Actiontec Electronics MI424WRH Wireless 11n Broadband Home Router User Manual Verizon look WBR QS2

Actiontec Electronics Inc Wireless 11n Broadband Home Router Verizon look WBR QS2

Users manual

Note: If the LAN Ethernet light does NOT turn green, make sure the YellowEthernet Cable is properly connected on both ends. Otherwise go to Question 9of the Troubleshooting section.Important: Verizon FiOS TV subscribers MUST always connect a Coax cable to theFiOS Router regardless of using a WAN Ethernet connection.NOTE: Verizon FiOS TV subscribers will be unable to use the Video On Demand,Pay Per View, Widgets, Search Media Manager or receive updates for the InteractiveMedia Guide until the new FiOS Router installation is completed. Once installationis completed, the features will be restored and available for use.Note: If the WAN Ethernet light does NOT turn green, make sure the WhiteEthernet Cable is properly connected on both ends.Note: The FiOS Router uses 64/40 bit WEP encryption by default. Your wirelesscomputer must be configured for 64/40 bit WEP during setup.Note: If the WAN Coax light does NOT turn green, make sure the Coax Cable isproperly connected on both ends.Note: If the Broadband connection is NOT connected, make sure there is a solidGreen WAN light (either Ethernet or Coax) and also a solid Green Internet light onyour FiOS Router.BConnect to the FiOS RouterARemove Existing FiOS EquipmentStep3Turn the FiOS Router ON. Makesure the Power light on the front of theFiOS Router is SOLID Green.Step4Make sure the LAN Coax lightis either solid or flashing Green. Thismay take a couple of minutes.Step5Read and remove the Yellowlabel on the back of the FiOS Router.Plug the Yellow Ethernet Cable intoany of the four Yellow Ports.Flip this Installation Guide over to continue NEXTStep7Make sure at least one of the LANEthernet lights on the front of the FiOSRouter is either solid or flashing Green.This may take a few moments.Yellow PortYellowCableStep8Check the type of WANconnection installed. It is eitherEthernet or Coax. If it is Ethernet,follow the WAN Ethernet Setupinstructions. If it is Coax, follow theWAN Coax Setup instructions.Step6Make sure that yourcomputer is turned on, then plugthe other end of the Yellow Cableinto the Ethernet Port on thecomputer.An Ethernet Port looks similar toa regular Phone Jack, but isslightly larger.White PortEthernetCableStep1Connect the Coax Cable previously connected to yourNIM to the Red Coax Connector on the back of the FiOS Router.Alternate - Connect one end of the Coax Cable to your Coax Portand the other end to the Red Coax Connector on the back ofthe FiOS Router.PowerSwitchStep2Read and remove theWhite label on the back of theFiOS Router. Plug the Black PowerCord into the Black Port and theninto a Wall Outlet.PowerCordBlackPortWAN Coax SetupWAN Ethernet Setupb. Make sure that the WAN Coax lightis either solid or flashing Green.This may take a couple of minutes.a.Connect one end of the WhiteEthernet Cable into your EthernetPort located on the wall and the otherend into the White Ethernet Port onthe back of the FiOS Router.b.Make sure that the WAN Ethernetlight is either solid or flashing Green.Coax Port Ethernet Porta. Connect one end of the Coax Cableto your Coax Port located on the walland the other end to the Red CoaxConnector on the back of the FiOSRouter.CoaxCableRed CoaxConnectorCConfigure the FiOS RouterStep1Open a Web browser andtype in theaddress bar. Then press Enter onthe keyboard.Step3Change the time zoneto the appropriate setting. Thenclick OK.Step2The “Login Setup” screenappears. Select a new User Nameand Password and type theminto the appropriate fields.Make sure to write down thisinformation as you will need it inthe future.Step5Make sure that either theCoax Status or Ethernet Statusunder Broadband Connectionshows that it is CONNECTED.DConnect to Other Computers/Set Top BoxYour FiOS Router supports 3 different home networkingtechnologies: Ethernet (Wired), Wireless, and Connect Your FiOSTV Set Top Box(es) (Wired). Please go to the section that isapplicable to you.Before installing your new FiOS Router, you must disconnect yourold router and all connected devices, including the MotorolaNIM (if connected to your existing router). Don’t forget to removeall of the router components including power supplies and allcables because they will NOT work with your new FiOS Router.The photos below include some examples of connected devicesthat must be removed before installing your new FiOS Router.Step2Repeat these steps foreach computer that you want toconnect to the FiOS Router usingEthernet.Step1Get another Ethernetcable (not supplied). Plug oneend into one of the open YellowEthernet Ports on the back of theFiOS Router. Plug the other endinto the Ethernet port of the nextcomputer you want to connect.Ethernet (Wired)Step3Turn the FiOS Routerover.You will see a sticker that liststhe FiOS Router’s preset ESSID andWEP key. Enter that information inthe wireless computer’s wirelesssettings and click Save.Step2Make sure that the wireless computer uses the sameESSID and WEP key as the FiOS Router. To do this, launch thewireless computer’s wireless application.Step4To make sure that the changes were enabled, try to surfthe Web from the wireless computer.Step1Make sure that eachcomputer that you want toconnect wirelessly has built-inwireless or an attachedwireless adapter.WirelessComputerBuilt-In WirelessWirelessAdapterNote: If the Green checkmark under Router Status does NOT appear, make surethere is a solid Green WAN light (either Ethernet or Coax).Step4The “Main Menu” screenappears. Check to make sure youhave a GREEN checkmark underRouter Status.FiOS Router D-Link Router (VDI-624)D-Link Power SupplyIf you are a Verizon FiOS®TV subscriber, this devicemay have been connectedto an existing D-Link router.A Motorola NIM can beidentified by the letters“RF”on the lower left front panel.It is no longer required tobe connected to your newFiOS Router.MotorolaNetwork Interface Module (NIM)EXAMPLEUpon completing the setup instructions in Step 8, observe the Internet light located onthe front of your new FiOS Router. It should turn green within 3 minutes. If the Internetlight remains amber for more than 3 minutes, call Verizon FiOS customer service at888-553-1555 to get connected. When you call, enter your phone number and followthe prompts for help with connecting your FiOS Router.
Congratulations! You have successfully installed and configuredyour FiOS Router and created your own home or office network.ETroubleshooting/Frequently Asked Questions1QHow do I reset the FiOS Router to the factory defaults?ADepress the HW reset button on the back of the unit forat least 10 seconds or access the Restore Defaults resetbutton located in the “Advance Setup” section of therouter's management GUI.8QWhat does the “My Network” section display?AMy Network displays LAN devices that are connected tothe FiOS Router along with information about each device.7QWhat can be done about a weak wireless signal?ATry selecting a different Wireless channel. The FiOS Routerhas the capability of dynamically selecting a stable channelor you can manually select a channel.You may also wantto try relocating/repositioning the FiOS Router.5QI cannot get into the FiOS Router GUI interface. Whatshould I do?AEnsure the computer you are connecting to the FiOSRouter is setup to dynamically receive an IP Address.4QIs wireless security on by default?AYes, with a unique 64/40 bit WEP Key printed on the bottomof each FiOS Router.6QAre the FiOS Router Ethernet ports Auto Sensing?AYes, a straight through or crossover Ethernet (RJ45) cablecan be used.2QDo any special steps have to be taken to configure aWAN connection using either MoCA or Ethernet?ANo, the FiOS Router has an Auto Detect feature and willconnect accordingly.3QIs wireless on by default?AYes.Step1Make sure all of your Set Top Box(es) are turned OFF.Step3Power up your Set Top Box.Step5You are connected. Your Set Top Box(es) arenow supported.Connect Your FiOS TV Set Top Box(es)Step2Get a Coax Cable andconnect one end into a Coax Port(usually located on the wall or toa splitter) and the other end intoyour Set Top Box Coax Connectoron your Set Top Box.CoaxCableSet-Top BoxCoax ConnectorStep4Make sure that the LAN Coaxlight on the front of the FiOS Router iseither solid or flashing Green. This maytake a couple of minutes.9QI’ve physically connected my computer to the FiOSRouter, but my computer is still unable to see the FiOSRouter or surf the Internet. What should I do?AYou need to make sure that the TCP/IP protocol is setupproperly on this computer. To do that complete thefollowing steps:Step1For XP, from thedesktop, click the STARTbutton (For Vista click onthe Windows button) on thelower left corner. From themenu that appears, clickControl Panel.Step4In the “Thisconnection uses thefollowing item” list box,double-click InternetProtocol (TCP/IP). For Vistabe sure to click on InternetProtocol Version 4.Step5The “InternetProtocol (TCP/IP) properties”window appears. Make sure“Obtain an IP addressautomatically” is selected,then click OK to exit. ClickOK on the previous windowto exit.Step2For XP, when the“Control Panel” windowappears, click NetworkConnections. For Vista clickon“View Network Status andTasks” under the “Networkand Internet” icon.Step3For XP, in the"Network Connection"window, right- click LocalArea Connection and select"Properties". A numbermay be displayed after theLocal Area Connection. Ifmore than one Local AreaConnection is listed, locatethe one that correspondsto the network card thatyou have connected to theFiOS Router, it should say“connected”.For Vista, in the "NetworkSharing" window, click onView status next to "LocalArea Connection".(Vista only) When the"Local Area ConnectionStatus" window appearsClick Properties.VerizonFiOSRouterInstallation GuideThis Installation Guide will walk you through the easy stepsto set up your FiOS® Router. During this process, we’ll showyou how to:Remove Existing FiOS EquipmentConnect to the FiOS RouterConfigure the FiOS RouterConnect to Other Computers/Set Top BoxTroubleshooting/Frequently Asked QuestionsABCDE©2008. Verizon. All Rights Reserved.Part No: 0530-0580-001 QS942/0108MI424WRVista ScreenXP ScreenVista ScreenXP ScreenVista ScreenXP ScreenVista Screen
General Regulatory and Compliance NoticesImportant Safety InstructionsIf applicable, when using telephone equipment,basic safety precautions should always be followed to reduce the risk of fire,electricalshock,and personal injury, including the following:•Do not use this product near water – for example,near a bathtub,kitchen sink,laundry tub,or swimming pool,or in a wet basement;•Avoid using a telephone (other than a cordless type) during an electrical storm,as there may be a remote risk of electrical shockdue to lightning;•Do not use the telephone to report a gas leak in the vicinity of the leak;•Use only the power cord and batteries indicated in this manual;•Do not dispose of batteries in fire,as they may explode – check with local codes for possible special disposal instructions.Telephone Line Cord CautionTo reduce the risk of fire, use only No.26 AWG or larger (e.g.,24 AWG) UL Listed or CSA CertifiedTelecommunication Line Cord.Coaxial CableIf applicable, the coaxial cable screen shield needs to be connected to the Earth at the building entrance per ANSI/NFPA 70,the National ElectricalCode (NEC),in particular Section 82093,“Grounding of Outer Conductive Shield of a Coaxial Cable,”or in accordance with local regulation.FCC Class B EquipmentThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Theselimits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates,uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and,if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,may cause harmfulinterference to radio communications. However,there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If thisequipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,which can be determined by turning the equipment off andon,the user is encouraged to try and correct the interference by implementing one or more of the following measures:•Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna;•Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver;•Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected;•Consult the dealer or an experience radio or television technician for help.ModificationsThe FCC requires the user to be notified that any changes or modifications made to this device that are not expressly approved byActiontec Electronics,Inc,may void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.Declaration of conformity for products marked with the FCC logo – United States only.This devices complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1.This device may not cause harmful interference;2.This device must accept any interference received,including interference that may cause unwanted operation.Important NoteIf applicable, this equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipmentshould be installed and operated with minimum distance 20 cm between the radiator and your body.The transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.For questions regarding your product or the FCC declaration,contact:Actiontec Electronics,Inc760 North Mary Avenue,Sunnyvale,CA 94086,United StatesTel:(408) 752-7700 Fax:(408) 541-9005PN 0530-0601-100 PI1022/0210
Avis d’application de la réglementation et de conformité générauxConsignes de sécurité importantesAfin de réduire les risques d’incendie, de blessures corporelles ou d’électrocution,suivez toujours ces mesures préventives de baselorsque vous utilisez votre téléphone.•N’utilisez pas ce produit près de l’eau,par exemple,à proximité d’une baignoire,d’un évier de cuisine, d’une cuve à lessive,d’unepiscine ou dans un sous-sol humide.•Évitez d’utiliser un téléphone (autre qu’un sans fil) pendant un orage électrique;les éclairs peuvent être à l’origine d’une électrocution.•N’utilisez pas le téléphone pour rapporter une fuite de gaz à proximité de celle-ci.•N’utilisez que le cordon d’alimentation et les piles indiqués dans ce guide.•Ne jetez pas les piles dans le feu, car elles peuvent exploser. Consultez les autorités locales afin de connaître les instructions derecyclage des piles.Mise en garde concernant le cordon téléphoniquePour réduire les risques d’incendie,utilisez seulement un cordon téléphonique 26 AWG ou plus large (p.ex.,24 AWG) répertorié ULou certifié CSA.Câble coaxialS’il y a lieu,l’écran protecteur du câble coaxial doit être mis à terre à l’entrée du bâtiment,conformément au paragraphe 82093 du Code nationalde l’électricité,ANSI/NFPA 70,“mise à terre de l’écran conducteur externe d’un câble coaxial”,ou conformément à la réglementation locale.Équipement de classe BCe matériel a été contrôlé et satisfait aux limites imposées pour les appareils numériques de classe B,conformément à l'alinéa 15 de laréglementation FCC.Ces limites sont destinées à assurer une protection raisonnable contre les interférences dans un environnementrésidentiel.Cet appareil produit,utilise et peut émettre de l’énergie haute fréquence et,s’il n’est pas installé et utilisé conformément auxinstructions,il peut provoquer des interférences dans les communications radio. Cependant,les risques d'interférences ne peuvent pasêtre totalement exclus.S'il constate des interférences lors de la réception d'émissions de radio ou de télévision (il suffit,pour le constater,d'allumer et d'éteindre successivement l'appareil),l'utilisateur devra prendre les mesures nécessaires pour les éliminer.•Réorientez ou déplacez l’antenne réceptrice.•Éloignez l’équipement de l’appareil récepteur.•Branchez l’appareil sur une prise ou un circuit différent de celui de l’appareil récepteur.•Consultez le revendeur ou un technicien de radio ou de télévision expérimenté.ModificationsConformément à la réglementation FCC,tout changement ou modification non autorisé explicitement par Actiontec Electronics,Inc.estde nature à priver l’utilisateur de l’usage de l’appareil.Déclaration de conformité des produits munis du logo FCC,États-Unis uniquement.Cet appareil est conforme à l’alinéa 15 de la réglementation FCC.Son fonctionnement est soumis à deux ne doit pas provoquer aucune interférence gênante;2.doit pouvoir supporter toute interférence reçue,y compris celles susceptibles d’en affecter le fonctionnement.Remarque importanteCet appareil respecte les limites d’exposition aux radiations de la FCC,définies pour un environnement non contrôlé.Cet équipementdoit être installé et utilisé avec une distance minimale de 20 centimètres entre le radiateur et votre corps.Le transmetteur ne doit pas être situé ou fonctionner en conjonction avec une autre antenne ou un autre transmetteur.Pour toute question concernant votre produit ou la déclaration de conformité des produits munis du logo FCC,veuillez vous adresser auservice suivant:Actiontec Electronics,Inc760 North Mary Avenue,Sunnyvale,CA 94086,United StatesTéléphone:(408) 752-7700 Télécopieur:(408) 541-9005

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