Advance Security R33 Car Alarm Receiver User Manual
Advance Security Inc Car Alarm Receiver
User Manual
MODEL 69788 REMOTE ENGINE STARTER WITH ALARM SYSTEM OWNER'S MANUAL OPERATION: A. REGULAR TRANSMITTER OPERATION: System Function wvmmsw-«w _ Arm and Delete The shock Sensor Press twice within 5 seconds, wmwr am— Press Ind Hotd tor 3 seconds wmmwww — Two steps Door Unlodt a. Dis-mt System Press twice within 3 seconds. s"°"""‘“"°’°"‘""‘"° — Channel 2 (Trunk) Timer Control Press and Hold tor 2 seconds m Passive Arming By-Poss white the System Stly in Passive Ami - OrRo-Arml 4 m Activate Remote Start or Press 1nd Hold tor 1 seconds ma- WWW-ms“ — _E__m_ m_ m_ —m_ m_ MM m T “or-t,- on -nitior| switch C. CHIRP INDICATORS: D. PARKING LIGHT: mm m—_ “m m;_ moor—m1— mars—— E. ALARM OPERATING CONDITION: _ LED Doors Em] 1. Anni - mum-Imm— mm- mm—M—m ' ——m_ W-W --_ F. ACTIVE LOCK C- ARM: 1, Press 0 button on the tronsmitter. 2. The horn will chirp once and puking light wil flash once indicating that the system is now armed, The vehicle doors win look upon Inning when intertlced with the security system SILENT ARMING I DISARMING: Pross the a + f button on the transrnller Mil arm or dis-rm your security system. No chirp sound wil be heard. arm I dis-rm continuation will be through the vehicles parking lights only. _ ' DEFECTIVE SENSOR REMINDER: II the siren sounds it chirps. than you have tell a door. trunk, or hood ltd ljlr. (See Alarm Feature "I - 4 Prognmmtng) SHOCK SENSOR I OPTIONAL SENSOR BYPASS: Press the a button once: The seen chirps once. The system is armed, Press the B button a second time within 5 second: The siren chirps twice. the shock Sensor Is now bypassed. The sensor bypass Ieoture is programmed to activate for one arming cycte'only. The sewrily syaem will return to normal operation during the next arming cycle. H. PASSIVE ARMING Active arming I disarming is controling your security system vie the remote transmitter. This security system is equipped with an optional Passive Arming teature. which aim the security system to arm 30 seconds after the test door is closed. Operation is as follows. 1. Turn the ignition to the “OFF“ position and exit the vehicle. 2. Artelall entrances are closed. the security system LED will rlash test tor 30 seconds. It you reopen erry door/ hood Itmntt, the seculy system LED will flop flashing. It will begin flashing again once the vehicle all entrances are closed. 3. Alter ao-second timer has elapsed. the security system will automatically 'ARM'. The siren wil chirp It] tlme and the parking lights will flash [1] time. PASSIVE ARMING WITH PASSIVE DOOR LOCKING (See Alarm Feature "l ' 2" Programming): The vehicle doors will automatically lock alter passive errnlng cycle has been completed. PASSIVE ARIIltNG BY-PASS: While the LED fast flash for passive annlng or Automatic re-arrn, Press the a buttons twice. the sewrlty will respond vrlh [i] chirp and LED will turn ‘ON'. The security system will remain In this temporally state for as long as you wish. To exit passive by-pess. press the n or d" button and the system will rattan to normal status. G. ACTIVE UNLOCK 3. DISARM: 1. Press f button on the transmitter. 2. The horn will chirp twice and parking light will flash twice to Indicating that the security system is now dIsermed. The vehicle doors wtl unlock and dome light wills turns on for 30 seconds upon disarming Mien interfaced with the security system. TAMPER DISARMING: It alarm triggered. upon disarm the system. siren chirpi times. parking light ttash 3 times. PATHWAY ILLUMINATION (See Alarm Feat-re ‘fi - 4" Programming): This leature turns the parking light ‘ON' for 30 seconds upon a unlock signal and for 10 seconds upon the lock signal. TWO STEPS DOOR UNLOCK (See Alarm Feature “III - 3" Programmingtn This IeeIure will independently unlock the drives door only when Gleaming the security system. Pushing the “ button a second time within 3 seconds will unlock the entire veirlcle. AUTOMATIC RE-ARM (See Alarm Feature "I - 3" Programming): II this feature ls seieded. the security system will automaticaly re-ann ltseltdtJ seconds after disamiing with remote transmitter. Automatic rearrn will cancel if any door is opened Delete the 60 seconds timer has elapsed. H. DISARMING WITHOUT A TRANSMITTER The Override function may be used if the remote transmitter is lost or inoperative. 1. Enter the vehicle and turn the ignllon switch to ‘ON' poslion. 2. Within 10 seconds push and release the valet switch The alarm will enter the disarm mode. You can now start and operate the vehicle normally. I. VALET MODE: (system In Dlaarm or Valet model The valet swltdr elm you to temporarily bypass all alarm tundion. eliminating the need to hand your transmitter to parking attendants or garage mechanics. When the system is In valet mode. all alarm function and remote dart fundlon are bypassed. however the remote perrle teature and remote door locks will remain operational. To use the valet trade. the system must flrst he disanned either by using you remote transmitter, or by operating the Manual override sewenoe. Enter Vaiet Mode: , 1. From the dIsarrned condition. turn the ignition to ‘ON' poslion. . 2. Push md hold valet ewlch tor 2 seconds will the LED turns on. The LED wils remain on as long as the system is in Valet mode'. Exit Valet Mode: 1. Return to normal operation. tum ignition 'on'. 2. Push and hold vaiet switch for 2 seconds. The LED wills turns 0" Indicate the system are exiting the valet mode. J. PANIC FUNCTION: The transmitter can be used as a remote panic switch to manually trigger the alarm In case emergency. 1. Press and hold the a button tor ti second. The elann will immediately sound. 2. During panic mode. the normal iundion at this transmitter button will be suspended. The E and I buttons can be used to lock and unlock the doors (it the option Is installed). however once the {button Is pressed. the vehicle's starter disable device. (Where Installed) will be enable allowing the vehicle to start. 3. To flop the alarm. press and hold the E or {button on the transmitter again tor 3 seconds. Also it any transmitter button other than the H or mhmton is pressed and released, the panic mode will he turned oil immediately, N. TRIGGER THE SYSTEM When armed. your vehicle Is proieded ls lotions: 1. Light Impacts will trigger the mam-away signal. A [3] long chirp irom slrenlhom, 2. Heavy impacts / Doors open 1 Hood open I Trunk open I Tum on the ignition key will trigger the programmed sequence. The starter disebie reiey (It Installed) prevents the vehicle's garter from cranking. The siren. horn. parking lights. and dome light will turn on to alerting oi an intrusion tor 30 seconda. Then it will stop end automatic reset and rte-arm. It the one at sensors or detectors still active. the alarm system will sound a maximum ol 6 times oi 30 seconds cycles. K. DOME LIGHT CONVENIENCE DELAY l SUPERVISION (See Alarm Feature Ill - 2 Programming) The alarm with a unique lecture whtdi will turn on your vehicle dome tight as tollowing; 1. Upon disarming. the interior lights will remain on lot 30 seconds. 2. It the vehicle is intmded. the interior light will flash tor the same duration as the siren, Note: Turn on the ignition switch or arm the alarm will turn oil the dome light, L. IGNITION CONTROL DOOR LOCKSt (See Alarm Feature II - 2 Programming). It the vehicles door locks have been interfaced to the security system. the system will automatically Iocli the vehicle's doors when the ignition is tumed “ON' and Ior unlock the vehide‘s doors when the ignition to tumor! '0FF". M. TRUNK RELEASE Press and hold the a button on transmitter tor two seconds to remote control the trunk release or other electric devices. N. CAR LOCATOR Press the a button while the system armed to adtve cpr Iocelor iunctlon. The horn will chirp 6 times. The parking light will flash 12 times. tor you to easily locate your car. REMOTE START OPERATION: WARNINGS: As with any product that pertorms automatic tundlons, there are certain saiety precautions that you must practice and be aware oi. 1. Keep the transmitter out oi dilldreri's reach. 2. Do not leave anyone h the vehicle while naming on remote control. 3. Alert servicing personnel that the vehicle can be started automatically. 4. Do not start the vehicle by remote Mrlie it’s in an endosed area or garage. 5. Always apply the parking brake and look the vehide as you exit the vehicle. 6. Should the on! mailmiction. disconnect the lose until the problem Is corrected. 7. Theueeend werdhrtaotthil system to theeciempcmihllyotthepperetu'. 5. Some ereee may have local ordtmncee that prohblt leaving e vehicle runnhp on meal: streets. A. TO REMOTE START THE VEHICLE: When you want to start your vehicle. 1. Prose *button on the trawnitter tor 1 seconds. 2. The parking Ilmt will activate to Nate the remote start received the signal. 3. The engine will alert approximately 5 seconds. 4. Once the engine Is running. alter 11 seconds the perkhg light w! turn on again and clnete controls will activate and adiuet the vehicles Interbr ternperetue to you preset sentry. 5. The vehicle wl run tor 5 to 30 minute cycle and mtorneltceth/ shut down. NOTE: The Remote Start UnI will not start the vehide I any one oi the Iotlomhg conditions exists: 1. The hood la opened. 2. The brake pedal is preeeed. 3. Move the optional remote alert enable toggle switch to OFF poeitlcn. lit Ineieled) 4. The peer eelector is In any peer other then ‘PARK' or ‘NEUTRAL' B. TO TURN OFF THE REMOTE START: when the engine Ie running (by remote et-t). it you went to stop it. 1. Press * button on the transrnkter, 2. Move the optionel remote elm enable togve “rich to OFF position. (it entailed) 3. Preee the brake pedal The vehicle will shut own and tin oil the puke-g m to irritate enwre stopped. C. TO OPERATE THE VEHICLE WHILE RUNNING ON THE REMOTE START: To operate the vehide while running on the remote start 1. insert the ignition key and turn it to "ON“ (not the start) position. 2. Press the brake pedd. Note: it the brake pedal Ia pruned belore the key is In the ON poslbn. the engine wl shut down. D. TEMPORARY STOP FEATURE: Thle ieeture dowe the vehicle to remain running after Ire kayhae been removed trorn the ignition. This ieettxe ieueefuitorocceetonsMienyouvoishloexflendtockthevehicletorahoflpertodeoitlme.bvtwoutdilreto leave the motor running and the climate control on. t. Before turning oil the engine. pron the *buttenon metrenernitierend the LED Indicatorwll tteehJ lines to confirm enter. 2. Turn the imiiion key to OFF position. (The engine will stay naming.) 3. The engine will run until the pro-programmed time elapsed or ehutdonn input it received. E. TIMER START: This unit can be programmed to start we run the engine every 3 hours. The enghe will run tor the programmed run time end then shut down. iMPOR'i'm'T: Timer Start should be used only It open tees. Never start end run the vehicle In on enclosed space as a garage or carport. 3 hour: timer start: This teelrte Ie deetpn tor an extreme cold climate usage. The system w! eulo stat the vehicle every 3 hours. to prevent engine lreezing end had to start. A MAXIMUM OF Six CYCLES CAN OCCUR. ENTER: 1. Press we * button to remote start the vehicle. wmm to eeconde. 2. Depres- the a button once. Wlhh 2 seconds. 3. Rapidly dwell the * button once. The nullity Iifltl vol that! (3) lines. The horn chips (3) time. The vehicle is now proor-nmed to curl every (3) home. 4, Preee llrebrekepedd tcetopthevehictenmrirp. Exit the timer start: Tiner atafl can he exited menuiiy aa lolowe: i. Makeeuretherernote elm eyetern hnoteperethptheenghe. 2. Tum the Ignition on. The LED ltd perkitu llnhl VII Huh (4) times. The horn chirp: (4) times. o: 1. Prm m. * button In rornolo sun lhe vehicle. Wilhin 10 sacomis. 2, Depress the G button once. Within 2 ascends, 3, Depress 6 hold the * notion lorz seconds. The mlno light will flash (4) limes. TM "or" thin” (4) limes. The vahicie is no longer programmed lo sun automatically. F. SHUT-DOWN INPUT FOR REMOTE STARTER: ll any or the iollwlno commons um willie IM syslenl ls oooulinu, the engine will nol slam or will shut down lmmedialoly: The hood is oponod. Tho brake pedal ls messed, Movg the optional ramoia slan enable loggle switch lo OFF posliion. (Ii inslallod) Engim Is ovor-revvod. rT-onomolef wading lype‘ only) Tho pve-arogummod run IBM (5 no I 20 I 30 minuus) has elapsed. Transmitter * billion is prossad. The vehicle rolusod lo slsn running one! (3) unsucusslul Illempis. G. DISABUNG THE REMOTE START SYSTEM: (ll Insulin) This luiun allows your system's mmoio sign unil to on lompomly dis-bled lo woven! th- veiiolo lrom being romota stmod nocloonially. This lull-re Is useful if (he vehicle is being mind or sloped in an enclosed area. To disable the nmola sun. move the opiionai remote sun enable looms switch to in. OFF posluon. T‘.’ FPPNT‘ CAUTION: 0.539 or modificaxions no! expressly approved by the manufacture: mponslble for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment MODEL 69788 REMOTE ENGINE STARTER WITH ALARM SYSTEM INSTALLATION MANUAL INSTALLER WARNINGS This Remote Starter with Alarm System is designed to be installed on tuei inlected vehicles mth an automatic transmission ONLY a Never install this remote staner on a manual transmissron vehicle. a this system must be installed and wired through a satety switch it writ not start in any torwtlrd or reverse gear Some automatic transmission vehicle (mainly elder GM vehicles with a purple starter wire] have a mechanical-type park satety switch instead 0! electrical satety switch The mechanical type does not tnterruptthe staner circuit when the transmission is any gear and does not alter the 10m level oi safety reoulred'ior remote starting purposes Therefore. our system should never be installed on any vehicle that uses a mechanical type park safety switch. Once you install this system. you must verily that the vehicle will not stan any iorward or reverse gear. Regardless oi the type at vehicle. a Read operation manual tor operating and programming routine. I Do not install any component near the brake. gas pedal or steering linkage. a Some vehicles have a lactory installed transponder Immobilizer system that can severely complicate the installation. There is possibility that this system can not be installed on some Immobilizer equipped vehicles. Most vehicles have an SRS air bag system. Use einreme care and do not probe any wires ot the SRS system. I Disconnect the car battery beiore connecting wort on the vehicle, a Check behind panels before drilling any holes. Ensure that no wiring harness or other components are located behind the panels that would otherwise be damaged I Use conventional crimp lock. bullet on any wiring. Poor wiring. to. taped lolnts will possibly Introduce unreliability into the alarm system and may result in ialse alarms or Incorrect operation, 1 Install winng neatly under carpets or behind trim to prevent possible damage to wires. a For the wire operates the current more than 10A. We suggest soldering all connection point Do not use crimp lock type connectors or wire nuts. CAUTION: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer responsible for compliance could void the user's authomy to operate the equipment LED InflIe-lm 1.RodlwnmzP-kl Lt- Roll Pow" z. wmu: hung Ugm mm 0M l Ill-eh: Ground to Which Fumc J. Brown: Putin! Out“! To Sivan ‘. Rod: ‘12Vln-ul HA I?!" 0mm wmn mu i-Wd-I=Shnw0uwl 2.11041“th thleZVhwl 1. Yellow: lwon l outml 5, Plnl: I. Brown: ACCfHut'f Output - mu M- or 0) Lock Pl!" 2, Gnen: (-1 Lock Plug 07 h) Unlodx Pm" VALET SWITCH 1. am. Wu, Inn-n! Maw (-) Gland mt Ncgnliv- Dow Pln 1d":- Input 1 Vlelflwtw m Foam. ow Pin mm "ham 1. Whit-mack Wk; (-) Negalsve saver, shun Dwn Fu- Hood P‘n Swnm Input I, Whthlohl WI": (0) PM" Sim 3110! Down Fm Eith- Irwul a. Budd wma WIN: (-) Ncwi Salm W Input A l-) Ramon sun to s-nu- Input! 7. Whlhlflnd Wh: Tldiumtlfl Sign! M IMPORTANT MOVE: Ditch mum in BUCK/WNIYE nt- 10 M 'GROUNO' whln N: Mm Is not used. M41 #H2 6 PIN HEAVY GAUGE WIRE HARNESS 20A Fus- 2 Rod IZV‘IncM 3 Rad IZVOI 4 You» Igrilluri 1 nuivui 20A Fuse 5. Pirlt Igfdhn 2 can! G. Brown Accmum 5 PIN WIRE HARNESS 1. Had 1 Win". Win Parking Lighi Rchy pour Parting Light Rain Ouwut a. Black w" Ground (0 Vehicle FRAME 4, Brown w-e‘ Ponlm outpui Yo Sir-n at “cm (Prognmmnbio) 6A R“ W’Ov ' 12V Yo Cor-stun Biliary Swain #H4. #H5 4 PIN ORANGE CONNECTOR FOR OPTIONAL SENSOR 1. Gm" ere I Warn Away Input 2, Blur Wm! Inn-m Ground Trigger 1 Black Wire 1 Negallva 4. mm mm o izwiu 5 PIN WHITE CONNECTOR FOR OUTPUT CONNECTION 1. 01mm Wh. (-) soon-A Grown“ Dulpil Mun Almcfl I. Vullow Wit: (-l 200 MA W7! 3 Control Olllput :. whlll wn m 200 MA P-npmmabh wow Dom Liwii Cor-ind owui (Putin-fly D'hull ulhg) 01 mm ouipui o- Fldory Sammy amp siwi 0mm 1. Pin! win' (-) zoo m ngvunm-NI milwl 2-5"; Doui mine! own: (Fnlury Dciul mung) Or “any Stanly 01mm Sun-I 00!qu 01 52-1! Suiul (Shock Sonar Syn-n cannon Output I. any Wiu- (A) 200 mA ngummlulc wlwl Chaim-l 2 Output (rm-av unru- nun-g) “H6. 7 PIN BLACK CONNECTOR FOR INPUT CONNECTION: 1. Blue Wire instant trigger Ground input 1. Green Wee Negative Door Pin "lager Inpul‘ Jr Violet Wire: Poeitive Door Pin Trigger input 5c Whit-Mole! Wire (41 Positive Safety Shut Down input let Brake switch G. Blecltilmlite Wie: (-) News satety Switch Input 5 (-) Remote start Towe Switch input 7. WhitelRed Wire, Tachometer sign-I Input IMPORTANT NOYE: Dlrectty connect on BLACKNVHITE wire to the ‘GROUND' when this wire to not need, ilet 3 PIN DOOR LOCK CONNECTOR (- ) Unlock Pulse 1. Blue Wire 0 Lock Pulse - ) Lock Pulse 2. Green Wire E‘ ) Unlock Puke Keep wlrhg my from mining engine parts. what‘st pipes and high-tension cable. Tape wires that pass through holes on the firewall to prevent lray'nu. Watches out sharp edges that may damage wires and causes short circun, CAUTION: Do not connect ttte wire harness to the control module until all wiring to vehicle is complete. H1: 8 PIN HEAVY GAUGE WIRING CONNECTiON: Remember that the system does to start e vehicle In duplicate the tundions oi the ipnlien key mitdtt Below. we will emieln the three basic functions at the bulb" swlchr Since this installation wlt requie eneiysls oi the igan Mch tunctlonsl we recommend making the three connections below et the Unlien Mild! hemess dkectly. Hm. Violet Wire—Starter Output careful consider-hon tor the connection oi this We must be made to prevent the vehicle Item sterthg whle In pear, Understanding the ditlerence hemeen a mechanical end an electrical Neutral start Men wII allow you to property Identify the devil and filed the correct installation method In million you wll realize my the connection 01 the aelety wire is reqund tor eli mechanical switch contiguretions. Feiure to make this connection property can result In personal lnltn and property dam-get in all Installations I is the responsbllly oi the Installing technician to test the remote flirt on! and assure that the vehicle can not start «a RF control In any gear selection other then park or neutrel. In both medianical and eiectflcal neutral atoll Mott wnfigurations. Iho connection ot tho VIOLET who will be made to tho low current start soionoiri m ottha Ignliion switch hat-nos. This who have 012 volts Mien the ignition switch is turned to the ~START“ (CRANK) position only. This wiro have 0 volts in an other Ignition Meir positions. NOTE This wire must be comoctoa to the vehicle side oi the starter cut relay (when used). For the cleanest neutral switch configuration. this commotion must be made between the sorter Inhibit relay (when used) and the neutral satety switch as shown in the ioiiowing diagram. Failure to connect this wire to the ignition switch side of the neutral saieiy switch can resul in person-i Injury and property damage. SEE NEUTRAL START SAFETY TEST FOR FURTHER DETAILS. St-t Cut Retry aneo In Putt or “M“ M Nauiri om H1/2 5 tit/3. Red Wire (2)— 012V Power Input Remove the two 20A loses prior to connoding these wires and do not replace them until the sol-lite has been plowed irrio the control module. These wires are the source oi era-rent for all the circuits the relay satellto will energize. They must be connected to a high current source Since the Iadory supplies (o) tzv toihekey switch In! Busediooperalethomrmr. I isreoornrnendod thetthesewiesbeoorareqedihere. Note: it the Iactory supplies two separate (‘) tzv leads to the unition Mitch. connect one RED wiro oi the satellite to each feed at the swldi. H1l4. Yellow Wire - Ignition 1 Output Connect the YELLOW Mrs to tho Ignition 1 wire from the ignllnn switch. The Ignition who show] receive 'tz volts“ when the ignition trey is in the 'ON“ or "FtUN' and "START” or 'CRANK‘ position. When the ignition is tuned "OFF“. Ihe ignition w‘ao should receive “o- voitago.. The YELLOW wire must be connected. tit/5. PINK Vlfire - Ignition 2 Output Somo vehicles have l!) Ignition wires that must be power. Connect the PINK wire to the ignition 2 wire Irom the ignition switch The Ignition wire shouiri racolve ‘I2 volts“ when the Ignlion tray is in the W or 'RUN' end 'START" or ‘CRANK' position. When the ignition is tumod ‘Ot’F‘. the ignition wire should racoiva “0” voltage. II tho PINK wire Is not used. cap the end oi the wire. Htls. Brown Wire —Acceseory Output (Hooter IAC Output) Connect tha BROWN wire to the accessory wire in the vehicle that powers the climate control system. An mossory wire MI show 0 12 vofls when the imition switch is tumor: to the ‘ACCESSORY' or W' and "RUN“ positions. and wil show 0 Volts when the tray is turned to the ‘OFP anti ‘START‘ or 'CRANK‘ podtion. Thoro will often be more than one accessory wire In tho ignition homes. The corrad accessory wire will power the vehicle's ctlmata control system, Some vehicle may hava separate wires for the blower motor and the air conditioning compressor. In such cases. it will be necessary to add a relay to power the second accessory wire. H2: 5 PIN WIRE HARNESS: H211. RED / WHITE WIRE —PARKING LIGHT RELAY INPUT - Tho RED/WHITE wire Is the input to the flashing parking light relay. The connection at the REDMIMITE wire wll determine the cutout polarity oi the flashing porting light relay. II the vehicle you are working on has etzvott switched parking lights. you don‘t need conned this wire. This wire already connected to +12vott. It the vehicle's parking lights on ground switched. out the REDIWHITE wire. connect the REDMIHtTE wire to chassis ground . H2/2. WHITE WIRE -— PARKING UGHT RELAY OUTPUT 012 V 10A OUTPUT) - Connect the WHITE wire to the parking lght wire coming from the headlight salon. Do not connect the WHITE wire to the dashboard lighting dimrnor switch. (Damage to the dirnrnor will result), The Imitation oi the WHITE fire to to AMP rnax. Do not exceed this Iirnl or damage to the alarm and parking relay will result. H2/3. BLACK WIRE - SYSTEJI GROUND — This Is main ground connection at Iho alarm module, Moke IhIs oohnoolion Io o solld udlon oI Iho vohIoIo Iramo. Do not connect Iris wire to any oxIsIIno ground wires supplled by tho ladory wh loom. nuke tho oomootlon lo the which": from dlrootly. H2/4. BROWN WIRE - PROGRAMMABLE OUTPUT SIREN DRIVE OUTPUT (Fodory Dalaul Setting) This I: the positive (r) output connection lot the firm. CurronI capacity I: 2 Amps. Make connodlon lo the (0) rod wir- irom the siren. Make the (~) black Mro coming Irom the men to a good chassis ground. (0) Low Cum! HORN OUTPUT —- (Set Alum Future III — 1 To Horn Ornput) This wire Is provIdod to use Ibo oxlsllno vehicle! horn as the alarm system's optloners womlng audIoIo devtco. II'! a Iraruiotorlzod km ourrml output. and should only In cor-nomad to Iho low ourronl positive (fl output from I»: vehide's horn Mar. H215. RED WIRE - SYSTEM POWER (012V CONSTANT) - The RED MN supplies power to (he system. Canned Ihls win In a oonsterd ‘12 you souroo. H3. 2 PIN WHITE CONNECTOR FOR THE LED STATUS INDICATOR: The led indicator status should ho mourned In a highly vIsIhIo area such on lop of the dnhboord. on top oi Ihe shihor oonsolo or on awkward hoe. Luv. at lufl 6mm some behind lho mounting loo-lion for LED housing. Once a suIIabia location I: ohm-n. drill a 0mm holo. Run tho LED Mm Ihrwoh the hole then press the 2 pin LED housing Into Im piooe. Rom. Ihe LED vllros Io tho control mam. H4. 4 PIN ORANGE CONNECTOR FOR OPTIONAL 2 STAGE SENSOR uzv Dr Grourd Geo-div 0" 5mm Romhorn-h I. Orton VInre Iwam Away InpuI 2. Blu- IMra I InsIanI Ground Trigger 3. Block Wire I Negativo 4. Rod WIN I 0 12Volls Fundlan: Allows easy poslllvo. non-(Ive. lnsIanI mayor. and wam-amy mayor connection wiIh qulck disconnect eblllly Ior other (Mention devices, H5: 5-_PIN MINI WHITE CONNECTOR WIRE HARNESS: H5“ ORANGE WIRE — (') 500m! GROUNDED OUTPUT WHEN ARMED — This who will become grounded when "no alarm Is armed. Tho mm upoolly of this wlro is zoom. This outpm can control slaner disable, when on Intrusion Is doloctod end the ayslom I: moaned. The vehicles prevent from any unaulhorhed namnq, tumou- NEII: ORANGE vrlre horn oomrd "to“. H512. YELLOW WIRE:- (-) 200ma IGNITION 3 OUTPUT- This wlre provides a ZOOrnA (-) ground oqum lIraI heoornos salve 4 seconds boiore Ihe nmolo sun unII lnlliaIIzo. and tom-Ins grounded whlla nrnnlng. Ignitlon 3 output: Some newer velrlcles use a third tonllon wire which is required to start and keep the vehicle's engine running, It tilts is the ease. wire on IGN 3 reiey (not supoled) as shown below. Do not connect any vehicle circuits together. they are isolated lot 5 resaon. 0 12 V Comte"! Filed 25A Clm Yelow Wire GM VATS KEY OVERNDE: It the vehicle has the General Motor VATS system infill“. you will need to brine! the system while the vehicle Is operatlng under the control or the Remote start Unit. To do this: 1. Measure the resistance oi the resistor pellet on the ignition Itey then select a resistor within 513 of he key‘s velue. 2. Locate the pair oi VATS wires in the vehicle. usually a pelr of thin gauge wires running trom the lgflllloti switch to the VATS control module. 3. Conner: the YaLow wire irorri Remote Start Unit to TERMINAL ”5 at an extemsl relay. Connect terminal see of the rel-y to e tused 012 volt. l. Cut (ll) wire (es shown), and connect the ignition switch side of the cut wire to terminei uh of the relay. Connect the other side oi the (it) wire to tenninst no. 5. Connect the wevlously selseoed resistor from terminal 167 to the mom) wire (as shown). HSI‘S. WHITE WIRE — (-) 200me PROGRAWABLE OUTPUT. DOME LIGHT CONTROL OUTPUT (Factory Default Setting}— This wire becomes grounded when the dome "gm wntrois circuit active. The current capacity or this wire is zoom. This wire can control the operation at the Interior lights. An optional to Amps relay can be used to this system tor interior lights operation. a). Upon disarming, the interior lights with remain on tor 30 seconds. b). It the vehicle is violated. the iriertot light wil ilash tor the some duration as the siren. HORN OUTPUT-(See Alarm Feature Itt - 2 Programming) This wire Is provided to use the existing vehicle‘s FUSE f, h," , horn as the ellrrn system's optionars wlmlnq audible device. it‘s e transMorlzed low current output. and should only be connected to the low 0 ”v \ current ground output trom the vehicle‘s horn erile win ' witch. When the system is triggered. the him. will sound. ' 012V Or Ground .' Dependlr‘ On System anthem FACTORY SECURITY REARM SIGNAL OUTPUT-(See Alarm Festure itl - 2 Programming) This wife is designed to rearrn a leetory Inst-led sewrity system. This wire wll supply a pulse whenever the remote start times out or ts shut dowm using the transmits: Ind remote door locking" H5“. PINK WIRE — (-) 200m: PROGRAWABLE 0UTPUT(See Alarm Featuu III - s Progremming) 2 STEPS UNLOCK OUTPUT (Footefy Del-ill Setihg) — The 2 steps unlock ieeture will work tor the most lolly eiedronic door tout droull. The vehicle must have an electronic door Iocir ewltoh (not the loot: knob or key switch). we. looks and unlocks-l oi vehicle's doors. When wired tor this teehrre, press the ileum (or unlock) baton one ttrna will disarm the elenn and unlock the driver‘s door ordy. if. press disarm (or unlock) Mon two tithes wllhtn 3 seconds. the elenn will disemr end ell doors wtl unlock FACTORY SECURITY DISARM SIGNAL OUTPUT -($ee Alarm Feetute III - 3 Programming) This wire is designed to asenn e tectory Insteled seortrity sysem. This wire sends e negetive (-) 1 seconds pulse upon e remote start and remote door unlocking. Some lectory systems rmrst be disen'ned to slow remote starting. In most cases. this wire may be oonneded dreary lo the tedory elerrn disarm wire. The correct wire will shorr negative ground when the key is used to mioclx the doors or trunk. This wire Is usually Iound in the ltldt peneI eree In the wiring harness coming Ittto the our body from the dean START STATUS (Shock Sensor Bypass Control) OUTPUT-(See Alarm Future III - a Progremming) This wire is designed to try-pass shock sensor module. This who will supply en output at all times the e stert ts opereting ptus In additional 3 seconds alter the remote start unll tum oit. H5/5 . GRAY WIRE - CHANNEL 2 (Trunk Release) OUTPUT This will become e 1 second pulse ground by ecttvete channel 2 on transmitter tor two seconds. the current capacity ot this wire I: 200 m This teelure slows you to remote cor-drill trunil reteese or other electric device. fit“ HIV Or Groin! mm o.- Spite!!! Rem 011V Mm H6: 7 PIN MINI BLACK CONNECTOR : Halt. BLUE WIRE - GROUND INSTANT TRIGGER INPUT — This wire is the ground trigger Input wire tor hoodltrunit pin Metres. Pie/2. GREEN WIRE - NEGATIVE DOOR SWITCH SENSING INPUT — This wire Is the ground trigger Input wire for negotive door pin switch. This wire Is connection tor "groundlng' type Iedory door pine Iocele the ”common wire“ thet connects the door pin Mohes. Metre the connection 01 the GREEN Wire here. Hm. VIOLET WIRE - POSITIVE DOOR SWITCH SENSING INPUT— Thiswire Is the positive trigger Input wire tor positive door pin switch. This wire is connection tor "positive typo Iectory door pinsttypicel FORD MOTOR). Looete the “common wire" tor ell door pins end metre the connection of the VlOLET Wire here. H8/4. WHITE/BLACK WIRE — NEGATIVE SAFETY SHUT DOWN lNPUT - The WHITE/SMOKE wire provides en hetent shutdown tor the remote dart. whenever It is grounded. Connect the wire to the hood pin snitch previously Insteited. This wire mist be routed thouglt Hood Pln W e grommet In the firewall end oonneded to the hood pin switch. It the pin switch Is to be used with en To; Week Me! To' Alum hlhrtl eterrn sydem, connect this wire with diode. Noe-W- r-r-o H up," em m e—_- . moa- ood- Importentt This oonneaion ts e selety wire end-_ must be connected es shown end tested as modems-ae- specmled. Fellure to do so mey "M In person-l Injury or property dentege. See detel or wiring In the toltowtng diegrem' This wire mey else he used It the vehicle bruise light circuit witches ground to the tavern-rerun»: brake lights. An Ieotetton diode must be used tor Ned-1M deli ground switched brake light drcuits end must be To Vehide connected to the output oi the brake switch. ' M emu sow-n |_—_. HBIS. WHITE/VIOLET WIRE:- POSITIVE SAFETY SHUT DOWN INPUT This wire provides an Instant shutdown tor the remote flan. whenever it gets tizvola. It the brake Ights switdt In the vehicle switches 012 volts to the brake light circuit. connect this wire to the output side oi the brake switch. This will litotrr the remote start to shtl down I! an attempt is made to operate the vehicle without the key while mnrtlng under the control or the remote start. In most vehicles. In order to shift gear. Ll: braJIe pedal must be depressed. The brake tooth will In turn cause the remote start unit to shut oil. See ow agrarn. switch closes when 012 volts irorn ruse be! brake is degrees To wmw Violet WIN Brake light bulhe cede HGIB. BLACK/WHITE wire —(-)Remote Start Enable Toggle Switch Input — — (-)Neutrd Safety Switch Input — When the BLACK/WHITE wire Is grounded. the remote start unlt ts operable. When this wire Is open horn ground. the remote start is disable. i. The optional “remote start toggle switch‘ cen be added on to ternporarly disable the Remote Start Device. It can prevent the vehicle horn being remote started accidentally. This ieeture Is ueeiui It the vehicle Is being serviced or stored In an enclosed area. To disable the remote start. move the optional remote start enable toggle svrltdr to the OFF position. To enable the remote start. move the optional remote start enable toggle switch to the ON poslion. 2. It needed. This wire can conned to the FARKINEUTRAI. switch in the vehicle. (See the TESTING YOUR INSTALLATION GUIDE) IMPORTANT NOTE: Directly connect the BLACKMIHITE wire to the “GROUND" when this wire I! not used. Hen WHITE/RED wire—Tachometer Signal connection— Thls Input provides the remote start system with lntormatlon about the engine‘s revolutions per mhute (RPM) It can be connected to the negative side oi the col bl vehide with conventional colts. In multI-coil and high energy Ignition system locating a proper signal may be more dithcult. Once connected You must Program the start Feature II - 2 to 'Techorneter checiung typo' and teach the system the RPM signal. (See Start Feature II — 3 I 4 Programming.) To test tor a tachometer wire. I muitt-meter capeble oi lest Ac voltage must be used. The tachometer wire will show between t V and av Ac at idle. and wil Increase as engine RPM Increases. In multicolt ignllon system. the system can teem Individual coll vrlre Individual col wires In a mum-coil ignition system will register lower amounts at AC voltage. Also. ti necessary the system can use a tool Inledor control wire tor engine speed sensing Common locations for a tachometer wire are the ignition col Ilseli the beck oi the gauges. engine computers and automatic transmission computers. IMPORTANT I Do not led tachometer wires with a test light or logic probe. The vehicle M! be damaged. How to find a tachometer wire with your multimeter t. Set the ACV or AC voltage (12V or 20V Is line.) 2. Attach the (-) probe or the meter to chassis ground. 3. Stan and run the vehicle. . 4. Probe the wire you suspect at being the tachometer wire with the red probe at the meter. 5. It this Is the oorred wire the meter will read between iv and tiv. NOTE: No connection at this wire to required. It you use the voltage or timer checking type mode. H7. 2 PIN BLUE CONNECTOR FOR THE VALET SWITCH: Select a mounting location tor the switch that Is easily accessible to the driver of the vehicle. The switch does not have to be concealed. however. concealing the switch ls always recommended. as this provides an even higher level oi security to the vehicle. Mount the valet switch In a hidden but awesstble location. Route the valet swlch wires to the control module. H9. BLACK J-PIN CONNECTOR. —Wlndehleld Receiver [Antenna The windshield receiverianlenna mounts on the windshield (inside). We suggest you mouth It on the lower Iett or upper Ieit- hand side oi whdfldeld Warning! Do no! mean! In such I manner that ii obstructs the driver‘s view, - The nether/meme nhb rnusi be vetfloai. - Remove "in protective inpe booking - Carefuiiy align Iho roceiverlanimna and eppiy in windshield. - Route the block oomeaov m behind (ho trim and connect to receiver/onion“, - Conned Ihe other end in the com-oi module. - Special consider-lions must be nude ior windshieid aim a sonic newer vehioies ulllle a meilllc shieided window elm Incl Ml Inhibil or resirifl RF reception. in ihese vehicle. route the two way receiver/enlenn- module my irom metalic shielded Mndw glass as in as possibie. H8. 3 MN DOOR LOCK CONNECTOR: INSTALL NW DOOR LWK moron 2 STEP DOOR UNLOCK WIRE CONNECTION FOR VACUUM OPERATED DOOR LOCKING SYSTEM: 5 WIRE ALTERNATING DOOR LOCKS TYPICAL OF MERCEDES BENZ AND AUDI LocaIe the wire under [he driver‘s kick panel. Use ihe voltmeter connecting io ground. verily Ihal you have t oonect wire with lbs doors unlocked. the vollmeter wil receive ”12 veils". Look the doors and the voltmeter read "0 vuii'. Move [he alligator clip Io ‘12V and lite vollmeler will receive ‘IZ voils', Gui this wire and ma comedians. Be sure to program door lock timer lo 15 uconos.(See Feature II — 1 Programming) 2 STEP DOOR UNLOCK WIRE CONNECTION FOR 1 STEP DOOR UNLOCK WIRE CONNECTION FOR GROUND SMTONED DOOR LOCKS POSITIVE SWITCHED DOOR LOCKS Note. I more ihan 4 tr nsmillers programmed, lhe system only kept ihe last 4 lrensmmers. PROGRAMMING THE REMOTE TRANSMITTER Enter. 1. Turn the lgnilion 'switch ‘OFFION' 3 TIMES and slay In ON posilion‘ Within 15 seconds. 2. Push the Valet Mich 3 times end hold It until a long chirp is hearing then release the vale! swilch, You are now in the Trensmllier programming mode. Program: 1. Press button on one ol the trensmiller mm the siren responds mm a confirming chirp the first transmitter Is now progmmmed. 2, Press button on the second transmitter until the siren responds with e confirming chirp. the wound transmiiter is now programmed. 3. Apply the same procedure to program 3m and 4th Exit: Turn ignition to ‘OFF‘ position, or leave it tor 15 seconds. A 3 long ohirps A 3 parking Ilght flashes to confirm exit. F F ii l' ll ALARM FEATURE “I" PRORAMMING: 1. Turn the ignition ‘swltch ‘ONIOFF' 3 TIMES and stay In OFF position. 2. Push the Vetet switch 2 tlrnea and hold ll until one ditto with a long chirp is heertng then release the valet swtlch. You are now In the Alarm leature ‘l‘ programming mode. 3. Press and release the transmitter button "A' corresponding to the leature "A' you want to program. a, The Siren chime and LED pause vrll Indicate previously selling. tr. The taotory detaull settings is always [1] LED flash. [1] chlrp, 4 Depress the transmitter button ‘A‘ agatn to change the teeture. Simple keep re-deprosatng the transmttter button ‘A‘ again until the module odvarrcos to your desired settlng. a, In this case. Press button ‘A' again. the module would advance to [21 LED tlash. [2] chirp. b. Press button 'A‘ again. the module would advance to [3] LED llasln [3] ohtrps etc. 5. Depress the transmitter button ‘B' corresponding to the teature '8' you wont; to program. Press One Chirp I Two chlrpe I Three Chirps I Four c I Transmitter LED one pulse LED two pulse LED three pulse LED tour pulse Button Facto Default and - m———— z ‘N Active arming Pesslve arrnlng Passive arming - without passive with passive door door lock - lockl . . fl— “"'°'“’“° “""" _- all m— “m“ °°°' “" -— error chi . Exit: Turn Ignition to ‘ON‘ position, or leave it tor ts seconds. A 3 long chirps 6 3 parking light flashes to confirm exit. ALARM FEATURE "ll" PRORAMMING: 1 Turn the Ignition 'Mch ‘ONIOFF' 3 TIMES and say in OFF position. 2 Push the Valet swollen l times and hold It out! two dilrps with a long chirp is hearing then release the valet switch. You are now In the Alarm teeture 'll‘ mutttning mode. 3 Press and release the transmitter button 'A‘ corresponding to the tealute 'A' you want to program. Four Chlros I LED tour pulse Three Chirp: 1 LED One (1th! LED one Two Chirps I LED pulse Factory Default Settin- E-____ -ulses. ~ so. lgnttlon controlled Ignition corlroled ignition controlled Without ignition door looks a unlocks door look! only , door unlocks only controlled door ‘ locks a. unlocks _W _ start Pathwey Illumlrration Plifll’lfl light ‘on' tor Parking light ‘on‘ tor teature ‘otf' 30- second upon an 30- aeoond upon an Exit: Turn Ignition to '0N' position. or leave it tor 15 seconds. A 3 long chirp! A 3 parking ltgm hashes to confirm extt. unlock signal unlock signal a. 10. second upon a tool: signal. ALARM FEATURE "Ill" PRORAHMING: 1 Turn the Ignition "watch ‘ONIOFF‘ 3 TIMES end stay in OFF position. i 2 Push the Valet switch 6 lines end hold it tartii three chirps with a long chirp is hearing then release the valet switch. You are now In the Alarm ieature "Ill“ programming mode. 3 Press and release the transmitter button 'A‘ cone 4 ondi ~ to the teature 'A' -u earl to m- . Press One Chirp! LED one pulse Two Chirps / Three Chime I Transmitter Factory Deteult Setting LED two pulse LED three pulse Button mm— slren Out -ut Horn Out . "“ "m” ..., Dome light Output Horn Output Factory Security Rearm '- 5 ml Otl it! H5“ Pink Wire l H5“ Pink Wire - Hill Pink Wire 1 Z‘Step Door Unioclt Output Factory Security Dis-rm start Sllus (Shock Sensor s nnei out - B Poss Contro Ou . I-_—— Mode Mode TEST AND ADJUST THE SHOCK SENSOR: The control module has buitHrr a two stage shod sertsor. You can use "lest Mode' to tut and adlust the shock sensor sensitivity. 1 Ttln the Ignition Mdl ‘ONIOFF' 3 TIMES lid stly tn OFF position. 2 Push the Valet swlch 6 times and hold l until three dtlrps with a long chirp is hearing then releese the valet switch. You are now In the Alarm leature ‘lII' programming mode. Press the * button on the trunsmlller to enter the Shock Sensor Test mode. there will be a drip confirmation tor you to ten shock sensor. A light Imped to the vehicle wtl activate the Nam-my (tlrst stage shock sensor). system will emit a short chirp. A more ioroetul impact will activete the tult alarm (second stage shodt sensor). system will emit a long chirp. continue to test the shock sensor until reach the proper sensitivity. NOTE: Using a small ”waiver gently tums the adjustment saw 1. Turn the sensitivity adjustment screw to the ' - ' (antl—dockwise) direction lor den-easing the sensitivity. 2. Turn the sensitivity adjustment screw to the ‘ 0 ' (clockwise) direction tor Increasing the sensitivity. Exllz Turn ignition to ‘ON' poslion then A 3 long chirps a. 3 penning light flashes to oont'lnn exit. manta REMOTE START FEATURE PROGRAM MODE. START FEATURE "l" PRORAMMING: 1. Turn the Ignition 'svrild't ‘0NIOFF' 3 11MEs and day In OFF position, 2. Push the Valet switch I times and hold it until tour drirpewlh a long chirp is hesnng then release the valet switch. You are mm in the Start lecture 'I' programing mode. 3. Press and release the transmitter button 'A‘ corresponding to the lecture "A" you went to program. Four Chirps I LED tour pulse The. Chlrps l LED three pulse Twochlrpsl ‘ LEDteropulse ‘ Press Transmitter Button 0»: Chlrpl LED one pulse Factory Delauit Settin . G ine Engine Diesel Engine and to Diesel Engine and 15 Diesel Engine end 20 ' onds “map seconds wem-w seconds vra -up timer timer E. "m" "‘"“ “"'"" __ with chlmel 2 oil """'"° W" _- light out right out‘ Exit: Tum ignition to 'ON' position. or leave it for 15 seconds. A 3 long chlrps a 3 parking light flashes to conlirrn exit, START FEATURE “ll" PRORAMMING: I Turn the ignition 'switch ‘ONIOFF‘ 3 TIMES and stay in OFF position. 2. Push the Valet switch to times and hold ll until live dtlrps with a long chirp is hearing then release the valet switchr You are how in the start lelture ' ' programming mode. 3, Press and release the transmitter button 'A' corresponding to the leature "A“ you want to program. Four Chlrpsl LED tour pulse Three Chlrps 1 LED three pulse Two Chirps I LED two pulse Press one Chlrv/ Transmitter LED one pulse Button Factory Default '- Setting m Exit the programming mode, (3 long chirp & 3 parking light flashes to confirm this exit.) 1 M 3 d“ Tachometer Voltage cinching Timer checking type checking type. t . , W‘_—— Start Timer: Orb-second (Z dilrps). Lil-second (3 chim). 1r2-second (l chlrps). 0.e~second 1.4-seoono (5 chlrps). 1.6-second (o shims). tit-second (7 mime). . ill-second to chi . t. . 3.0—seotmd (9 ch .. m:- Hi check level Low check level u- start I stop the system for TESTING A ADJUSTMENT Exit: Press the button on the transmitter. A 3 long chirp: s 3 parking light flashes to confirm exit. TACHOMETER CHEC G TYPE Enter Start Feature Programming Mode: 1. Turn the ignition “switch ONIOFF’ 3 TIMES end stay In OFF position. 2. Push the Valet switch to times end hold It until live chirps with a long chirp ls hearing then release the valet switch. You are now in the start leature 'll' programming mode. Select “Checking Type": 3. Press and release the transmitter Q + m hutton once to set the Tachometer Checking Type'. [1] LED lteslt. [1] chirp to Conllrrn this setting. 4. Once you complete step 3. you can program ‘RPM Learning Mode' as below: RPM Lunmntg While the system stay in Start Feature l‘Il" programming mode. 1. Press end release the transmitter f button once.(1] LED flesh. [I] chirp to Indicate your are in teatures “RPM Leamlng mode‘. 2. Start the vehicle with the key. (While the engine is running. the parking 5 LED will "fish. It don‘t. please check tachometer White/Red wire connection. (Ha/7) 3. Press and hold the valet switch tor 2 seconds until a 4. long chirp and the LED light constant tor two seconds. The RPM signal is Ieemed. 5. Once you complete step 3. you can adjust and test 'Checlt Level“ es below: CillLCK LEVEL moan/In tttlf4l1JUSIi While the system stay in Start Feature ‘ll" programming mode. 1. Press the * button on the transmitter to sun m- vehicle. 2. It everything goes well: a. Press the * button on the transmitter to stop engine running. You have been completed this programming successluily. o. Press B button on the trlnsrnilter to exit the progrem mode. There will be 3 long chirps A 3 parking light flashes tor conilrrnetion. 3. it the crank time is too long. (Engine already successlully running, while sill cranks): e. Press the * button on the transmitter to flop engine running. Press a button on the transmitter to set proper ‘Check Level ‘ to Low position. In LED flesh. [2] churns to confirm this selling it. Repeat the slept - 4. 4. It the crank time Is too short. (Engine not ntnning, while stops CHM-1)? a Press the * button on the transmitter to stop engine ntnning. Press a button on the transmitter to set proper ' Cheek Laval ' to Hi position [1] LED flash. [1] chirp to connrm this setting b. Repeat the step! — 4. VOLTAGE ECKIN TYPE Enter Start Feature ‘II' Programing Mode: l. Turn the ignition switch ‘ONIOFF' 3 TIMES and stay in OFF position. 2. Push the Valet switch to times and hold it until the chirps with a long chirp is hearing then release the valet switoh7-You are now In the Start leature 'Il' programming mode, Select “checking Type": 3. Press the transmitter Q + m button to set the “Voltage Checking Type'. 12] LED flash. [2] chirp to confirm this setting 4. Once on oomlete ste 3 ou can adust and test ‘stan TIrner‘ as below While the system stay In Start Feature “It” programming mode. 1. Press the * button on the transmitter to start the vehicle. 2. If everything goes well: Wart (or 10 seconds: a. It the engine still running I. Press the * button on the transmitter to stop engine running You have been completed this programming successittlly. ll. Press 9 button on the transmitter to exit the program mode. There will be 3 long chirps a 3 parking light ilashes tor confirmation. b. It the engine shut down alter the vehicle has been startedi I, Press the '* bunan on the transmitter to stop engine running ll, Press a button on the transmitter to set 'Checlt Lavet' to LOW position, [2] LED flash, [2] chirp to confirm this selling Ill. Repeal the slept - 2. 3 It the crank time is too long. (Engine already somsstutly running. while still cranks): a. Press the * button on the transmitter to stop engine running. b. Press m button on the transmitter to sel proper ‘Start Tlmer' The chirp 6 LED pause will confirm this enter, (Decrease "Start Time( is necessary.) c. Repeal the slept - 4. 4. lithe crank time is too short, (Engine not running. while stops cranks): a Press the * button on the transmitter to stop engine running. b, Press m button on the transmitter to set proper "Start Timer”. The chirp 5 LED pause will confirm this enter. (Increase ‘Start Timer ' Is necessary.) c. Repeal the slept - l. Enter sun Feature 'Il' Progmming Mo 1 Turn the ignition switch '0NIOFF' 3 TIMES amt stay in OFF position. 2. Push the Valet switch to times and hold it until live chlrps with a long chirp is hearing then release the valet switch. You are now in the Start teature ‘il‘ programming mode. Select "checking Type": 1 Press the transmitter g + I button to set the “timer Checking Type'. [3] LED flash. [3] chirp to confirm this setting 4. Once ust and test ‘ tart Timer” as below: (TEST nttrl ADJ While the system stay In Start Feature "ll" programming mode. 1. Press the * button on the transmitter to start the vehicle. 2. If everything goes well: a Press the '* button on the transmitter to stop engine running. You have been completed this programming successfully b, Press 0 button on the transmitter to exit the program mode. There will be 3 long chirps A 3 parking light flashes for continuation 3. it the crank time is too long. (Engine already successlully running, while still cranks): a Press the * button on the transmitter to stop engine running 0. Press the a button on the transmitter to set proper “Start Trmer'. The chirp A LED pause will confirm this enter (Decrease "Start Timer‘ is necessary.) 0 Repeat the stepf - 4. 4. It the crank time Is too short. (Engine not running, while stops cranks): a. Press the * button on the transmitter to stop engine running. o. Press 3 button on the transmitter to set proper 'start Timer'. The chirp s LED pause will confirm Utts enter. (increase “start Timer ' is necessary.) c.Repeat the slept - 4. RETURN TO FACTORY DEFAULT SETTING: 1. Turn the ignition ON then OFF 3 TIMES and stay in OFF position 2. Push the Valet switch 12 times and hold it until slit chirp with a long chirp is hearing then release the valet switch. You are now in the “Return To Factory Detault Setting‘ programming mode. 3 Press the H 0 a button on the transmitter together tors seconds, there will be a confirmation six chirp with 3 long chirp 5 3 panting light flashes to confirm the system “Alarm Feature l at It a lit Programming ' all returns to factory default setting then exit. Exit: Turn ignition to on position. or leave It for 15 seconds. A 3 long chlrps s 3 parking light flashes to confirm exit. SHUTDOV‘ t DIAGNOSTICS The unit has the ability to report the cause of the last shutdown of the remote start system. Enter: 1. Turn the ignition 'switch to ‘ON position. 2. Press the ii button on the transmitter. 3. The LED will now report the last system shutdown by flashing for 3 cycles in the following grouped patterns: LED Shutdown Mode Flashes (-i Sately Shutdown input (Hood) 1. Close tits hood. (4) Safety Shutdown Input (Brake) or 2. Check H5“ White! Black wire connection. Neutral Safety Switch Input tail. 3. Check HBIS White! Wotet wire connection. 4. Move the Enable Toggle Switch to ‘ON' position (It installed) 5, Move the gear selector to ‘Parlt'l “NEUTRAL“ position 6. Check HEIE BlarJtMlhite wire connection. TACHOMETER CHECKING TYPE: Check H6” WhiteiRed wire connediort VOLTAGE CHECKING TYPE: Program the “CHECK LEVEL' from "Hi Check Level' to “Low Check Level“ TESTING YOUR INSTALLATION: Caution" the follow procedure must be pertorrned alter the Installation of the Remote Stan Device it is the responsibility ot the Installing technician to complete these tests. Failure to test the unit In the following manner may result In personal Injury. property damage. or both. 1. Test the BRAKE shutdown circuit: With the vehicle In park (P). dart the vehicle using the remote transmitter. Once the engine is mnning. press the brake pedal. The vehicle should HIM down Immediately. It the vehicle continues to run, check the brake circuit WHITE! VIOLET wire (HEIS) connection, 2. Test the HOOD PIN shutdown clrcun: Start the vehicle using the remote lransmlter, Once the engine Is running. poll the hood release and raise the hood. The vehicle should shut down Immedatety, It the vehicle continues to run. check the hood pln wt-tlTE/ BLACK wire (Ho/4) connection. 3. NEUTRAL START SAFETY TEST: 1. Set the vehicle parking brake. 2. Block the drive wheels to prevent vehicle movement. 3. Sitting in the vehicle. turn the Ignition snitch to ‘ON' or "RUN“ position. But do not start the enune. 4. step on the brake pedal and shirt the gear selector Into 'DRIVE‘ (D). 5. Put your foot over the brake pedal but do not press down on It. Be ready to step on the brake to shut down the Remote start Device. a. Stamthe vehicle using remote transmitter. 1. It the starter does not engage. the test Is complete. I). ii the starter engages, Immediately step on the brake pedal to shut down the system, recheck your VIOLET wire (Ht/t starter output wire) connection, The heavy gauge VIOLET wire mud be connected to the ignition switch side or the Neutral start Switch, it the vehicle you are working on does not have an Electrical Neutral salety Switch. It will be necessary to reconfigure the Remote Starts Wirhg to accommodate this vehicle, The information concerning the Mechanical Neutral Satety switch provided below will help you to determine it the vehicle you are working on has this type or salaty switch and will provide allamato wiring methods to accommodate this situation. MECHANDCAL NEUTRAL SAFETY SWITCH CONSIDERA'HONS: Medianical neutral safety switch configurations dlttar slightly in that they do not offer the same level at salety when Installing a remote start device. otten when the ignlion switch ls turned on while the gear selector is in any position other than part or neutral. the mechanical function will not allow the key to be turned to the start position or be retrieved from the ignition cylinder. This configuration prevents mechanical operation while the vehicle is in gear but otters no consideration tor electrical operation, Because at this potential problem, this installation requires the additional comedion of a safety wire from the remote flan device to the vehicle PARK/NEUTRAL ECM input or the vehicle key In sensor. This connection wll prevent remote mil operation it the key Is tell In the ignition switch regardless of the gear selector position. PARK/NEUTRAL ECM iNPUT: The Pant/Neutral ECM input is the preterred method or Installation. This not only maintains the integrity or the tactory circuit. It Is also the easiest to Indail, providing the vehicle you are working on has this ECM Input, The Installation required for this application (shown below), Indicates In the slight reconfiguration ol the control switch wiring. shown is a typical GM Patti/Neutral ECM input circufl. To connect the Remote start on! to the GM Part/Neutral ECM input: 1 , Locate the orange/Black reterence wire in the ‘C2' connector round at the ECM In GM 5 Body vehides or. locate the equivalent reterence wire in the vehicle you are installing the Remote Stan Unit in. 2. Connect the BLACK/WHITE Neutral Salety Switch wire mom to this reference wire. NOTE: It the optional remote starts enable toggle switch is installed. connect the one side the enable switch to this reference wire and connect the other side of the enable switch to the BLACK/WHITE Neutral Satety switch win (Here) oi the Remote start unll. The reterence diagram below shows a typical GM 8 Body ECM relevance wire and new It is to be connected to the Remote start Unit. 5 Electronic Control Modu- (scm i saw are». Do Not mm. 5 Resistance Opfional Eadie Switch To Navtrd Safety wra- Input wire _ t..._..t.....3..., Em!!! (nan) ' KEY iN SENSOR CIRCUITS: it the vehicle you are working on does not have or you cannot locate the ECM relerence wire. there are two altematlves available. Although not pretaned. the vehicle Key In Sensor may be reconfigured to allow a margin of saiaty and will prevent the vehicle with 1 Mechanical Neutral start Switch horn Wk WE ADVISES THAT YOU MAINTAIN THE FACTORY CIRCUIT Wl'ENEVER circuits may he used only it the above circuit is not available, NOTE: When completing an Installation using either of the following trey In sensor circuits. ii the operator htserts the ignition key wiile the vehicle is netting under the control at the Remote start, the vehicle will shut down. This must be explained to the operator as It is In contrast to the normal operation oi a vehicle utilztng an electrical neutral start switch and Is inconsistent with the operators manual. Additional intern-ration oonoemlng Key In Sensor methods 18.2 are listed below and drould be reviewed beiore considering either alternative. Method 1 will allow the saiety required tor the remote start unit and prevent the vehicle lrom starting while In any gear other than Park or Neutral while the trey is In the Ignition cylinder however. it the key Is Ielt In the Ignition swltfit and the door Is lei! opened. the added relay will be energized caushg e tSOtTIA drfln on the Itery. Method 2 will allow the satety required tor the remote start unit and prevent the vehicle trom starting whle In any gear other than Park or Neutral white the key is In the Ignition cylinder however. the original tactory trey In chime mddule will not alert the owner that the Itey has been left in the ignition switch. In addlion. this may also cited other warning tones stroll as the light on reminder. These situations should he carehrly considered betore altering the vehicle‘s wiring and must be fully explained to the consumer. METHOD 1 , trillion Kay In Sensor e....................... Swim closes wilt Key In f Kay In '| ‘j__ lptltion owne- ichinellodtia ' Cormactadtot-iNm ‘ |1V INJW! Safety lupin Wire We” Pin Swim Setaly "that Block (”I“) Down (W4) ‘ To cornea to the key In sensor as shown in method 1: A. Locate the control wire that connects the drivers door pin switch to the itey in sensor switch. B. Cut this wire and connect the Ignition cylinder side to chassis ground. Locate the key in sensor snitch wire that connects the chime module to the ignition cylinder. Cut this wire and conned the Ignition cylinder side to terminal 30 at a P53 vFiSFtl or eoolvaierl retey. Connect the cathode (striped) side oi a 4003 series dode to this same wire. and connect the (non striped) side to the negative safety Input wire (WHITE! BLACK) (He/4) ol the Remote start Unit. Connect terminal as ot the relay to a tused 0 12 volt constant battery solace. Connect ierrninal 87 ot the relay to the Chime Module side at the previously out wire it step 0. H. Connect tennhal 05 ot the relay to the Drivers Door side oi the pin switch wire previously cut In step 8. Note: A second “303 series diode may be reouired to maintain the integrity oi the hood open. shut down circuit. it this is the case, I must be Instaled as them in the diagram above. The anode (Non Stripped) side must be connected to the WHITE! BLACK wire (lid/4) oi the Remote Stan Unit. The cathode (striped) side must be connected to the hood pin switch. E. F. METHOD 2 ignition Key In Sensor To Hood Pin Swish m cioeeewllh Key '— safety smut Down (item In I’liion cram: 1mm cameoted to H Negative safety Input win write-r clues (lieu) To connect to the key In sensor circuit as shown tor method 2: A. Locate the control wire that connects the drivers door will switch to the key In sensor switch. 8. Cut this wire and connect the Ignition cylinder side to chassis ground. 6. Locate the key in sensor switch wire that connects the chime module to the ignlion cylinder. D. Cut this wire and conned the ignition cylinder side to the Remote Start Negative solely Shut down wire WHITE! BLACK (W4). using a 1003 series diode as shown above. Note: A second 4003 series diode may be required to maintain the Integrity ol the hood open. shut down circuit. If this is the case. It must he Installed as shown in the diagram above. The anode (Non striped) side must be connected to the WHITE! BLACK wire (HEN) ot the Remote start Unl. The cathode (Striped) side must be oonneded to the hood pin Mch. AFTER THE CONNECTION OF THE lEUTRAL START SAFETY WIRE As INDICATED IN ANY OF. THE PREVIUOS ALTERNATE CONFIGURAflNs. THIS CIRCUIT MUST BE TEST. FOR OPERATIONJ ‘ Retest by following the steps outlined It the NEUTRAL START SAFETY TEST Show In this manual.
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