Accton Technology 1207BTX4EN User Manual 8
Accton Technology Corp 8
FCC ID: HED1207BTX4EN ExhibitE - User's Manual Product Specification for EN1207B-TX 4 Version : 1.00 1998/4/4 Product Name : Cheetah PCI Adapter Model Number : EN1207B-TX4 Prepared By Reviewed By Weyden Wang 04/Q4[199§ BaushgrLfleie 04/05/1928 Approved By fl“ ‘ The Federal Communications Commission Statement This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference. and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules, These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against han'nful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures : - Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. - Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. - Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. - Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. You are cautioned that changs or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void your authority to operate the equipment. Aft, .'~. Accran Table of Contents Chung: Hislory. 3 1. Product Description, 4 2. Features... .. 5 3 Hardware Speuficahon , 7 BIPCSySIEm 7 32C0nfigur 7 3 3 Network Confurmm 7 3 4 Pcwer Characlcrislics 7 3 5 Enumnmenl 7 3 6 Magic Packet Connccl ,.8 3 7 LED indicfllor. 8 3 3 Block Diagram, ,.9 4 Sofiware Specification. 1 41 Network Device Drivers Supporl i 4.2 Network Operating S)slems Suppon.. 2 4 3 Magic Packcl Format ...... .l3 5. Prnduci Conmnl .............. 11 5 1 Packaging Spccn’icaliun ..|1 6. Ccrlificallon Requiremenls ..... v 14 61Nc|wnrk Operation System Certification, 6.2 Hardware Certification ............. AL’ZTQV ("0 J"; u Accran Change History Revision Date Descriplian 1. Version 1.00 : 4/4/1998 Initial Version AC/TM (“urmu‘w ma" Accrnn 1. Product Description I). Introduction EN1207-7X4 is 32-bit PCI-BUS Fast Ethernet Adapter, media support lODBASE-TX & l0 BASE~T, It is a Fast Ethernet Adapter with High Performance, High Reliability, Low Chip Count1 and Low Power Consumption. 1. Functional Description Accton ENIZ07-7X 4 PCI Adapter is a 10/100 Mbps Ethernet adapter which brings you the high performance capability for a network interface based on the advanced PCl local bus platform and supports 32-bit data transfer with bus master architecture. The adapter conforms to IEEE802.3u lOOBASE-TX, lEEE802.3 lOBASE-T standard, and meets PCl local Bus revision 2.1 specification . It supports 10 Mbps and 100 Mbps dual speed Ethemet operation with a single RJ-45 connector. The 10/100bps speed were auto»sensed by auto- negotiati’on technology which conforms to IEEEXOZJU standard. Three LEDs are provided for indication of Link, 100M, Activity respectively. Finally, extensive drivers for commonly used network operation system such as Novell Netware, Microsofi Window NT, IBM LAN Server and SCO Unix are supported. 2. Architecture ‘ DEC 21 lAS-PD + LeveIOne ST10040 chip solution support PCI spec. 2.1. 93016 EEPROM stored Ethemer address, SubsystemNendor ID and medium configuration. YCL transformer filter isolated Ethernet network from internal circuit and reduced EM] emission 3. Key Technology 0 Best power consumption ‘ 10 BASEeT and lDOBASE-TX compatible 0 lOi’lOOMbps full duplex operation 0 32 Bit Data Transfer By burst mode Bus Master 0 ProVide the PCl power and auxiliary power management 4. Selling Point ' Very Compact board Without on board memory Antonegotiation between the 10/100 Mbps operation ' lO/lOOMbps full duplex operation 0 Support Wake—OmLAN function ' Compliance with ACPI Spec 1 0. Compliance with Network Device Class Power Management Spec, 1,0 Compliance With I’Cl Bus Power Management Interface Spec, 1,0. Microsoft PC97/PC98 compatible. Extensive driver support 000 x. AMOY ("ism IJc‘,’ Ace-ran __—____—_____—————— 2. Features Specifications: Standard Conformance : IEEE80243u lflflBASE-TX 8411515138023 lOBASE-T Host Interface : PC] Bus compliant to PC] spec. 2.1 Ethernet Data Rate : 10 and 100 Mbps ( Auto-negotiation) Media Conneclion : Single R145 for 100 BASE-TX & 10 BASE~T I/O address : Auto selection Interrupt : Automatically decided by PCl BIOS LED; : Three LEDs for Link, 100M, Activity Driver support : Netwar: ODI/MSL Driver Novell NetWare 4.1 4.11 NDlS 2.0 DOS/052 Driver Microsoft LAN Manager 2.x, IBM LAN Server“), NDIS 3.0/4.0/511 Drivers ' Windows 95, 93, NT 4 0, 5.0 UNIX Drivers SCO Unix LLl/MDI driver Temperature : 0°C - 55°C (Standard Operating) Humidity : 10% - 90% ( Non-condensing) EM] Regulation : FCC Class B CISPR Class B VCCI Class 2 CE Mark AQWA Gm: m ACCTon 2.2 Features ' 10/100 Mbps dual speed Allin negotiation ' Suppnrl WOL (WAKE-ON-LAN) . Suppnrl ACPI (Advance Cunfignmtinn Power Interface) ‘ Mzzts PCI Local BUS Specific-lion Rev. 2,1. . Suppnrl Power Manager Function ’ Automatic l/O Address Ind IRQ stlllp . Single R145 mnnetlur lnr lo/loo Mbps operation 0 Provides full-duplex Ethernet operllinn for hoth lOBASE-T and lWBASE-TX o 31 Bil dnlu Innsfer with bus muster for PC] interface 0 Three diagnostic LEDs for LINK, IBOM, Ankivity . Lew pnwer consumption and sleep mode 0 Conforms to XEEESOZJII 100 BASE-TX and IEEESOZJ lflBASE-T Ethernet specificliion . SMT manufacturing nnrl strict quality nssnrnnee test to assure niglt perfurrnanee and reliability 0 Aulomalic palarity detection nnd correction for UT? ~ Extensive driver support mm le'zfxu’e: an: 5 3. Hardware Specification 3.1 PC System a Bus PC] Bus Spec, Rev [241] 1; Data Transfer mus Masm 0. CPU d Synem Bu: Clock e. PCI Signal Define, PRSNTW FRSNm IZGND DPULL» UP mam IZGND PULL- UP 3.1 Configuration a,K4MS1:z Val/l or Nolx] bv K4 M A ddres: clanl/O address Auto Configure By BIOS [ lSelemions djnterrupl Auto Configure By BIOS e.R0}\'/Sl:e [ 16.3164 ,123 1:03 fROMAddresx 1 m 11-1 [ ISelections g.ROM [we EPROM/EEPROM/Flash ROM 3.3 Network Conformity Veslf] or No[x] a.Srandard IEEE802 ,3 lOBase-[ T ] IEEESOZ 3u p Inter/ace R1—45 for UTP 100Base-TX [Category ‘ 3,4.5] BNC for thin coax | R058 cDam Tran Rare D4. M15, D20, M 100 Mbps d MediaSe/ecrmn MAu-o a LAN Comm/[er Vendor[DIGITAL] D16-bir, Elzz-bn 3.4 Puwer PC] Power ' Type 5V/350mA Max 5V/400mA Reqmremem Voltage tolerance : +SV15% Auxiliar) Power SV/330mA Power Req PC] Power : SV' 330mA ~ 400mA ai Operaung Auxnliar; Power: not used Power Req PC] Power ' SV’ 310mA at idle Auxnhar; Power : no! uscd P/N#: 2] 143»PD Power Req PC) Power .' not used 6“ WED mudi Auxiliar} Power v SV/300mA AC’TM ACCTOI'I aTempemlure 0 (o 55]°C b Humidh‘y 10 lo 90 ]°/o 3. 6 Magic packet connector Operating —— Pin 1 .auxi|iary powchV Pm 2 : auxiliary ground Pin 3 :wak:on pin a. Pm Assignment 3.7 Diagnostic LEDS LEDsIndecalor Color—E Green D lelow E Red Description IZILINK E100 MDACT 100 4— OO ¥>LINK AFLT’JY ACCTOH 3.8 Block Diagram —>l PCI Power Pow: r ‘___> Auxiliary Power MI] Imcrfac: EEPROM Interface 3? 13501 143—911 55m“ 4 MN Control 16! Expansion Bus Inlcrfau: 5 BOOTROM ++++4+ LED Control PC I Imerface 4mm am 9 4. Software Specification 4.1 Network Device Drivers Support The sofiware supports are listed in the following table Driver/Program EN1107B—TX 4 ACCTon NeIWnre DOS 0D] ‘ 0X2 ODI II 0Dl Szrvzr " SFI‘III MSL NEIan Universal Clian(VLM) NDIS NDISZ’ (DOS,OS2) " NDISJ(WFW3II) NDISSM/SWINyS, 93,NT 5. 5l, 4. D, i 0) Unix SCO LLl/MDI 0 ©©© ©6636 AQWA' C m‘ : . Ace-ran 4.2 Network Operating Systems Support (F or reference only) Network Operlting System/Protocol Neanrl 4.1 & LII Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT IBM LAN Strvzr 2.x,3,x, 4.x IBM TCP/lear DOS and 0572 Driver Support DOS/052 ODE-sno—m'. MSL ND153/4/5 NDISZ/OS2 NDISZIOSZ LLI/MDI Driver 4.3 Magic Packet format 00 00 E8 12 20 01 (FF FF FF FF FF FF) iDestination Address or broadcast 00 00 E8 12 20 XX -)Sourse Address 00 00 -)Packe1 Type or Lenght FF FF FF FF FF FF Qchhronize 0000E8122001 h— 00 00 E8 12 20 01 00 0013812 20 01 00 00 E8 12 20 01 00 00 E8 12 2001 00 00 BS 12 20 01 00 00 E812 20 01 00 00 E8 12 20 01 0000E8 1220 01 00 00 E8 12 20 01 > Destination address repeated at last 16 times 00 00 E812 20 01 00 OOEX 12 20 0] 00 00 E812 20 01 000058122001 00 00 E8 12 20 01 00 00 E812 20 01 00 00 ES 12 20 01 0000ES 122001 0000E8122001 00 00 E812 20 01 AHT’Z/‘Y (on: . ACCTQI'I 5. Product Content 1 Product Content Yeslf] or anx] PCBA T-Conneclor I— Manual lFiskene ‘ 1 (1 .44MB) Power Adapter Module Media Module or Cable (for PCMCIA) Warranty Card Slim RedBox [— 5.1 Packaging Specification The delzilcd packaging specification IS shown as below Y=s[/] or No[x] a. Layer: flit-layers, - 6-Iayers, I 2-layers _. 1; Dimension: 122 mm x IOIv60(W) [mm] 4 339 (le 4 (W) [inch] 6. Cnnnecmr m media El RJ-45, El BNC, d. Connector 10 has! EBB-WW E PCl Bus,DPCMClA-68 El . e Connector to power El RJ-Ol. El f Indicalor (LEDx) EGreen (or [Link,100M. Activity] DYellow furl I Booklet. fl Sheelfoldo Ammo Fonfldm. of 13 Ace-ran a. Type 53.5" / [m144MB] x []]Q'ty 1: Driver: & Unliry I lslep D lnslallbal El Releasedoc [21 Direc'mry for E AccView/Station E BoutROM Nelwarc ET NDIS DOS/052 Z Packet Driver E! NT El Windows 95/93 M Unix D PCNFS 7, I7. Separa/e Power Cab/e c Ceriificatron 7 Media Module 5 T/P, l T/P+BNC J a Type 9 Labels 0. Cenificalian b Jdenltficatian Emma Label MPrimed, DSticker on E Bompc EBarCods DPrinled, .Sticker on D Box, MPG DPrimed, DSlicker on DBox, DPC "DPrimed, DSlicker on Dch, DPC 777” ,, DPrinled, DSIicker on DBox, DPC El Label on Diskette IZlPrinled, DSlick on diskette AFUZJX (hm/hf.- Accrnn R— 6 Certification Requirements 6.1 Network Operation System Cenificatinn The list shows the requirements of certification for network eperation system compatibility. Network Software VesI-I] or Nolx] Hardware Driven b Micron/t Hardware Driver 6 DEC PATHWORKS Hardware Driver d ArnSo/l — Lari/LUNG Hardware Driver 2. IBM LAN Server Driver f Banyan wuss Driver g. Parke: Driver h A'S-RST Azr'mv at nut-m m 1" 6.2 Hardware Cenificalion The list shows the requirements for hardware cenification, 1. EM], a. FCC Part IS ltgms Standard/SpecJCritcri: flClass B , IClass A Alec-ran v=s|ll orNolxl 2 EMS-a Radialmn Susczpnbiluy (lEC801.3):3V/M b. Conduction Susceptibility (IEC801.6):3V 0 Lightning Surge d T farmer/1 Data Line (IEC 501.5) sz Power Line (IEEE 537): 1.5KV (IEC 301.4) ; IKV e. ESD (IEC 801.2): 15KV A('(7Z'Z\' 17 ‘1’1 15
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