Advantech Co TREK-550 Computer User Manual

Advantech Co Ltd Computer

Users Manual

        User Manual TREK-550 Computing Box
Copyright  The documentation and the softwareincluded with thisproductarecopyrighted2010by Advantech Co., Ltd. All rightsare reserved. Advantech Co.,Ltd. reserves therightto make improvementsin the products describedin thismanual atany time withoutnotice. Nopartof this manual maybereproduced, copied, translatedortransmittedin any formor byany means without theprior written permission of Advantech Co.,Ltd. Information providedin thismanual is intended to be accurate andreliable. How-ever, Advantech Co., Ltd. assumes no responsibility for its use, nor for any infringements of the rights of third parties, which may result from its use.   Acknowledgements Intel and Atom are trademarks of Intel Corporation.Microsoft Windowsand MS-DOS are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp.All other product names or trademarks areproperties of their respective owners.   Product Warranty (2 years)  Advantech warrants to you, the original purchaser, that each of itsproducts will befree from defects in materials and workmanship for two years from the date of purchase. Thiswarranty does not apply toanyproductswhichhave been repairedor altered bypersons other than repairpersonnel authorized by Advantech, or whichhave beensubjectto misuse,abuse,accident orimproper installation. Advantech assumes noliability under the terms of this warranty as a consequence of such events. Because ofAdvantech’shigh quality-control standards and rigorous testing, most ofour customers never need to useour repair service. Ifan Advantechproduct is defective, it will be repaired or replaced at no charge during the warranty period. For out-of-warrantyrepairs, you willbe billed accordingto the costof replacement materials,service timeand freight.Please consult your dealer for more details. If you think you have a defective product, follow these steps: 1.Collect all theinformation about the problem encountered. (For example, CPUspeed, Advantech products used, other hardware and software used,etc.) Noteanything abnormal and list any onscreen messages you get when the problemoccurs. 2.Call your dealer and describe theproblem. Pleasehaveyour manual, product,and any helpful information readilyavailable. 3.If your product is diagnosed as defective, obtain an RMA (return merchandiseauthorization) number fromyour dealer. This allows us toprocessyourreturnmore quickly. 4.Carefully packthe defective product, a fully-completed Repair andReplacementOrder Cardandaphotocopy proof ofpurchase date (suchasyour sales receipt)in a shippable container. A product returnedwithoutproof of the purchase dateis not eligible for warranty service. 5.Writethe RMAnumbervisibly on the outside of thepackageand ship it prepaidto your dealer.      Part No. 2010055001Edition 1  Printed inTa i w a nMay 2010   TREK-550 User Manualii
Declaration of Conformity  This producthaspassed the CE test forenvironmental specifications. Test conditionsfor passing includedtheequipment beingoperated within an industrial enclosure.Inorder to protect the product from being damaged by ESD(Electrostatic Discharge)and EMI leakage,we stronglyrecommendthe use of CE-compliant industrial enclosure products.   FCC Class B  Note: Thisequipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a ClassBdigital device, pursuant to part 15 ofthe FCC Rules. These limits are designed toprovide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates usesand can radiate radio frequency energy and, ifnot installedand usedinaccordance with the instructions, maycause harmful interference to radiocommunications. However, there is no guarantee that interferencewill not occur in aparticularinstallation. Ifthis equipmentdoes cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment offand on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one ormore of thefollowing measures: !Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. !Increase the separation between theequipment and receiver. !Connecttheequipment into anoutlet on acircuit different from that to which thereceiver is connected. !Consult the dealer or an experiencedradio/TV technician for help.   FM  This equipment has passed theFM certification. According tothe National Fire Protection Association, work sites are classified intodifferent classes, divisionsandgroups, basedon hazard considerations.Thisequipment is compliant with thespecifications of Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C andD indoor hazards.   Technical Support and Assistance  1.Visit the Advantech web site atfor the latestinformation about the product. 2.Contact the distributor,sales representative, or Advantech's customer servicecenter fortechnical supportif you needadditional assistance. Please have thefollowing information ready before you call: –Product name and serial number –Description of yourperipheralattachments –Description of your software (operatingsystem, version, application software,etc.) –A complete description of the problem –The exact wording of any error messages             iiiTREK-550 User Manual
Warnings, Cautions and Notes   Warning!Warnings indicate conditions, whichifnotobserved, can cause personal Injury!   Caution!Cautions are included to help you avoid damaging hardware or losingdata. e.g. There isa danger of anew battery exploding if itis incorrectly installed.Donotattempt to recharge, force open,or heat the battery. Replacethebattery only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer. Discard used batteriesaccording to the manufacturer'sinstructions.   Note!Notes provide optional additionalinformation.    Document Feedback  Toassist us in makingimprovementsto thismanual,we would welcome commentsand constructive criticism. Send allsuch in writing to:   Packing List  Before setting up, check that the itemslistedbelow are included, ingood condition. Ifany item does not accordwith the table, please contact your dealerimmediately.  !TREK-550 series Computing Box !Accessories for TREK-550 !Warranty card !Power cord: DC power inlet cable(180 cm - for TREK-550 only) !Videio in/CAN cable !“Drivers, Utilities and User Manual" CD-ROM !End User License Agreement (XPE and WinCE model)  Ordering information
Safety Instructions  1.Read these safety instructions carefully. 2.Keep this User Manual for later reference. 3.Disconnect thisequipment fromany AC outlet before cleaning. Use a dampcloth. Do not use liquid or spray detergents for cleaning. 4.For plug-in equipment, the power outlet socket must be located nearthe equipment and must be easily accessible. 5.Keep this equipment awayfrom humidity. 6.Put this equipment on a reliable surface during installation.Dropping it or lettingit fall maycausedamage. 7.Theopeningson the enclosure are for air convection. Protect the equipmentfrom overheating. DO NOT COVER THE OPENINGS. 8.Make sure the voltage ofthe powersource is correctbeforeconnecting theequipment to the poweroutlet. 9.Position the power cord so that peoplecannot step on it. Do not place anythingover the power cord. 10.All cautions and warnings on the equipment should be noted. 11 .If the equipment is not used for a long time, disconnect it from the power sourceto avoid damage by transient overvoltage. 12.Never pour any liquid into an opening. Thismay cause fire or electrical shock. 13.Never openthe equipment. For safety reasons, the equipment shouldbeopened only by qualified servicepersonnel. 14.If one of the following situations arises, get the equipment checkedby servicepersonnel: 15.Thepower cord or plug is damaged. 16.Liquidhas penetrated into theequipment. 17.Theequipment has been exposed to moisture. 18.The equipment does not work well,or you cannot get it to work according to theuser's manual. 19.Theequipment has been dropped and damaged. 20.The equipment has obvious signs of breakage. 21.  DO NOT LEAVE THIS EQUIPMENT IN AN ENVIRONMENT WHERE THE STORAGE TEMPERATURE MAY GO BELOW -30° C (-22° F) OR ABOVE 70° C (158° F). THIS COULD DAMAGE THE EQUIPMENT. THE EQUIPMENT SHOULD BE IN A CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT. Operating temperature: 50° C 22.CAUTION: DANGER OF EXPLOSION IF BATTERY IS INCORRECTLYREPLACED. REPLACE ONLYWITH THE SAME OR EQUIVALENT TYPERECOMMENDED BY THE MANUFACTURER, DISCARD USEDBATTERIESACCORDING TO THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. 23.Thesound pressure levelat theoperator's position according to IEC 704-1:1982 is no more than 70dB (A). DISCLAIMER:This set of instructionsis given according to IEC 704-1. Advantechdisclaims all responsibility for the accuracy of anystatements contained herein.             vTREK-550 User Manual
Wichtige Sicherheishinweise  1.Bitte lesen sie Sich diese Hinweisesorgfältig durch. 2.Heben Sie diese Anleitung für den späteren Gebrauchauf. 3.Vor jedem Reinigen ist das Gerät vom Stromnetz zu trennen. Verwenden SieKeine Flüssig-oder Aerosolreiniger. Am besten dient ein angefeuchtetes Tuchzur Reinigung. 4.Die NetzanschluBsteckdose soll nahe dem Gerät angebracht und leichtzugänglich sein. 5.Das Gerät ist vor Feuchtigkeit zuschützen. 6.Bei der Aufstellung des Gerätes ist auf sicheren Stand zu achten. Ein Kippenoder Fallen könnte Verletzungen hervorrufen. 7.Die Belüftungsöffnungen dienenzur Luftzirkulation die das Gerät vor überhit-zung schützt. Sorgen Sie dafür, daB diese Öffnungen nicht abgedeckt werden. 8.Beachten Sie beim. AnschluB andas Stromnetz die AnschluBwerte. 9.Verlegen Sie die NetzanschluBleitung so, daB niemand darüber fallen kann. Essollte auch nichts auf der Leitung abgestellt werden. 10.Alle Hinweise und Warnungen diesich am Geräten befinden sind zu beachten. 11 .Wird das Gerät über einen längeren Zeitraumnicht benutzt, sollten Sie es vomStromnetz trennen. Somit wird im Falle einer Überspannung eine Beschädigungvermieden. 12.Durch dieLüftungsöffnungen dürfen niemalsGegenstände oder Flüssigkeitenindas Gerätgelangen. Dies könnte einen Brand bzw. elektrischen Schlag aus-lösen. 13.Öffnen Sie niemals das Gerät. Das Gerät darf aus Gründen der elektrischen Sicherheit nur von authorisiertem Servicepersonal geöffnet werden. 14.Wenn folgende Situationen auftreten ist das Gerät vom Stromnetz zutrennenund von einer qualifizierten Servicestelle zu überprüfen: 15.Netzkabel oder Netzstecker sind beschädigt. 16.Flüssigkeit ist in das Gerät eingedrungen. 17.Das Gerät war Feuchtigkeit ausgesetzt. 18.Wenn dasGerät nicht derBedienungsanleitungentsprechend funktioniert oder Sie mit Hilfe dieser Anleitung keineVerbesserung erzielen. 19.Das Gerät ist gefallen und/oder das Gehäuse ist beschädigt. 20.Wenn dasGerät deutliche Anzeichen einesDefektes aufweist. 21.VOSICHT: Explisionsgefahr beiunsachgemabenAustausch der Batterie.Ersatznur durch densellben order einem vomHersteller empfohlene-mahnlichen Typ.Entsorgung gebrauchter Batterien navh Angaben des Herstellers. 22.ACHTUNG: Es besteht die Explosionsgefahr, falls die Batterie auf nicht fach-männischeWeise gewechselt wird.Verfangen Sie die Batterienur gleicheroderentsprechender Type, wievom Hersteller empfohlen. Entsorgen Sie Batteriennach Anweisung des Herstellers. 23.Der arbeitsplatzbezogene Schalldruckpegel nach DIN45 635 Teil 1000 beträgt 70dB(A) oder weiger. Haftungsausschluss: Die Bedienungsanleitungenwurden entsprechend der IEC- 704-1 erstellt. Advantech lehnt jeglicheVerantwortung für die Richtigkeit der indiesem Zusammenhang getätigten Aussagen ab.          TREK-550 User Manualvi
Safety Precaution - Static Electricity  Follow these simple precautions to protectyourselffrom harm and the products fromdamage. !To avoid electrical shock, always disconnect the power fromyour PC chassisbefore you work on it. Don't touch anycomponents on the CPU card or othercards while the PC is on. !Disconnect power before making any configuration changes. The sudden rushof power as you connect a jumper or installa card may damage sensitive electronic components.   Warning!1.Input voltage rated: 9-36 Vdc. 2.Transport: carrythe unit withboth hands and handle with care. 3.Maintenance:toproperly maintain and cleanthesurfaces, use onlyapproved products orclean witha dry applicator. 4.CompactFlash:Turn off the power before inserting or removing CompactFlash storage cards.                             ropean Contact information:Advantech Europe GmbHKolberger Straße 7  D-40599 Düsseldorf, Germany  Tel: 49-211-97477350 Fax: 49-211-97477300
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. “Complies with CANADA RSS-210 This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: -Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. -Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. -Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. -Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.   b. FCC Part 15.21 information for user You are cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void your authority to operate the equipment.   This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation   Notes and Warnings to the User and Installer: Caution:  This Installation Guide is intended for use by the professional wireless LAN system installer. The device cannot be sold retail, to the general public or by mail order. It must be sold to dealers or have strict marketing control.  Warning: It is the responsibility of the professional installer to ensure that the system is used exclusively for fixed, point-to-point operations.  Warning: When using the device in the United States (or where FCC rules apply), it is the responsibility of the professional installer to ensure to control the output power not greater then the application.  Who Should Use this Guide:   Installation of this device should be accomplished only by a qualified wireless LAN system installer who is: -Knowledgeable of the use, installation and configuration procedures and associated networking    components. -Knowledgeable of each system component’s equipment User and Installation Guide. -Knowledgeable of the installation and configuration procedures for the site’s network infrastructure system and wiring.   -Knowledgeable of the installation procedures, safety, and code requirements for the site’s antenna, antenna mast, antenna cabling, and installation. We highly recommend that the antenna installation be performed by a qualified antenna installation professional.  Users should not attempt to make such connections themselves, but should contact the appropriate electrical inspection authority, or electrician, as appropriate.    for mobile devices without co-location condition ( the transmitting antenna is installed or located more than 20cm away from the body of user and near by person )FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement: 1.This Transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.2.This equipment complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20 centimeters between the radiator and your body.                TREK-550 User Manualvii
 Contents   ContentsixChapter1General Information............................1  1.1Introduction...............................................................................................2 1.2General Specifications..............................................................................2 1.2.1General.........................................................................................2 1.2.2Standard PCFunctions.................................................................3 1.2.3PCIBus Ethernet Interface...........................................................3 1.2.4Touchscreen.................................................................................3 1.2.5Environment..................................................................................4 1.3LCD Specifications....................................................................................4 Table 1.1:LCD Specifications.....................................................4 1.4Dimensions...............................................................................................4 Figure 1.1TREK-550 dimensions................................................4   Chapter2System Setup.......................................5  2.1A Quick Tour of the Mounted.......................................................6 Figure 2.1Front viewof theTREK-550.......................................6 Figure 2.2Left side of the TREK-550..........................................6 Figure 2.3Rear view of the TREK-550........................................7 Figure 2.4 Computing BoxI/O...................................7 2.2Installation Procedures..............................................................................8 2.2.1Connectingthe Power Cord..........................................................8 Table2.1:Pin Definitionof Power Cord......................................8 2.2.2Connecting theKeyboard orMouse.............................................8 2.2.3Switchingon the Power................................................................8 2.3Running the BIOSSetup Program............................................................9 2.4Installing System Software........................................................................9 2.5Installing the Drivers................................................................................10 2.6Programming FunctionKeysand GPIO/CAN BUS.................................10                    ixTREK-550 User Manual
Chapter4Jumper Settings and Connectors...19  4.1Setting Jumpers and Switches................................................................20 4.1.1Locating Jumpers and Switches.................................................20 Table 4.1:Jumpers& LEDS on theMotherboard.....................20 4.1.2Locating Jumpers and LEDs on the Motherboard......................21 Figure 4.1Locating Jumpers /LEDs.........................................21 4.1.3Connectorson the Motherboard.................................................22 Table 4.2:Connectorson the Motherboard...............................22 4.1.4Locating Connectors ontheMotherboard..................................23 Figure 4.2Locating Connectors onthefront side......................23 Figure 4.3Locating Connectors onthebackside.....................23 4.2CPU Installation......................................................................................24 4.3Jumper Settings......................................................................................24 4.3.1CMOS Clear for ExternalRTC (JP1)..........................................24 Table 4.3:Clear CMOS /External RTC (JP1)...........................24 4.3.2Power FeatureSetting (JP3)......................................................24 Table 4.4:Ignition InputSwitchSetting (JP3)...........................24 Table 4.5:Power off/ Hard off Delay Setting (JP3)..................25 Table 4.6:Low Battery Monitor (JP3)........................................26 4.4COM Port Interface.................................................................................27 Table 4.7:SerialPort DefaultSettings......................................27 4.4.1COM Port Pin 9 Power OutputSetting(CN27)...........................28 Table 4.8:COMPort Pin 9 PowerOutput Setting (CN27)........28 4.4.2COM Port Pin 9 Power OutputValue Setting(JP2)....................28 Table 4.9:COMPort Pin 9 PowerOutput Value Setting (JP2).28  Chapter5Pin Assignments...............................43  A.1InternalSpeaker Connector (CN2 onPCM-028)....................................44 TableA.1:Internal SpeakerConnector (CN2 on PCM-028)......44 A.2COM1, 2 (CN17,19)................................................................................44 TableA.2:COM1, 2 (CN17,19)..................................................44 A.3GPIO/ CAN BUS Connector(CN31)......................................................45 Table A.3:GPIO/ CAN BUSConnector(CN31).......................45 A.4Inverter/ Touch/ USB Connector(CN18)..............................................46 Table A.4:Inverter/ Touch/ USB Connector (CN18)................46 A.5Power Inlet..............................................................................................47 Table A.5:Power inlet................................................................47  Chapter6SW demo application set Up...............43  A.1J1939/CAN……………………………………………....................................44 TableA.1: ............. ................................ ................................44 A.2RTC.......................................................................... ...............................44 TableA.2:................................................ .................................44 A.3Power management ........................... .....................................................45 Table A.3:GPIO/ CAN BUSConnector(CN31).......................45 A.4GPIO .......................................... ..........................................................46 A.5Video ................ .......................................................................................44 TableA.2:......... ........................................................................44 A.6Dead reckoning................ .....................................................................45 Table A.3:..............................................................................45 A.7G-sensor ...............................................................................................46   AppendixATREK-303.....................................49  B.1TREK-303 spec ........................................................................50 B.1.1.............................................................50 B.2Other Information....................................................................................65  xiTREK-550 User Manual
                         Chapter1     1 General InformationThis chapter gives backgroundinformation on the TREK-550 Computing Box.   Sections include:  ! Introduction ! General Specifications ! Dimensions
1.1Introduction  The TREK-550 is a dedicated box computer for industrial, transport trucks, buses and taxis. TREK-550 combined with variety of I/O connectors can be connected to devices like OBD-II or TPMS (Tire Pressure Monitoring System). Dual display/dual audio interfaces supporting different resolutions can deliver different applications to different displays; eg: one application to a driver and another to a digital signage application. Built-in wireless communications (WWAN, WLAN, BT) enable TREK-550 to send important driver/ location/cargo information back to the control center. TREK-550 can also operate in extreme environments with features like a wide working temperature range (-30 to 70 degrees). TREK-550 also uses a special design to handle the critical issue of in power. Special power protection (ISO7637-2/SAE J1455 Class A/ SAE J1113) and power management software (Ignition on/off, delay on/off, low battery monitor) prevent electrical noise and surges from impacting the system, guarding against damage from transient power. TREK-550 also support rear view monitor through connecting video in port. With this feature, driver can real time monitor the environment on two sides of the truck for driving safety. TREK-550 can also support dead-reckoning feature, which means the truck can still be traced even the driver is driving in a tunnel.  Rear-Side Connectors 
1.2General Specifications  Key features z  Supports Win CE 6.0, XPE, XP and Linux z  Automotive grade working temperature range (-30° C to 70° C) z  Rich I/O including CAN, LAN, RS-232, RS-485, J1708, isolation 4DI/4DO, Line out, Mic in, USB, and Video-in z  Built-in communication modules, including GSM/GPRS/HSDPA/CDMA, WLAN & Bluetooth z  GPS with AGPS and dead reckoning technology (Gyro & speed line) z  Certifications: CE/FCC/e-mark, MIL-SD810F, ISO 7637-2, SAE J1455, SAE J1113 regulations z  Dual display/audio output for both driver and passenger z  Ignition on/off delay; SW detectable/controllable for power management     1.2.1General  !Dimensions: (W x H x D): 271 x 149 x 69.7 mm. !Weight: 2 kg. !Power supply: –Input voltage: 6~ 36Vdc, support ignition cold crank  –Ignition on/off –Low battery shut-down protection threshold(optional): When the batteryvoltage leveldrops below 11V for more than 30 seconds, TREK-550will automatically shut down in order to prevent “deep discharge” situationsand TREK-550 can be re-activated only when the voltage is > 11V. –Power on delay:Default 2 seconds. Whenthe TREK-550 is powered on viaignition key, the system willdelay 2seconds to poweron. –Power off delay: Default 5 seconds. When TREK-550 power is controlled byignition keyand turnsoff by the key (ignition=off), the TREK-550 willstarttheshut procedure after 5seconds. –Hard offdelay: Default30seconds. When TREK-550 poweris controlledbyignition key and turns off by the key (ignition=off), the TREK-550 will cut offthe 5VSB power after 30 seconds. Inthis event when the shutdown processis longer than 30 seconds, the power will be shut down hard,turning off theTREK-550's powerand 5VSB.  Note!For more detail of function pleaserefer toChapter 4, Section 4.3.2 ofthis manual.    !Power consumption: The maximum current consumption is about 32.4 watts.The powerconsumption is 12 watts in normal mode (with only XPE running;noI/O device and modules connected tothe TREK-550). !Front panel and back cover: IP65 Sealed; NEMA4 compliant (Not including the I/O ports). !Enclosure: Ruggedized aluminum without ventilationholes.
 1.2.2Standard PC Functions  !CPU: Intel Atom Z510PT 1.1Ghz/ Z520PT 1.3Ghz ! Chipset: Integrated in LE82US15EE !BIOS: Award 256KB Flash BIOS, ACPI 2.0Compliant. !System chipset:. !System memory:One 200-pin SODIMMsockets, accepts up to2GB DDR667 DDR !Solid state disk: Supports one 50-pin socketfor Compact-Flash type I/II (True PATA mode). !Serial ports: Two RS-232, 5V@500mA,12V@ 250mA, ping9, by jumper selected. One 4-wire RS232,1 x RS485, 1 x J1708 ports.  !Universal serial bus (USB) port: Supports up to three USB2.0. One from smart display port. !LAN port: 1 x 10/100/1000 Ethernet (with LEDs) by RJ45. !Video output: 1 x VGA output by DB-15 (independent display). !Video in: 2 x composite video input selection supported format (for rear view monitor) by RJ-45 connector !Mini PCI express bus expansion slot: Accepts half size mini PCI bus card. !Bluetooth: One Class2 Bluetooth V2.0 + EDR module. !Watchdog timer: 63-level timerintervals automaticallygenerate system resetwhen the system stopsdue to a program error or EMI. Jumper selectionandsoftware enabled/disabled. !RTC Battery: 3.0 V @ 195mA lithium battery. !Power management: Supports power savingmodes including Normal/Standby/Suspend modes.APM 1.2 compliant. !Digital I/O:Opticallyisolated 4 digital input and 4 digital output !CAN bus: RS-232 baud rate up to 115.2K bps. !Audio controller: AC97 Ver. 2.0compliant interface, Multi stream Direct sound and Direct Sound 3D acceleration. !Stereo sound: 18-bit full-duplex codec. !Audio interface: One 2W speaker, onemicrophone. One line out. !Optional modules: 12channels GPS, quad-bandGSM/GPRS, MiniPCIWLAN card.   1.2.3PCI Bus Ethernet Interface  !Chipset: Realtek RTL8100CL PCI local bus Ethernet controller. !Ethernet interface: Fullcompliance with IEEE 802.3u 100Base-T and 10 Base-T specifications. Includessoftware drivers and boot ROM that supports bothRPL andPXE. !100/10Base-T auto-sensing capability.   1.2.4Touchscreen  !Type: Analog Resistive !Light transmission: 80% !Controller: RS-232interface !Power consumption: <5.5 V@ 20 mA !Durability: > 10 million depressions !Software driver: Supports Windows XP/XP Embedded, WinCE
1.2.5Environment  ! High/low temperature: -30 ~ 70° C!Relative humidity:10 ~ 95% @ 40° C (non-condensing) !Shock: 30 G peak acceleration (11 msec duration) !Certifications: CE, FCC, CCC, Emark, CB.   !Vibration: 5 ~ 500 Hz SAE J1455, MIL-STD-810F 514.5     1.4Dimensions Figure 1.1TREK-550 dimensions                              TREK-550 User Manual4 
    Chapter2Syst System Setup  This chapter details system setupon TREK-550.   Sections include: !A Quick Tour of the computer box !Installation Procedures !Running the BIOS Setup Program 
2.1A Quick Tour of the TREK-550 Computing box. Beforestarting to set up the Computing Box,takeamomentto becomefamiliar with the locations andpurposes of the controls,drives, connectors and ports,which are illustratedinthe figures below. When theComputerboxisplaced inside truck glove cabinet or under the passenger’s seat next to the driver, its front    appears as showninFigure 2.1.  Figure 2.1. front view of TREK-550 Figure 2.1.fdasdf   Figure 2.2. Rear view of TREK-550       Unit: mm  Figure 2.3. Side view of TREK-550 
     Unit: mm Figure 2.4. Bottom view of TREK-550  Unit: mm Figure 2.5. Top view of TREK-550 2.2Installation Procedures    2.2.1Connecting the Power Cord Connect thethree pin waterproof power cord to the DCinletofthe Computing Box. On theopen-wire end, one pin is reserved for positive voltage and ismarked,"+"; one pin isreservedfor groundandismarked,"-"; and, one pin isreserved for the ignition signal with an “ignition” mark.    Note!Power on/off theTREK-550 via the TREK-550's power switch. Pleaseconnect its"+ "and" ignition"pins together with the powersource's"+". Or change theJP3 jumper setting.(For JP3 jumper settingplease seesection
 Note!Ignitionon/offsetting : The TREK-550 supports an ignition on/offfunc-tion so that you can power on/off the TREK-550 via the ignition signal/ voltage. Either connect the TREK-550's "ignition" pin to ignitionandthe TREK-550 "+-"to "+-" ; or connect the TREK-550's "ignition    & +" pins togetherwith powersource's"+" , and"-" to "-". Pleasealso setthe "power on after powerfailure” function to "always on" in BIOS.(forBIOS settings, please see Appendix D). The delay on/off will be activeonce theignitionon/off is selected.   Table    2.1: Pin Definition of Power Cord  PinDefinitionColor  1+yellow 3-black4Ignitionwhite     Power Connector   Molex Manufacturer part no. 0430451200  Power Connector Pin Signal Pin Signal 1 Chassis Ground  2 Ground 3 Ground  4 (Reserved) 5  (Reserved) 6 (Reserved) 7  Power Input (6~36 VDC)  8  Power Input (6~36 VDC) 9  Acc Ignition Input  10  Ground 11  (Reserved)  12  Power Button Input  Mating power cable Advantech p/n : 1700018306 A Cable 2*6P-3.0/fuse 180cm TREK Manufacturer p/n: Best Technology Enterprise 900-1200-180R 
2.3Running the BIOS Setup Program  In most cases, the computer will have been properlyset up andconfigured bythedealer or SIprior to delivery. However, itmay still be necessary to adjustsomeofthecomputer's BIOS (BasicInput-Output System) setupprogramsto change the systemconfiguration data, like the current date and time, or the specifictype of hard drivecurrently installed. The setup program is stored in read-onlymemory (ROM).It can be accessed eitherwhen turning on orresettingthecomputer, by pressingthe“Del”key on the keyboardimmediately after powering up thecomputer. The settingsthatarespecifiedwiththesetup program are recorded in a specialareaof the memory calledCMOS RAM.Thismemoryisbacked up by a batteryso thatitwill not be erased when turning offor resetting the system. Whenever the power isturned on, the system reads the settings storedin CMOS RAM and compares themto the equipment check conducted duringthe “power onself-test” (POST).If anerroroccurs, anerrormessageis displayed on screen, and the user is promptedtorun thesetup program.   2.4Installing System Software  Recentreleases of operating systems from majorvendors includesetup programswhich load automatically and guide users through the entireprocessof operatingsystem installation. Theguidelines belowhelp todetermine thesteps necessary toinstall your operating system onthe computer hard drive.  Note!Some distributors and system integrators may have already pre-installed system software prior to shipment of your Mounted Computer.   The BIOS of the computer supports systemboots-up directly from the CD-ROM drivewhenever it is connectedusing a USB interface. Insert thesystem installation CD-ROMinto the CD-ROMdrive. Power onthe computer, or reset the systemby pressing the “Ctrl”+ “Alt”+ “Del” keyssimultaneously. The computerwill automatically load the operating system fromthediskette or CD-ROM. Whenpresented with the opening screen of asetup/ installationprogram, simply fol-low the onscreeninstructions. Thesetup program guidesusersthrough preparationsof thehard drive, and installation of the operatingsystem. When presentedwith an operatingsystem commandprompt,like, A:\>, then it isnec-essary to partitionandformatthe harddrive, and manually copy the operating sys-tem files toit.Referto the operating system user instructionsabout partitioning andformatting the hard drive.
2.5Installing the Drivers  After installing system software,the computer is ready to setup the AMD chipset,VGA, audio, LAN, and touch screen functions. All the pre-requisite drivers are storedona CD-ROM disc entitled “Drivers and Utilities”(Check the correct wordingontheCD, which can be found in theaccessory box.) The utility directory includes multimedia programs. Some drivers andutilities in theCD-ROM disc havetheir own text files which help usersinstall the drivers and under-stand their functions. These files are a very useful supplement to the informationin this manual.For moredetails of driver installation please refers to Chapter 5 to 10 of this manual.  Note!The drivers and utilities used for the TREK-550 are subject to changewithout notice. If in doubt, checkAdvantech'swebsite or contact our application engineers for the latest informationregarding drivers andutilities.      2.6Programming Function Keys and GPIO/CANBUS  The Mount Computer provides five function keys, GPIO and CAN bus asshown in section 2.1. These functions must be activated with the correct software,that’s why weprovidean APlibraryfor customers to design their own software. Referto AppendixCfor more detail.
      Chapter4   4 Jumper Settings and Connectors  This chapter explains how to setup the Computing Boxhardware, including instructionson setting jumpers and connect-ing peripherals, and how to setswitches and read indicators. Be sure to read all the safety pre-cautions before beginning theinstallation procedure.   Sections include: !Setting Jumpers
 4.1Setting Jumpers and Switches  Itis possible to configure the Computing Box to match the needsof theapplication by resetting the jumpers. A jumperis the simplestkindof electrical switch.It consists of two metalpinsand a small metal clip, often protected by aplastic coverthat slidesover the pinstoconnect them.To“close” ajumper,connect the pins withthe clip. To “open” a jumper, remove theclip. Sometimes a jumperhas three pins,labeled 1, 2, and 3. In this case, connecteither pins 1 and 2, orpins 2 and 3.     openclosedclosed 2-3        openclosedclosed 2-3   A pair of needle-nosepliersmay be helpfulwhen working with jumpers. If there areany doubts about the best hardware configuration for the application, contact thelocal distributor or sales representative before making any changes.  An arrow isused on the motherboard to indicate the first pin of each jumper.                                   TREK-550 User Manual20
 4.1.1Locations of the Jumpers and Connector     Figure 4.1 Locations of jumpers and connectors on top side the motherboard.  Figure 4.2 Locations of jumpers and connectors on bottom side of the motherboard.  TREK-550 User Manual21 CN4CN2JP1SW1BH1JP3JP2SODIMM1CN16
  The figures below show the locations of the jumpers and connectors on daughter board used in TREK-550.    Figure 4.4 Locations of jumpers and connectors on bottom side of the daughter board.    4.1.2Jumpers  Table 4.1: Jumpers on motherboard Location Function JP1 input voltage selection JP2 CMOS clear for external RTC JP3 Pin9 of COM3 function selection  Table 4.2: Jumpers on daughter board Location Function J2 CAN bus termination selection J3 Pin9 of COM8 function selection SW2 DI/GPS Function selection            TREK-550 User Manual22     J2SW1J3CN13CN11CN15CN14CN12
   4.1.3Connectors On-board connectors link the Computing Box to external devices such ashard disk drives. The table below lists the function of eachconnector.   Table 4.1: Connectors on motherboard Location Function SW1 RESET CN2 USB connector CN4 CF connector CN10 LAN connector CN11 USB connector CN12 Power input connector CN13  Smart Display Connector CN14 RS-232 connector (COM3) CN15 VGA connector CN16  Mini-PCIe Socket (USB + PCIe interface) BH1 RTC battery SODIMM1 SODIMM connector for DDR2 SDRAM    Table 4.2: Connectors on daughter board Label Function CN1 RS-232 connector CN2  4-wire RS-232 + RS-485 + RS-1708 connector CN3  Isolated Digital I/O connector CN4  Line-Out phone jack CN5  Mic-In phone jack CN8  Video-In and CAN bus connector CN11  WWAN module connector CN12  Bluetooth module connector CN13  Mini-PCIe Socket (USB interface, for WWAN module) CN14 GPS module connector CN15 SIM holder               TREK-550 User Manual23
4.3Jumper Settings   4.3.1CMOS Clear for External RTC (JP2)    Warning!1.To avoid damaging the computer, always turn offthe power supplybefore setting “Clear CMOS.” 2.Set the jumper back to “Normal Operation” before turning on thepower supply!     Table 4.3: Clear CMOS / External RTC (JP1)  Normal Operation (Default)Clear CMOS   1231234.3.2Power Input Voltage Setting (JP1) TREK-550 must be configured properly according the power input range.   Table 4.4: Power Input Voltage Selection (JP1)  12VInput (Default)24V Input   123123 4.3.3  Pin 9 of COM3 Function Selection (JP3)  Pin 9 on COM3 port can be configured as RI, 5V or 12V output.  Table 4.7: Pin 9 of COM3 Function Selection (JP3) RI  +5VDC (max. 500mA)  +12VDC (max. 250mA) 1                 5  1                 5  1                 5   4.3.4Pin 9 of COM8 Function Selection (J3) Pin 9 on COM8 port can be configured as RI, 5V or 12V output.  Table 4.7: Pin 9 of COM8 Function Selection (J3) RI  +5VDC (max. 500mA)  +12VDC (max. 250mA) 1                      6  1                      6  1                      6   TREK-550 User Manual24
4.3.5DI/GPS Function Selection (SW2) If the GPS module with Dead Reckoning function is used, the digital inputs 3/4 will be used as inputs of GPS module. DIP switch (SW2) is used to select the function on DI 3/4 (Digital Input 3/4).  Table 4.7: Pin 9 of COM8 Function Selection (J3)   Digital Input  GPS (for Dead-Reckoning)SW2.1 OFF  ON SW2.2 ON  OFF SW2.3 OFF  ON SW2.4 ON  OFF                                                        TREK-550 User Manual26
4.4COM Port Interface  The computer providestotally ten serialports for difference uses. Six of ten serial ports (COM1~COM6) are implemented with Super I/O chip and their physical address are fixed. And the other four serial ports are done by a USB serial converter, and need driver support to work. In Advantech provided WES (Windows Embedded Standard) and Win CE 6.0 OS, the four USB-to-Serial serial ports are fixed from COM8 to COM11).   Table 4.7: Serial Port Function Port Function COM1  2-wire RS-232 (TXD/RXD) for TREK-303 COM2  3-wire RS-232 (TXD/RXD/RTS) for Touch on TREK-303 COM3 Full functional RS-232 COM4 For power management control COM5 RS-485 COM6 J1708 COM8 Full functional RS-232 COM9 4-wire RS-232 (TXD/RXD/RTS/CTS) COM10 For WWAN module COM11 For WWAN module   Table 4.7: Serial Port Settings Port Address Range Interrupt COM1 3F8 ~ 3FF 4 COM2 2F8 ~ 2FF 3 COM3 2E8 ~ 2EF 5 COM4 2D8 ~ 2DF 7 COM5 2E0 ~ 2E7 10 COM6  11                     TREK-550 User Manual28
                        Chapter5   APin Assignments  This appendix explains pinassignments on the TREK-550.   Sections include: !Internal Speaker Connector  !COM1, 2 !GPIO / CAN BUS connector (CN31) !Inverter / Touch / USB connector (CN18) !Power Inlet
5.1 Front Side Connectors   5.2 Rear Side Connectors   5.3 Power Connector (12/ 24V; 6 ~ 36V)   Molex Manufacturer part no. 0430451200 Power Connector Pin Signal Pin Signal 1 Chassis Ground  2 Ground 3 Ground  4 (Reserved) 5  (Reserved) 6 (Reserved) 7  Power Input (6~36 VDC)  8  Power Input (6~36 VDC) 9  Acc Ignition Input  10  Ground 11  (Reserved)  12  Power Button Input  TREK-550 User Manual22
5.4Smart Display Connector    Smart Display Connector Pin Signal Pin Signal 1  Backlight Enable output  2  Panel Power Enable output 3  LVDS Ground  4  Reset Button Input 5  LVDS Clock +  6  LVDS Clock - 7  LVDS Ground  8  LVDS Ground 9  LVDS Data2 +  10  LVDS Data2 - 11  RS232 TXD1  12  RS232 RXD1 13  LVDS Data1 +  14  LVDS Data1 - 15  LVDS Ground  16  LVDS Ground 17  LVDS Data0 +  18  LVDS Data0 - 19  USB D+  20  USB D- 21  USB Ground  22  USB Ground 23  +12VDC output  24  +12VDC output 25  +12VDC output  26  +12VDC output 27  Power Ground  28  Power Ground 29  Power Ground  30  Power Ground 31  RS232 TXD2  32  RS232 RXD2 33  RS232 RTS2  34  Power Button Input 35  Audio Ground  36  Mono. Line-out TREK-550 User Manual22 
5.5RS-232 Connector  RS-232 / RS-485 / J1708 Connector Pin Signal Pin Signal 1  RS-232 DCD  2  RS-232 RXD 3  RS-232 TXD  4  RS-232 DTR 5  RS-232 Ground  6  RS-232 DSR 7  RS-232 RTS  8  RS-232 CTS 9  RS-232 RI / +5V / +V12     5.6RS-232 / RS-485 / J1708 Connector  RS-232 / RS-485 / J1708 Connector Pin Signal Pin Signal 1  RS-232 RTS9  2  RS-232 RXD9 3  RS-232 TXD9  4  RS-232 CTS9 5  RS-232 Ground  6  RS-485 D- 7  RS-485 D+  8  J1708 D- 9  J1708 D+     TREK-550 User Manual22 
5.7DI / DO Connector  DI / DO Connector Pin Signal Pin Signal 1  Isolated Dry Contact Input 1  2  Isolated Dry Contact Input 2 3  Isolated Dry Contact Input 3  4  Isolated Dry Contact Input 4 5  Isolation Ground  6  Isolated Relay Driver Output 1 7  Isolated Relay Driver Output 2 8  Isolated Relay Driver Output 3 9  Isolated Relay Driver Output 4     5.8CAN / Video-In Connector CAN / Video-In Connector Pin Signal Pin Signal 1 CAN_H  2 CAN_L 3 CAN_SHIELD  4 CAN_SHIELD 5  Video In 2  6  Video Ground 7  Video In 1  8  Video Ground                  TREK-550 User Manual22
 5.9LED indicator                    TREK-550 User Manual22
                           Chapter6   CSoftware demo application setup   This appendix explains the software demo application for TREK-550.   Sections include: !Introduction  !How to set up demo application
 43 6.1Introduction  Tomake the hardware easiertoaccessfor programmers, Advantech has developedan demo program in order to let customer test the functions on TREK-550. This document describes detailed information for each Advantech demo program so thatapplication developers can becomemorefamiliar with using them. For technical support, contact Advantech application engineers worldwide.For news updates, visit our website:   6.1.1Execute J1939 demo program  Thissection explainshow to install theAdvantech demo program in Windows XP Pro / Embedded. 1.  Execute the test program called “IMC_Demo”   Figure 6. 1   2.  Click J1939: customer may connect directly to the truck; we use a simulator board below to explain how J1939 protocol can be executed.   First, connect to the simulator board to TREK-550 CAN port and console PC, once the simulator is powered on (connect to the truck), you can start getting the data, just click [Read], you may get the data you need from the simulator, click [Read], you may transfer the data to Console    Smulator vendor name:       TREK-550 User Manual22
 44    Figure 6.2    J1939 truck simulator    Figure 6.3        Figure 6.4             TREK-550 User Manual22
 45 6.1.2CAN Test 1. CAN: Console PC, install [PCAN_USB-to-CAN] test program, and use USB to CAN fixture to connect to TREK-550 CAN port.   2.  Execute PCAN-View USB→ Set Baud rate 250kBit/s→ Select [Extended]→OK→ Transmit → New → ID(Hex) key in number → Data key in any number→[Period] key in 100ms→Click [Extended Frame]→OK. See below figure 6.    Figure 6. 11   Figure 6. 12   TREK-550 User Manual22
 46  Figure 6. 13  3.  Then you may read the data of TREK-550 from Console PC, in the same time, you may also press [Write Data] to write to Console PC. As for Filter Message, it can filter out the message you don’t need, and keep the message you need. See below Figure 6.     Figure 6. 14      TREK-550 User Manual22
 47 6.2RTC testExecute “RTC test”1.  For RTC Time setting: You may set year, month, date, and time show as below.     Figure 6.5        Figure 6.6    Figure 6. 7      Figure 6. 8        2.  RTC Alarm Setting: You may also set Alarm time; you may wake up the system by the time you have set. Please refer to below figure 6.  TREK-550 User Manual 22
 48  Figure 6.9  6.3Power Management    6.3.1  Power management Mechanism Normal Power Management Flow             T1T2T3T4T5IgnitionONSystemONIgnitionOFFSendPowerButtonSignalSystemOFFON_DELAYOFF_EVENT_DELAY HARD_OFF_DELAY
 49  Low Battery Protection              When the system is ON, and   (1)  The battery voltage (DC input) is lower than LOW_THRESHOLD (at T6) (2)  and this situation lasts for LOW_DELAY, , then the system will send Power Button signal to OS (at T7) to start the shutdown process. At this time (T7), the LOW_HARD_DELAY is starting to countdown. Once LOW_HARD__DELAY is over, the system power is removed abruptly.     LOW_DELAY is ranged from 1 to 3600 seconds. LOW_HARD_ DELAY is fixed with a value of 60 seconds.    Before  T1  The system stays off. power is fed in, but Ignition is OFF. T1  Ignition is ON and the ON_DELAY is starting to count down. T1 ~ T2  This duration is and it is ranged from 1 to 18000 seconds. T2 Once the ON_DELAY is over, the system will stay On or OFF, depending on the BIOS setting “POWER-ON after Power Fail”.  If “POWER-ON after Power Fail” is set as ON, the system will be powered ON. If “POWER-ON after Power Fail” is set as OF, the system will stay OFF and you could press the power button to turn on system. T2 ~ T3  The system is under normal operation. T3  At this time, the Ignition is OFF, and OFF_EVENT_DELAY is starting to count down. T3 ~ T4  This duration is OFF_EVENT_DELAY and it is ranged from 1 to 18000 seconds.T4 When the OFF_EVENT_DELAY is over, the system will send a power button signal to the OS and the user application should prepare the shutdown process.The HARD_OFF_DELAY is starting to count down. T4 ~ T5  This duration is HARD_OFF_DELAY and it is ranged from 1 to 18000 seconds. T5 When the HARD_OFF_DELAY is count to zero, the system power is removed abruptly to avoid extra and abnormal power drain from battery. This parameter is fixed with a value of 60 seconds. After T5  The system stays off. T6T7T8SystemstaysONLowBatteryisDetectedSendPowerButtonSignalSystemOFFLOW_HARD_DELAYLOW_DELAY
 50 Note:   Q1: How is the low-battery event raised or canceled? A1: The minimum value on LOW_DELAY parameter is 1 second. If the voltage remains lower than the LOW_THRESHOLD in the duration of LOW_DELAY, the low-battery event will be raised and immediately send a power button press signal to OS.   During the duration of LOW_DELAY, if the battery voltage is back to be higher than LOW_THRESHOLD, the LOW_DELAY will be reset to predetermined value and stop count down.  Therefore, the LOW_DELAY parameter acts as a filter to prevent incorrect low-battery-event from happening. 6.3.2Power Management demo program A. Check the files. Make sure that there are two components include in TREK-550 Power Management Tool. One is “AdvXP_CAN.dll”, another one is “TREK-550 Power Manager.exe”.    B. Start up the program Execute Power Management tool and you will see a message box shows “Connect OK”.    Then Click OK button and you will see the main page as below.   6.3.3Power Management Parameter settings  The parameters for power management on TREK-550 could be set by Demo program (see the image below) or SDK/API.         TREK-550 User Manual22
 51   Figure 6.9 power management demo utility   Figure 6.9 Off event delay   Off Event Delay – it means after 5 seconds delay from receiving of ignition OFF signal, EC controller will send a shutdown event to make system start shutdown process   Figure 6.9 Hard Off delay  Hard off Delay – it means after 30 seconds from shutdown event, EC controller will force power cut off at the same time.   Figure 6.9 On delay  On Delay – it means after 2 seconds from receiving of ignition ON signal, EC controller will send a power-on event to make system start booting process.   Figure 6.9 Low delay
 52   Low Delay – it means after 30 seconds delay from receiving of Battery Voltage LOW signal, EC controller will send a shutdown event to make system start shutdown process.   Figure 6.9 Low hard delay   Low Hard Delay – it means after 60 seconds from Low Voltage shutdown event, EC controller will force power cut off at the same time    Figure 6.9 Battery voltage Threshold level setting  You could set the LOW battery voltage value by changing level 0 to 65. For example, if you’re using 12V battery, and you set level as 50, it means the LOW battery voltage value is 10.147 + 50 x 0.0146 = 10.877 V.  Checks which source you’re connecting. DC supply or 12V or 24V battery.   Figure 6.9 check 12 or 24 battery  Check the ignition signal and see if it’s ON or OFF.   C. Read current status The buttons which indicates by red squares can READ the current status of the system.         TREK-550 User Manual22
 53     Figure 6.9 Read the value  D. Set the value
 54 The buttons which indicates by blue squares can SET the value you want to the system.   Figure 6.9 Set value   Execute “Power management test”, the Battery Voltage Level has 12V and 24V, you may set from 0~65 levels, press “Get” to know the value you set.
 55 Figure 6.10   1.  Off Event Delay: You may set how many seconds you want system auto shut down after ignition off.   2. On Delay: You may set how many seconds you want the system to auto power on.  3. Low Delay: When the battery voltage is below certain value you set, it will automatically shut down to prevent the system will consume the battery.     6.3.4TREK-550 power consumption  OS: Windows Embedded Standard Burn-in test V6.0   Idle Mode  100% Burn-in Test Mode Off mode (S5) w/o TREK-303H  12V / 1.04A  12V / 1.20A w/ TREK-303H  12V / 1.51A  12V / 1.94A  12V / 1.75mA  *Doesn’t support S1, S3, S4   6.4GPIO Test 1.  Execute I/O Test, connect GPIO loopback, click Pin0→Set, the end which Read the signal, the bulb will be light up, like wise to Pin1~Pin3. Next pick Digital output to execute the same procedure. See figure 6.     Figure 6.15
 56 a. Digital Output Î isolated relay driver output b. Digital Input Î isolated dry contact input     Figure 6.15 Digital in    Figure 6.15 Digital out   6.5Video in Test There are two video in, please connect camera on each port, CAM1 & CAM2, choose Channel 1 on [Switch to], then panel will show the image which camera1 has taken, it will recover to the same status after 10 sec, then change to Channel 2, Panel will show what appears on camera2, and come back to the same status after 10 sec.
 57  Figure 6.16    6.6Dead reckoning We will need a 3-axis accelerometer that our software can talk to.   We use this to characterize driver behavior such as hard accelerations, braking, and cornering. This also can tell us other significant information that can be used in accident reconstruction, etc… This one of the crucial items that we asked for in our specification and our customers’ expectations are making this a definite must have in our system. We won’t be needing any dead reckoning functionality at this point in time… this is something we may want to include in the future but in order to get cost down we have decided to forgo this at this time.   Please confirm that we will have access to this or another accelerometer.  6.7G- sensor   We currently, we don’t have documents about G-sensor, but a code example is ready for customer reference. This code example ONLY introduces how to access the G-sensor under Windows XP/XPe, but users must control the G-sensor and develop their SW application by themselves. Therefore, customer can decide how to set the sensitivity value when to trigger G-sensor to send signal to CPU and to back end server through WWAN module. G-sensor is located on the motherboard inside the TREK-550. Please refer the link ( for the G-sensor datasheet.      TREK-550 User Manual22
 58                     AppendixA   CTREK-303  This appendix explains the TREK-303 detailed information.
 59  Appendix APaired with TREK-303 Specifications     Table 1.1: TREK-303 Specifications DefinitionDetailDisplay type:7” TFTLCDMax. resolution:800 x 480 Colors: 262K Dotsize (mm)                       0.0635 x0.1905 Luminance: 500cd/m2 ViewingAngle (R/L/B/T)             70° /70°/60°/60°  . Note!1.The Brightness control is adjusted by the auto light sensor in the front panel as default; it is also defined by buttonon thefrontpanel by manual. 2.The color LCD display 
 60   TREK-303 Specification  TREK-303 demo SW application program  Figure 6. 17
 61    1. Execute “Hot Key test” program Î  2.  Brightness level: You may set panel’s brightness from level 0 ~10, total 10 levels, when you finish setting the brightness level you want, please click “Apply”. If you want to check the current brightness level of TREK-303, please click “Get”.   3.  Duty cycle: You may set every level’s brightness strength, total 10 levels, when you finish setting the brightness strength for each level, please click “Apply”. If you want to check the current brightness strength on certain level of TREK-303, please click “Get”.   4. Light sensor: When the sensor has detected the change of the brightness in the environment, the value will change. The lowest level of brightness, the lowest value it is presented. On the contrary, the highest level of brightness, the highest value it is presented.   5. Hotkey: You may set the hotkey LED light brightness, the value is from 0 ~100.   6. Key Status: When you press Hot key, the status will change from 0 to 1.   7.  Key function Definition: You may set the parameter to connect the application program of the hot key.
 62    Please verify specifications before quoting. This guide is intended for referencepurposes only. All product specifications are subject to change without notice. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means,electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise,without prior written permission of the publisher. All brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of theirrespective companies. © Advantech Co., Ltd. 2010 

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