Abocom Systems UBT1KH Bluetooth USB Adapter User Manual

Abocom Systems Inc Bluetooth USB Adapter


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Date Submitted2003-09-17 00:00:00
Date Available2003-09-17 00:00:00
Creation Date2003-09-17 06:33:07
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Document Lastmod2003-09-16 23:35:29
Document TitleUser Manual.pdf
Document CreatorPScript5.dll Version 5.2
Document Author: MKuo

BTW User’s Guide
3.5.12 PIM Item Transfer
The Bluetoolh PIM Item Transfer application allows this computer to send and receive
Personal Inlun-natinn Manager items lo—and~fi'om a remote Bluetoolh device. Item
Iransfer can be accomplished several ways:
To send. receive nr exchange business cards
From Windows Explorer. My Bluctooth Places, right-click the PIM Item
Transfer scrvtee on a remote device and select the appropriate option.
Ln the Windows system nay, right-click the Blueluoth icnni select Quick Connect
> Business Card Exchange, sclecl a device from the list. select the appropriate
option from the shortcut menu, and then click OK.
From Windows Explorer, My Bluelooth Places, highlight the PLM Item Transfer
service on a remote device, and then, from the Blucwnth menu on Ihe W inflows
menu bar, select the appropriate action.
In addition [0 the business card options listed above. you can also send Notes
(*.vnt), Email (‘.vmg) and Calendar (* vcs) items from this menu.
From Within a suppnned Personal Information Manager. select one or more items
and then, From the PIM's File menu, select Send to Bluetooth.
Whether sent items are accepted by the remote device is determined by haw the remote
device's PIM Item Transfer servioc IS configured.
Close a PIM Item Transfer Connection
This application closes the open connection automatically when its task is complete,
(Continued on the next page)
April 3. 2003
wmcomvvunc 22
BTW User’s Guide
(ConLinued from the previous page)
Configure PIM Item Transfer
The Bluetooth Configuration Panel > Client Applications > PIM Item Transfer > General
tab provides options to configure:
- The application namefto change it, highlight the existing name and enter the
new name
0 Enable or disable secure connection To enable secure connection, place a
checkmaxk in the box.
- How your business card is handled when it is requested by a remote devices The
Send My Business Card options are.
Choose a business card as neededeeach time a remote device requests your business
card you must select a card from your PM it you ignore the request the remote device
will receive a timeout notice
Always send the same business card-when this option is selected a dialog appears that
allows you to set a default business card, which Will be sent automatically when requests
are received,
. Where to store received business cards. The Received Business Cards
options are:
- Microsofl Outlook
- Outlook Express
' Lotus Notes
' Email attachments. The only option is include or do not include attachments with
email that is sent or received on this computer uSLDg this service.
April 3, 2003 WIDCOMMinc 23
BTW User’s Guide
3.5.13 Printer
The Bluetooth Printer application allows this computer to use a Bluetooth primer.
Once a Bluetooth printer has been properly Installed, it can be used from this computer in
the some way as any other printer would be.
The Bluetocth Configuration Panel > Client Applications > Printer> General tab
provides options to configure:
- The application name—tn change it, highlight the existing name and enter the
new name.
- Enable or disable secure connection. To enable secure connection, place a
checkmark in the box.
lusts“ a Bluetooth Printer
Option One:
1. Perform a search for devices and then, from Entire Bluetooth Neighborhood
right—click a Bluetooth printer, select Add Printer from the shortcut menu and
follow the on-screen instructions.
2. When the wizard asks you to select a printer make and model. do so.
Ifyour printer is not in the list ofoptions, click Have Disk. .. insert the dnver
disk for the printer, and then navigate to the drive and directory that contains the
driver initiation file (‘.ini) for the printer.
3. To complete the installation, follow the on-screen instructions.
Option Two:
1. From the Windows Control Panel, select Printers > Add Printer > Next > Local
printer > Next
2. On the Select the Printer Port screen of the Wizard:
a) Select Create a new pon
b) In the Type shortcut menu. select Bluetooth Printer Port, and then click Next
3. On the next screen, select the printer by name, and then click Connect.
Install the driver: when asked to select a printer make and model= do so.
If your printer is not in the list ofoptions, click Havc Disk. . ., insert the driver
disk for the printer, and then navigate to the drive and directory that contain the
driver initiation file (‘infl for the printer.
5. To complete the installation, foliow the tun-screen instructions.
Delete a printer:
Click Stan > Settings > Printers. right-click the printer to be deleted, and then select
Delete From the shortcut menu.
in Entire Bluetooth Neighborhood, right»click an installed Blueteoth printer and select
Delete Printer from the shortcut menu.
April 3, 2003 WIDCOMMinc 24
BTW User’s Guide
Common Configuration Settings
Thcsc properties can be set individually for each Bluemoth service:
Service Name-the default name ofeach service can be changed.
Secure Connection-requires that remote devices provide proof oftdenlity and
that all data be cncryptcd.
Stat—mp Automatically—starts the service automatically when Bluctooth IS
Notifications-provides visual and/or audio notification that a remote dzvic: 15
attempting to connect (nr has connected) tn a service on this cumputcr.
April 3, 2003
BTW User's Guide
There are three types of notification:
- Authentication request. also called a PIN code request—this notification appears
automatically in a balloon over the Windows system tray if a Personal
identification Code is required before a connection can proceed. An audio file
can also be associated with the notification.
- Authorization request, also called a connection request—this type of notification
can be visual, audio, or both. It notifies you of attempts to access a Bluetooth
service on this computer; the connection will not proceed until you click the
balloon that appears over the Windows system tray, lfthc notification balloon is
ignored, the connection request will time out and fail
- Notification only—this type of notification does not effect access in any way; it
is solely for information purposes to let you know tbat a connection has been
Both Authentication and Authorization request notifications are controlled by whether
Secure Connection is enabled for an individual service.
An example of how notifications might work when a remote device attempts to access a
servtce on this computer, lf all notifications are enabled:
1. Authentication: a balloon notification [audio optional) appears to prompt for a
PIN code. lithe PIN code does not match the code entered on the remote device,
the connection will not be allowed. Once the remote device has been
authenticated this notification will not appear again, unless the paired
relationship is broken and the devices must re-palr.
2. Authorization: a balloon notification appears and/or a sound file provides audio
notification that a remote devtce is attempting to access a Bluetooth service on
this computer. Click thc balloon to proceed. A dialog box appears that offers the
option of letting the connection proceed this time only or to always allow this
particular remote device to use the service it is attempting to access.
3. Once a connection has been authorized. an additional visual and/or audio
notification may appear (if enabled) This notification is for information only to
inform the operator that a connection has been established.
After two devices are paired (step 1, above), the authentication notification will no longer
appear when a connection is attempted.
lf“Always allow“ is enabled during the authorization process (step 2, above), the
authorization notification will not appear on future connection attempts.
Connection notification (step 3, above) only happens ifit has been enabled on the
Notifications lab of the individual service being accessed.
(Continued on the next page)
April 3. 2003 WIDCOMMirlC 25
BTW User's Guide
(Continued from the previous page)
Senice Access Notification
“Notifications" lets you associate a sound (Windows “.wav file) and/or a visual
indication With access attempts by remote devices.
A different notification sound can be assocxatcd with each local Bluctonlh service.
Associnle a sound with service access
From the Bluetoarh Configuration Panel. Local Services tab:
Doubleeltck a servtce name and then select the Notifications tab
Check the desired options; visual and sound may both be selected for a single
Choose a sound: click Lhc Browse button and navtgaze to the sound file (‘.wav)
to be used for notification.
To preview the sound file, click the play ( ’ ) button.
Click OK to close the service's property dialog box.
April 3, 2003
BTW User’s Guide
3.6.2 Audio Gateway
The Bluctooth Audio Gateway service allows this computer to use a remote Bluetooth
device's microphone and speakers as this computer‘s input and output devices.
For example. it this computcr has voice recognition capabilities, a Blue'toolh headset
might be used as the audio input device,
Hardware Requirements
- The Bluetouth radio on bail] this computer and the remote dcvicc must support
- The remote dcvtce handles both audio input and output for this computcr;
therefore, this compulcr does not require a sound card, microphone. or speakers
Configure the Audio Gateway Service
From the Windows system tray, right-click the Bluctooth icon, select Advanced
Configiratiori > Local Services. and then double-click the Audio Gateway service
Set the common configuration properties of the service. and then click OK.
April 3, 2003 WIDCOMMinC 28
BTW User‘s Guide
3.6.3 Bluetooth Serial Port
The Bluetooth Serial Port service allows a remote Bluetocth device to establish a wireless
serial connection with this computer. The wireless serial eonnection may be used by
applications as though a physical serial cable connected the de\ices
To establish a Bluetuoth Serial Pun connection
The connection must be initiated from the remote dcvtee by the Bluetooth Serial Port
Determine the communications part being used by this computer [or the Bluetonth
Serial Port
in the Windows system tray, right-click the Blueteoth icon. select Advanced
Configuration and then the Local Services tab. The COM port assigned to this service is
the last item in the Blueiooth Serial Port service row. Configure the application on this
computer that will use this service to send its data to this COM.
Add a Blnetoolh Serial Port
The Bluetoath Serial Pon service has one [are-configured Bluetooth Serial PorL but
additional Bluetooth Serial Ports can be added as needed.
To add a port
ll From the Bluetooth Configuration Pane]. Local Services tab. click Add Serial
Ln the properties dialog box, modify the properties:
Enter a unique name (less than 99 alphanumeric characters).
Select secure connection, if desired.
Select Stamip Automatically, if desired
From the COM Port shoneut menu select a communications port that is not
assigned to any other service.
7. Click OK
Tn remove a Bluetoath Serial Port
From the Bluetooth Cunfiguration Panel, Local Services tab. select the pan ta be
removed and then click Delete.
.. mm...”
April 3. 2003 WIDCOMMinc 29
BTW User‘s Guide
Dial-up Networking Service
The Bluetooth Dial—up Networking service makes it possible for a remote Bluetoath
device to use a modem that is physically connected to this computer. Thc rcmuts dcvic:
can then access the Lrtcemet or log on to a remote network
Configure the Dial-up Networking service:
From the Windows system tray, fight-click the Bluelooth icon, select Advanced
Configuration > Local Scrvtces. and than doubleclick the Dial-up Networking service
0 Select the physical modem to be used from the Modems: shortcut menu.
0 Set the common configuration properties of the service, and then click OK,
Fax Service
The Fax service allows a remote Bluetooth deice to send 3 Fax via a modem that is
physically attached to this computer.
Configure in: Fax service:
From the Windows system tray, right-click the Bluemolh icon. select Advanced
Configuration > Local SClVlCCS. and than double-click the Fax servicc.
- Select the physical modem to be used from the Modems: shortcut menu.
0 Set the common configuration properties of the service, and then click OK.
April 3, 2003 WIDCOMMinc 30
51W User’s Guide
3.6.5 File Transfer Service
The File Tmnsfer service allows this computer to perform file operations on the
Bluetnoth Exchange Folder (and the folders and files it contains) of a remote device.
Basic setup procedure
Right—click the Bluetooth icon and select Explore My Bluetooth Places
Configure Windows Explorer so that the Folders pane is visible (View > Explorer Bar >
ln the Folders pane, select Entire Bluetooth Neighborhood and then, on the menu bar,
select Bluetooth > Search For Devices.
in the Folders pane, expand Entire Bluetooth Neighborhood to show the devices mthe
Copy tot/from a remote device
In the Folders pant: of Windows Explorer, from the Entire Bluetooth Neighborhood
branch. select a device and expand that branch to View the Bluctooth Exchange Folder of
the remote device,
Use drag»and—d!0p to copy any file or folder contained in the Public Folder of the remote
device to the desired folder on this computer.
You can also drag-and-dmp files or folders from this computer to the Public Folder (and
its sub—folders) of the remote device.
Other file operations
Right—click a file or folder in the remote device's Public Folder for a context sensitive
menu. All potential menu options may not be available at all times.
Potential menu options include:
o Open—opens the selected file on this computer‘ using the default applicanon for
this type of file,
. Printfsends the selected file to this computer's default printer
. Send To
- 3 ‘/z floppy (A)—the 1 V: inch floppy drive on this computer
' Public Folder on My DCVICSfth Public Folder on this computer.
- Renamefapplies only to empty folders; file names and the names of folders that
contain objects cannot be changed using this technique
- Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, Refresh, View & Newfstandard Windows functions
April 3, 2003 WIDCOMMinc 31
BTW User’s Guide
3.8.7 Headsei Service
The Bluetouth Headset Service allows this computer to provide audio input/output for
rcmmc Bluemozh devices.
For cxamplc, firm: rcmolc device is a Bluclooth telephone, this Computer's microphone
(1 speakers can be used as speakerphone input and output for that device.
Hardware Requirements
0 This computer musl hme a sound card. microphone. and speakers insmllcd.
- The BluemoLh radio on both on this campulcr and the rcmmc dcvicc must
suppnn audio
Configure the Headset Service
- From the Windows System tray. right—click lhr: Bluclouth icon. sclcct Advanccd
Cunfiguratiun > Local Servnces. and than double—click the Headset service.
- Set lhs common canfrguration properties of the service. and then click OK.
April 3, 200} WlDCOMMmc 32
BTW User’s Guide
Network Access
The Bluetooth Network Access service makes it possible for a remote Bluetooth deVicc
to access a Local Area Network that is physically attached to this computer or allows a
remote dEVlCC to become part of an ad hoc network provided by this computer.
Attcr this computer has been configured to provide the Network Access service to other
Bluctooth devices. it will not be able to use the Bluetooth Network Access service
prowded by another Eluctooth device withoui being re—configurcd. Put another way. this
computer cannot be both a Bluetooth Network Access server and a Bluetooth Network
Access client at thc same time.
Setup for Windows SSSE & Windows Me
If; , ~
) g softwareu'tn t .:
Configure the server:
1. From the Windows Comm] Panel, double-click the Network icon.
2. On the Configuration nah, sclcct TCP/LP-> Bluctooth LAN Access Server Driver
(scroll down if necessary).
3. Click Properties and sclccl the IP Address tab.
a) Select Specify an LP address
by Enter an IP Address (suggested valueleZJSE 1.1)
c) Entera Subnet Mask (suggested valuc7255255 2550)
4. Click OK twice to close the dialog boxes and then click YES to restan the
Setup for Windows 2000 and Windows XP
If Internet Connection sharing was previously enabled (before BTW was installed) it
must be disabled and then re—enablcd before the Bluctonth network adapter can use it.
Configure forNetwork Access:
1 From the Windows system tray. right-click the Bluetooth icon and select
Advanced Configuration from the shortcut menu.
2, In the Bluctooth configuration panel, select the Local Services tab. Network
Access and then click Properties...
3, From the Network Access, General properties page, in tht: Typc ofscrvicc
shortcut menu. select “Allow other devices to access the Lnternet/LAN via this
computer," and Lhcn click Configure Connection Sharing.
4. Right—click Local Area Connection, select Properties and then select the Sharing
5. Select Enable Intcmct Connection Sharing for this connection. click OK, and
then click YES in the confi rmation dialog box.
(Continued on the next pagcl
April 3,
2003 WIDCOMMiric 33
BTW User’s Guide
mm Configure fur Group Ad Hoc Networking:
1, From the Windows Syslem tray. right-click are Bluclooth icon and 531ch
Advanced Conflgurannn from the shoncul menu.
Zv In the Bluelunth configuration panel, select the Local Services tab, Network
Access and then click Properties ..
3. From the Network Access‘ General propemes page, in the Type ofscrvice
shortcut menu‘ select “Allow other dcvrces m create a private network with this
4, Click OK.
April 1200; WIDCOMMinc 34
BTW User‘s Guide
3.6.9 PIM Ilem Transfer
The PIM hem Transfer service allows Personal Information Manager “ems to be
transferred bcxween this Compulcr and a rcmots Bluctooth dcvicc.
Four data types are supported
- Business Cards
- Calendar llems
- Email Messages
- Notes
When the PIM mat is assomaled wllh an indlvndual data type Ls changed on the PIM Ilcm
Transfer page. that data type is also changed for the PIM Synchmnizalion service.
(Connnucd on the ncxl page)
April 3, 2003 WIDCOMMinc 35
BTW User's Guide
{Continued from the previous page)
In addition to the configuration options common to all Bluetooth services, this service
also has Settings that determine:
0 How business card requests are handled. The options are.
- Never send my business card ignore the request
- Choose a business card as neederheri prompted, select a business eani m
be sent [0 the requesier.
- Always send the same business card when a request is received always
send the same business card. When this option is selected, a dialog box
appears from within which an installed Personal Information Manager (if
more than one is installed on this computer) and an existing business card
can bc selected.
- Previously sent business cards—once a card is selected using the "Always
send the same business card" option, above, that card will be added to the
shortcut menu as an option.
- Where to store inbound data items< on an indivi ital basis Options include (not
all options apply to all items).
- Do Not Accept
- Any ofthe installed PlMs on this computer
- Save to Folder
- The Bluemoth Exchange Folder locationfthc directory on this compuier where
inbound items that are not to be saved in a PM 11 be kept.
' Whether to send/receive attachments with email. Cheek or clear this optinn, as
Close a PIM Item Transfer connection
PlM Item Transfer connections close automatically when the data transfer is complete.
(Continued on the next page)
April 3, 2003 WIDCOMMiric 36
BTW User’s Guide
(Continued from the previous page)
Default Busintss Curd Selection
When the "Always send the same business card“ option is selected, a dialog box appears
in allow (ht: selection Ufa default business card,
The first time the dialcg box appears it providcs a way to choose the Personal
information Manager that stores the default busincss card Cllck the down»arrow in the
PM shortcut mcnu and select thc PIM to he used.
on subsequent appearances ol'lhis dialog box, the NM selection nptinn is nnt available.
Change the selected PIM
On the PIM hem Transfer properties page, “Reccivcd items" section. then: is a Business
Cards shortcut menu. When a PIM was selected during initial setup the selected item in
this menu was SCl to the same PIM. To chang: the PIM used for the default busincss card,
open this shoncul menu and select a new P t .
siness card mushhe W from thaw“?! the nqwly
M3 filial tf‘ris ‘ , ,
Choose a default business card
1, Ln the Select a Bluciooxh Business Card dialog box that appears when “Always
send the same business card“ is selected highlight ihc card.
2 Click OK to choose a highlighted business card and return to the PIM item
Transfer Properties page The chosen contact now nppears in and IS selected in,
the “Eusmess card requests“ shuncut menu.
Iflhe “Always send the same business card‘ option is selected again, and a different
contact chusen the pruperties page will display both contacts in the shortcut menu.
mm up tote"
April 3, 2003 WIDCOMMiric 37
BTW User's Guide
3.6.10 PIM Synchronization
The PIM Synchronization servree can be used by a remote dcvrcc to synchronize its
Personal Information Manager (PL‘vt) database with the FEM database ofthrs computer"
Four data types are supported:
0 Business cards
0 Calendar items
- Email messages
- chs
Whether an individual item is accepted and where ii is stored when accepted, is
configured in the PIM [tern Transfer service li'that service is not configured to store a
particular data type in Outlook then that dAta iypc cannot be synchronized.
Micrusofl Outlook permits duplicate entries, so all duplicates may not be exchanged in
the synchronization process
April 3. 2003 WIDCOMMinc 3B
BTW User’s Guide
3.7 HARDWARE Serrmcs
The Hardware tab of the Bluetooth Configuration Panel provides basic information about
the Bluetooth hardware installed on this computer and access to the Advanced Settings
dialog box, ifrcquircd:
. Devices:
Name: the name ofthc dewcc, e.g.. WIDCOMM Blue/oath Device
Type: the type ol'device, e.g., USE.
- Device Properties:
Device smus: indicates that the device is operating properly or that there is a
Manufacturer: the name of the company that manufactured the device
selected in the Devices section of this dialog box
Firmware Revision: the manufacturer’s firmware version number,
Device Address: the Bluetooth Dcvicc Address (EDA or BDiAddr)
assigned to this device when it was manufactured.
HCl Version: the version number othe Bluetooth Specification that the
Host Controller Interface complies with.
HCI Revision: the revision number of the Bluetooth Specification that the
Host Controller Interface complies with.
LMP Version: the version number of the Blnetcoth Specification that the
Link Manager Protocol complies with.
UV]? Snb Version: the subversion number ofthc Bluetooth Specification
that the Link Manager Protocol complies with,
- The Advanced button: displays the Advanced Settings dialog box, which allows
you to select the Country code and transmission power settings, This option is not
available on all system.
April 34 2003
WtDCOMMinc 39
BTW User’s Guide
171 Advanced Settings
When avallablc, this dialog box is reached from the Hardware lab nflhe Blucmmh
Configuration Panel.
From this dialog box you can set the-
- Country Code:
- North America, Europe (except Francel‘ and Japan
' France and China
v Maximum Transmissmn Power:
- High
' Medium
. Low.
Click Apply in implsmcnl the changes, A dialog box appears with notification that the
Bluetoolh device mashed to this compuler must be rcset before the changc(sl will lake
Click Yes to reset the Bluslonlh device now—all open Bluetncth cnnncctions will be
Click Nu m save the chmgcsfthe changes will be applied the nexr lime me Blueloolh
deVlce ls resel or restarted.
April 3, 2003 WIDCOMMinC 4D
BTW User‘s Guide
The Accessibility tab nfthc Bluetooth Configuration Panel lets you specify whether
remote devices may access this computeri which remote devices have access. and
whether an audio warning is played when a Personal Identification Number (PIN code) is
Allow other devices to discover this computer
Select "Let other Bluetooth devices discover this computer” to permit remote Bluetooth
devices to find and report this computer.
If“Allow No devices" (below) is selected‘ this option is not available
Control the types of devices that are allowed to connect to this computer
From the “DeVices allowed to connect to this computer" shortcut-menu, select:
- No devices—no remote devices are permitted to initiate a connection with this
computer However, this computer can still initiate connections with remote
Bluetooth dances.
. All devices —al| remote devices are permitted to connect to this computer
Connections are subject to additional security restrictions, such as authentication
and authorization, that may be required by the individual services provided by
this computer.
- Only paired devices—only devices that have been paired with this computer are
allowed to connect to it.
- Only devices listed below—only the listed devices are allowed to connect to this
computer (see Accessibility. adding and deleting devices).
Choose an audio notification file
When Secure Connection is enabled for any of the Bluctooth Services on this computer a
PIN code is required before that service can be accessed. To chose a notification sound
that will play when a remote devrcc attempts to access a service that requires a secure
connection, click Select audio file. and select the sound (*.wav) file to be played.
Limit access to this computer to specific remote devices
From the Bluetooth Configuration Panel. Accessibility tab, in the Allow shortcut menu
select “Only devices listed below".
Add a device to the list
1. Click Add Device
Z in the Devices with access... dialog box select the desired devicets) and click
Delete a device from the list
in the list of devices allowed to access this computer. select the dcvrce to be removed
From the list. and then click Delete.
April 3, 2003 WIDCOMMinc 41
BTW User’s Guide
The settings on the Discovery lab ofihc Blucmnth Configuration Pane] determine
whether this computer locks for other Bluetooth devices automatically. how often it looks
and what type of devices it looks for.
Periodic Search for Devices
When “Look for other Blucioom devices" is selected. Blueiuuth automatically searches
for devices every X minii s X is an whnlc number between 1 and 60. To change the
-, highlight the existing time and enter the new time.
time between auto inquin
Determine the devices that will be reported
Bluetooth can screen out devices that you do net need access to.
The options arc:
. Report all Bluetocth devices
- Report only selected Bhictnoth devtces (sec Discovery. Adding Specific Devices
and Discovery. Deleting Specific Devices),
. Select the desired option From the drop-down list.
Discover Specific Devices
The type nfdevinc(s) that this computer looks for and reports when it is searching for
other Bluctuuth devices can be limited.
Limit the remote devices reported
Bluetooth can report only specific devices, specific class(es) of devicc(s), or specific
iype(s) ofdcvice(s) within a class.
- Specific devices: an individual computer or Bluctooth cellular telephone are
examples of specific dcvmes.
- Specific class of device" “computer“ is an example ofa class of devices
a Specific type of device within a class: “laptop" is an example of a specific type
of device within the “computer" class of devices
The devices to be discovered can be mixedand-matched: you can discover one or more
specific devices, classes of devices and types of devices within a class at the same time.
Remove a device from the list of devices to be discovered
hi the Bluetooth Configuration Panel. from the Discovery tab. select the device to be
removed and click the Delete button.
homing» ysel ‘ Bluebogyguecggu ismtggststedthe Delete button will .
emote be. Ie. . .
Temporarily override the discovery of specific devices
ln [he Blueluoth Configuration Panel. from the Discovery tab, select "Report all
Bluetoolh devices ” The specifically selected devices will be discovered along With all
other devices.
To rc-enablc specific device discovery re-select “Report only selected Bluetooth
devices “
”GTE: Wham" devices are deigjg’p an error flwa Ml appgxaégi'm
H 3” “l." J" i n.‘:
April 3, 2003 WIDCOMMinC 42
BTW User's Guide
Authentication is used to verify identity: it requires a passkey or link key from the remote
device. When a remote device attempts access. a visual and/or audio warning notifies the
local operator
lfthe notification is ignored. access is denied aficr a preset timeout.
When devices are “paired,“ those devices automatically exchange a link key and
Authentication is carried out without operator intervention.
Authorization is Yes-or—No security that requires operator intervention to avcid having
the connection time out and tail.
Authorization is limited to:
- Yes. you may connect (Cilck the balloon to proceed)
. No, you may not connect (ignore the balloon prompt and the connection will
Every Bluetcoth device has a unique Bluetnoth Device Address (BDA) assigned tn it
during the manufacturing process This address cannot be changed by the end-user.
A device’s BDA is usually displayed in hexadecimal format: 00:D0:B7:03:2E:9F is a
valid BDA.
Each Bluetcoth device also has an operatoreonfigurable, user-friendly name to help
distinguish it from other devices The user-friendly name may be up to 99 alphanumeric
characters in length and may contain spaces. My Personal Computer is a valid user-
friendly name.
Encryptlng data translates it into an unreadable format usrng i mm key or password,
Deerypting the data requires the same key or password that was used to encrypt it.
A unique, internally generated, access code based on a pisskey, the Bluetooth Device
Address and an internally generated random number. Link keys are generated
automatically when devices Pair.
Aflcr a link key is generated, manual entry oftlie passkey is not required.
April 3, 2003 WIDCOMMinC 43
BTW User’s Guide
Pairing allows you to avoid entering access information each time a connection is
attempted. Paired devices share a unique link key. Wthi’l they exchange each time Lhey
Paired devices remain paired even when
- One of the devices is not on
. A service connection is interrupted or the service stopped
- One or both devices are rebooted
To Fair with another device
IfSecure Connection is enabled, devices Will pair automatically the first time they
connect (a passkey must be successfully exchanged)
To pair With a device manually
In the Folders pane of My Bluctaolh Places. tight—Click a device, select Pair Device from
the shortcut menu. and then follow the on-screen instructions.
Remove Pairing
in the Folders pane of My Blucrooth Placcs. right»click a paired device and select Unpair
Device from the shortcut menu.
An alphanumeric string up to 16 characters in length. Passkcys are also called Personal
Identification Numbers. or PlN codes.
A passkey may be required ifthc Securc Connection option is enablcd for a Bluetooth
service at application.
A passkey or link key is required each time a connection is attempted.
All dam cxchangcd over the Bluctooth connection is encrypted.
Dcpcndirig on other configuration options, authorization may also be required,
A Bluetooth passkcy request and/or Bluctooth Authorization request balloon may appear
over the Windows system tray when a connection is attempted ifSccurc Connection is
Click the balloon to proceed.
April 3, 2003 WIDCOMMinc 44
BTW User’s Guide
Paired devices are always displayed in My Bluetooth Places, even ifthe rcmotc device is
out of range or not powered up.
Verify that the rcmnte mcmbcr of thc pair is Wilhm mdio range. and powered up, and
then attempt the connection again.
The remote device may not be powered up or may be out of range.
- Vcrify rim thc remote device is powered up.
- Verify that the remote devicc is in Connectable mode (Bluemoth Configuration
Pancl > Accessibility tab).
- Perform a Search for Devices to verify that the device is within range,
The Dial-up Networking service will rim sum unless a properly configured modem is
attached to the server
0 Verify that the modern rs usable as a local dcvrce on the computer to which it is
' In the Bluelooth Configuration Panel, Local Services tab, doublcrclick the
Dial-up Networking service.
' Click the down mow in the Modem field and select the modem that will be
used to dial out
' Click the OK button
- Click the OK button to closc the Bluetooth Configuration Panel.
In the BlucwuLh Configuration Panclr on (hr: llardwarc tab, in the Devices section, select
the device you want to determine the address of. [n the Device Properties section of the
dialog box, the fourth entry. Device Address, is the EDA of the selected Bluctooth
In the Bluetooth Configuration Panel. on the Hardware tab, in the Device Properties
section. the fiflh entry provides Bluetooth Specification compliance information for the
Host Controller Interface.
The sixth entry contains the Specification Revision information for the Hnsl Conlrollcr
Lnlerfacc, ifappropriarc
In the Bluetooth Configuration Panel, on the Hardwarc ml). in the Device Properties
section, thc scvcnth entry provides Link Manager Protocol version number information.
Thc eighth entry contains the Link Manager Protocol subvcrsion numhcr mfrirmatitm. if
April 3. 2003 WlDCOMMinc 45
BTW User’s Guide
in the Bluetooth Configuration Panel. select the Hardware tab
This occurs because lntcmet Connection Sharing was enabled when Bluetooth was
installed (this is a Microsufi Windows behavior and is considered proper operation).
To resolve the “problem“
1. Disable Sharing for the Ethernet adapter:
a) Windows Control Panel > Network and Dial—up Connections
in) Right-click “Local Area Connectinn,” select Properties, and then select the
Sharing tab
c) Clear (uncheckl the box for “Enable Internet Connection Sharing for this
connection" and click OK.
2. Re-enablc Sharing for the Ethernet adapter. repeat Step l.c.), and select (check)
the sharing box
if offered an option to select an adapter. select "Bluetooth network adapter " (This option
will not appear unless more than one adapter is available.)
[fasked to reboot the computer, do so.
if the client is hardwired to the LAN, unplug the hardwired connection to ensure that the
test checks the wireless connection rather than the hardwtred connection.
if the server has access to the Internet, open a browser on the client and connect to the
World Wide Web
You may also Ping the server from the DOS prompt.
The “Unknown Port" error message usually means an attempt was made to connect a port
that was in use.
Additional Bluetooth Serial Ports can be added if they are required.
Windows 98 cannot conven audio files with the extension m3u (etg., myfile . m3u) into
the Pulse Code Modulation (POM) audio format used by Bluctooth headsets; this is a
limitation of Windows 98.
other versions of Windows (2000. ME and XP) can translate m3u audio files into the
PCM format.
Possible solutions are
- Upgrade to a newer version of Windows
0 Use an mSu-to-mpz conversion utility to convert the filets) into a fomiar that is
supported by Windows 98. (Conversion utilities are available as Freeware or
shareware on the lntcmet.)
April 3, 2003 WIDCOMMinC 4G

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Mod Date                        : 2003:09:16 23:35:29-07:00
Producer                        : Acrobat Distiller 5.0.5 (Windows)
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Metadata Date                   : 2003:09:16 23:35:29-07:00
Creator                         : MKuo
Title                           : User Manual.pdf
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