Ademco 8DLLYNXREN-2 control pannel, wireless. User Manual K5963V3 Version 1 8
Honeywell International Inc. control pannel, wireless. K5963V3 Version 1 8
Ademco >
- 1. II with FCC PART 15
- 2. owners manual
II with FCC PART 15

![–12– Installing Wireless Zones Transmitter Battery Life • Batteries in the wireless transmitters may last from 4–7 years, depending on the environment, usage, and the specific wireless device being used. Factors such as humidity, high or low temperatures, as well as large swings in temperature may all reduce the actual battery life in a given installation. The wireless system can identify a true low battery situation, thus allowing the dealer or user of the system time to arrange a change of battery and maintain protection for that point within the system. • Button-type transmitters should be periodically tested for battery life. The 5801, 5802MN, 5802MN2, 5804, 5804BD, 5804BDV, 5804E, and 5804WATCH button transmitters have replaceable batteries. Using the Transmitter Sniffer Mode Use this mode after all transmitters have been entered to check that all transmitters have been properly programmed. 1. Enter Installer code (4112) + [#] + 3. ONOFF5802MN5804 /5804E580101009-011-V0 2. The keypad will display all zone numbers, which have a non-zero Zone Type (even if serial numbers were not learned yet). Fault each transmitter in turn, causing each one to send a signal. As the system receives a signal from each of the transmitters, the zone number of that transmitter will disappear from the display. The transmitters may be checked upon installation, or in an installed system. 3. When all transmitters have been checked, exit Sniffer mode. Enter Installer Code (4112) + OFF. Go/No Go Test Mode The Go/No Go tests will verify adequate RF signal strength from the proposed transmitter location, and allow you to reorient or relocate transmitters if necessary, before mounting the transmitters permanently. This mode is similar to the transmitter Test mode, except that the wireless receiver gain is reduced. This will enable you to make sure that the RF signal from each transmitter is received with sufficient signal amplitude when the system is in the normal operating mode. 1. Enter Installer Code (4112) + [#] + 8. 2. Once you have placed transmitters in their desired locations and the approximate length of wire to be run to sensors is connected to the transmitter's screw terminals (if used), fault each transmitter. a. The keypad will beep three times indicating signal reception and will display the appropriate zone number. b. If the keypad does not beep, reorient or move the transmitter to another location. Usually a few inches in either direction is all that is required. 4. If each transmitter produces the proper keypad response when it is faulted, you can then permanently mount each of the transmitters according to the instructions provided with them. 5. Exit the Go/No Go Test mode by entering: Installer Code (4112) + OFF.](

![–14– Mechanics of Programming *HQHUDO3URJUDPPLQJ,QIRUPDWLRQProgramming options are stored in non-removable, electrically erasable, nonvolatile EEROM memory. The system can be programmed at any time, even at the installer's premises prior to the actual installation. Simply apply power temporarily to the Control and then program the unit as desired. There are two programming modes: • Data field programming (used for setting various system options) • Interactive menu mode programming (used for programming zone information, programming Powerline Carrier Devices, and for entering transmitter serial numbers) The system can also be programmed remotely, using an IBM Personal Computer, a modem, and Compass Downloader for Windows. See the Remote Programming/Control (Downloading) section. Entering Program Mode - Use one of the following methods to enter Programming Mode: 1. Press both the [✳] and [#] keys at the same time, within 50 seconds after power is applied to the Control or from exiting Programming mode, OR 2. After power-up, enter the Installer Code (4112) + 800 (This method disabled if Program mode is exited using ✳98.) to enter Expert Programming mode or Installer Code (4112) + 888 to enter Voice Prompt Programming mode. ✻Programming a Data Field 1. Press [✳] + Field No. (for example, ✳21), followed by the required entry. 2. When you have completely programmed a data field, the keypad will “beep” three times and then automatically display the next data field in sequence. To go to a different field, press [✳] plus the desired field number. 3. If the number of digits that will be entered in a data field is less than the maximum number of digits available (e.g. phone number field), enter the desired data, then press [✳] to advance to the next data field. 4. If a nonexistent field has been entered, the keypad will display “EE”. Simply re-enter [✳] plus a valid field number. To view a data field without making changes: Enter [#] + Field No. Data will be displayed for that field. To delete an entry in a field: Enter [✳] + Field No. + [✳]. (Applies only to fields ✻40–✻44, ✻88 and ✻94). Interactive Mode Programming (✻56, ✻80, ✻81, ✻83, ✻84, ✻85) Press [✳] + interactive mode No. (for example, ✻56). The keypad will display the first of a series of prompts. A detailed procedure (with displays of prompts) is provided in later sections of this manual. Interactive Mode Used to Program ✻56 Enhanced Zone Programming Mode Zone characteristics, report codes, and serial numbers ✻80 Device Programming Menu Mode Powerline Carrier Devices ✻81 Zone List Menu Mode Zone Lists for powerline carrier activation ✻83 Enhanced Sequential Mode 5800 Series transmitter serial numbers ✻84 Assign Zone Voice Descriptors Voice descriptors for each zone ✻85 Record Custom Voice Descriptors Up to 5 custom voice descriptors for zones Loading Factory Defaults To load the factory defaults, enter the Programming mode, press ✻97, then press number 1, 2, 3, or 4 to select from default tables 1-4 at the back of this manual, or press “0” if you are not selecting a default table. ✻96 resets all subscriber account numbers and CSID in preparation for an initial download. Exiting Program Mode ✻98 inhibits re-entry into the Expert or Voice Prompt Programming modes using the Installer Code. ✻99 allows re-entry into the Expert Program mode using Installer Code (4112) + 800 or into the Voice Prompt Programming mode using Installer Code (4112) + 888. [#] + [0].](

![–18– Data Field Descriptions ✼35 Entry Delay 01 The system will wait the time entered before sounding alarm upon entering if system is not disarmed. UL installations: must be set for a maximum of 45 seconds ✼36 Entry Delay 02 The system will wait the time entered before sounding alarm upon entering. UL installations: must be set for a maximum of 45 seconds ✼37 Audible Exit Warning/Quick Exit Exit Warning: Sound consists of slow continuous beeps until last 5 seconds, when it changes to fast beeps. The warning sound will end at the termination of exit delay. Quick Exit: If enabled, user can restart the exit delay time after arming in STAY mode by entering the user code and pressing the STAY key, or by pressing the STAY key if Quick Arm is enabled. This avoids having the user disarm then re-arm the system after allowing someone to enter or exit ✼38 Confirmation of Arming Ding Confirmation of arming is provided by a 1/2 second external sounder “ding” that sounds when closing report is sent, or at the end of exit delay. If Option 2 is selected the external sounder “ding” occurs immediately after the system receives the RF transmission. ✼39 Power Up In Previous State When the system powers up armed, an alarm will occur 1 minute after arming if a zone is faulted, and any bypassed zones will be unbypassed. Note: If the previous state was armed AWAY or STAY, the system will not respond to sensor changes for 1 minute, which allows time for sensors such as PIRs to stabilize. UL installations: must be 1 (power up in previous state) DIALER PROGRAMMING (✻40–✻50) Fields ✻40, ✻41, ✻42: Enter up to the number of digits shown. Enter 0–9, # + 11 for ‘*’; # + 12 for ‘#’; # + 13 for a pause (2 seconds) NOTE: Whenever AAV is used, primary (field ✻41) and secondary (field ✻42) phone numbers should be preceded with the call waiting disable command. Otherwise, there is the possibility of connection of the third party to LYNX during AAV mode. ✼40 PABX Access Code If fewer than 6 digits need to be entered, exit by pressing [✻]. To clear entries from field, press ✻40✻. ✼41 Primary Phone No. If fewer than 20 digits entered, exit by pressing [✻]. To clear entries from field, press ✻41✻. Note: Backup reporting (8 attempts are made to the secondary phone number if no kissoff is received after 8 attempts to the primary number) is automatic only if there is a secondary phone number (field ✻42). ✼42 Secondary Phone No. If fewer than 24 digits entered, exit by pressing [✻]. To clear entries from field, press ✻42✻. See backup reporting note for field ✻41. If using the paging feature, enter the pager phone number here. ✻ ✻✻Fields ✻43 and ✻44: Enter [✻] as the fourth digit if a 3-digit account number (for 3+1 dialer reporting format) is used. Enter 0 as the first digit of a 4-digit account number for Nos. 0000–0999. Enter [✻] as the fifth digit if a 4-digit account number (for 3+1, CID®) is used. Exit field by pressing [✻] if only 3 digits are used. To clear entries from field, press ✻43✻ or ✻44✻. See blank Programming Form for examples of account number entries. If using the paging feature, do not enter a leading 0 in the subscriber account number, and do not use digits A-F anywhere in the number. Some paging systems provide voice mail capability, which is activated by a leading 0 in the message. Enter digits 0–9; # +11=B; # +12=C; # +13=D; # +14=E; or # +15=F. ✼43 Primary Subs Account No. Enter the primary subscriber account number. To clear entries from field, press ✻43✻. ✼44 Secondary Subs Account No. Enter the secondary subscriber account number. To clear entries from field, press ✻44✻.](
![–19– Data Field Descriptions Field 46: Enter up to 24 digits. Do not fill unused spaces. Enter 0-9, #+11 for ‘*’; #+12 for’#’; #+13 for a pause (2 seconds). ✼46 “Follow Me Reminder” Phone Number This option allows the user to schedule a time driven message. When activated the system will dial the phone number programmed and deliver a voice message (custom words 72, 73 and 74). This option is only supported when the pager or follow me feature is enabled in field ✻49 (option 6-9 or 10-13). If using the Follow Me Reminder feature, enter the phone number here. If fewer than 24 digits are entered, exit by pressing [✻]. To clear entries from the field press ✻46✻. The telephone message can be terminated (acknowledged) by pressing any key on the telephone keypad. Pressing any key on the local LYNXR keypad will terminate (acknowledge) both the follow me and the local reminder announcements. Note: The follow me reminder announcement will be terminated if any other event requires the system to dial out or if and audible alarm has occurred. ✼47 Phone System Select This option is used to enter the correct type of phone dialing (pulse or tone), and to select the correct WATS line option for the Central Station. For LYNXR-EN this option is used to activate the speaker phone option. Note: If using pulse dialing, you must enter the numbers slowly in order to allow the pulse dialer time to operate. ✼48 Report Format for Primary/Secondary Enter ✻ as the 4th digit of ✻43 through ✻44, if 3+1 dialer reporting is to be used. (For an explanation of these formats, see the System Communication section of this manual.) Notes: (1) The maximum number of alarm and alarm restore reports during one armed period is determined by field ✻92. (2) If Option 5 is selected a 10-digit account number must be entered in Fields ✻43 or ✻44. (3) Option 5 or 7 (ADEMCO Contact ID® Reporting) must be selected for AVM. (4) Option 5 or 7 (ADEMCO Contact ID® Reporting) must be selected if installing the 5842 Wireless Dialer. ✼49 Split/Dual Reporting This field is used to select a reporting option as follows: Enter: 0 - 5 when reporting to telephone receivers. 6 - 9 when reporting to a pager is desired. 10 - 13 when reporting to an auxiliary telephone receiver. Pager Report Format Options 6-9 send reports to the primary phone number, in a format defined in Field ✻48, and send reports to a pager, which has its phone number entered as the secondary phone number in Field ✻42. The pager report is a 7-digit code, with optional 16-digit prefix, in the following format: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-EEE–00NN where: AAA = Optional 16 digits for PIN number, etc. See Field ✻88 for full description of these characters. EEE = 3-digit Event Code as follows: 911 = Alarm (NN = zone number) 101 = Open, system disarmed (NN = user no.) 102 = Close, system armed (NN = user no.) 811 = Trouble (NN = zone no.) 00 = Always displayed before 2-digit user/zone no. NN = 2-digit user number or zone number, depending on the type of event (EEE) that occurred. NN=00 indicates AC loss, system low battery, or low battery in 5827. Follow Me System Report Format Options 10-13 send reports to the primary phone number, in a format defined in Field ✻48, and sends voice message to the secondary phone number entered in Field ✻42. The message is a repeatable system status announcement. If the manual paging option has been programmed in Field ✻87, the message will repeat “system, system…..”. The message can be terminated by pressing any key on the telephone keypad.](

![–22– Data Field Descriptions RESTORE REPORT CODES (✻70–✻76) Continued ✼75 RF Transmitter Low Batt. Restore Code Sent when a transmitter that previously sent in a “low battery” message has sent a message indicating it no longer has a low battery condition. ✼76 Test Restore Report Code Sent when the test mode is exited. A restore code entered here will cause a restore message to be sent when Test mode is exited. ✼87 AUX Function/1-Button Paging If “0” is entered, user can define a macro function for the AUX key. See user manual for description of the use of this key. If “1” is entered, you must also select an option in field ✻49. The options are 6-9 for the pager or 10-13 for the follow me system announcement. The actual pager message is 999-9999. Note that the hyphen may not be displayed, depending on the pager service. The manual follow me system announcement is a repeatable “System, System…..”. Note: A macro cannot be run from the Test mode. ✼88 Pager Characters If entered, these digits will appear in front of the 7-digit pager message sent by the control (either upon a system event or upon pressing the AUX key [if programmed for paging]), and during latch key report (if enabled during scheduling). These digits can consist of a PIN number, account number, pauses or special digits needed by the pager (these types of characters are not displayed), or any other characters the user chooses that will be displayed (eg., using a character code to distinguish between control panel messages and other pager messages). You do not need to fill all 16 digits. Press [✻] + next field number to exit the field. To clear the field, press ✻88✻. See field ✻87 to select the AUX key Paging feature. See field ✻49, which must have an option 6-9 selected to enable paging messages, for description of the pager message. ✼89 Event Log 80% Full Report Code If an Event Logging selection is made in field ✻90, a message can be sent to the central station receiver when the log is 80% full. If the log becomes full, a new message will overwrite the oldest message in the log. Note: All control and readout from the log, aside from the selection made by the installer in field ✻90, is accomplished via the downloader. ✼90 Event Logging Options Example: To select “Alarm/Alarm Restore” and “Open/Close,” enter 9 (1 + 8); to select all events, enter #15. Default “3” = alarm/alarm restore (1) plus trouble/trouble restore (2). The system has the ability to record various events in a history log (84-event capacity). The types of events to be logged can be selected as indicated. At any time, the downloader operator can then upload the log and view or print out all or selected categories of the log. The log can also be cleared by the download operator. The display/printout at the central station will show the date, time, event, and description of the occurrences. Note: System messages are logged when any non-zero selection is made.](
![–23– Data Field Descriptions ✻ ✼91 LYNXR/LYNXR24 Long Range Radio/Alarm Audio Verification (AAV) Trigger/Remote Phone Control For LYNXR/LYNXR24, this option is used to enable the Long Range Radio, Alarm Audio Verification and/or Remote Phone Control options. If Long Range Radio (0) is selected, trigger output (terminal screw #8) will generate a steady signal for burglary alarm (a single 3 to 4-second pulse for all types of silent alarms) or a temporal signal for fire alarm. (Refer to Long Range Radio Installation Instructions for appropriate wiring.) Alarm Audio Verification requires the installation of the LYNX-AVM. (Refer to LYNX-AVM Installation Instructions) Notes: (1) If Long Range Radio is being connected, Alarm Audio Verification cannot be used. (2) In order to activate the remote phone control feature and defeat an answering machine, ensure that the correct ring detection count (“15”) has been programmed in field ✻95. (3) Remote phone session will be terminated if a report must be sent. (4) A Long Range Radio cannot be connected f AAV is selected. (5) Alarm Audio Verification will only function when Contact ID® is selected and cannot be used for UL installations. (6) If an alarm will be reported to primary and secondary phone numbers, AAV can only function via the secondary number. (7) If an alarm will be reported to a pager (6-8 in field ✻49), or to follow me phone number (10-12 in field ✻49) AAV cannot be used. LYNXR-EN Alarm Audio Verification (AAV)/Remote Phone Control For LYNXR-EN, this option is used to enable the Audio Alarm Verification and/or the Remote Phone Control features. Notes: (1) In order to activate the Remote Phone Control feature and defeat an answering machine, ensure that the correct ring detection count (“15”) has been programmed in field ✻95. (2) Remote phone session will be terminated if a report must be sent. (3) Alarm Audio Verification will only function when Contact ID® is selected. AAV cannot be used for UL installations. (4) If an alarm will be reported to primary and secondary phone numbers, AAV can only function via the secondary number. (5) If an alarm will be reported to a pager (6-8 in field ✻49), or to follow me phone number (10-12 in field ✻49) AAV cannot be used. ✼92 Number of Reports In Armed Period This option can be used to limit the number of messages (alarm & alarm restore reports) sent to the central station in an armed period. UL installations: must be 1 (unlimited reports) ✼93 Flexible Callback If enabled, the control will ignore the last 1, 2, or 3 digits of the programmed callback number (field ✻94) during a single download session. This allows the download operator to temporarily change the callback phone number by the number of digits selected, which allows the control to call back similar, but different numbers during a single session. For example, if downloading to a large number of controls, the operator can command the controls to call back phone numbers 555-1111, 555-1112, 555-1113, etc., thus spreading the communications among several computers. DOWNLOAD INFORMATION (✻94, ✻95) ✼94 Download Call Back Phone Number This is the phone number the control will use to call back the downloading computer. Do not fill unused spaces. End field by pressing ✻. To clear entries from field, press ✻94✻. ✼95 Ring Detection Count For Downloading/ Remote Phone Control Enter “15” to select defeat answering machine mode. If an answering machine is on the premises, you need to dial the premises and hang up on the first ring. Wait at least five (5) seconds (but no more than 22 seconds) and dial the premises phone number again. The control will pick up and announce “SYSTEM ENTER CODE” every three seconds. Note: To enter a number higher than 9 you must first press the [#] key.](
![–24– Data Field Descriptions Other Programming Commands ✻55 ENABLING THE WIRELESS DIALER Interactive menu mode used for enabling the 5842 Wireless Dialer. Refer to the ✻55 Enabling the Wireless Dialer Mode section for procedure. ✻56 ENHANCED ZONE PROGRAMMING MODE Interactive menu mode used for programming zone attributes and report codes. Refer to the ✻56 Enhanced Zone Programming Mode section for procedure. ✻80 DEVICE PROGRAMMING MENU MODE Interactive menu mode for programming Powerline Carrier Devices. Refer to the ✻80 Device Programming Menu Mode section for detailed procedure. ✻81 ZONE LISTS FOR MENU MODE Interactive menu mode for programming zone lists for Powerline Carrier Devices. Refer to the ✻81 Zone List Menu Mode section for detailed procedure. ✻83 ENHANCED SEQUENTIAL MODE Interactive menu mode used to enter RF transmitter serial numbers. Refer to the ✻83 Enhanced Sequential Mode section for detailed procedure. ✻84 ASSIGN ZONE VOICE DESCRIPTORS Interactive menu mode used to assign descriptors to each zone. These descriptors will be announced whenever the system announces an event involving a zone. ✻85 RECORD CUSTOM VOICE DESCRIPTORS Interactive menu mode used to record custom descriptors for use with each zone. ✻96 INITIALIZE DOWNLOAD ID AND SUBSCRIBER ACCT. NO. FOR DOWNLOADING Pressing ✻96 initializes the system for downloading. ✻97 SET ALL PROGRAM FIELDS TO 1 OF 4 SETS OF DEFAULT VALUES See Default Tables at the end of this manual. ✻98 EXITS PROGRAMMING MODE Prevents re-entry by: Installer Code + 8 + 0 + 0; allows re-entry only by Power-up, then [✻] and [#]. ✻99 EXITS PROGRAMMING MODE Allows re-entry to program mode by: Installer Code + 8 + 0 + 0; or by Power-up, then [✻] and [#].](

![–26– ✻55 Enabling the 5842 Wireless Dialer While in Program mode, press ✻55 to enter Wireless Dialer Programming Feature . The following explains the ✻55 prompts in detail. The left two columns identify the prompts and list the available entries for each. The right-most column provides a further explanation of the entries. Note: You may find it convenient to adjust the volume setting before entering the Programming Mode. This will allow you to clearly hear feedback announcements or system beeps. )G Enable the dialer ✻ Enter [1] to enable the 5842 Wireless dialer. Press [✻] to advance to next field. Pressing 0 exits mode, upon which the prompt “55” blinks, indicating the mode is inactive. Press [✻] + any field number to go to that field. )U Enable reports ✻ Enter [1] to enable reports. Press [✻] to advance to next field or [#} to return to the previous prompt. The following 5842 reports will be enabled: • Loss of RF link with 5842 Wireless Dialer • Tamper at 5842 • Low Battery at 5842 • AC loss at 5842 (if supported by the specific wireless dialer being installed) • Line Cut at 5842 (if supported by the specific wireless dialer being installed) 0Q Response to phone line failure ✻ Select the system response to detection of a line cut at the 5842 Wireless Dialer. Enter [1] to send alarm on a 5842 line cut. Enter [0] to enable trouble sounder on a 5842 line cut. Press [✻] to advance to next field or [#} to return to the previous prompt. )E Enable back-up reporting ✻ Allows Lynx to do back-up reporting for the 5842 wireless dialer. Enter [1] to enable back-up reporting. Enter [0] to disable back-up reporting. [#} to return to the previous prompt. Note: Lynx must be connected to a secondary phone line or to the same phone line via the 5842 Wireless Dialer.](

![–28– ✻56 Enhanced Zone Programming Mode While in Program mode, press ✻56 to enter Zone Programming Menu Mode. Refer to the zone assignment table for ✻56 on the separate programming form. The following explains the ✻56 prompts in detail. The left two columns identify the prompts and list the available entries for each. The right-most column provides a further explanation of the entries. % - Zone number ✻ Enter the 2-digit zone number to be programmed and the Voice Descriptor for the selected zone number will be announced, if it is programmed. Press [✻] to advance. • Zone 01 = hardwire • Zones 02-25 = RF zones (only) • Zones 26-41 = Button zones (only) • Zone 92 = Duress • Zones 95, 96, 99 = Panic zones Pressing 00 exits mode, upon which the prompt “56” blinks, indicating the mode is inactive. Press [✻] + any field number to go to that field. E]WZone type ✻ Each zone must be assigned to a zone type, which defines the way in which the system responds to faults in that zone. Enter the 2-digit zone type for this zone as follows: 00 = Not Used 08 = 24 Hr Aux 01 = Entry/Exit #1 09 = Fire without verify 02 = Entry/Exit #2 10 = Interior w/Delay 03 = Perimeter 20 = Arm–Stay 04 = Interior Follower 21 = Arm–Away 05 = Trouble Day/Alarm Night 22 = Disarm 06 = 24 Hr Silent 23 = No Alarm Response 07 = 24 Hr Audible 24 = Silent Burglary 'UF Report code ✻ The report code consists of 2 hexadecimal digits, each in turn consisting of 2 numerical digits. For example, for a report code of "3C", enter [0][3] for "3" and [1][2] for "C". If this is Zone 1, 95, 96 or 99, the system skips to the VOICE DESCRIPTOR prompt (1C). GLInput type ✻ Enter the input type for the transmitter assigned to this zone. Refer to the transmitter’s instructions for input types of each transmitter. Note: Zones 2-25 should be assigned Input Type 3 or 4 . Zones 26-41 should be assigned Input Type 5 only. )O Loop number or Loop and Serial number (if using RF Learning) ✻✻ This prompt can be used to enroll loop number and serial number via RF transmission or the loop number can be enrolled manually. If using the RF Learning Mode, there is no need to manually enter a loop number. Proceed directly to RF Learning Notes: (1) BR type devices cannot be enrolled by using UR or RF type. Likewise, UR or RF type devices cannot be enrolled by using a BR type device. There is a 52-second time-out for RF enrolling. At the end of the time-out, the system returns to the INPUT TYPE prompt (d). If enrolled, loop number and “L” are displayed. (2) Once encrypted (high-security) devices have been enrolled they must be activated. Refer to the device’s Installation Instructions to activate the High-Security Mode.](
![–29– ✻56 Enhanced Zone Programming Mode RF Learning - Two (2) transmissions (2 key depressions) at least 5 seconds apart will be required for BR type devices (device type 5). Two beeps will sound after the second transmission, confirming that the loop number and serial number have been learned. For all other device types, four (4) transmissions are required (fault, restore and fault, restore). A single beep will sound after the second transmission confirming that the loop and serial number have been captured. Following the fourth transmission the system will confirm that the loop number and serial number have been learned and announce the Voice Descriptor for the zone, if it is programmed, followed by two beeps. Press [✻] to continue. Manual Entry - Enter the desired loop number and press [✻] to continue (see the transmitter’s Installation Instructions for specific loop designations). Note: The loop number can be changed even if the zone has already been entered. Care should be taken when using this feature as it has the capability to make zones inoperable by creating a mismatch of a working serial number/loop number combination. This should be re-confirmed if the loop number is changed. “L” indicates that the zone’s serial number has already been enrolled. * Delete zone parameters confirmation This function deletes either the serial number or all zone information that is programmed for the zone. If “00” was entered in the zone type, the confirmation of the delete request will delete all information associated with the zone currently being programmed. If “0” was entered in the loop number, the confirmation of the delete request will delete the serial number of to the zone currently being programmed. -%0' Enroll mode ✻ If “L” is displayed, the serial number for this transmitter has already been entered. It may, however, still be viewed, confirmed (only if in listen mode), or deleted. View serial number Enter “3”. Each digit will be redisplayed, and the keypad will beep once for digits 1-6, and three times for the last digit. Confirm serial number The serial number/loop number combination can be confirmed after one transmission from a BR type device or two transmissions (fault and restore) from a UR or RF type device. If a transmission is received that matches the serial number and loop number entered, the system will confirm the reception by announcing the Voice Descriptor for the zone, if it is programmed, followed by three beeps, and a “C” will appear on the display indicating the received serial number and loop number have been confirmed. No further transmissions will be received. Delete serial number The serial number can be deleted by entering “9”. If “L” is not displayed, the serial number for this transmitter has not been previously entered. You may enter the serial number manually, copy the previous serial number, return to Prompt (E) or enter the serial number later using the ✻83 Enhanced Sequential Mode.](
![–30– ✻56 Enhanced Zone Programming Mode Manual entry Enter "1" to advance to Serial number prompt (1b). Copy the previous serial number Enter “2” to copy the previous serial number entered. Return to Prompt (E) Enter “#” to return to Loop Number prompt (E). Enter transmitter later Enter “0” or “✻” if you wish to enter the transmitter later, using the ✻83 Enhanced Sequential Mode described later in this manual. Notes: (1) The panel will listen only when it is in the idle loop waiting for key entry and a serial number has been entered. If a key is entered, the function must be completed and the panel will listen again. (2) A long beep indicates illegal entry or duplicate serial number/loop entry -E Serial number ✻ In this mode, the transmitter serial numbers can only be entered manually. Enter the 7-digit serial number printed on the transmitter. If an incorrect digit is entered, press the [#] key to backup to prompt (1A) and start over. When all 7 digits are entered, press the [✻] key. If 52 seconds passes and no entry has been made, the system returns to prompt (1A). Notes: (1) If the serial and loop number combination is already present the keypad will emit a single long beep and the system will return to the (1A) prompt and “L” will be displayed. (2) If less than 7 digits have been entered, the keypad will emit a single long beep and return to the (1A) prompt without displaying the “L”. (3) If more than 7 digits have been entered, the first 6 digits will be saved along with the last digit that was entered (entering 123456789 yields the serial number 1234569). -' Voice descriptor Each zone can have a voice descriptor of up to 3 words that will be announced whenever the system announces status for that zone. -GYLDescriptor 1 † see ✻84 Assign Zone Voice Descriptors section for vocabulary index Use the [6] or [8] key to advance as described. To change the entered index number before pressing [6] or [8], simply press [#] + desired 2-digit vocabulary index number. If descriptor 1 is not desired, enter [#] + 99 (blank), then press [8] to return to zone number prompt. -) YL Descriptor 2 † see ✻84 Assign Zone Voice Descriptors section for vocabulary index Use the [6] or [8] key to advance as described. To change the entered index number before pressing [6] or [8], simply press [#] + desired 2-digit vocabulary index number. If descriptor 2 is not desired, enter [#] + 99 (blank), then press [8] to return to zone number prompt. -* YL Descriptor 3 † see ✻84 Assign Zone Voice Descriptors section for vocabulary index Use the [6] or [8] key to advance as described. To change the entered index number before pressing [6] or [8], simply press [#] + desired 2-digit vocabulary index number. If descriptor 3 is not desired, enter [#] + 99 (blank), then press [8] to return to zone number prompt.](

![–32– ✻80 Device Programming Menu Mode STOP The "STOP" programming determines when and under what conditions the device will be de-activated. The following options are available: Upon Restore of a Zone List Restore Zone List: If a "ZONE LIST" is used as the “Stop” event, the device will de-activate when all the zones in that list restore from a previous fault, trouble, or alarm condition. This will occur regardless of what is programmed to "START" the device; therefore, a "RESTORE ZONE LIST" would normally only be used when a "ZONE LIST" is used to start the device. Upon a Zone Type or System Operation Zone Type/System Operation: Instead of using a "RESTORE ZONE LIST," a specific zone (response) type or system operation action can be selected to de-activate the device. • If a specific "ZONE TYPE" is chosen, any zone of that response type that restores from a previous alarm, trouble, or fault condition will cause the device to de-activate. • If a "SYSTEM OPERATION" is chosen, that operation will cause the device to de-activate. During normal system operation, any devices may be manually started by keypad entry of: Code* + [#] + 4 + “n;” or manually stopped by keypad entry of: Code* + [#] + 7 + “n,” where “n” = the device number to be controlled. * Code is required for devices 7 and 8. For devices 1-6, code is not required. See User Manual for more information. 3URJUDPPLQJ3RZHUOLQH&DUULHU'HYLFHVWhile in program mode, press ✻80 to enter Output Device Menu Mode. This mode is used to program all output devices used in the system. Refer to the output device table for ✻80 on the separate programming form when programming output devices. Note: The House ID of the Powerline Carrier Devices must be entered in data field ✻25. The prompts for ✻80 are as follows: 80 Powerline Carrier Device Programming Main Menu prompt A 01 Device Number--------------------- for entering the device number b Device Action ----------------------- for defining the action the device will perform when active C Start Event Type ------------------ for assigning the event type to start the action d Start Zone List --------------------- for assigning the zone list to start the action E Start Zone Type-------------------- for assigning the zone type to start the action F Stop Zone List ---------------------- for assigning the zone list to stop the action 1A Stop Zone Type--------------------- for assigning the zone type to stop the action](
![–33– ✻80 Device Programming Menu Mode The following explains these prompts in detail. The left two columns identify the prompts and list the available entries. The right-most column provides a further explanation of the entries. Note: Entering a number other than one specified will give unpredictable results. Powerline Carrier Device programming Entering “1” advances to the next prompt below. Entering “0” exits mode, upon which this prompt blinks, indicating the mode is inactive. % - Device number ✻ Enter device numbers as 2-digit entries. EDDDevice action ✻ Enter the 1-digit action (0-3) for the device being programmed (current action is displayed). NOTES: 1. If “3” is entered (pulse), only up to 3 different devices can be pulsed if one of the devices is a siren/horn (X-10 Powerhouse Security model SH10A). In addition, the siren/horn cannot be manually activated using the lights on/lights off keypad commands. 2. If using an X-10 Powerhouse Security SH10A siren: • you must use device action “3.” • you must change the device action default to “3” if using default table 2 or 4 ' HW Start event type ✻ Enter the 1-digit event type (0-3) to activate the device being programmed. A zone list must be used in conjunction with an event. If a zone type/system operation is to be used instead of an event, enter “0”. d ]O Start zone list ✻✻ If a zone list will be used to start the device action, enter the zone list number at this prompt. )zt Start zone type ✻ If a zone type or system operation will be used to start the device action, enter the appropriate 2-digit code for the device being programmed (see table that follows). Choices for zone types 00 = Not Used 04 = Interior Follower 08 = 24 Hr Aux 01 = Entry/Exit #1 05 = Trouble Day/Alarm Night 09 = Fire 02 = Entry/Exit #2 06 = 24 Hr Silent 10 = Interior w/Delay 03 = Perimeter 07 = 24 Hr Audible 24 = Silent Burglary Choices for system operation 20 = Arming–Stay 33 = Any Alarm (except zt 08) 42 = Sys. Batt. Low 21 = Arming–Away 36 = At Bell Timeout** 43 = Comm. Failure 22 = Disarm. (Code + OFF) 38 = Chime 52 = Kissoff 31 = End of Exit Time 39 = Any Fire Alarm 58 = Duress 32 = Start of Entry Time 40 = Bypassing ** Or at Disarming (which ever occurs earlier) * ]O Stop zone list ✻ If a zone list will be used to STOP, or restore, the device action, enter the zone list number 1, 2, or 3 (to be programmed in ✻81 mode). If not used, enter “0”. -% ]W Stop zone type ✻ If a zone type or system operation will be used to STOP the device action, enter the appropriate 2-digit code (see the "ZT" choices listed above). If not, enter 00. The display then returns to the DEVICE NUMBER prompt (A) so that you can enter the next device number to be programmed, or enter [0][0] to end device programming.](
![–34– ✻81 Zone List Menu Mode While in Program mode, press ✻81 to enter Zone List Menu Mode. This mode is used to program zone lists for output devices (programmed in ✻80 menu mode) or Chime-by-Zone in Zone List 3. NOTES: • Any list may include any or all of the systems zone numbers. • A zone list can be assigned to more than one Powerline Carrier Device. The prompts for *81 are as follows: 81 Zone List Programming ------------------- Main Menu prompt A 01 Zone List Number --------------------------- for entering the zone list number to be programmed b Zone Entry to List --------------------------- for entering zones to the assigned zone list C Delete Entire List? -------------------------- for deleting the entire zone list and its contents d Delete Specific Zones From List? ------- Selects whether to delete zones or return to next zone list number E Delete Zones----------------------------------- for deleting specific zones from the current zone list The following explains these prompts in detail. The left two columns identify the prompts and list the available entries. The right-most column provides a further explanation of the entries. - Zone list programming Pressing 1 advances to the next prompt below. Pressing 0 exits mode, upon which this prompt blinks, indicating the mode is inactive. % - Zone list number ✻ Enter the Zone List Number 01, 02, or 03 to program (or 00 if no zone lists are used). E]]Zone entry to list ✻ Enter each zone number to add to the zone list by first entering the zone number, then the [✻] key (for example, 01✻ 02✻ 03✻). The system will announce the Voice Descriptor for the selected zone, if it is programmed. After all desired zones are enrolled, enter “00” to advance. ' Delete entire zone list? To delete the zone list, enter “1”. All zones in the zone list will be deleted automatically and programming will return to the ZONE LIST NUMBER prompt. To save the zone list or delete specific zones from the list, enter “0”. G Delete zones from list? To save the entire zone list, enter “0” and programming will return to the ZONE LIST NUMBER prompt. To delete a zone or zones in a zone list enter “1”. ) Delete zones ✻✻ When deleting a zone(s) from the zone list, if the selected zone has a Voice Descriptor programmed, upon deletion it will be announced as a confirmation that it has been deleted. After all zones to be deleted are entered, enter “00” to return to the ZONE LIST NUMBER prompt so that another list can be programmed, if desired.](
![–35– ✻83 Enhanced Sequential Mode By using this mode, you can add, delete, or change the serial number of a transmitter in a zone, but retain all other existing data that has been programmed for that zone. Note that the ✻83 Enhanced Sequential mode requires that all zone information must first be entered using the ✻56 Enhanced Zone Programming mode for all zones below zone number 26 (4 button key area). Note: Any zone which already has a serial number learned in will not be accessible in ✻83 Enhanced Sequential mode! Certain button-type transmitters have more than one button (e.g., 5804). Note that each button must be assigned to a different zone. Similarly, the 5816 Transmitter has contact terminals and a reed switch for use with a magnet. If using both, each must also be assigned to a different zone. This means that the procedures that follow must be repeated for each button-type zone below zone number 26 or contact on the transmitter. Four zone button-type devices are held in zones 26 and above. They will be started on boundaries of zones 26, 30, 34, and 38. These four zone button-type devices will have the option to have all information entered in this field. One entry will set the loop number, report code, zone type, and input device type for all 4 buttons, and a second entry will enter one serial number into four zones. Note: Use this mode only after all other zone information has been programmed, including transmitter loop numbers except for button-type zones over zone number 26. The panel will stop at zones 26, 30, 34 and 38 and zone data can be entered as a default here. Enter Serial Number Sequential mode by pressing ✻83. The prompts for ✻83 are as follows: A 01 Zone Number ------------------------------------ for entering the zone number to be programmed 1A Enroll Mode-------------------------------------- Selects method of serial number or viewing 1b Enroll Serial Number ------------------------- for entering transmitter serial numbers F Delete Serial Number------------------------- for deleting existing serial numbers The following explains these prompts in detail. The left two columns identify the prompts and list the available entries. The right-most column provides a further explanation of the entries. % - Zone number ✻ Enter the 2-digit zone number of the first transmitter to have its serial number entered. The system will announce the Voice Descriptor for the selected zone number, if it is programmed. Press [✻] to continue. Starting with this zone number, the system will search for the first transmitter that has all of the following attributes pre-programmed in ✻56 ENHANCED ZONE PROGRAMMING: a) Make sure that the appropriate input type was selected in ✻56 (RF, UR, or BR programmed) b) Make sure that the appropriate loop number was selected in ✻56. c) No serial number programmed d) Zone type If the first zone number entered does not have one or more of the above attributes, the system will search its database for the first zone that does, and will display it at the enroll SERIAL NUMBER prompt (1b). Pressing 00 exits mode, upon which the prompt “83” blinks, indicating the mode is inactive. Note: Two exceptions to the requirement above exist for keys. Four zone button type devices (zone numbers 26, 30, 34, and 38) will be stopped only if there are no serial numbers enrolled in all 4 zones of the key, regardless of the attributes that have been entered. In addition, zone types are not required to be present. In this case, 1A, Option 4 must be selected prior to “Learn”.](
![–36– ✻83 Enhanced Sequential Mode -% ]]-% 0' Enroll mode✻Note: If “L” is displayed, the serial number for this transmitter has already been entered, however, it may still be confirmed, viewed or deleted. If the transmitter’s serial number has not been previously entered, you may enter the enroll serial number mode (1A) by entering “1”, or copy the last serial number that was entered by entering “2”. If the transmitter’s serial number has been previously entered, you may, view the present serial number by entering “3”. If view is selected each digit will be re-displayed, and the keypad will beep once for digits 1-6, and three times for the last digit. Once the serial number has been entered by either selecting a “1” or a “2”, you will return to this prompt with the “L” on the display. The serial number/loop number combination that was entered can be confirmed by getting two transmissions (fault and restore) from the RF or UR device or one transmission from the BR device. If a transmission is received that matches the serial number and loop number entered, the system will announce the Voice Descriptor for the loop followed by three beeps, and a “C” will be displayed indicating that the received serial number and loop number transmission has been confirmed to match. No further transmissions will be received. When confirming a 4 button key, only the serial number is confirmed, since it assumed that all loops are used. Pressing any key will allow a confirmation. *Long beep indicates illegal entries, or duplicate serial number/loop entry* When the last zone has been entered, the display will remain on that zone. To exit this mode and return to data field program mode, press 00 at the ZONE NUMBER prompt. When all zones have been programmed, test each zone using the system’s Test mode. Do not use the Transmitter ID Sniffer mode for this, since it will only check for transmission of one zone on a particular transmitter, and not the zones assigned to each additional loop. For Zones 26-29, 30-33, 34-37, and 38-41 any loop can be used for RF enrollment. If enrolling via RF, it will be confirmed without additional transmissions.](
![–37– ✻83 Enhanced Sequential Mode -E ]] -ESerial number ✻ This prompt can be used to enroll the transmitter serial number via RF transmission or manually. If using the RF Learning Mode there is no need to manually enter a serial number. Proceed directly to RF Learning. Upon entering the Serial Number mode, the Zone Descriptors will be announced. Note: BR type devices can be enrolled only by transmission from BR devices. Likewise, UR and RF devices can only be enrolled by transmission from a UR or RF device RF Learning - Two (2) transmissions (2 key depressions) at least five seconds apart, will be required for BR type or four (4) transmissions (fault, restore and fault, restore) for UR or RF type. If the learned serial number has a different loop number than that entered in ✻56 the system will announce the Voice Descriptor, if it is programmed, followed by two beeps and will return to Prompt (1A) and “L” will be displayed. If the loop number captured by RF transmission and that entered in ✻56 mode match, the system will announce the Voice Descriptor, if it is programmed, followed by three beeps and return to Prompt (1A) and “LC” will be displayed. No additional transmissions are needed for confirmation. Manual Entry - Enter the 7-digit serial number printed on the transmitter. If you enter an incorrect digit, press the [#] key to backup to prompt (1A) and start over. When all 7 digits are entered, press the [✻] key. If less than 7 digits are entered, the keypad will emit a single long beep and return to the (1A) prompt without displaying the “L”. If more than 7 digits have been entered, the first 6 digits will be saved along with the last digit that was entered (entering 123456789 yields the serial number 1234569). Note: If 52 seconds pass and no entry has been made, the system returns to prompt (1A). *Delete serial number This function deletes only the serial number. Entering a “9” at prompt (1A). Confirmation of the delete request will cause deletion of the serial number pertaining to the zone being programmed. Note: In Enhanced Sequential Learn Mode, 4 button type keys will always be learned simultaneously. They will be stopped at the 4 button boundaries of 26, 30, 34 and 38, provided the zone is free of a serial number. If the first zone of the key has a serial number learned, the remaining keys cannot be programmed in sequential learn mode. In addition, if the zone has not been set up (duplicate loop, missing zone type, etc.) only entries 0 (skip to the next zone) and 4 (copy the key template) will be allowed.](
![–38– ✻84 Assign Zone Voice Descriptors Use this mode to assign voice descriptors for each zone. These are the descriptors that are announced when the system announces any event involving a zone number. Each descriptor can consist of up to 3 words. Press ✻84 while in Programming mode. The prompts for ✻84 are as follows: 84 Voice Descriptors---------------------- Main Menu prompt A 01 Zone Number --------------------------- for entering the zone number to be programmed b Descriptor 1 ----------------------------- for assigning the first word of this zone’s descriptor C Descriptor 2 ----------------------------- for assigning the second word of this zone’s descriptor d Descriptor 3 ----------------------------- for assigning the third word of this zone’s descriptor The following explains these prompts in detail. The left two columns identify the prompts and list the available entries. The right-most column provides a further explanation of the entries. Assign zone voice descriptors 0 = exit mode 1 = enter mode Pressing 1 advances to the next prompt below. Pressing 0 exits mode, upon which this prompt blinks, indicating the mode is inactive. % ]] Zone number ✻ Enter the 2-digit zone number for which this descriptor is being assigned, then press [✻]. The Voice Descriptor for the selected zone will be announced, if it is programmed. EYYDescriptor 1 Enter the first word of the descriptor for the selected zone. Use the [6] or [8] key to advance as described. To change the entered index number before pressing [6] or [8], simply press [#] + desired 2-digit vocabulary index number. If descriptor 1 is not desired, enter [#] + 99 (blank), then press [8] to return to zone number prompt. 'YY Descriptor 2 Enter the second word of the descriptor for the selected zone. Use the [6] or [8] key to advance as described. To change the entered index number before pressing [6] or [8], simply press [#] + desired 2-digit vocabulary index number. If descriptor 2 is not desired, enter [#] + 99 (blank), then press [8] to return to zone number prompt. GYYDescriptor 3 Enter the last word of the descriptor for the selected zone. Use the [6] or [8] key to advance as described. To change the entered index number before pressing [6] or [8], simply press [#] + desired 2-digit vocabulary index number. If descriptor 3 is not desired, enter [#] + 99 (blank), then press [8] to return to zone number prompt.](

![–45– Remote Programming/Control (Downloading) *HQHUDO,QIRUPDWLRQThe control panel can be remotely programmed from an IBM-compatible Personal Computer (PC), a HAYES Modem, and ADEMCO’s Compass Downloader for Windows (as specified below). 8/Multiple security levels protect remote programming against compromise by attempts to defeat the system. 1. Security Code Handshake: An 8-digit download ID code must be matched between the Control and downloader. 2. Site-Initiated Remote Programming: The installer or subscriber initiates the call from the subscriber premises (by entering Installer Code + # + 1) while disarmed. All parameters can then be downloaded via the phone lines using a personal computer. 3. Station-Initiated Remote Programming: The operator calls the site from your office to initiate the download call. The Control hangs up and then calls back the PC via the preprogrammed telephone number. The unit can then be uploaded, downloaded, or controlled from your office. 4. Telco Handoff: The installer or subscriber performs a download session on the call initiated from the site or from local laptop computer (by entering Installer or Master Code + # + 1 at the control panel). 5. Data Encryption: Data passed between the PC and the Control is encrypted for security so that it is very difficult for a foreign device tapped into the phone line to take over communication and substitute system-compromising information. Equipment required to download to a system at the premises • An IBM PC compatible computer and appropriate interconnecting cables. • Either a HAYES brand SMARTMODEM 1200 (Level 1.2 or higher external or Level 1.1 or higher [with 4 position DIP switch] internal style), a HAYES brand Optima 336 external, a HAYES brand Optima 24 Plus FAX96, or an Ademco CIA Modem. • Compass Downloader for Windows (at revision level supporting LYNXR, LYNXR24 or LYNXR-EN). Initial Download: Enter Installer Code + # + 5. This sets field ✻95 to 4 rings, and system to “no call-back” option. The download computer can then call the subscriber, make connection, and download all programming data. Flexible Callback: If enabled in field ✻93, the download operator can temporarily change the last 1, 2, or 3 digits (depending on selection) of the call back number. This allows the control to call back a computer other than the one programmed, which may be helpful at times of high computer traffic. See field ✻93 for a full description. 5HPRWH3URJUDPPLQJ,QIRUPDWLRQThe downloading system can perform many functions when in communication with the Control. Besides uploading and downloading, the status of the system can be observed and various commands can be initiated, as follows: • Arm the system in the away mode; disarm the system. • Bypass a zone. • Force the system to accept a new program download. • Shut down communication (dialer) functions (for nonpayment of monitoring fees in an owned system). • Shut down all security system functions (for nonpayment for a leased system). • Inhibit local keypad programming (prevents account takeover).](

![–47– System Operation 6HFXULW\&RGHVInstaller Code The installer programs the 4-digit Installer Code initially as part of the programming procedure. The factory default Installer Code is 4-1-1-2, but may be changed in field ✻20. The Installer Code is the only code that can enter Programming mode and also, in normal operation mode, is used to enter the Master Code, which allows access to the normal functions of the system. Master Code In normal operation mode, the Installer Code is used to enter the 4-digit Master Security Code. To enter/change the Master code by installer, using the keypad enter: Installer Code + [CODE key] + [02] + desired 4-digit Master Code To change the Master code by master, using the keypad enter: Current Master Code + [CODE key] + [02] + new Master Code + new Master Code again Secondary User Codes In normal operation mode, the Master Security Code can be used to assign up to 6 secondary 4-digit security codes, including a Babysitter Code and a Duress Code. The Master Code can also be used to remove secondary codes from the system (individually). To assign (or change) a secondary security code, using the keypad enter: Master Code + [CODE key] + User # (03–08) + desired Secondary Code The system will emit a single beep when each secondary code has been successfully entered. To delete a secondary security code, using the keypad enter: Master Code + [CODE key] + User # (03–08) Security Code Notes • The Master and Secondary security codes permit access to the system for arming, disarming, etc. • The Installer Code can disarm the system only if it was used to arm it. In addition, the Installer Code cannot disarm the system if it was armed by pressing and holding a Quick-Arm button. • The Babysitter Code (User Code No. 7) can disarm the system only if it was used to arm it. In addition, the Babysitter Code cannot disarm the system if it was armed by pressing and holding a Quick-Arm button. • Duress code (User Code No. 8) sends a special code to the monitoring station when used to perform any system operation.. Instruct users to be careful not to use this code for normal usage. • If a secondary code is inadvertently repeated for different users, the lower user number will take priority. • Opening/closing reports are sent for the Installer Code as No. 01, with the appropriate subscriber number. Master Code and set of secondary user codes are sent as Nos. 02 and 03–08, respectively, in Contact ID® format (with the appropriate user number); in 4+2, it is 1–8. Quick arming (and open/close executed by downloader) is reported as user 00. 3DQLF.H\VThere are three panic key pairs that, if programmed, can be used to manually initiate alarms and send a report to the central station. Each can be individually programmed for 24-hour silent, audible, personal or fire emergency responses. The panic function is activated when both keys of the appropriate key pair are pressed at the same time. The panic functions are identified by the system as follows: Keys Displayed as Zone [1] & [✻] 95 [✻] & [#] 99 [3] & [#] 96 Important: For the silent panic functions to be of practical value, the system must be connected to a central station.](

![–50– System Operation 8/ $ODUP$XGLR9HULILFDWLRQ7ZR:D\9RLFH)HDWXUHThis feature allows the central station operator to listen, talk to or conduct a two-way conversation with an individual(s) at the premises. It also assists the operator in gathering information about the nature and location of the alarm that may be helpful in responding to police and fire departments. All LYNXR-Series control panels are capable of supporting the Two-Way Voice feature, however only the LYNXR-EN has this feature built in. The LYNXR/LYNXR24 requires the installation of the Audio Verification Module (LYNX-AVM). For further information regarding the LYNXR/LYNXR24 Two Way Voice Feature refer to the LYNX-AVM Installation and Setup Guide. The LYNXR-EN does not make system announcements when the Two-Way voice feature is active. Activation The LYNXR-EN sends the “alarm message” followed by a “Listen-in-to-Follow message” (Contact ID® code 606) to the Central Station. The Listen-in-to-Follow message causes the Central Station’s digital receiver to temporarily hold the phone line for approximately 1-minute. When the LYNXR-EN receives the “kissoff” from the central station, indicating that the alarm message has been received, the Two-Way Voice (AVM) feature is activated in the (default) “Listen Mode” and sirens and keypad sounds are discontinued. The LYNXR-EN transmits a beep acknowledgment to the Central Station, once per second. The beep alternates between two tones and indicates that the LYNXR-EN is waiting for a session command from the Central Station operator. Once a command is issued the beep acknowledgement is discontinued, however, if a command is not issued within two minutes the system will “time out” and the call will be terminated. Operator Commands The Central Station operator begins the session, which last 5 minutes, by entering one of the valid AVM commands shown in the table below. The session may be extended 5 minutes, without changing the operating mode, by pressing the [7] key on the touch-tone phone. Selecting another operating mode also resets the session an additional 5 minutes. During the last minute of the 5 minute, session, the LYNXR-EN generates two beeps every 30 seconds to alert the Central Station operator that the session is about to time out. The Central Station operator may then extend the session by pressing the [7] key on the touch-tone phone. If the session is not extended the phone line is disconnected, and the session is ended. Sessions may be ended at any time by pressing the [9] key on the touch-tone phone. The AVM modes are described as follows: Note: When entering AVM commands make sure the Central Station receiver has been disconnected from the phone line, otherwise AVM commands may not go through. Key Function 1 Talk Mode: Pressing the [1] key on the touch tone phone, enables one-way voice communication from the central station to the violated premises, and allows the operator to talk communicate through the LYNXR-EN speaker. In this mode the ARMED (red) and READY (green) LEDs blink alternately. 2 VOX (Voice) Mode: Pressing the [2] key on the touch-tone phone, enables two-way voice communications between the central station and the violated premises. In this mode the ARMED (red) and READY (green) LEDs blink alternately. 3 Listen Mode: Pressing the [3] key on the touch-tone phone, enables one-way audio from the violated premises to the central station. The Listen Mode is the start up default mode of the voice feature and allows the operator to listen through the LYNXR-EN microphone. This mode does not affect the existing LED pattern. 7 Extends the session 5 minutes without changing its operating mode. 9 Ends the session and disconnects the phone line. “Follow Me” Reminder Feature This feature allows the user to schedule a time driven message. When activated the system will dial a phone number, that the installer programs in Field ✻46, and deliver a voice message (custom words 72, 73, and 74). The LYNXR will immediately begin transmitting the voice message and will repeat the message for 45 seconds. Pressing any touch-tone key on the answering phone will acknowledge the message ending the session and preventing the system from redialing the programmed number. Delivery of a reminder message on the local LYNXR keypad will continue. If the message has timed out the system](
![–51– System Operation will redial the programmed number a maximum of seven additional times or until it is acknowledged. Pressing any key on the LYNXR keypad will terminate (acknowledge) both the follow me reminder and the local reminder announcements. Notes: (1) This feature is only supported if programmed in field ✻49. (2) The follow me reminder will be terminated if any other event requires the system to dial out, or if an audible alarm has occurred, however, delivery of the local schedule reminder message will continue. ´)ROORZ0Hµ6\VWHP$QQRXQFHPHQW)HDWXUHThis feature allows the LYNXR to deliver a voice system message to the secondary phone number programmed by the installer. The LYNXR will first transmit reports to the Central Station and after receiving its kiss-off the system will dial the secondary phone number and begin transmitting the voice message. This message is a repeatable system status announcement. Like the Follow Me reminder, pressing any key on the answering telephone or the local LYNXR keypad will terminate (acknowledge) the message. The system will dial the secondary phone number a maximum of eight times. The Follow Me alarm functions may be triggered by a variety of events depending upon the selections made during programming in field ✻49. Note: The follow me system announcement will be terminated if any other event requires the system to dial out or if an audible alarm has occurred. 3RZHUOLQH&DUULHU'HYLFHVHJ;GHYLFHVIf Powerline Carrier Devices are used, two keypad entries available to the user are included. They can manually activate or deactivate the device(s) for starting or stopping some action, such as turning lights on or off, etc. These keypad entries are: Security Code* + [#] + [4] + Device # activates (starts) that device. Security Code* + [#] + [7] + Device # de-activates (stops) that device. *Code is required for devices 7 and 8. Code is not required for devices 1-6. ([LW(UURU$ODUP'LVSOD\VIf programmed: • A display of “CA” and a zone indication will appear if an exit or interior zone contained a fault during closing at the time the exit delay ended (e.g., exit door left open), but the system was disarmed during the entry delay time. The alarm sounder and keypad sound continuously, but stop when the system is disarmed. No message will be transmitted to the central station. • A display of “EA” and a zone indication will appear if an exit or interior zone contained a fault during closing at the time the exit delay ended, but the system was NOT disarmed during the entry delay time. The alarm sounder and keypad sound continuously until the system is disarmed (or timeout occurs). An Exit Alarm message is sent to the central station. • The “EA” display, etc. will also result if an alarm from an exit or interior zone occurs within two minutes after the end of an exit delay. In any of the above cases, use a second OFF sequence (code plus OFF key) to clear the display. 7URXEOH&RQGLWLRQVThe word “FAULT” on the keypad’s display, accompanied by a rapid “beeping” at the keypad, indicates that there is a trouble condition in the system. Pressing any key can silence the audible warning sound. Instruct users to call for service immediately upon seeing any of the following messages. “Fault” and “Battery” Displays • “FAULT” and one or more zone numbers indicates that a problem exists with the displayed zone(s) and requires attention. After correcting the problem, the display can be cleared by entering the security code plus the OFF key twice. • The fault condition may also be caused by some change in the environment that prevents the built-in receiver from receiving signals from a particular wireless sensor.](
![–52– System Operation • “LOW BAT” with no zone number indicates that the system’s backup battery is weak. • “LOW BAT” with a zone number and a once-per-45 seconds “beeping” at the keypad indicates that a low battery condition exists in the wireless sensor displayed (zone “00” indicates a wireless button/keypad). If the battery is not replaced within 30 days, a “FAULT” display may occur. • “Fault Zone 93”, along with a flashing “AC” and a once per 45-seconds “beeping” at the keypad indicates a loss of AC power to the 5842 Wireless Dialer (if this feature is supported by the Wireless Dialer being installed). • “Fault Zone 93”, along with a single beep indicates that setup information from the 5842 Wireless Dialer has not been properly received. Power Failure • If there is no display at all, and both indicators are not lit, operating power for the system has stopped and the system is inoperative. • If the display is lit and the AC display is off, the system is operating on battery power only. • During an AC power loss, the backlighting will turn off and the indicators will flicker slightly to minimize deep discharge of the battery. Other Displays dI = Busy-Standby: Displayed upon power-up. After approximately 1 minute* the green “READY” LED should light. If the “dI” remains displayed for more than 1 minute, the system is disabled. *To bypass the 1-minute delay, press [#] + [0]. Important: Do not try to bypass 1 minute delay before “dI” is displayed! CC = Modem Comm: The system is communicating with the central station for change of function or status verification. FC = Comm. Failure: A communication failure has occurred. This message clears only when the system is subsequently armed. 90 = RF Jam: The system has detected an RF jamming condition or excessive interference. 93 = PH = Speaker Phone Mode: The system is in Speaker Phone mode. PC = Phone Control: The remote Phone Control feature is active.](
![–53– Testing the System 7HVW0RGHAfter installation is completed, the security system should be carefully tested, as follows. 1. With the system in the disarmed state, check that all zones are intact. If the READY LED is not lit, press the [✻] key to display the faulted zone(s). Restore faulted zone(s) if necessary, so that READY LED lights. Fault and restore every sensor individually to assure that it is being monitored by the system. 2. Enter the security code and press the TEST key. The outside sounder will sound for 1 second and all the LED segments on the keypad display light for 3 seconds. LYNX announces the zone’s voice descriptor (if programmed) followed by 3 beeps, each time a contact is faulted. A test report should be transmitted (if programmed) to the central station immediately. If the backup battery is discharged or missing, the sounder may not turn on and a LOW BATTERY report will be transmitted with a TEST report. The keypad will beep once every 45 seconds as a reminder that the system is in the Test mode. 3. To turn off the Test mode enter security code and press the OFF key. Notes: (1) Triggering a zone set to Arm AWAY, Arm STAY, or Disarm will take the system out of Test and cause that action. (2) BR type transmitters do not display during Test mode (keypad beeps only) (3) Macros cannot be run from the Test mode. $UPHG6\VWHP7HVWAlarm messages will be sent to the central station during the following tests 1 and 2. Notify them in advance that tests will be in progress. 1. Arm the system and fault one or more zones. After 15 seconds (if optional dialer delay is selected), silence alarm sounder(s) by entering the code and pressing OFF. Check entry/exit delay zones. 2. Check the keypad-initiated alarms that are in the system by pressing the Panic key pairs. If the system has been programmed for audible emergency, the keypad will emit a steady alarm sound, and “ALARM” and zone number will be displayed. Silence the alarm by entering the security code and pressing OFF. If the system has been programmed for silent emergency, there will be no audible alarms or displays, but a report will be sent to the central station. 3. If Powerline Carrier Devices have been installed, test their programmed action. 4. Notify the central station when all tests are finished, and verify results with them. 5. To test the wireless part of the system and the RF receiver, perform the two additional tests described in the Installing Wireless Zones section: Sniffer mode and Go/No Go Test. Note: System Test mode (installer/master code + test) and Go/No Go Test (installer code + # + 8) will be automatically terminated after 3-1/2 to 4 hours if the installer or user does not manually terminate it. This ensures that fire and panic zones will not remain disabled. However, Sniffer mode (installer code + # + 3) does not automatically expire. You must manually exit (Installer/User Code + OFF) Sniffer mode to return to normal operation. TO THE INSTALLER Regular maintenance and inspection (at least annually) by the installer and frequent testing by the user are vital to continuous satisfactory operation of any alarm system. The installer should assume the responsibility of developing and offering a regular maintenance program to the user as well as acquainting the user with the proper operation and limitations of the alarm system and its component parts. Recommendations must be included for a specific program of frequent testing (at least weekly) to ensure the system’s proper operation at all times.](
![–54– System Communication This section provides an explanation of formats this system accommodates for reporting alarms and other system conditions to the central station. The process of a successful transmission consists of both the method of communication between the control panel and the central station receiver, and the actual way the information is sent and displayed at the central station. &RPPXQLFDWLRQ2YHUYLHZWhen the panel calls the central station receiver, it waits to hear a “handshake” frequency from the receiver to confirm that the receiver is on-line and ready to receive its message. Once the panel hears the handshake it is programmed to listen for, it sends its message. The panel then waits for a “kissoff” frequency from the receiver acknowledging that the message was received and understood. 3 If the handshake frequency is not given or is not understood by the panel, the panel will not send its message. Once the handshake frequency is received and understood by the panel, the panel will send its message. If there is an error in the transmission (the receiver does not receive a “valid” message), the kissoff frequency will not be given by the central station receiver. The panel will make eight attempts to the primary telephone number and eight attempts to the secondary telephone number (if programmed) to get a valid message through. If the panel is not successful after its numerous attempts, the keypad will display “FC.” If the secondary number is a pager, “FC” displays after the first 8 attempts to the primary number. The following chart defines the three sets of (handshake/kissoff) frequencies that the panel supports, and the different formats that can be sent for each. FORMAT HANDSHAKE TRANSMITS DATA KISSOFF TRANSMIT TIME Low Speed 1400Hz 1900Hz (10PPS) 1400Hz Under 15 seconds 3+1 (Standard report) 4+1 4+2 Sescoa/Rad 2300Hz 1900Hz (20PPS) 2300Hz Under 10 seconds 3+1 (Standard report) 4+1 4+2 Express 1400–2300Hz DTMF (10 cps) 1400Hz Under 3 seconds 4+2 Contact ID® 1400–2300Hz DTMF (10 cps) 1400Hz Under 3 seconds Report Code Formats 3+1 and 4+1 Standard Formats Comprise a 3- (or 4-) digit subscriber number and a single digit report code (e.g. alarm, trouble, restore, open, close, etc). 3+1 and 4+1 Expanded Formats Comprise a 3- (or 4-) digit subscriber number, and a 2-digit report code. The first digit is displayed on the first line, followed by a second line where the first digit is repeated 3 (or 4) times and followed by the second digit. This is the “expanded” digit. 4+2 Format Comprises a 4-digit subscriber number and 2-digit report code. ADEMCO Contact ID® Comprises a 4-digit subscriber number, 1-digit event qualifier Reporting Format (“new” or “restore”), 3-digit event code, and 3-digit zone number, user number, or system status number (see the following page). The following table shows the message formats for 3+1, 4+1 and 4+2 reports, where: SSS or SSSS = Subscriber ID C = Close Code (1st Digit) A = Alarm Code (1st digit) U = User Number (in hex) Z = Typically Zone Number* (2nd digit) G g = Test Code (1st & 2nd digits) T t = Trouble Code (1st & 2nd digits) R = Alarm Restore Code Bb = Bypass Code (1st & 2nd digits) R Tt = Trouble Restore Code (1st & 2nd digits) EAC = AC Loss Code (1st & 2nd digits) R Bb = Bypass Restore Code (1st & 2nd digits) LLB = Low Battery Code (1st & 2nd digits) R AAC = AC Restore Code (1st & 2nd digits) O = Open Code (1st Digit) RLLB = Battery Restore Code (1st & 2nd digits) *Zone numbers for: [*] & [#], or [B] = 99; [1] + [*], or [A] = 95; [3] + [#], or [C] = 96; Duress = 92](