Abocom Systems USB10TA User Manual 8

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Document TypeUser Manual
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Date Submitted1999-06-02 00:00:00
Date Available1999-06-18 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-06-18 09:07:18
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Document Title8

EUT : USB Ethernet Adapter
About USB
Hardware Setup
Windows 98 Setup
Enabling File and Printer Sharing
Twistsd Pair Cabling
Congratulations on your purchase or the usa Network
Now you can connect to any lOMbps or IOMhps/lOOMbps
hub Without having to install any lnlemai cards or hardware!
The USB Network Adapter from Linksys allows you Io cone
neci to a network instantly from a USE-enabled PC, note-
book PC, or even a USB hub. The Plug»and—Play compatlblc
device attaches to any Unlvctsal Serial Bus—enabled PC or
huh vla a USB Type B reccptaclet Connect a standard
Category 5 R145 network cubic in the other end, install the
Included N'DIS drivers, and go. You‘ll be networked in no
The USB Network Adapter IS bus-powercd ,, ii draws power
from the host PC and requires no external power cords. The
low SDOmA maximum power consumption rate is compil-
mented by an energy-saving antwsiecp function
Compatibility with window 98 mzkcs it easy for almost
anyone with a USE-ready PC or notebook to connect to a
lOMbps or IO/IOO nctwork. Use it in conjunction wlth a
Lmksys USE 4-Port Hub. (Model: USBHUEU4) and you can
operate up to four USB devices Simultaneously The use
Netwodt Adapter features an KM’bps maximum throughput.
easy-tu—read LEDs. compact design, a 1-year Irrruted warran~
(y, and free worideclass recnnleal support v all for a low
pnee that' 5 hard to beat
In order to use fins device, you must have a wpy of
Microsoft Wmdows 98 cperattng system mstalled on your
PC. Same versions of Wmdows 95 versicn a (OSRZ) sup-
port USB, but the devtce drivers included in this package are
designed spectflcally for thdnws 98, lfyou dc not have
Windows 98, Lhts devlce will nol work
A150, the device requrres that a USB pen is lnsralled and
enabled on your PC Some PCs have a USB pen, but ll rs
disabled. Usually there ts a toggle swrtctt on the molherbcard
that will enable 3 PCS USB port. Consult your computers
user guide. Some motherboards have USB interfaces, but no
pans. You should be able to mslall your own USB port and
attach rt (0 your PC’s motherboard using hardware purchased
at any computer store
Hardware Setup
Before tnsralllng the adapter, make sure you have received
all ofzhe following llems ll'any ofthe Items are damaged or
mlsslng, contact your vendor for replacements
L'SB Nerwork Adapter
z- use Cable
» User Gutde and Reglstrallon Card
, Program Disk
After unpacking the adapter, (allow the steps below m com-
plete the msmllanon.
Connecting the USB Network Adapter.
The USB Network Adaprer comes wlll’l a USB cable. One
end of the cable has a rectangular plug, whtch is called an A-
type connector. The other end of the cable has a square plug,
or B-rype cannecror,
The adapter has two ports, One ls for RJ-4S UTP nelwurk
cabling -» rt looks like and overrsized phone jack. The other
port looks like a square hale -- this is the USB B—rype port
1 Make sme your PC is powered on and that you are at rhe
Windcws 98 desklop
Z lnsen the cable's square B-type plug into lhe adapler's B-
type purr
5. Windows will hegm searching for the Correct device drxv-
ers. A message wtll appear that reads Wlndows found the
Lmksys USB Network Adapter driver. Click on Finishi Ha
Window appears that reads Windows was unable to locate the
driver for this device, skip to problem 2 of the troubleshoot-
ing section.
6. Wmdows 93 will begin copying a number of files onto
your computer, If Windows asks you to supply your original
Windows 9x installation or setup disks, insert the CD-ROM
or disks as needed, and direct 98 to the proper location For
example, if you have a Windows 93 CD-ROM, and it is
located in drive D, you would type Dumas and press
Enter when asked to supply Ihe path to the CD-ROM. if
Windows asks you Io supply a file called USBlOT svs or
USBIOTINF, type A:\ tn the Wlndow that comes up.
7. Windows will finish copying all oflhe necessary files Io
your system, When asked if you want to restart your comput-
er, click No. Once the driver has been installed, you must
make some changes to your network settings, make sure that
you have all of the following component mstnlled (click on
Start, Settings, Control hue! and double-click on
Network): See the warm on page: 10 and u
- Microsofl Flmlly Logan (Note: Used [or different. user
profiles, Not required)
- Client for Mlcrosull Networks
- Client for Nethre Networks (Note: Required only if
connecting to a Novell 3.x servers)
- Llnksys USB Network Adapter
' lPX/SPX Compatible Protocol
The following examples show what your configuration
should look like. The first picture shows the configuration
for the usa adapler only The second picture shuws the USB
Adapter and dial-up.
Ebvll lot Mcloroll levlkr
Clan! lot NoMu- Ndwkx
Lmkxyr usawswt Art-ow
tmspx murals Ptuloal
Fle gm 9mm rhllllg let anxnll Nalwvi!
wow awwdou.
Um rut Mmmll Namath
ll, Emer a description of your PC in (he Compuirr
Description box.
11 Click an the Accus Control mb. Make sure mat
“Sharetszel access Carmel“ is selected. If connecting to a
Nerware server, share level can be ser to "User-level access
contra If [he semng is on "User-level access Carmel“ and
you cm‘t change it, 5ka to problem 5 in me Traubleshnonng
13 Click on lhe 0K bunch. Your system may er may not
15k you to insert your Windows 93 CD-ROM or Diskette, If
ll dues, lnsen your disk mm the pmper drive and dlfccl
Windows to ll
l4. Once Windows is done copying the necessary files, the
System Settings Change Window appears. Remove all disks
from yuur compuler and click on Yes m resmn your PC. If
you don't see inis Window, Simply close down Windows 93
and resmrr your computer The installariun is complere.
13 Once the computer has resumed and Windows is up, a
Logan Window will appear requiring you (a enter a usemam:
and pfiswoid Make up a usemame and password, truer
Them, and click OK Du not click ihe Cincel bunbn. or you
won‘t be able to log cure the network. If the logon Window
dues ncl appear or if lr does not allow you in log on, refer to
the problem number 3 m rhe rroubleshoormg section.
{6 Once you are at the: Windows 93 Jeskicp. duublerclick
on me Network Neighborhood icon, You Should see (he
mimcs ofihe other PC; on ihe qunvork ilm! he»: enabled Ills
nnri primer sharing mien you‘re finished. rr yuu suii need (D
sei up file and primer sharing, procctd m the Enabling File
gr Prmter Sharing section.
- iryou don‘t st: unyrrung ar nil press ihe F5 key a few
nmes on your keyboard to refresh ms screen.
~ li’ )0u anly See your compuler in Network Neighborhood.
skip in problem 6 in the Troubleshooting secuun.
~ li‘ynu see all compulcrs on ihe nemerk excepi yours, And
me other PCs can‘t see your cumpurer. Se: in:
Troubleshuuiing section.
Enabling File & Printer Sharing in Windows 93
File and primer sharing in Windcws 93 ullows you in share
files nr primers mm are on yaur compurer wun uiher PCs on
[he nerworks lfycu don‘t enable file or primer sharing, your
PC will be “invisible" in all ofihc Other PCS on ma ncrwork.
(evfln yoursem
l To set up slurlrig for (he firsi mm: on .\ cumpuler, click on
Sun Senings. Control Panel, than doublcrclick on
Verwork Click on the Configuration «an followed by me
File and Phil! Sharing huncn The File and Primer Sharing
Window will appear See [he piclure on Ihe liexl page, if
you‘d like orhers to be able [D access the files on your PC‘S
hard drive. selcci "l wam lo be nblc to glVC orhurs recess an
my files " ll'ynu'rl like in share ,nur prlnicr wun niner users
on fhc iiemork sun-u ‘l w'.in\ cn lie mm in iiiun olhcrs m
Troubleshootulg hints for Windows 98 can be found below.
The USBIOT is not compatible with any olher operating sys-
tem. Please see ihe disclaimer on page 3.
Troubleshooting Hlnis lor Windows 98
Emblem: Windows 98 doesn'l detect new hardware will the
USB Adapler hardware rmlalled, ar ll continue: to demo: lhe
adapter each [me you restart your PC.
You might not have installed the USB adapter correctly
Check that the USE cable and R145 cable are securely
inserted mm the appropriate ports.
You my have previously aborted a new hardware setup
Reinstall the hardware.
The motherboard in your system might not be USB enabled,
your'PC‘s USB settings may not be enabled, or the mother-
board may have USB options not supported by Windows 98.
If you are not sure, consult your PC user guide or col-liner
your PCs manufacturer.
Emlyn}: Wlndaws 98 can't locale the driver for the USB
Adapter device,
You may have lnseried the wrong diskette mio your PC‘s
drive. Also, the diskette may be defeeiive or files may be
missing Make sure the disk has files called USBl OTJNF
and USEIOTSYS on ii
mm. m Window: Logan screen doesn’t appear afler
you restarl your Comfluler
Click on Start, Lugolf lfthls doesn't solve the problem.
your PC's manufacturer may have dlsabled 98's networking
Contact your computer's manufacturer for help.
EmblemA: Afler enlering a username and password, 1: win-
dow appear: lira: remix, ”Na Domain Server could be/oimd
ra yalldale your Usemame and Password "
Click on Stnrt, Settings, Control Panel Doublefliclt on
Network. Click on the Cnnflgurntlon tab. Under The
Following Network Components are Installed box. highlight
Client for Mlcrosofi Networks and click on the Properties
butlon Once you are in the Client For Microsofi Networks
Properties window, make sure that Log on to Windows NT
Domain is Unchecked Once you have made sure that it is
Unchecked click on ihe OK button.
Emblem; OnlheAcces: Contra] Tab, U:erLeve/Acces:[:
selected, but Shared Level Access in grayed out arid no]
Twlstod Pair Cabling
There are difimz grades, of categories, or mmwm
cabling. Category 5 is the ma: reliable and mly comwfible.
and is required for Fast Ethernet.
Youcanbuy Category 5 cabling that is pie-nude. mymuan
endafdwcuhletozheothenOnlywims l.2,3,mi63reund
by Emu-net networks. In “nightmarish cable. wiru l, 2, 3,
m6axoneendo£theublemxlwwer l,2,3,and6atihe
mend [nae-mixed cableJhe ""':‘,."""" m
order ofthe Wires change from one ”F... 75? fifi
endtotheodienwimlhecomesl. r
andlbecomufiudviceveru. :
The color code for the 4 wires should be as fallows: Wire 1,
while with an orange stripe; Wire 2. onnge; Wire 3, white
m be connected as follows: Wire 4, blue; ert 5, white with a
bluqstrlpe; ere7. white with a brown stripe, Win a, brown
Tn figure out Whldl wire is wire number I, hold the cable so
that the end of the plan]: R145 tip (the pm that goes into a
wall Jack first) is Bums away burn you. Flip
theclipwthndieeupper ride famupflhe MI
cprmxy clip will new be parallel to the floor).
Whenloohngdnwnanthewppugwixel l§
Transfer Ral-
LED ln dlutou
Operating Temperature
Storage Temperature
Operating Humidity
Storage Humidity
and Sumptlblllty
IEEE 802.3 lDBuseT
sMbps Half Duplex
1 R145, 1 USE B-Type
Link, Transmit/Receive
247" X 2" XI"
0.1 lb
UTl’ Category 3 or 5 (100m)
O'C to 40C (32'F to lD4'F)
-20'C to 70'C (-4“F m I5B'F)
10% to SS‘Vn non-continuing
S% to 9056 nun-condensing
FCC Pm 15, Class B
CE Mark, Commercial
smup sq; ”mum 15mm “0A yflJadmd
psnmsm ussq mu m Jaxdtpn mmu asn am 10) mug
m quo/pufl rpm] me/dalflspn 31/1 1117 5037 firm—mm?
unduns mnuqazx sisxuv-y
Imus: "SlSlsjad mammal am 11 paqsmg uaqM )|o xagp
uounq swung am no my}: uaqx “11 ul db’dDJ. pJom am qum
(Au: lusuodwm sq] uo aauo pug mama‘s; uo zplp-alqmp
uaql ‘putd Inuuog ‘sSumas unis uc xx]: “5qu up Cl ‘Sm
we mau 5,36 smopulm mm} muodum til/dbl. 3m mung
96 m smug [Dye 94,3;51 my fé—umm
suolmnp m! apmi sum m suonsnusul arms 31, Smopuim
sq: ass panmsm 5‘ wall) gosmaxw moi mu] AjuéA
‘A'Jdmg xv pamynqqfirafg ylomaN zg'ma‘fim'g
wdm am S‘mlms
4.1131 LIL ytpadmd dmas sq 1m: Jqfirux Hldflpv SSH aql
‘apmfi jO nouns sumqs muud pm: am mp as
anew fillqu muud pue OIL-1 paxqzua aAeq xou Aw; nuA
umdmn: mm’ 1014 pun Jaw!) Vans 33x we sun-dun»
431410 [In pllV ”arm“ fall mg 440m?" mp 110 flaw/jun:
43m ”x7 32: MD: rm ‘pualfloqqfilaN $0va u] zz-msrqm
mmu dnmsxmm sums an Eugsn
sl mowau am no Dd qaz; ams ”few woman moi nu ma
dndwo: mm mm; zuaxaglp oq Anus aumu dnofixmm maA
-§m)pom 5; metal noA mp
01th Wm w asn m" E D: mil-Sq: Kn ‘lno m 51min am
j] mulepz asn am no szqin tawny 10 “11 imam? one flux
ems new 7111331103 panama: an: salqm am mm ams mm
spawn sq, m7 slamdwas 431110 cu punjlzr
moK m ma ma "0K paquqqflgE/‘f ylflwfiN 14] gm
~s>|mmuN gosomw 1011119513 m us 5! uoflcx xxumnu
A‘muryd max mp ams oxen; ‘mapulm sawadoxd pom»);
sq: w qel usuamiguog am no “sxjomaN ammaN 10}
man; an ms uaflol xmmnu mmud mm: pm; Almmuxd noA
pnnt to my pruucr " Cllck on the 0K burrorl File and
Printer thl’lng for Microsoft nemorks should now appear
m the ltst nflnslzlled components Cllck OK. when asked to
restart your PC, choose [Cl do so.
2, To share files, douhle-clrclr on your My Computer rcon.
A window or avallable disk drlves W|ll appear Using your
rrght mouse button, click once on me drlve that you want to
make available to other users. Clrck on Slurlng, followed by
the Sharing tab Click on Share As In the Share Name box,
glve your computer a name (you can call u whatever you
want-A Mary's Computer. Tardts. etc,) Next, decide on the
type'of access that you want to glve other users:
- Read-Only access lets other users new the files on your
- Full access lets users create, change, or delete files on your
' Depends on Password lets users have Read-Only and/or
Full access, dependlng on the password am you decroe to
glve them.
L's: your mouse ro select the type or me sharlng stccss that
you want other users to have lryou warm to asslgn access
possworolsl. type them mm the Password boxlcs)
3 When you're done, cllck on the Apply button followed by
GK Your drlvc(sl can now he accessed from orhcr users
whenever they clrck on their erldows 98 Network
nghbcrhood rcons. [fa user rrres to access one or your
dnves that‘s password—protected, he or she wlll he asked For
the zpproprlztte Read-Only or Full access password
4 To share your prlnter(s), double-cllck on your My
Computer lcon Cllck on the Prlnters folder A wlnduw of
avallable punters vull appear Usmg your rtghl mouse button,
clrek oncc on the prlnlcr [hell you want to share wlll’l Olhcr
users. Cllck on Sharing, followed by the Shuring lab. Cllck
on Share As In the Share Name box, gtve a name to the
prrnter you're about (0 share (Jack's HPA, for example) ll
you want to asslgn a password to the pnnter so only certarn
users can access rt, type a password in the Password box
When you‘re done, click on the Apply hunon, followed by
GK Your prlnterts) ls now shared When you're finrsheo,
restart your PC, log into your network. The setup ls com-
Note' Not all prmters can he shared over the network, please
consult your prlnrer's documcnlalmn or the manufacturer or
the pnnrer rt you can transfer files but have problems prlnl-
mg over the nerwork.
Ifany components are mxssmg, use me Add button to add
them m All me prciocols and chcnrs requucd and mud
abnv: are pmwdcd by Mvcmsofi. Afier you cm Add. mgn
hgm the campcnem you need (Chant or Protocul), click
( Add,h1ghhghz.\rlicmsofi, then double Cllck on the 1mm mu
\ mm to add
3 Ifycu m usmg :| wzndows NT. Windows for Wnrkgmups
wmuows 95 or Wmdom 95 network, enable me We and
P'mlcr snnnng [see m: sccnun mled Enannng m: & Prmmr
Shunng In Wlndows 98 for more demlls) to mm your cam-
puler vmble an the network. Ifyou're not usmg NT or
MnEEUI ., mm uswmw- N V W
, ymp_,ow“w_ v _ ovell. change (he anary. elwork Logonto lfldOWS
Logan and rcsmn ynur computer Hnwever:
lfycu are ccnnecung lo 3 Nova" NuWare server (verswon
3 1! cr 3 12 only) wwlh 98, you should do {hxs Instead.
~ change [he pnmary Ncmork Logan m Client for Novel!
- double-clwck an the Client for NelWare Networks flu!
and emcr the pmper semngs then chck 0K.
9 Chck an the Identificntmn mb. Type zh: mm: of your
PC m (h: Cumputer name box. Milka up a name that Is
umque from (h: other compulers‘ names on xhe nexwork.
f 10 Type the name of your workgroup m the Workgmup
box The name you lypc shauld be the same Wnrkgmup
Mme m use by AH ufihe alhcr PCs on the network. The
Wurkgmuv bnx u- use acnslmc - be sure to use xhc same
cm rhul 15 m um: un your umu: PCs
11 12
3. Insert the other end of the USB cable (the A-type connec-
tor) into the USB port on your PC. The adapter is now can-
neeted to your PC.
4. Connect your adapter to a lOMbps or lOMbpt/lOOMlyps
auto-sming hub using Category 5 Ur? R145 straight-
thmuyt cabling. The R145 jacks should fit into the R145
pan on both the adapter and the hub. Note‘ Do not connect
the USB Network Adapter directly to another network card
or adaptzt.
Windows 98 Setup
After installing the USB Network Adapter, follow the
instructions below to install the adapters software.
1. install the USB Network Adapter it‘ you havzn‘l already.
2. Start up your camputet and Windows 98. Afier wtnddws
98 has started, your PC should find the new hardware and
display the New Hatdwate Wizard‘ wtndow. When the hard-
ware installation Wizard comes up, insert the driver diskette
[or the USB Network Adapter (Program Disk) into A: dnve
and click Next. If the message is not displayed, and this is
the first time that you are using the devtee, check to make
Sure that the use port on your computer ts enabled. Usually,
there is a toggle switch on the motherboard of your PC that
turns the USB port on and off. Consult your PCs user guide
to learn how to enable your computer‘s USB port.
3. In the next wmddw select Search for Best Driver for yum
devme (Recommended) and click Next.
4. Select a location and tn the bottom box, type in A:\, and
click Next.
Here are some of the features of the USBIOT:
‘ One B-type USB Port For a Standard USB cable
' One R145 lOBaseT Port For a Straight-Through Category
3 at 5 Cable
- Fast SMbps Data Throughput wrth 6Mbps Burst Transfer
' Easy-twRead Link and Aenviry LED lndleators
. No External Power Supply Needed
' Low Power Consumption Rate of 500m Maximum
- AutoSleep Mode Conserves Power and Notebook PC
Battery Life
' Compact Design —- Perfect for Use With Laptops and
Neteblmk PCs
- Fully Comparible with Ltrtksys USE 4-Port Hub (Model:
~ Plug-and-Plzy Compatible with Windows 98 for Easy
' Extensive Use ofVLSl Components for Reliability
- CE, FCC Class B Approved
' Free Technical Support on the Phone and on the Web
- Free Software Upgrades
~ l-Year Limited Warranty
About USB
USB, which is short for Universal Serial Bus, is a technolo-
gy deslgned to make connecting devlces to computers easler
Ongrnally developed In 1996 by a group or computer indus<
try leaders that included Compaq, Digital. IBM, Intel.
Microsoft, NEC, and Nonhcm Telecom. USE ts quickly
becoming the first choice for users who want to add penph-
erals to their computers.
use is unique because it 15 PIug-and-Play, which allows a
computer to instantly recognize when a device like a key—
board, mouse, or scanner has been connected to it. Once the
deyree has been recognized, it's ready to go No speeral setup
rs required, similarly, USB supports hot swapping -- the
lumen or removal of devrees while the computer is mmed
on, You can swap one device for another without having to
power down your system or install any special software -— it
really is that easy.
Another unique usa feature is its ability to allow multiple
devices to be eunneeted la a computer‘s single USB port
When used In cunjuncncn with a use 4-Purt Hub, (Llnksys
Model: USBHL’BM), all four pans can operate simultane—
ously and independent of each other, allowing easy access to
an enormous my of dlfi'erenr devtces at the some time.
Hubs and devices can be connected together -- you can con-
nect up to 127 devices to a PC: USB portr
Some of the devices that USB supports inelude digital cam-
eras and scanners. juysllcks, gamepads. virtual reality head-
gear and gloves, keyboards, hard drives. me, modems,
phones, printers speakers, and more.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection. This equipment generates, uses and can radiated radio
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,
may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However. there is no
guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation if this equipment
does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be
determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to
correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
—Reorient o relocate the receiving antenna.
-|ncrease the separation between the equipment and receiver.
-Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
receiver is connected ,
-Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Shielded interface cables (except UTP cable) must be used in order to comply with
emission limits.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for
compliance could void the user‘s authority to operate the equipment.

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