Accton Technology ACC7004WFW 2.4 GHz Wireless Router User Manual scan 1 XDW
Accton Technology Corp 2.4 GHz Wireless Router scan 1 XDW
User manual 2
CHAPTER 3 CONFIGURING CLIENT PCs TCP/IP Configuration To access the Internet through the Bzetrt'icadeTM Plus Wireless Firewall Router, you must configure the network settings of the computers on your LAN to use the same IP subnet as the Barricade Plus. The default network settings for the Barricade Plus are: Gateway IP Address: 19216821 Subnet Mask: 255.255.2550 Note: These settings can be changed to fit your network requirements, but you must first configure at least one computer as described in Chapter 5 to access the Barricade Plus’ Web configmration interface. (See Chapter 4 for information on configuring the Barricade Plus.) If you have not previously configured TCP/IP for your computer, refer to “Installing TCP/IP Protocol in Your PC" on page 5-1. All PCs connected to the Barricade Plus must be set to the same IP subnet as the Barricade Plus. The default subnet address of the Barricade Plus is 192.1682X (where X means 2—254) and the subnet mask is 2552552550. You can set the IP address for client PCs either by automatically obtaining an IP address from the Barricade Plus’ DHCP service or by manual configuration. See “Setting TCP/IP to Work with the Barricade Plus” on page 5—5. TCP/IP CONFIGURA WON 3-2 CHAPTER 4 CONFIGURING THE BARRICADE PLUS After you have configured TCP/IP on a client computer, you can use a Web browser to configure the BarricadeTM Plus Wireless Firewall Router. The Barricade Plus can be configured by anyJ-ava-supported browser including Internet Explorer 4.0 or above, or Netscape Navigator 4.0 or above. Using the Web management interface, you can configure the Barricade Plus and view statistics to monitor network activity. To access the Barricade Plus’ management interface, enter the IP address of the Barricade Plus in your Web browser Then login the Barricade Plus system with no password (by default, there is no password). 7 LOGJN USER l’ASSVVORl’) Please type password. Thank you. Note: For some browsers it may be necessary to include “:88" after the management IP address. For example, 4—1 4—2 The home page displays the “Setup Wzard” and “Advanced Setup” options. (Please refer to Quick Installation Guide for basic configurations.) 5 up imam mm ,, mm 1m 0 navanueu Setup . OVENlSW CONHGLRING THE BARRICADE PLUS Advanced Setup Menu Selecting the “Advanced Setup" displays the main menu on the left—hand side of the screen and descriptive information on the right—hand side. The Main Menu links are used to navigate to other menus that display configuration parameters and statistics. mm mslm msnkmm ref a httndllsa.lss.z.lls=nu.m “vented Setup zrh- Earrind: Plus guppy»: waned Winn: unseen Pznkei |nspez1im,hackmna'nk' — », “1mm",mungqlmigmmwncass unmml‘ningle VRNIunr-eluirlualwzhnmvinual _ 7 ' ~ semvsnndbliemmxsmg '— .. - — SMYVJVrettjmménlisrlhat yen he; [he mm mime Navigating the Web Browser Interface The Barricade Plus’ advanced management interface includes ten key menus — System, WAN, LAN, Wireless, NAT, Firewall, VPN, SNMP, Tools, and Status. The. System menu provides general information on the current settings and how to configure the 4—5 NA VIGA 77NG 77-15 WEB BROWSER INERFACE Barricade Plus. The WAN, LAN, Wireless, NAT, Firewall, VPN and SNMP menus are used to configure the LAN, WAN and wireless interface, as well as other functions. While the Tools menu is used to backup the Barricade Plus, restore the factory settings, update the firmware, or reset the Barricade Plus. The Status menu is used to see the connection status for the Barricade Plus’ WAN/LAN interfaces, firmware, and hardware version numbers, any illegal attempts to access your network, as well as information on all DHCP client PCs currently connected on your network. Main Menu Using the Web management interface, you can define system parameters, manage and control the Barricade Plus and its ports, or monitor network conditions. The following table briefly describes the selections available from this “Advanced Setup” screen. Menu Description System Menu Configures TCP/IP settings and client services. Time Zone Sets the local time zone, Password Settings Sets the password for administrator access. Remote Management Sets the IP address for remote management station. WAN Menu - Specifies the Internet connection type: (1) Dynamic IP host configuration and the physical MAC address of each media interface, (2) PPPoE configuration, or (3) Static IP and gateway address. - Specifies DNS servers to use for domain name resolution. lANMenu Sets the TCP/LP configuration of the Barricade Plus’ LAN interface and all DHCP clients. Wireless Configures the radio frequency, domain, and encryption for wireless communications. 4-4 CONFIGURJNG THE BARRICADE PLUS Menu Description NATMenu Firewall Menu VPN Menu IPsec PPTP Client PPTP Server Configures system IP settings, including: - Address Mapping - Virtual Server Configures a variety of packet filtering and specialized functions, including: 0 Access Control - URL Blocking 0 Schedule Rule - Intusion Detection - DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) Provides one Virtual Private Network tunnel for secure Internet communications Configures inbound and outbound Security Association (SA). Authenticates a PPTP tunnel to the destination host Authorizes remote users using the PPTP tunneling protocol. SNMP Menu Community Trap Displays and modifies parameters for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Configures the community strings authorized for management access. Up to 5 community names may be entered. Specify management stations that will receive authentication failure messages or other unsolicited message from the SNMP agent. Up to S trap managers may be entered. Tools Menu Configuration Tools Firmware Upgrade Contains options to reset the system, restore configuration settings, or update system firmware. Allows you to backup the system configurations, restore the saved backup configuration file, or restore all configuration settings to the factory defaults. Upgrades the system with the latest firmware obtained from SMC's website at 4-5 NA VIGA TING 77-15 WEB BROWSER IMERFACE Menu Description Reset Reboots the system and retains all of your configuration settings. Slam: Menu Displays WAN/LAN connection status, firmware and hardware version numbers, as well as information on all DI ICP client PCs connected. Help Button Contains information for product support, Q troubleshooting, and network terminology. Home Button Go to the overview page of this Web management interface Logout Button Exit the Barricade Plus system. Making Configuration Changes 4—6 Configirable parameters have a dialog box or a ' , drop-down list. Once a configuration change has been Q made on a page, be sure to click the “APPLY” button at the bottom of the page to confirm the new settings. Note: To ensure proper screen refresh after a command entry, be sure that Internet Explorer 5.0 is configured as follows: Under the menu “'1‘ools/lnternet Options/Geneml/ Temporary Internet Files/Settings,” the setting for “Check for newer versions of stored pages" should be “Every visit to the page.” CONFIGURING m5 BARRICADE PLUS System Settings Set TimeWZnne 77777 — s-t'nm-Znn sgwwnums-mm-hmw Tfl ujié' ' , ‘ ~ fiflnayllfllglviniiflml huuuyfiiv m . Set t Timl zone 5 mam.“ um um! mun-mun. “is mum-um mm is»; mm m: «mu s-flmgt ~ mummkm. ms‘“i‘““““—jmm.) 11m. v {min 5»... QM fie time zone for the Banicade Plus. This information is used for log entries and client filtering. S ysmw SEmzvcs Setting a Password 4-8 If this is your first time to access the Barricade Plus, you should define a new password, record it and put it in a safe place. From the “Advanced Setup” menu, select “System” and click on “Password Settings” and follow the instructions on the screen. menm Setting; “in a nissmnl u. m Managua-int :nwn' w m. and“! Pitt muwm w mamn m 5mm Flu! it... . mm. rut-am new «(Huh-ml "mm. m min) mower; min-1mm 4 Ilw "mm: a: m. can flu tmfln unfliwl . Arms mm mm nwmnihssmni: a , ”aunmmfiE/"Mi. mmwmw-nm, , , ‘5 V: 17 77777777 —fi - m Emmmrdmv-muuw Use this menu to restrict management access based on a specific password. Anyone can access the "Setup Wizard, " “Advanced Setup” and Help menus, but you must enter a password to access the configuration options provided by the “Setup Wizard” and “Advanced Setup” menus. By default, there is no password. Please assign a password to the Barricade Plus as soon as possible, and store it in a safe place. Passwords can conmin from 3—12 alphanumeric characters, and are case sensitive. Note: If your password is lost, or you cannot gain access to the management interface, press the Reset button on the front panel (holding it down for at least five seconds) to restore the factory defaults. CONFIGURING m5 BARRICADE PZUS Remote Management , gahni-a'unnagamqm r“mm.mmmmsmwt, mm E n ‘FF r By default, management access is only available to users on your local network. However, you can also manage the Barricade Plus from a remote host by adding the IP address of an administrator to this screen. Note: If you specify an IP address of, any host can manage the Barricade Plus. You can also manage the Barricade Plus from a remote host by typing “http://192.168_2_1 :8080" in the “Address” field of your Web browser. 4-9 NETWORKING AND CLIENT SERVICES Networking and Client Services You can use the “Setup Wizard" to change the required settings, or you can select the basic configuration items you need to change from the “Setup Wizard” screen. (Refer to Quick Installation Guide for configuring basic settings using the “1-2-5 Setup Wizard”) Use the “Advanced Setup” menu to configure the WAN connection options, the LAN interface (including TCP/IP parameters for the Barricade Plus’ gateway address, DHCP address pool for dynamic client address allocation), and other advanced services. WAN Configuration Specify the WAN connection type required by your Internet Service ProviderY then click "More Configuration” to provide detailed configuration parameters for the. selected connection type. WM! settings ' Thfilrrmé' Plucmhanuu‘lldwywlsmm Mdu‘imny mung-vs ' a rim—mm ‘ Dal-ms-aniddnss alumnus-VII mngyimnmuw c Pqu ' mm m. Emu "559mm mum's-mm ma Fm inst 0, mm, lum- Usuuunnl Muss m- um mind-gin . um tp lair-"mm mm" "men Specify one of the first three options to configure a WAN connection through the Rj—4S port (Le, a connection to an xDSL modem or cable modem). 4—10 CONFIGURING m5 BARRICADE PLUS Dynamic IP Address — DHCP mm a: m um mm a upland, am "my a. mm a, snmbsewite Fmdll‘s Think/aux mm.“ a mew , , mm mm imam m m. amt-um, “may, you sm- Pmdn. yw us. IF- mun-Mm , Mam‘hmm in new mum: mam flm mm mm- cadmium m w p: ...i we wart m dams-mm m mm “mum ym n... my. meme-ms "flaw hmm u. ..-. “a 'nnewmlelP!M/us, —— — — , — T 16 Host Name is optional, but may be required by some ISPs. Tie default MAC address is set to the WAN’s physical interface on the Barricade Plus. Use this address when registering for Internet service, and do not change it unless required by your ISP. You can use the “Clone MAC Address” button to copy the MAC address of the Ethernet Card installed by your ISP (in your PC) and replace the WAN MAC address with this MAC address. 4-11 NETWORKING AND CLIENT SERVICES 412 PPP over Ethernet — PPPoE L‘J ppri i 7 fmmwme nan um! ndpismrfi mm by yum 5m. Pam-um. 5mm.“ [3 nnrmully mu, but my i. mun-d by arm mmumdm. any a Maxi-mg m. Tim! m, m‘nmni] 10 mm s man-um "mam (minim rm lm-mvrwnnmhn x- mum-um mm; imam mmmnmim m mush: wmmmn 0- Minimum mum-gm flwll — ; a, mm; m m. mu. newsman.“ mm. “mm“. wuublim m- cunnnzim a! sum u m sum-pl a, , mm n.- mamma. , — ' WWW5m,mammal.unapppgmmmmm WM Ui- Nam: PM Fla-mm» V“ P-zsnmyp-ynuvpnam: t—‘—“‘ 3mm Nina“ |___; MTV: vamu mummy Mlmmmnldal'um V ,F ' , 4 ' w Maggi.“ Enter the PPPOE user na me and password assigned by your ISP. The Service Name is normally optional, but may be required by some providers. Specify the value of MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) for proper Internet access such as browsing web sites and using E—mail. (Default: 1492) Enter the maximum idle time for the Barricade Plus (in seconds). CONFIGURING THE BARRICADE PLUS Static IP Address — Fixed IP {1wa mm mm” mane-gt sat eflfllfil mtg-15a IPlddr-u‘ smunm’sx mm , sax-way “want-mild. , If your Internet Service Provider has assigned a fixed address, enter the assigned address and subnet mask for the Barricade Plus, then enter the gateway address of your ISP. Note: You may need a fixed address if you want to provide Internet services, such as a Web server or FTP server. 4-13 NETWORKTNG AND CLIENT SERVICES DNS Configuration ENS a Damn: um. sym. ms: nmzir in man utF Mme-wand Madman-s. mum. a m tidy-55 m w hm", m a mm: cum 1 ms m mum m. mmin u; imi-l um um mm...“ w arm m4: mm mm wsaniqn 3an mm vamp-m Ami Wm sm- ywl 5mm.“ an, M...“ n. u... w.“ «am am.» ummmwm Ital n. ms «arm IF: it! Ilsa wind dymm‘r-ly Harm. Minn ii 3 DNS s-mv 0m ymmldd "Burma. yw med “1 sa-zfiy MI W nun-mm. , ‘ m yumlmuxs-ml amid-l 5mm nuns lam-“7 mm.“ sun. mus; mam, smnawnus um.- (npmun ; 7 Domain Name Servers are used to map an IP address to the equivalent domain name (e,g., Your ISP should provide the IP address for one or more domain name servers. Enter those addresses on this screen 4—14 CONFIGUYUNG 77113 BARRICADE PLUS LAN Gateway and DHCP Settings LAN semrigsi 1m m vmhiw mm: m dynamza‘ly dictate-E amstnxaywrslm pammanim’nmm immense: mspmfi: » clwls m mirmk ‘lhe filmnalh “r'lrsmusl mm mm aims: 'm the Mn] mm“ 5 LA» I! 7 ' FEFFF‘ r ' lP hams Foot , . 7 VWFFW dynamically assign the IP address for client PCs, enable the DHCP Server, set the lease time, and then specify die address range. Also remember to configure all of your client PCs for dynamic address allocation. Valid IP addresses consist of four numbers, and are separated by periods. The first three fields are the network portion, and can be from 0—255, while the last field is the host portion and can be from 1—254. However, remember not to include the gateway address of the Barricade Plus in the client address pool. If you change the pool range, make sure the first three octets match the gateway's [P address, i,e., 192.168.2xxx. Note: Verify that your IP address pool is from 19216822 to 192.168.2255, your subnet mask is 255.255.2550 and your default gateway is 192.168.21. 4-15 NETWORKING AND CLIENT SERVICES Wireless Configuration 4-16 To configire the Barricade Plus as a wireless access point for wireless clients (either stationary or roaming), all you need to do is define the radio channel, the domain identifier, and encryption options. Wimmisfieifings ' , ' w my run a. qmv, "Emu-M n . mm"! mm pom! mum-nu mm- Dy mm m. mm mum-um mum mmhzr n In: snug-MIMI lnmnnn mu chm! 51mm. CONFIGURBVG m5 BARRICADE PLUS Channel and SSH) am mm 5st , This mums you to define ssu mismxssmn pm. assume and cnsmas IDfnrwlrsliss normeqron In mewlreisss summon nus gagnmaycan be aging as an WIIElESSJCESSS paint, msapmm-rsm ussdlorthe Is mwmnfladtnfisacms palm: , y , You must specify a common radio channel and SSID (Service Set ID) 0 be used by the Barricade Plus and all of your wireless clients. Be sure you configure all of your clients to the same values ESSID: The Service Set ID. This should be set to the same value as other wireless devices in your network, Note: The SSID is case sensitive and can consist of up to 52 alphanumeric characters. Transmission Rate: Set the signal strength transmitted m from the Barricade Plus. The longer transmission distance, the higher transmission power required (Default: Fully Automatic) Basic Rate: Select “All (1, 2, 5.5, 11Mbps)" from the Wm,“ . drop-down list to optimize the data transfer speed W for your network. (Default: 1, 2Mbps) 4-17 NETWORKING AND CLIENT SERVICES Channel: The radio channel through which the Barricade Plus m communicates to PCs in its BSS. (Default: “Auto”) 7 ‘ Note: The available channel settings are limited to local regulations, which determine the number of channels that are available Encryption 7 Encwnlinn Enclyuiw «mm»: 7.1." an. smartly m. mum. "mil Malchinv 5mm" layman» aim: in Join Hun-Will"! Emmy and MM“! mm MEI: W 11“ mtrymlm m7 ym mm metnnryplinrfl If you are transmitting sensitive dam across wireless channels, you should enable encryption. Encryption requires you to use the same set of encryption/ decryption keys for the Barricade Plus and all of your Mreless clients. You can choose between standard 64-bit or the more robust 128-bit encryption keys. 4—18
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