Ademco 5201L RF-Interconnected smoke Alarms User Manual

BRK Brands Inc RF-Interconnected smoke Alarms


user manual

Model SA520Printed in MexicoM08-0149-000   Q04/05IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ CAREFULLY AND SAVE.This user’s manual contains important information about your Smoke Alarm’s operation. If you are installing this Smoke Alarm for use byothers, you must leave this manual—or a copy of it—with the end user.All Rights Reserved. © 2005 BRK Brands, Inc.BRK Brands, Inc., 3901 Liberty Street Road, Aurora, IL 60504-8122Consumer Affairs: (800)323-9005 • www.firstalert.comFIRE SAFETY TIPSFollow safety rules and prevent hazardous situations: 1) Use smoking materials properly. Never smoke in bed. 2) Keep matches or lighters away from children; 3) Store flammable materials in proper containers; 4) Keepelectrical appliances in good condition and don’t overload electrical circuits; 5) Keep stoves, barbecue grills, fireplaces and chimneys grease- and debris-free; 6) Never leave anything cooking on the stove unattended; 7) Keepportable heaters and open flames, like candles, away from flammable materials; 8) Don’t let rubbish accumulate.Keep alarms clean, and test them weekly. Replace alarms immediately if they are not working properly. Smoke Alarms that do not work cannot alertyou to a fire. Keep at least one working fire extinguisher on every floor, and anadditional one in the kitchen. Have fire escape ladders or other reliable meansof escape from an upper floor in case stairs are blocked.BEFORE YOU INSTALL THIS SMOKE ALARMIMPORTANT! Read “Recommended Locations for Smoke Alarms” and“Locations to Avoid for Smoke Alarms” before beginning. This unit monitorsthe air, and when smoke reaches its sensing chamber, it alarms. It can giveyou more time to escape before fire spreads. This unit can ONLY give an earlywarning of developing fires if it is installed, maintained and located wheresmoke can reach it,and where all residents can hear it, as described in thismanual. This unit will not sense gas, heat, or flame. It cannot prevent or extinguish fires.Understand The Different Type of Smoke AlarmsBattery powered or electrical? Different Smoke Alarms provide differenttypes of protection. See “About Smoke Alarms” for details.Know Where To Install Your Smoke AlarmsFire Safety Professionals recommend at least one Smoke Alarm on everylevel of your home, in every bedroom, and in every bedroom hallway orseparate sleeping area. See “Recommended Locations For Smoke Alarms”and “Locations To Avoid For Smoke Alarms” for details.Know What Smoke Alarms Can and Can’t DoASmoke Alarm can help alert you to fire, giving you precious time toescape. It can only sound an alarm once smoke reaches the sensor. See“Limitations of Smoke Alarms” for details.Check Your Local Building CodesThis Smoke Alarm is designed to be used in a typical single-family home.It alone will not meet requirements for boarding houses, apartment buildings,hotels or motels. See “Special Compliance Considerations”for details.5 6 7 1 2 3All First Alert®and BRK®Smoke Alarms conform to regulatory requirements, including UL217 and are designed to detect particles ofcombustion. Smoke particles of varying number and size are producedin all fires.Ionization technology is generally more sensitive than photoelectrictechnology at detecting small particles, which tend to be producedin greater amounts by flaming fires, which consume combustiblematerials rapidly and spread quickly. Sources of these fires may includepaper burning in a wastebasket, or a grease fire in the kitchen.Photoelectric technology is generally more sensitive than ionizationtechnology at detecting large particles, which tend to be produced ingreater amounts by smoldering fires, which may smolder for hoursbefore bursting into flame. Sources of these fires may include cigarettesburning in couches or bedding.For maximum protection, use both types of Smoke Alarms on eachlevel and in every bedroom of your home.USER’S MANUALELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD. Turn off the power to the area where theSmoke Alarm is installed before removing it from the mounting bracket.Failure to turn off the power first may result in serious electrical shock,injury or death.•   This unit will not alert hearing impaired residents. It is recommendedthat you install special units which use devices like flashing strobelights to alert hearing impaired residents.•   Installation of this unit must conform to the electrical codes in your area; Article 760 of NFPA 70 (NEC), NFPA 72, NFPA 101; SBC(SBCCI); UBC (ICBO); NBC (BOCA); OTFDC (CABO), and any otherlocal or building codes that may apply. Wiring and installation mustbe performed by a licensed electrician. Failure to follow theseguidelines may result in injury or property damage.•   This unit must be powered by a 24-hour, 120VAC pure sine wave60Hz circuit. Be sure the circuit cannot be turned off by a switch,dimmer, or ground fault circuit interrupter. Failure to connect this unit to a 24-hour circuit may prevent it from providing constant protection.•   This Smoke Alarm must have AC or battery power to operate.If the AC power fails, battery back-up will allow the alarm to soundfor at least 4 minutes. If AC power fails and the battery is weak,protection should last for at least 7 days. If AC power fails and thebattery is dead or missing, the alarm cannot operate.•   Never disconnect the power from an AC powered unit to stop anunwanted alarm. Doing so will disable the unit and remove your protection. In the case of a true unwanted alarm open a window orfan the smoke away from the unit. The alarm will reset automaticallywhen it returns to normal operation. Never remove the batteriesfrom a battery operated unit to stop an unwanted alarm (caused bycooking smoke, etc.). Instead open a window or fan the smoke awayfrom the unit. The alarm will reset automatically.•   Connect this unit ONLY to other compatible units. See “How ToInstall This Smoke Alarm” for details. Do not connect it to anyother type of alarm or auxiliary device. Connecting anything elseto this unit may damage it or prevent it from operating properly.•   This Smoke Alarm has a battery drawer which resists closingunless a battery is installed. This warns you the unit will notoperate under DC power without a battery.•   Do not stand too close to the unit when the alarm is sounding.It is loud to wake you in an emergency. Exposure to the horn atclose range may harm your hearing.•   Do not paint over the unit. Paint may clog the openings to thesensing chambers and prevent the unit from operating properly.The Mounting Bracket:To remove the mounting bracket from the SmokeAlarm base, hold the Smoke Alarm base firmly and twist the mounting bracket counterclockwise.The mounting bracket installs onto the junction box.It has a variety of screw slots to fit most boxes.The Power Connector: The power connector plugs into a power input block onthe Smoke Alarm. It supplies the unit with AC power.• The black wire is “hot.”• The white wire is neutral.• The orange wire is used for interconnect.If you need to remove the power connector, turn POWER OFF first. Insert a flat screwdriver bladebetween the power connector and the security tabinside the power input block. Gently pry back the taband pull the connector free.The Parts of This Unit1Mounting Bracket2 Mounting Slots3 Locking Pins (break out of bracket)4Hot (Black) AC Wire5 Neutral (White) AC Wire6Interconnect (Orange) Wire7Quick-Connect Power Connector8 Turn this way to remove from bracket9 Turn this way to attach to bracket10 Slide-Out Battery DrawerThe basic installation of this Smoke Alarm is similar whether you want toinstall one Smoke Alarm, or interconnect more than one Smoke Alarm. If youare interconnecting more than one Smoke Alarm, you MUST read “SpecialRequirements For Interconnected Smoke Alarms” below before you begininstallation.ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD. Turn off power to the area where you will install this unit at the circuit breaker or fuse box before beginninginstallation. Failure to turn off the power before installation may result in serious electrical shock, injury or death.1. Remove the mounting bracket fromthe base,and attach it to the junctionbox.2. Using wire nuts, connect the power connector to the household wiring.3.Plug the power connector into the back of the Smoke Alarm.4.Position the base of the Smoke Alarm over the mounting bracket and turn.The Alarm can be positioned over the bracket every 90°. Turn the SmokeAlarm clockwise (right) until the unit is in place.5.Check all connections.Improper wiring of the power connector or the wiring leading to thepower connector will cause damage to the Alarm and may lead to anon-functioning Alarm. Continued above...ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD. Do not restore power until all SmokeAlarms are completely installed. Restoring power before installation iscomplete may result in serious electrical shock, injury or death.6. Make sure the Smoke Alarm is receiving AC power. Under normal operation, the Green power indicator light will shine continuously.7. If the Green power indicator light does not light, TURN OFF POWER TO THE JUNCTION BOX and recheck all connections. If all connectionsare correct and the Green power indicator still does not light when yourestore the power, the unit should be replaced immediately.8. Test each Smoke Alarm. Press and hold the Test/Silence button until theunit alarms. When testing a series of interconnected units you musttest each unit individually. Make sure all units alarm when each oneis tested.If any unit in the series does not alarm, TURN OFF POWER and recheckconnections. If it does not alarm when you restore power, replace it immediately.Special Requirements For Interconnected Smoke Alarms•  Failure to meet any of the above requirements could damage theunits and cause them to malfunction, removing your protection.•  AC and AC/DC Smoke Alarms can be interconnected. Under ACpower, all units will alarm when one senses smoke. When power isinterrupted, only the AC/DC units in the series will continue to sendand receive signals. AC powered Smoke Alarms will not operate.Interconnected units can provide earlier warning of fire than stand-alone units,especially if a fire starts in a remote area of the dwelling. If any unit in the seriessenses smoke, all units will alarm. To determine which Smoke Alarm initiated analarm, see table:On Initiating Alarms  Red LED flashes rapidlyOn All Other Alarms  Red LED is OffInterconnect units within a single family residence only. Otherwise all house-holds will experience unwanted alarms when you test any unit in the series.Interconnected units will only work if they are wired to compatible units and all requirements are met. This unit is designed to be compatible with: First Alert®Smoke Alarm Models SA4120, SA4121B, SA100B, 9120 series and BRK Electronics®Smoke Alarm Models 100S, 4120 series, 9120 series,7010 series; BRK Electronics®Heat Alarm Models HD6135F, HD6135FB;Smoke/CO Alarm Model SC6120B; Relay Modules RM3 and RM4.Interconnected units must meet ALL of the following requirements:• A maximum of 18 compatible units may be interconnected (Maximum of 12 Smoke Alarms).• The same fuse or circuit breaker must power all interconnected units.• The total length of wire interconnecting the units should be less than1000 feet (300 meters). The interconnect wire should be #18 gauge orlarger, rated at least 300V. If an interconnect wire is not already part ofyour household wiring, you will need to install one. This type of wire iscommonly available at Hardware and Electrical Supply stores.• All wiring must conform to all local electrical codes and Article 760 of NFPA70 (NEC).Refer to NFPA 72, NFPA 101, and/or your local building code forfurther connection requirements.HOW TO INSTALL THIS SMOKE ALARMTHE PARTS OF THIS SMOKE ALARMThis Smoke Alarm is designed to be mounted on any standard wiring junction box up to a 4-inch (10 cm) size, on either the ceiling or wall (if allowed by local codes).Read “Recommended Locations For Smoke Alarms” and “Locations to Avoid For Smoke Alarms” before you begin installation.Tools you will need: • Needle-nose pliers • Standard Flathead screwdriver • Phillips screwdriver.FOLLOW THESE INSTALLATION STEPSINSTALLATION STEPS, ContinuedSTAND-ALONE ALARM ONLY:•Connect the white wire on the power connector to the neutral wire inthe junction box.• Connect the black wire on the power connector to the hot wire in thejunction box.•Tuck the orange wire inside the junction box. It is used for interconnectonly.INTERCONNECTED UNITS ONLY:Strip off about 1/2” (12 mm) of the plastic coating on the orange wireon the power connector.• Connect the white wire on the power connector to the neutral wire inthe junction box.•Connect the black wire on the power connector to the hot wire in thejunction box.•Connect the orange wire on the power connector to the interconnectwire in the junction box. Repeat for each unit you are interconnecting.Never connect the hot or neutral wires in the junction box to the orangeinterconnect wire. Never cross hot and neutral wires between Alarms.STAND-ALONE ALARM ONLY:•If you are only installing one Smoke Alarm, restore power to the junction box.INTERCONNECTED UNITS ONLY:• If you are interconnecting multiple Smoke Alarms, repeat steps 1-5 for each Smoke Alarm in the series. When you are finished,restore power to the junction box.}}A. Unswitched 120VAC 60 Hz sourceB. To additional units; Maximum = 18 total(Maximum 12 Smoke Alarms)1. Smoke Alarm2. Ceiling or Wall3. Power Connector4. Wire Nut5. Junction Box6. Neutral Wire (Wht) 7. Interconnect Wire(Orange)8. Hot Wire (Blk) 4OPTIONAL LOCKING FEATURESThe locking features are designed to discourage unauthorized removal of the battery or Alarm. It is not necessary to activate the locks in single-family households where unauthorized battery or Alarm removal is not a concern.These Smoke Alarms have two separate locking features: one to lock the battery compartment, and the other to lock the Smoke Alarm to the mounting bracket. You can choose to use either feature independently, or use them both.Tools you will need: • Needle-nose pliers • Standard Flathead screwdriver.Both locking features use locking pins, which are molded into the mounting bracket. Using needle-nose pliers, remove one or both pinsfrom the mounting bracket, depending on how many locking features you want to use.To permanently remove either lock, insert a flathead screwdriver between the locking pin and the lock, and pry the pin out of the lock.TO LOCK THE BATTERY COMPARTMENTDo not lock the battery compartment until you have installed the battery and tested the battery back-up.1. Push and hold Test/Silence button until the alarm sounds: 3 beeps, pause, 3 beeps, pause.If the unit does not alarm during testing, DO NOT lock the batterycompartment! Install a new battery and test again. If the Smoke Alarm still does not alarm, replace it immediately.2. Using needle-nose pliers, detach one locking pin from the mountingbracket.3. Push the locking pin through the hole near the battery drawer on theback of the Smoke Alarm.TO UNLOCK THE BATTERY COMPARTMENTOnce the Smoke Alarm is installed, you must disconnect it from the AC powerbefore unlocking the battery compartment.ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD. Turn off the power to the area where theSmoke Alarm is installed before removing it from the mounting bracket.Failure to turn off the power first may result in serious electrical shock,injury or death.Always discharge the branch circuit before servicing an AC or AC/DCSmoke Alarm. First, turn off the AC power at the circuit breaker or fuse box.Next, remove the battery from Smoke Alarms with battery back-up. Finally,press and hold the Test/Silence button for 5-10 seconds to discharge thebranch circuit.1. Remove the Smoke Alarm from the mountingbracket. If the unit is locked to the bracket, seethe section “To Unlock the Mounting Bracket.”2.Disconnect the power connector by gently pryingit away from the back of the Smoke Alarm.3. Insert a flathead screwdriver under the head of the locking pin, and gently pry it out of the battery compartment lock. (If you plan to relockthe battery compartment, save the locking pin.)4. To relock the battery compartment, close the battery door and reinsert locking pin in lock.5. Reconnect the power connector to the back of the Smoke Alarm, reattachthe Smoke Alarm to the mounting bracket, and restore the power.When replacing the battery, always test the Smoke Alarm before relocking thebattery compartment.TO UNLOCK THE MOUNTING BRACKETELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD. Turn off the power to the area where theSmoke Alarm is installed before removing it from the mounting bracket.Failure to turn off the power first may result in serious electrical shock,injury or death.Always discharge the branch circuit before servicing an AC or AC/DCSmoke Alarm. First, turn off the AC power at the circuit breaker or fusebox. Next, remove the battery from Smoke Alarms with battery back-up.Finally, press and hold the Test/Silence button for 5-10 seconds to discharge the branch circuit.1.Insert a flathead screwdriver between themounting bracket pin and the mounting bracket.2. Pry the Smoke Alarm away from the bracket byturning both the screwdriver and the SmokeAlarm counterclockwise (left) at the same time.TO LOCK THE MOUNTING BRACKET1. Using needle-nose pliers, detach one locking pin from mounting bracket.2.Insert the locking pin into the lock locatedopposite from the battery drawer as shownin the diagram.3. When you attach the Smoke Alarm to the mounting bracket, the lockingpin’s head will fit into a notch on the bracket.Locking Features, ContinuedPrinted in Mexico   M08-0149-000   Q04/05First Alert®is a registered trademark of the First Alert Trust.WEEKLY TESTING•NEVER use an open flame of any kind to test this unit. You mightaccidentally damage or set fire to the unit or to your home. The built-in test switch accurately tests the unit’s operation as required byUnderwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL).•If the Alarm ever fails to test properly, replace it immediately.Products under warranty may be returned to the manufacturer for replacement. See “Limited Warranty” at the end of this manual.DO NOT stand close to the Alarm when the horn is sounding. Exposureat close range may be harmful to your hearing. When testing, step awaywhen horn starts sounding.It is important to test this unit every week to make sure it is working properly. Using the test button is the recommended way to test thisSmoke Alarm. Press and hold the test button on the cover of the unit until the alarm sounds (the unit may continue to alarm for a few seconds after yourelease the button). If it does not alarm, make sure the unit is receiving powerand test it again. If it still does not alarm, replace it immediately. During testing,you will hear a loud, repeating horn pattern: 3 beeps, pause, 3 beeps,pause.When testing a series of interconnected units you must test each unit individ-ually. Make sure all units alarm when each one is tested.REGULAR MAINTENANCEUse only the replacement batteries listed below. The unit may not operate properly with other batteries. Never use rechargeable batteriessince they may not provide a constant charge.This unit has been designed to be as maintenance-free as possible, but thereare a few simple things you must do to keep it working properly:•Test it at least once a week.•Clean the Smoke Alarm at least once a month; gently vacuum the outside of the Smoke Alarm using your household vacuum’s soft brushattachment. Test the Smoke Alarm. Never use water, cleaners or solventssince they may damage the unit.• If the Smoke Alarm becomes contaminated by excessive dirt, dust and/orgrime, and cannot be cleaned to avoid unwanted alarms, replace the unit immediately.•Relocate the unit if it sounds frequent unwanted alarms. See “Locations To Avoid For Smoke Alarms” for details.• When the battery back-up becomes weak, the Smoke Alarm will “chirp”about once a minute (the low battery warning). This warning should last 7days, but you should replace the batteries immediately to continue yourprotection.Choosing a replacement battery:Your Smoke Alarm requires 2 “AA” Energizer E91 batteries. These batteriesare available at many local retail stores.Actual battery service life depends on the smoke alarm and the environmentin which it is installed. All the batteries specified above are acceptablereplacement batteries for this unit. Regardless of the manufacturer’s suggest-ed battery life, you MUST replace the battery immediately once the unitstarts “chirping” (the “low battery warning”).To replace the batteries (without removing Alarm from the ceiling or wall):1. Open the battery compartment.2.Press tabs A and B as shown in the diagram and remove each battery.3. Insert the new batteries, making sure they snap completely into the battery compartment.Match the terminals on theends of the batteries with the terminals onthe unit.4. Close the battery compartment, and thentest the unit by pressing the Test/Silencebutton.UNDERSTANDING THE INDICATOR LIGHTS AND ALARM HORN PATTERNSNOTE: When power is applied, unit(s) may alarm momentarily.*When any Smoke Alarm in an interconnected series triggers an alarm, itsred LED will flash rapidly. The red LEDs will remain OFF on any remainingalarms in the series. This feature helps responders identify which unit(s) triggered the alarm.AC Power All ModelsDC PowerNormal Operation Constant Green LEDFlashing Red LEDapprox. once/minuteNo Audible AlarmGreen LED OffFlashing Green LEDapprox. once/minuteNo Audible AlarmTest Condition Constant Green LEDRapidly Flashing Red LEDAudible AlarmGreen LED OffRapidly Flashing Red LEDAudible AlarmSilence Mode Rapidly FlashingRed LEDRapidly FlashingRed LEDAlarm Condition*(Initiating Unit)Constant Green LEDRapidly Flashing Red LEDAudible AlarmGreen LED OffRapidly Flashing Red LEDAudible AlarmIF THIS SMOKE ALARM SOUNDSRESPONDING TO AN ALARMDuring an alarm, you will hear a loud, repeating horn pattern: 3 beeps, pause, 3 beeps, pause.•If the unit alarms and you are not testing the unit, it is warning you of apotentially dangerous situation that requires your immediate attention.NEVER ignore any alarm. Ignoring the alarm may result in injury ordeath.• Never disconnect the AC power to quiet an unwanted alarm.Disconnecting the power disables the Alarm so it cannot sensesmoke. This will remove your protection. Instead, open a window orfan the smoke away from the unit. The Alarm will reset automatically.• If the unit alarms get everyone out of the house immediately.• ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD: Attempting to disconnect the powerconnector from the unit when the power is on may result in electricalshock, serious injury or death.When an interconnected system of AC powered units is in alarm, the alarmindicator light on the unit(s) that initiated the alarm will blink rapidly. It willremain OFF on any remaining units.If the unit alarms, get everyone out of the dwelling immediately.If the unit alarms and you are certain that the source of smoke is not a fire—cooking smoke or an extremely dusty furnace, for example—open a nearby window or door and fan the smoke away from the unit (Use the Silence Featureto silence the Alarm). This will silence the alarm, and once the smoke clears theunit will reset itself automatically.WHATTO DO IN CASE OF FIRE•Don’t panic; stay calm. Follow your family escape plan.•Get out of the house as quickly as possible. Don’t stop to get dressed or collect anything.•Feel doors with the back of your hand before opening them.If a door is cool, open it slowly. Don’t open a hot door. Keep doors and windows closed, unless you must escape through them.•Cover your nose and mouth with a cloth (preferably damp).Take short, shallow breaths.•Meet at your planned meeting place outside your home,and do a head count to make sure everybody got out safely.• Call the Fire Department as soon as possible from outside.Give your address, then your name.•Never go back inside a burning building for any reason.•Contact your Fire Department for ideas on making your home safer.Alarms have various limitations. See "Limitations of Smoke Alarms" fordetails.IF YOU SUSPECT A PROBLEMSmoke Alarms may not operate properly because of dead, missing or weakbatteries (Model 7010B only), a build-up of dirt, dust or grease on the SmokeAlarm cover,or installation in an improper location. Clean the Smoke Alarm asdescribed in “Regular Maintenance,” and install a fresh battery, then test theSmoke Alarm again. If it fails to test properly when you use the test button, or if the problem persists,replace the Smoke Alarm immediately.• If you hear a “chirp” approximately once a minute, replace the batteries.• If you experience frequent non-emergency alarms (like those causedby cooking smoke), try relocating the Smoke Alarm.• If the alarm sounds when no smoke is visible, try cleaning or relocating the Smoke Alarm. The cover may be dirty.• If the alarm does not sound during testing, make sure it is receivingAC power from the household current.Always discharge the branch circuit before servicing an AC or AC/DCSmoke Alarm. First, turn off the AC power at the circuit breaker or fuse box.Next, remove the battery from Smoke Alarms with battery back-up. Finally,press and hold the test button for 5-10 seconds to discharge the branchcircuit.If the Smoke Alarm is still not operating properly, and it is still under warranty,please see “How to Obtain Warranty Service” in the Limited Warranty.Do not try fixing the alarm yourself – this will void your warranty!LIMITED WARRANTYBRK Brands,Inc., ("BRK") the maker of First Alert®brand and products, warrants that for a period of ten years from the date of purchase, this product will be free fromdefects in material and workmanship. BRK, at its option, will repair or replace this product or any component of the product found to be defective during the warrantyperiod. Replacement will be made with a new or remanufactured product or component. If the product is no longer available, replacement may be made with a similarproduct of equal or greater value. This is your exclusive warranty.This warranty is valid for the original retail purchaser from the date of initial retail purchase and is not transferable. Keep the original sales receipt. Proof of purchase isrequired to obtain warranty performance. BRK dealers, service centers, or retail stores selling BRK products do not have the right to alter, modify or any way changethe terms and conditions of this warranty.This warranty does not cover normal wear of parts or damage resulting from any of the following: negligent use or misuse of the product, use on improper voltage orcurrent, use contrary to the operating instructions, disassembly, repair or alteration by anyone other than BRK or an authorized service center. Further, the warrantydoes not cover Acts of God, such as fire, flood, hurricanes and tornadoes or any batteries that are included with this unit.BRK shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential damages caused by the breach of any express or implied warranty. Except to the extent prohibited by applicable law, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose is limited in duration to the duration of the above warranty. Some states,provinces or jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages or limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so theabove limitations or exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights that vary from state to state orprovince to province.How to Obtain Warranty ServiceService:  If service is required, do not return the product to your retailer. In order to obtain warranty service, contact the Consumer Affairs Division at 1-800-323-9005, 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM Central Standard Time, Monday through Friday. To assist us in serving you, please have the model number and date of purchase available when calling. 303 Nelson Avenue, Neosho, MO 64850-8806.Battery: BRK Brands, Inc. make no warranty, express or implied, written or oral, including that of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose with respect to battery.RECOMMENDED LOCATIONS FOR SMOKE ALARMSInstalling Smoke Alarms in Single-Family ResidencesThe National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), recommends one SmokeAlarm on every floor, in every sleeping area, and in every bedroom. In newconstruction, the Smoke Alarms must be AC powered and interconnected.See “Agency Placement Recommendations” for details. For additional cover-age, it is recommended that you install a Smoke Alarm in all rooms, halls,storage areas, finished attics, and basements, where temperatures normallyremain between 40˚ F (4˚ C) and 100˚ F (38˚ C). Make sure no door or otherobstruction could keep smoke from reaching the Smoke Alarms.More specifically, install Smoke Alarms:•On every level of your home, including finished attics and basements.• Inside every bedroom, especially if people sleep with the door partly orcompletely closed.• In the hall near every sleeping area. If your home has multiple sleepingareas, install a unit in each. If a hall is more than 40 feet long (12 meters),install a unit at each end.• At the top of the first-to-second floor stairway, and at the bottom of the basement stairway.Specific requirements for Smoke Alarm installation vary from state to stateand from region to region. Check with your local Fire Department for currentrequirements in your area. It is recommended AC or AC/DC units be inter-connected for added protection.This equipment should be installed in accordance with NFPA (National FireProtection Association) 72 and 101. National Fire Protection Association,One Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269-9101. Additional local building andregulatory codes may apply in your area. Always check compliancerequirements before beginning any installation.This model is not RV listedwith Underwriters Laboratories Inc.AGENCY PLACEMENT RECOMMENDATIONSNFPA 72 (National Fire Code)Smoke Alarms shall be installed in each separate sleeping room, outside eachsleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms and on each additionalstory of the family living unit, including basements and excluding crawl spacesand unfinished attics.In new construction, Alarms shall be so arranged that operation of any oneAlarm shall cause the operation of all Alarms within the dwelling.Smoke Detection-Are More Smoke Alarms Desirable? The required numberof Smoke Alarms might not provide reliable early warning protection for thoseareas separated by a door from the areas protected by the required SmokeAlarms. For this reason, it is recommended that the householder consider theuse of additional Smoke Alarms for those areas for increased protection. Theadditional areas include the basement, bedrooms, dining room, furnace room,utility room, and hallways not protected by the required Smoke Alarms. Theinstallation of Smoke Alarms in kitchens, attics (finished or unfinished), orgarages is not normally recommended, as these locations occasionally experi-ence conditions that can result in improper operation.LOCATIONS TO AVOID FOR SMOKE ALARMSFor best performance, AVOID installing Smoke Alarms in these areas:•Where combustion particles are produced. Combustion particles formwhen something burns. Areas to avoid include poorly ventilated kitchens,garages, and furnace rooms. Keep units at least 20 feet (6 meters) from thesources of combustion particles (stove, furnace, water heater, space heater)if possible.In areas where a 20-foot distance is not possible – in modular,mobile, or smaller homes, for example – it is recommended the SmokeAlarm be placed as far from these fuel-burning sources as possible. Theplacement recommendations are intended to keep these Alarms at a rea-sonable distance from a fuel-burning source, and thus reduce “unwanted”alarms. Unwanted alarms can occur if a Smoke Alarm is placed directlynext to a fuel-burning source. Ventilate these areas as much as possible.•In air streams near kitchens. Air currents can draw cooking smoke into thesensing chamber of a Smoke Alarm near the kitchen.• In very damp, humid or steamy areas, or directly near bathrooms withshowers. Keep units at least 10 feet (3 meters) away from showers,saunas,dishwashers, etc.•Where the temperatures are regularly below 40˚ F (4˚ C) or above 100˚ F(38˚ C) including unheated buildings, outdoor rooms, porches, or unfinishedattics or basements.• In very dusty, dirty, or greasy areas. Do not install a Smoke Alarm directlyover the stove or range. Clean a laundry room unit frequently to keep itfree of dust or lint.•Near fresh air vents, ceiling fans, or in very drafty areas. Drafts can blowsmoke away from the unit, preventing it from reaching sensing chamber.• In insect infested areas. Insects can clog openings to the sensing chamberand cause unwanted alarms.•  Less than 12 inches (305 mm) away from fluorescent lights. Electrical“noise” can interfere with the sensor.•In “dead air” spaces. “Dead air” spaces may prevent smoke from reachingthe Smoke Alarm.AVOIDING DEAD AIR SPACES“Dead air” spaces may prevent smoke from reaching the Smoke Alarm. Toavoid dead air spaces, follow the installation recommendations below.On ceilings, install Smoke Alarms as close to the center of the ceiling as possible.If this is not possible, install the Smoke Alarm at least 4 inches (102mm) from the wall or corner.For wall mounting (if allowed by building codes), the top edge of SmokeAlarms should be placed between 4 inches (102 mm) and 12 inches (305 mm)from the wall/ceiling line, below typical “dead air” spaces.On a peaked, gabled, or cathedral ceiling, install the first Smoke Alarm within 3 feet (0.9 meters) of the peak of the ceiling, measured horizontally.Additional Smoke Alarms may be required depending on the length, angle,etc. of the ceiling's slope. Refer to NFPA 72 for details on requirements forsloped or peaked ceilings.SPECIAL COMPLIANCE CONSIDERATIONSThis Smoke Alarm alone is not a suitable substitute for complete firedetection systems in places housing many people—like apartment buildings, condominiums, hotels, motels, dormitories, hospitals, long-term health care facilities, nursing homes, day care facilities, or grouphomes of any kind—even if they were once single-family homes. It is nota suitable substitute for complete fire detection systems in warehouses,industrial facilities, commercial buildings, and special-purpose non-resi-dential buildings which require special fire detection and alarm systems.Depending on the building codes in your area, this Smoke Alarm may beused to provide additional protection in these facilities.The following information applies to all four types of buildings listed below: In new construction, most building codes require the use of AC or AC/DC powered Smoke Alarms only. AC, AC/DC, or DC powered Smoke Alarms can beused in existing construction as specified by local building codes. Refer to NFPA72 (National Fire Alarm Code) and NFPA 101 (Life Safety Code), local buildingcodes, or consult your Fire Department for detailed fire protection requirementsin buildings not defined as “households.”1.Single-Family Residence: Single family home, townhouse. It is recommended Smoke Alarms be installedon every level of the home, in every bedroom, and in each bedroom hallway.2. Multi-Family or Mixed Occupant Residence: Apartment building, condominium. This Smoke Alarm is suitable for use inindividual apartments or condos, provided a primary fire detection systemalready exists to meet fire detection requirements in common areas like lobbies, hallways, or porches. Using this Smoke Alarm in common areas maynot provide sufficient warning to all residents or meet local fire protection ordinances/regulations.3. Institutions: Hospitals, day care facilities, long-term health care facilities.This Smoke Alarm is suitable for use in individual patient sleeping/residentrooms,provided a primary fire detection system already exists to meet firedetection requirements in common areas like lobbies, hallways, or porches.Using this Smoke Alarm in common areas may not provide sufficient warningto all residents or meet local fire protection ordinances/regulations.4. Hotels and Motels: Also boarding houses and dormitories. This SmokeAlarm is suitable for use inside individual sleeping/resident rooms, provided aprimary fire detection system already exists to meet fire detection requirementsin common areas like lobbies, hallways, or porches. Using this Smoke Alarm incommon areas may not provide sufficient warning to all residents or meet localfire protection ordinances/regulations.LIMITATIONS OF SMOKE ALARMSSmoke Alarms have played a key role in reducing deaths resulting from homefires worldwide. However, like any warning device, Smoke Alarms can onlywork if they are properly located, installed, and maintained, and if smokereaches the Alarms. They are not foolproof.Smoke alarms may not waken all individuals. Practice the escape plan atleast twice a year, making sure that everyone is involved – from kids to grand-parents. Allow children to master fire escape planning and practice beforeholding a fire drill at night when they are sleeping. If children or others do notreadily waken to the sound of the smoke alarm, or if there are infants or familymembers with mobility limitations, make sure that someone is assigned toassist them in fire drill and in the event of an emergency. It is recommendedthat you hold a fire drill while family members are sleeping in order to deter-mine their response to the sound of the smoke alarm while sleeping and todetermine whether they may need assistance in the event of an emergency.Smoke Alarms cannot work without power. Battery operated units cannotwork if the batteries are missing, disconnected or dead, if the wrong type ofbatteries are used, or if the batteries are not installed correctly. AC units cannotwork if the AC power is cut off for any reason (open fuse or circuit breaker,failure along a power line or at a power station, electrical fire that burns theelectrical wires, etc.). If you are concerned about the limitations of battery or AC power, install both types of units.Smoke Alarms cannot detect fires if the smoke does not reach theAlarms. Smoke from fires in chimneys or walls, on roofs, or on the other sideof closed doors may not reach the sensing chamber and set off the Alarm.That is why one unit should be installed inside each bedroom or sleepingarea—especially if bedroom or sleeping area doors are closed at night—andin the hallway between them.Smoke Alarms may not detect fire on another floor or area of thedwelling.For example, a stand-alone unit on the second floor may not detectsmoke from a basement fire until the fire spreads. This may not give youenough time to escape safely. That is why recommended minimum protectionis at least one unit in every sleeping area, and every bedroom on every levelof your dwelling. Even with a unit on every floor, stand-alone units may notprovide as much protection as interconnected units, especially if the fire startsin a remote area. Some safety experts recommend installing interconnectedAC powered units with battery back-up (see “About Smoke Alarms”) or professional fire detection systems, so if one unit senses smoke, all unitsalarm.Interconnected units may provide earlier warning than stand-alone units since all units alarm when one detects smoke.Smoke Alarms may not be heard. Though the alarm horn in this unit meets orexceeds current standards, it may not be heard if: 1) the unit is located outside aclosed or partially closed door, 2) residents recently consumed alcohol or drugs,3) the Alarm is drowned out by noise from stereo, TV, traffic, air conditioner orother appliances, 4) residents are hearing impaired or sound sleepers.Specialpurpose units, like those with visual and audible alarms, should be installed forhearing impaired residents.Smoke Alarms may not have time to alarm before the fire itself causesdamage, injury, or death, since smoke from some fires may not reach theunit immediately. Examples of this include persons smoking in bed, chil-dren playing with matches, or fires caused by violent explosions resultingfrom escaping gas.Smoke Alarms are not foolproof. Like any electronic device, Smoke Alarmsare made of components that can wear out or fail at any time. You must test theunit weekly to ensure your continued protection. Smoke Alarms cannot preventor extinguish fires. They are not a substitute for property or life insurance.Smoke Alarms have a limited life. The unit should be replaced immediately if it is not operating properly. You should always replace a Smoke Alarm after 10 years from date of purchase. Write the purchase date on the space providedon back of unit.ABOUT SMOKE ALARMSBattery (DC) operated Smoke Alarms: Provide protection even when elec-tricity fails, provided the batteries are fresh and correctly installed. Units areeasy to install, and do not require professional installation.AC powered Smoke Alarms: Can be interconnected so if one unit sensessmoke, all units alarm. They do not operate if electricity fails.AC with battery (DC) back-up: will operate if electricity fails, provided thebatteries are fresh and correctly installed. AC and AC/DC units must beinstalled by a qualified electrician.ONELINKTM Smoke Alarms with battery (DC) back-up: Interconnects with all ONELINKTMenabled Smoke and Smoke/CO Alarms without wires or con-nectors, so when one alarm sounds, they all sound. Will operate if electricityfails, provided the batteries are fresh and correctly installed. Units are easy toinstall, and do not require professional installation.Smoke Alarms for Solar or Wind Energy users and battery backup powersystems: AC powered Smoke Alarms should only be operated with true orpure sine wave inverters. Operating this Smoke Alarm with most battery-powered UPS (uninterruptible power supply) products or square wave or“quasi sine wave” inverters will damage the Alarm. If you are not sure aboutyour inverter or UPS type, please consult with the manufacturer to verify.Smoke Alarms for the hearing impaired: Special purpose Smoke Alarmsshould be installed for the hearing impaired. They include a visual alarm andan audible alarm horn, and meet the requirements of the Americans WithDisabilities Act. These units can be interconnected so if one unit sensessmoke, all units alarm.Smoke alarms are not to be used with detector guards unless the combination has been evaluated and found suitable for that purpose.All these Smoke Alarms are designed to provide early warning of fires if located,installed and cared for as described in the user’s manual, and if smoke reachesthe Alarm. If you are unsure which type of unit to install, refer to NFPA (NationalFire Protection Association) 72 (National Fire Alarm Code) and NFPA 101 (LifeSafety Code). National Fire Protection Association, One Batterymarch Park,Quincy, MA 02269-9101.Local building codes may also require specific unitsin new construction or in different areas of the home.USING THE SILENCE FEATURE The Silence Feature can temporarily quiet an unwanted alarm for up to 15 minutes.The Silence Feature does not disable the unit—it makes it temporarilyless sensitive to smoke. For your safety, if smoke around the unit isdense enough to suggest a potentially dangerous situation, the unit willstay in alarm or may re-alarm quickly. If you do not know the source ofthe smoke, do not assume it is an unwanted alarm. Not responding to analarm can result in property loss, injury, or death.To silence Smoke Alarms in an interconnected series:1.To silence multiple alarms in an interconnected series, you must press theTest/Silence button on the unit(s) that triggered the alarm.2.Once you activate the Silence feature, the Red LED will flash approximatelyonce every 10 seconds.3.Pressing the Test/Silence button when in silence will restart the silencetimer.The Silence Feature on these units can temporarily quiet an unwanted alarmfor up to 15 minutes. To use this feature, press the Test/Silence button on thecover. If the unit will not silence and no heavy smoke is present, or if itstays in silence mode continuously, it should be replaced immediately.Input: 120V AC ~,60Hz, 0.09AMake sure the Alarm is not receiving excessively noisy power. Examples of noisy power could be major appliances on the same circuit, power from a generator or solar power, light dimmer on the same circuit or mounted near fluorescent lighting. Excessively noisy power maycause damage to your Alarm.Low Battery Not Applicable Alarm “chirp’’ approx.once/minuteWIRELESS ONELINKTMAC POWERED SMOKE ALARM WITH BATTERY BACK-UPWIRELESS OPERATIONFirst Alert®ONELINKTMTechnology is the easy, cost-effective way to provideyour family with whole-home safety. All ONELINKTMAlarms communicate witheach other without wires or connectors. When one Alarm sounds, they allsound. This provides your family with an earlier warning of potential danger,and gives you more time to react.The distance between any two ONELINKTM Alarms is up to 100 feet (30.5 meters).•   The range and proper operation of any wireless device will varydepending on its surroundings. It is very important that eachAlarm is tested individually before and after installation to makesure that all Alarms respond properly.•   Metal objects and metallic wallpaper may interfere with signalsfrom wireless Alarms. Alarms should be tested after changes toyour home such as remodeling, moving furniture, and with metaldoors opened and closed.Your First Alert®ONELINKTM Smoke Alarm will automatically communicatepotential fires with all other First Alert®ONELINKTMSmoke Alarms.FCC NOTICE: This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may notcause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interferencereceived, including interference that may cause undesired operation.FCC ID: M7U5201LChanges or modifications not expressly approved by BRK Brands, Inc.could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.QUICK INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSEasily expand an existing interconnected 120V AC hardwired system by simply replacing one Alarm in the series with the First Alert®ONELINKTMModel SA520. Then add additional battery-operated Alarms to expand thesystem with no additional electrical work.1. Insert the batteries into the batterydrawer of the first Alarm and closethe drawer.2. The Alarm will sound with a chirp.3. If you purchased the Talking Smokeand Carbon Monoxide Alarm, youwill now be prompted to set theAlarm's location. Follow the direction given by the Alarm.NOTE: Steps 4 through 6 need to be completed within two minutes.If more than two minutes pass, the Green power LED will stopblinking. Simply open the battery drawer of the second Alarm and repeat steps 4 through 6.4. Insert the batteries into the battery drawer of the next Alarm.DO NOTCLOSE THE DRAWER.5. Press and hold the test button and then close the battery drawer.6. Once you hear the unit chirp, release the test button. The Green powerLED will start to blink indicating the ONELINKTMAlarm is waiting for program data from one of the other setup ONELINKTMAlarms.7. Press and hold the test button on the first Alarm, until the second Alarmchirps and its Green power LED stops blinking. Then release the testbutton.8. If you purchased the Talking Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm, youwill now be prompted to set the Alarm's location. Follow the directionsgiven by the Alarm.9. If you have purchased the hardwired battery back-up ONELINKTM Alarm,you can now connect the hardwired Alarm by installing the three-wireconnector on the ceiling to the Alarm.10.Repeat steps 4-9 for additional ONELINKTM Alarms.You have now successfully linked your new ONELINKTMAlarms.To add additional Alarms at a later time, follow steps 4 through 9.AB

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