Acer orporated HEB00 LUMIREAD User Manual 2

Acer Incorporated LUMIREAD Users Manual 2


Users Manual 2

No. Item Description1 Power button Slide to turn the reader on or off.2 Screen High-resolution, high-contrast screen to display text.3 Next page buttonPress to move to the next page of a book, search results, or the bookshelf.4 Home button Return to the Home screen.5 Back and exit buttonPress to move back one step in menus, or exit a book.6 Keyboard For text entry, with special keys to browse the Internet or search for books on your reader.7 Previous page buttonPress to move to the previous page in a book, search results, or the bookshelf.8 Menu button Open the option menu.9 Next page buttonPress to move to the next page of a book, search results, or the bookshelf.104-way navigation dial and selection buttonUse this joystick to navigate on the screen or a page. Press to make a selection.11 Micro SD card / SIM card cover* Insert a micro SD card and SIM card here.*12 SpeakersListen to music or an audio book.13 Volume control buttons Increase or decrease audio volume.14 ISBN barcode scanner Use to scan an ISBN barcode from a book cover.15 3.5 mm headphone jack Connect to headphon es.16 Micro USB connector Connect to a USB cable/charger.17 Battery charge indicator Lights to indicate battery charging status.  Red when charging, green when fully charged.18 Reset button Use to reset your reader.,Acer Lumi 600 reader,What's in the box?Quick Guide USB cable AC adapter1 14211121391078435615 181716
Charging your readerFor initial use, you need to charge your reader for 30 minutes. After that you can charge as needed.Connect the micro USB connector on your reader, and then connect the USB connector to the AC adapter. Plug the AC adapter into any AC current outlet and charge the device. It is normal for the reader to heat up when charging or during long periods of use.  All Acer readers are factory tested before release.Navigation dial and selection button,The 4-way navigation dial allows you to select items on the screen. The selected item is indicated by a box or a line. Press the dial to make a selection. Keyboard,Your reader features a mini keyboard that allows you to enter notes and type text for book and Internet searches. Simply select a text box and tap keys to enter text. Press and hold the   (shift) key to enter upper-case letters (however, see 'Changing keyboard input language').• EnteringnumbersPress and hold the   key and then press a key from the top-row to type the associated number.• EnteringsymbolsPress the   key to display a set of symbols and special characters you can enter. Use the navigation dial to select a symbol and press the navigation dial to enter it into the text box.• ChangingkeyboardinputlanguageBriefly press the   (shift) key to cycle through different text input languages. The current language is indicated with a symbol in the top statusbar(e.g.EN=English).Keyboardlayoutwillchangetomatchthelanguage(e.g.AZERTYforFrench).Connecting to a PCYou can transfer books and files to your reader from your computer. Connect the micro USB connector to your reader, and the USB client connector into an available USB port on your computer. The internal storage and any memory card in your reader will be visible as a USB drive.Opening your Barnes & Noble accountThe Barnes & Noble bookstore allows you to purchase and download eBooks for your reader. With Internet access you can browse and purchase items on your reader. Before browsing the Barnes and Noble store with your reader, you must apply for a Barnes & Noble account from a PC with Internet access.• CreatinganaccountwithBarnes&Noble1.  Using your computer's browser, go to  Select Create an Account (if you do not see this, first select My Account).3. Entertheinformationrequestedtocreatelogininformationforyouraccount(includingyouremailaddressandname).Notedownthis information as you will need it when accessing Barnes and Noble from your reader.4.  Select Create Account & Continue.5.  You will be asked for further information that will allow you to purchase and download eBooks. Note: You need to provide credit card and billing address information to purchase books from Barnes & Noble.• AccessingBarnes&Noblefromyourreader1.  Turn on your reader.2.  Press the Menu button, select Turn on Wi-Fi or Turn on 3G. 3.  Select the Barnes & Noble Library from your reader's Home page.4. EntertheemailaddressandpasswordyouusedwhenyoucreatedyourBarnes&Nobleaccount. Tip: To enter '@', or any other symbol, press SYM, and then use the navigation dial to select the symbol for the list. Press the selection button to enter the symbol in the text.Turning your reader offIf you will not use your reader for a while, briefly slide and release the power button to lock access. An image will be displayed on the screen while the reader is off; this does not use any power.More informationFor more information about your reader, and using its features, please read the User Guide installed on your reader.Safety Information• Useonlythebatteriesandpoweradapterprovidedbythemanufacturer.Theuseofunauthorizedaccessoriesmayvoidyourwarranty.• Unplugthepoweradapterfromthewalloutletduringlightningstormstoavoidelectricshockorfire.• Donotexposethereadertodirectsunlight.• Donotstoreyourreaderintemperatureshigherthan60ºCor140ºF.• Donotuseharshchemicalsordetergentstocleanyourreader.• Donothandlethereaderwithwethandswhileitisbeingcharged.Thismaycauseanelectricshockorseriousdamagetothereader.Safety in aircraftDue to the possible interference caused by this product to an aircraft’s navigation system and its communications network, using this reader’s wireless functions on board an airplane is against the law in most countries. If you want to use this reader when on board an aircraft, remember to turn off the Wi-Fi and 3G options.FCC RegulationsThis device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.This device has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits aredesignedtoprovidereasonableprotectionagainstharmfulinterferenceinaresidentialinstallation.Thisequipmentgenerates,usesandcanradiateradiofrequencyenergyand,ifnotinstalledandusedinaccordancewiththeinstructions,maycauseharmfulinterferencetoradiocommunications.However,thereisnoguaranteethatinterferencewillnotoccurinaparticularinstallationIfthisequipmentdoescauseharmfulinterferencetoradioortelevisionreception,whichcanbedeterminedbyturningtheequipmentoffandon,theuserisencouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.Increasetheseparationbetweentheequipmentandreceiver.Connecttheequipmentintoanoutletonacircuitdifferentfromthattowhichthereceiverisconnected.Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.WEEE NoticeTheWEEElogoontheproductoronitsboxindicatesthatthisproductmustnotbedisposedofordumpedwithyourotherhouseholdwaste.Youareliabletodisposeofallyourelectronicorelectricalwasteequipmentbyrelocatingovertothespecifiedcollectionpointforrecyclingofsuchhazardouswaste.Isolatedcollectionandproperrecoveryofyourelectronicandelectricalwasteequipmentatthetimeofdisposalwillallowustohelpconservenaturalresources.Moreover,properrecyclingoftheelectronicandelectricalwasteequipmentwillensuresafetyofhumanhealthandenvironment.Formoreinformationaboutelectronicandelectricalwasteequipmentdisposal,recovery, and collection points, please contact your local city center, household waste disposal service, shop from where you purchased the equipment,ormanufactureroftheequipment.RoHS ComplianceThisproductisincompliancewithDirective2002/95/ECoftheEuropeanParliamentandoftheCouncilof27January2003,ontherestrictionoftheuseofcertainhazardoussubstancesinelectricalandelectronicequipment(RoHS)anditsamendments.EuropeanUnionRegulatoryConformanceTheequipmentcomplieswiththeRFExposureRequirement1999/519/EC,CouncilRecommendationof12July1999onthelimitationofexposureofthegeneralpublictoelectromagneticfields(0–300GHz).Thisequipmentmeetsthefollowingconformancestandards:EN301511,EN300328,EN300440-1/-2,EN301908-1/-2,EN301489-1/-3/-7/-17/-24,EN055022,EN55024,EN60950-1,EN50332-1,EN50332-2,EN50360,EN62209-1,EN55013,EN55020.ChangesormodificationstothisproductnotauthorizedbythemanufacturercouldvoidtheEMCcomplianceandnegateyourauthoritytooperatetheproduct.ThisproducthasdemonstratedEMCcomplianceunderconditionsthatincludedtheuseofcompliantperipheraldevicesand shielded cables between system components. It is important that you use compliant peripheral devices and shielded cables between system components to reduce the possibility of causing interference to radios, televisions, and other electronic devices.We,hereby,declarethatthiscellular,&BluetoothradioisincompliancewiththeessentialrequirementsandotherrelevantprovisionsofDirective1999/5/EC.,

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