Aeg M 2600 Users Manual M2600

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M 2600
Mixer de table
Frullatore da tavola
Stolní mixér
Operating instructions
Mode d’emploi
Istruzioni per l’uso
Instrucciones para el usoInstruções de serviço
Instruções de serviço
Návod k použití
gDear Customer,
Please read these instructions carefully.
Pay special attention to the safety in-
structions on the first pages. Keep the
instructions in a safe place for future
reference. Give them to any new owners
of the appliance.
Description (Figure 1)
BPouring outlet
CFiller hole with cup (locking)
EBlade assembly
FRubber seal (in blade assembly)
GMotor housing
JSpeed selector
KNon-slip feet
LCord storage drawer
(on the bottom of the appliance)
MRating label
(on the bottom of the appliance)
1 Safety Instructions
AEG electrical appliances meet the rec-
ognised technical and legal standards
for safety. As the manufacturers, we
nevertheless feel we should bring to
your attention the following points on
General Safety
The appliance should only be con-
nected to mains supplies with the same
voltage and frequency ratings as those
indicated on the Ratings Label.
Never pull the plug out of the power
socket by pulling on the cord.
Never try to operate the blender if
the casing has been damaged,
the cord has been damaged.
If the power cord for this appliance has
been damaged, it should only be
replaced, for safety reasons, by the
manufacturer or Customer Service, or
by a suitably qualified person.
The appliance should only be repaired
by a suitably skilled repair technician.
Inappropriate repairs may cause con-
siderable safety hazards. If repairs
become necessary, contact AEG Cus-
tomer Service, or your dealer.
Child Safety
Do not leave the appliance running
while unattended, or let children near
the appliance unsupervised!
When operating the appliance:
Never operate the appliance with your
hands bare.
Plastic parts should never be dried at
or near direct sources of heat.
The appliance must not be used for
mixing dyes (paints, or lacquer, etc,).
This can cause explosions!
When you have finished using the
appliance, before cleaning, switch off
and pull the plug out of the socket.
The blade assembly should only be dis-
assembled by an authorised technician.
Never clean the motor casing under
running water or soapy water.
Caution! The blade assembly is very
sharp. Be careful when taking the
blender apart and re-assembling. It
may cause injury if handled incor-
Do not leave hard objects (for example
spoons) in the blade assembly while
running, and do not grasp the appli-
ance with the hand inside the blender
tank. This may cause injury!
The manufactuer will not be responsi-
ble for any damage due to inappropri-
ate use or incorrect operation.
; This appliance meets the following
EC guidelines:
73/23/EWG of 19.02.1973 "Low voltage
directive", including Amendment
guideline 93/68/EWG
89/336/EWG vom 03.05.1989 "Electro
magnetic compatibility guidelines",
including Amendment Guideline
Technical Data
Mains voltage: 230/240 V
Power consumption: 600 W
Possible applications
The blender can be used for mixing a
wide variety of drinks, crushing ice,
reducing fruit and vegetables, whip-
ping cream, etc.
Cord storage drawer (Figure 2)
The appliance is fitted with a storage
drawer at the bottom. If the connec-
tion cord to the power outlet is too
long, it can be fed back into the drawer
until it is the required length.
Disassembling the Apliance
0Take the plug out of the socket.
0Remove the lid (Figure 1/D).
0Remove the tank (Figure 3).
0Turn the blade assembly counterclock-
wise and remove (Figure 4).
0You can now remove the rubber seal
(Figure 5).
1 Caution! the blade assembly is very
sharp. It can cause injury if handled
incorrectly! The rubber seal can easily
be irreparably damaged by the blade
Caution! Do not use force when taking
the blade assembly out of the blender,
as this might cause damage. If neces-
sary, tilt it slightly when removing.
Assembling the Blender
0Place the rubber seal on the blade
assembly (Figure 5).
0Insert the blade assembly into the tank
from the bottom. Turn it clockwise to
fasten it (Figure 6). Caution! Handle
0Seat the tank on the motor casing,
ensuring that the two arrows are in
alignment with one another (Figure 7).
0Set the lid on the tank.
3 The blender will not operate unless the
two arrows are correctly aligned with
one another (Figure 7). Refer to "Safety
0Insert the filler cup (Figure 1/C), and
lock it in.
Operating the Blender
3 Place the blender on a level, dry sur-
0Open the lid (Figure 1/D) and put all
the required ingredients in the tank.
Important! Do not exceed the maxi-
mum capacity of 1.5 litres.
3 You can add other ingredients through
the filler hole while the blender is run-
ning. You can use the filler cup in the
lid to do this (Figure 1/C). Close the
filler hole immediately after, to avoid
0Start the blender by turning the selec-
tor (Figure 1/J) to the right, or by
pressing the Pulse Button (Figure 1/H).
3 We recommend starting with blender
Speed 1, then progressing to Speed 2.
To crush ice, select Speed 3. The Pulse
Button runs the blender at full speed.
0After mixing, first remove the tank
(Figure 3), before taking off the lid.
1 Do not let the blender run for more
than 3 minutes at a time. After run-
ning for 3 minutes, the blender should
be left to cool for at least 10 minutes.
Safety System
The safety system prevents the blender
from being operated if the tank is not
correctly seated.
1 You should nevertheless still keep
children away from the appiance.
Ice crushing
The blender can be used for crushing
ice. Always add a little water to the
tank before using the blender to crush
0Pour the water into the tank.
0Switch the blender on. Any Speed set-
ting may be used. However, Speed 3 is
ideally suited to ice crushing.
0You can add more ice through the filler
hole in the lid while the blender is run-
Care and Cleaning
1 Before cleaning the blender, take the
plug out of the socket.
1 Make sure that no liquids get inside
the motor casing!
1 Clean the casing with a damp cloth.
Never immerse in water or clean
under running water.
3 The tank and blade assembly can be
cleaned quickly and safely using the
Pulse Button.
0Pour warm water into the tank, with a
few drops of washing-up liquid.
0Mix the water and wahing-up liquid,
by pushing the Pulse Button briefly.
0Finally, rinse the tank under running
3 If necessary, the blade assembly can
also be cleaned separately.
1 Be careful when rinsing the blade
assembly (The blades are sharp!). Use
only water and washing-up liquid.
Never put parts of the appliance in a
When replacing the blade assembly,
turn it clockwise. See paragraph
"Assembling the Blender".
2 Waste disposal
Disposing of packing materials
All packing materials are environmen-
tally friendly and can be safely dis-
posed of, or burned in a waste
incinerator. All cardboard parts have
been made from recycled paper, and
should be returned to a recyclable
paper collection point.
Disposing of the appliance
If and when you do not wish to use the
appliance any more, please take it to
the nearest Recycling centre, or to your
dealer, who will take it back for a small
Customer Service
This appliance has been manufactured
to the highest quality standards. How-
ever, should a problem arise that can-
not be resolved with the help of these
user instructions, please contact your
dealer, or AEG customer service.
Example recipes
Ingredients Instructions
Cream of Vegetable Soup
250 g
125 g
100 g
Crème fraîche
or cream
chopped herbs
salt, pepper
Wash and peel the potatoes, carrots, celery, and onion, and
chop them into pieces. Add the chopped vegetables to 1/3 of
the meat stock and bring to the boil. Cook for 10 minutes.
Leave the vegetables and stock to cool, then blend finely at
blender Speed 2. Bring the rest of the meat stock to the boil
in a pot, add the vegetable purée, and bring briefly to the boil
Season to taste with the Crème fraîche, salt and pepper
Sprinkle with the chopped herbs, and serve.
Cold tomato soup
750 g
1 cup
2 table-
1 table-
olive oil
Crème fraîche
Balsamic vinegar
chopped basil leaves
salt, pepper, sugar
Cut the tomatoes open crosswise and blanch with hot water.
Skin the tomatoes and cut into large pieces. Peel the onions
and cut into pieces.
Put the tomatoes and onion in the blender and mix to a fine
pure at Speed 2.
Add the lemon juice, oil, and vinegar. Season to taste with the
salt, pepper, and sugar. Stir in the Crème fraîche.
Cream of Carrot soup
500 g
1/2 l
1/8 l
1/8 l
vegetable stock
white wine
chervil, parsley, salt,
pepper, sugar
Wash and peel the carrots, and chop into pieces. Boil in 1/4 l
vegetable stock for around 15 minutes. Leave to cool for a
short time. Mix at blender Speed 2, then put them back in the
pot. Add the rest of the stock and heat up the soup again.
Add the white wine and cream to taste.
Cold cucumber soup
750 g
500 g
1 bunch
1 bunch
natural joghourt
clove of garlic
salt, pepper
Wash and peel the cucumber, halve lengthwise and core it.
Chop the flesh into pieces and put in the blender with the
garlic. Mix at blender Speed 2. Add the joghourt and mix well.
Season with sugar, salt, and pepper to taste.
Garnish with the dill and chives.
Humus (Hommos)
250 g
3 table-
30 ml
4 cloves
30 ml
cooked chick peas
(canned chick peas
can be used - rinse
olive oil
lemon juice
Blend all ingredients on setting 2 for 40 seconds or until
Cakes and pastries
Pancake mix
500 ml
1 pinch
250 g
Add the ingredients to the blender in the above order.
Mix to a paste at blender Speed 2.
Meanwhile, scrape off any flour sticking to the sides of the
Leave the paste to rise for around 15 minutes before using.
Melt’n’Mix Cake
150 g
140 g
125 g
1 tea-
60 ml
S.R. flour
caster sugar
butter or margarine,
Pre-heat oven to 180 °C. Grease a 20 cm round cake tin.
Place all ingredients into blender jug. Blend on setting 2 for
50 seconds, or until smooth.
Spread mixture into prepared tin and bake for approximately
30-35 minutes, until golden. Cool and ice as desired.
Ingredients Instructions
Iced Coffee
2 table-
50 ml
250 ml
½ cup
100 ml
instant coffee
boiling water
crushed ice
whipped cream
Dissolve the coffee powder in boiling water, then leave to
cool. Pour a little water into the tank, then add the ice and
crush on Speed 3. Blend all ingredients except cream on set-
ting 1 for 30-60 seconds.
Whip cream for 40 seconds. Pour into glasses and top with
cream. Sprinkle with drinking chocolate.
Egg Nog
250 ml
2 table-
2 table-
hot milk
Blend milk, rum and honey on setting 2 for 30-60 seconds.
Add egg and blend on setting 2 for a further 20 seconds.
Sprinkle with nutmeg and serve.
Ingredients Instructions
Der Endabnehmer dieses Geräts (Verbraucher) hat bei einem
Kauf dieses Geräts von einem Unternehmer (Händler) in
Deutschland im Rahmen der Vorschriften über den Ver-
brauchsgüterkauf gesetzliche Rechte, die durch diese Garantie
nicht eingeschränkt werden. Diese Garantie räumt dem Ver-
braucher also zusätzliche Rechte ein. Dies vorausgeschickt, lei-
sten wir, AEG Hausgeräte GmbH, gegenüber dem Verbraucher
Garantie für dieses Gerät für den Zeitraum von 24 Mona-
ten ab Übergabe zu den folgenden Bedingungen:
1. Mit dieser Garantie haften wir dafür, dass dieses neu her-
gestellte Gerät im Zeitpunkt der Übergabe vom Händler an
den Verbraucher die in unserer Produktbeschreibung für
dieses Gerät aufgeführten Eigenschaften aufweist. Ein
Mangel liegt nur dann vor, wenn der Wert oder die Ge-
brauchstauglichkeit dieses Geräts erheblich gemindert ist.
Zeigt sich der Mangel nach Ablauf von sechs (6) Monaten
ab dem Übergabezeitpunkt, so hat der Verbraucher nach-
zuweisen, dass das Gerät bereits im Übergabezeitpunkt
mangelhaft war. Nicht unter diese Garantie fallen Schäden
oder Mängel aus nicht vorschriftsmäßiger Handhabung so-
wie Nichtbeachtung der Gebrauchsanweisungen.
2. Dieses Gerät fällt nur dann unter diese Garantie, wenn es
in einem der Mitgliedsstaaten der Europäischen Union ge-
kauft wurde, es bei Auftreten des Mangels in Deutschland
betrieben wird und Garantieleistungen auch in Deutsch-
land erbracht werden können. Mängel müssen uns inner-
halb von zwei (2) Monaten nach dessen Kenntnis angezeigt
3. ngel dieses Geräts werden wir innerhalb angemessener
Frist nach Mitteilung des Mangels unentgeltlich beseiti-
gen; die zu diesem Zweck erforderlichen Aufwendungen,
insbesondere Arbeits- und Materialkosten werden von uns
getragen. Über diese Nachbesserung hinausgehende An-
sprüche werden durch diese Garantie dem Verbraucher
nicht eingeräumt.
4. Im Garantiefall ist das Gerät vom Verbraucher an die für
seinen Wohnort zuständige AEG-Zentralwerkstatt zu ver-
senden, wobei das Gerät gut zu verpacken ist und die voll-
ständige Anschrift des Verbrauchers zusammen mit einer
kurzen Fehlerbeschreibung in das Paket zu legen ist. Zum
Nachweis des Garantie-Anspruchs ist der Sendung der Ori-
ginal-Kaufbeleg (Kassenzettel, Rechnung) beizufügen.
5. Garantieleistungen bewirken weder eine Verlängerung
noch einen Neubeginn der Garantiezeit für dieses Gerät;
ausgewechselte Teile gehen in unser Eigentum über.
6. ngelansprüche aus dieser Garantie verjähren in zwei (2)
Jahren ab dem Zeitpunkt der Übergabe des Geräts vom
Händler an den Verbraucher, der durch den Original-Kauf-
beleg (Kassenzettel, Rechnung) zu belegen ist; wenn dieses
Gerät gewerblich genutzt wird, beträgt die Verjährungs-
frist sechs (6) Monate.
AEG Kundendienst in Deutschland
Sollte dieses AEG Gerät wider Erwarten nicht
funktionieren, wenden Sie sich bitte an unseren
Service. Wir werden die Abholung und
Instandsetzung durch unsere Werkstatt veranlassen.
AEG Kleingeräte-Zentralwerkstatt
Firma Trepesch GmbH
Steinstraße 500
90419 Nürnberg
In Deutschland stehen wir Ihnen für Fragen,
Anregungen oder bei Problemen rund um unsere
Kleingeräte und Raumpflegegeräte
montags bis freitags von 8 bis 18 Uhr
zur Verfügung.
AEG-Serviceline: 01805-30 60 80
(Deutsche Telekom 0,12 Euro/Min.)
Fax: 0911/ 3 23-49 19 30
AEG Kundendienst in Europa
In diesen Ländern gelten die Garantiebedingungen der örtlichen
Vertriebsorganisationen. Diese können dort eingesehen werden.
In these countries our AEG sales organisations own guarantee
conditions are applicable. Please obtain further details direct.
Österreich, 4010 Linz, 0732 / 770101 - 30
Belgique/België, 1502 Lembeek, 02/363.04.44
Czech Republic, Hanusova ul., Praha 4, 02/6112 6112
Danmark, 7000 Fredericia, 70 11 74 00
España, Madrid, 1-885-2700
France, 60307 Senlis, 03-44 62 24 24
Great Britain, Service Force 08705 929 929
Hellas, 18346 MOÓXATO, 01/4822646
Island, Reykjavik (Bræóurnir Ormsson hf), 91-3 88 20
Italia, 33080 Porcia (PN), 0434 39 41
Kroatien, 10000 Zagreb, 385 1 6323 333
Luxembourg, 1273 Luxembourg-Hamm, 4 24 31-443
Magyarország, 1142 Budapest, 36-1-252-1773
Nederland, 2400 AC Alphen aan den Rijn, 0172-468 300
Norge, 0516 Oslo, 22 72 58 00
Poland, 02-034 Warszawa, 022 874 33 33
Portugal, 2635-445 Rio de Mouro, (21) 926 75 75
Romania, Bucuresti, B-dul Timisoara 90, 01-444-25-81
Russia, 129090 Moscow, +7 095 956 2917, 937 7893
Slovakia, 81105 Bratislava, 07/4333 9757
Slovenija, Tražaška 132, 1000 Ljubljana, 01 24 25 730
Schweiz/Svizzera, 5506 Mägenwil, 062/889 93 00
Suomi, Porissa, puh. (02) 622 3300
Sverige, 10545 Stockholm, 08-672 53 60
Turkey, Tarlabasi cad no:35 Taksim/Istanbul-0, 262-7249420
AEG Hausgeräte GmbH, D-90429 Nürnberg, Muggenhofer Straße 135 Änderungen vorbehalten
From the Electrolux Group. The world´s No.1 choice.
The Electrolux Group is the world´s largest producer of powered appliances for kitchen, cleaning and outdoor
use. More than 55 million Electrolux Group products (such as refrigerators, cookers, washing machines,
vacuum cleaners, chain saws and lawn mowers) are sold each year to a value of approx. USD 14 billion in more
than 150 countries around the world.
AEG Hausgeräte GmbH
Postfach 1036
D-90327 Nürnberg
© Copyright by AEG
822 949 195 -02- 0203
Subject to change without notice
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