Advantech Co M31R01 Industrial Tablet PC User Manual MARS 3100R S

Advantech Co Ltd Industrial Tablet PC MARS 3100R S

Users manual part 1

User ManualMARS-3100R/SIndustrial Tablet PC
MARS-3100R/S User Manual iiCopyrightThe documentation and the software included with this product are copyrighted 2007by Advantech Co., Ltd. All rights are reserved. Advantech Co., Ltd. reserves the rightto make improvements in the products described in this manual at any time withoutnotice. No part of this manual may be reproduced, copied, translated or transmittedin any form or by any means without the prior written permission of Advantech Co.,Ltd. Information provided in this manual is intended to be accurate and reliable. How-ever, Advantech Co., Ltd. assumes no responsibility for its use, nor for any infringe-ments of the rights of third parties, which may result from its use.AcknowledgementsIntel and Pentium are trademarks of Intel Corporation.Microsoft Windows and MS-DOS are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp.All other product names or trademarks are properties of their respective owners.Product Warranty (2 years)Advantech warrants to you, the original purchaser, that each of its products will befree from defects in materials and workmanship for two years from the date of pur-chase. This warranty does not apply to any products which have been repaired or altered bypersons other than repair personnel authorized by Advantech, or which have beensubject to misuse, abuse, accident or improper installation. Advantech assumes noliability under the terms of this warranty as a consequence of such events.Because of Advantech’s high quality-control standards and rigorous testing, most ofour customers never need to use our repair service. If an Advantech product is defec-tive, it will be repaired or replaced at no charge during the warranty period. For out-of-warranty repairs, you will be billed according to the cost of replacement materials,service time and freight. Please consult your dealer for more details.If you think you have a defective product, follow these steps:1. Collect all the information about the problem encountered. (For example, CPU speed, Advantech products used, other hardware and software used, etc.) Note anything abnormal and list any onscreen messages you get when the problem occurs.2. Call your dealer and describe the problem. Please have your manual, product, and any helpful information readily available.3. If your product is diagnosed as defective, obtain an RMA (return merchandise authorization) number from your dealer. This allows us to process your return more quickly.4. Carefully pack the defective product, a fully-completed Repair and Replacement Order Card and a photocopy proof of purchase date (such as your sales receipt) in a shippable container. A product returned without proof of the purchase date is not eligible for warranty service.5. Write the RMA number visibly on the outside of the package and ship it prepaid to your dealer.Part No. 2006310000 Edition 1Printed in Taiwan December 2007
iii MARS-3100R/S User Manual Declaration of ConformityFCC Class ANote: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a ClassA digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed toprovide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment isoperated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and canradiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with theinstruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Opera-tion of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference inwhich case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.FCC Class BNote: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a ClassB digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed toprovide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installa-tion. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, ifnot installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful inter-ference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interferencewill not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interfer-ence to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equip-ment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one ormore of the following measures: !Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. !Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. !Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. !Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.FMThis equipment has passed the FM certification. According to the National Fire Pro-tection Association, work sites are classified into different classes, divisions andgroups, based on hazard considerations. This equipment is compliant with the speci-fications of Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C and D indoor hazards.This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. End users must follow the specific operating instructions for satisfying RF exposure compliance. SAR compliance has been established, Maximum reported SAR: 1.112 W/kg (Body).
Europe – EU Declaration of Conformity  This device complies with the essential requirements of the R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC. The following test methods have been applied in order to prove presumption of conformity with the essential requirements of the R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC:  -  EN 60950-1: 2001 Safety of information technology equipment  -  IEEE Std. 1528: 2003 Recommended practice for determining the peak spatial-average specific absorption rate (SAR) in the human head from wireless communications devices: Measurement Techniques.  -  ANSI/IEEE C95.3: 2002 IEEE recommended practice for the measurement and computations of radio frequency electromagnetic fields with respect to human exposure to such fields, 100kHz-300GHz.  -  EN 300 328 V1.7.1 (2006-10) Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Wideband transmission systems; Data transmission equipment operating in the 2,4 GHz ISM band and using wide band modulation techniques; Harmonized EN covering essential requirements under article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive  -  EN 301 893 V1.2.3 (2003-08) Broadband Radio Access Networks (BRAN); 5 GHz high performance RLAN; Harmonized EN covering essential requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive  -  2005/513/EC, Commission Decision of  11 July 2005 on the harmonised use of radio spectrum in the 5 GHz frequency band for the implementation of wireless access systems including radio local area networks (WAS/RLANs)  -  EN 301 489-17 V1.2.1 (2002-08) and EN 301 489-1 V1.4.1 (2002-08) Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services; Part 17: Specific conditions for 2,4 GHz wideband transmission systems and 5 GHz high performance RLAN equipment  This device is a 2.4 GHz wideband transmission system (transceiver), intended for use in all EU member states and EFTA countries under the following conditions and/or with the following restrictions:  -  In Italy the end-user should apply for a license at the national spectrum authorities in order to obtain authorization to use the device for setting up outdoor radio links and/or for supplying public access to telecommunications and/or network services.  -  This device may not be used for setting up outdoor radio links in France and in some areas the RF output power may be limited to 10 mW EIRP in the frequency range of 2454 – 2483.5 MHz. For detailed information the end-user should contact the national spectrum authority in France.
This device is a 5 GHz wideband transmission system (transceiver), intended for use in all EU member states and EFTA countries under the following conditions and/or with the following restrictions:  -  This device may only be used indoors in the frequency bands 5150 – 5250 MHz and 5250 – 5350 MHz.  -  In France and Luxembourg a limited implementation of the frequency bands 5150 – 5250 MHz and 5250 – 5350 MHz. In Luxermbourg it is not allowed to make use of the frequency band 5470 – 5725 MHz. End-users are encouraged to contact the national spectrum authorities in France and Luxembourg in order to obtain the latest information about any restrictions in the 5 GHz frequency band(s).               Česky [Czech] [Advantech] tímto prohlašuje, že tento [MARS-3100S] je ve shodě se základními požadavky a dalšími příslušnými ustanoveními směrnice 1999/5/ES. Dansk [Danish] Undertegnede [Advantech] erklærer herved, at følgende udstyr [MARS-3100S] overholder de væsentlige krav og øvrige relevante krav i direktiv 1999/5/EF. Deutsch [German] Hiermit erklärt [Advantech], dass sich das Gerät [MARS-3100S] in Übereinstimmung mit den grundlegenden Anforderungen und den übrigen einschlägigen Bestimmungen der Richtlinie 1999/5/EG befindet. Eesti [Estonian] Käesolevaga kinnitab [Advantech] seadme [MARS-3100S] vastavust direktiivi 1999/5/EÜ põhinõuetele ja nimetatud direktiivist tulenevatele teistele asjakohastele sätetele. English  Hereby, [Advantech], declares that this [MARS-3100S] is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. Español [Spanish] Por medio de la presente [Advantech] declara que el [MARS-3100S] cumple con los requisitos esenciales y cualesquiera otras disposiciones aplicables o exigibles de la Directiva 1999/5/CE. Ελληνική [Greek] ΜΕ ΤΗΝ ΠΑΡΟΥΣΑ [Advantech] ∆ΗΛΩΝΕΙ ΟΤΙ [MARS-3100S] ΣΥΜΜΟΡΦΩΝΕΤΑΙ ΠΡΟΣ ΤΙΣ ΟΥΣΙΩ∆ΕΙΣ ΑΠΑΙΤΗΣΕΙΣ ΚΑΙ ΤΙΣ ΛΟΙΠΕΣ ΣΧΕΤΙΚΕΣ ∆ΙΑΤΑΞΕΙΣ ΤΗΣ Ο∆ΗΓΙΑΣ 1999/5/ΕΚ. Français [French] Par la présente [Advantech] déclare que l'appareil [MARS-3100S] est conforme aux exigences essentielles et aux autres dispositions pertinentes de la directive 1999/5/CE. Italiano [Italian] Con la presente [Advantech] dichiara che questo [MARS-3100S] è conforme ai requisiti essenziali ed alle altre disposizioni pertinenti stabilite dalla direttiva 1999/5/CE. Latviski  Ar šo [Advantech] deklarē, ka [MARS-3100S] atbilst Direktīvas 1999/5/EK būtiskajām prasībām
[Latvian]  un citiem ar to saistītajiem noteikumiem. Lietuvių [Lithuanian]  Šiuo [Advantech] deklaruoja, kad šis [MARS-3100S] atitinka esminius reikalavimus ir kitas 1999/5/EB Direktyvos nuostatas. Nederlands [Dutch] Hierbij verklaart [Advantech] dat het toestel [MARS-3100S] in overeenstemming is met de essentiële eisen en de andere relevante bepalingen van richtlijn 1999/5/EG. Malti [Maltese] Hawnhekk, [Advantech], jiddikjara li dan [MARS-3100S] jikkonforma mal-ħtiġijiet essenzjali u ma provvedimenti oħrajn relevanti li hemm fid-Dirrettiva 1999/5/EC. Magyar [Hungarian] Alulírott, [Advantech] nyilatkozom, hogy a [MARS-3100S] megfelel a vonatkozó alapvetõ követelményeknek és az 1999/5/EC irányelv egyéb elõírásainak. Polski [Polish] Niniejszym [Advantech] oświadcza, że [MARS-3100S] jest zgodny z zasadniczymi wymogami oraz pozostałymi stosownymi postanowieniami Dyrektywy 1999/5/EC. Português [Portuguese] [Advantech] declara que este [MARS-3100S] está conforme com os requisitos essenciais e outras disposições da Directiva 1999/5/CE. Slovensko [Slovenian] [Advantech] izjavlja, da je ta [tip opreme] v skladu z bistvenimi zahtevami in ostalimi relevantnimi določili direktive 1999/5/ES. Slovensky [Slovak] [Advantech] týmto vyhlasuje, že [tip opreme] spĺňa základné požiadavky a všetky príslušné ustanovenia Smernice 1999/5/ES. Suomi [Finnish] [Advantech] vakuuttaa täten että [tip opreme] tyyppinen laite on direktiivin 1999/5/EY oleellisten vaatimusten ja sitä koskevien direktiivin muiden ehtojen mukainen. Svenska [Swedish] Härmed intygar [Advantech] att denna [tip opreme] står I överensstämmelse med de väsentliga egenskapskrav och övriga relevanta bestämmelser som framgår av direktiv 1999/5/EG.
MARS-3100R/S User Manual ivTechnical Support and Assistance1. Visit the Advantech web site at where you can find the latest information about the product.2. Contact your distributor, sales representative, or Advantech's customer service center for technical support if you need additional assistance. Please have the following information ready before you call:–Product name and serial number–Description of your peripheral attachments–Description of your software (operating system, version, application software, etc.)–A complete description of the problem–The exact wording of any error messagesWarnings, Cautions and NotesDocument FeedbackTo assist us in making improvements to this manual, we would welcome commentsand constructive criticism. Please send all such - in writing to: support@advantech.comWarning! Warnings indicate conditions, which if not observed, can cause personal injury!Caution! Cautions are included to help you avoid damaging hardware or losing data. e.g.There is a danger of a new battery exploding if it is incorrectly installed. Do not attempt to recharge, force open, or heat the battery. Replace the battery only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the man-ufacturer. Discard used batteries according to the manufacturer's instructions.Note! Notes provide optional additional information.
v MARS-3100R/S User Manual Safety Instructions1. Read these safety instructions carefully.2. Keep this User Manual for later reference.3. Disconnect this equipment from any AC outlet before cleaning. Use a damp cloth. Do not use liquid or spray detergents for cleaning.4. For plug-in equipment, the power outlet socket must be located near the equip-ment and must be easily accessible.5. Keep this equipment away from humidity.6. Put this equipment on a reliable surface during installation. Dropping it or letting it fall may cause damage.7. The openings on the enclosure are for air convection. Protect the equipment from overheating. DO NOT COVER THE OPENINGS.8. Make sure the voltage of the power source is correct before connecting the equipment to the power outlet.9. Position the power cord so that people cannot step on it. Do not place anything over the power cord.10. All cautions and warnings on the equipment should be noted.11. If the equipment is not used for a long time, disconnect it from the power source to avoid damage by transient over-voltage.12. Never pour any liquid into an opening. This may cause fire or electrical shock.13. Never open the equipment. For safety reasons, the equipment should be opened only by qualified service personnel.14. If one of the following situations arises, get the equipment checked by service personnel:15. The power cord or plug is damaged.16. Liquid has penetrated into the equipment.17. The equipment has been exposed to moisture.18. The equipment does not work well, or you cannot get it to work according to the user's manual.19. The equipment has been dropped and damaged.20. The equipment has obvious signs of breakage.21. DO NOT LEAVE THIS EQUIPMENT IN AN ENVIRONMENT WHERE THE STORAGE TEMPERATURE MAY GO BELOW -10° C (-4° F) OR ABOVE 55° C (140° F). THIS COULD DAMAGE THE EQUIPMENT. THE EQUIPMENT SHOULD BE IN A CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT.22. CAUTION: DANGER OF EXPLOSION IF BATTERY IS INCORRECTLY REPLACED. REPLACE ONLY WITH THE SAME OR EQUIVALENT TYPE RECOMMENDED BY THE MANUFACTURER, DISCARD USED BATTERIES ACCORDING TO THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS.23. The sound pressure level at the operator's position according to IEC 704-1:1982 is no more than 70 dB (A).DISCLAIMER: This set of instructions is given according to IEC 704-1. Advantechdisclaims all responsibility for the accuracy of any statements contained herein.
MARS-3100R/S User Manual viWichtige Sicherheishinweise1. Bitte lesen sie Sich diese Hinweise sorgfältig durch.2. Heben Sie diese Anleitung für den späteren Gebrauch auf.3. Vor jedem Reinigen ist das Gerät vom Stromnetz zu trennen. Verwenden Sie Keine Flüssig-oder Aerosolreiniger. Am besten dient ein angefeuchtetes Tuch zur Reinigung.4. Die NetzanschluBsteckdose soll nahe dem Gerät angebracht und leicht zugänglich sein.5. Das Gerät ist vor Feuchtigkeit zu schützen.6. Bei der Aufstellung des Gerätes ist auf sicheren Stand zu achten. Ein Kippen oder Fallen könnte Verletzungen hervorrufen.7. Die Belüftungsöffnungen dienen zur Luftzirkulation die das Gerät vor überhit-zung schützt. Sorgen Sie dafür, daB diese Öffnungen nicht abgedeckt werden.8. Beachten Sie beim. AnschluB an das Stromnetz die AnschluBwerte.9. Verlegen Sie die NetzanschluBleitung so, daB niemand darüber fallen kann. Es sollte auch nichts auf der Leitung abgestellt werden.10. Alle Hinweise und Warnungen die sich am Geräten befinden sind zu beachten.11. Wird das Gerät über einen längeren Zeitraum nicht benutzt, sollten Sie es vom Stromnetz trennen. Somit wird im Falle einer Überspannung eine Beschädigung vermieden.12. Durch die Lüftungsöffnungen dürfen niemals Gegenstände oder Flüssigkeiten in das Gerät gelangen. Dies könnte einen Brand bzw. elektrischen Schlag aus-lösen.13. Öffnen Sie niemals das Gerät. Das Gerät darf aus Gründen der elektrischen Sicherheit nur von authorisiertem Servicepersonal geöffnet werden.14. Wenn folgende Situationen auftreten ist das Gerät vom Stromnetz zu trennen und von einer qualifizierten Servicestelle zu überprüfen:15. Netzkabel oder Netzstecker sind beschädigt.16. Flüssigkeit ist in das Gerät eingedrungen.17. Das Gerät war Feuchtigkeit ausgesetzt.18. Wenn das Gerät nicht der Bedienungsanleitung entsprechend funktioniert oder Sie mit Hilfe dieser Anleitung keine Verbesserung erzielen.19. Das Gerät ist gefallen und/oder das Gehäuse ist beschädigt.20. Wenn das Gerät deutliche Anzeichen eines Defektes aufweist.21. VOSICHT: Explisionsgefahr bei unsachgemaben Austausch der Batterie.Ersatz nur durch densellben order einem vom Hersteller empfohlene-mahnlichen Typ. Entsorgung gebrauchter Batterien navh Angaben des Herstellers.22. ACHTUNG: Es besteht die Explosionsgefahr, falls die Batterie auf nicht fach-männische Weise gewechselt wird. Verfangen Sie die Batterie nur gleicher oder entsprechender Type, wie vom Hersteller empfohlen. Entsorgen Sie Batterien nach Anweisung des Herstellers. 23. Der arbeitsplatzbezogene Schalldruckpegel nach DIN 45 635 Teil 1000 beträgt 70dB(A) oder weiger.Haftungsausschluss: Die Bedienungsanleitungen wurden entsprechend der IEC-704-1 erstellt. Advantech lehnt jegliche Verantwortung für die Richtigkeit der indiesem Zusammenhang getätigten Aussagen ab.
vii MARS-3100R/S User Manual Safety Precaution - Static ElectricityFollow these simple precautions to protect yourself from harm and the products fromdamage.!To avoid electrical shock, always disconnect the power from your PC chassis before you work on it. Don't touch any components on the CPU card or other cards while the PC is on.!Disconnect power before making any configuration changes. The sudden rush of power as you connect a jumper or install a card may damage sensitive elec-tronic components.Product Labelling
ix MARS-3100R/S User Manual ContentsChapter 1 Introduction..........................................11.1 Welcome ................................................................................................... 21.2 About this Manual ..................................................................................... 21.3 System Specifications ............................................................................... 3Table 1.1: System Specifications ................................................ 31.4 Environmental Standards.......................................................................... 4Table 1.2: Environmental Standards ........................................... 4Chapter 2 Getting Started.....................................52.1 Check the Package ................................................................................... 6Figure 2.1 Mars 3100R/S and Accessories .............................. 62.2 General Views of the Tablet PC................................................................ 72.2.1 Tablet front view............................................................................ 7Figure 2.2 Front view................................................................ 72.2.2 Tablet back view ........................................................................... 7Figure 2.3 Back view ................................................................ 72.2.3 Tablet front edge view................................................................... 8Figure 2.4 Front edge view ....................................................... 82.2.4 Tablet back edge view .................................................................. 8Figure 2.5 Rear edge view........................................................ 82.2.5 Tablet right edge view................................................................... 8Figure 2.6 Right edge view....................................................... 82.2.6 Tablet left edge view ..................................................................... 8Figure 2.7 Left edge view ......................................................... 82.3 LED Signals .............................................................................................. 9Figure 2.8 Status LEDs............................................................. 92.3.1 Power ON/OFF LED ..................................................................... 92.3.2 Battery status LED: ....................................................................... 92.3.3 HDD status LED:......................................................................... 102.3.4 Wireless LAN ON/OFF LED:....................................................... 102.4 Buttons .................................................................................................... 11Figure 2.9 Buttons on the front bezel...................................... 112.4.1 Key button................................................................................... 112.4.2 Display rotation button ................................................................ 112.4.3 5-way navigation button .............................................................. 112.4.4 Hotkey buttons ............................................................................ 112.5 Powering the tablet PC ........................................................................... 122.5.1 Battery Power ............................................................................. 12Figure 2.10 Inserting the battery pack ...................................... 12Figure 2.11 Replacing the screws ............................................ 12Figure 2.12 Inserting the DC jack ............................................. 132.5.2 AC Power.................................................................................... 142.6 Starting the tablet PC .............................................................................. 14Figure 2.13 Auto touchscreen calibration ................................. 142.7 Manual Touchscreen Calibration ............................................................ 15Figure 2.14 Accessing the Configuration Utility ........................ 15Figure 2.15 Calibrating the touchscreen................................... 15Figure 2.16 4 points calibration................................................. 15Figure 2.17 Draw test ............................................................... 162.8 Using the Pen.......................................................................................... 17Figure 2.18 Using the pen ........................................................ 172.9 Connecting Peripherals........................................................................... 182.9.1 USB ports.................................................................................... 18
MARS-3100R/S User Manual xFigure 2.19 USB port................................................................ 182.9.2 COM ports .................................................................................. 18Figure 2.20 COM port............................................................... 182.9.3 Audio jacks ................................................................................. 19Figure 2.21 Audio Jacks (Red: input and Green: output) ......... 192.9.4 VGA port..................................................................................... 19Figure 2.22 VGA port................................................................ 192.9.5 LAN port...................................................................................... 20Figure 2.23 LAN port ................................................................ 202.10 Setting the Time and Date ...................................................................... 202.11 Power Management................................................................................ 202.11.1 Suspend...................................................................................... 202.11.2 Resuming.................................................................................... 21Chapter 3 Advantech Central Manager ............ 233.1 Overview ................................................................................................. 24Figure 3.1 Central manager icons .......................................... 24Figure 3.2 Copyright page...................................................... 243.2 Display .................................................................................................... 253.2.1 Rotation ...................................................................................... 25Figure 3.3 Display menu......................................................... 25Figure 3.4 Vertical display mode ............................................ 25Figure 3.5 Horizontal display mode........................................ 263.2.2 Rotation button ........................................................................... 263.2.3 Properties ................................................................................... 26Figure 3.6 Display properties menu........................................ 263.2.4 Brightness adjustments (MARS-3100R only) ............................. 27Figure 3.7 Brightness adjustment........................................... 273.3 Using Hotkey Buttons ............................................................................. 28Figure 3.8 Three hotkey buttons............................................. 28Figure 3.9 Hotkey menu ......................................................... 283.4 Power...................................................................................................... 29Figure 3.10 Power menu .......................................................... 293.4.1 Power button settings ................................................................. 293.4.2 Advanced Power settings ........................................................... 31Figure 3.11 Advanced power settings ...................................... 31Figure 3.12 Six power schemes ............................................... 31Figure 3.13 Power alarm options.............................................. 33Figure 3.14 Low battery alarm options ..................................... 33Figure 3.15 Run a program configuration dialog boxes............ 34Figure 3.16 Critical battery alarm options................................. 34Figure 3.17 Power meter.......................................................... 35Figure 3.18 Detailed battery information .................................. 35Figure 3.19 Advanced power-saving........................................ 36Figure 3.20 Hibernate............................................................... 373.5 Image Version......................................................................................... 38Figure 3.21 Image version........................................................ 383.6 Audio....................................................................................................... 39Figure 3.22 Main audio menu................................................... 393.6.1 Sounds and Audio Devices Properties ....................................... 39Figure 3.23 Audio menu ........................................................... 40Figure 3.24 Volume and advanced buttons.............................. 40Figure 3.25 Playback volume control ....................................... 40Figure 3.26 Speaker properties................................................ 41Figure 3.27 Performance properties......................................... 41Figure 3.28 Sound recording menu.......................................... 42Figure 3.29 Recording controls ................................................ 42Figure 3.30 Advanced controls for microphone........................ 42
xi MARS-3100R/S User Manual Figure 3.31 MIDI music playback ............................................. 42Figure 3.32 Volume menu ........................................................ 43Figure 3.33 Speaker volume..................................................... 43Figure 3.34 Sounds menu ........................................................ 44Figure 3.35 Voice menu............................................................ 45Figure 3.36 Hardware test for microphone level....................... 45Figure 3.37 Hardware menu..................................................... 46Figure 3.38 General menu........................................................ 46Figure 3.39 Properties menu .................................................... 47Figure 3.40 Driver menu........................................................... 47Figure 3.41 Driver details.......................................................... 473.7 Touch ...................................................................................................... 48Figure 3.42 Touch menu........................................................... 483.7.1 Touchscreen ............................................................................... 48Figure 3.43 Touchscreen calibration ........................................ 48Figure 3.44 Digitizer Calibration Step 1 .................................... 49Figure 3.45 Digitizer Calibration Step 2 .................................... 49Figure 3.46 Digitizer Calibration Step 3 .................................... 49Figure 3.47 Digitizer Calibration Step 4 .................................... 49Figure 3.48 Touchkit USB controller......................................... 50Figure 3.49 Pen tablet properties menu ................................... 503.7.2 Mouse ......................................................................................... 51Figure 3.50 Buttons menu ........................................................ 51Figure 3.51 Pointers menu ....................................................... 52Figure 3.52 Pointer options menu............................................. 52Figure 3.53 Mouse hardware menu.......................................... 53Figure 3.54 General USB properties ........................................ 53Figure 3.55 USB driver properties ............................................ 54Figure 3.56 USB power management ...................................... 543.8 LAN ......................................................................................................... 553.8.1 Properties.................................................................................... 55Figure 3.57 Network connections ............................................. 553.9 Security ................................................................................................... 56Figure 3.58 Security menu........................................................ 56Figure 3.59 Security center....................................................... 56Chapter 4 Maintenance and Troubleshooting ..574.1 Care, Storage and Cleaning.................................................................... 584.1.1 Protect the computer from damage ............................................ 584.1.2 Maintain good connections ......................................................... 584.1.3 Prevent thermal stress ................................................................ 584.1.4 Storing the computer................................................................... 584.1.5 Caring for the touchscreen display ............................................. 584.1.6 Cleaning the computer................................................................ 594.2 Replacing Components........................................................................... 604.2.1 Battery......................................................................................... 60Figure 4.1 Removing the battery pack.................................... 604.2.2 HDD (or CF card)........................................................................ 61Figure 4.2 HD / CF Card Port ................................................. 61Figure 4.3 Hard Disk Drive ..................................................... 61Figure 4.4 CF card.................................................................. 61Figure 4.5 Correct Removal of the HDD................................. 62Figure 4.6 Incorrect removal of the HDD ................................ 62Figure 4.7 Unplugging the cable connector............................ 62Figure 4.8 Removing the CF card........................................... 634.3 Troubleshooting ...................................................................................... 644.3.1 Computer will not start ................................................................ 644.3.2 Computer does not resume operation after suspension ............. 64
MARS-3100R/S User Manual xii4.3.3 Computer will not enter into suspension mode........................... 644.3.4 Computer will not shut down....................................................... 644.3.5 Display remains off, or is not bright ............................................ 644.3.6 Computer touchscreen does not respond to the pen.................. 644.3.7 Headphones do not emit, or volume is too low........................... 644.3.8 Peripherals do not respond......................................................... 644.3.9 The amber battery status LED is always on ............................... 654.3.10 The amber battery status LED is blinking ................................... 654.3.11 The amber battery status LED is blinking quickly ....................... 654.4 OS System Maintenance and Re-Installation ......................................... 664.4.1 MARS-3100S.............................................................................. 664.4.2 MARS-3100R.............................................................................. 66Figure 4.9 Welcome to Windows XP...................................... 66Figure 4.10 XP setup icon ........................................................ 67Figure 4.11 Install Windows XP................................................ 67Appendix A GPRS Setting..................................... 69A.1 Setting Up the Modem ............................................................................ 70A.2 Setting Up an Internet Connection.......................................................... 74A.3 Connect to the Internet by GPRS ........................................................... 78INDEX
Chapter 11IntroductionThis chapter gives basic data about the specifications and use of the MARS-3100R/S Tablet PC.Sections include:!Welcome!About this Manual!System Specifications!Environmental Standards
MARS-3100R/S User Manual 21.1 WelcomeCongratulations on selecting the MARS-3100R/S Rugged Tablet PC, supported byMicrosoft Windows® XP Embedded. This unique tablet PC offers a special combina-tion of features that make it an ideal partner for a wide range of applications. The main features of the MARS-3100R/S are:!AMD® LX800, 500MHz, or Intel® Pentium Duo® Core Ultra Low Voltage U2500 1.2Ghz!Graphical performance: AMD LX800 built-in, or Intel 945GME !10.4” SVGA / XGA TFT monitor built-in!2.5” shock mounted HDD or Industrial CF card for storage!Internal mini-PCI and SmartBay (optional GSM/GPRS)!5-way navigation key and 3 programmable function keys!Multiple I/O ports: 2x USB2.0, (1x USB 2.0 for MARS-3100S), 1x COM, 1x LAN and 1x VGA!Full-featured Hi-resolution audio support with audio jacks and an integrated speaker1.2 About this ManualThe following chapters contained in this manual are:!Chapter 1: Introduction - General information about the tablet PC.!Chapter 2: Getting Started - Basic functions of the tablet PC.!Chapter 3: The Central Manager - Using the system management software included with the tablet PC.!Chapter 4: Maintenance and Troubleshooting - How to maintain, calibrate and replace components; a troubleshooting FAQ details how to diagnose and correct typical problems.!Appendix A: GPRS Setting - How to set up the GPRS software connection for the MARS-3100R/S.
3 MARS-3100R/S User ManualChapter 1 Introduction1.3 System SpecificationsThe MARS-3100R/S meets the following specifications. Unless otherwise noted, allthe specifications listed below are subject to change without prior notification.Table 1.1: System SpecificationsFeatures MARS-3100S MARS-3100ROS MS XP Embedded MS XP ProfessionalDimension W × D × H 293 x 210 x 38mmWeight 2.1 kgPanel 10.4” SVGA TFT 10.4” XGA TFT(Sunlight readable option)Touchscreen Resistant touchscreenDigitizer / Resistant touchscreenCPU AMD LX800500MHzIntel Pentium Duo Core Ultra Low Voltage U2500 1.2GhzDRAM 256/512MB DDR400 (One memory module support)1GB DDRII533 (One memory module support)L2 cache 128 K 1 MBChipset AMD CS5536 Intel 945GMEGraphic AMD LX800 with shared memoryIntel 945GME with shared memoryStorage 4G CF (2.5" shock mounted HDD option)2.5” shock mounted HDD (CF stor-age option)Keypad 5-way navigation key; 3x function key (programmable) Communication and NavigationWireless 802.11 a/b/g WAN SmartBay option GSM/GPRS/EDGEPANBluetooth V2.0/EDR (optional)Bluetooth V2.0/EDR (default)I/OMicrophone Jack YesHeadset Jack YesRS232  Yes (COM 3)USB USB2.0 x 1 USB2.0 x 2RJ-45 10/100 Base-TDC-in YesVGA D_sub connector YesDocking / Port Replicator YesAudioAC97 Audio I/F AC97 Audio I/F HD Audio I/FSpeaker One integrated speakerPowerBattery Removable 11.1V@3600mAh Li-ion battery pack; warm swap-pableBattery Life 3 hour battery lifeCharging Time 2.5 hours  to 90%Backup Battery 7.2V, 120mAhAdapterAuto-switching 100-240V, 50 ~60 Hz; supplies 19VDC at 3.42A
MARS-3100R/S User Manual 41.4 Environmental StandardsTable 1.2: Environmental StandardsEnvironmental Operational ParametersOperation Temperature  0° C to 50° C -10° C to 55° C** Battery mode:     0°C @ 50% Battery capacity.* Adapter mode: Any( MIL-STD 810F Methods 501.4 and 502.4 )Storage Temperature -20° C to 60° C -40° C to 75° C( MIL-STD 810F Methods 501.4 and 502.4 )Thermal Shock 1.5° C < 5° C / minute over 0° C to 50° C verified during MILSTD810F testing1.5°C < 5° C / minute over -10° C to 55° C verified during MILSTD810F testingOperational Humidity 0% to 95% non-condensing MIL-STD810F Method 507.4Storage Humidity 0% to 95% non-condensing MIL-STD810F Method 507.4IP Rating IP-54Drop 3 foot high free drop survival limit, (test surface: concrete, base unit only). According to MIL-STD-810F, Method 516.5 Shock and PressureMechanical Shock 20g, 11ms, Terminal sawtooth, operating.40g, 11ms, Terminal sawtooth, non-operatingMIL-STD-810F method 516.5Vibration - Operation   By CF: MIL-STD 810F Methods 514.5C-3   By HDD: MIL-STD 810F Methods 514.5C-1- Non-operation   0.04g^2/Hz, 20Hz - 1000Hz, -6dB/octave 1000Hz - 2000Hz,     MIL- STD-810F method 514.5C-17Low Pressure -15,000 ft.: in accordance with MIL-STD810F; Method 500.4, Proce-dure I Agency ApprovalsEMC - EN55022 Class B - EN55011 Class A- FCC Part15 Class B  - DOC Class BEMS - Contact: 4Kv/ Air: 8Kv, EN55024Safety - UL / cUL, UL60950-1- CB, IEC/EN60950-1
Chapter 22Getting StartedThis chapter details basic functions of the tablet PC and how to use it for the first time.Sections include:!Check the Package!General Views of the Tablet PC!LED Indicator Signal Table!Powering the tablet PC!Starting the tablet PC!Manual Touchscreen Calibration!Using the Pen!Connecting Peripherals!Setting the Time and Date!Power Management!Resetting System Defaults!Disposing of Used Batteries
MARS-3100R/S User Manual 62.1 Check the PackageEach new MARS-3100R/S comes equipped with a range of product accessories andmaterials.Figure 2.1 Mars 3100R/S and Accessories A summary of the package contents:!MARS-3100R/S!Battery pack!Adapter!Pen (for MARS-3100S) or Digitizer Pen (for MARS-3100R)!Windows XP Professional Recovery Media CD (for MARS-3100R)!Quick start guide
7 MARS-3100R/S User ManualChapter 2 Getting Started2.2 General Views of the Tablet PC2.2.1 Tablet front viewFigure 2.2 Front view2.2.2 Tablet back view Figure 2.3 Back viewFront bezel buttonsHeatsink CoverPen & HolderBattery PackHDD Cover
MARS-3100R/S User Manual 82.2.3 Tablet front edge viewFigure 2.4 Front edge view2.2.4 Tablet back edge viewFigure 2.5 Rear edge view2.2.5 Tablet right edge viewFigure 2.6 Right edge view2.2.6 Tablet left edge viewFigure 2.7 Left edge viewSpeaker Docking PortPower On/Off Switch WLAN On/Off SwitchUSB Port (for MARS-3100R only)COM Port (COM3) SIM Slot (for GSM/GPR/EDGE  models only) Audio InAudio OutRJ45 Port USB PortVGA PortDC Power Jack
9 MARS-3100R/S User ManualChapter 2 Getting Started2.3 LED SignalsThe MARS-3100R/S is equipped with a set of Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) locatedalong the top edge of the front bezel. Figure 2.8 Status LEDs2.3.1 Power ON/OFF LED!Dark: System is turned OFF!Static Green: System is turned ON.!Blinking Green: System is in standby mode.2.3.2 Battery status LED:!Dark:–Battery is fully charged (if the system is powered by adapter).–Battery capacity is sufficient and above the “Low Battery Alarm” (if the system is powered by battery). (Default for the “Low Battery Alarm” is less than 10% of normal capacity.)!Static Amber:–Battery is under-charging (if the system is powered by adapter). !Blinking Amber:–Battery is under 10% of normal capacity.!Quick Blinking Amber:–Battery error. Replace the battery.Power On/Off LEDHDD Status LEDBattery Status LED WLAN On/Off LEDNote! See section 2.11.1 for more information about using Suspend Function.Note! The Battery status LED will go off and become dark when the battery is fully charged (100%).Note! 10% of total available battery power is the default value for triggering the low battery alarm. Users can change this value; refer to Chapter! 1. Battery errors indicate the temperature of the battery is out of acceptable range. Place the MARS-3100 in a normal environment.2. The battery may defective. Contact technical support office.
MARS-3100R/S User Manual 102.3.3 HDD status LED:!Dark: HDD is idle.!Blinking: HDD is active.2.3.4 Wireless LAN ON/OFF LED:!Dark: Wireless LAN is disabled!Static Green: Wireless LAN is enabledNote! Prevent any shocks or vibrations whenever the HDD status LED is blink-ing. Violent shocks may cause damage to the HDD, and data loss.
11 MARS-3100R/S User ManualChapter 2 Getting Started2.4 ButtonsFigure 2.9 Buttons on the front bezel2.4.1 Key buttonThe Key button functions as equivalent to the “Ctrl + Alt + Del” key combination underthe MARS-3100S/R default OS environment, Windows XP Embedded or WindowsXP Professional.2.4.2 Display rotation buttonThe rotation button is the hotkey for rotating the display on the screen.2.4.3 5-way navigation buttonThe 5-way navigation button function as directional arrow keys: “Up,” “Down,”“Right,” and “Left.” The navigation button is useful for navigating controls in variousapplications. Pressing the center part of the button is equivalent to hitting the “Enter”key.2.4.4 Hotkey buttonsThe F1 to F3 buttons are programmable hotkeys. Key buttonDisplay rotation button5-way navigation button Hotkey buttons RF 1F 2F 3Note! See Chapter 3.2.2, 3.3 for more information about setting up hotkeys and using buttons.
MARS-3100R/S User Manual 122.5 Powering the tablet PC2.5.1 Battery PowerThe MARS-3100R/S tablet PC is supplied with a powerful rechargeable battery. Toinstall and maintain the battery, or if it needs to be replaced, follow the instructions inthis section. Installing a BatteryThe battery is designed specifically for installation with the MARS-3100R/S tablet PC. Itfits exactly into the back of the PC and delivers precisely the exact voltage required topower the unit. Under normal conditions, a fully charged battery will power the PC for upto 3 hours. Normally, it requires 2.5 hours to fully charge a new battery.!To install or replace the battery: 1. Turn off the MARS-3100R/S2. Disconnect any peripheral devices from the MARS-3100R/S.3. Unfasten the two large flathead screws and remove the battery.4. Insert the new battery pack.Figure 2.10 Inserting the battery pack5. Fasten the two flathead battery cover screws. Figure 2.11 Replacing the screwsCaution! Do not attempt to replace the battery with any others than the models recommended and manufactured specifically for this tablet PC.Note! Before using MARS-3100 Tablet PC, please connect the adapter into MARS-3100R/S to charge the battery and backup battery at least 24Hrs.
13 MARS-3100R/S User ManualChapter 2 Getting Started2.5.1.2 Charging the battery using a power adapter 1. Connect the AC cord to a power source.2. Plug the AC power cord into the receptacle on the DC power adapter.3. Insert the DC jack into the receptacle on the left side of the tablet PC.Figure 2.12 Inserting the DC jack4. After inserting the DC jack, the LED indicator will light (RED) indicating that bat-tery charging is functional and normal. Swapping the battery packIf the battery is exhausted, it can be hot-swapped for a fully charged battery withoutinterrupting current work.1. Get another fully charged battery on hand.2. Save all current files and data.3. Put the MARS-3100 into Standby Mode. (See 2.11.1) 4. Release the two large flathead screws and remove the battery.5. Replace the battery and refasten the two large flathead screws.6. Resume operation of the system. (See 2.11.2) Disposing of Used BatteriesThe battery supplied with the MARS-3100RS is a rechargeable, Lithium Ion dry cell.Dispose of used batteries in accordance with local government regulations. UnderFederal, state, or local law, it may be illegal to put batteries in the trash. Contact yoursystem administrator or the municipal solid waste disposal department for info. Thebattery should be delivered to a reputable recycler or governmental agency, whichare adequately equipped to recycle the chemicals inside the battery. If the batterywears out, order a new one. Note!1. After removing the battery, the system will still be powered by an inter-nal backup battery. It can maintain system power for only 3 minutes.  2. Before using the hot-swapped battery function, plug the adapter into MARS-3100R/S to charge the internal backup battery at least 24 hrs.Caution! If more than 3 minutes duration elapses between Step 4 and Step 5, removing and replacing the battery, any unsaved data will be lost.
MARS-3100R/S User Manual 142.5.2 AC PowerThe MARS-3100R/S can be powered exclusively with the supplied AC 19V adapter.It is not recommended to use any other adapter than the one supplied with the tabletPC.2.6 Starting the tablet PC1. Press the power button once to turn on the tablet PC.2. After powering up for the first time, the system prompts the user to engage the touchscreen calibration.3. Follow the onscreen instructions to calibrate the touchscreen. Figure 2.13 Auto touchscreen calibrationNote! The user may need to press the power button longer than 1 second for battery only mode.Caution! 1. Don't press the button longer than 4 seconds; it will cause the MARS-3100R/S to shutdown immediately and crash data on the HDD.2. The Power LED will illuminate (Green) if the system is powered.
15 MARS-3100R/S User ManualChapter 2 Getting Started2.7 Manual Touchscreen Calibration1. To initiate touchscreen calibration manually, navigate via the start command and click on the icon, Configuration Utility.     Figure 2.14 Accessing the Configuration Utility2. In the Tools dialog, click on 4 Points Calibration to align the touchscreen.Figure 2.15 Calibrating the touchscreen3. Follow the onscreen instructions to calibrate the touchscreen. Figure 2.16 4 points calibration
MARS-3100R/S User Manual 164. Return to the Tools dialog; select Linearization for 9 points linearization, and fol-low the onscreen instructions; then, return to the Tools dialog again and try the Draw Test.Figure 2.17 Draw test
17 MARS-3100R/S User ManualChapter 2 Getting Started2.8 Using the PenThe touchscreen pen is a tool supplied with the MARS-3100R/S. It is used exclu-sively as a control device for the touchscreen. It resembles a regular ballpoint pen. Instead of a regular onscreen cursor, the pen contacts the surface of the screen.Onscreen objects may be activated or moved with the pen. Whenever using the pen,do not press too hard on the touchscreen. Only moderate pressure is required to acti-vate touchscreen sensors. The pen is configured to function much like an ordinaryPC mouse. !Touch, hold and drag: To move an object from one part of the screen to another, or to copy an object from the desktop to another memory device, place the tip of the pen onto the object and hold it while dragging the object across the screen to the desired location. !Double-click: Tap the pen twice on an onscreen object to activate a program, or to open a selected folder.    Figure 2.18 Using the pen
MARS-3100R/S User Manual 182.9 Connecting PeripheralsThe MARS-3100R/S supports several peripheral connections.2.9.1 USB portsFigure 2.19 USB port2.9.2 COM portsThe COM port of MARS-3100R/S is “COM3.”Figure 2.20 COM port
19 MARS-3100R/S User ManualChapter 2 Getting Started2.9.3 Audio jacksFigure 2.21 Audio Jacks (Red: input and Green: output)2.9.4 VGA portFigure 2.22 VGA port
MARS-3100R/S User Manual 202.9.5 LAN portFigure 2.23 LAN port2.10 Setting the Time and DateWhenever the system timer is not matched with your location or time zone, pleasereset the time and date by following step:1. Click START > Control Panel, or START > Settings > Control panel2. Double click the Date and Time Properties.3. Select the correct day, month and year.4. Click OK to save and exit.2.11 Power Management2.11.1 SuspendTo save battery power, or when swapping battery packs, put the MARS-3100R/S intoSuspend Mode. There are two suspend modes: Suspend-to-RAM (Standby mode)and Suspend to HDD (Hibernation mode). 1. Suspend-to-RAM (Standby mode)Suspend-to-RAM occurs when a system enters a low-power state. Information onsystem configuration, open applications and active files are stored in the main mem-ory. Most other system components are shut-off. In this mode, although power consumption is very low, the battery may drain andcause data loss. If the MARS-3100R/S is stored for durations longer than a few hoursor overnight, it is best simply to turn off the computer instead of using Suspend-to-RAM mode.Note!The Power LED blinks green. (See chapter 2.3.1)
21 MARS-3100R/S User ManualChapter 2 Getting Started2. Suspend-to-Disk (Hibernation mode)Instead of saving data temporarily to RAM, Suspend-to-Disk mode saves data on thehard disk. Also, power consumption is the same as the system is turn off. In thismode, all data will store in hard disk, so there is no risk to loss data if the battery isexhausted.2.11.2 ResumingWhen the system is in suspend mode, press the power button once, and the systemwill resume to normal operation again.Note! !The Power LED will shut off. !Suspend to Disk mode will take much time to finish the data saving than Suspend to RAM. System will auto shutdown after all data is saved.Note!It may be necessary to log-on again after the system has resumed.
Chapter 33Advantech Central ManagerThis chapter explains how to use the Advantech Central Manager program application.Sections include:!Overview!Display!Hotkeys!Power!Image Version!Audio !Touch!LAN!Security
MARS-3100R/S User Manual 243.1 OverviewThe Advantech Central Manager utility is configures settings, operate devices andadjust the MARS-3100R/S. The Central Manager provides user-friendly functions. !Display settings !Screen resolutions !Hotkey assignments!Power management!Audio & touchscreen controls!LANs !Network securityThe Central Manager utility is available from the taskbar in the bottom right cornerof the Windows desktop. Double click the white and blue A icon. Access is alsoavailable from the Control Panel. (See figure 3.1)Figure 3.1 Central manager iconsThe Advantech Central Manager displays a menu with several tabs, including thesoftware Copyright page.  Figure 3.2 Copyright pageSystem tray: double click
25 MARS-3100R/S User ManualChapter 3 Advantech Central Manager3.2 Display3.2.1 RotationUsers may change the orientation of the desktop display on MARS-3100R/S. In theDisplay menu, the Rotation control toggles horizontal (“landscape”) or vertical (“por-trait”) display modes. The orientation of the display switches relative to the horizontaland vertical axis of the tablet PC. Figure 3.3 Display menuClick Left Rotation   to switch the display to the vertical axis (portraitdisplay mode). If the left rotation button is clicked again, the orientation rotates againin a counter-clockwise direction: vertical to horizontal to vertical to horizontal.Figure 3.4 Vertical display mode
MARS-3100R/S User Manual 26Click Right Rotation   to switch the display to the horizontal axis (land-scape display mode). If the right rotation button is clicked again, the orientationrotates again in a clockwise direction: vertical to horizontal to vertical to horizontal.Figure 3.5 Horizontal display mode3.2.2 Rotation buttonUsers may quickly change the orientation of the display by click-ing the R key, located on the upper right side of the bezel, secondfrom the top.3.2.3 PropertiesClick  Properties   to open the Windows Display Propertiesmenu.Figure 3.6 Display properties menuR
27 MARS-3100R/S User ManualChapter 3 Advantech Central Manager3.2.4 Brightness adjustments (MARS-3100R only)MARS-3100R has a brightnessadjustment control feature. Toadjust the intensity of the display,use the pen to click right forbrighter, or click left for darker. Figure 3.7 Brightness adjustment
MARS-3100R/S User Manual 283.3 Using Hotkey ButtonsThe MARS-3100R/S features a handy hotkey command control sys-tem. Three F hotkey buttons are available on the front bezel. Thesekeys may be set to open software applications instantly.  Figure 3.8 Three hotkey buttonsSelect the Hotkey menu to configure hotkey-activated software applications. Figure 3.9 Hotkey menuClick   to open a browser window. Search for, and select the required exe-cutable file, for example: “osk.exe.” Then click OK.  Then press   to accept the change and load the hotkey assignmentsand software.Note! !The acceptable file format is .exe. !The default setting of F1 hotkey is OSK (On Screen Keyboard). Users can reconfigure the F1 hotkey to other functions.!Pressing  restores the previous settings for the F1, F2 and F3 hotkeys.F1F2F3
29 MARS-3100R/S User ManualChapter 3 Advantech Central Manager3.4 PowerThe Power menu sets up a variety of convenient power schemes, including preciseconfiguration of the power button and low battery alarms.Figure 3.10 Power menu3.4.1 Power button settingsThe main power button, located on the top right side of the MARS-3100R/S, may beset to carry out four commands. The Power Button command on the Power menu supports four options.  !Do nothing!Ask me what to do!Standby!Shut down (the default setting) Shut downWhen Shut down is selected, pressing the main power button once results in anautomatic system shut down. All applications are closed automatically and the unitpowers off. Do nothingWhen Do nothing is selected, pressing the power button once has no effect on theoperation of the computer. In order to power off, return to the Power menu and reset the Power Button field toShut down. Then, the MARS-3100R/S powers down using the power button. Even if Do nothing is selected, it is always possible to shut down the computer byclicking Shut Down from the Windows Start menu.Note! If Shut down is selected, all unsaved data will be lost when the system powers off.
MARS-3100R/S User Manual 303.4.1.3 Ask me what to doWhen Ask me what to do is selected, the computer presents a Shut Down Win-dows menu and four command choices. Selecting the desired option and the com-mand is carried out after <Enter> is pressed.!Log-off Administrator!Shut down!Restart!Stand by3.4.1.4 StandbyWhen  Standby is selected, pressing the power button places the computer intotemporary hibernation and power-saving mode. In Standby, the screen goes blank,but all applications and current data are preserved in a steady-state. Pressing thepower button again reactivates all systems, and restores the display and applica-tions to the same state as they were before Standby was selected. By default, theuser will be asked to re-enter log-on data to protect the security and integrity of thesystem.Pressing the Key button or the Ctl-Alt-Del key combo presentsthe Sign-on menu and the user must key-in log-on data.
31 MARS-3100R/S User ManualChapter 3 Advantech Central Manager3.4.2 Advanced Power settingsThe MARS-3100R/S supports a variety of precise power settings. !Power Schemes!Alarms!Power Meter!Advanced!HibernateClick Advanced on the main Power menu to open the Power Options Propertiesmenu of the Central Manager.Figure 3.11 Advanced power settings3.4.2.1 Power schemesThe first tab in Power Options Properties menu displays the Power schemesmenu, which offers a selection of power options that are intended to conserve elec-tricity or battery life whenever the computer is idle, but not completely shut-down.  Six Power scheme options are available; it is possible to modify and save the defaultsettings of each scheme from these menus.Figure 3.12 Six power schemes
MARS-3100R/S User Manual 323. Home/Office DeskSelection defaults for this setting.!Turns off monitor: After 20 minutes (Plugged in); After 5 minutes (Batteries)!Turns off hard disks: Never (Plugged in); After 10 minutes (Batteries)!System Standby: Never (Plugged in); After 5 minutes (Batteries) Portable/LaptopSelection defaults for this setting.!Turns off monitor: After 15 minutes (Plugged in); After 5 minutes (Batteries)!Turns off hard disks: After 30 minutes (Plugged in); After 5 minutes (Batteries)!System Standby: After 20 minutes (Plugged in); After 5 minutes (Batteries) PresentationSelection defaults for this setting.!Turns off monitor: Never (Plugged in); Never (Batteries)!Turns off hard disks: Never (Plugged in); After 5 minutes (Batteries)!System Standby: Never (Plugged in); After 15 minutes (Batteries) Always onSelection defaults for this setting.!Turns off monitor: After 20 minutes (Plugged in); After 15 minutes (Batteries)!Turns off hard disks: Never (Plugged in); After 30 minutes (Batteries)!System Standby: Never (Plugged in); Never (Batteries) Minimal power managementSelection defaults for this setting.!Turns off monitor: After 15 minutes (Plugged in); After 5 minutes (Batteries)!Turns off hard disks: Never (Plugged in); After 15 minutes (Batteries)!System Standby: Never (Plugged in); After 5 minutes (Batteries) Max batterySelection defaults for this setting.!Turns off monitor: After 15 minutes (Plugged in); After 1 minute (Batteries)!Turns off hard disks: Never (Plugged in); After 3 minutes (Batteries)!System Standby: After 20 minutes (Plugged in); After 2 minutes (Batteries)
33 MARS-3100R/S User ManualChapter 3 Advantech Central Manager3.4.2.2 AlarmsThe second tab on the Power Options Properties menu displays the Alarms menu,which offers a selection of alarm options according to two basic categories.!Low battery alarm; (default setting is 10%.)!Critical battery alarm; (default setting is 3%.) Figure 3.13 Power alarm options3. Low battery alarmBy default, the low battery alarm is set to trigger when the battery reaches 10% of itsnormal capacity. The alarm can be set to trigger according to any percentage of avail-able battery power between 0% and 100%. Selecting Alarm action summons the Low battery alarm actions sub-menu. Thedefault action displays a message notifying of the low power condition. !Notification: The user may change the alarm notification settings, choosing between Sound alarm or Display message, which is the system default.!Alarm action: The user may select the Alarm action check box to instruct the system what to do when the low battery alarm sounds, which is either Standby or Shut down.Figure 3.14 Low battery alarm options
MARS-3100R/S User Manual 34!Run a program: Select the checkbox, When the alarm occurs, run this pro-gram. Then, users may choose Configure program automatically. –Three sub-menus are available for setting precise commands to manage the program.•Task: Select a program to activate when the low battery alarm triggers.•Schedule: Task programs may be activated according to the schedule required; from the Advanced sub-menu task programs may be reactivated instantly and configured to run for precise durations.•Settings: Three commands are available to refine the operation of task programs. These commands set-up what the computer will do after tasks are completed, or if the computer is idle, or if the unit is under battery power. The three settings include, Scheduled Tasks Com-pleted, Idle Time, and Power Management. Figure 3.15 Run a program configuration dialog boxes3. Critical battery alarmBy default, the critical battery alarm is set to trigger when the battery reaches 3% ofits normal capacity. The alarm trigger may be changed to any percentage of availablebattery power between 0% and 100%.!Notification: The user may change the alarm notification settings, choosing between Sound alarm or Display message, the system default.!Alarm Action: The user may activate the Alarm action checkbox to instruct the system what to do when the low battery alarm sounds, which is either Standby or Shut down.Figure 3.16 Critical battery alarm optionsRun a program: By selecting the checkbox, When the alarm occurs, run this pro-gram, users may choose to Configure program automatically. (See section
35 MARS-3100R/S User ManualChapter 3 Advantech Central Manager3.4.2.3 Power MeterThe third tab on the Power Options Properties menu displays the advanced PowerMeter menu, and provides information about the present status of the power system.!Current power source: displays whether the computer is powered by AC or DC electricity.!Battery number: Normally battery #1 is displayed.Figure 3.17 Power meterClick Battery number,   to open a new dialog box: Detailed information forBattery # 1 to access precise data about the type and status of the battery currentlyactive in the unit.Figure 3.18 Detailed battery information
MARS-3100R/S User Manual 363.4.2.4 AdvancedThe fourth tab on the Power Options Properties menu displays the Advancedpower configuration options, which offer two main power-saving settings.!Options!Power buttonsFigure 3.19 Advanced power-saving3. Options!Select the Always show icon on the taskbar check box to activate the Power Meter icon on the taskbar. –Double-clicking the icon opens the Power Meter menu box, (See section above.)!By default, Prompt for password when computer resumes from standby is selected. This command ensures that unauthorized users cannot access the computer or its data. Power buttonsTo configure the Power and Sleep buttons, click on the drop-down box to select acommand option for the following two buttons. !Power Button options: When I press the power button on my computer. –Do nothing–Ask me what to do–Standby–Shut down (default setting)!Sleep Button options: –No support "Sleep mode" (default setting)Note! Normally, the Power button setting is accessed through the main Power menu. (See section: 3.4.1, Power Button Settings.)

Navigation menu