Addison Hi Tech orporated 1002A01 Unified Monitoring System User Manual 8
Addison Hi-Tech Incorporated Unified Monitoring System 8
FCC ID: "351002901 Date: 21 august 1998 Page: 9 ”a”; . UNIFIED MONITORING SYSTEM 1-1-71“ UMS Series 11a SYSTEM OPERATIONS MANUAL Publication 04000-00001 © Copyright 1998 Addison Hi-Tech Incorporated All Rights Reserved £5 £7 is the trademark of Addison Hif'l'ech Incorporated. This document contains information proprietary to Addison Hi-Tech Incorporated and shall not be disclosed, duplicated, or used for procurement, design, or manufacture without the express written consent of Addison I-[i-Tech Incorporated. FEB ID: N351002fl01 Date: 21 august 1998 Page: 10 filfrm UNIFIED MONITORING SYSTEM UMS Series 1161 SYSTEM OPERATIONS MANUAL Publication 0400()- 00001 Issue Date Comment Revision April 20, 1998 Original Release XA System Overview This operator‘s manual is designed to provide operating instructions and information for the user of the E-Code UMS Series Ila security system. This manual assumes the operator has personal computer Window: operating skills. The UMS Series Ila System is designed to provide an activity record of tagged objects moving through a detection area under the system’s surveillance (typically a doomay or corridor). The System continually monitors the detection area and when a tag is discovered in the area, the system records the event by taking video pictures ofthe detection area and recording the event in a computer file. In addition to the video picture, each event record includes date and time, event location and, when available, the tag identity. Under operator control, the event record can be retrieved, viewed and/or printed as a permanent record on a standard color printer attached to the system. This instruction book includes: the functional description of the major system components. the pictorial layout ofeach user control screen with an explanation of specific screen elements and how they are used how to start the Unified Monitoring System (UMS) application. how to retrieve and handle data acquired by the system. a description of system found operating errors with explanations recommended preventative maintenance and a system troubleshooting guide the name and phone number contacts for service, parts, help and information. the system warranty. 000000 FCC ll]: nas1002nor - 1998 EM- Unified Monitoring System Uate. $11 august Page: 2.1 Host Computer. The host computer is a Gateway 2000 300 MHz Pentium processor workstation with the Windows NT operating system. A video camera card has been added to the host computer to connect the video components of the UMS Series [Ia System The UMS lIa application soltware used with this system has been developed specifically for this Emotion. 2.2 Unintan'uptable Power Supply (UPS) The UPS is a commercial power supply that provides 117 VAC power to the host computer and Central Control Units. The UPS has a battery power voltage source that allows it continue powering the computer and controllers for a limited period of time afler the primary power has failed. The UPS has a secondary benefit of supplying clean power (electrical noise free) to the host computer making it less susceptible to brownouts and electrical noise contamination. 2.3 Printer A desktop color printer is an optional feature that can be supplied with the system. 2.4 Surveillance Camera Video surveillance cameras used with the UMS Series Ha System are commercially available general feature black and white cameras Each camera attaches to the system by means of a video interface card that has been added to the host computer. Each camera is on at all times during normal operations; however, the system operator selects the camera image to be displayed on the control panel. During the system installation, each camera is matched with a Central Control Unit antenna as part ofthe detection area definition. 2.5 Central Control Unit The Central Control Unit is a microprocessor controlled device that is the center of the detection hardware The controller directs the scan and reply functions of the antenna array as well as processes the received data for the host computer. The controller communicates with the host computer using a high-speed serial communication link The Central Control Unit has a radio frequency transmit channel that connects to the transmitter antenna taps. The Central Control Unit also has a radio frequency receiver channel which connects to the receiver antenna taps The Central Control Unit manages the scan and receive Emotions ofthe antennas under its control using a multi-conductor digital cable attached to each antenna tap. ©E-Code, 1998 FCC II]: N331002fl01 Date: 21 august 1938 in”, Unified Monitoring sttem Page: 12 3 Starting the System The system is started when power is applied and the Personal Computer boots up to the Windows NT Icon screen. If the UMS Ila software is not loaded on the computer, Place the CD-ROM in the CD drive and using MS—Explnrer, select SetuP on the CD-ROM, The system will load the UMS Ila sofiware on the hard disk. When the snflware is loaded, remove the CD—ROM from the CD drive and store it in a safe place. On the Windows NT Icon Screen: Select: Start Select: Programs Select: Postofliee This starts the UMS Series Ila System program and presents the primary screen, UMS Event Log, to the operator in standard Windows NT format, ©E»Code, 1998 5 FCC ID: H3$1002fi01 Date: 21 august 1993 I‘IBJEIB” Unified Monitorin S stem Page: 13 scanning the detection area. As long as the tag is I“ we uetecuuu moo, cm“ records are recorded. Using the pull—down menu in the Video Control Panel, the operator can select: 01] This turns ofi‘ the host system camera display on the UMS Event Log screen only; the cameras are still accessible by the system for normal surveillance and recording operation. Camera 1, 2, or 3 The operator can select the view from either camera 1, camera 2, or camera 3 to be shown continuously on the camera display of the UMS Event Log screen. Auto Select The Auto Select function automatically switches the display on the UMS Event Log screen between each camera, displaying each camera’s view for five seconds 3.1. 1.4 View Images View Images selection allows the operator to select an event in the event log and, with a single click, view the video image for that event. This makes it convenient to rapidly select one afler the other events to locate a specific event. 3.1 .2 Alarm indicators The UMS Series lIa System operates with one or two Central Control Unit units, The green indicator labeled Control Unit l corresponds to the Central Control Unit number 1. Control Unit 2 indicator corresponds to the Central Control Unit number 2 When any antenna under the control or the Central Control Unit detects a tag, the corresponding indicator changes from green to flashing red accompanied by an audible alarm. When the operator clicks on the flashing indicator, it returns to its normal green and turns off the audible alarm 3.1.3 Event Log Each event the system records is stored on the host computer’s hard disk. A list of stored events is presented on this screen. The last event recorded by the system is at the top of the list, which pushes a prior event off the bottom of the display into the scroll bar. Detailed information as well as the ability to print each event is available in the View Event Screen. To get to the View Event Screen (Figure 3), double click the mouse with the cursor on the desired event line in the UMS Event Log Screen. If the event has scrolled off the bottom of ©E—Code, 1998 7 FCC ID: “381002901 Date: 21 august 1998 ’ Unified Monitoring System page, 14 3. 1.3. 3 Tag ID The Tag ID is the tag identity that triggered the event. Since the system uses frequency spectrum tags, the frequency scan index number (0—255) to which the tag responded is recorded as the tag 11). 3. 1.3.4 Antenna No The Antenna Number is the receive antenna identity (0- Contrel Unit that cathred the event. 15) on the Central Event time The Event Time is the date and time the event was stored in the system memory as read from the host computer’s real-time clock. 3.1.3. 6 Image File This is the full path name of the record in which the event video image and assoeiated information is stored 3.1.3. 7 Print Afier an event has been selected, click the Print key to print the picture and event data currently shown on the screen. The system prints the event on the printer connected to the host computer’s printer port. 3.1.3. 8 Close Click the Close key to close the current picture on the screen Closing this screen takes the operator back to the Event Log screen where another event can be selected and viewed and/or printed. 3.1.4 Delete Delete is used to delete a record in the event log. The operator clicks on and highlights the cvent(s) to be deleted and then clicks the Delete key. The event record indicator in the Event Log and the Event File record are both deleted from ry. If the operator clicks and drags the cursor over several the system memo events, the system highlights the selected events and deletes them all when the Delete key is clicked. Caution: When an event is deleted from the system memory, it cannot be recovered, Before deleting an event, double verify that it is no longer needed. 3.1.5 File and Urns Pull Down Menus The File pull down menu provides access to the system setup parameters These screens are used by qualified service personnel during the system installation and startup and must be avoided during normal operations. Contact the service organization listed in the warranty (section 8) of this manual if these screens and/or files need to be modified. ©E-Code, 1998 FCC ID: H3S1002F|01 Date: 21 august 1999 Mr Unified Monitoring System Page: 15 3.2 Main Setup Window The main setup wrndow is shown in figure 5. This screen is selected by the “Open Setup Window...” menu item. This screen contains system configuration parameters that define how the system operates. This is not a user configurable parameter and ___- should not he changed during normal operations. Caution: Changing the Main Setup may cause the system to operate incorrectly or not at all. The Main Setup parameters are configured during the system installation and should only be changed by qualified service personnel. r len r HMDDEO SN 2 r mum ; ,. 2 r mu: 1 sa1n=tddr..._ van a r mourn r wens! i! ”m“: l r moan ‘l Tn‘D-l . . ”Ma-mam: D's l u. HeadDSFDie [rfi‘ 1rum swasulrza JLJ ‘I Set r Nam niAvaagcr W Figer 5. Text Main Setup Screen ll ©E-Code, 1998 FCC ll]: H3S1002fl01 . , . : 21 993 my Unified Momtonng System 2332, 15 Rugu“ 1 3.2.2 Data Plotter Window Selecting the “Open Data Plotter Window” selection under the File menu accesses the Data Plotter window (Figure 7). The Data Plotter window is a test program used for antenna optimization. This M! a user configurable parameter and should not be changed during normal operations. Caution: Changing the Data Plotter may cause the system to operate incorrectly or not at all. The Data plotter parameters are configured during the system installation and should only be changed by qualified service personnel. Figure 7 Data Plotter Window ©E-Code, 1998 I3 FCC ll]: [13310021401 m . - ~ u ter 21 nu ust 1993 l. n . .r Unified Monrtonng System P299: 17 9 3.2.4 System Calibration Screen The System Calibration screen (Figure 9) allows the system to tune the antenna for the best reception at all the scan frequencies in the band being used, Because each antenna’s electrical environment is different (number, mass and shape of metallic objects within its area of operation), it is necessary to calibrate each antenna within the system during installation. This m a user configurable parameter and should not be changed during normal operations Caution: Changing the System Calibrate screen of the system may cause the system to operate incorrectly or not at all. The System Calibrate parameters are configured during the system installation and should only be changed by qualified service personnel, 'J:\P:agvam F ‘_ Beg'm Calhalinn Figure 9 System Calibration Screen ©E—Code, 1998 15 FCC ll]: “351002901 M, Unified Monitoring System Date: 21 august 1999 Page: 18 ovable diskette, Place a clean disk in the 4 Backup ts file to a rem drive, locate the The operator can copy the Even computer’s “A” drive. Using Windows Explorer on the “C” "Events.MDB” filer Copy the “EventsMDB “ file to the “A” drive ntative Maintenance ements of the ator should exercise all the detection el d to detect illicit activity within the possible to minimize the 5 Preve facility, this pro possibility of discovery of time before initiating stem as well as the current each detection area stem as well as the and ending event numbers of the picious events. precludes these as sus event during the 1) Record the latest event number in the sy this procedure 2) With a sample tag concealed on your perso 3) After the walkthrough, record the latest eve ‘ rding the beginning preventative maintena in a joumal 4) Verify that each rec ' he facility generated at least one walkthrough. 5) Verify that a n, walk through nt number in the sy discemable video image was recorded of each event, riodic basis, verify the UPS has at least one inch, preferably more, of air space on to dissipate heat. On a pe p of the unit both sides and to ry two weeks. 1 d an audible alarm, to have th< system battery eve oun elf-test that checks the f this manual ight a fail indicator and s The UPS has an automatic 5 he warranty (section 8) 0 test indicates a faulty battery the unit will 1 Contact the service organization listed in t UPS serviced, lled in by the cooling fan) the insid t will eventually cover (pu the computer On a ed, airborne dus hich will overheat he floor in the host er preventing proper circulation w dust the furniture and room and va to control airborne dust lf not controll of the comput periodic basis, computer room cuum or sweep t d which will This must be dor procedure, ntil the it can be turned off and restarts the original setup state operating system en, close the application u ‘l to operate correctly, reconfigure the default parameters in the system to h the Windows NT a predetermined manner that agrees wit ls Using the “ ’ in the upper right hand corner of the sore Windows NT lcon screen is reached ‘ he lower lefi corner of the icon screen 2. Click the “Stan” button in t ©E-Code, 1998 , . . - 51002101 124475, Unified Monitoring System ngein- 2139.41.51 19-33 Page: 8 Warranty ' ONE-YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY E—Code UMS Series Ila System E-Code warrants these products against defects in materials or workmanship, for a period of one (1) year, from the date of shipment (FOB) at the E-Code factory. The warranty card at the bottom of this warranty form must be completed and returned at the time of purchase to validate this limited warranty. During this 1-year warranty period E-Code will repair or replace, free of charge, any part of the product, which its examination shall disclose to be defective in workmanship or material. HOW TO OBTAIN WARRANTY SERVICE: For warranty service call 1—888-240-6988 and ask for the Customer Service Department, or write to the address below. Systems or Modules returned to E-Code, under this warranty must be shipped to the following address postpaid, marked with the Return Material Authorization (RMA) number. Please do not return parts to E-Code without having obtained an RMA number or without providing this number ON THE OUTSIDE of the shipper, E-Code Customer Service Dept, 113 West Hoover Ave, Suite 101, Mesa, AZ 85210 WARRANTY LIMITATIONS: This limited warranty does not apply unless the system is utilized as indicated in the Installation. Operation and Service Manual nor does it apply in the case of damage to the system due to misuse; abuse; alteration; improper handling, installation, operation or service; or conditions beyond its specifications In no event will E-Code be liable for incidental or consequential damages resulting from a defective system or improper installation, operation or service THIS LIMITED WARRANTY IS EXPRESSLY IN LIEU OF ANY OTHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTY, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. AND ANY OTHER OBLIGATION ON E-CODE THIS LIMITED WARRANTY IS NOT VALID UNLESS THE PRODUCT IS PURCHASED FROM E-(‘ODE OR AN AUTHORIZED l?~f()I)E DEALER/DISTRIBUTOR. There is no warranty which extends beyond the description on the face hereof, and no person, representative or firm is authorized to commit E-Code to further liability or obligation. YOUR RIGHTS UNDER STATE LAW: This limited warranty gives you specific legal rights You may also have additional rights under the laws of your state ©E—Code, 1998 l‘) FEE ID: [1381002901 Date: 21 august 1998 Page: E-Code Customer Service Department 113 West Hoover Ave., Suite 101 Mesa, Arizona 85210 Place Stamp Here
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