Actiontec Electronics GT704WGB ADSL/4 Port Ethernet/USB Device/Wireless Gateway User Manual

Actiontec Electronics Inc ADSL/4 Port Ethernet/USB Device/Wireless Gateway

User Manual

ActiontecGT704-WG-BWireless DSL GatewayUser Manual
1IntroductionThank you for purchasing the Wireless DSL Gateway. The Gateway is the simplest way to connect computers to a high-speed broadband connection. This easy-to-use product is perfect for the home office or small business. If you want to take your computing to the next level, the Wireless DSL Gateway is sure to be one of the keys to your success.Minimum System Requirementss !CTIVEDSL services #OMPUTERWITHAN10 Mbps or 10/100 Mbps Ethernet connection, or USB connections -ICROSOFT7INDOWS98 Second Edition (SE), Millennium Edition (Me), NT 4.0, 2000, XP, Vista Mac OS 7.1+, 8.0+, 9.0+, OS X+ ☞  Note: USB ,!. port is not supported with Microsoft Windows NT 4.0,  Windows Vista 64-bit, or Mac OS.s )NTERNET%XPLORER4.0 or higher (5.x+ recommended) or Netscape Navigator 4.0 or higher (4.7+ recommended)s 4#0)0 network protocol installed on each computer1
2Wireless DSL Gateway User ManualFeaturess 0LUGAND0LAYINSTALLATIONSUPPORTFORCOMPUTERSRUNNING7INDOWSOPER-ating systems (98SE, Me, 2000, XP, and Vista)s !$3,7!. port (RJ-11) s &ULLRATE!.3)4 Issue 2, ITU G.992.1(G.dmt) and G.992.2(G.lite) standard compliances !UTOHANDSHAKEFORDIFFERENT!$3,flavorss USB 1.1 device specification compliances 12 Mbps USB data rate (full speed) supports "RIDGED%THERNETOVER!4-, PPP over !4-, PPP over Ethernets 0RECISE!4-traffic shaping s IP packet routing and transparent bridges RIP-1, RIP-2, and static routing protocol supports "UILTIN.!4, $(#0servers DNS relay supports 0!0#(!0 authentication, administrative passwords through Telnets 64-, 128-, and 256-bit 7%070! wireless ,!.securitys )%%% Ethernet standard compliances 10/100 Base-T Ethernet ports (4)s &AST%THERNETFLOWCONTROLSUPPORTs 7EBBASEDCONFIGURATIONSETUPs &40 firmware upgradeables 7EBDOWNLOADSUPPORTs 802.11b/g supports WPS support
3Chapter 1  IntroductionGetting to Know the GatewayThis section contains a quick description of the Gateway’s lights, ports, etc. The Gateway has several indicator lights (LEDs) and a button on its front panel, and a series of ports and switches on its rear panel.Front PanelThe front panel of the Gateway features nine lights: Power, DSL, Internet,  Ethernet (4), USB, and Wireless.Power LightThe Power light displays the Gateway’s current status. If the Power light glows steadily green, the Gateway is receiving power and fully operational. When the Power light is rapidly flashing, the Gateway is initializing. If the Power light is glows red when the Power cord is plugged in, the Gateway has suffered a critical error and technical support should be contacted.DSL LightThe DSL light illuminates when the Gateway is connected to a DSL line.Internet Light When the Internet light glows steadily, the Gateway is connected to the DSL provider. When it flashes, the Gateway’s built-in DSL modem is training for the DSL service.Ethernet LightsThe Ethernet lights illuminate when the Gateway is connected to one or more of its yellow Ethernet ports.
4Wireless DSL Gateway User ManualUSB LightThe USB light illuminates when the Gateway is connected via its USB port.Wireless Light The Wireless light illuminates when the Gateway is connected wirelessly (if the Gateway’s Wireless feature is turned on).WPS Button The WPS button activates WPS7I&I0ROTECTED3ETUPONTHE'ATEWAY3EECHAPTERh#ONFIGURING7IRELESS3ETTINGSvFORMOREINFORMATIONABOUTWPS.Rear PanelThe rear panel of the Gateway contains seven ports (Ethernet [4], Phone, USB, and Power), as well as Reset and Power switches.Ethernet PortsThe Ethernet ports are used to connect computers to the Gateway via Ethernet cable. The Ethernet ports are 10/100 Mbps auto-sensing ports, and either a straight-through or crossover Ethernet cable can be used when connecting to the ports.DSL PortThe DSL port is used to connect the Gateway to a DSL (Digital Subcriber Line) connection.
5Chapter 1  IntroductionReset Switch Depressing the Reset switch for one second will restore the Gateway’s factory default settings. To reset the Gateway, depress and hold the Reset switch for approximately ten seconds. The reset process will start after releasing the switch.USB PortThe USB port is used to connect a computer to the Gateway via USB cable.Power PortThe Power port is used to connect the Power cord to the Gateway.M Warning: Do not unplug the Power cord from the Gateway during the reset process. Doing so may result in permanent damage to the Gateway.Power SwitchThe Power switch is used to power the Gateway on and off.
6Wireless DSL Gateway User ManualThis page left intentionally blank.
7Performing a  Quick SetupThis chapter is a guide through a quick set up of the Gateway, including how to connect the Gateway to the ISP.To complete the quick setup, have the Welcome Letter or ISP Worksheet handy. If the document is not available, contact the ISP immediately.Accessing Quick Setup ScreensTo access the Quick Setup screens:1. /PENA7EBBROWSER)NTHEh!DDRESSvTEXTBOXTYPE then press Enter on the keyboard.2
9Chapter 2  Performing a Quick Setup4. &OLLOWTHEINSTRUCTIONSINTHEh7ELCOMETOTHE1UICK3ETUPvSCREENTHENCLICKNext.5.  !TTHETOPOFTHENEXTWINDOWSELECT PPPoE or DHCP.5a.  If PPPoE was selected in step 5,  the default user name and password are entered in the appropriate text boxes. If “$(#0vWASSELECTEDGOTOSTEP5b.  If PPPoE was selected in step 5,  select the IP type (“Dynamic )0$(#0;$EFAULT=vORh3INGLE3TATICIP !DDRESSv)F3INGLE3TATICIP !DDRESSWASSELECT-ed, enter the address in the appropriate text box.6.  Optional - Select the DNS type (“Dynamic DNS !DDRESSES;$EFAULT=vOR“Static DNS !DDRESSESv)F3TATICDNS !DDRESSESWASSELECTEDENTERTHEPRIMA-ry and secondary DNS addresses in the appropriate text boxes. If unsure what to enter in this section, contact the ISP.
10Wireless DSL Gateway User Manual7. #LICKApply at the bottom of the screen.8.  Read the instructions on the next screen. The Gateway is successfully  configured.The Power light flashes rapidly while the Gateway restarts, then glows steadily green when fully operational. The Internet light will also glow steadily green. The Gateway is now configured and users can start surfing the Internet. If an error appears, stating the Web browser was unable to connect to the Internet, check the configuration settings. Ensure all the information required by the ISP is entered correctly.Changing the PasswordTo create or change the password allowing access to the Gateway’s Web #ONFIGURATIONSCREENSFOLLOWTHESEINSTRUCTIONS1. &ROMTHEh(OMEvSCREENSELECTSecurity.2. 4HEh3ECURITYvSCREENAPPEARS3ELECTh!DMIN5SER.AMEAND0ASSWORDv
11Chapter 2  Performing a Quick Setup3. 4HEh#HANGE!DMIN5SERNAME0ASSWORDvSCREENAPPEARS%NTERANEW5SERNAMEINTHEh!DMIN5SER.AMEvTEXTBOXTTHENENTERANEWPASSWORDINTHEh!DMIN0ASSWORDvTEXTBOX-AKESURETOWRITEDOWNTHEUSERNAMEANDpassword and keep it in a secure location. They will be needed to access the 'ATEWAYS7EB#ONFIGURATIONSCREENSINTHEFUTURE4. #LICKApply at the bottom of the screen.5.  Read the instructions on the next screen. The user name and password are successfully changed.Once the Gateway has rebooted, the new user name and password are active. To ACCESSTHE'ATEWAYS7EB#ONFIGURATIONSCREENSTHENEWUSERNAMEANDPASSWORDmust be entered.
12Wireless DSL Gateway User ManualThis page left intentionally blank.
13Viewing the  Gateway’s Status!FTERCONFIGURINGTHE'ATEWAYTHE'ATEWAYSCONNECTIONANDNETWORKSTATUSCANBEVIEWED4HE)NTERNETCONNECTIONSTATUSISVIEWEDINTHEh"ROADBAND#ONNECTION3TATUSvSCREENWHILETHENETWORKSTATUSISVIEWEDINTHEh-Y.ETWORKvSCREENBroadband Connection StatusTo view the Gateway’s connection statistics, select Status in the Home screen. The h"ROADBAND#ONNECTION3TATUSvSCREENAPPEARS4HEREARETHREESECTIONSINTHISscreen: General Statistics, PPP Status, and DSL Status.☞ Note: No settings (other than connecting or disconnecting from the Internet by clicking on Connect or Disconnect) can be CHANGEDFROMTHE"ROADBAND#ONNECTION3TATUSSCREENGeneral Statistics4HETOPSECTIONOFTHE"ROADBAND#ONNECTION3TATUSSCREENDISPLAYSGENERALSTATIS-tics regarding the Gateway, including model number, firmware version, IP address, and gateway IP address.3
14Wireless DSL Gateway User ManualPPP Status4HEMIDDLESECTIONOFTHE"ROADBAND#ONNECTION3TATUSSCREENDISPLAYSTHESTATUSof the Gateway’s PPP connection, including user name, authentication failures, and packets sent and received.DSL Status4HEBOTTOMSECTIONOFTHE"ROADBAND#ONNECTION3TATUSSCREENDISPLAYSTHESTATUSof the Gateway’s DSL connection, including mode settings, connection status, and NUMBEROFDISCARDEDPACKETS#LICKReset to refresh all statistics on this screen
15Chapter 3  Viewing the Gateway’s Status)NTHEMENUONTHELEFTSIDEOFTHE"ROADBAND#ONNECTION3TATUSSCREENTHEREAREtwo other options available to view: NAT Table and Routing Table#LICKTOGEN-erate  the option of choice.NAT TableSelecting NAT TableGENERATESTHEh.!44ABLEvSCREEN4HISSCREENDISPLAYSANOVERVIEWof the current list of open connections through .!4.ETWORK!DDRESS4RANSLATIONTHEGateway supports between the networked computers and the Internet.Routing TableSelecting Routing TableGENERATESTHEh2OUTING4ABLEvSCREEN4HISSCREENDISPLAYSthe an overview of the Gateway’s network routes.
16Wireless DSL Gateway User ManualNetwork StatusTo view the Gateway’s network status, select My Network INTHEh(OMEvSCREEN4HEh-Y.ETWORKvSCREENAPPEARSLISTINGALLDEVICESCONNECTEDTOTHENETWORK&ROMTHISSCREENVARIOUSSETTINGSCANBEACCESSEDINCLUDING7EBSITEBLOCKING3CHEDULE2ULESAND%NABLE!PPLICATIONTo view the network status of a particular device, click View Device Details for THEDEVICE!NOVERVIEWOFTHEDEVICESNETWORKSTATUSAPPEARS
17#Configuring  Wireless SettingsThis chapter explains how to set up the Gateway’s wireless network capabilities, including setting up wireless security and viewing the wireless connection status.Accessing Wireless SetupTo access the Wireless Settings configuration screens, follow these instructions:1. /PENA7EBBROWSER)NTHEh!DDRESSvTEXTBOXTYPE then press Enter on the keyboard.2.  4HEh(OMEvSCREENAPPEARS#LICKWireless Setup.4
19Chapter 4  Configuring Wireless Settings4. 4HEh7IRELESS"ASIC3ETTINGSvSCREENAPPEARS4OMODIFYASPECIFICCONFIGURA-tion, click on its name in the menu bar on the left, or from the list in the mid-dle of the screen.
20Wireless DSL Gateway User ManualBasic Wireless SetupTo perform a basic setup of a wireless network using the Gateway:1. )NTHEh7IRELESS"ASIC3ETTINGSvSCREENTURNTHE'ATEWAYSWIRELESSRADIOONBYselecting On.2. #REATEANAMEFORTHEWIRELESSNETWORKANDENTERITINTHEhESSIDvTEXTBOX3. 3ELECTACHANNELFROMTHEh#HANNELvDROPDOWNMENU)NTHEUnited States, use channels 1-11.4. !CTIVATEWEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) to secure the wireless network by selecting WEP.5. #REATEABITWEP key by selecting 64-bit WEP Key from the “select a WEP +EYvDROPDOWNMENUTHENENTERINGADIGITKEYINTHEh+EY#ODEvTEXTbox. The digits can be any letter from !&, and any number from 0-9.6.  Write down the Gateway’s wireless settings. To connect other devices to the wireless network, the devices’ wireless settings must match the Gateway’s wire-LESSSETTINGSEXACTLY#HECKTHEh#URRENT7IRELESS3TATUSvBOXAVAILABLEINANYwireless setting screen) to view the Gateway’s wireless status and settings.Wireless Advanced SettingsTo access the Gateway’s wireless advanced settings screens, select Advanced SettingsFROMTHEMENUONTHELEFTSIDEOFTHEh7IRELESS"ASIC3ETTINGSvSCREEN
21Chapter 4  Configuring Wireless Settings4HISGENERATESTHEh7IRELESS!DVANCED3ETTINGSvSCREEN)NTHISSCREENTHESECURITYOFthe wireless network can be activated and fortified.Wireless Security4HEFIRSTSECTIONOFTHE7IRELESS!DVANCED3ETTINGSSCREENINVOLVESWIRELESSSECURITY(securing wireless traffic as it transmits through the air). The Gateway offers three TYPESOFWIRELESSSECURITY7%07%0XAND70!WEPSelecting WEP INTHE7IRELESS!DVANCED3ETTINGSSCREENGENERATESTHEhWEP +EYvscreen. Here, the authentication type, encryption level, and WEP keys are entered to activate WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) security encryption for the wireless network.Authentication Type - There are three authentication types: Open, Shared, and Both. Open authenticaton allows any wireless-enabled device to recognize the network, even if the WEP key is invalid. Shared allows only wireless-enabled devices with the correct WEP key to recognize the network.64-bit WEP - 64-bit WEP requires one or more keys, each key comprising five hexa-decimal pairs. One key (Key 1) is automatically generated by the Gateway at start-up, based on the Gateway’s -!#address. This key is also displayed on a sticker on THEBOTTOMOFTHE'ATEWAY!HEXADECIMALDIGITCONSISTSOFANALPHANUMERICCHAR-acter ranging from 0-9 or !&!NEXAMPLEOFA64-bit WEP key is: 4%!-D-68-72. To create a new set of 64-bit WEP keys, activate one or more keys by clicking in the appropriate circles, then enter five hexadecimal digit pairs in each activated Key text box (Key 1-, Key 2-, Key 3-, Key 4-!FTERACTIVATING64-bit WEP, a computer with wireless capability can join the network only if these same keys are entered in the computer’s wireless encryption scheme.
22Wireless DSL Gateway User Manual128-bit WEP - 128-bit WEP requires one or more keys, each key comprising  hexa-DECIMALPAIRS!HEXADECIMALDIGITCONSISTSOFANALPHANUMERICCHARACTERRANGINGfrom 0-9 or !&!NEXAMPLEOFA128-bit WEP key is: D-44&%6#!1%&2E-D#4-21-74-5D-B1. To create a 128-bit WEP key, activate Key 1 by clicking in the appropriate circle, select “128BITvFROMTHEDROPDOWNLISTONTHERIGHTTHENENTER hexadecimal digit pairs in the KeyTEXTBOX!FTERACTIVATING128-bit WEP, a com-puter with wireless capability can join the network only if this key is entered in the computer’s wireless encryption scheme.256-bit WEP - 256-bit WEP requires one or more keys, each key comprising 29 hexa-DECIMALPAIRS!HEXADECIMALDIGITCONSISTSOFANALPHANUMERICCHARACTERRANG-ing from 0-9 or !&. To create a 256-bit WEP key, activate Key 1 by clicking in the appropriate circle, select “256BITvFROMTHEDROPDOWNLISTONTHERIGHTTHENENTER29 hexadecimal digit pairs in the KeyTEXTBOX!FTERACTIVATING256-bit WEP, a com-puter with wireless capability can join the network only if this key is entered in the computer’s wireless encryption scheme.☞ Note: Not all wireless 0##ARDSSUPPORT128- or 256-bit WEP. Ensure all 0##ARDSINSTALLEDINTHENETWORKEDCOMPUTERSSUP-port 128- or 256-bit WEP before activating.When finished with this screen, click Apply to save all changes. To return to the 7IRELESS!DVANCED3ETTINGSSCREENCLICKBack.WEP+802.1x!CTIVATINGWEP+802.1xINTHE7IRELESS!DVANCED3ETTINGSSCREENGENERATESTHE“WEP+802.1xvSCREEN4HISSETTINGISFORENTERPRISENETWORKSONLYANDSHOULDBEaccessed by an experienced information systems specialist.To set up WEP+802.1x security, enter the IP address of the 2!$)53server in the “Server IP !DDRESSvTEXTBOXANDTHEh3ECRETvKEYFORCOMMUNICATIONBETWEENthe 2!$)53SERVERANDTHE'ATEWAYINTHEh3ECRETvTEXTBOX4HEh0ORTvANDh'ROUP+EY)NTERVALvVALUESSHOULDREMAINTHESAME
23Chapter 4  Configuring Wireless SettingsWhen finished with this screen, click Apply to save all changes. To return to the 7IRELESS!DVANCED3ETTINGSSCREENCLICKBack.WPA, WPA2, AnyWPA!CTIVATINGANYOFTHETHREEWPA7I&I0ROTECTED!CCESSOPTIONSin the Wireless !DVANCED3ETTINGSSCREENGENERATESAhWireless 70!SettingsvSCREEN4HETHREE70! options use identical procedures to activate, although 70! provides stron-ger security than standard 70!. !NY70! activates both 70! and 70!.There are two levels of 70!. “Pre-Shared Key (PSK) FOR(OME.ETWORKvISFORhome network security. To set up a PSK (Pre-Shared Key), enter  alphanu-MERICCHARACTERSINTHETEXTBOX!LLWIRELESSENABLEDDEVICESMUSTSUPPORT70!and know the PSK to join the network. 4HEh'ROUP+EY)NTERVALvh3ERVERIP !DDRESSvh0ORTvANDh3ECRETvTEXTBOXESAREenterprise network specific, and should only be accessed by an information sys-tems professional. See “WEP+802.1XvONTHEPREVIOUSPAGEFORMOREINFORMATIONWhen finished with this screen, click Apply to save all changes. To return to the 7IRELESS!DVANCED3ETTINGSSCREENCLICKBack.ESSID BroadcastSelecting ESSID Broadcast INTHE7IRELESS!DVANCED3ETTINGSSCREENGENERATESTHE“ESSID BroadcastvSCREEN
24Wireless DSL Gateway User ManualTo prevent a unwanted computers from joining the Gateway’s wireless network by using an ESSID OFh!NYvSELECTDisable in the ESSID Broadcast screen. To broad-cast the wireless network’s ESSID, select Enable. When finished with this screen, click Apply to save all changes. To return to the 7IRELESS!DVANCED3ETTINGSSCREENCLICKBack.Wireless MAC AuthenticationSelecting Wireless MAC AuthenticationINTHE7IRELESS!DVANCED3ETTINGSSCREENgenerates the “Wireless -!#!UTHENTICATIONvSCREENThis feature allows the user to control the wireless ,!.network by denying or allowing wireless access by specifying the -!#address of the wireless client(s) allowed or denied access on the wireless network. To do this, follow the instruction on-screen.When finished with this screen, click Apply to save all changes. To return to the 7IRELESS!DVANCED3ETTINGSSCREENCLICKBack.
25Chapter 4  Configuring Wireless Settings802.11b/g ModeSelecting 802.11b/g ModeINTHE7IRELESS!DVANCED3ETTINGSSCREENGENERATESTHE“802.11b/g ModevSCREEN!CCESSTOTHE'ATEWAYSNETWORKCANBERESTRICTEDTOWIRELESSCLIENTSUSINGEITHERthe 802.11b or 802.11GWIRELESSADAPTERS#LICKONTHEDOWNARROWNEXTTOTHEDROPdown menu and select the desired option. We RECOMMENDUSINGTHEh-IXEDvmode (the default option), which enables both 802.11b and 802.11g wireless clients to join the network.When finished with this screen, click Apply to save all changes.Wireless StatusTo view the Gateway’s wireless status and settings, select Wireless Status from the MENUONTHELEFTSIDEOFTHEh7IRELESS"ASIC3ETTINGSvSCREEN4HEh7IRELESS3TATUSvSCREENAPPEARSWHICHDISPLAYSALLOFTHESETTINGSOFTHE'ATEWAYSwireless network settings.
26Wireless DSL Gateway User ManualWPS (WiFI Protected Setup)7I&I0ROTECTED3ETUP703PROVIDESANEASIERWAYTOSETUPAWIRELESSNETWORKInstead of entering passwords or multiple keys on each wireless client (laptop, printer, external hard drive, etc.), the Router can create a wireless network that only requires pressing buttons (one on the Router, and one on the client [either built-in, or on a compatible wireless card]) to allow wireless clients to join the Router’s wireless network.Activating WPSTo activate WPS on the Router:1. &ROMTHE2OUTERS(OMESCREENCLICKWireless Setup, then select WPS from THEMENUONTHELEFTSIDE4HEh7I&I0ROTECTED3ETUPvSCREENAPPEARS2.  !CTIVATE703BYCLICKINGTHEh/NvRADIOBUTTONUNDERh4URN703/.v
27Chapter 4  Configuring Wireless Settings3.  #LICKApply at the bottom of the screen. The Router is now ready to accept WPS clients on its wireless network.Joining the WPS Wireless Network4OJOINTHE703WIRELESSNETWORKPRESSTHEh7I&I0ROTECTED3ETUPvBUTTONONTHEfront panel of the Router, then press the WPS button on the wireless client. The Router and client will search and locate each other, then auto-configure whatever WIRELESSSECURITY70!ETCISBEINGUSED)TCANTAKEUPTOMINUTESFORTHERouter and client to finish the connection procedure. When the connection pro-ecedure has completed, the client will be on the secure wireless network.!LTERNATIVELYACLIENTCANJOINTHE2OUTERS703WIRELESSNETWORKBYENTERINGTHERouter’s WPS PIN number in the client’s wireless network setup GUI. The Router’s 703!00).NUMBERISDISPLAYEDINTHE7I&I0ROTECTED3ETUPSCREEN)FNO0).appears, click Generate PIN to create one.
28Wireless DSL Gateway User ManualThis page left intentionally blank.
29#Configuring Advanced SettingsThis chapter explains how to configure the Gateway’s advanced settings, such as remote management, $(#0settings, and Quality of Service (QoS).Accessing Advanced Setup Screens4OACCESSTHE!DVANCED3ETUPSCREENSFOLLOWTHESEINSTRUCTIONS1. /PENA7EBBROWSER)NTHEh!DDRESSvTEXTBOXTYPE then press Enter on the keyboard.5
31Chapter 5  Configuring Advanced Settings4. 4HEh!DVANCED3ETUPvSCREENAPPEARS4OMODIFYASPECIFICCONFIGURATIONCLICKONits name in the menu bar on the left, or from the list in the middle of the screen.
32Wireless DSL Gateway User ManualDSL SettingsTo access DSL Settings, select DSL SettingsFROMTHEh!DVANCED3ETUPvSCREEN4HEGateway’s VPI, 6#), Mode, and QoS (Quality of Service) settings can be changed from this screen, we recommend not changing these values without first consult-ing the ISP.DHCP SettingsSelecting DHCP SettingsINTHEh!DVANCED3ETUPvSCREENGENERATESTHEh$(#0 3ETTINGSvSCREEN4HE'ATEWAYHASABUILTIN$(#0$YNAMIC(OST#ONFIGURATIONProtocol) server that automatically assigns a different IP address to each computer on the network, eliminating IP address conflicts. The factory default setting is On. To disable the $(#0 Server, select Off, then  click Apply.
33Chapter 5  Configuring Advanced SettingsWe strongly recommend leaving the $(#0 Server option On. If the $(#0 Server option is Off, ensure the IP addresses of the networked computers are on the same subnet as the IPADDRESSOFTHE'ATEWAY&ORMOREINFORMATIONSEEh$(#0 Server #ONFIGURATIONvDHCP Server Configuration#LICKINGINTHECHECKBOXLABELEDh)WOULDLIKETOADJUSTTHE$(#0SERVERSETTINGSvactivates the text boxes at the bottom of the $(#03ETTINGSSCREEN#HANGETHEIP address range and DNS server information in these text boxes.Beginning IP AddressThis is the IP address at which the $(#0server starts assigning IP addresses. We recommend keeping the factory default setting ( Ending IP AddressThis is the IP address at which the $(#0server stops assigning IP addresses. We recommend keeping the factory default settings ( beginning and ending IP addresses define the IP address range of the Gateway. If the default values are left intact, the Gateway supplies a unique IP address between and to each computer on the net-work. Note that the first three groups of numbers of the addresses are identical; this means they are on the same subnet. The IP address of the Gateway must be on the same subnet as the IPADDRESSRANGEITGENERATES&ORINSTANCEIFTHEGateway’s IP address is changed to .222.1, set the beginning IP address to , and the ending IP address to .Subnet MaskEnter the IP address of the $(#0server’s subnet mask here.Lease TimeThis value represents the amount of time (in seconds) the $(#0server holds onto a specific IP address.
34Wireless DSL Gateway User ManualDomain NameThis is the domain name provided by Verizon. If Verizon provided domain name information, enter it here. If not, leave the text box intact.DNS (Dynamic or Static)This is the type of DNS server provided by Verizon. If Verizon provided DNS server information, select the type here. If not, leave as is.DNS Server 1This is the primary DNS server provided by Verizon. If Verizon provided DNS server information, enter it here. If not, leave the text box intact.DNS Server 2This is the secondary DNS provided by Verizon. If Verizon provided secondary DNS server information, enter it here. If not, leave the text box intact.When finished in this screen, click Apply to activate any changes made.LAN IP AddressSelecting LAN IP AddressINTHEh!DVANCED3ETUPvSCREENCAUSESAWARNINGSCREENto appear. Read the on-screen warning, then click Yes to continue.The “,!.)0!DDRESSvSCREENAPPEARS
35Chapter 5  Configuring Advanced SettingsThe values in the “Modem IP!DDRESSvANDh-ODEM3UBNET-ASKvTEXTBOXESAREthe IP and subnet mask address of the Gateway as seen on the network. These val-ues can be modified for your ,!.network, but we recommend keeping the default factory settings (IP address; subnet mask address☞ Note: If the Gateway’s ,!.)0!DDRESSISMODIFIEDVERIFYTHE$(#03ERVERRANGEISWITHINTHESAMESUBNET&ORMOREINFOR-mation, see “$(#03ERVER#ONFIGURATIONvWhen finished in this screen, click Apply to activate any changes made.WAN IP AddressSelecting WAN IP AddressINTHEh!DVANCED3ETUPvSCREENCAUSESAWARNINGscreen to appear. Read the on-screen warning, then click Yes to continue.
36Wireless DSL Gateway User ManualThe “7!.)0!DDRESSvSCREENAPPEARS7!.)0!DDRESSALLOWSMANUALSETUPOFTHEIP address of the Gateway. To do this:☞ Note: Some DSL providers use PPPoE to establish communica-tion with an end user. Other types of broadband Internet con-nections (such as fixed point wireless) may use either $(#0or static IP address. If unsure which connection is present, check with Verizon before continuing.1.  Select “$(#0vORhPPPoEvDEPENDINGONTHETYPEOFCONNECTIONTHEISP uses. If PPP !UTO#ONNECTISBEINGUSEDCLICKINTHEAPPROPRIATECHECKBOX2.  If using PPPoE was selected in step 1, enter the user name and password in the appropriate text boxes.3.  Select the IP type. If “Single Static IP !DDRESSvwas selected, enter the IP address in the “Single Static IPvTEXTBOX)Fh-ULTIPLE3TATICIP !DDRESSESvWASselected, enter the designated gateway IP address and subnet mask address in THEh'ATEWAY!DDRESSvANDh3UBNET-ASKvTEXTBOXESRESPECTIVELY
37Chapter 5  Configuring Advanced Settings4.  Enable Public/Private IP !DDRESSING4HISFEATUREISUSEDINCONJUNCTIONWITH-ULTIPLE3TATIC)0!DDRESSES7HENSELECTEDTHE'ATEWAYUSES.!4for private IP addressing for the ,!., allowing both public and private IP addressing to be configured to the ,!.simultaneously, while the $(#0server is reserved for PRIVATE)0ADDRESSING!LLCOMPUTERSUSINGPUBLICIP addresses must have the public IP addresses statically assigned.5.  Select the DNS type. If static DNS address was selected, enter the primary DNS address and, optionally, the secondary DNS address in the appropriate text boxes.6.  Select Dialout on-demand (optional). To have the Gateway automatically connect to the Internet whenever needed (when a Web browser is opened, FOREXAMPLEACTIVATEh$IALOUTONDEMANDvBYCLICKINGINTHEAPPROPRIATEcheck box. When Dialout on-demand is activated, the user can also set the Gateway to disconnect from the Internet after a certain amount of idle time (no Internet activity). To do this, enter the number of idle time minutes (minimum 2 minutes) before disconnection occurs in the text box before h-INUTESv7. !DJUSTMTU settings (optional). Enter the maximum transmission unit (MTU) value (in bytes) in this text box. This value corresponds to the largest physical packet size the network is allowed to transmit. Packets larger than this size are divided into smaller packets. It is recommended to leave this value set at the default (1492).When finished in this screen, click Apply to activate any changes made.
38Wireless DSL Gateway User ManualQoS Settings UpstreamSelecting QoS Settings UpstreamFROMTHEh!DVANCED3ETUPvSCREENCAUSESTHEh1O35PSTREAM3ETTINGSvSCREENTOAPPEARQoS (Quality of Service) allows the prioritization of certain types of data traf-fic (such as VoIP traffic) over other types of traffic (such as standard data). Both upstream (data coming into the network) and downstream (data going out of the network) traffic can be prioritzed using QoS.Enable QoS#LICKINGINTHISCHECKBOXACTIVATESDEACTIVATES1O3Trusted Mode)Fh4RUSTED-ODEvISACTIVATEDALLDATATRAFFICSETTOANIP precedence level of 5 will be recognized as high priority traffic, regardless of IP or -!#address rule settings (used for VoIP only).
39Chapter 5  Configuring Advanced SettingsTotal Available BandwidthDisplays the total amount of available bandwidth (in kilobits per second).High Priority BandwidthEnter the amount of high priority bandwidth to be used by the prioritized  traffic type (cannot exceed total available bandwidth).Priority!LWAYSSETTOh(IGHvANDCANNOTBECHANGEDProtocolSelect the data type being configured. Options: 4#0, UDP, )#-0.SourceIdentify the source device here, using the device’s IP or -!#address, then enter appropriate value in text box. If IP is used, enter the netmask address, if applicable.  !PRIORITYPORTRANGECANALSOBEDEFINEDUSINGTHEh0ORT2ANGEvTEXTBOXESDestinationIdentify the destination device here, using the device’s IP address, then enter appro-PRIATEVALUEINTEXTBOX%NTERTHENETMASKADDRESSIFAPPLICABLE!PRIORITYPORTRANGECANALSOBEDEFINEDUSINGTHEh0ORT2ANGEvTEXTBOXESRule List!FTERFINISHINGTHECONFIGURATIONOFTHE1O3SETTINGSCLICKAdd to save the settings in the Rule List menu box. This collection of QoS settings can then be reused at a future time. If deleting a QoS rule list, highlight it, then click Remove.When finished in this screen, click Apply to activate any changes made.
40Wireless DSL Gateway User ManualQoS Settings DownstreamSelecting QoS Settings Downstream FROMTHEh!DVANCED3ETUPvSCREENCAUSESTHEh1O3$OWNSTREAM3ETTINGSvSCREENTOAPPEAR4HEh1O3$OWNSTREAM3ETTINGSvSCREENISIDENTICALTOTHEh1O35PSTREAM3ETTINGSvSCREENWITHTHEEXCEPTIONOFTHEh(IGH0RIORITY"ANDWIDTHvOPTION5SETHISSCREENto configure QoS for data going out of the network.When finished in this screen, click Apply to activate any changes made.
41Chapter 5  Configuring Advanced SettingsQoS StatusSelecting QoS Status FROMTHEh!DVANCED3ETUPvSCREENCAUSESTHEhIP 1O33TATUSvscreen to appear. This screen displays the status of QoS upstream and downstream  traffic, and differentiates both streams into high priority and normal priority traffic.Remote Management/TelnetSelecting Remote ManagementINTHEh!DVANCED3ETUPvSCREENGENERATESTHEh2EMOTE-ANAGEMENT4ELENTvSCREEN2EMOTEMANAGEMENTALLOWSACCESSTOTHEGateway through the Internet via another computer, while Telnet allows access to the Gateway using a computer running a Telnet program. we recommend leaving the Remote Management and Telnet Off (the factory default setting). The Gateway will be vulnerable to other users on the Internet if Remote Management or Telnet is activated.
42Wireless DSL Gateway User ManualRemote ManagementTo access the Gateway from the Internet, activate Remote Management by select-ing the appropriate On radio button and writing down the 7!.IP address of the Gateway (see “7!.)0!DDRESSv/NACOMPUTEROUTSIDEOFTHENETWORKOPENAWeb browser and enter the Gateway’s 7!.)0 address in the address text box. The Gateway’s Home screen (or a password prompt, if a password has been set) appears in the browser window.Telnet4OACCESSTHE'ATEWAYVIA4ELNETACTIVATE4ELNETBYSELECTINGTHEAPPROPRIATEh/Nvradio button and writing down the 7!.)0address of the Gateway (see “7!.)0!DDRESSv/NACOMPUTEROUTSIDETHENETWORKRUNNINGA4ELNETPROGRAMENTERTHEGateway’s 7!.)0address to access the Gateway.☞ Note: Before remote management or Telnet can be activated, the administrator password must be set. To do this, go to the Home screen, click Security, then select Admin User Name and Password&OLLOWTHEINSTRUCTIONSINTHESUBSEQUENTSCREENSWhen finished in this screen, click Apply to activate any changes made.Telnet Timeout SettingSelecting Telnet Timeout SettingINTHEh!DVANCED3ETUPvSCREENGENERATESTHEh4ELNET4IMEOUT3ETTINGvSCREEN3ELECTAPERIODOFTIMEFROMTHECHOICESAVAILABLEand the Telnet session will automatically terminate at that time. If no automatic TERMINATIONISNEEDEDSELECTh.OIDLEDISCONNECTTIMEOUTvWhen finished in this screen, click Apply to activate any changes made.
43Chapter 5  Configuring Advanced SettingsDynamic Routing Selecting Dynamic RoutingINTHEh!DVANCED3ETUPvSCREENGENERATESTHE“Dynamic RoutingvSCREENIf another gateway or router is set up behind the Gateway in the network configu-ration, consult the documentation that came with the other gateway to see what kind of Dynamic Routing is required, then select the needed option.When finished in this screen, click Apply to activate any changes made.Static RoutingSelecting Static RoutingINTHEh!DVANCED3ETUPvSCREENGENERATESTHEh3TATIC2OUTINGvSCREEN%NTERTHESTATICROUTEADDRESSESINTHEIRRESPECTIVETEXTBOXESthen click Add4HEADDRESSWILLAPPEARINTHEh3TATIC2OUTING4ABLEv4OREMOVEan address, highlight it by clicking on it in the Static Routing Table, then click Remove.When finished in this screen, click Apply to activate any changes made.
44Wireless DSL Gateway User ManualUPnP (Universal Plug and Play)Selecting UPnPINTHEh!DVANCED3ETUPvSCREENGENERATESTHEhUPnPvSCREEN)Nthis screen, the Universal Plug and Play option is turned on or off by activating the appropriate circle.Universal Plug and Play is a zero-configuration networking protocol that allows hardware and software (such as Netmeeting) to operate more efficiently. If Netmeeting is not running properly, activate UPnP.☞ Note!CTIVATINGUPnPPRESENTSASLIGHTSECURITYRISK!FTERfinishing with the hardware or software using UPnP, we recom-mend deactivating UPnP. When finished in this screen, click Apply to activate any changes made.USB Port DetectionSelecting USB Port DetectionINTHEh!DVANCED3ETUPvSCREENGENERATESTHEhUSB 0ORT$ETECTIONvSCREEN)NTHISSCREENTHEUSB port detection option is turned on or OFFBYACTIVATINGTHEAPPROPRIATECIRCLEDEFAULTISh/FFv)FTHISOPTIONISTURNEDONthe USB port will be disabled if an Ethernet cable is plugged into the Gateway first, or the Ethernet port will be disabled if the a USB cable is plugged into the Gateway first. If this option is turned on when both an Ethernet and a USB cable are plugged into the Gateway, the USB port will be disabled.When finished in this screen, click Apply to activate any changes made.
45Chapter 5  Configuring Advanced SettingsTime ZoneSelecting Time ZoneINTHEh#ONFIGURINGTHE!DVANCED3ETTINGSvSCREENGENERATESTHEh4IME:ONEvSCREEN)NTHISSCREENSELECTTHETIMEZONEINWHICHTHE'ATEWAYISBEINGUSED#LICKINTHEh$AY,IGHT3AVINGvCHECKBOXIF$AYLIGHT3AVINGS4IMEIScurrently in effect where the Gateway is being used.When finished in this screen, click Apply to activate any changes made.Remote Syslog CaptureSelecting Remote Syslog CaptureINTHEh!DVANCED3ETUPvSCREENGENERATESTHEh2EMOTE3YSLOG#APTUREvSCREEN)NTHISSCREENTHEUSERCANCONFIGURETHE'ATEWAYto allow a remote computer to access the Gateway’s system activity logs.When finished in this screen, click Apply to activate any changes made.
46Wireless DSL Gateway User ManualThis page left intentionally blank.
47#Configuring  Security SettingsThis chapter explains how to configure the Gateway’s wired security capabilities, including firewall settings, DMZ hosting, and network address translation.Accessing Wired Security ScreensTo access the Wired Security configuration screens, follow these instructions:1. /PENA7EBBROWSER)NTHEh!DDRESSvTEXTBOXTYPE then press Enter on the keyboard.2.  4HEh(OMEvSCREENAPPEARS#LICKSecurity.6
48Wireless DSL Gateway User Manual3.  !LOGINWINDOWAPPEARS%NTERTHEUSERNAMEANDPASSWORDINTHEAPPROPRI-ate text boxes, then click OK.☞ Note: 4HEDEFAULTUSERNAMEIShADMINv4HEDEFAULTPASSWORDIShPASSWORDv4. 4HEh3ECURITYvSCREENAPPEARS4OMODIFYASPECIFICCONFIGURATIONCLICKONITSname in the menu bar on the left, or from the list in the middle of the screen.Admin User Name and Password3EEh#HANGINGTHE0ASSWORDvONPAGE
49Chapter 6  Configuring Security SettingsFirewallSelecting Firewall in the Security screen generates the “&IREWALL3ETTINGSvSCREENSelect the level of security needed for the network.HighIf High ISSELECTEDINTHEh&IREWALL3ECURITY,EVELvSCREENTHESERVICESLISTEDATTHEBOT-tom of the screen (HTTP, DNS, &40, )-!0v, SMTP, 0/0, NNTP, )03%#)+%, )03%#ESP, HTTPS, and )-!0ARETHEONLYONESALLOWEDTOPASSTHROUGHTHEFIREWALL!LLother services will be blocked. None of these settings can be changed from here.
50Wireless DSL Gateway User ManualMediumIf Medium ISSELECTEDINTHEh&IREWALL3ECURITY,EVELvSCREENTHESERVICESLISTEDATthe bottom of the screen (HTTP, DNS, &40, )-!0v, SMTP, 0/0, NNTP, )03%#)+%, )03%#%30, HTTPS, and )-!0) are the only ones allowed to pass through the firewall. !LLOTHERSERVICESWILLBEBLOCKED4HESESETTINGSCANBEMODIFIEDTOCUSTOMIZETHEfirewall settings.When finished with this screen, click Apply to save the changes.
52Wireless DSL Gateway User ManualApplicationsSelecting Applications in the Security screen generates the “!PPLICATIONSvSCREENThis screen allows certain programs to bypass the Gateway’s built-in firewall, allowing access to parts of the network (for hosting a Web or ftp server, for exam-ple). To use, select the name of a computer on the network from the “0#.AMEvdrop-down list, then click Add.EXTSELECTAh#ATEGORYvBYCLICKINGTHEAPPROPRI-ATERADIOBUTTON)NTHEh!VAILABLE2ULESvLISTBOXSELECTAGAMEAPPLICATIONSERVERetc., then click Add>>4HESELECTEDITEMAPPEARSINTHEh!PPLIED2ULESvLISTBOXRepeat for each item needed 4OREMOVEANITEMFROMTHE!PPLIED2ULESLISTHIGHLIGHTITTHENCLICKRemove. To view an item’s rules (forwarded ports, etc.), highlight it, then click View Rule. When finished with this screen, click Apply to save the changes.
53Chapter 6  Configuring Security SettingsRule Management4OCREATEACUSTOMSETOFRULESCLICKTHEh5SERvRADIOBUTTONTHENCLICKNew. The h2ULE-ANAGEMENTvSCREENAPPEARSIn this screen, the user can create a custom set of rules for a game or application NOTLISTEDINTHE!PPLICATIONSSCREEN%NTERTHEh2ULE.AMEvh0ROTOCOLvh0ORT3TARTvh0ORT%NDvANDh0ORT-APvINTHEAPPROPRIATETEXTBOXESTHENCLICKApply. The rules are summarized at the bottom of the screen, and the rule set will appear INTHE!PPLICATIONSSCREENAFTERCLICKINGBack.DMZ HostingSelecting DMZ HostingINTHEh3ECURITYvSCREENGENERATESTHEhDMZ(OSTINGvscreen. To use DMZ hosting, select the computer on the network to be used as a DMZ host in the “DMZ Host 0#.AMEvDROPDOWNMENUTHENCLICKOn. DMZ hosting is used to support online gaming and Internet conferencing services. These programs usually require multiple open ports, making the network acces-sible from the Internet. DMZ hosting symbolically places the DMZ host computer outside of the Gateway’s network. We recommend activating DMZ hosting only as long as necessary. When finished with this screen, click Apply to save the changes.M Warning: The DMZ Host computer will be vulnerable to com-puter hackers on the Internet while in DMZ mode.
54Wireless DSL Gateway User ManualNAT (Network Address Translation)Selecting NAT INTHEh3ECURITYvSCREENGENERATESTHEh.!4vSCREEN4HE'ATEWAYSbasic firewall security is based on .!4. Disabling .!4allows the computers con-nected to the Gateway to be accessed by outside parties, and can cause the loss of Internet connectivity. Do not turn .!4 off unless instructed to do so by Verizon. When finished with this screen, click Apply to save the changes.Port MappingSelecting Port Mapping INTHEh3ECURITYvSCREENGENERATESTHEh42PortMapping LogvSCREEN4HISSCREENDISPLAYSALOGTHATLISTSPORTMAPPINGchanges made remotely by the service provider via the TR-069 protocol. This log is for information only, and should be consulted only if requested by the service provider or support technicians. No changes to the Gateway can be made from this screen.
55#Configuring Parental ControlsThis chapter explains how to configure the parental control capabilities of the Gateway, such as services blocking, Web site blocking, and schedule rules.Accessing Parental Control Screens4OACCESSTHE0ARENTAL#ONTROLCONFIGURATIONSCREENSFOLLOWTHESEINSTRUCTIONS1. /PENA7EBBROWSER)NTHEh!DDRESSvTEXTBOXTYPE then press Enter on the keyboard.2.  4HEh(OMEvSCREENAPPEARS#LICKParental Control.7
56Wireless DSL Gateway User Manual3.  !LOGINWINDOWAPPEARS%NTERTHEUSERNAMEANDPASSWORDINTHEAPPROPRI-ate text boxes, then click OK.☞ Note: 4HEDEFAULTUSERNAMEIShADMINv4HEDEFAULTPASSWORDIShPASSWORDv4. 4HEh0ARENTAL#ONTROLvSCREENAPPEARS4OMODIFYASPECIFICSETTINGCLICKONITSname in the menu bar on the left, or from the list in the middle of the screen.Services BlockingSelecting Services BlockingINTHE0ARENTAL#ONTROLSCREENGENERATESTHEh3ERVICES"LOCKINGvSCREEN
57Chapter 7  Configuring Parental ControlsTo modify Internet privileges (Web, &40, Newsgroups, etc.) for the computers on the network:1. 3ELECTTHECOMPUTERSNETWORKNAMEFROMTHEh0#.AMEvDROPDOWNMENU2.  Select the Internet service(s) to be blocked by clicking in the appropriate  check box.3. #LICKApply to block the selected service from the selected computer.Website BlockingSelecting Website BlockingINTHE0ARENTAL#ONTROLSCREENGENERATESTHEh7EBSITE"LOCKINGvSCREEN4HISFEATUREENABLESTHE'ATEWAYTOBLOCK7EBSITESTOANYORALLcomputers on the network. To block a Web site, select the computer name from THEh0#.AMEvDROPDOWNMENU4HENENTERTHEADDRESSOFTHE7EBSITETOBEblocked in the “7EBSITEv text box and click Add. The blocked Web site address will BEDISPLAYEDINTHEh"LOCKED7EBSITE,ISTvTEXTBOXANDWILLNOTBEAVAILABLETOTHEselected computer on the network. To block the Web site from another computer on the network, repeat the process. To remove a blocked Web site, click on it in the h"LOCKED7EBSITE,ISTvTHENCLICKRemove. When finished, click Apply.
58Wireless DSL Gateway User ManualSchedule RulesSelecting Schedule RulesINTHE0ARENTAL#ONTROLSCREENGENERATESTHEh3CHEDULE2ULESvSCREEN3CHEDULERULESALLOWCOMPUTERSONTHENETWORKTOACCESSTHEInternet at scheduled times only.To set up schedule rules for a computer on the network:1. 3ELECTTHECOMPUTERSNETWORKNAMEFROMTHEh0#.AMEvDROPDOWNMENU2. #LICKView/Edit Access Details4HECOMPUTERSh!LLOWED!PPLICATIONAND4IMESvSCREENAPPEARS3. 4OSCHEDULE)NTERNETACCESSATTHESAMETIMEEVERYDAYSELECTh$AILYvBYCLICK-ing the appropriate radio button. If creating different access schedules on a DAYTODAYBASISSELECTh7EEKLYv
59Chapter 7  Configuring Parental Controls4a. )Fh$AILYvWASSELECTEDINSTEPCREATEAPERIODOF)NTERNETACCESSORRULEBYSELECTINGABEGINNINGTIMEFROMTHEh&ROMvDROPDOWNMENUANDEND-INGTIMEFROMTHEh4OvDROPDOWNMENU)FALLOWING)NTERNETACCESSTOAPARTICULARCOMPUTERFROMPMTOPMFOREXAMPLESELECThPMvFROMTHE&ROMDROPDOWNMENUANDhPMvFROMTHE4ODROPDOWNMENU#LICKAdd TOADDTHEACCESSPERIODTOTHEh2ULESvLISTBOX!DDITIONALaccess periods can be added by repeating this step (9 a.m. through 12 p.m., for example), and adding it to the Rules list box. Once the rules are applied in the Daily screen, Internet access will be granted every day at the times listed in the Rules list box.☞ Note: 7HENUSINGh$AILYvSCHEDULINGANACCESSPERIODCAN-not include 12 a.m (midnight). To create an access period that includes midnight, create two access periods, one that ends at 12 a.m., and one that begins at 12 a.m.4b. )Fh7EEKLYvWASSELECTEDINSTEPPERIODSOF)NTERNETACCESSCANBESCHEDULEDATDIFFERENTTIMESONDIFFERENTDAYSPMTOPMON&RIDAYANDPMto 4 p.m. on Saturday, for example). To do this, select the day of the week by clicking in the appropriate check box, then create a access period (or rule), as EXPLAINEDINSTEPA#LICKAdd FOREACHSEPARATETIMEPERIOD!LLACCESSPERI-ods created will appear in the Rules list box. Once the rules are applied in the Weekly screen, Internet access will be granted to a particular computer at the days and times selected on a weekly basis.
60Wireless DSL Gateway User Manual☞ Note: 7HENUSINGh7EEKLYvSCHEDULINGANACCESSPERIODCANNOTinclude 12 a.m (midnight). To create an access period that includes midnight, create two access periods, one that ends at 12 a.m. on one day, and one that begins at 12 a.m on the following day.5.  When finished with all scheduling, click Apply to save the changes to the Gateway.Removing a Schedule RuleTo remove a scheduled rule, select it from the Rules list box, then click Remove. The schedule rule will disappear from the Rules list box.
61Configuring the  Gateway’s UtilitiesThis chapter explains how to use the Gateway’s utilities, including how to restore default settings, upgrade the Gateway’s firmware, and perform a ping test.Accessing the Utilities ScreensTo access the Utilities configuration screens, follow these instructions:1. /PENA7EBBROWSER)NTHEh!DDRESSvTEXTBOXTYPE then press Enter on the keyboard.2.  4HEh(OMEvSCREENAPPEARS#LICKUtilities.8
62Wireless DSL Gateway User Manual3.  !LOGINWINDOWAPPEARS%NTERTHEUSERNAMEANDPASSWORDINTHEAPPROPRI-ate text boxes, then click OK.☞ Note: 4HEDEFAULTUSERNAMEIShADMINv4HEDEFAULTPASSWORDIShPASSWORDv4. 4HEh5TILITIESvSCREENAPPEARS4OMODIFYASPECIFICCONFIGURATIONCLICKONITSname in the menu bar on the left, or from the list in the middle of the screen.
63Chapter 8  Configuring the Gateway’s UtilitiesRestore Default SettingsTo restore the Gateway to its factory default settings, select Restore Default Settings FROMTHE5TILITIESSCREEN7HENTHEh2ESTORE$EFAULT3ETTINGSvSCREENAPPEARSCLICKRestore Default Settings!NYCHANGESMADETOTHE'ATEWAYSSETTINGSWILLBELOSTand the factory default settings restored. During this process, the Gateway’s Power light flashes and the Gateway is disabled.N  Warning: Do not unplug the Power cord from the Gateway during the Restore Default Settings process. Doing so may result in permanent damage to the Gateway.When the Power Light stops flashing and glows steadily green, the Gateway is fully operational.Upgrade FirmwareSelecting Upgrade Firmware in the Utilities screen generates the “Upgrade &IRMWAREvSCREEN&IRMWAREUPGRADESAREPERIODICALLYRELEASEDTOENHANCETHE'ATEWAYSCAPABILITIES&OLLOWTHEINSTRUCTIONSONSCREENTOUPGRADETHE'ATEWAYSfirmware.
64Wireless DSL Gateway User ManualMultiple PVCSelecting Multiple PVC in the Utilities screen generates the “Multiple 06#vSCREENwhich allows the configuration of multiple 06#s. Web Activity Log4HE7EB!CTIVITY,OGPROVIDESINFORMATIONABOUTTHE7EBSITESEACHCOMPUTERONTHE'ATEWAYSNETWORKHASVISITED4OACCESSTHE7EB!CTIVITY,OGSELECTWeb Activity Log from the Utilities screen.
65Chapter 8  Configuring the Gateway’s UtilitiesAuto Refresh4OSETTHE7EB!CTIVITY,OGSCREENTOAUTOMATICALLYREFRESHATCERTAININTERVALSACTI-VATETHECIRCLENEXTTOh!UTO2EFRESH%VERYvATTHEBOTTOMOFTHE7EB!CTIVITY,OGscreen, then enter a time value (in seconds) in the text box, or click on the down ARROWANDSELECTATIMEVALUEFROMTHEMENUTHATAPPEARS4HE7EB!CTIVITY,OGwill refresh at the selected interval.Manual Refresh4OSETTHE7EB!CTIVITY,OGSCREENTOMANUALLYREFRESHACTIVATETHECIRCLENEXTTOh-ANUAL2EFRESHvATTHEBOTTOMOFTHE7EB!CTIVITY,OGSCREEN4OREFRESHTHE7EB!CTIVITY,OGSCREENCLICKRefresh.System LogThe System Log provides information about the Gateway’s activity. To access the System Log, select System Log from the Utilities screen.System Log (Size)Select the size of the system log displayed here. The smaller the size, the shorter the length of the system log saved.DisplayView other saved logs by selecting a log from this drop-down list.
66Wireless DSL Gateway User ManualApplyPressing this button saves any changes to the System Log screen and causes the Save and Restart screen to appear.Save Log AsPressing this button allows the user to save a log as a file.OAM Ping TestSelecting OAM Ping Test from the Utilities screen generates the “/!-0ING4ESTvscreen, which is used to check whether the Gateway is properly connected to the NETWORK&OLLOWTHEONSCREENINSTRUCTIONSTOPERFORMTHETEST
67Chapter 8  Configuring the Gateway’s UtilitiesPing TestSelecting Ping TestFROMTHE5TILITIESSCREENGENERATESTHEh0ING4ESTvSCREENWHICHISUSEDTOCHECKWHETHERTHE'ATEWAYISPROPERLYCONNECTEDTOTHE)NTERNET&OLLOWthe on-screen instructions to perform the test.RebootSelecting RebootFROMTHE5TILITIESSCREENGENERATESTHEh2EBOOTvSCREEN&ROMTHISscreen, the Gateway can be rebooted. To do this:1. &ROMTHEFIRST2EBOOTSCREENCLICKReboot.2. !CONFIRMATIONWINDOWAPPEARS#LICKOK.
68Wireless DSL Gateway User Manual3.  The Gateway reboots. Read the onscreen information in the screen that appears.When the Gateway’s Power light stops flashing, the Gateway has rebooted.
69SpecificationsGeneralModel NumberGT704-WG  (Wireless DSL Gateway)StandardsIEEE  (10BaseT) )%%%u (100BaseTX) IEEE 802.11g (Wireless) G.dmt G.lite t 2&#, , 2516ProtocolLAN - #3-!/#$ WAN - PPP, $(#0, Static IPWAN&ULLRATE!$3,InterfaceLAN10/100 RJ-45 switched port USB port SpeedLAN Ethernet: 10/100 Mbps auto-sensing Wireless: 802.11g 54 -BPSOPTIMALSEEh7IRELESS/PERATING2ANGEvFORDETAILSCabling TypeEthernet 10BaseT: UTP/STP #ATEGORYor 5 Ethernet100BaseTX: UTP/STP #ATEGORY5 USB
70Wireless DSL Gateway User ManualWireless Operating RangeIndoors5PTO-FT -BPSOutdoors5PTO-FT -BPSTopologyStar (Ethernet)LED IndicatorsPower, DSL, Internet, Ethernet (4), USB, WirelessEnvironmentalPower%XTERNAL6$#M!Certifications&###LASS"&###LASS#PART#%-ARK#OMMERCIAL5,Operating Temperature#TO#&TO&Storage Temperature#TO#&TO&Operating Humidity10% to 85% non-condensingStorage Humidity5% to 90% non-condensing
71Regulatory Compliance NoticesClass B Equipment4HISEQUIPMENTHASBEENTESTEDANDFOUNDTOCOMPLYWITHTHELIMITSFORA#LASS"digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the &##Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installa-tion. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that inter-ference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by implementing one or more of the following measures:s 2EORIENTORRELOCATETHERECEIVINGANTENNAs )NCREASETHESEPARATIONBETWEENTHEEQUIPMENTANDRECEIVERs #ONNECTTHEEQUIPMENTTOANOUTLETONACIRCUITDIFFERENTFROMTHATTOwhich the receiver is connected;s #ONSULTTHEDEALERORANEXPERIENCEDRADIOORTELEVISIONTECHNICIANFORHELPModificationsThe &##requires the user to be notified that any changes or modifications made to this device that are not expressly approved by !CTIONTECElectronics, Inc., may void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.Declaration of conformity for products marked with the &##logo –  United States only.This device complies with Part 15 of the &##Rules. Operation is subject to the  following two conditions: 1.  This device may not cause harmful interference;
72Wireless DSL Gateway User Manual2.  This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause unwanted operation.Important NoteThis equipment complies with &##RADIATIONexposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with  minimum distance 20 cm between the radiotor and your body. The tramsmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.&ORQUESTIONSREGARDINGYOURPRODUCTORTHE&##declaration, contact:!CTIONTECElectronics, Inc. .ORTH-ARY!VE 3UNNYVALE#! United States Tel: (408) 752-7700  &AX

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