Abocom Systems PLM56 User Manual 8
Abocom Systems Inc 8
Abo FCC [D.:MQ4I’LM56 EXHIBIT 4 User Manual ___._—___—_.—.._.—___—-— [E No 21 MD IL Science-Based lnduauial Park. Hsinchu. Taiwan R,0 CA Tel: 386 3 5789090 Fax: 886 3 5789520 MCIA 10/100 Fast Ethernet 56K v.90 Fax/Modem Multifunction PC Card User Manual 9174941702 USER MANUAL PC MC IA I 0x / 00 F as: Ethernet 56K V. 90 Fax/Modem MuI/i/unction PC Card First Edition (April. 1998) Document No, M-LFSGM-revl.0 Primed in Taiwan ... Abocom Systems Inc Multifunction PC Card PCMClA LAN CARD FCC ll): MQ4PLM56 Instruction Manual Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation, If this equipment does cause hannflil interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures: - Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. - Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. - Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. - Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. FCC Caution: To assure continued compliance, use only the provided snap—on ferrite cores to the LAN and telephone line connections next to this devices interface jacks as shown in the instructions. Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment. FCC REG ULA TOR Y STA TEMENTS FCC Ceriificalian lOr’lOO Fasi Elhernel + 56K Fax/Modem PC Card FCC ID: MOJPLMSG Mad: in Tai“ an The l'lllled Siaies Federal Communlcalion Commission lFCtl and rhe Canadian Depanlnenl of Communicalions have eslahlishcd ce ‘in rules govcmmg lhe use of modems and orher eleclmnlc Cquipmenl FCC Part 68 Registration This high speed lO/loh Fasl Erherner + sax FAX/MODEM PC Card cmnplles huh FCC Pan as rules. and lhe use ol‘rhis mndem IS Subjccl m the follomng reslricuous l Th: rcc has esrahlrshed llllcs which pcmlil lllls dcvlce In he rhrenh eunuecled In rhe lclcphlmc llfiwurk Slalldardlzed racks are used fol these conlleclium This equlpmenl should no! he used on pally lines or coin phones Iflllls mice is mallunclmuing u may also be causing harm I0 lhe Ielephone neluork, lhis dclr‘lce should be disconnecled unul lhe source ol‘ihe problem can be aerennmed and urml repair has been made ll rhis is nol done, lhc relephuue compam may l' nurarrh disconnecr service 3 lrlephun: compan) may make changes in it's facilllies, equipmeur. operalloll and procedures: lfsuch chlllges amen lhe compmlbllll} or use a" lhls device. rhe relephone company is reqlllrcd nu gnc adequare nuuce m The suuarlun uhh the FCC 4 ll'lhs lclephonc company rsquesis inl‘ormalion pu whal eqlllplllenl is uollnecled (c lherr Ilncs. inform them of a 1helelepllonellumherlu which lhis unu is cunnecred b This Ringer Equivalzncc Number (KEN) c The USOCJack required a The FCC Regisrrauon numher hams 1m and m are lndlcalcd on lhe label The Ringer Equnalence Number “(SM is u u in delermine how mam dcnucn um be punnecrerl w your iclephouc lure In mosr areas. we”: (”W/rungs rhe sum olrhe REN‘; ol'nll rhe devices on an) one line should nor hated so llioo mam dnlccs arc anached. (he) may nul ring properh FCC Part 15 Registration This dens: compllcs wllh Pan I5 of FCC rules Operalion is sllhleci ln lhe lollouing mo conditions llThn device ma) nul cause harmful nnerrace and 2; This device musl acccpl arn inrerface received. including rnrerl‘ace ihal may cause undesired nperalion. This cqulpmem has been lesred and found In colnvl) wilh rhe llmlls fur a Class B dlgilal device. pursuanl I0 Pan IS onhe FCC Rules Ihcsc liuuu are deslgllcd m prolide reasonable pmlccllml agxilm harmful interference In n residonual rnsraliaiion This equlpmehr generates, ash and can radlnre rad“! lrequellcy energy, and u" no: illslailcd and used in accurdallcc uirh the msmlclions. ma) cause harmful inierl'erence In radio curnurunicarions Houcler rhere ls no guaranlee mar irrierlerence W“ "m occur m a paniullar inslallallon If Ihis edurpnreul does cause harnuul inrerlerence to radio or Iclensiun reception which can he deiennnred h) Iuming errand on. rhe user h encouraged m ir) Io correct ihe inrerxerence by one or more orrhe follouing mtasums i I) keorrenr or relocate rhe recemng unrenna m lncrease lhe dlslance herueen rhe equipmenl and reeener (bl (unnecl lhe equrpnrern rnro an outlet on a circuir drlrereur from rlrar Io uhrch ihe receiver is connecred * ollsull an experienced raduu'rv Iechn’ ian for help CTR 2] pan-European Certification Thls enururneur has been nuprmed rn necordance uilh Caullcfl necrsnru oxmlesc (01 nanEurupeau slngle rerrninal connecliun In the pllbllc 5\\|Ic|\cd lelephone nemork (PST N) Huweler. due ID dill‘ercnces hemeen the lndlvldunl PSTNs provided in din‘erem coumnes me approval does no! or irsell‘. he an uucoudiuonal assurance of successful nperallon on net} PS’IN llelwork rernunariuu point in lhe cwni or probltmo, _\uu should conlacl wur eqlupmeni supplier in me flm inslancc fcczo: M9 New“ Thls um we. is designed m “ork “uh [he nolified ncmorks in all EC member slulcs Ncwrtheless. sums m‘me nemork scrvvces m lnwfluzl cuunlnes miglu no! he suppnntd bux the) “ill no! an'cct the normal data and m applicauons For numple. |l|e miner charge mice ||| Germany Besides you may cucoumcr dimmm urusmg PULSE diall funclion m some ufihe counlnes. such as Nordic amnlnes Tl"; kmd urn-mm companbllil) is dependcnl un I||e pluswal and sofiwarc sellings oflhis device If m users are desired lo use lhis devnce on those newmks, they should comncl [he vendm m suppller fim Note: If you have EMI (electroma netic interference) issuesAnached the suite Cores on 1hls two cables as shows. Conncel w PSTN Telephone Line Con nect to Eth srnet LAN TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION 1 Iv ABOUTTHIS MANUAL / J ABOUT THIS PRODUCT 1.3 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS / 4. CONTENTS INCLUDED IN THE PACKAGE 2. INSTALLATION 2.1 HARDWARE INSTALLATION J. 2 INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE 3. Modern Basics 4. DRIVERS INFORMATION 4 1 Notes/Dr NDIS Driver 4.2 Notes for Packet Driver 4 3 Notes/or Window For Workgroups 5. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 6. APPENDIX A: NDISZ and OD] drivers for Win 3. I l 7‘ APPENDIX B: Uninstallntion the 10/100 Fast Ethernet + FaxModem in Win 95/98 8. Appendix C: AT Command Quick Reference 9. Appendix D: S-Registers Quick Reference 1. INTRODUCTION Ll. ABOUT THIS MANUAL This manual will explain how to install and use your multifunction 10/100 Fast Ethernet + 56K Fax/Modem PC Card 1.2. ABOUT THIS PRODUCT The IOr’IOO Fast Ethernet ‘ 56K Fax/Modem PC Card is a multifunction communication device that lets you perform multiple communication tasks at the same time: (I) transmit and receive data up to 56,000 bps (2) send and receive FAXes from computers or FAX machines (3) connect to an 10/100 Fast Ethernet LAN And it uses only one PCMCIA socket while it can pi Je the functions listed above. This PC Card is a credit-card»size Type II PCMCIA adapter that complies with the PCMCIA 2,l and JEIDA 4 l standards and works with computers that incorporate a compatible interface lt is Bell. lTU-T (formerly CCITI) and Hayes AT commands compatible allowing it to be used worldvtide with today's popular communication software programs. You will be able to send and receive faxes with any Group 3 fax machine. Using standard phone lines and 10/100 Fast Ethernet, the data communication functions of the 10/100 Fast Ethemet + 56K Fax/Modem PC Card will enable you to successfully access to the servers on 10/100 Fast Ethernet LAN and hook up to the Internet, transmit E-Mailt send and receive infntmation and communicate with other PCst Bulletin Board Services (BBS) or on-line computer networks such as CompuServe and America On line. 1.2.1. Specifications PC Card Interface PCMCIA Type II. Dimension 120 mm X 54 mm X 5 (or 18) mm Weight 60 g Power +5V t5% Cable and Connector One with a RJ-Il 6-pin jack for 56K Fax/Modem and one with a RJ-45 8-pin jack for 10100 Fast Ethernet LAN connections L a Link,Activity,10/100Mbs(li| if 100), Modern Carrier Detect ‘ Modem Transmit, Modem Receive Environmental Specifications Operating Temperature 32‘F-120‘F Storage Temperature -4“F-158‘F Operating Humidity 10%-85%N.C. Storage Humidity 5%-90%N.C. Network lEEE 802.3 lOBaseT. 10Mbps. lEEE 802.3u lOOBaseTX. IOOMbps. receive faxes with any Group 3 fax machine. Using standard phone lines and 10/100 Fast Ethemel. the data communication functions of the 10/100 Fast Ethernet + 56K Fax/Modem PC Card will enable you to successfully access to the servers on 10/100 Fast Ethernet LAN and hook up to the Internet, transmit E-Mail send and receive information and communicate with other PCs. Bulletin Board Services (BBS) or on—Iine computer networks such as CompuServe and America On line. l.2.l. Specifications PC Card Interface PCMCIA Type 11. Dimension 12 mm X 58 mm X 17.5 mm Weight 60 g Power +5V i591: Cable and Connector One with 3 RH] 6-pin jack for 56K Fax/Modem and one with a RJ-45 8-pin jack for I0'100 Fast Ethernet LAN connections. L J Ltnk,Activity.10/100Mbs(lit if 100), Modem Carrier Detect . Modem Transmit. Modem Receive Environ mental Speeiflcaions Operating Temperature 32 F-l 20 'F Stan e Temperature —4 1115817 Operating Humidity 10%-35%N.Cv Storage Humidity 5‘3’6-90%N,C, Netwark lEEE 8023 IOBaseT. lOMbps, [EEE 802.3u lOOBaseTX. lOOMbps. NEZOOO compatible. Modem v.90, K56flex 56Kbps. V.34+ 33 6Kbps. v.34 28.8Kbps. v.32bis 14.4Kbps. V. v.42. MNP 2-5 data compression and error correction, AT command set, Fax Group 3. V.l7 l4400bp5. v.29 9600bp5 Fax Service Class 1 compliant. Modem COM Port COMZ. COMS. COM4 IRQ 3.4, 5. 7.9.10.ll.12.15 l/O Address 220. 300. 320. 340 Features ]. Compatible with most notebook computers and PCMCIA Card and Socket Service drivers, 2, High degree ofreliability lelting you out of trouble. Easy to install and play. Support most of the popular Network Operating 53 stems. 5. 'nclude popular 56K Fax/Modem tnmunicalion programs. 6. Hot swappable. 7. Feature concurrent use of lO/IOO Fast Ethernet LAN and 56K Fax/Modem. P!“ 1.3. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS - An IBM compatible PC or notebook computer with SRGSX or faster processor lO o A! least one type II PCMClA socket 0 PCMCIA release 2 l compliant Card Services and Socket Services 0 Drivers and utilities provided with this product 0 RJI I jack for connecting to a phone plug 0 R145 jack for lO/lOOTx connectivity to your network resources - Driver software loaded on your PC - Dara and/or fax communications software. 1.4. CONTENTS INCLUDED IN THE PACKAGE 0 Multifunction 10/l00 Fast Ethernet * 56K Fax/Modem PC Card 0A S-l 2" driverdiskene ster Manual cTwo Ferrite Cores o Windows-based 56K Fax/Modem application program 2. INSTALLATION This cliapler describes how to inslall your 10/100 Fast Ethernet 7 56K Fax/Modem multifunction PC Card. installation procedures also cover many popular Network Operating Systems 2.1. HARDWARE INSTALLATION l. Hold the card label up and insen the card into the computer's PCMCIA slot with (he 68 pin connector facing the computer. 2A Connect the RJ-45 (S-pin) plug to the LAN and the RJ-ll (6-pin) plug [0 the telephone wall ouflet LEDs Your Fast Ethernet l0/IOO+56K Modern PC Card has six diagnostic performance LED indicators on the coupler housing. LINK : ON when a link is detected on the RJ-45 port. IOr’lOO: ON when the Fast Ethernet PC Card is communicating with lhe LAN at lOOMbpsi ACT: Flickers when activity is detected on the RJ-45 pan (either receiving or transmitting data). 13 CD: ON when a carrier is detected and Ihe modem has esrablished a link, TX: Flickers when the modem is rransmining dala. RX: Flickers when (he mdoem is receiving data. As shows: Green Modem Transrml Orange Gamer Acwn», Blmk Orange mumps On 10Mbps Off _ Green Unk lmegnw On Recewed Bhnk _ Modem Receive 2.2. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE For Non-Windows 95/98 & Non~Windows NT Syslem Plug rhe driver diskette into the floppy drive and set the current drive to rhe floppy drive (A:\). Then run INSTALL lo install lhe dirver.
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