see the ACT1020 datasheet. Block Diagram: See Figure 9-3 and Figure 9-4. ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 DETAILED DESCRIPTION 9-13 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM Block Description: STB LAMP FILTER This block provides the standby lamp information to be sent to remote control by the TX UART. TX UART Converts parallel data to 2-bytes serial messages. Protocol for the serial data SDOUT (sent I 1210A) is start bit, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, odd parity. RX UART Converts serial data SDIN received from remote control (via CI 1210A) to parallel data (2 bytes). MESSAGE DETECTOR Messages from RX UART are accepted only if two identical messages are received in sequence. If so, the data output latch is updated and a new-message pulse is generated. NEW MESSAGE TIMER Checks whether an OK message from MESSAGE DETECTOR and carrier detect signal from CI 1210A is present. Missing message or no carrier detect for 2 seconds or more gives timeout signal to DATA FILTER. DATA FILTER In case the NEW MESSAGE TIMER has signalled a timeout (indicating missing messages) this block will modify the data received from the MESSAGE DETECTOR by forcing the TX_OFF signal to on (configurable). If configuration enables interlock, the interlock signal is also forced active. DETAILED DESCRIPTION 9-14 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM VOTING_CONFIG MON1 SC ALARM BUS From MO1212 M1_ALARM M1S_AL_ID MON1 M1S_AL_RDY ALARM M1_AL M1_ERROR & ERROR M1S_AL_N DETECTION M1S_AL_RAW VOTING VALARM MON2 SC ALARM BUS From MO1212 M2S_AL_ID MON1 M2S_AL_RDY M2_AL M2S_AL_N ALARM & ERROR M2_ALARM DETECTION M2_ERROR M2S_AL_RAW STBMON SC ALARM BUS From MO1212 LC_IN[10:0] SW1THCES/ DEBOUNCE MSTBS_AL_RDY STB ALARM MSTBS_AL DETECTION STB_ALARM LC_INB[14:0] LCIN[14:0] PUSH- PUSHBUTTONS BUTTON ONESHOTS RC ~LC_OUT[11:0] NMP104A CONFIG LEDS LC_IN[14:11] SC MON DATA DETECTOR ~LC_OUT[17:12] WARN STB LEDS CONFIG LOCAL CONTROL SC CLOCK EPROM LC_IN[14:7,0] 10 ST_BUS RMS_BUS RMS_STATUS RMS CONFIGURATION 11 INTERFACE SEQUENCE RMS COMMANDS CONFIGURATION CONTROL STO_BUS SEQUENCER LC_IN EPROM READ DATA EPROM DATA RI_BUS S/P RMS LEVEL RMS LEVEL DETECT EVENT EVENT NO USED CHECK MAIN SELECT USED EPROM READ DATA TIMEOUT VALUE TIMER TIMEOUT GONE TIMER -TERM_AL ALARM TRM CLOCK EVENT DETECT AUTO -ONOFF -TXONOFF TERMI- TERM_INT NATOR STATE MACHINE ADDRESS TRIG COAX POS DELAY TRM_RO_AL STATE COAXPOS CHECK 12 TRM_LC_AL PENDING 13 ILOCK_INT ALARM_INT EPROM READ INTERLOCK DATA FILTER ADDRESS DATA BYTES M1T_AL_ID MON1 TRM ALARM BUS M1T_AL_RDY M1T_AL M1T_AL_N CHECK M1_ALARM ALARM M1_ERROR & ERROR PENDING DETECTION EVENT NO VOTING EPROM ADDR MUX LOCKUP DETECT ~VALARM LOCK TXFB M1T_AL_ID TIMEOUT EPROM ADDR TXON TX ON/OFF 14 CONTROL MON1 TRM M1T_AL_RDY ALARM M1T_AL M1T_AL_N BUS PARITY ERROR MON1 M1T_AL_RAW MON2 PARITY ALARM TXFB M2_ALARM & ERROR DETECTION COAXPOS M2_ERROR LC_OUT LOCAL M1T_AL_RAW NMP107A TERMINATOR STATUS LAMPS LAMP MAIN SELECT STATUS 15 NMP106A SC STATE MACHINE CONTROL 16 HBK 545A-3 17 18 Figure 9-3 TCA1218A Block diagram part 1 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 DETAILED DESCRIPTION 9-15 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM RO_BUS (TX) LAMP STATUS GENERATION RI_BUS RMS LEVEL DETECT RMS_LEVEL ~RMS_LEVEL[1:0] To MO1212 LF1223 FORCE_AL EVENT DETECT VALARM STALARM PENDING ~TXC_INT To RM1213 SC_INT INTERRUPT DETECT TX 20 SEC DELAY DLY ACTIVE MAIN SELECT STORE TXFB[3:0] INTERLOCK DELAY COAXFB NMP105A SC EVENT DETECTION 10 11 SC_TXCOND ~TXON[3:0] COAX_POS To OS122 To coax rel LC02COND LC_OUT[17:12] TRM_RO_ALARM RO_BUS 12 13 STB LAMP FILTER From MB1203 (P15) CNF[6,4,1,0] SDIN From CI1210 ~CD 14 SDOUT TX UART AUX_IN DATA FILTER RX UART MESSAGE DETECTOR NEW MESSAGE TIMER RI_BUS To MB12 (P15) AUX_OUT MESSAGE TIMOUT NMP109A REMOTE CONTROL IF (RI) 15 LCO_COND LC_OUT[11:0] RC_BUS To CI121 Figure 9-4 TCA1218B Block diagram part 2 DETAILED DESCRIPTION 9-16 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM 9.1.4 LF1223A Low Frequency Generator General Description: LF1223A provides the audio signals to be modulated onto the carrier signal in the transmitter (AC 1226A). The levels of the 90Hz, 150Hz, RF level and ident signals and the morse code of the ident signal are programmable from the RMS. Block Diagram: See chapter 9.1.6. Block Description: DIGITAL SECTION The LF_DIG block provides the interface to the RMS, the parameter storage (EEPROM) and the analog section. All sequencing and local parameter update is performed by this block. Most of the functionality of the DIGITAL SECTION is handled by the NMP110A FPGA described in chapter ANALOG SECTION. All levels are controlled digitally through multiplying DACs (MDACs), and the AC levels are stabilized through AGC amplifiers. The fine tuning of the phase between the 90 and 150Hz signals is done manually with potentiometers. The morse code is keyed in an analog multiplexer, and can be synchronized with a DME. RF level and ident (DC_IDENT), SDM and DDM (90/150Hz) are generated in the MDAC chain. Multiplication (m) in the MDACs are 0≤m<1. • The reference voltage is multiplied in the first MDAC to form the DC portion of DC_IDENT. The keyed 1020Hz sine wave is multiplied in an other MDAC to control the ident amplitude, this signal forms the IDENT portion of DC_IDENT signal. • The DC portion of DC_IDENT is multiplied in the third MDAC to form the modulation sum reference . • This modulation sum reference is split in two signals where one is modified by a fourth MDAC before they are combined again to form the modulation difference. NMP110A Low Frequency Generator Control General description: NMP110A is a FPGA within the LF_DIG block. It provides the interface between the RMS and the local parameter storage and sequencing of the LF signals are performed here. NMP110A is based on the Actel ACT1020 FPGA. For electrical specifications see the ACT1020 datasheet. ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 DETAILED DESCRIPTION 9-17 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM Block diagram: Frequency Divider Counter CLK Ident Sequencer Control DME_IDNT_IN, DME_ACTIVE Control Section OS* RMS interface OAX_POS, LF_ADDR Address Decoder MUX Refresh Address Sequencer Configuration Storage IOD* Figure 9-5 NMP110A block diagram. Block description: FREQUENCY DIVIDER divides the system clock (3.6864MHz) into 30Hz, 90Hz, 150Hz, 1020Hz, morse code tick length and morse code word length clock signals. IDENT SEQUENCER generates the programmed ident envelope for the ILS signal and external DME equipment. CONTROL SECTION includes the RMS interface, address decoding, configuration control and automatic refresh of the DACs and the other registers. The refresh cycle is performed after a completed RMS access cycle. 9.1.5 OS1221A RF Oscillator General Description: The OS1221A module generates the RF signals used for the generation of the carrier signals in the transmitters (ch. 9.1.7). DETAILED DESCRIPTION 9-18 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM Block Diagram: CHANNEL SELECT COU PROGRAMABLE DIVIDER 64 FREQUENCY ADJUST MODULUS 2 DIVIDER FREQ. TEST POINT MODULUS SELECT X-TAL RF OSCILLATOR PHASE DETECTOR LOWPASS FILTER VCO LOCK DETECT BANDPASS FILTER 12 dB OSC_C WINDOW COMP. LOCK DETECT TO IIC BUS SCHM.TR LATCH LOCK DETECT TO IIC BUS LOCK DETECT TO IIC BUS SCHM.TR COU Tx ON/OFF CHANNEL SELECT COU PROGRAMABLE DIVIDER 64 MODULUS 2 DIVIDER MODULUS SELECT RF OSCILLATOR PHASE DETECTOR LOWPASS FILTER LOCK DETECT VCO BANDPASS FILTER 12 dB OSC_C WINDOW COMP. LOCK DETECT TO IIC BUS SCHM.TR LATCH LOCK DETECT TO IIC BUS SCHM.TR LOCK DETECT TO IIC BUS HBK587-3 CLR Tx ON/OFF Figure 9-6 OS1221A block diagram. Block Description: The RF signal is generated by a voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) built around a Dual Gate Mosfet Transistor, chosen because of its good noise properties, and the possibility to have an isolated output at the drain. A part of the signal is fed back, via a buffer for isolation, to a divide by 64, modulus 2 prescaler. This is connected to a MC145152-2, a phase locked loop circuit that performs the counting and control of the prescaler. The total count, and thereby the frequency, is set by inserting shunts onto an array of pins. The correct count for a desired frequency (FRQ) is found as follows: ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 DETAILED DESCRIPTION 9-19 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM COUNT = FRQ / 5KHZ In order to set the frequency on the OS1221, the count must be rounded off to the nearest integer value and converted to a binary number. Insert shunts for binary zeros on the pin arrays P2 or P102 (COU/CLR) starting with the most significant bit on P2/102,A0 and the least significant bit on P2/102,N9. Be aware that most calculators discards leading zeros. Please find tables of jumper settings in Operating Manual Appendix B. The internal oscillator of the Course PLL is also used to control the Clearance PLL. The differential output of the phase comparator is made single ended by a balanced amplifier. A combined low-pass filter and integrator is built around an operational amplifier, that generates the control voltage for the RF oscillator. This control voltage is also fed to a window comparator that alarms the system via the I2C-bus if it falls outside its limits (another control of the PLL is via the Lock Detect output of the PLL). The Lock Detect output of the PLL circuit is fed to a low pass filter and a transistor. This output consists of narrow negative going pulses when the loop is locked, and wide pulses of variable width when out of lock. Therefore the transistor will be turned off when in lock, and on when out of lock. The output from the transistor goes to two Schmidt triggers, one latching and one unlatching. The latching Schmidt triggers turns the signal off if the loop goes out of lock and alarms the I2C-bus. It is reset by power on and/or a low transition of the COU_OFF signal (CLR_OFF for the clearance channel). The other Schmidt trigger is used to inform the system of the situation that the loop have been out of lock, but is in lock at the present time even if the signal is turned off (this might be the situation if a short drop in the 12V supply occurs, or a change in frequency setting has taken place). The signal switching is done in two steps. The first is a diode switch and the next is a Dual Gate Mosfet transistor that can be turned off by taking its control gate to a low potential. This transistor acts as a buffer for the signal when in the on state. At the output of this transistor, a second order bandpass filter follows, that serves as an output match of the transistor and to filter out harmonics of the output voltage. The last stage is a 12dB gain block that delivers 10mW of power to the PC1225 card. The Clearance channel is identical to the Course channel except for the crystal oscillator for the PLL. 9.1.6 LPA1230A Localizer Power Amplifier Assembly General Description: The Localizer Power Amplifier Assembly LPA1230A consists of the following modules mounted together as shown on Fig. 9-7. Power Amplifiers PA1233A Amplitude Control AC1226A Phase Control PC1225A Feedback Detector FD1235A Combiner Detector CD1237A DETAILED DESCRIPTION 9-20 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM The LPA1230A receives RF signals and LF signals from the OS1221A Oscillator (Ch. 9.1.5) and LF1223A low frequency generator (Ch. 9.1.4) respectively. The outputs from the LPA1230A are carrier sideband (CSB) signal and sideband only (SBO) signal. Detected samples of the CSB and SBO signals and the phase feedback signal are available on the BNC connectors on the front panel. Information about signals and status are interfaced with the RMS. Block Diagram: See Figure 9-8 and Figure 9-9. Block Description: The PC1225A Phase Control receives the RF signal from the oscillator OS1221A and splits this signal into two paths (90Hz and 150Hz branch). The RF phase regulator blocks ensure correct phase relationship between the 90Hz and 150Hz modulated RF signals prior to combining them into CBS and SBO signals. The AC1226A Amplitude Control provides and controls the required LF modulation signals (90Hz and 150Hz) for the PA 1233A power amplifiers that keeps the output RF level and amplitude modulation constant. The PA1233A Power Amplifier modulates the incoming RF signal from PC1225A with a 90Hz or a 150Hz LF signal to obtain an AM-signal and amplifies the modulated signals. The FD1235A Feedback Detector provides feedback signals for amplitude and phase correction of the 90 and 150 Hz modulated RF signals. The CD1237A Combiner Detector combines the 90 Hz modulated RF signal and the 150 Hz modulated RF signal in such a way that true CSB and SBO RF signals are generated. In addition, detected and filtered CSB and SBO signals for measurement purposes are provided to the test connectors on the front panel. Detailed description about the individual modules are found below. PA1233A Power Amplifier General Description : Power amplifier PA1233A is a three stage single-ended amplifier. The first stage works as an AM-modulator. The modulation tone (90Hz or 150Hz) is fed to the collector of a bipolar transistor. This modulation stage is operating in class C and has impedance matching network at both input and output. Nominal RF input level is approximate 20dBm. Second stage consists of a 5W MOSFET-transistor operating in class B. The input impedance network is matched to 50Ω, while the output impedance network is matched to the complex conjugated impedance of the third stage transistor. This stage has a collector-to-gate feedback and a input shunt loading resistor at the transistor gate, to prevent unwanted oscillations and keep the transistor unconditionally stable. Third stage is a 45W MOSFET-transistor operating in class AB. Its output impedance network consists of microstrip transmission lines and a variable capacitor to achieve maximum power and efficiency. This stage has also feedback and shunt resistors to prevent unwanted oscillations. As gain control, both the second and third stage have potentiometers to set the operating point. A positive voltage regulator is used to keep a fixed input voltage to these gain ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 DETAILED DESCRIPTION 9-21 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM control circuits. The lowpass filter at the output is a 9th order-filter, giving better than 65dB attenuation of all harmonics and forward loss is less than 0.5dB. Filter input and output impedance are 50Ω. AC1226A Amplitude control General Description : The main purpose of the AC1226A is to maintain a constant modulation and RF level for the output signals from the PA 1233A power amplifiers. The RF level and modulation depths are derived from three reference input signals coming from LF 1233A. A DC reference level sets the RF level for both power amplifiers and one 90Hz and one 150Hz AC reference signal determines the modulation depths of the 90Hz and 150Hz power amplifiers respectively. The AC1226A also contains measurement circuits for the RMS. ADJUSTMENTS: The levels of the reference DC signal and the two reference AC signals are separately adjustable. In addition, the power balance between the two power amplifiers can be adjusted. The goal of these adjustments is to compensate various tolerances inside the LPA1230A. Adjusted correctly, any LPA1230A can be replaced by any other LPA1230A without any adjustments, and still be within specified limits. Any site or RF frequency dependent adjustments shall be made on the LF1223A module via the RMS system. FEEDBACK FUNCTION: The 90 and 150 Hz LF signals from LF1233A are combined with the DC (ident) signal also coming from LF1233A to form the desired RF envelope for each of the PA1233A. This envelope is compared with the envelope detected by FD1235A and the resulting signal is fed to the PA1233A modulator. This process eliminates any ground offset between the LPA1230A and the LF1223A generating the reference signals. MAINTENANCE MEASUREMENTS: Following measurements are reported to the RMS: The 22-28V DC power supply for each PA1233A. Detected CSB and SBO RF level. Peak of the phase correction curve. PC1225A Phase Control General Description: The RF carrier signal from OS1221A (Ch. 9.1.5) is split in two paths, one to be modulated with 150 Hz, and one to be modulated with 90 Hz. The first stage of each path is a phase regulator, with a range of ±100 degrees. In the 90Hz path, the phase is set with a potentiometer for reference, in the 150Hz path the phase is controlled by a phase comparator. The phase comparator is a part of a negative feedback loop which ensures the correct phase relationship between the 90Hz and 150Hz modulated RF signals from the PA1233A power amplifiers prior to combining them into CBS and SBO. Each of the phase regulators is followed by a buffer amplifier, a 15dB gain block and a output stage. The RF level at the output is fed back in an automatic gain control feedback loop ensuring constant output level of 20dBm. DETAILED DESCRIPTION 9-22 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM FD1235A Feedback Detector General Description: The function of FD1235A is to provide feedback signals for amplitude and phase correction of the 90 and 150 Hz modulated RF signals. Two dual directional couplers sample the main RF signal from the 90 Hz and the 150 Hz modulated power amplifiers, respectively. One half of each dual coupler is used for amplitude control, while the other half is used for phase control. For AMPLITUDE control, the sampled RF signal is detected by a diode that is slightly forward biased for linearity, bias being provided by another diode. The detector time constant is short; the detected signal consist of a positive voltage proportional to the RF carrier level and an LF voltage proportional to the modulation. When this output is fed back to the power amplifiers via the Amplitude Control board, RF power and modulation depth will be held constant, and distortion will be practically eliminated. A low-pass filter is inserted between the detector diode and the coupled lines to prohibit RF harmonics generated by the detector to couple back onto the main RF line. Coupler directivity is much improved by very small capacitances connected across the lines. For PHASE control, a 90 degree 3 dB hybrid is used as a phase discriminator. Such a device has the property that the resulting amplitude at its outputs depend upon the phase difference at its inputs. Here, the two sampled RF signals, which have equal amplitudes, are applied to the hybrid inputs. The two output signals from the hybrid are rectified, giving positive output voltages with some LF components. Normally, these two voltages will be equal. Any shift in RF input phase will make these voltages unequal. When these output voltages are fed back to the Phase Control board, the phase relations at the input will be held constant. For equal magnitude at the outputs of the 90 degree 3 dB hybrid, the phase difference at the hybrid inputs must be zero. Proper phasing initially is here obtained by the insertion of a delay line in the 150 Hz modulated path. The main RF input signals applied to the couplers are already 90 degrees out of phase here, with the 90 Hz modulated signal lagging. Therefore, the additional delay line between the 150 Hz coupler and the hybrid will provide the missing 90 degree delay for zero phase difference at the hybrid inputs. A small trimming capacitor is included to facilitate an offset to compensate for eventual minor phase errors in the remaining RF circuitry outside the phase feedback loop. Adjustment can therefore only be done properly with the whole transmitter module working. This trimmer is the only adjustable component on this board. All diodes used on this board are matched pairs for temperature stability reasons. The RF power output from this board is fed through a pair of 50 Ohm coaxial connections inside the housing directly to the Combiner board CD1237A, the connections being disconnectable to facilitate removal for repair. Inserted in a properly adjusted transmitter module, the 90 and 150 Hz modulated output (and input) power signals of the Feedback Detector board will have equal amplitudes with the 90 Hz path lagging the 150 Hz path by 90 degrees (except for eventual offset), and this condition will be held constant by the feedback loops. CD1237A Combiner Detector General Description: The function of CD1237A is to combine the 90 Hz modulated RF signal and the 150 Hz modulated RF signal from FD1235A to form the CSB and SBO RF signals to be transmitted. In addition, detected and filtered CSB and SBO signals for measurement purposes are provided to BNC test connectors on the front panel. The 90 Hz and 150 Hz modulated RF input signals are of equal amplitude in phase quadrature, with the 90 Hz signal lagging. A 90 degree 3 dB hybrid is used as a combiner. When two RF signals of equal frequency and amplitude but with 90 degrees phase difference are applied ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 DETAILED DESCRIPTION 9-23 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM to the two input ports of such a hybrid, the signals will add in phase at one output port but will be in reverse phase and cancel each other at the other port. This is the situation for the carrier frequency, resulting in twice the input power at the CSB port and no power at the SBO port. However, the sideband frequencies at the two inputs are not identical. The power of each sideband frequency will therefore be split equally between the two outputs. The resulting depth of modulation at the CSB output will be one half relative to the input value. At the SBO output, the two sidebands will be in reverse phase at the instant when the LF components are in phase. Thus true CSB and SBO signals are generated at the outputs. A pair of directional couplers sample the CSB and SBO RF output signals for measurement purposes. The RF samples are detected by matched diodes that are slightly forward biased. Detector filters have short time constant to preserve the LF envelopes. A low-pass filter is inserted between each detector diode and the coupled lines to prohibit RF harmonics generated by the detector to couple back onto the main RF line. Coupler directivity is much improved by very small capacitors connected across the lines. DETAILED DESCRIPTION 9-24 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM Physical Organization CD 123xx *) C1 C2 C3 C4 J7 J1 J16 J2 J9 J14 J15 J3 AC 1226x TP1 J17 J8 PC 1xxxx J13 J12 J11 J6 J10 FD 1xxxx PA 123xx PA 123xx *) *) Not present in GP-CLR HBK695-2 Figure 9-7 Physical organization of power amplifier assembly. ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 DETAILED DESCRIPTION 9-25 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM 90 Hz FEEDBACK VOICE VOICE ON/OFF IDENT/ VOICE ANALOGUE IDENT/VOICE SELECTOR 90 Hz COU PHASE ADJ. ANLG_ID 90 Hz LOWPASS FILTER AGC AMPLIFIER 90 HZ COU UNREG 90 Hz LPF_90 AGC_AMP DC (RF power) LP FILTER LPF_1020 Vref IDENT KEYER DAC DATA (7:0) CONTROL IDENT + DC LEVEL (RF POWER) COU BUFFER MOD DEPTH 90 Hz AC1226A VOLTAGE REF. MODULATION CURRENT DRIVER MOD 90 Hz AMP_90 COMPARATOR Vref RF LEVEL DAC DATA (7:0) CONTROL DATA (7:0) DDM DAC CONTROL Vref DIFFERENTIAL DISTRIBUTION 90 Hz FEEDBACK MOD 90 LEVEL AMP_90 RF BAL MOD 150 LEVEL (DC) 150 HzFEEDBACK MODULATION MOD 150 Hz CURRENT DRIVER AMP_150 COMPARATOR AMP_150 MOD DEPTH 150Hz Vref MOD LEVEL DAC DATA (7:0) CONTROL MOD_AMP 150 Hz COU PHASE ADJ. 150 Hz LOWPASS FILTER AGC AMPLIFIER 150 Hz COU UNREG 150 Hz LPF_150 AGC_AMP2 AC1226A DIGITAL AUDIO GENERATOR & CONTROLS 3.6864MHz LF_DIG 150 Hz FEEDBACK DATA (7:0) CONTROL 90 Hz FEEDBACK 90 Hz CLR PHASE ADJ. 90 Hz LOWPASS FILTER AGC AMPLIFIER UNREG 90 Hz LPF_902 90 Hz CLR AGC_AMP3 DC (RF power) Vref DATA (7:0) IDENT + DC LEVEL IDENT KEYER CLR BUFFER MOD DEPTH 90 Hz (RF POWER) AC1226A CONTROL VOLTAGE REF. 90 Hz FEEDBACK Vref DATA (7:0) MODULATION MOD 90 Hz CURRENT DRIVER AMP_90 COMPARATOR RF LEVEL CONTROL CONTROL DIFFERENTIAL DISTRIBUTION DDM DAC DATA (7:0) MOD 90 LEVEL AMP_90 RF BAL MOD 150 LEVEL MODULATION MOD 150 Hz CURRENT DRIVER AMP_150 Vref 150 HzFEEDBACK COMPARATOR AMP_150 MOD DEPTH 150Hz Vref DATA (7:0) MOD LEVEL CONTROL MOD_AMP2 150 Hz CLR PHASE ADJ. 150 Hz LOWPASS FILTER LPF_1502 UNREG 150 Hz AGC AMPLIFIER 150 Hz CLR AGC_AMP4 AC1226A LF1223A 150 Hz FEEDBACK HBK748A-1 Figure 9-8 NM 7013 Transmitter Block Diagram part 1 DETAILED DESCRIPTION 9-26 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM RF PHASE FEEDBACK RF PHASE REGULATOR AMPLIFIER MODULATOR DRIVER LOWPASS FILTER CSB COU PA1233A SYNTHESIZER PHASE FEEDB. OFFSET ADJ. 90° HYBRID RF PHASE REGULATOR AMPLIFIER OS1221A MODULATOR 90° HYBRID RF PHASE ADJ DRIVER PC1225A LOWPASS FILTER PA1233A SBO COU FD1235A CD1237A PHASE OUT Tx ON/OFF RF PHASE FEEDBACK RF PHASE FEEDBACK RF PHASE REGULATOR AMPLIFIER MODULATOR DRIVER CSB CLR LOWPASS FILTER PA1233A PHASE FEEDB. OFFSET ADJ. 90° HYBRID 90° HYBRID RF PHASE REGULATOR AMPLIFIER PC1225A MODULATOR RF PHASE ADJ DRIVER SBO CLR LOWPASS FILTER PA1233A FD1235A CD1237A PHASE OUT RF PHASE FEEDBACK HBK748B-1 Figure 9-9 NM 7013 Transmitter Block Diagram part 2 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 DETAILED DESCRIPTION 9-27 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM 9.1.7 COA1207B Change-Over Assembly General Description: The COA1207B consists of two Change-Over Relay Assemblies CRA1228A, one for the Course signals and one for the Clearance signals. The Change-Over Assembly utilizes double-throw coaxial relays to connect the CSB and SBO output signals from either the main or standby transmitter (LPA1230A) to the antenna system or to a dummy load. The assembly includes attenuators and phase shifters required to obtain the correct CSB/ SBO relationship. One CRA1228A is shown below. Block Diagram: DETAILED DESCRIPTION 9-28 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM COAX CONTROL MONITOR CSB CSB TX1 OUTPUT CSB 50 ohm COAX RELAY CSB TX2 COUPLER COAX CONTROL SBO TX1 PHASER ATTENUATOR OUTPUT SBO 50 ohm COAX RELAY SBO TX2 PHASER ATTENUATOR HBK533-1 Figure 9-10 Changeover system block diagram. 9.1.8 PS1227A Power Supply General Description: PS1227A supplies the NM 70xx cabinet with +27V, ±15V, +8.5V and +5V, from a +27V input. ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 DETAILED DESCRIPTION 9-29 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM Block Diagram: TRM_AL V27P V27_CL90 I27_CL90 GND V27_CL150 I27_CL150 V27_CLR90 I27_CLR90 V27_CLR150 I27_CLR150 DC V15P SYNC V15P_MEAS DC V15N DC V15N_MEAS DC V9P DC V9P_MEAS DC VDD DC VDD_MEAS HBK565-1 DC Figure 9-11 PS1227A Block Diagram Block description: The ±15V, +8.5V and +5V supplies are provided by integrated DC/DC converter modules. PS1227A can operate in redundancy with a second power supply using or'ing diodes. The output voltages are measured prior to these or'ing diodes, to be able to identify a power failure. The four 27V outputs supply the LPA1230A power amplifiers. The current drawn are converted to a voltages used for current measurement. The ILS output signals may be shut down by cutting off the 27V supplies. This is done by the TERMINATOR alarm signal (TRM_AL) (Ch. 9.1.9 RMA1215A RMS Assembly General description The RMA1215A is a microprocessor based assembly that contains the RMS software, and also forms the basis for the NM7000 RMM system. The RMA1215A consists of KD1214A front panel with keyboard and display, and the RM1213A the RMS module. DETAILED DESCRIPTION 9-30 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM Block Diagram: RM1213A Watchdog RESET Jumper Memory RAM EPROM EEPROM Battery Interrupts Interrupt circutry CPU Real time clock CTRL port Analog MUX Analog voltages IIC bus IIC controller Three serial channels. Double UART Analog MUX RS232 drivers KD1214A CTRL port CTRL port Display Ident speaker Det. ident CTRL port Analog MUX Keypad CTRL port RMS bus HBK588-1 Figure 9-12 RMA1215A Block Diagram. Block description. CPU The CPU is an 80C188EB micro controller with address decoding unit and two UARTs. Only one of these UARTs is utilized for serial communication. The other has been mapped as a parallel IO port. The operating frequency of the CPU is 20 MHz provided by an external 40 MHz oscillator. WATCHDOG AND BATTERY A watchdog resets the CPU at power up and if the CPU does not toggle the watchdog reset bit within app. 1.6 sec. intervals, or if the +5V supply voltage goes below the battery voltage. In the latter case battery voltage will be connected to the RAM and RTC. Removal of the battery or jumper P2 will cause the RESET line to go low and inhibit any function on the module. If a battery is not available, function can be achieved by shorting the battery socket.The battery can be disconnected by removing jumper P2 when the module is being stored.The battery voltage is measured using an opto coupler switch in order not to discharge the battery. The battery provides approximately one month memory retention at continuous use (system power turned off). INTERRUPT CIRCUITRY The interrupt circuitry combines several interrupts into the 5 interrupt inputs of the CPU. DISPLAY The display used is a 20 characters by 4 lines LCD. KEYPAD ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 DETAILED DESCRIPTION 9-31 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM The keypad consists of seven pushbuttons, directly connected to a parallel input port. DOUBLE UART The dual UART is a standard UART with a 16 byte bidirectional FIFO on both channels. RS232 DRIVERS The RS232 drivers are single supply RS232 drivers. They provide the interface between the UARTs and external PCs and modems. IIC CONTROLLER The IIC controller handles the communication on the IIC bus which is the main communication bus for maintenance data collection in the NM 70xx ILS. REAL TIME CLOCK The real time clock keeps track of the date and time. Date and time is used to timestamp monitor and maintenance data sets. The RTC accuracy is better than 15 seconds per 24 hours. CTRL PORT The CTRL ports in the block diagram are parallel IO ports for the CPU. ANALOG INTERFACE The analog interface block contains two analog multiplexers and an A/D-converter. The main function of this block is to measure analog signals provided from several measurement points in the NM 70xx equipment. The analog multiplexers are connected to the same address bus with separate enable bits. This allows the analog inputs to be measured separately as single ended signals, or to be paired for differential measurements. AURAL IDENT The Aural ident block contains an analog MUX, an amplifier and a loudspeaker. It enables the user to listen to the ident morse code from each of the four transmitters. The Det. ident inputs are detected CSB signal, filtered through a 1020Hz bandpass filter. MEMORY The memory block contains RAM for data storage, EPROM for the program and EEPROM for permanent system setup parameters. The RAM has battery backup in order to retain logging data during a power down. 9.1.10 CI1210A External Connection Interface General Description: The CI1210A External Connection Interface board provides all the interface for the NM 70xx equipment for external connections except from RF signals and power supply. The module performs transient overload protection on all inputs. In addition CI1210A contains of a battery protection and a modem demodulation circuit. The external connections are: • 1 Remote control port (FSK and opt. RS 232) • 3 RS232 ports (local and remote RMM) • 4 DC-loops (antenna cable fault detection) • 1 DME (keying synchronization) • 2 Temperature sensors (indoor/outdoor) DETAILED DESCRIPTION 9-32 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM • 1 AC-level measurement input • 3 Differential Analog inputs • 8 Auxiliary Digital Inputs/Outputs Block Diagram: EAMX* ANLG3P/N ANLG2P/N ANLG1P/N VACP/N TINDOOR TOUTDOOR OverVoltage Protection AIN* MUX [RS232] [RS232] DL_* DL_* *DME* DME_* USER_DIG* IIC* FSK* Modem VPOW SD*,CD V27P VBATT HBK532-1 Figure 9-13 CI1210A Block diagram 9.1.11 MB1203A Monitor Section Motherboard Description: MB1203A is the backplane for the 19” subrack in the NM 70xx cabinet. MB 1203A is a passive motherboard that provides all interconnections between the printed circuit board in this subrack and all interface for external signals except from RF (Coax) cabling. ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 DETAILED DESCRIPTION 9-33 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM Section Module Monitor 1 MO 1212A MF 1211A External Frontend 1 MO 1212A MF 1211A External Frontend 2 MO 1212A MF 1211A Station Control TCA 1218A RMS RMA 1215A Transmitter 1 LF 1223A OS 1221 A/B LF 1223A OS 1221A/B PS 1227A Monitor 2 Standby Monitor Transmitter 2 Power Supply Table 9-1 MB1203A plug in module connectors. 9.2 Tower Equipment The following paragraphs describes the modules to be located in the control tower. 9.2.1 RCA1240C Remote Control Assembly General Description: The RCA1240C remote control assembly consists of the remote control RC1241A and front panel RF1242A, and provides the user interface to the ILS Cabinet from the control tower or technical equipment room. The RCA1240C is connected to the ILS cabinet either using ordinary telephone lines or using the RS232 interface selected by jumper plugs on the RC1241A. The telephone line interface conforms to V.21 standard (300 baud FSK) for use with ordinary 2-wire 600 ohm telephone line. The transmitter level is -10 dBm, and the receivers dynamic range is from -10 dBm to -34 dBm. Most of the functionality of the remote control is provided by the FPGA NMP128A described in chapter DETAILED DESCRIPTION 9-34 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM Block Diagram: RC1241B OPTO OUTPUTS Telephone line Line driver/modem RS232 RS232 driver RF1242A/B LED OUTPUTS Interface select config STATUS Signal drivers Front panel LEDs ALARM Control and uarts RST_RC_AURAL_ONLY RF1242A/B Keys and switches KEYBOARD INPUTS RST_SL_AURAL_ONLY CONTROL INPUTS AUX_IN AUX_OUT SLAVE LED OUTPUTS SLAVE DIRECT INPUTS SLAVE DIRECT BUS HBK546-3 Figure 9-14 Block diagram RCA1240C Block schematic signal description: CONTROL INPUTS ILS control signals. Consists of INTERLOCK and TX_OFF. OPTO OUTPUTS Opto coupler outputs. Collector/emitter for ALARM, NORMAL, WARNING and STB_ALARM. SLAVE_DIRECT_BUS Data interface to optional slave panel. Consists of open collector outputs (ALARM, NORMAL, WARNING, STB_ALARM and SLAVE_BUZZER) and active low inputs (ON_OFF, CHANGEOVER and SILENCE). Block Description: CONTROL AND UARTS This block interprets serial data from the ILS cabinet and generates status outputs to front panel LEDs, slave panel outputs, opto outputs and buzzer signal based on the received status. Failure in data from ILS results in alarm condition. Discrete inputs from the front panel keyboard, control/AUX inputs and slave panel (Ch. 9.2.5) are collected and sent to the ILS rack as serial data. INTERFACE SELECT These straps selects between telephone line and RS232 for interface with the ILS cabinet. The default setting is line interface. LINE DRIVER/MODEM This block converts logic level serial signals to and from FSK level line signals. RS232 DRIVER This block converts logic level serial signals to and from RS232 level signals. SIGNAL DRIVERS This block drives the front panel LEDs, opto outputs and slave panel LEDs. ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 DETAILED DESCRIPTION 9-35 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM FRONT PANEL LEDS This block contains the front panel LEDs used to indicate the operational status of the ILS. KEYS AND SWITCHES This block contains the pushbuttons and switches used for operator input. NMP128A Remote Control General Description: NMP128A is a FPGA providing most of the remote control function. NMP128A is based on the Actel ACT1020 FPGA. For electrical specifications see the ACT1020 datasheet. Block Diagram: ON_OFF_KEY CHANGEOVER_KEY ON_OFF SLAVE_ON_OFF_KEY Command mixer SLAVE_CHANGEOVER_KEY CHANGEOVER TX uart SERIAL DATA OUT AUX_IN INTERLOCK ACCESS_GRANT_SWITCH TX_OFF RC_BUS MESSAGE DATA CARRIER DETECT RX uart SERIAL DATA IN Message detector PARITY ERROR LED OUTPUTS MESSAGE DATA NEW MESSAGE MESSAGE TIMEOUT New message timer LED buzzer filter SLAVE LEDS AUX_OUT ALARM BUZZER SLAVE BUZZER SILENCE_KEY SLAVE_SILENCE_KEY RST_RC_AURAL_ONLY Figure 9-15 Block diagram NMP128A Block Description: COMMAND MIXER This block mixes the on/off and changeover commands from the different sources (remote control front panel or slave front panel input). TX UART Converts parallel data to 2-bytes serial messages. The protocol is start bit, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, odd parity. RX UART Converts serial data from remote control to parallel data (2 bytes). DETAILED DESCRIPTION 9-36 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM MESSAGE DETECTOR Messages are accepted only if two equal messages are received in sequence. If so, the data output is updated and a new-message pulse is asserted. NEW MESSAGE TIMER Checks that an OK message and carrier detect is present. Missing message or no carrier detect for 2 seconds or more gives timeout. LED & BUZZER FILTER Data from the ILS cabinet is filtered according to the following descriptions : • Missing data from ILS sets an alarm condition (Alarm LED on, all other off). • Activating SILENCE-key turns on all LED’s (lamptest). • Interlock turns off all LEDs. Buzzers are activated at transitions from normal to alarm. Lamptest always activates buzzers. Pressing SILENCE-key deactivates the local buzzer. The remote control SILENCE-key may deactivate the slave panel buzzer, while SILENCE from the slave panel may deactivate the local buzzer (both separately configurable). 9.2.2 Motherboard MB1346A MB1346A is a motherboard for RCA1240C. Interconnections J1. Backplane connector for RCA1240C J2. RS-232 interface for external line modems, radio modems or fibre optic connections (alternative to P9 line connection). P3. Parallel interface to slave panel or status unit. P4,P5. Power supply connectors P6. Aux in/out signals. May be used for FFM status, intruder alarm or other auxiliary functions P7. Opto coupler outputs for ALARM, NORMAL, WARNING and STB. ALARM. P8. Interlock connector (alternative connector located on slave panel) P9. RC telephone line interface. Includes alarm output and off input to establish automatic shutdown of GP when LLZ is off. NOTE When MB 1346A is used with RCA 1240C and Interlock function is not used (connected), a jumper plug must be installed in P8 (or P2 on SF1344A on Slave Panel). 9.2.3 Power Supply PS635B Description: PS635B is based on a switch-mode DC/DC converter module (PKA 2212) that features shutdown at low input voltage and current limiting of outputs ( short circuit proof). Supply inputs are protected by a fuses. 9.2.4 Motherboard MB1347A Description: MB1247A motherboard provides the interface to PS635B power supply (Ch. 9.2.3) through connectors for 24VDC input and 5VDC output. ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 DETAILED DESCRIPTION 9-37 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM 9.2.5 Slave Panel SF1344A and SP1394A Description: The SF1344A and SF1394A slave panel provides user interfaces to the ILS from the control tower or equipment room. The slave panels are connected to the RCA 1240C remote control assembly (Ch. 9.2.1) handling the interface with the ILS cabinet. SF 1344A and SF 1394A are identical apart from mechanical dimensions. FRONT PANEL LEDS LEDs on the front panel indicate the ILS status (Alarm/Warning/Normal) BUZZER The internal buzzer provides aural alarms. PUSHBUTTONS Pushbutton switches provides the on/off and silence (aural alarm reset) function. The silence button is also used for lamp test. INTERLOCK CONNECTOR A connector is provided for interfacing a IL 1379/IL 1380 interlock switch (Ch. 9.2.6). 9.2.6 IL1379 / IL1380 Interlock switch Description: The interlock switch is used if the runway has two ILS’s for opposite runway directions that shall be interlocked. The interlock switch consists of a key-operated change-over switch, and is connected to the RCA1240C remote control (Ch. 9.2.1) or SF 1344A/SF1394A slave panels (Ch. 9.2.5) of the affected localizer and glidepath equipment. IL 1379 and IL 1380 are identical modules apart from mechanical dimensions. The IL 1379 is 3 height units by 10 length units (app. 12,8x5cm). The IL1380 is 2 height units by 9 length units (app. 8,4x4,5cm). DETAILED DESCRIPTION 9-38 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM INTERLOCK SWITCH RWYA MB1346 / P8 OR SF1344 / P2 RWYB 1 INTERLOCK 2 GND LLZ runway A LLZ runway B GP runway A GP runway B HBK838-1 Figure 9-16 Interlock switch connections ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 DETAILED DESCRIPTION 9-39 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM DETAILED DESCRIPTION 9-40 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM 10 Parts Lists 10.1 Introduction This section contains a tabulation of electrical and certain mechanical assemblies and parts; i.e. chassis-mounted components, circuit cards assemblies, and modules of the equipment to the lowest replaceable unit (lru). 10.1.1 Explanation of Parts Lists Form • Symbol/Item No.: References the symbol and item no. for each replaceable electronic part in the equipment. • Fig. No.: Lists the figure no of the illustration in which the part is shown. • Manufactorers Part No.: Navia Aviation part no. • UOC: Usable on Code: Lists the code assigned to equipment model numbers and identifies the components used in each model configuration. Se Usable On Code Index. ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 PARTS LISTS 10-1 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM 10.2 Parts Lists 10.3 Usable on code index USABLE ON CODE INDEX Usable On Description Code NM 7011 LLZ CABINET NM 7031 GP CABINET LCA 1246A LLZ 1-FRQ. CAB. ASS. GCA 1248A GP 1-FRQ. CAB. ASS. TOWER EQUIPMENT 10.4 Navia Aviation Part No. 18881 18883 18520 18522 Figures Figure 10-1 Intensionally omitted Figure 10-2 Intenionally omitted T07 J12 J13 Terminal block for power and battery connection and decoupling capacitor C01 J27 J17 J15 J10 J28 J11 J16 J14 CI 1210A J20 J9 J26 J29 J21 J8 HBK1148-1 Figure 10-3 Normarc 7011 & 7031 LLZ & GP cabinet, wall mount side Figure 10-4 Intensionally omitted Figure 10-5 Intensionally omitted PARTS LISTS 10-2 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 PARTS LISTS 10-3 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM PARTS LISTS 10-4 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM PART IV APPENDIXES A Customers Information ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 CUSTOMERS INFORMATION A-1 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM CUSTOMERS INFORMATION A-2 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM WHAT’S YOUR OPINION? We here in Navia Aviation want to do our utmost to meet the expectations and needs of the most important people in the world to us - you, our customers. We will be in contact now and again to make sure you are still satisfied with our products and our service. But, please don’t wait for us! Any time you might have a complaint (or compliment) or suggestions as to how we could serve you better, we would appreciate receiving your comments on the enclosed form - be it about our delivery, product specifications, operation, maintenance, service, or our performance in general. We take your opinions seriously, and will confirm receipt of your comments and keep you advised of any resulting actions. Yours Sincerely, Linda Røssland Customer Service ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 CUSTOMERS INFORMATION A-3 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM CUSTOMERS INFORMATION A-4 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM Product Report Please forward to: Customer Service Dept. Received by: CS - No.: Customer / company: Name: Address: Phone: Fax number: E-mail: Site of installation: Contract number: Navia order No.: Warranty expires: Product: Serial No: Fault description / symptoms: ©1999 Navia Aviation AS Date: Attachement: 21825-3.7 CUSTOMERS INFORMATION A-5 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM CUSTOMERS INFORMATION A-6 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS NORMARC 7013 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM Customer Notification of Goods in Transit Customer’s Engineers to: Form to be faxed prior to shipment to NAVIA AVIATION AS, Customer Service Dep. (Fax No. . +47 23 18 02 13) Sender’s Name:................................................... Tel: ....................................................... Site: ..................................................... Fax: ...................................................... Return Adress:....................................................................................................................... Consignee: NAVIA AVIATION AS P.O. Box 50, Manglerud N-0612 Oslo NORWAY. Tel: +47 23 18 02 00 Fax: +47 23 18 02 13 Carrier’s Name: ..................................................... Date of Shipment: ............................. Carrier’s Ref No: ................................................... Number of Packages: ............................. The following item(s) will be sent for repair under Maintenance Contract No. ____________ Item Description Quantity Part Number Serial Number NAVIA AVIATION AS: Please fax acknowledgement of goods received (including date received) to: __________________ ©1999 Navia Aviation AS 21825-3.7 CUSTOMERS INFORMATION A-7 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK NORMARC 7013 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM CUSTOMERS INFORMATION A-8 21825-3.7 ©1999 Navia Aviation AS
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