Acer orporated A1311 Tablet Computer User Manual E 123123123132 mdi
Acer Incorporated Tablet Computer E 123123123132 mdi
User Manual
e 7m: AM no»; Reserved Nil ice to n . M-llw‘i no man sawtrtearzct: Sign up for an Acer ID and enable Acer Remote Files Open the Acer F'crtai from the Home screen to sign up for an Acer ID or sign in ii you already have an Acer ID. There are three great reasons for you to get an Acer ID: a - Remutely access your PC from your other devices with our free Acer Remote Files app - Get the latest offers and product information - Register your device for warranty service For more information. please Visit the AcerCiuud website. www.acer.cumlzcerclbud ' s proprietary information that is protected by copyright laws. The information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice. Images provided herein are for referanoa only and may contain information or features that do not apply to your computer. Acer Group shall not be liable lor technical oredilon‘al errors or omissions contained in this manual. Maeel Moo sens. men enter. with-u: erase/at mMVe mm» m Mini 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Gatling mmd min yourlablel Features and runciions 4 Seiiing upine Emaii appicaiian 23 Unpacking yam 'abiet 4 Sougle service‘s 24 Playing music and vidnc maimed-a playback Managing peuple and Contact :0 Sunny In knuw youriamui using youvlahlel enarging ymniabiei Turning onmrme firsnime. . Using me iuuthsc'een Using ine camera and camcorder a: Camsra/camco’der icons and inaimiou 33 The Home 5mm Taking a prune. . . . .. 35 m onscreen Keyaoard. Showing a wise as Editing M Advanced selflngs :- snuiing down your law: . Wim‘ess A Nsiwc'ks 36 Connecting devices In yourlahlel 20 Device - 49 cannecimg lo AC power .. Pe’so’ml- - - -- 4‘ insemng a microSD mm swam 42 Transferring mus imiwccn yum mbim Undalmg yew labiel's spewing System 4! and a pm _ _ Resemng yum iabiei 43 Cumming a Biuemom device FAQ m "nuhlzshnnllng 44 Messsom Other snwces of help . . 4e 30in! ”NW; 0‘ 22 Spezlficatlnns A7 m in .7 icoflflc ions . g 9 End uler Iieeme nammeni so Ernwsmg m: iniemei mm w you' 9.4 .t GETTING STARTED WITH YOUR TABLET Features and functions Your new tablet offers leading, easy-to-access multimedia and entertainment features. You can' ' Connect to the Internet Via Wi-Fi. - Access youremaii white on the move. - Keep in touch with your friends via your Peoyle and sociai networking appiicaiions. Unpacking your tablet Your new (abiel comes packed in a protective box. Carefuily unpack the box and remove the contents. If any of the foliowmg items is missing or damaged, Contact your deaier immediately: - Acer Iconia A1-830 tablet - Setup poster - USE Cabie - AC adapter - Warranty card Gym/n; NM wimmm 5 Getting to know your tablet Views 373 [79 7m E 7 No. Item Descriptinn . Receives audio for video chats and 1 Microphone Internet calls. Connects to a computervia a USB cable. 2 Mich USB port Also serves as the charging port for the (Slave) AC adapter. For more Information, see Charging your tablet on page 7. 3 25km" headph‘m Connects to stereo headphones. . A Zemegapixel camera for video chats 4 Frontelacing camera arid self-portrait images. 5 Touchscreen 7-inch, 1024 x 607) pixel capacitive touchscreen. 6 Rearhcing camera AS-megaaixel camera ror taking high- resolution images. 7 Stereo speakers Emit audio. mum w you' 9.4 m No. Item Description 8 Power button Long press my turn me table‘ on, press briefly to turn me screen on/off or emer s‘eep mode; press and ham to turn the mblet off. 9 Volume control key Increases and decreases the tablet volume. 10 rmcmSD card slok Insen a microSD card me the slot. Hwy New 7 USING YOUR TABLET Charging your tablet For first-time use, you need to charge your tablet for four hnurs. After that you can recharge the battery as needed. Note Charger r/Iusrreuon /s for reference arr/y, Actua/ connguranon may my, Assembling the power adapter Stide the plug fittmg into the power adapter body untwl it chcks mto ptace. .7 M Wm Connecting power Connect the power connector to your tablet and plug the AC adapter side into any AC outlet. $1 jfiflfl Warning Only use the bundled power adapterto charge your device. Note It is normal for the tablet surface 20 became warm during charging 07 long penods of use. Turning on for the first time To turn on your tablet, press and hold the power button until you see the Acer Iago. Wait a moment for your tabiei to boot up. You mil then be asked some questions before you can use your tabiel. us n. W ram. v To start, tap to seIect your language then tap Start. Follow the rest of the instructions as they are displayed. If the tablet‘s screen turns off. It has entered sleep mode. Briefly press the power button to wake it up. For more inrorrnetion see Waking yourtablet on page 18. Sign in to or create a Google account If you have Internet access, your tablet aIIows you to synchronize information With a GoogIe account. During the start-up process, you may create or sIgn in to an account, which wiII be used to synchronize your Contact list, email, calendar and other Information. If you do not yet have Internet access, or do not want to use this reaiure, then tap Skip. 0 Important You must sign in to a Google Account to use Gmail, Google Talk, Google Calendar, and other Google Apps; to download ep tlons from Google Play; to back up your settings to Google server not to take advantage of other Google services on your tablet. it you want to restore existing settings from another device with Android 2.0 (or later) Installed, you mustslgn Into yourGooglo account during setup. lfyou wait until aftersetup is complete, yoursettings will not be restored. 1: m wands. If you have multiple Google accounts. such as separate accounts for personal and business contacts. you can access and synchonlze them from the Accounts settings section. See Multiple Google accounts on page 42 Using the touchscreen Your tablet uses a touchscreen for selecting items and entering information. Use your finger to tap the screen. Tap Touch the screen once to open items and select options. Drag Hold your finger on the screen and drag across the screen to select text and images. Tap and hold. Tap and hold an item to see a list of actions available for that item. On the pop-up menu that appears. tap the action you want to perform. Scroll: To scroll up or down the screen, simply drag your linger up or down the screen in the direction that you want to scroll. The Home screen When you start your tablet. or wake it from power saving. it will display the Home screen. This screen gives you quick access to information and simple controls with widgets or shortcuts to apps. Widgets display information such as the time and weather. or provide additional controls and direct access to applications. Some have been pre- installed on your tablet, while others may be downloaded from Google Play. IA Wenrzpnm The Home screen already Ieatures some useful controls and information. Time and status Search — Widget: Appllcatmn mum ngnron Note Bundled apps difi‘er dependmg on region and configuration. Search To search tor applications, files or for Information on the Internet. tap the Google icon in the top-left corner. Simply enter the text you want to find. Tap the arrow or Enter key to search the Internet. or tap one of the suggestions, applications or files shown in the list. In orderto search or browse the Internet, you must be connected to a WIreIess network. See Going online on page 22. You can also choose what Google Search searohes for. Within search. tap the Hide button (replaces Back) to hide the Keyboard. Then tap the Menu icon > Settings > Tablet search. Select the applications you want Google Search to search. Voice search If voice search is available, tap the microphone and speak your search request. 599 Voice Search on page 24. 12 W V/Mi'inni‘yi Navigation To navigate through menus and options. — three (or more) icons are shown in the B k H R ‘ bottomrleft corner. '5 °"'° we" Back Tap this Icon to go to the previous page, or to go up one level in a menu. This icon may be replaced with the hide icon in certain cases (such as if the Keyboard or list of recent “l“ applications is shown). Home Tap this icon to go directly to the Home screen. Recent Tap this icon to see recently opened applications. Tap an application to open it, or tap anywhere on the screen to return to the Home screen. The extended Home screen The Home screen extends to either side of the initial Home screen. giving you more room to add Widgets or organize shortcuts. To View the extended Home screen, SWipe your finger to the left or right. A total of five pages are available. two to the left and two to the right. To change or add widgets on any or the screens see Personalizing the Home screen on page 15. The application menu The application menu displays applications and Widgets available on your tablet. Applications are displayed in alphabetical order. Swipe to the left to see more applications. When you are on the last page oi applications. Swipe to the left to see Widgets available on your tablet. See Personalizing the Home screen on page 15. Tap the Play Store icon to open Google Play. m wane” 13 Adding an appi/calion to a Home screen Tao and hold an icon to add a shortcut to one of your Home screens. When you select an icon‘ you are taken to the initiai Home screen. You can drag the selected icon to any extended home screen. Status and notification area Status and notification icons are shown at the top of the screen. The tooenght area _ displays a variety of information. such as i \ time, battery status, and connectivity. The Siam BMW Tum top-left area displays event icons, such as a stmngth my“ new message. “3““ Swipe down from the top-left side to display notmcation detaiis such as current downloads and media controls such as "play/pause" and "next track" when music is playing. Swipe down irom the too-right side to display system controls. 11 t/xmy/Niiimlm Status and notification icons Connection icons Note The icons displayed on your device vary depending on your connection. Icon Description Icon Description Connected to a Wireless fi' network (waves indicate 9 Bluetooth is on signal strength) Airplane mode (Wireless , Connected to a Bluetooth X connectivity disconnected) device Bat‘teq statu or Icon Desnrp on loan Description I Battery is very low I Battery is full I Battery is low a Battery is charging I Battery is partially drained Note If your device ’3 battery is getting too not, you wiii oe notified and advised to ruin orrttie device. If you fall to tum it off, it WIN shut down automatically. Notification icons Icon Description Icon Description *0 Alarmisset g Speakerissiienced New Gmail message Tablet microphone is off [I 8 New Google Talk message 0 GPS is on Receiving iocatidn data El Upcoming event © from GPS ”I, Song is playing . Syncing data SD card or USB storage is . .9‘ full a sync is on m wane” 15 lcun Description lcun Description Tablet is connected to PC Problem with sign-in or we USB sync a 35%.?“ update 1 Uploading data N System update available i Downloading data Virtual private network (VPN) status Personalizing the Home screen You may personalize your Home screen by adding or removing application shortcuts or widget; and by changing the wallpaper. Adding or removing shortcuts or widgets To add shortcuts or widgets, tap the APPS icon in the bottomcenter of the Home screen. The APPS menu contains a list of shortcuts to applications you can drag to a Home screen. Tap WIDGETS to see small applications and links (such as custom shortcuts, contacts or bookmarks) that you can add to a Home screen. Widgets are small applications that display constantly- updated information or quick shortcuts to applications or special functions. To rn ve an app or widget to the Home screen. tap and hold an item until i is selected. The Home screen will open. Drag the item to any free area on the screen. To View inlormation about the app or widget, drag it to the icon at the top of the screen. To move the item to a diflerent Home Screen, drag it to the side of the screen. the Home screen will switch to the screen in that direction. Release the item when it is positioned correctly. Resizmg a Widget Most widgets can be made larger‘ so you can give more space to information that is important to you. After placing a widget on the Home screen, tap and hold to select it. Four diamonds will appear on 15 Www..m. each Side. tap arid drag the diamond until the Widget is the correct size. Tap Back to finish. Note Not all Wldgets can be res/Zed. Removing an item from the Home screen To remove an item from the Hume screen, tap and hold the item until the Remove option appears at the top of the screen. Simply drag the item to the Remove option. Changing the Home screen image Tap and hold any open space on the Home screen. You can choose from a set of pie-formatted wallpapers, images stored in the Gallery, selected Wallpapers, or Live wallpapers that leature animated or interactive backgrounds. The onscreen keyboard When you tap a text box to enter text. ari onscreen keyboard will appear. Simply tap on keys to enter text. Note The layout orme keyboard varies s/ightiy, depending on the application and information that is required, in Were”. 17 Tap the 7123 button to see numbers and special characters. and then tap the -\( key to see more options. Tap and hold a key to select alternative characters (if available for that key), such as letters with accents or related symbols. Changing Google keyboard settings To use a different Keyboard language or Change settings, tap the Input options key, then select either Input languages or Google keyboard settings. These settings include Auto-conection and Keyboard sounds. Predictive text or auto correction The Google keyboard can provide predictive text input. As you tap the letters of a word. a selection of words are displayed above the keyboard that continue the sequence of letters tapped, or are a close match allowing for errors. The word list changes after every key press. It the word you need is displayed. you can tap on it to insert it into your text. To turn predictive text on or off With the Google keyboard, tap the Input options Key. and then Gndroid keyboard settings. Tap Auto correction or Show correction suggestions and select one or the options. Editing text You can select and edit text in certain applications, such as text you have entered in a text field. Selected text can be cut or copied and later pasted Within the same application, or to a diflerent application. Note Certain applications may not support text selection, or only support it in certain areas Other applications may offer specialized commands to select text. n m V/Ml'lml‘gl Selecting text To select text that you want to cut, copy, delete or replace' «Tap the text you want to select. lr you can select this text, a cursor is inserted below the text. 2.Tap and hold the text or word you want to select. The selected text is highlighted, with a tab at each end of the selection. 3. Drag either tab to expand or reduce the amount of selected text, or tap SELECT ALL. 4.To cut or copy the text. tap the CUT or COPY button. Inserting text To type new text or add text that you have copled. ’l.Tap where you want to Insert text. If you can select thls text. a cursor is inserted below the text. To replace a word, double tap the word. In both cases. if you previously copied text. a PASTE button displays. 2.” the cursor is not in the desired position, simply drag it to the correct posltlon. 3.Modlfy the text by typing; or deleting text or tapping the PASTE button. Waking your tablet If the screen is off and the tablet does not react to any taps on the screen, then it has been locked and is in sleep mode. To wake your tablet, press the power button. Your tablet will display the Look screen. To unlock the screen, press the lock button and follow the lock to the righl side of lhe circle. m v/mrt‘iuwr 1)? Security Options For additional seounty, you may set a code or number that must be entered to access the tablet, such as an unlook pattern (a set of dots that must be tapped ln the correct order). Open the Home screen and tap APPS > Settings > Security > Screen look. If you forget your unlock pattern, please refer to Unlock pattern on page 45. Shutting down your tablet It you won't use your tablet for an extended period of time, turn it o" to save battery power. To turn off your tablet (even when locked), press and hold the power button for one second. Tap Power 0" and confirm the shut down. To force a shutdown, press and hold the power button for tour seconds. z: minnow... (Wt/ow CONNECTING DEVICES TO YOUR TABLET Connecting to AC power see Charging your tablet on page 7 Inserting a microSD card You may install a microSD card to expand your dewre's storage space. Ensure that the microSD card is lnserted all the way lnto the card slot. Note Your tab/e! only supports microSD cards that use the FAT or FATSZ file system Check card capacity in the External SD card section of APPS > Settings > Storage. Transferring files between your tablet and a PC Your tablet and any Connected storage devices can be accessed from a PC with a USB connectlon. Connecting to a PC as a USB storage device If you wish to transfer information between your phone and your computer (elther the mlcroSD Card In your phone or the phone’s lnternal memory), you can connect your phone to a PC using the supplied USB cable. 1.Plug the USE sync Cable into the micro USB Connector on your deVlce. m w cum... 2.Plug me USB clieni connector into an available USB pori on your computer. 3.Pull down the notification bar. and iap Connected as a media device, or Connected as a camera in configure the USB options. Your phone will now be avaiiable as a drive in your computers file explorer. Connecting a Bluetooth device Oniy AZDP stereo headsets (playback only. no microphone) are supported. Please check for updales it) the tablel's saflware which may add support for additional Bluetooth devices. For Bluewoth settings tap APPS > Settings. then under WIRELESS & NETWORKS tap Blueiccih. Turri Biueiooth on and tap Search for devices to scan for nearby devices. Accessories For a complete list oi accessories, Visit 22 my W GOING ONLINE Managing Wi-Fi connections If you did not connect to a Wi-Fr network when you first started your tablet, or want to connect to a new network, tap APPS > Settings > Wi to manage your connection settings. Alternatively, swipe down from the toprright of the screen and tap the WIrFl button to toggle on and off the WIVFI connection. If Wr-Fi rs not on, tap the Wr-Fi 0N switch and wart for your tablet to detect nearby networks. Tap the name of your network and enter a securlty password, If needed. Browsing the Internet In order to browse the Internet With your tablet. you must be connected to a network With a connection to the Internet. Using the browser To start browsing, tap the Chrome Inn" on the Home screen, or open the application menu and select chrome. To enter a website address, tap the address box at the top at the page. Enter the address using the keyboard and tap Go. nu , ”rem To navigate {onward and backward in your browsers history, View your bookmarks. adjust browswer settings, and perform other tasks. tap the Menu icon. Chrome enables you to open multiple tabs. When a page is open, tap the small New tab button. Siinply tap one of the open tabs across the top oi the screen to switch pages. New Eb _Acel i uniore myond limi Pinch to zoom in or out of pages. Tap and hold an item on a page to open a contextual menu. Setting up the Email application The Email application enables you to access email from most popular email providers. Most accounts can be set up in two steps. Open the application menu and then tap Email to start setting up your email access. Enier your email address and password tap Manual setup to enter the parameters manually or simply tap Next to finish the setup pro s The combined inbox feature of your tablet allows you to View emails from multiple accounts in a single inbox. 21 swam. Google services Note Applications may not be avallable iii an countries anti regions. You must activate a Gong/e account before Using Goag/e services. The first time you access coogie services. ygu must lead arid accept the Terms of Service. The contents arid design of Google Play varies by region For examp/e, in some regions, you car: also browse for arid purchase movies, books, magazines, or music. Updates may add new categories or change how to navigate Geog/c P/ay at any time Setting up your Google email 1. Make sure your tablet is connected to the Internet. 2.From the application menu tap Email. If you did not enter a Gmail account address and password when you first started your tablet. follow the instructions. Composing an email ’i.Make sure your tablet is connected to the Internet. 2.0pen the application menu and tap Gmail. 3.Tap a+ . 4. Enter the recipient's email address. the subject and message. 5.When you are finished composing your message. tap > SEN". When you are finished composing your message. tap Send. Voice Search I Note Voice Search is avallab/e only in selected regions. With voice actions. you can send emails. find directions to locations. search the Internet and even send a note to yourself using your voice. In Chrome. tap the microphone icon in the address bar for voice rm «tn/NH; searches. When the Speak now prompt dtsplays, state your command or query. Play Store Tap Play Store from the home screen or applicatton menu to open Guagle Play. Here you can obtain a vartety of add-on programs and applications to enhance the functionaltty of your tablet. You can browse Google Ptay by Category or tap the search men to search for a specific appticatton. st... rm. For the best user expenence, you are advised to not download apps that use 3D graphics. 25 swim/l. Once you have selected an application, tap the Install button to download and insmll the application. You will be told which services (Contact information. wireless access, GPS, etc.) the application requires access in order to function correctly. If none of these sen/ices seem unusual, tap Accept 8- download to proceed Wlth the installation. You may Keep track of the download progress from both the apps page and the tablets notllloation area. 0 Important Some applications may require payment before you can download them.You will need to have a Google Wallet account in order to pay lor those applications. Using down/(Jaded applications Once you‘ve downloaded and Installed an appllcatlon, you may find It ln the APPS or WIDGETS sections of the application menu. Certain applications prowde both an app and widget, or only provide a Widget (With no applicatlon Icon). See Personalizing the Home screen on page 15. UninstaI/ing down/oaded applications Once you‘ve downloaded and installed an application, you may unlnstall the application from APPS > Settings > Apps, then select m , ”min the the app you wish to unins‘all and tap Uninslall. Delefing an app icon from the Home screen only deletes the shortcut Google Hangouts Tap Hangouts from the apphcation menu to open Google Hangouts. Here you can see a \isl 0! your contams connected to Gcogle Hangouts sen/mes. Tap on a Contad 10 open a chat session. After you have connected, you can open a wdeo chak session. zs Wiiwmwa a“ PLAYING MUSIC AND VIDEO Multimedia playback Your tablet comes supplied With a variety of programs that you can use to enloy multimedia content. Note The available optloris of Google P/ay Music and Video varies by region. For example, in some regions, Geog/e Play Music can serve as cloud std/age for your personal music collection and make it available on all your devices Updates may change now to navigate these media apps at any time, Play Music you download or copy from your computer. usb drive. mass storage device. etc. Tap APPS > Play Music tu open the application. Use Play Music to listen to music and other audio tiles that I Swipe in lrom the left side to display a list of Views, such as Listen Now, My Library, and Playlists. The Listen Naw dropdown list at the top-left stays the same across all Views. Selecting "All music" displays all the music you have both on the tablet and in the cloud (if cloud service is available in your area). Selecting "On device" displays only the music you currently have on the tablet. mmmw awn The Menu button in the top-right of the main screen contains general options like Relresh. Settings. Help. and Send feedback. Albums and invldlvidual tracks have their own Menu buttons as well, each with their own set of options. You can return to the Home page while playing music. The current track along with basic music control lunctions appear in the notification area. See Status and notification area on page 13. a: (man; w, “my mi,» MANAGING PEOPLE AND CONTACTS Your tablet leatures an address book that allows you to save contacts to the Internal memory or your Google account. Tap People from the application menu to View your contacts. If you don't have any contacts stored on your tablet, you can sync with your Google account contacts import contacts from a contact data file (vCard or csv) or add a new contact. any quidcs If you have activated a Google account that includes contacts, your contacts Will be synchronized automatically. See Synchronization on page 41. Importing conmcts that describes where your contacts are stored. When the contacts are found, confirm to import the contacts in a new group. Tap the Menu button and select Import/export. Tap the option I Adding a new contact Tap g to add a new contact. If you have multiple accounts, you Will be as ed which account you want to use to store the Contact. The contact will be synchonized With that account. You may now edit the new contact entry. Editing a contact If you have opened a new contact, you can enter information about the contact. To modify an existing contact, from the main screen select the contact in the list on the left. Then select the Menu button > Edit. New simply tap on a box and type the appropriate information. Click on the arrow next to the name entry to see options, such as adding a name prefix or phonetic name. To enter multiple entries. such as separate entries for mobile and home phone numbers, tap the Add new to create a second entry. Tap the X to remove an entry. Tap Add another field for more categories. To assign an image to your contact, tap the silhouette and either select an image from your tablet’s picture gallery (select Choose photo from Gallery). You may also take and crop a new photo. 32 Manuel, mummy Tap Done (top-left corner) to finish and save the contact. Nate Set each phone number 10 match the type 0/ network as this can determine some functions. 7.9. certain applications only recognize MON/BY numbers as they requlre a luncilon only available on a noble network. Opening a contact To see the information stored for a Contact, tap on the contacts name in the list an the left. Tap on an entry (such as an email address) to open the applrcation linked to that type of entry. For example, tap an email address to open the Email application. Starred contacts You may quickly access your favorite contacts by adding a star. First open the contact. then tap the star next to the contacts name. Tap All contacts and select Favorites to see only your tavorite contacts. Editing 3 contact 0" your computer If you have synchroni7eo your Googie account and contacts, you can use your computer l0 access and edit your Contact list. Open the lnternet browser on your computer and go to Sign in to your account then select and edit contacts from the list; the next time your tablet synchronizes With your computer. these changes will also be made to your tablet‘s Contact list. Important Back up your contacts beiore making any changes. Tap the Menu button and select import/Export. You may then Export your I contact list to your tablet'a internal memory. or other options depending on installed applications. um ir. mm ail.- mmm 33 USING THE CAMERA AND CAMCORDER Voul' tablet features two digital cameras. This section will take me through all the steps In taking photos and videos With your tablet. Note lt is recommended that you insert a micmSD card into tne mrcroSD slot before usrng the camera You can only save photos and Videos to internal memory or a mlcroSD card, not an external use storage device. To activate the camera or camcorder, open ttie application menu and tap camera. Camera/camcorder icons and indicators Mute microphone Switch camera Settings i Remaining capaci Remm button Shullsr buttcn ‘ The listed CIDiclty is ltte iFWDleIle 'tumber ol images hat can b: .ukeri It the current resolution. 31 l/xmql‘w gm .m mum-1c In the camera Window, the controls at the top or the screen allow you to change settings. The controls at the bottom allow you to take a picture, selecl camera or camcorder, Zoom in or null and View lhe Iasl picture/Video laken. Tap the camera mode icon and select camcorder to switch to camcorder mode. The camcorder immedlalely beglns filming. While filming, you are unable lo aooess camera/camcorder settings. Press the red Slop butlon to stop filming. Currenl recordlr‘g lengln stop recording bullon my “enmimmwes Settings Icon Description Camera settings - Capture mode: Set to Normal or Panorama. ‘ Resolution. Adjust the photo size. ' Exposure' Increase or decrease image exposure -’l, 0, +1. ‘ White balance Change the color balance to match the lighting Auto. Daylight, Cloudy, Fluorescent larrip, or Incandescent. - Timer Set the automatic timer for 2, 5. or 10 seconds. settings - Grid. Toggle 9x9 grid squares on or 0". E] Camcorder settings ‘ Resolution: Adjust the video quality. ‘ Time lapse interval' Set the time lapse interval from 1. 2, 5, or 10 seconds. General settings ‘ Location' Set if the location (from GPS) is stored in the image information. A satellite icon appears on the screen when active. ‘ Reset to default: Return camera settings to the original conditions. Mute 'Tilcmphm‘e Mutes the microphone during camcorder recording. ‘SWItch Camera Switch between the front and rear cameras. Taking a photo 1.Ensure the options described above are set to your preferences. 2. Frame your sublect and steady your tablet. 35 W or” Wheaties-1c 3. Pinch to zoom in or out as needed. Note When using zoom, the image on the screen does not represent the quality of the hnai image. 4.Tap the shutter button to take the photo. Taking a panoramic photo Panorama mode allows you to take a series of up to nine photos that the camem application will ‘stitch' together to make a single extended image. To take a panoramic photo: 1.Select panorama Capture mode. 2.Align the camera to take a photo of one end of the panoramic scene (the rurthest left, right, top or bottom). 3. Press the camera button to take the first image, then smoothly turn the camera to the left or right to take the next image ol the scene. 4.A blue dot shows the center 0' the next image. move the camera so the dot is in the center of the screen; your device will then automatically capture an image and select the center of the next section 0' the image. Repeat to Capture all images. 5. If your photo needs fewer than nine images, tap the tick icon to stop the selection process and process the captured Images. 6.The camera application will process the images and save a single extended image to your smarlphone‘s gallery. Note Panoramic Images Work best with Statlc outdoor scenes. Objects to close to the camera or iarge straight edges may confuse the detection process Shooting a video 1.Ensure the options oescnbed above are set to your preferences. 2.Frame your subject and steady your tablet and zoom in or out as needed. 3.Tap the record icon to begin recording. 4.Tap the record icon again to stop recording. my w», z t a "menus? Supported formats Type Formats Image JPEG Videu H.264 BP, MPEG-4 SP, H.263 Audio AAC-LC, AMR-WB, AMR-NB Viewing photos and videos After you have taken your photo or Video, it is automatically saved, normally t0 intemel memory. You can view it by tapping the thumbnail in the corner of the screen. Alternatively, open the application menu and tap Gallery, then Camera. Select the photo or video you want to View (videos are marked with a small play symbol). From the Gallery you can share the file using various services. Tap Menu and then Share to see which sharing options are available for the file. as Newman» ADVANCED SETTINGS Access Settings from the application menu. Tap APPS, then Settings. Wireless & Networks Activating or deactivating connections Tap APPS > Settings, then under WIRELESS G NETWORKS each Connection has an ON/OFF switch that controls the connection. Tap an entry to manage your connection settings. Alternatively, swipe down from the top-right side of the screen to manage connection settings. Adjusting Bluetooth settings You can use Bluetooth to exchange information between your tablet and other mobile devices. Bltletooth connections For all Bluetooth settings. tap APPS > Settings, then under WIRELESS & NETWORKS tap Bluetooth. Here you can SWitch A Mann is is)? Biuetooth on or 0", set the tabiet name and discoverability. Tap SEARCH FOR DEVICES to scan for nearby devices. To connect to a device, tap the device in the list of avaiiable devices. You may be asked to enter a PIN on both devices to estabiish the connection. Note Only AZDF’ stereo headsets (piayoack only, no microphone) are supported Please check for updates to the Iab/et's software when may add support for additional Bluetoath devices. Data Usage The Data Usage section shows how much data has been transmitted to your tabiet, either In total or lor each app. This information is uselul if you are using a metered service. Putting your tablet in Airplane mode You can enter Airpiane made (also known as tlight mode) to turn off network and Bluetooth functions and use your tablet during a flight. Check With your airline to make sure this is permitted onboard. Switch your tablet off during takeoff and landing as it may interfere with aircraft electronic systems. Note When Airplane mode is active, the or icon is displayed in the status area. To turn Airplane mode on or Off‘ tap Settings, then under WIRELESS 8t NETWORKS tap More... > Airplane mode. Aiternatively, swipe down from the top-right side of the screen to toggle airplane mode on or off. Virtual Private Network (VPN) This option enables you to connect to a private network, such as a secure work or office environment. Add a VPN by tapping Settings, then under WIRELESS at NETWORKS tap More... > VPN > Add VPN network. A: AJ/ziinwm’i‘niyn Device Sound Adjust the volume of your tablet usmg the volume buttons on the side of the tablet. Alternatively, you can adjust your tablet sound settings by tapping APPS > Settings > Sound. Item Description Volumes Sets volume for Media. Alarm. and Notifications. Default . . netihcattan Sets a rlngtone for Notlficaticns. Touch sounds Plays a sound whenever a screen selection is made. Screen lock Plays a sound when locking and unlocking the sound screen. Display You can adjust your tablet screen settings by tapping APPS > Settings > Display. Item Description allpaper ett e ome screen ac roun Image. Brlghlness Adjusts screen brightness. Daydream Controls what happens when the tablet Is docked and/or sleeping. Sets the font size so either more text is vismle or Fm" 5‘19 the text is easler to read. Sleep Sets a delay before the screen will be turned off. Note You can enable or disable ine screen rotatian function by swiping dawn trim the top-right side of the screen and tappmg the AUTO ROTA TE buiian. a Mom. at 7,, Apps Closing an application To close an actlve appllcatlon, go to Settings > Apps. SWIpe over to the RUNNING tab, then tap the program you wish to close. Select Stop to close the program. Uninstalling an application You can remove programs Installed on your tablet to free up extra storage memory. Tap and hold a program icon rrom the application menu and drag it into the Uninstall area in the topelelt corner. Note You cannot uninstall applications that were preloaded on your tablet. Alternatively, you can go to APPS > Settings and select Apps. Tap the application you Wish to uninstall, tap Uninstall and confirm the uninstall. Important You should only remove programs if you are familiar with the Android operating system. Personal Synchronization You can conllgure synchronlzation options for many applicatlons on your tablet. You can also configure what types or data you synchronize lor each account. Some appllcatlons. such as People, Gmall, and Calendar. can sync data tram multlple accounts. Othels sync data only train the first Google Account you sign in to on your tablet, or from an account associated speclfically WIth that application. For some applications, such as People or Calendar, all changes that you make on your tablet are made to the synchronlseo copy on the Internet. Other applications only copy information from account on the i2 .i.ioiwi..iiia. Internet; the inlormation on your tablet cannot be changed directly. you must change the information stored in the Internet account. Tap APPS > Settings > [Account] to manage the synchronization of individual accounts. Some applications, such as Small and Calendar. have additional synchronization settings. Open the application and tap the Menu button (three dots) and then tap Settings. Multiple Google accounts If you have multiple Google accounts. such as separate accounts for personal and business contacts, you can access and synchonize them from the Accounts settings section. Tap APPS > Settings > Add account. Changing language and text options Set your location and language lnpul preferences by lapplng APPS > Settings > Language & input. System Setting the date and time To set the date and time, tap APPS > Settings > Date 8. time. Note If you travel frequently oilivo in on am that uses daylight saving time, and have mobile network access, activate Automatic date a. time from thls menu. You! tablet WI” set the date and time based on Info/manor! It Iecelves from the network Setting alarms There are two predefined alarms on your tablet by default. To add or edit alarm settings. tap clock in the application menu and tap Tap the ON/OFF switch next to a preset alarm to turn it on or off or Settings > Add alarm to create a new alarm. Tap a preset alarm to edit it. You can Amman who. 4,3 Set the alarm time. - Give it a label (Le, a name). - Set which days to repeat the alarm. ~ Seta nngtone. Updating your tablet’s operating system Your tablet can download and install system upoates, adding support for new devices or expanding software options. To oneck ror updates. tap APPS > Settings > About tablet > System updates > Check now. Note Downloading new firmware oan take up to 40 minutes, depending on your network speed. Do not press the power or reset button or access your tablet in any way during a sysiern upgrade to prevent firmware insraiiaiion failure. Resetting your tablet A clean boot restores your tablet to the factory settings. 0 Important This will eraoe all your personal information, any contacts stored on your tablet and any programs you inshlled. To perform a clean boot, open Settings from the application menu. then tap Backup 8x reset > Factory data reset; click Reset tablet and then Erase everything to format your tablet. m. mu imiimiiiuiiy FAQ AND TROUBLESHOOTING This section lists lrequently asked questions that may arise during the use ol your tablet. and gives easy answers and solutions to these questions. lspect Question Answer Ii the headset is plugged into the Why is there no device, the speaker is automatically shut ofi. Disconnect the headset. Audio sound coming "am we device? Check that the device voiurne setting is not muted. Check that the volume control is not at its lowest setting. Why do I have M less storage than A small amount of memory is emery the specifications say? reserved ror system security. Why can‘t Iview my picture files’? Why can‘t Iview Multimedia files my VldeO files? Why cant i piay my music files? You may be trying to View an image that is riot supported. See Supported formats on page 37 for more information. You may be trying to View a video that is not supported. See Multimedia on page 47 for more Information. You may be trying to play a file that is not supported. See Multimedia on run 47 for more information. “a av “We Aspect Question Answer System Tap APPS > Settings > About How do I check tablet to check the OS version the OS verslon of (Kernel/build number) and other . . my device? hardware and soltware lhformallon and lnformatlon. performance Where can lfind Tap APPS > Settings > About my serial number . . ID” tablet > Device Information. The battery power may be Power Icouldn’t turn on depleted. Recharge the device. the device. See Charging your tablet on page 7 lor more information. How do I check To check storage status, go to memoiy status? Settings > Storage. Storage Wha' ”0 ' “" You may need to delete installed when my deVlce's internal storage is lull or almost full? apps or move media files to the mlcoSD card. Unlock pattern After five wrong entries, you can reset your unlock pattern. Tap Forgotten pattern? and enter your Google account username and password. You must have an active Goog/e account on the tablet and an Internet connection. If this optlon is not available. please contact your local Acer service center. Ilorgot my unlock pattern. As Mr. murmwsww Aspect Question Answer It is normal for the device m hear up when charging. When charging Is complete It WIII return The tablet heals m we normal lemperamre. up when charging It is also normal for the tablet to Heal or operalmg for a heat up during long periods of long penod. use, Such as watching a video er playing a game. All Ace! tablets are factoryrlesled before release. Other sources of help For Inlurmallun on ReEr to: Up-tn-date inlmmation regardmg your tablet ‘Service enqumes supportacencom Miriam. 4,7 SPECIFICATIONS Performance - Intel Atom processor Z2560 (1.6 GHz, quad-core) ~ System memory: ' 1 GB of RAM ~ 16 GB Milash memory Google Android” operating system Display - 7.9" XGA TFTVLCD capacitive multlrtouch screen - 1024 x 768 resolution Multimedia ~ Stereo speakers ~ Built-in microphone Formats supported: Type Formats AAC-LC, AAC. AAC+ (not raw AAC), AMR-NB. AMR-WB, MP3, OGG Varbis, WAV Video recording H.264 BF', MPEG-4 SP, H.263 BF H.264 BP, H.264 MP, H.264 HP, MPEG-4 SP, H.263 BP Audio playback Video playback USB connector ~ Micro USB port A; 53mm". . Power - DC power—m (5.35 V, 2 A) Connectivity - Biuelooih 3.0 - Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11b/g/n - GPS Camera - Rear camera ~ 5-megapixel - Auto-focus - Front camera ~ 2-megaplxel - Fixed focus Expansion - microSD card slot (up to 32 GB) Battery - 18.8 Wh 4000 mAh 3.7 V ‘i-call LI-polymer battery pack Battery iife' Up to 7.5 hours (based on video playback tesi resuns) Note Length of balmy operation will dspsnd on power consumption which re based on sysism resource use. For example, constantly using the beekllghl or usmg power-demanding applications will shade/1 bahery llle between Lharges Dimensions 55.4mm. w chght 203 mm Wwdlh 138.4 mm Tmckness 8.15 mm Wexgm 380 g Environment Temperature Operating 0“ C m 35“ C Non-operating: -20” C to 60‘1 C Humidity (non-condensing) Opera‘ing 20% to 80% Non-operafing: 20% to 80% END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT IMPORTANT—READCAREFULLV THIS D USER LICENSE AGREEMENT I- AGREEMENT") IS A LEGAL AGREEMENT aETWEEN VOU (EITHER AN INDIVIDUAL OR A sINGLE ENTITV). AND ACER INC. INCLUDING ITS SUDSIDIARIES PACER“) FOR THE SOFTWARE (WHETHER ‘ROVIDED Dv AcER O2 Dv ACER‘S ,IcENSORS OR SUPPLIERS) THAT ACCOMPANIES THIS AGREEMENT INCLMJING ANv ASSOCIATED MEDIA. 3RINTED MATERIALS AND RELATED USER L ECTRONIO DOCUMENTATION WHICH VIAV DE DRANDED ‘ACE "PACKARD BELL' OR ('SOFW/ARE"7. AGREEMENTS RELATING TO ANV OTHER =RODUCT OR TOPIC ARE VEITHER INTENDED NOR sHoVLD THEV 3E IMPLIED av INSTALLING THE ACCOMPANVING SOFTWARE OR ANV :oRTIon THEREOF. voV ACREE Tu BE GRANT OF LICENSE Atergrants 'c yoL IneIaIIuwng nonechusiVe an: nom‘ranslsraaIe ngnIs wmI rsspecI Io the Sonwm. Uncenms AgreemenI. you may I. InsIaII and use the Somare Only on .1 Smg‘! aeSIgnaIed deVIcE. A separate lIucnsl: is manned Iur each «10wa on wnIm IIIe Somare WIII he IL A RESTRICTIONS You may NOT I LsC or navy :ne SoIIwarc EXDCDI as pmmea In InIs Agreement 2 men or Iease Me Soflware In any Imm mm 3 Manny. aaapI. or uansIaIe Lne SOflwaTe In wnoIa or In am 4 Reyerss engInaen aacarnmla. Or dIsassembIE Ine Sanware or Create devwalwe wDTks based upon Me SOI‘lware. 5 Merge Ine Somare wnn any uIIIer pmgram or nIodIIy Ine SOMware, exoepI Ior your personal uSe: arm BOUND av THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIs AGREEMENT IF you DO NOT AGREE To ALL or THE TERMS AND CONDITIOAS oF THIS AGR ENT. 30 NOT CONTINUE THE INSTALLATION PROCESS AND IMMEDIATELV DELETE ALL INSTALLED FILES. IF ANV. OF THE ACCOMPANYING SOFTWARE FROM VOUR DEVICE IF you Do NOT HAVE A VALIDLV. IICFNSFD COPV OF THE APPIIOARIE SOFTWARE. vou ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO INSTALL. OCPV OR OTHERWISE USE THE SOFTWARE. AND HAVE NO RIOHTS UNDERTHISAGREEMENT The Suflwave Is praIeaIeu by US. and InnernaIIanaI copyngm Iawl and Dorvenmnl as we“ as mner InIeIIecIVaI propevly laws and LreaIIea Tne Sufiware Is IIcensed, nm sold 2 Make one cupy aI Ine Schware suIer (O' hackw ur arcnIyaI Uumosesr a Make an: hard wwy Of any eIechCnIc documents Included In me Snflware, pmVIded IIIaI you recere Ine dacurnems clochuIIIcally s SubIIDense or OtherwIse make Ine SunAm 30/thka In IIIIra ;I~..rIIe., mam am you may, aner prIOr eruerI nuIITIcaIIun Ia Acer lransferme Sohwale as a wnoIe Lo 8 Inna party so Iong Is you do noI TeIaIn any EcpIes Of Me SeItware and aVcn Wrd Deny accepts Inc Icrrns amIIs AumcrncnI T Trznller Am ngnu urder LnIs Agreemenl Ia any IhIrr panIes. s. Expofl Ine Somare In canIrayenLIon or apphcahle expml laws and regUIaIIcns. gr (II seII. swan. weapon. Iranian dIVefL dIsclOse IecIInIcaI data. m Soflwara Ia any pranIbI, , or aesIInmIon IncIudIng WIIhmI‘ IIrnIman. Cuba Tran, Nanh KCrCa, Sudan and Sy'm, or (u) use any sonware Tor any use SUPPORT SERVICES Ace! Ts not angaIed m pmdee IeehnTcaI er other suppon Tor [he SoflwOTC ACER LIVE UPDATE Cenarn Snmre wmalns elements Mal enable Ire use or [he AOeT Lrye UpeaIe San/Hz, wmclT uTuw. rm u' nus. rur suun sermre IO ue auIOmahcally dmluzded and rnsIaTea an WUI aeyrce Dy rnsIaThng Ihe sonre, you hereby agree and consent (Tat OWNERSHIP AND cOPVRISHT me, Dw'versmp ngHs aha TnIeTecIuaI propeny nng n and In (MO Software and an WDTOS Ihereov snaII rernSTn me Ace! or Aver: chenSOrs oI supphers ras aanTcauTer VDu So not have or ahaTI not qan any ampncIary mterest m the Schware (Tncludmg any modlficahons ur WDIBS nade hy er ror you) Dr any reTaTeu rnTeIIecTuaT properly flghls Tub and reIaIea nghrs Tn Ihe OOmenl accessed Ihmugh Ina Sunware Ts the pruperty uT Ihe applrmme conlenl owner awd may be TRADEMARKS ThTs Ageernen does hm gram Io you ary nghB Tn eonneehon wuh any Iraflemark: Dr seryue marks at A0? or Of Ray‘s ITOenSOrS Dr SUDD‘iers DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED Ev APPLICABLE LAW, ACER TTS SUPPLIERS, AND ITS LIOENSORS. PROVIDE THE SOFTWARE '/\5 TS' AND WITH ALL FAULTS, AND HEREBY DISCLAIM ALL OTHER WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS, ETTHER EXPRESS, IMPLTED OR STATUTORV, TNCLUDTNO, BUT NOT LTMITED To, ANY TMPLTED WARRANTTES. DUTIES OR CONDTTIONS OF MEzCHANTABTLrTV, OF FUNESS FOR A PARITCULAR PURPOSE, OF AccURACv OR COMPLETENESS OF RESPONSE‘ OF RESULIS OF WORKMANLTKE EFFORT OF LACK OF VIRUSES, AND OF LACK OF NEGLTOENOE, ALL WTTH RECARD TO THE SOFTWARE AND THE PROVTSION OF OR FAILURE TO PROVIDE SUPPORT sERVTCES ALSO, s u mums Mun. thmucu bthe Taws or rcauTaImns DI the Um|ed sIaIes Acer ror us hDenSNs) nray aUIOmaITDaIIy check Ihe version ersueh soflware IhaI you are Usmg (In your names and "my pmvlde I pennies k) such sonware that may be amomaucally dDwnlOaded Dn In WUT devTue OTDIeCIed uy appTcauTe Taw Thus hcense gwes yDU nD ngh's to such cunIenIs YOU hereby agree 1. Nu m rernoye any cOpyHgM or any prupneIary houses lmm Ihe Samara, 2 TD reuraduae 3“ Such names On any ammmn‘zi map as you make, and 3.TO use besI enuns lu preyenI .rry unaumonzed capymg m m. Surtware THERE TS NO WARRAATv OR CONDH’ION OF TITLE, OUIET ENJOYMENT, QUTET POSSESSION, CORRESPONDENCE TO DESCRTPTION OR NONFINFRTNGEMENT WTTH REGARD TO THE SOFTWARE EXCLUSION OF TNCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL AND CERTAIN OTHER DAMAGES TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, IN NO E L T SHALL AcER, ACER‘S SUPPLTERS, OR ACER‘S LICENSORS, BE LIABLE FOR Am SPECIAL INCIDENTAL INDIRECT, PUNITIVE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (TNCLUDTNS BUT NOT LTMTTED TO. DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF PROFTTS OR CONFIDENTIAL OR OIHER TNT-ORMATION, FOR BUSTNESS INTERRUPTION‘ FOR PERSONAL INJURV FOR LOSS OF PRIVACY, FOR FAILURE TO MEET ANY DUTv INCLUDING OF GOOD FAITH OR OF REASONABLE CARE FOR NEGLIGENCE AND FOR ANY OTHER BECUNIARV OR OTHER LOSS WHATSOEVERI ARISING OUT OF OR IN ANV INAV RELATED TO THE USE OF OR INADILITV TO USE THE SOTTWARE, THE =ROVISION OF OR FAILURE TO PROVIDE SUPPORT SERVICES OR OTHERWISE JNDER OR IN CONNECTION WITH ANV JROVISION OF THIS AGREEMENT, EVEN IN THE EVENT OF THE FAULT TORT IINCLUDING NEGLIGENCEII STRICT ,IABILITV. BREACH OF CONTRACT OR thACH Or WARRAN Iv OF ACER OR IIS SUPPLIERS OR LICENSORSI AND EVEN IF AcER AND ITS SUPPLIERS AND ,ICENSORS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE ’OSSIRII ITV OF SUCH DAIMFS ,IMrTATION OF LIABILITV AND REMEDIES NOTWITHSTANDING ANY DAMAGES THAT YOU MIGHT INCUR FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING VIITHOUT TERMINATION wItHout pretuaieete any ettIer ngtIts, Aeermay ImmeaIater termInate trIIs Agreement wIthDut netIee If yOu IeII |O eerany wrn any terms and eeneItIona et tIIIe Agreement In suen eyent, you must I Ceese eII use eItrIe Settware. GENERAL TtIIs Agreement represents tne CDmpleIe agreement between yeu and Aeer reIatIng te 'hls IIeense fer the Settware and supersedes aH prim agreement: eemrnurIeatIena ProposaIs and representatIons between the eames ane preyaIIs ever any COMIICtIng er aeeItIenat terrre at any quote. omen acknowledgement Or etmIIer Oommumcshon. LIMITATION ALL DAMAGES REFERENCED ABOVE AND ALL DIRECT OR GENERAL DAMAGES) THE EM’IRE LIABILITv OF AcER, rrS SUPPLIERS. AND rIS LICENSORS‘ UNDER ANv PROVISION OF THIS AGREEMENT AND VOUR EXCLUSIVE REMEDV FOR ALL OF THE FOREGOING SHALL BE LIMrTED To THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT PAID DV VOU FOR THE SOFTWARE THE FOREGOING LIMITATIONS, EXCLUSIONS AND DISCLAIMERS (INCLUDING DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND EXCLUSION OF INCIDENTAL. CONSEQUENTIAL AND CERTAIN OTHER DAMAGES ABOVE) SHALL APPLv TO THE MAxIMUM EXTENT PERMI I IED Bv APPLICABLE LAW, EVEN IF ANV REMEDV FAILS ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, THAT BECAUSE SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT AI I ow THF FXCI LSION OR tIMITATION DR LIABILITv FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAI DAMAGFS THF ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO VOU 2 Destrey Dr return te Aeer :Ite eIIuInaI and all eenIea 0| tIIe SOflware. and 3. DeIete the soflware from an DeVIOeS on wmen I| was reateent AII atseIeImers OI wenantm and Ilmtla'ton or tIatrIIIty setiertn in ttIIs Agreement shall sun/Ive temIInetIorI of INS Agreement. True Agreement may enIy ue moemee ay e wTIHcrI dowmcnt stgncd by bmn eertIea Ifany preVIeIen ertnIs Agreement Is nete by a cowl eI eempetent IurtseIetIen to be eentrary te law tnat nmytsm WIH DC entoreee to the mammum Extent pemIIsSIble and Me Tematning DIWISIDHS o’thts Agreement WIIt rematn In full Iorce and eIIeet. ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO THIRD PARTv SOFTWARE AND SERVICES Setwere previeee nereuneer by Aeens IIeensare Dr supptIere (‘Tntra Paw SMMBTB“! Is mare eveIIeute to yeu tor yeur nersenaI noncommBrcaI uae enIy you may not use :he TnInt Party SDfiware In any manner that DOuId eamage aIsaeIe, eyertaureen er InneaIr tne sen/Ices previeee by ACST‘S tieensers er aupptIers nereuneer ("Thtrd Patty Semeee“7 Fume-mere, you may not use He TIIInt Party Saflware In any manner that eaute Interfere wItrI anyotner party‘s use are enIeymentottne Tntm Party SEWICOS, Or the serVIees ane 5 u wmem uréi Dmducls ol Accr‘s llcunsors' 0r snuvhms‘ Imvd mm «a mu una‘ «am am cundmons and my lwcensors Your use or me Tmm Party names wmch can be accessed mmgr our Sohware m mm Fany Semeee 5 film gbbalwebsme Pnucy saucy mung romslmhon yuu mu be asked to submk some \Hormahcn m Acer. Please rem m Acev‘s Dnvacy pmicy 2| wwwacevmm/ warluw-uasupparv/swu Mm or Wm \acal Accr websne C £2200 w Mcvmaflur Busy n mmam (CE) 5mm (IF-mt :7 ‘h‘sdev‘czwu we: awmwwrmmm ramwmnnmw ‘21Uremw7! a WWW um mm mm m - a m “whammy. belwezn w: um. «um: m: hard-cl " Irma-Munch“ mm ”ammumm :mnymuuwcuraum m cur‘amanymnauncwumml Bodywvnaweuws Max1nnumeeuhuemwremenumww WW mm a; «my. unmm . .m- mm “mm LS-miylh-Kuuflhldarsruflpmlfilullunu mmm autumn: mnmhu m ulthrm-nlsnuuu mm Mammy mmavemephun: arraumrdma Mmmmuuno uselwephmsn mm“: an cm Vidamagcfl anlmri mus mum“ w. a: m a m m m mm“ F‘cascur‘izlww m.‘ 5mm muhcnvmnn .m FCC Cautio Lmlnng requiremenu. ms deuce comphes mm pan 1: mm rc" Rule: Opnmnuu e subjcm m m rem, ,v 1.; Nu eendimm (n Hm 4e,“ my "me-me Ham-101‘in|nrfc1cx1m,evyxd{27 m dm we mun mcp: any m‘cfl'wcncc vcccwwd, Indudmg muvf'crcnc: am may em: undesired epmum Invannnian I» user. Amoungemmam cm notcxplcss‘yuppmvm buhcpanyrcspo’mblc far eemrmee cuukl .md me “\ch .«mhurh, m "punk: me empmem lnkvnnmiun m um um. Nuke: 1m rqmpmrm has hrcn mm! and (em! ta rampl} mm the hum: fur a cm H mm demee, pummnt to pan ‘5 or we rm Ru cs. Thcsc hmu av: dcsvgncd w pmndc rememme pmmmn againsl harmm mmrmm m a rcs‘dm‘ml msmHu‘Ion. This eqmpmem gcncmms m5! and m mdw: mam fivqucncy energy and, mm mquled m \vsed m accordance my. me msmvcnons, my cause harmful mtexfelencr m mdlo nommumcmo -. Howcvcy. Ihcm b no gumme mm mm rec mu m . Lur m 4 mm” imml‘n‘iml mm. uqmpmmn (Inn mmc harmful imufcmnu‘ u. rndm orkVH em reeepnen. which can be dflermmed b3 rummg We eqmpmem M" and mum user 15 ememged m m o oom| «he 1mm'fcrcmc m cm: omen» ewe yen ,v ng mam Juana.“ orlelocztelht mam/mg manna Vlmrcasc \hc sepmum hmwccn me cquipmcm m «‘59th rCmngd me cqumpm mm an onllc‘ v... a urcun :1; mm (mm mm u; when me reemex 1 unarmed. my.» n me- dmlcr u .m- mucul mum v lcdlmudn fur help Sperm: Absnrprlnn Rm: (52m; lnformmln This mm Cumpmcr met 5 W guvcmmcm‘s rcquvcmrnls rm uposw: m mliu “ave The gmdelnes are based on swam: mm “an nee-amped by maepenaem scion \c orgmua‘mm\hmughpcrwd‘c and Waugh :mlummn «(scicmvfic \udics. The smmld'ds mr‘udc a subwm m we» margm disigncd \u assure me safety mum p sons Itgaldlzs: flag or health I ..m .pmme hxflxmwnm mm m; mm the SAR hmu "run U L a M a W/kg meragea em um‘ gram ol Mme Dcvwc lypcs. A13}! m' 'm. H! mm 1 has we been mm mm m smz mm. The mgxes‘ smz vmue «pence! nude: \us wandnxd durvng pmduc‘ emfiemn [or use :n \hc .vhcn pmpcflv \Wfln an me bad) is 0 NA Ag. Tm dew-e “as mm. lbv Wm bodruom upgrauum mm me ma; «me mndser kept L5H.“ {mm the body To mmm compliance wrh rm RF :xpv»wu:nquinmcmx. M flue-mm mu mime“ a 1.5m. :cpdmnuu aim.“- between \hc user‘s bad) and we back am: handm. The use what chps, mum and w'ular act or mm um column me‘alhr mmponems m us ”mum, m: we ul , mm (In rm mm, mm mqmrm cuh mm um wimp!) uuh FL ' RF cxmvsurc reqwremems. and mum be mmded. may-mu. Onflmliun Tm dmvc: m mu; rornplca! bad'rvwm opcratmm To (emphywx ‘m RF exposurcxequwemems. . mlmmum :tpanlmn dmancs on < cm mm b: mmumd .mvccn m w." ham and m- hamhn, mcmm 1g m autumn 1 mummy l. mum. holsters, and sumhr accessones used b) this deuce 5mm cm mum an} mum: uomponcms, Lady-worn acmsoms mm a» no| mod thus: mqmmcms m, nm cumr‘» Mm m .xpuxurcnqunmcuh m1 mum hcaumiml mum, mc.m.h.».x w an wvmwd amerma
Source Exif Data:
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