Abocom Systems FE1500C 10/100M Fast Ethernet PC Card User Manual users manual
Abocom Systems Inc 10/100M Fast Ethernet PC Card users manual
users manual
USER 's MANUAL 10 / IOOM Fast Ethernet PC Card (FEISOO Rev.C1) First Edition(Ju1y, 3, 1997) Document No.M-LE100-rev1.0 INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION ' INTERFERENCE STATEMENT This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class E digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules, These limits ate designed (0 provide reasonable protection against harmfiil interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if nor installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will nol occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmfiil interference to radio or television reception, i which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: -- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna ~ -- Connect the euipment into an outlet on a circuir different from that to which the receiver is connected -- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help CAUTION: FCC Label Compliance Statement: This device complies with Part l5 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (I) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. INTRODUCTION HARDWARE INSTALLATION SOFTWARE INSTALLATION," Novel/Nelware. . 1 MS LAN Marlag 6 PackeIDl‘tver v. ........ . . 9 Windawxfiw War/(groups 3.11 9 Wmdow: NT} 51. ,. .. .. .. 14 Window: NT4,0 .. . . 15 Window: 95 Inna/[anon . 16 Arliso/l Lantaxlic 6,0 ImtaIIall'nn . 1 7 [EM 03/2 Warp _ . 18 GENERAL INFORMATION“. NOTES FOR Nil/S DRIVER . 1 NOTES FOR PACKETDRIVER NOTES FOR WINDOWS FOR WORKOROUPSDRIVER.. .. ... .. .. .. j QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ...... SPECIFICATIONS ABOUT THIS MANUAL This manual will explam how 10 msrall and “50 your lO/lOOMbps dual speeds Fast Ethernet PC Card. The following guldcline will help you through the lnstallallon process. How to install the Card and Coxmcc! it to n_erw0rk symbol 224 lf "ngdings” \s lo—>" chapter 1- Hardware Installation How install the network drivel symbol 224 \f "Wingdlngs" \s lo—>“ Chapter 2, Software Installation How no do trouble shoozin symbcl 224 ‘f "Wingdings" \s l0—>“ Chal)ter 4- Qucslions and Answers Delail Speclficatl'on symbol 224 \r "WingdlngS" \s l0~>“ Appendix A Qpcclfitallons SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 0 An IBM compellbl: notebook compmef W“h JBGSX or fasrer processor 0 At least ont lyp: II PC Card socket 0 Drivers and uulllles provlded Wllh lhls producl . PCMCIA rcleas: 2 l complmnl Card Sen/m1s and Sockel Semces lOOBas Fast Ethernet or lOaneT Ethernet connectivity to your local area network. OPERATING ENVIORNMENTS - NovellNetware 3.x, 4 x 0 Microsoft LAN Manager - Packet Driver Applications - Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.11 - Microsoft Windows 3.1 0 Microsofl Windows NT 3.51, NT 4.0 - Windows 95 o Laritasric 6.0 . IBM OS/Z Warp Version 3 CONTENTS IN THE PACKAGE - Fast Ethernet PC Card Adapter - Media coupler wrth single RJ-AS connector for lOBASE-T and lOOBASE-TX network. - 3.5" driver diskette - User’s Manual - Plastic protection case for base PC Card ttmtwm-n installation HARDWARE INSTALLATION This chapter describes how to install the dual speeds Fast Ethemt PC Card in your notebook computer and connect it to network. It’s referred to “the PC Card” in this manual. The PC Card could be connected to either lOOMbps Fast Elliemet or lOMbps Ethernet over unshielded twisted pfltr (UTP) czlbe. The PC Card have the ability automatic sensing and operating on either speed without manual recofiguratton. Please refer to Chapter}, Software Installation on how to install network drivers using menu driven installation utility inserting the Dual Speeds Fast Ethernet PC Card [Hold the PC Card With wide connector toward the slot and the brand lable facing upward. Ztlnsert the PC Card and push it firmly into the bottom. ( Please see the figuer on the next page for reference) Hardware lnxmllarion Removing the Dual Speed Fast Ethernet PC Card It‘s qutte dtfl’erenr fat vanuns computer mechanical design. Please refer to the PC Card lemoval mstructton m the document for your notebook Computer. Connecting and Removing the Cable of Media Coupler to the PC Card Hardnarc insmuman Attentton should be paid when removing the 15— pins connectorr Please press the both sides oflhe coumzors before dragging cm of the PC Card- Connecting to the Network Conncct unshielded twisted pair (UT?) Cable m the R145 connector armedia ample! baffle loading any network driven mm m "WWW som‘ k 6. For operanon in thelOOMbps (lUOBast‘X) Ethemet network, 2 Category 5 unshielded twisted pMUTP) cab” should be used to connect betwwfl media COUPI” and lOOMbps huh or switch. mm lDlW'Mmutyp: Smr'lssu For operation in the lOMbps (lOBaseJ‘) Ethernet network Cfl‘egm 1, 4 or 5 unshielded twisted palf (UT?) Cable could be used to conncc! haw/zen the media coupler and a lOMbps hub or switch LED Indicators at... Pony Dn rmrmssm ow 01mg- mm wow m A t w»??? a, t t, w t, /\ Software stall: SOFTWARE INSTALLATION Plug the driver dlskctle into the floppy drive and set the current drive to the floppy drive. Then run INSTALL to install the real mode drivers such as mm» mm“: mmunm n-ngm cupyrsgm <1» mm «In a r. a." E rm... alt Pack n Hanaycr is: Pee-lie _ Screen Novell Netware There are two methods to mslzll the Ncrware client OD! dnver. the menu installation and Netware 3,12 er 4): Chem mstallauon. Menu Installation 1,Run INSTALLEXE from the root directory of driver diskette Sollwarr lnsmllnu’nn 2.Select Ne/ware ix and 4.x Workstation ” item from menu ilf current settings are acceptable, select S/art Illsmllatiun and go to step 5v Otherwrse, select Madiflz Parameters to make settings changed 4 Move cursor to focus on the semng you want to make change and press" to select a fit value When the Configurallcns are set completely, prexc on the 0K" field to exit the screen and go back to step 3. files from diskette to the destination directory and modifies AUTOEXECBAT and lel cm under usersymbol 146 \f "Parisian BT" \s 10); agreement 6Now, the installation is completed. Please reboot the computer to make your New/arc tonnection. Software lnstxllntion I'CHL‘lh Emmet Gal-d l-nn ma Level K 11 um l/fl Bane - arr: ran: If you wanted to install manual, you may follow below. the ODI driver by [116 Instructions list [Copy the files LEIOOODICOM and NETCFG from the path WETWARE and the file LANENEXE from the path ENABLER i.rl the driver diskette into the Netware client directory containing Novell's LSL.COM, [PXODICOM and NETx.COM files. 2.Using 2 text editor to edit the NETCFG for setting the default frame type In the Netware server the frame type ts set to 8023 for NW3.ll and 802.2 for NW3.12 and NW4.x . The frame type must be set to the same With the server or the client couldnsymbol l46 \f "Parisian ET" \5 10')t logln to the server. Sarzwzro Installation 3.Follow Novell’s instructions on using ODl programs. You can substitute the LElOOODl.COM whenever a reference ts made to the Hardware Specific Module. 4A typlcal ODI w orkstatton startup batch file includes: >LANEN /lRQ:dd IIOPrxxx Card Enabler >LSL tint Support Layer Module pmvlded by Novell >L510000l Hardware Specific Module >lPXODl ;lPX Protocol Stack Module provided by Novel! WE“ {Shell Suppon Module provlded by Novell >LOGlN Novell Client Installation 1 Run the NetWare Client Install V1 .21 Get the 4 Client disks from the network administrator, or »Run the WWCLIEN'DINSTALLEXE in a prevtous Installation 2A message appears on Whether or not you perform the screen asking you want the program to modifications on your AUTOEXECBATand CONFIGSYS files. 3Answer "Yes". your AUTOEX fil 711: program then modifies ECBAT and CONFIGSYS es accordingly and Creates backup copies. 4.The following message appears: »lnstall support for MS Windows? (Y/N>f f“ Software install 5.Answer accordingly and provide a path if necessary. 6.The program displays the following: -Configure your workstation for backup by a NetWare server running software such as BACKUP? (Y/N): 7.Answer accordingly and provide a path if necessary. 8.Select a driver for your network board. 9.From the driver list, select Other Drivers. 1000 to the Insert the Driver Disk dialog box and speCify the path where the ODI driver and INS files reside. For example: C:\ODI.DOS. 11.Press Enter and select the target ODI driver. 12.Specify the driver's optional settings. 13.Press FlO to save to new configuration. 14,Higiiiignt"linstall press here" and press to install. The program copies the necessary files for NetWare Client. Continue the installation procedure to completion. Upon completion, a new NET CFG file will be created in your DOS directory Typically, this file contains the folloWing lines: Link Driver LEIOOODl flFRAME Ethernet_802.3 FRAME Ethel-net_802.2 —\ Software insuilatinn 15.Copy the file LANENrEXE from the directory ENABLE]! in the driver diskette Io Netwnre Client directory. 16.Edit the STARTNETBAT by a text editor- Add an ninning LANDEN command at the beginning of the file. An sTARTNET-BAT for the OM workstation performs as the following LANE‘N /lOP=nnn /iko=n --Card Enabler SET NWLANGUAGE=ENGLISH -—Set NetWare 4.x to English language LSL "Link Suppcrt Layer Modalc provided by Novel] LEiooool vHardWare Specific Module IPXODI r-lPX Protocol stack Module provided by Novell VLM --DOS Support Moduli: provided by Novell F‘ ~Changc to connected device LOGIN xxx »—l,ogin to file server as US” xxx ,... to select a fit value. When the configuration are set completely, E a l ofPROTOCOL lNl- db LAN press on the OK field to ext! the “33,22; ' “a y screen and go back to step 4. [PROTMAN DRJVERNAME = PROTMANS DYNAMIC 1 YES PRIORITY = NETBEUI 6.Installztion program starts to cupy related files from driver diskette to the destination directory and modifies CONFIGSYS and PROTOCOLINI under usersymbcl 145 \( [NETEEUI XIF] "Parisian ET" \5 ms agreement. Dnverfiam Clbbuls 7c Please reboot the computer to load d.r|\er Lind iiésslgfg = 6 start LAN Manager in batch. BINDINGS = "LEIOONDS Nu?" LA NABA SE = u ' [LEIDONDsiNlF] .prm0cbl ml sessmn [Dr LANdnver. IOADDRESS = umo INTERR UPT : I | DRIVERNAME : LEIODNDSS Software insuiintion Packet Driver 1,Run INSTALLEXE from root directory of driver diskette. 2.Se1ect Packet Driver item on the menu screen 3.If current settings are acceptable, select Stan Installation and go to step 5. Otherwise, select Modify Parameters” to make setting changed. 4 Move cursor to focus on the field you want to make a change and press to select a fit Value, When the configuration are set completely, press on the 0K" field to exit the screen and go back to step 3. 5.lnstallation program starts to copy related files from diskette to the destination directory and modifies AUTOEXECBAT under usersymbol 146 \( ”Parisian BT" ls ims agreement. 6.Please reboot the computer to load the driver. Windows for Workgroups 3.1 1 NDIS3 Driver for Workgroups I.Run Windows jar War/(groups and click Network Setup icon in Network group /————_—— Software Installation 2.ln Network Settings dialog box, CliCk Networks..." button to select the network operating system. ].ln Nerivark: dialog box, check the radio button before lnstall Microsoft Windows Network and No Additional Network. Press OK “I H0 back the Network Settings screen. 4.Click Drivers..." button to select network driver. 5.ln Network Driveis dialog box, press Add Adapter..." button to enter Add Network Adapter dialog box. Select Unlisted or Updated Network Adapter and press OK". 6 Windows will prompt a Install Driver dialog box. In this time, put the driver diskette into floppy drive and press OK". 7.Selei:t the Enhanced mode NDISB for... string and press OK". I Follow Windows i. structions to complete the istallation and exit Windows 9.Run INSTALLEXE from toot directory of driverdiskette. 10 Select Windows for Workgroup in Network Operating System screen. 1111“ current semngs are acceptable, select Starr Installation and go to step 13. Otherwise, select Modify Parameters to make settings changed IO IZMove cursor to focus on the setting you Want to make a change and press " to select a fit value. When the configuration 15 accepted, press on the 0K" field to exit the screen and go back to step 11. 13.Select NDIS ServerflAN Manager,...)” as the network server you will attach to and press key, 14.1nstallation program starts to copy related files to the destination directory and modifies AUTOEXECBAT and under usersymbol 146 \f“Parisian BT" \s 1075 agreement. 15.Please reboot the computer to have the driver take effect NDISZ Driver [or Workgroups LRun Windows for War/(groups and click Network Selup icon in Network" group. 2.ln Network Settings dialog box, click Networks... button to select the network operating system 3 ln Networks dialog box, check the radio button before Install Microsoft Windows Netwarlt and Na Additional Network". Press OK to go back the Network Settings" screen. 4.Click Drivers..." button to select network driver. 5.ln Network Drivers dialog box, press Add Adapter...“ button to enter Add Network l l Software Installation Adapter dialog box. Select Unlisted or Updated Network Adapter and press OK“. 6_Windows Will prompt 3 Install Driver dialog box. In this time, put the driver diskette into floppy drive and press OK". ZSclcct the Real mode NDISZ for..." string and press OK". 6’.Follow Windows instructions to complete the installation and exit Windows. 9Run INSTALLEXE from root directory of driver diskette lll.Select Windows/or [Var/(groups in Network Operating System screen, ll.lf current settings are acceptable, select Start Installation" and go to step 1}. Otherwise, select Madifv Parameters" to make settings changed IZMove cursor to focus on the setting you want '0 make a change and press to select a fit value. When the configuration is set completelyt press on the 0K field to exit the screen and go back to step 11. 13 Selecr NDIS Server(LAN Manager,...)" as the network server you will attach to and press key. ”installation program starts to copy related files to the destination directory and modifies AUTOEXECBAT under usersymbo] 146 \t' "Parisian BT" \s lO')s agreement, l2 Software installation 15.Please reboot the computer to have the driver take effect. ODI Driver for Workgroups IRun Windows for Workgraup: and click Netwark Setup" teen in Network group, 2.1n Network Setup dialog box, click Nztwarks..." button to select the network operating system. 3,In Netwarks dialog box, check Install Micmmft Window: Network and Others, thereafer select avell NetWart: ( Workstation Shell, 3rX) or Navel! NeflVnre (Warkshzfion 4.0 and abnvc) and press OK to enter the screen of PXODLCOM and LSL.COM" 4. Press OK to go back the Network Setup“ screen. 5 Click on Driversr.." button to select network driver. 6.1n Nalwark Drivers dialog box, press Add Adapter..." button to enter Add Network Adapter dialog box Select UnIi'xled or Updated Network Adapter and press OK. 7 Windows wtll prompt a Install Driver dialog box. in this time, put the driver diskette mlo floppy drive and press OK. 8 Select the Netware OD] Driver is" string and press OK. 13 /—_———_— Software ndows instruc ens to . _ com 1 Installation rmti exrt Windows p “a me 10.Run TNSTALLEXE _ from root ‘ dHVerdtskette. directory of II.Select lVi/rdflwsfor IV ' arkgrau rs” In N Operating System sereenr I SYWOl‘k ”if cunent settings are acceptable, select Start nstallatmn and go to step 13, Otherwtse select Mod/j}: Parameter to ma e ke s ttrngs a fit value. When the t: ' ont’iguratmn ' cornpletely, press on the 0K fields? exlt the screen and go back to step 11 0 lulSelcct Navel! Netware Server server you will atta key as the network ch to and press brlnslallation program starts to copy related files u the destination directo ' ry and AUTOEXECBAT and NETCFGmodlfies der usersymbol 146 \f "Par ” u". agreement istan BT ls lO)s 16.Ple25c reboot the com ' lake “(on puler to have the driver Iln Mam Group of NT 35 . l, o e Panel’ and click on Network lCDl'lp, n Control la /_———_‘ Soflwarcinstallatinn 2.In Network Settings dialog box, push Add Adapter..." button. The Add Netwark Adapter dialog box will appear. 3.Choose requires disk from manufacturer” from the network adapter card list and press Continue '{ 4.When Windows NT prompts for manufacturer disk, insert driver diskette and press OK until the Network Selling Change dialog box appears. 5 Restart now to have the card take effect. Windows NT 4.0 Assumed that the Network Services already installed in the NT 4.0 system. 1.1nsen the Fast Ethernet PC Card into any one of PC Card Slots in system. 2,POWer up Windows NT 4.0 3.0an My Computer 40an CanlrolPaucl 5.Run the Network 6.Sclect Adapters page 7 Press Add to add network adapter 8.Prcss Have Dirk button 9.Insen the driVer disk into drive A- 10rSpecify the path to " A -\ and press OK l 5 Soflv» are Installation ILA _ dialog box wrll appear to adjust the driver’s semngs. The resources assrgnmenl to the adapter must be unique in the system. 12.Press OK when all setting are completed. IlPress Close to complete network setting Windows 951nstallalion I.Assumed that the drivers of PC Card slot are well installed. The System Icon in the Central Panel can repnrt an its functionality. Apart from above menticncd, any questions on this layer need to be taken up With the computer's manufacturer. from disk praw'dzd by hardware nmnu/acmrer’t 16 h“ Software installation New Hardware Found 3.Please input the path, A:\ and insert driver diskette. The driver will be installed and you may be asked for the original Windows 95 CD/clisks, 4.For the first time installation, please click Nztwurk Icon in ContraI Panel to add Protocols, Client and Service ifyou needed 5.Rebcot the machine and the card will be fully functional Artisoit Lantastic 6.0 Installation I.lnstnll LANTASTIC 60 first. zRun INSTALLEXE from root directory of driver diskette. ] Select LANTASTIC 6.0 in Network Operating System screen. 17 Sn l'lwnre lnshllan'on 4.lf current settings are acceptable, select Stan Installation" and go to step 6, Otherwise, select Modify Parameters“ to make settings changed. 5.Move cursor to focus on each field you want to make a change and press " to Select a fit value. When the configuration is set completely, press “ on the 0K field to exit the screen and go back the step 4. 6.1mmllaucn program starts to copy the related files from diskette to the destination directory and modifies CONFIGSYS, PROTOCOLlNl, and STARTNETBAT under usersymbol 146 \f "Parisian BT" \s 1035 agreement. 7. Please reboot the computer to haVe the driver take effect. IBM 0512 Warp NDISZ Driver [or 052 Warp Before the driver installation, please ensure that the PCMClA Servrcc was installed and worked properly If (he PCMCLA SerVice of 05/2 Warp has been enabled already. please Jump to portion B for driver installation other-Wise please follow the instructions in the following to install the PCMClA Servrce, IS /————_— Softwat e itxslullnlinu A. Enable PCMCIA Service of 03/2 Warp 1.ln the 05/2 Desktop group, double—click on the OS/Z System icon. 2_Double-chck on the System Setup icon. ].Double—ehck on the Selective Install icon. {Select the PCMCIA Support button. 5.Select PCMCIA system. For example : select IBM ThinkPad 750 6 Click OK". 7.Click Install 8.Select the source drive and directory For Example D.\OSZlMAGE 9.Click Install ”Click OK B. Install NDISZ driver for IBM LAN Server 4.0 1.ln the 0512 Desktop group. doublerclick on the MPTS iCOn. 2.Click on the Configure button. 3.Select the LAN adbpler: attdpratacals option. (Click on the Configure button. 5 Select the other adapters option. filnsert the driver diskette and type the driver 19 Sa [mare instaiizfinn path: A:\OS2\NDISZ Click on the OK button. 7.Select PCMCIA Ethernet Adapter, and then click on the Add button, {Select IBM 05/2 NETBIOS , and then click on the Add button. [Click OK". I 0.Cltck Close". ILClick Exit". ”Shutdown and restart your system. ODI Driver for IBM OS/Z Warp Before the driver installation, please ensure that the PCMCIA Service was installed and worked properly If the PCMCIA Service ot'OS/Z Warp has been enabled already, please jump to portion R for driver installation, otherwise please follow instructions in the following to install the PCMCIA Service. A Enable PCMCIA Service of 05/2 Warp 1.ln the 03/2 Desktup group, double-click on [he 0372 System icon. Z.DoubIe-click on the System Setup icon, 3 Double-click on the Srlzctive Install icon, 4.5elect the PCMCIA Support button 5.5elecl PCMCIA system, 20 /—__——_ Software installation For example : select IBM ThinkPad 750 6tClick OK'Y 7.Click Install 8.Select the source drive and directory For Example D.\OSZIMAGE 9.Click Install I0.Click 0K B. Install Nehvare Request I.ln5ert diskette labclcd WSOS2>1 lu diskette driveA: 2.Change current drive to A: 3.Run INSTALLEXE {Select Installatian 5.Select Reqncxler an wnrkrlalian... 6.Sct Target Directory Assume C:\NETWARE 7rclick 0K" K.Select Edi! CONFIGSYS and Cnpy All Files... 9.Click OK 10.Insen diskette labeled WSDRVJ and Click OK 11.Select NEZWMSYS driver Zl Sonwnrc Inslalhfinn 12.Click Continue button I3.Insert diskette labeled WSOSLI and Click OK 14.Click Continue button liScluzt the SPXSnpportfor 05/2 Session: l6.Click Save button I 7 Click OK" ”Click Copy" button I9.[nsert diskette labeled WSOSLZ and Click OK 20.[nsert diskette labeled WSOS2_3 and Click OK Zl.lnsert diskette labeled DSZUTILI and Click OK 12 Insen diskette labeled WSDRV_I and Click OK 'nsen diskette labeled OSZDOLlI and Click OK 14 Inseri Fasi Ethernet PC Card Ethemet Adapter driver diskcne 25,005: Installation Window in exit install MCopy followmg driver to C:\NETWAR.E directory COPY A:\OSZ\0Dl\LE1000Dl,SYS C:\NETWARE 27 /K Suranrc installation COPY A:\OSZ\ODI\LANEN.OSZ C:\NETWARE Z7 EDIT C:lCON1-‘IGSYS file 28 Delete DEVICE:C:lNETWARElNEZWfllsl/S For Example REM -- ODI»Driver Fxles BEGIN -- REM DEVICEZC \NETWARE\NE2000 SYS REM —» ODIrDriver Files END 4— ”Add DEVICE=C:lNETWARElLANEl\'.0S2 and DEVICE=C:lNETWAREILEIfl0ODLSl/S For Example REM A- ODI-Dn’vcr Filcs BEGIN -- DEVICE: :\NETWARE\LANENAOS2 DEVICEZCANETWAREWEIOOODISYS E‘J REM -- OBI-Driver Files END » ”Save C:lCONFIG.SYS 31 Shutdown and restart your system. 13 General ION Information GENERALINF NOTES FOR NDIS DRIVER The following are examples of partial CONFIG SYS file and AUTOEXECABAT for loading SystEmSOl‘t Card Services and NDISZ driver: Examples of panlal CONFlG SYS filc‘ DEVICEZCACARDSOF'DSSJGSSL EXE DEVICEflC'lCARDSOF'flCSEXE :\CARDSOFT\CSALLOC.EXE C CARDSOF'RCSALLOCTNI DEVICE=C:\CARDSOFT\CARDID EXE dewceze.\|anman.das\drlvers\ethemet\le100\Ianen. cxe deVlce: lanman.dos\drlvers\protman.dus llanmandos devlcc=c \ anman.dos\drlvers\ethemet\le100\IclOOn ds.dos Examples of parlial AUTOEXECBAT file: SET PATH=C \LANMAN,DOS\NETPROG;%PATH% NET START WORKSTATION LOAD NETBEUI The Ethernet function configulatlon information for the DOS NDIS driver is cantzined m the PROTOCOL INI file The section of the PROTOCOLINI file that contains configuration information for this card must begin With "[LE100NDSZ_NIF]". The valid enmes m the file are listed below: /—\ Gencnl lnl’nrmalion [LElOONDSI‘Nll-‘J DRIVERNAME - LElOONDS$ Ihis line musl always be present lOADDRESS - value where value Is one or 32 bytes boundary from 0x100 to 0x3e0, The leading "0x” for the hex notanon 15 required To have Card Services select the address base from It’s pool ofavailable address ll'lCn use a value ofO. lNTERRUPT- value where values ls one ofthe following interrupts: 14,519, 10,11, 12,15. To have (Lard Services select an available lmcmtpt resource then place a value all) at lhls location NOTES FOR PACKET DRIVER The following are examples of panial CONFIGASYS file for loading Sys/enlSafi Card Services and Packet Driver: mples ofpanial CONFIGSYS file: DEVICEZCACARDSOFHSSSSSSL EXE DEVICE ACARDSOFHCS EXE DEVICEZCACARDSOF'RCSALLOC.EXE C \CARDSOFI\CSALLOC IN] DEVICE:C‘\CA RDSOFflCA RDID EXE devnchtzucpipUantnexe aevrceze lrcprpuel 00pd sys /——_——— General information NOTES FOR WINDOWS FOR WORKGROUPS DRIVER The following are examples of pamal CONFIGSYS fil: and AUTOEXECBAT for loading SyxmmSafi Card Services and drivers for Windflwsfar War/(groups: Examples nl’pamal CONFIG.SYS file- DEVICE=C:\CARDSOFT\SSBGSSL 5x5 DEVIC '\CARDSOFT\CS.EXE DEVICE :\CARDSOFI\CSALLOC.EXE C:\CARDSOFI\CSALLOC.INI DEVIC A :\CARDSOFT\CARDID EXE dcvlcc= \wfw3]l\1ancn exe DEVICEZCAWFWSI lllFSHLP svs Examples ofpania] AUTOEXECBAT file- C’lWFWB 1 ]\NET START ffifi General Infarmntion ES ONS ND ANSWERS This chapter provides a number of examples of Questions (Q‘), Causes (C:), and Answers (A:). If your LAN IS not functioning properly, look up the problem here or ask your dealer for technical assistance QzThe Card Service cannot enable my card. When I run LANEN the error message show Fail to enable PC card CzNo memory space to map the attribute memory ofPCMCIA card. Azlf memory management software erg. EMM386 has been installed, you have to reserve some area in upper memory (C000:0 —— EFFF:F) for attribute memory of PCMCIA card during enabling the card. Example: DeviceZC:\DOS\EMM386.EXE RAM X=DOOO-D3FF. Reserve D000 ~ DBFF for attribute memory Q:How can I know the FAST Ethernet PC card has been enabled or not ? A:l.If the Caid SerVice is installed‘ you can check by hearing the beep when card insertion 2.Run LANEN /CHK to check, if the card has been enabled the resources allocated for the Cenenl Info rnmin n card are shown as below at the last line of display message “ [0:xxx lRQZnn Slotinn“ Qzflow to enable the FAST Ethernet PC card ’.’ A: l.The Fast Ethernet PC Card can be enabled by the Card Service installed in the laptop directly. The drivers associated with the card in the driver diskette can be run over Card Service directly 2.ln case the Card Service cannot enable the PCMCIA card, you may run LANEN to enable it. Q:How to make the card work under Systemsoft Card Service 1’ There are some procedures have to do for making the card enabled by Cardsoft, 1 Copy across the LE100.CLB file. Copy FROM A‘\PCMCIA\CA RDSOFflLE l 00.CLB TO C‘\CARDSOFT\LE100 CLB Depends on where the Cardsofi be saved General Information 2.Edit the CARDIDJNI file and add the library LElOO.CLB. Edit C:\CARDSOF"I\CARDID.INI Find the section which starts "[Libraries]“, and add the line CardLibzlelOOclb“ before any other "CardLih:“ lines. When the card is inserted it will heep. Use CARDINFO /V to check ifthe card has been configured correctly. 3.11“ the card cannot work properly, you may edit CARDIDJNI again to change the resources allocation. In [Common] section you may find the strings as following Lari I Ponzmo Lan 1 lRQ=5 LanlMemoryBascl=D0 LanlMemoryBaseZ=D4 Lan2P0n=3 zo Lanztaozt l LszMemoryBasel=D8 LanZMemoryBase2=DC You may change the Laanort or LanllRQ to another value (es. Laanort-JZO, LanllRQ=ll) to request Cardsofl allocate the resources you wanted. General Information 4.1fthc resources cannot allocate properly, you may run \CARDSOFT\CONFIG or edit \CARDSOF’I\CSALLOC.INI directly to set the system resources available for allocation. The file content of CSALLOC.INI are listed as below. # The available resources dESCHde by the "MEMJ", “lO=", and ”IRQ=“ lines fit It may have been altered by the ”xlNCLUDE" and/or "xEXCLUD " lines below.‘ a The "MEM=“. "l " and “lRQ=" llnes are provided for Read-Only purposes. MEM=D000-DFFF lO=l00-3F7 mtysnscer fi n m Resource modlficatlons should be made below this line. m Fl RIO=I70—I77,370-377 MEMEXCLUDE=COOO-CFFF.EOOO-EFFF lOEXCLUDEeSFS-SFFflFs-ZFF RQEXCLUDE=34.6,|3-M You may edit the file to guide the Cardsoft which resources are available in your computer Qzflow to make the card work under Phoenix Socket/Card Service 7 A,You haVe to add a card to PCM, If the card has been added. you may use PCM to modify the resources requested for the card. General Information l.Insert the PC Card into any one of the slots. 2.Execute PCMEXE that supported by Phoenix PCM 3.Select the right socket by PageUp, PageDown key 4.Choose Configure item by ALT-Ct 5.Choose Add Card 10 List item and Enter for first time or choose Elli! Cnnfig_Pammeters for further edition 6.561 the 10 range and IRQ for the card 7.Press Enter key and then save the configuration . Quint PCMEXE by Alt»V and select m item 9.Reboot Q:How to make the card work under Award Socket/Card Service ? A-You need to mn the 'PC Card Control 2» I ' ' . I you 0 Windows program under Windows ‘ not have Windows, edit the CARDWAREINI file as indicated below. Before running PC Card Control for Windows, make sure the PC Card is inserted into one of your PC‘s sockets. 1 Run symbol 145 \f "Parismn ET" \5 10')PC Card Control‘ for Windowssymbo] 146 \t‘ "Parisian BT" ls lO')from the Cardware sub- directory. 2.Press 'OK' buttons on any card detect errors until you get to the main menu. Genenl Inform aitnn 3.Select the ‘Cards‘ option and choose 'Edi't'. 4.Select right Socket and press Enter It" you already have a device in the Dcfi box called LElOO, go to step (ll). 5.Se|ect 'NeW Device' under the 'Defined' devices box, 6.Edit the new device to be named 'LElOO'. 7.Select IO range 1 Base(Hex) = 320, Length : 32 (16 bit}. 8.Do not alter MEM range I or 2. 9.5elect IRQ level 11. And OK to make changes, lO.Back on the 'Edit card' screen. highlight the ‘LElOO‘ device in the defined devices box. “Transfer the LEIOO to the ‘Associated’ box with the ‘Include' command. [2 Select 0K to complete editing and return to main screen. I} if the LEIOO card is not graphically depicted, choose 'Card‘ and 'Reconfigure' the socket which contains the LElOO card. If you still have problems With CARDWARE software try to replace your CARDWARE [NI file With the one supplied on the Ethernet Adapter Duvets Disk, ln DOS mode, you may use PCCARD /D or DOSCARD lD command to check the resources allocated for the card. General Information Q:The ODI driver 15 run successfully but fail to login to the Netware server CzFrame type imcompaliable with server or Interrupt miss match. A:1.The default frame type for Netware 3.11 and before is 802.3 but it is changed to 80212 in Netware 4.x and 3.12. You may check the content ofNET.CFG to see if the frame type 15 acceptable by the server. If the frame type cannot accept by server, please edit NET.CFG to change the frame type at client site or add the frame type can be accepted at sever site, driver. Speciflcnlions Ct SPECIF'ICATIONS ‘ f Network Interface Specification: xymbcl \I71f‘Munmy|\< sw'v EOIOMbps Ethernet: IEEE 802.3 sundard IDBascT basehand CSMA/CD local area network xymbol 117 11 ‘quulyp: 50m“ 11 athOMbps Elhcmel; IEEE 802 311 standard [OOstc-TX baseband CSMA/CD local area nerwork WW 111Wrmywm-mac/zoombps full duplex suppon Wm 117 “Mm,“ Sam“ \ aoAulanegmiation bciween all rum upcmllml modes. xymbnl 1 ”numb-m Sw‘ \: soPCMCIA 1.0/2.1 and PC Card Standard compliant. symbol 111V‘MnnarypeSam'h “Type 11 PC Card xymbfll 1numunmyprSum'u403.37" x 2.128" x 0.197“ (86mm x 54mm x 5.0mm) mm 117 11 Warm 511111“ 11 ao30gw in weight Host Interface and Physical Specifications Operating Environments Novell New/are 3.x, 4.x M1croscf! LAN Manager Packet Driver Applications Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.1 1.Wmdows 3.1 Microsofl Windows NT 3.51, NT 4.0 Windows 95 Lanlasiic 6 0 IBM 05/2 Warp Version 3 _________—__— lyml-ul 1 11 11'Mwn1ypt5nm'v “Normal Operauon, +5V DC, ZSOmA max rymbel 1viii-ManarmsW-wcsleep Mode : +5V DC, SOmA max Power Requirements: General Specification LEDs: Link Integrity, Power/Acuvny, 10/100Mbps Env1romcnrs Ranges: Operating. 325ymboI 175 \1‘ "Symbol" \s 9=1F (a 149syn1bol 176 \f “Symbol“ \s 9°)F (Osymbcl 176 \1' "Syn-11x71" \s 9°1c 1a Gisymbcl 176 \( “Symbol“ \s 9°)c; Srcragc -45ymbol l761f“5yn1bol“ 15 9°11: m ISSsymel 175 11 "Symbol“ 1.5 9°11: (05mm 176 \f "Symbol“ \s we 10 705mm 176 \f "Symbol" 15 WC) Humiduy. 10% . gov/1 , nmncunr‘lcnsmg Cemflcalmns FCC, Part 15, Class B CE Mark (EN55022,ClassB, 5315008271)
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